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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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Found this on another forum and it is on TMZ.com http://www.tmz.com/2010/10/10/jwoww-jersey-shore-tna-wrestling/


Sources close to the deal tell us JWoww -- real name Jenni Farley -- just signed a one-night deal to appear on Spike TV's "TNA impact!" on Thursday.


We're told JWoww doesn't have a match scheduled ... but she'll "probably be mixing it up" with a couple of Jersey Shore-alike wrestlers named Robbie E. and Cookie.


But JWoww ain't doin' the wrestling thing for free -- we're told she's pulling in a cool $15 grand for the night ... and the two sides are working out a deal to get her to come back to the show.


... and to think, Snooki didn't get a dime when she got hit on television.


Source: TMZ

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FIFTEEN GRAND? Are you kidding me? Their going to pay some girl 15 grand to show up and feud with lower midcarders? Thats got to be more than the wrestlers she's feuding with.


Lol that was my reaction when I read it on TMZ. This is just Jenna Morasca all over again. Times like this I wish ROH had more resources because for JWoww to get fifteen grand for one appearance while the majority of the Knockouts get paid peanuts is just wrong.

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TNA draws a little over a million fans, Jersey Shore drew 6.3 million.


I wouldn't say TNA draws a "lot of viewers" or fans.


If Hogan, Bischoff, Rob Van Dam, Mr. Anderson, Jeff Hardy, Ric Flair, Kevin Nash and Mick Foley can all come into a promotion and barely impact the ratings at all I really don't know how this girl is going to impact them.


Why are they spending fifteen grand on this girl when that could be put through advertising.


Honestly if they spent half as much on advertising as they spend bringing in all of these people wrestlers and not THAT might impact their rating more.

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That is the one thing I never understood about TNA. They already have the financial backing from Panda Energy so its not like they don't have the money to put into advertising. Also I never see commercials for TNA on any other channels except for Spike and even on that channel it is still rare to see one.
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Well, at least I know jwt, and some of those guys from the dynasty forum that do the WCW diaries will love this :cool:


I have a WCW diary and I don't want a rehash of where WCW was going with 80 stables. My game only has 1 stable in it.


Anyways on topic. I didn't watch BFG but sounds like something I am glad I didn't see. I went to an XICW show here in Michigan instead.


I don't know what Hardy has to offer as a heel. Angle won't be gone just yet. He is going to be the hero against this group probably.


It sounds like the only good match was the tag title match. Am I right?

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I have a WCW diary and I don't want a rehash of where WCW was going with 80 stables. My game only has 1 stable in it.


Anyways on topic. I didn't watch BFG but sounds like something I am glad I didn't see. I went to an XICW show here in Michigan instead.


I don't know what Hardy has to offer as a heel. Angle won't be gone just yet. He is going to be the hero against this group probably.


It sounds like the only good match was the tag title match. Am I right?


The 3 best matches on the show were The Guns vs Gen Me, Abyss vs RVD and then the 3 way between Angle, Hardy and Anderson up until the end then the chit hit the fan as they say.

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I fear it's going to be a big let-down.... So I'm not going to get to hyped for it.


However, if they do bring Kevin Sullivan and Mitchell, and some really "evil" looking people into the frey, I'm going to love it.


Can't help wondering if it's going to be alot of WCW types though... which is going to be a letdown for me.


I should have just said NWO. Oh well, I was close, lol.

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Heel Hogan and Bischoff seems so unnecessary, but I guess they think this should change everything in the company.


What I would have done... Built this all up to have Abyss reveal "they" as the ECW/EV2 stable. Have this EV2 bring all sorts of uncalled for extreme mayhem. Anderson ends up siding with them at BFG, joining the group in the end and winning the belt. Abyss pops Hogan and Hardy with his board... Just having ECW and the hardcore style take over the show. Carter loses all hope and is blamed for letting the extremists into the company. Hogan's group and possibly Flair's group start to work together to overcome the EV2 group. Basically heel ECW vs. face TNA.

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Know what I was just thinking.... Take out, Jarrett and Hogan... and I would've really liked this. You have to leave Bischoff as the one who got it started. Bring in James Mitchell and a couple of other "twisted" individuals... Have hardy play a dark character.... and I'd be down. I dont wanna see Jarrett on my screen unless he's putting over people.

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Didn't watch it due to working late, but I probably will before impact because some of the matches sound pretty good and and want to see it to read further into the storyline, altohugh I'm stil perplexed as to why THEY didn't include anyone new given

that it was advertised as essentially being and outside froup (unless THEY is just TNAs only way of referring legally to the nWo as I'm sure it's still trademarked)


Here's my take on the storyline from what I've read and what I've seen the last several months.


As of the moment it appears that THEY are EB, Hulk, JJ, Abyss and Hardy, but from what I've read EB has supposedly stated it's full of twists and turns for months.


As of right now the lines appear like this.








Against THEY






In No Man's Land Faces






Here is what I remember from various impacts before and how I read into it....

1. There was an interview angle in which JJ, Hogan, Sting and Nash were arguing, and the lights went out. When they came on JJ and Hulk were down (but not proof they were actually attacked) and Sting and Nash got kicked the crap out of. This suggests that Fortune are with JJ and Hulk

2. Hogan brought RVD in without EBs approval which upset him. Later Hogan seemed to turn on RVD and set him up for an attack (by fortune I think, and it might be the one RVD got inured on) which furthers the notion that hogan is with fortune and possibly with abyss

3. Joe knew about THEY, or at least thought he did (See the end of reaction 2 weeks ago). JJ abandoning him could be a work. From the sounds of things Sting, Nash and Pope kicked the crap out of him so that probably wasn't a work and they will not be aligned for some time.

4. Still not convinced RVD isn't in on it however because of his role on the last impact (which btw is still unresolved as we don't actually know what dixie signed yet). It's possible they just worked him up to where they reasonably anticipated he'd do that, or he may still be in on it or have thought he was in on it.

5. EB and JJ had a lot of early feuds. It's possible that was a work or that it was resolved when hogan stepped in, but maybe not (note hogan and Jarrett apeared on the same team a lot, but not necessarily with EB all of the time. Hogan and EB also butted heads frequently early on)

6. Hardy lost numerous times to RVD, which provided the motive for a heel turn. RVD also got a bigger and bigger head as time went on which may have been why hogan appears to have turned on him.

7. I'm under the impression that either angle was duped and thought he'd have Hardy's role, or that he is in on it. This is due to the fact that twice in a row he and hardy drew which is exacty what EB wanted and not at all what dixie wanted, not to mention he lost in the only way possible without forcing retirement and gave THEY a 2v1 advantage. His being in the group what also calrify what anderson was alluding to on the last reaction.


I could ramble on, but long story short I see 3 ways of this playing out...


Version 1 (the more obvious)









possibly RVD


Against THEY






In No Man's Land



possibly RVD





Version 2, 3, and 4(split ambitions of EB and HH)

Team Bischoff





possibly Joe



Team Hogan





Possibly RVD


Team Sting






No Man's Land

possibly RVD


possibly Joe


Version 2: remains as above, EV2 likely joins with sting's group. Hogan and JJ are actually working against Eric from within. In this version RVD would be not be with EB (what did he gain from losing the belt, why side with Hardy. Either EB set it up to look like hogan was setting up RVD and worked to get the belt off of him or RVD is with neither hogan nor EB) Also explains wht sting, nash and pope kicked the crap out of Joe afer JJ bailed. Tessmacher may be a mole for sting's group or may be a mole feeding back info from sting's group to EB


Version 3: Team Sting and Team EB are actually working together to get Hogan out. This would explain why they haven't attacked EB the last few chances they've had, would explain point number two above, Tessmacher's role,fit with the long hogan sting feud and the sting RVD feud, explain why abyss went against hogan after looking for answers as to why sting attacked him on the first live monday night impact, and we've already seen Nash and EB work together before to try to get in hall and waltman, so why not again. Plus sting had numerous chances to explain the whole thing to dixie, but never did.


Version 4:

Similar to the above except that in this scenario Hogan is the good guy and EB is the bad one. Sting will join with hogan to flush out EBs group. May see fortune turn and side with EB to balance out the numbers and explain some of the talks between flair and EB early on (which Hogan was upset about).


Also predict a feud with tessmacher and madison vs velvet and angeilna.

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The Lethal Lockdown sucked, especially the stuff on top of the cage. That just sucked, botching something that you knew was going to happen anyway. I kept sitting there going "Someone is definitely going to fall off that cage, they're being so sloppy up there." Thankfully no one did. I was cool with EV2.0 winning, because aside from AJ Styles and James Storm, I think the entire Fortune stable sucks talent wise. Sabu looks so unintimidating without his crazy Arabian style hair though... lol


The only match that really was enjoyable to watch was the tag match. Team 3d's promo was lame, as they already did this once in the WWF days where they split up and went singles. It sucked then, it's going to suck now.


"They" looks awful. I mean I was hoping that it would be Paul Heyman coming in after all the denying, but no... Nope, it was what everyone thought... Adding Hardy just makes it stupid. Hardy has no mic skills. Bischoff can only take him so far.


I'm not really ready to call this an "nWo ripoff" just yet, because we haven't seen what direction they're going to take it in. But as it stands right now, it's pretty awful.

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Didn't watch it due to working late, but I probably will before impact because some of the matches sound pretty good and and want to see it to read further into the storyline, altohugh I'm stil perplexed as to why THEY didn't include anyone new given

that it was advertised as essentially being and outside froup (unless THEY is just TNAs only way of referring legally to the nWo as I'm sure it's still trademarked)


Here's my take on the storyline from what I've read and what I've seen the last several months.


As of the moment it appears that THEY are EB, Hulk, JJ, Abyss and Hardy, but from what I've read EB has supposedly stated it's full of twists and turns for months.


As of right now the lines appear like this.








Against THEY






In No Man's Land Faces






Here is what I remember from various impacts before and how I read into it....

1. There was an interview angle in which JJ, Hogan, Sting and Nash were arguing, and the lights went out. When they came on JJ and Hulk were down (but not proof they were actually attacked) and Sting and Nash got kicked the crap out of. This suggests that Fortune are with JJ and Hulk

2. Hogan brought RVD in without EBs approval which upset him. Later Hogan seemed to turn on RVD and set him up for an attack (by fortune I think, and it might be the one RVD got inured on) which furthers the notion that hogan is with fortune and possibly with abyss

3. Joe knew about THEY, or at least thought he did (See the end of reaction 2 weeks ago). JJ abandoning him could be a work. From the sounds of things Sting, Nash and Pope kicked the crap out of him so that probably wasn't a work and they will not be aligned for some time.

4. Still not convinced RVD isn't in on it however because of his role on the last impact (which btw is still unresolved as we don't actually know what dixie signed yet). It's possible they just worked him up to where they reasonably anticipated he'd do that, or he may still be in on it or have thought he was in on it.

5. EB and JJ had a lot of early feuds. It's possible that was a work or that it was resolved when hogan stepped in, but maybe not (note hogan and Jarrett apeared on the same team a lot, but not necessarily with EB all of the time. Hogan and EB also butted heads frequently early on)

6. Hardy lost numerous times to RVD, which provided the motive for a heel turn. RVD also got a bigger and bigger head as time went on which may have been why hogan appears to have turned on him.

7. I'm under the impression that either angle was duped and thought he'd have Hardy's role, or that he is in on it. This is due to the fact that twice in a row he and hardy drew which is exacty what EB wanted and not at all what dixie wanted, not to mention he lost in the only way possible without forcing retirement and gave THEY a 2v1 advantage. His being in the group what also calrify what anderson was alluding to on the last reaction.


I could ramble on, but long story short I see 3 ways of this playing out...


Version 1 (the more obvious)









possibly RVD


Against THEY






In No Man's Land



possibly RVD





Version 2, 3, and 4(split ambitions of EB and HH)

Team Bischoff





possibly Joe



Team Hogan





Possibly RVD


Team Sting






No Man's Land

possibly RVD


possibly Joe


Version 2: remains as above, EV2 likely joins with sting's group. Hogan and JJ are actually working against Eric from within. In this version RVD would be not be with EB (what did he gain from losing the belt, why side with Hardy. Either EB set it up to look like hogan was setting up RVD and worked to get the belt off of him or RVD is with neither hogan nor EB) Also explains wht sting, nash and pope kicked the crap out of Joe afer JJ bailed. Tessmacher may be a mole for sting's group or may be a mole feeding back info from sting's group to EB


Version 3: Team Sting and Team EB are actually working together to get Hogan out. This would explain why they haven't attacked EB the last few chances they've had, would explain point number two above, Tessmacher's role,fit with the long hogan sting feud and the sting RVD feud, explain why abyss went against hogan after looking for answers as to why sting attacked him on the first live monday night impact, and we've already seen Nash and EB work together before to try to get in hall and waltman, so why not again. Plus sting had numerous chances to explain the whole thing to dixie, but never did.


Version 4:

Similar to the above except that in this scenario Hogan is the good guy and EB is the bad one. Sting will join with hogan to flush out EBs group. May see fortune turn and side with EB to balance out the numbers and explain some of the talks between flair and EB early on (which Hogan was upset about).


Also predict a feud with tessmacher and madison vs velvet and angeilna.




In recent interviews Heyman talked of having a 5 year plan for TNA, I doubt this storyline is even planned beyond 5 shows tbh.




The booking in this show was awful. Just awful. EV2 going over Fourtune was a terrible move and the only reason it's not getting killed more was because THEY was such a travesty.


I also never want to hear another mention of what a genius Bischoff was or that he gets overly blamed for WCW's failure. The major hit against him is that he took one idea and ran it to the ground. So now what does he do? Join TNA...wait eight months...then do the same idea.:rolleyes:

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