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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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Indeed. IMO TNA was beginning to become a real alternative to WWE right before Hogan came in. They were holding excellent PPVs, having excellent storylines and excellent matches at the tail end of 2009. But then they tried to compete with the WWE, got creamed in the ratings and got way worse. They still haven't reached/matched their 2009 heights as far as story and match quality goes, IMO.


Early 2009 didn't do much for me. You had the whole Main Event Mafia storyline dominating everything. Dont' get me wrong - I love me a good stable. But it has to go somewhere. It didn't. It kept the old guys on top and elevated no one.


Late in the year, you had Nigel come in and become an immediate impact player in his feud with Angle. Styles held the belt. It wasn't perfect, but they were moving forward. Then Hogan and Bischoff came in, you had the completely senseless Montreal rehash angle with Hogan and Angle on the first night, then crap like the ring of power Abyss storyline, guys getting built up and then buried (hello Jay Lethal and now the Pope), the ring swallowing people, Knockouts becoming zombies... Just so much crap. I wish I could watch it and just enjoy the good while ignoring the bad but I can't. I've said a thousand times that I really realy want TNA to succeed because I really want a genuine alternative to the WWE but they aren't and I have stopped expecting them to ever be.

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So I was thinking last night while watching Impact...


One thought of mine was when and why did TNA quit bringing in International talent? I liked when they did that and had the tournament of teams basically.


Then I began to think about the things I loved about WCW and ECW. One of the things was that they brought in really talented international stars.


WCW - Eddie Guerrero, Rey Mysterio Jr., La Parka, Juventud Guerrera, Chavo Guerrero, Alex Wright, Ultimo Dragon, Silver King, and El Dandy. They could all put on good matches.


ECW - Rey Mysterio Jr., Taka Michinoku, and Masato Tanaka. Can't think of any others off the top of my head.


Point is I really feel like TNA could bring in some MORE international talent that is better than Garrett Bischoff for example. I feel like it would draw at least some interest. Weren't they going to bring in El Zorro? I thought I remember hearing that but haven't seen it.

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Point is I really feel like TNA could bring in some MORE international talent that is better than Garrett Bischoff for example. I feel like it would draw at least some interest. Weren't they going to bring in El Zorro? I thought I remember hearing that but haven't seen it.


Psychosis for ECW too, surely? :p


And isn't Garrett Bischoff American?

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Psychosis for ECW too, surely? :p


And isn't Garrett Bischoff American?


Yeah Bischoff is. I mean having international talent to use instead of a kid who should wrestling at your local indy show.


TNA using their X-Division is a positive if you ask me and some international guys can always spice that up as well as the tag division because the tag division is kind of weak to me.


None of the tag teams in TNA get me excited to watch them.

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Yeah Bischoff is. I mean having international talent to use instead of a kid who should wrestling at your local indy show.


TNA using their X-Division is a positive if you ask me and some international guys can always spice that up as well as the tag division because the tag division is kind of weak to me.


None of the tag teams in TNA get me excited to watch them.


TNA seems to be cultivating several tag-teams in RKK. The Bollywood Boys (the Sihra Brothers from Canada), the Sheiks (Shawn Daivari and Arya Daivari), Guerrero/Hart are looking pretty good and would really benefit the tag-team division if they get transferred from RKK to TNA at the end of the year.

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Am I the only one who outright refuses to watch the Hogan-Bischoff segments?


I mean I could care less about that whole thing.


One thing I do find funny about TNA fans is for years I have read, "I wish TNA would push new wrestlers." TNA then begins pushing Garrett Bischoff, Gunner, Crimson, and Zema Ion. Next we hear from TNA fans, "No not those guys, TNA should be pushing better new talent." It is almost as if TNA is damned if the do, damned if they don't.


You can't complain about them not pushing new talent and then when they do push new talent you complain that it is the wrong talent to push.


Granted I am being a hypocrite to a certain extent because I am not a fan of the Garrett Bischoff push. It does not really bother me in the sense that I do not think he is talented enough to get the push he is getting. Because I really do not care about that one way or the other. It just comes across to me as yet another nepotism much like the Erik Watts or HHH pushes or any countless other nepotism pushes we have witnessed over the years.

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Am I the only one who outright refuses to watch the Hogan-Bischoff segments?


I mean I could care less about that whole thing.


One thing I do find funny about TNA fans is for years I have read, "I wish TNA would push new wrestlers." TNA then begins pushing Garrett Bischoff, Gunner, Crimson, and Zema Ion. Next we hear from TNA fans, "No not those guys, TNA should be pushing better new talent." It is almost as if TNA is damned if the do, damned if they don't.


You can't complain about them not pushing new talent and then when they do push new talent you complain that it is the wrong talent to push.


Granted I am being a hypocrite to a certain extent because I am not a fan of the Garrett Bischoff push. It does not really bother me in the sense that I do not think he is talented enough to get the push he is getting. Because I really do not care about that one way or the other. It just comes across to me as yet another nepotism much like the Erik Watts or HHH pushes or any countless other nepotism pushes we have witnessed over the years.


You are definitely not the only person who skips those segments, BHK.


As for fans never being happy, that happens in the E, too. I think its just the nature of hardcore fans to an extent. I remember when the WWE was first pushing the likes of The Miz, Sheamus, and Jack Swagger to the top... On a site I frequents, the exact same posters who had been slamming the WWE for not building anyone new were then slamming the E for picking those specific talents.

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When I watch Garrett Bischoff the first thing I think of is David Flair.


I dont think their is an issue with bring in new talent, I think the issue is that they dont know what to do with the mainstays. I mean Joe is in a put together tagteam but really didnt do anything for 1 1/2 years before that. AJ really reach his peak years ago in TNA and the one thing going for him is that his been there from the start.

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Zema Ion is amazing. I've been lucky enough to watch him from almost the beginning of his career though. Same with Gargano, Madison Rayne, Hailey Hatred, and Derrick Batemen.


I agree, he was just one of the newer talents that came to my head when I brought that up. On another site that I go on I have read where people have complained about him. Not so much about his wrestling and more about his gimmick or lack thereof.


Which I can understand, because the guy is the number one contender for the X Division title and we as the viewers know next to nothing about him. All I know about his in-ring character is he is supposed to be cocky and he carries a can of hairspray with him to the ring.


Now this is not his fault as he is trying to get his character over with what limited time that is afforded to him. I wish TNA would allow him to do more, maybe spend more time on him promo wise and cut back on Garrett's promo time. Which I know will never happen because Garrett is involved in a storyline with Hulk and his father and Zema is involved in a storyline with AA.

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Which I can understand, because the guy is the number one contender for the X Division title and we as the viewers know next to nothing about him. All I know about his in-ring character is he is supposed to be cocky and he carries a can of hairspray with him to the ring.


Had an opportunity to see Shiima Xion (Zema Ion's name before he joined TNA) at about a half dozen indy shows in 2008-2009...The kid is awesome... and to shed light on his character, atleast his indy gimmick anyway, he was billed as a Filipino fashion model who, whilst in Mexico, met midget-wrestler Chucky who trained Shiima to become a pro wrestler...So then it was "semi-androgynous fashion model turned arrogant heel wrestler" ... don't get a chance to watch TNA very often but seems he's more or less working the same gimmick now



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Had an opportunity to see Shiima Xion (Zema Ion's name before he joined TNA) at about a half dozen indy shows in 2008-2009...The kid is awesome... and to shed light on his character, atleast his indy gimmick anyway, he was billed as a Filipino fashion model who, whilst in Mexico, met midget-wrestler Chucky who trained Shiima to become a pro wrestler...So then it was "semi-androgynous fashion model turned arrogant heel wrestler" ... don't get a chance to watch TNA very often but seems he's more or less working the same gimmick now




So in other words, a Filipino version of Brilliant White? :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ugh.....ugh.......ugh......UGH......OH MY ******* GOD!!!


*Vomits everywhere*


......G-guys.....ugh......t-there's.....t-there's......OH GOD!!!


*Vomits again*


........Ugh......I'll let the link below to the 24Wrestling article tell you.....Never thought in my life I'd hear something as horrible as "Hulk Hogan" and "S--"


*Cuts off abruptly as he releases another torrent of vomit*


Read the damn article! x.x



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According to ewrestlingnews.com, Brian Kendrick is gone from TNA.


Kinda bummed, but at the same time I really hated that guru gimmick. I wish he had just played The Brian Kendrick again.


Hey, but at least with Kendrick gone, that's more potential promo time for Garrett Bischoff!



...what do you mean that's not awesome? :p

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According to ewrestlingnews.com, Brian Kendrick is gone from TNA.


Kinda bummed, but at the same time I really hated that guru gimmick. I wish he had just played The Brian Kendrick again.


When I went to the BFG Fan Fest, he signed my autograph book as The Brian Kendrick. He seemed like a really good guy. Hope he heads back to the 'E.'

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I read an article on another website where Animal said (I am paraphrasing here) that Sting was not in the same league as HHH, Steve Austin, or the Rock. And that Sting will never be considered a legend or icon until he joins the WWE.


Okay I agree that Sting is not at the same level as Rock and Austin but then again not many are. In fact, I think only Hogan is at their level you could say Flair as well but Flair is not a household name to those outside of wrestling.


However, HHH?




Sting was at one time the face of WCW. HHH was just someone that was shoved down our throats because of who he married.

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I read an article on another website where Animal said (I am paraphrasing here) that Sting was not in the same league as HHH, Steve Austin, or the Rock. And that Sting will never be considered a legend or icon until he joins the WWE.


Okay I agree that Sting is not at the same level as Rock and Austin but then again not many are. In fact, I think only Hogan is at their level you could say Flair as well but Flair is not a household name to those outside of wrestling.


However, HHH?




Sting was at one time the face of WCW. HHH was just someone that was shoved down our throats because of who he married.


Sounds to me like Animal's angling for a run as WWE Champion. Or not. Either way.




Maybe it was just me, but 'Abyss's brother' on Impact really reminded me of Penn (of Penn & Teller Fame). Curious to see where that storyline might be going.



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