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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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The thing is anymore he's not even in my opinion a top five worker in the company anymore. The things he was doing in ECW are now considered passe compared to AJ Styles, the MCMG, Christopher Daniels, etc.


I've never had a big love affair with RVD. His mic skills are way below what I would want for a National Pro Wrestling Champion.


As has been discussed on here in the past the time for RVD to be a World Champion was 2001/02 not 2006 and not 2010. The only reason anybody recognizes Rob Van Dam in 2010 is because he was on WWE television for 6 years. Kurt Angle, Sting, Hogan, Bischoff, Nash, Hall, Waltman, Hardy, Christian I'm sure all gathered the same reaction.


It has nothing to do with sticking up for ECW. He's basically saying "hey guys in the back I know your upset that you've been busting your ass in this company for the last eight years or so and everytime you guys take two steps forward a WWE or other cast off comes in here and moves you guys further back down the card but oh well my ECW guys are bigger names and we're going to outdraw you"


Thats basically what he said. Only now its not Orlando Jordan moving a guy like Sonjay Dutt or Homicide out of a job. Now its ENTIRE pay per views and television shows being dedicated to guys most of the audience either doesn't know, doesn't remember or doesn't care about anymore.


Rob left the WWE three years ago they didn't experiance a drop in ratings, or a "we want Rob" chant or anything of the nature. Matter of fact there was more of a groundswell to keep Daniel Bryan than there was to keep Rob Van Dam.


The guy smoked away his only chance at ever being remembered for anything great and now he's telling the young guys their supposed to be "motivating" too bad that you guys can't draw like The Sandman and New Jack can.

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Former WWE Diva, Katie Lea aka Kat Waters is at tonight’s TNA Impact tapings and worked a tryout match against Madison Rayne prior to the taping, reports Wrestling News World.


Richard Gray writes: “Katie worked as Kat Larue and did a job to Madison Rayne.”


We have been hearing for several months that there is TNA interest in Kat. She would without a doubt be a huge addition to the Knockouts division.


As reported earlier today, Christina Von Eerie is also due to try out this week — probably tomorrow.


Christina Von Eerie, a California based female wrestler who has done a lot of work for AAA in the last year, is scheduled for a tryout at this week's TNA Impact taping. I saw her work last January for Pro Wrestling Guerrilla in California and really liked her look and work. Nice to see TNA looking to add more Knockouts to the mix.

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The thing is anymore he's not even in my opinion a top five worker in the company anymore. The things he was doing in ECW are now considered passe compared to AJ Styles, the MCMG, Christopher Daniels, etc.


I've never had a big love affair with RVD. His mic skills are way below what I would want for a National Pro Wrestling Champion.


As has been discussed on here in the past the time for RVD to be a World Champion was 2001/02 not 2006 and not 2010. The only reason anybody recognizes Rob Van Dam in 2010 is because he was on WWE television for 6 years. Kurt Angle, Sting, Hogan, Bischoff, Nash, Hall, Waltman, Hardy, Christian I'm sure all gathered the same reaction.


It has nothing to do with sticking up for ECW. He's basically saying "hey guys in the back I know your upset that you've been busting your ass in this company for the last eight years or so and everytime you guys take two steps forward a WWE or other cast off comes in here and moves you guys further back down the card but oh well my ECW guys are bigger names and we're going to outdraw you"


Thats basically what he said. Only now its not Orlando Jordan moving a guy like Sonjay Dutt or Homicide out of a job. Now its ENTIRE pay per views and television shows being dedicated to guys most of the audience either doesn't know, doesn't remember or doesn't care about anymore.


Rob left the WWE three years ago they didn't experiance a drop in ratings, or a "we want Rob" chant or anything of the nature. Matter of fact there was more of a groundswell to keep Daniel Bryan than there was to keep Rob Van Dam.


The guy smoked away his only chance at ever being remembered for anything great and now he's telling the young guys their supposed to be "motivating" too bad that you guys can't draw like The Sandman and New Jack can.



E-C-Dub E-C-Dub E-C-Dub E-C-Dub E-C-Dub E-C-Dub E-C-Dub E-C-Dub

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By Mike Johnson on 2010-08-24 10:00:42 TNA has hired Al Ovadia as chief marketing officer, it was announced this week.

Ovadia has served in a variety of key positions in the entertainment world, including executive vice president of Sony Pictures Consumer Products, vice president of licensing and merchandising at Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation and vice president of network creative services at NBC Television.


Ovadia will be overseeing marketing development and licensing for the company.

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Out of the guys I've been around to properly watch (1996 onwards) Kurt may well be the best. Flair's prime was before-my-time. I don't rate Shawn offense. The 'best wrestler' to me should not only have great matches, not only cut great promos, but also look like an ass-kicking machine. Kurt certainly ticks those boxes.


Too subjective a thing for a definite No.1. He's one of those guys whose matches I never fast-forward though.

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I rate Kurt as the greatest ever in my books. Flair was old when I got to see him, he might be my top choice if I got to really see his prime stuff. Shawn is the greatest worker, but not the greatest wrestler. Not so credible as a threat. Hulk was too selfish and bad of a worker to be counted as the greatest. Macho Man was slightly overshadowed by other stars of his time and he might not have had the personality and therefore connections to be the man. Even though I am a huge fan of Macho Man and he could be seen as a real threat and was a great worker, his "lack of success" kind of hinders his shot for the greatest.


And freaking Olympic gold medal in wrestling with a broken neck! Face or heel, Kurt is pure gold!

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Drug Testing Happening At Impact Zone

The latest round of drug screening is taking place today at the TNA Impact taping in Orlando, Fla. Wrestlers were subjected to physicals, blood work, and drug screening.


Credit to prowrestling.net


See I wrote Dixie said they where doing them. Nice timing for RVD though lol.

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Even though I am a huge fan of Macho Man and he could be seen as a real threat and was a great worker, his "lack of success" kind of hinders his shot for the greatest.


Lack of success? He's a 4 times WCW World Heavyweight Champion and a 2 times WWF World Heavyweight Champion. And he won both World War 3 and King of The Ring during his career as well.


I'd say he was pretty successfull, though I agree that he was a little too often given backseat roles to make way for far less impressive performers.

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RVD couldn't lace Angles boots. If Kurt didn't have some problems in 06/7 I truly believe he'd be at legendary status. The things this guy did with very little training and in such a short time very few have done.


Angle = Best ever IMHO.


Kurt may or may not be the best ever, but he's definitely in the conversation AFAIC.


As far as all around pro wrestling goes Kurt is right up there. Very few men can talk and perform in the ring the way Kurt has.


Shawn Michaels, Ric Flair, Kurt Angle take your pick in my opinion.


Agree with all this. Kurt Angle is my favorite wrestler ever and if he doesn't have his personal issues, he probably cements himself as an all time WWE great by now.


Of course, with the change in product and the lack of real wrestling talent among the main eventers in recent years, going to TNA has actually given him a chance to show off even more.

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Lack of success? He's a 4 times WCW World Heavyweight Champion and a 2 times WWF World Heavyweight Champion. And he won both World War 3 and King of The Ring during his career as well.


I'd say he was pretty successfull, though I agree that he was a little too often given backseat roles to make way for far less impressive performers.


Yeah he did win titles, but he was never the franchise player of the promotion. Maybe success was a wrong word to describe his "semi-sidekick" role. Nevertheless he was pure gold in my eyes.

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RVD couldn't lace Angles boots. If Kurt didn't have some problems in 06/7 I truly believe he'd be at legendary status. The things this guy did with very little training and in such a short time very few have done.

And it was an ECW House Show match against RVD where Kurt Angle tore three muscles that led to his departure from WWE in the first place! I believe that in the same interview, Angle said that RVD absolutely admits to not knowing how to wrestle, and appreciates guys like Angle who can carry him through a match between spots.

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And it was an ECW House Show match against RVD where Kurt Angle tore three muscles that led to his departure from WWE in the first place! I believe that in the same interview, Angle said that RVD absolutely admits to not knowing how to wrestle, and appreciates guys like Angle who can carry him through a match between spots.

I enjoy Kurt Angle's work. I'm a huge fan of his. But "getting hurt" is something Kurt Angle sometimes get himself into.


I still recall the times when he did the 450 on Sting. He didn't need to do it. The fans didn't really pop for it. Hell, he ended kneeing Sting right in the chest. Sometimes, I think he takes risks he probably know he shouldn't have to or need to take.


But that's his weakness. In his last WWE run, somehow, during a feud against John Cena, he managed to turn himself accidentally by outwrestling John Cena. Now, Kurt Angle always outwrestles most people, even today. But the fact that it was so obvious Kurt Angle was beyond John Cena's league, even to the markiest mark (at the time), some fans started cheering for Kurt. No matter what he did, people ended up from booing and chanting "You Suck" when his entrance hits, to cheering and clapping after he wrestles.


As for RVD, he's a very naturally talented and athletic spot monkey. His athleticism, natural skill and ability to pick things up, means he can cover up the fact that he IS a spot monkey (unlike Jeff Hardy).

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You said "unlike Jeff Hardy" what would you class Jeff as then? I'm not saying he is or isn't but since you brought him up it sounds like you have a different take on Jeff.


I don't think that's the unlike part. It appears to me that what he was suggesting is that they are both spot monkeys. But RVD's able to disguise that fact and Jeff isn't.

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