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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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EV2 as a group is more of a draw then Matt on his own imho. He is only a draw as a tag team or a midcard jobber as the E uses him imho. Matt is just played out and his window of opportunity has passed imho.


I don't know if I'd say the ECW guys are "more" of a draw than Matt, but they certainly bring in a specific audience that TNA perhaps weren't drawing before. Whereas Matt's audience is pretty much identical to Jeff's, albeit smaller.


Granted, I'm a Hardy mark, but I'd be interested to see Matt in TNA. Reuniting the team with Jeff. Having some matches with Beer Money and MCMG. See how motivated and in-shape he can get without the obvious glass ceiling above him like in WWE.

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I don't know if I'd say the ECW guys are "more" of a draw than Matt, but they certainly bring in a specific audience that TNA perhaps weren't drawing before. Whereas Matt's audience is pretty much identical to Jeff's, albeit smaller.


Granted, I'm a Hardy mark, but I'd be interested to see Matt in TNA. Reuniting the team with Jeff. Having some matches with Beer Money and MCMG. See how motivated and in-shape he can get without the obvious glass ceiling above him like in WWE.



I don't see any glass ceiling. Hardy's role was simple. He is a fan favorite babyface. The girls are supposed to want him, and the guys want to be his friend. He seems like an arrogant prick, he has a mullet and starting to go bald, and also he is so out of shape it is pathetic. Matt Hardy has no right ever being a face. He needs to be a smug heel like he was when he had his best run a few years ago.

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I don't see any glass ceiling. Hardy's role was simple. He is a fan favorite babyface. The girls are supposed to want him, and the guys want to be his friend. He seems like an arrogant prick, he has a mullet and starting to go bald, and also he is so out of shape it is pathetic. Matt Hardy has no right ever being a face. He needs to be a smug heel like he was when he had his best run a few years ago.


Sab needs to book the WWE, also if you could find time can you write some novels, beat epic video games in an hour, own and run you're own non descript, vague company oh and maybe have a former professional sports father all while charting WWE moves? Thanks

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Maybe there wasn't an actual glass ceiling in WWE, but from reading some of Matt's internet ramblings, he seemed to think there was. I think TNA might be good for him. Less schedule. More motivation. Less money, but surely the guy's saved up a fair amount over the years. I'm not saying Matt in TNA would be succesful, but I'd be interested to see what would happen. Can Matt get in shape again? Can he reinvent himself? Can he effectively move up the ranks?
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Yeah but then just having Jeff Hardy would be cheaper than having Mic Foley too.


You had said earlier how you needed this old guys "Nash, Foley, etc" in order to get international deals. Well I'm saying that Matt Hardy or the "Hardy Boyz" name is going to draw as well to international markets as Mic Foley would.


So which is it? It seems like sometimes you make excuses for TNA bringing in ECW, or Nash, Angle or Foley, or whoever when names like Hogan, Bischoff, Anderson, Hardy and RVD should be more than enough to cater to these international markets and TNA is suppose to have huge UK ratings so really they no longer need these guys. Their over seas business and tours should be marketing enough. they needed these guys in 02-05 not in 10.

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Yeah but then just having Jeff Hardy would be cheaper than having Mic Foley too.


Really? Because Jeff was in his prime, and one of the biggest names in wrestling when he signed for TNA, whereas Mick Foley was a colour commentator. I'd think Jeff is making a LOT more than Mick Foley in 2010.

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Less wrestlers is always cheaper hehe. But Jeff's appeal and Mick's appeal don't overlap as much as Jeff and Matt's. Jeff (1) + Mick (1) would result in a 1.5 appeal but Jeff (1) + Mat (1) would result in a 1.1. If you catch my drift.


Plus we don't actually know how much Mick is costing TNA atm or how much Matt would cost.

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Yeah but then just having Jeff Hardy would be cheaper than having Mic Foley too.


You had said earlier how you needed this old guys "Nash, Foley, etc" in order to get international deals. Well I'm saying that Matt Hardy or the "Hardy Boyz" name is going to draw as well to international markets as Mic Foley would.


So which is it? It seems like sometimes you make excuses for TNA bringing in ECW, or Nash, Angle or Foley, or whoever when names like Hogan, Bischoff, Anderson, Hardy and RVD should be more than enough to cater to these international markets and TNA is suppose to have huge UK ratings so really they no longer need these guys. Their over seas business and tours should be marketing enough. they needed these guys in 02-05 not in 10.


Seeing as they already have all those other guys they don't need to ad Matt. Jeff Hardy the name draws more then the Hardy Boys name imho. But having both Jeff Hardy and Mick Foley draws more then having Jeff Hardy and the other Hardy imho.

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There is heat on D’Angelo Dinero among some individuals in TNA Wrestling, reports the Pro Wrestling Torch.


According to sources within WWE, one of the reasons he was let go from the company two years ago was because many felt he let his push on the ECW brand get to his head. He was known to refer to himself in third person as “The Black Pope” once he achieved notoriety and it rubbed some people the wrong way. He has been exhibiting similar behavior in TNA as of late, which has some of his colleagues complaining. He didn’t do himself any favors by veering off script and cutting a 15 minute promo at a recent live event. Producer D-Lo Brown scolded him afterwards, with a number of wrestlers rolling their eyes at Dinero.


“The Pope” has also developed a reputation for making himself look good at the expense of his opponents.

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Elijah Burke- Attn PWT: "The Pope" wasnt born until TNA, kinda hard to say "The Black Pope" in 3rd person, Off script 15min promo Toledo,OH? LMBO. Making myself look good?? Thats not hard to do, all I have to do is just show up. Pope made the dirt sheets....Awesome! Thanks 4 da publicity~ PHS
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and, I just wanted to say this, Pope is one of the most fan friendly people I have ever met. The security guards tried to rush us along during our backstage visit and he yelled at them so we could all get our pictures and stuff. Then, he personally walked my brother, my friend, and I back to the arena area and we got to meet D'lo and we joked with him a lot too.
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A) What made you start watching Impact?


I didn't really know much about them. I started playing TEW after I found the old freeware Warfare (forget the name, been a while). I looked for something like TEW because of the GM mode in Smackdown vs. Raw, and my son getting me back into wrestling with that game (and watching Raw/Smackdown).


So after finding these forums I start reading, and back then everyone was against the WWE and all they talked about was how great TNA was. I started watching TNA because of this, thinking "WOW! Another promotion with great wrestling, I have to see this!"


B) What kept you watching Impact?


Off and on, this forum saying what was going on (not this thread, it didn't exist at that time). I would re-try and hope for better shows.


C) If applicable why did you stop watching?


The first time I stopped watching, was because it was a huge let down, and for some reason bored and angered me at the same time. I couldn't believe crap like that was being considered "better".


In all honesty, I think the forums really hurt my watching pleasure, as my expectations were really high. So it crushed me when it looked no better then WWE development.


D) If applicable what made you start watching again?


Main reason... Hogan/Bischoff. There is alot better going on with the product at times, but they still have that same crazy outlook on how to do things. I can't stand starting and stopping stuff all the time. Finish what you started, or evolve it.... but don't just drop it and forget it existed.


Then there is always the hope that it takes off, does great, and beats the WWE and I get to see a "war" scenario. I'd like to see something like that, but don't look like it's going to happen anytime soon.

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Thought I would fill this out as well.


Just wondering something when talking about drawing power in the broad sense of the word.


A) What made you start watching Impact?


Well I caught a couple of their monthly PPV's and I liked it. Plus I was more of a fan of WCW and TNA as a whole helped fill the void left over (I always felt that the WWF was insulting my intelliegence or lack thereof). Any way I watched their show that they had on before Impact (was that named Impact as well?), and I have watched it ever since for the most part.


B) What kept you watching Impact?


Just because I grew very sick of the WWF.


C) If applicable why did you stop watching?


I usually only watch them during the Summer and early Winter because there is always something that I like on at the same time that I would rather watch (Fringe, Supernatural, It's Always Sunny). When they had the Saturday night rerun I used to catch what I missed on Thursday.


However, since they took that away, I only read about what is going on either on this site or some wrestling news site. With it being regular TV season now, I will probably stop watching TNA for the next couple of months.


D) If applicable what made you start watching again?


Well I really do not care how bad it is, I will always go back to watching it when there is nothing on against it that I want to watch.

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TNAsylum Sources can confirm that any rumor of there being heat backstage towards D'Angelo Dinero is in fact just a rumor and is NOT true.


There at one point was a little heat on Rob Terry for being green in the ring but that left after he dropped the Global/TV Title and wasn't seen on Television for a few weeks. Hulk Hogan is said to be a big fan of his look.


Not the most trustworthy site but equal with the torch at least imho.

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A) What made you start watching Impact?


Back in 2004 they used to show the old weekly PPV's on the wrestling channel, I was flicking the channels one day and got hooked by the X-Division.


B) What kept you watching Impact?


Despite some questionable booking, I saw potential in a talented roster. The fact that is seemed to be a more wrestling focused alternative to WWE's Sports Entertainment approach.


C) If applicable why did you stop watching?


Various times where the crappy booking has got too much, and over the years they have moved away from being an 'alternative' to the WWE in trying to compete with them head on. Seems like most weeks there is also actually more in-ring action in the WWE, than TNA these days and that makes me a sad panda. Though to be honest most breaks would be pretty short , however after the eye gouging crap-fest that was the beginning of the Hogan reign I pretty much stayed away this time for about half a year and pretty much had declared myself done with TNA.


D) If applicable what made you start watching again?


Hearing that the shows had improved, and especially hearing good things about the Beer Money-MCMG feud. I still see the same problems as ever before since returning to watching TNA again but I think the creative low point for the company was at the beginning of this year, so there is always the promise that it can't get any worse. I must admit I am also intrigued by the whole 'they' storyline even if knowing TNA it will end up being something really lame like an NWO reunion or it was the voices in Abyss' head.

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Rob Terry has reportedly fallen out of favor with a number of people in TNA Wrestling, according to the Pro Wrestling Torch. The Welsh bodybuilder has been on the losing end of numerous matches as of late not to mention left off television tapings entirely. One company source noted that past supporters of Terry are distancing themselves from him.
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