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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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I never am able to catch impact because I have something going on during THursday Night but I do occasionally catch the last segment or whatever. I did see the beginning of Impact this week online (I think it was the beginning so correct me if I am wrong) but I thought that the segment where Sting came out with the New TNA WOrld Title was kind of over booked because it seemed like everyone and their mothers were in the ring at one point or another during the segment.


On a side note though I am glad that TNA decided to get a new belt replacing the Jeff Hardy belt because that belt is the worst i have ever seen. They could have easily gone back to the old TNA Title but I like the new title and its a sign that Jeff Hardy won't get the title back for a long long time and he shouldn't until he gets his personal life together.

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Wow, I can't believe how paying customers are feeling right now. The Sting I agree part is pretty crazy and this should see the end of Hardy in TNA, really just release him and hopefully his fat ass of a brother will go too. Really dreadful, Sting's look when re-watching it looked less like storyline and more real and the near fall on the steps I seriously have to say depush him to X Division or get him out of their and Sting is dead on with his reaction of essentially breaking character. In the end it was kinda funny unless you paid (I couldn't if I wanted to it's on free tv in the UK.)


On the positive side, I really like Robbie E, his crazy in-character like selling is awesome :D


Can't wait to the Rise (was there a rise?) and Fall of TNA DVD, it is a finger poke of doom moment. No but this actually for once isn't TNA fault Hardy is a dick


TNA really was put on the map when the X-Division was hot and that was from 2004-mid 2006. The best year for TNA in my opionion was 2005. So many great matches that now watching those same matches make me depressed.


TNA has potenial. Angle Vs Joe Lockdown 08 proved that when their little MMA like match was a big hit and actually got good buyrates and a solid show. They haven't even come near that since.

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TNA really was put on the map when the X-Division was hot and that was from 2004-mid 2006. The best year for TNA in my opionion was 2005. So many great matches that now watching those same matches make me depressed.


TNA has potenial. Angle Vs Joe Lockdown 08 proved that when their little MMA like match was a big hit and actually got good buyrates and a solid show. They haven't even come near that since.

I share your sentiment. I think TNA went awry when it moved away from modern wrestling.

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TNA has potenial. Angle Vs Joe Lockdown 08 proved that when their little MMA like match was a big hit and actually got good buyrates and a solid show. They haven't even come near that since.

Possibly because TNA's reaction to the approach that got them one their biggest number of buys in history was was to completely disregard it in favour of their typical goofy style and never go back to it again. Unsurprisingly, they've also never gone back to having that many people buy one of their PPV's. Not only can TNA not learn from their mistakes they can't, or won't, even learn from their successes.

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i really believe that bubba ray should be challeging sting. i really do believe his feud with devon, that included jesse neal at the start, was the best storyline in wrestling over the past year, it got a bit stale towards the end but at the beginning i was big into it and i've never been more than indifferent on the dudleys. i felt it was the only storyline at the time that made legit real world sense. i actually looked forward to watching impact because of that


lets be honest bubba or bully, is a fantastic heel on the mic, just wonder if at this stage in his career he could push on a become a legit singles contender after being in a midcard tag team for like 15 years and whether hes good enough on his own in the ring.

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i really believe that bubba ray should be challeging sting. i really do believe his feud with devon, that included jesse neal at the start, was the best storyline in wrestling over the past year, it got a bit stale towards the end but at the beginning i was big into it and i've never been more than indifferent on the dudleys. i felt it was the only storyline at the time that made legit real world sense. i actually looked forward to watching impact because of that


lets be honest bubba or bully, is a fantastic heel on the mic, just wonder if at this stage in his career he could push on a become a legit singles contender after being in a midcard tag team for like 15 years and whether hes good enough on his own in the ring.


Well the Bully Ray character is a new direction for him, what of Devon I do not know - but Bubba Ray looks and acts like a bully and always did do so why not make a gimmick out of it. He's right too, without Devon there'd be no Team 3D or Dudley Boyz but honestly Bubba Ray made that team as he was the mouthpiece and he was the one that made the hate.


I don't know that I want to see Bully Ray as a main event guy going up against the likes of Sting but he could make a good heel going up against the likes of X Division guys or something. Typically picking on the smaller guys and running for the hills when a Matt Morgan stands in his way, but then that would be the whole point and essence of what a bully is.

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Honestly, I feel like Bully Ray is one of the few things TNA is doing right at the moment. I've always hated Bubba Ray. I didn't care for the Dudleys really. I liked Devon to an extent, but I just got sick of them easily.


This whole thing with Bully Ray is just awesome and its making me like him. Especially that sick powerbomb spot on the last Impact.


Do I want to see him win the title? Hell no, but I don't really mind him being injected to a main event or two.

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Honestly, I feel like Bully Ray is one of the few things TNA is doing right at the moment. I've always hated Bubba Ray. I didn't care for the Dudleys really. I liked Devon to an extent, but I just got sick of them easily.


This whole thing with Bully Ray is just awesome and its making me like him. Especially that sick powerbomb spot on the last Impact.


Do I want to see him win the title? Hell no, but I don't really mind him being injected to a main event or two.


I would agree with this totally, I don't mind seeing him in the odd main event or two but he's not a permanent fixture in the main event scene imo. I've also never liked Bubba and I still don't - but - this character he's playing now certainly makes him much more interesting to watch and it fits him like a glove.


This might just be me, but just lately Ken Anderson has been annoying me a little bit, the past month or two he's done nothing but scream about his title rematch and it's been really cut & paste stuff from him lately. I think he's great and he often makes me laugh but lately his material's starting to get a bit meh, I hope his story goes somewhere soon as it's due.


RVD is the only one in the title picture with a legitimate beef as he never lost the title - yet he's screaming a lot less than Anderson is - I wonder if RVD will attack Anderson and become the heel even though morally he's correct. Kind of like how Punk went heel on Hardy even though he was morally right.


Also I can see Angelina Love turning heel on Velvet Sky...is it just me that thinks she's just the best and completely gorgeous or is Vevet Sky the most over female wrestler in TNA ? Or would you say that's Mickie James ?

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Also I can see Angelina Love turning heel on Velvet Sky...is it just me that thinks she's just the best and completely gorgeous or is Vevet Sky the most over female wrestler in TNA ? Or would you say that's Mickie James ?


Looks wise I have to give Velvet the nod with Winter being a close second (Hot English chicks do it to me all of the time.). As far as overness, I am not sure if there really is one woman that stands out over the rest. I guess Mickie might be the one.


I have said this in the past but I really enjoy Madison Rayne as the Queen Bee heel. I am not sure why I enjoy her so much now because before she was just cannon fodder, just the Buddy Roberts of the Beautiful People. However, she has really stepped it up now and I love seeing her on screen.

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I have to agree with the Bully Ray topic. He is top notch on the mic and the best on-mic heel TNA has right now. He very well could do a storyline with Sting while TNA builds up some other mega heel because, lets face it, TNA is lacking on big name heels right now. Bully Ray could fit that mold, buying TNA time to get some other guy ready to go for a shot at Sting. Will a Sting vs Bully Ray match steal the show? No. Will it be a decent match? I think so. Plus, judging from there confrontation from last Impact, the build up could be excellent.
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Quick question: Haven't watched TNA in a while, but when did Anderson take Flair's gimmick? Talking nonsense at 150mph, sometimes funny, othertimes Madison Rayne levels of annoying... (seriously, her voice is like a cheese-grater to the nads)


Madison is AWESOME! My favorite current female act out there. She's nailing this gimmick.


As a long time wrestling fan who has been spoiled only a few things in wrestling get a reaction out of me and when Bully Ray and AJ were brawling it was actually pretty exciting....... anyone else looking forward to that fued ?


Yeah, I enjoyed that a lot. I've got high hopes for it.

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Madison Rayne is the only thing that makes me sad about not watching TNA any more. She was my favourite in the Beautiful People. Seeing her flourish would be awesome.


I've always been drawn to Madison Rayne. Sure, she's insanely attractive but that's not just it; she's a pretty strong in-ring performer as well! Would love to see her get some ground over time.

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I think Madison Rayne is hot and talented but honestly her voice is crazy sharp....I know it's not her fault and all that but she has to have the shriek of TNA - every time she cuts a promo or whatever I find myself turning the volume down 30% lol.


Whatever happened to Lacey Von Erich ? Is she still under employment with TNA ? She was useless in the ring but insanely hot and could have been used as Madison's lackey rather than Tara.

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