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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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I have to disagree with the sting take only because if you take sting out of the mid-late 90s WCW shows they would never have surpassed raw (which for at least part of that time I believe had austin and the rock as well as HHH). I don't thing sting was culturally as relevant, but in the wretling world he may actually have been more relevant, at least during that period (I'd say rock and austin have had more staying power)
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I have to disagree with the sting take only because if you take sting out of the mid-late 90s WCW shows they would never have surpassed raw (which for at least part of that time I believe had austin and the rock as well as HHH). I don't thing sting was culturally as relevant, but in the wretling world he may actually have been more relevant, at least during that period (I'd say rock and austin have had more staying power)




Sting is an icon...the roof would blow off if Sting showed up on RAW...


and very few performers have a lot of mainstream 'star power' outside of wrestling fans...Hogan, Rock, Austin....uhm....Cena to a lesser extent

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  • 3 weeks later...

It's been nearly a month since anyone's posted anything in here and based on the non-existent spoilers it looks like no one actually went to the tapings this week. I've tried to hold out some hope that TNA would turn things around but it looks like this will be their last year in business.


So this time next year where do you think the former TNA talents will be? Obviously Flair will go crawling back to WWE, The Guns will be back in ROH, I think Aries will either retire and do something else or go back to ROH, Sting will definitely retire. Hopefully Joe, AJ, and Daniels go back to the indies because I don't see WWE being able to use them right at all.

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To be honest, I hope that they go out of business. From what I've heard, they pay everybody but their top stars pretty crappy wages, have crappy storylines and completely forget about some people on their roster (Mr. Anderson and The Pope haven't been on for months), yet they push crappy wrestlers to the moon (Crimson and Garrett Bischoff). Plus, all of the actually excellent wrestlers who have actually worked their way up the card have been forced back down to the midcard (Matt Morgan, AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, Christopher Daniels) with the exception of James Storm and Bobby Roode.


I have given TNA chance after chance after chance to provide me with an alternative to WWE that I can watch when I need a break from the WWE. They have failed everytime. I've bought a few PPVs that had excellent looking cards, but yet they still churned out a crappy show, despite the fact that they had some of the best wrestlers in the industry on the show.


If TNA does indeed go out of business, ROH might get a chance to step up and impress people on a national level. But IMO, as long as TNA exists, people will view it as a distant second to WWE, and ROH a distant third.

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Highly doubt TNA is going out of business any time soon.


Also, WWE takes people off TV for extended periods of time. If creative doesn't have anything for someone, it's pointless to just have them on TV, just to have them on TV. Anderson came back weeks ago.

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Maybe it was just me, but 'Abyss's brother' on Impact really reminded me of Penn (of Penn & Teller Fame). Curious to see where that storyline might be going.


Yes I thought the exact same thing when I saw him.:D


I disagree with this. I've known people who don't know anything about wrestling but know the "WOO!"


Yes but do they know who made Woo famous? I stand behind what I said, Ric Flair is not a household name outside of wrestling.


Highly doubt TNA is going out of business any time soon.


I agree, as long as Dixie Carter's father is willing to foot the bill for TNA, TNA will remain open.

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I agree, as long as Dixie Carter's father is willing to foot the bill for TNA, TNA will remain open.


Based on the latest rumors it sounds like he's sending less and less money while the company continues to lose more and more money though.


Even AJ seems down on TNA at this point and he's always been one of the main people supporting them from the beginning.


It's really sad because with the talent (AJ, Joe, MCMG, Aries, and Daniels) and the star power (Sting, Hogan, Flair, Angle, RVD, Hardy and Anderson) TNA's got they should be beating WWE in ratings.

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Scott Steiner mades some pretty interesting comments on twitter. Wonder if his going to claim the good old "its was Hacked" excuse.


Steiner via twitter:

Can somebody send tna’s booking team of pritchard hogan n bischoff video’s from ring ka king..booking hogan in a sex tape wont help ratings .. Ratings..what an embarassment to tna n spike tv … Wait… His ex-wife said he was .gay..so who’s the guy in the sex tape Brother … Read my tweats people, I am not blasting TNA if I do I will let you know .. Right now im trying to save tna bcuz its the titanic and its sinking fast bcuz hogan n bischoff r doing the same bullsh*t they did to de.....


Steiner via Twitter:

It took them 1 1/2 months to drive tna to its lowest ratings ever…the best way to save it is to jump off and be the voice for the guys … Bitter????I have nothing to be bitter about! I have a contract extension signed by tna officials that under the circumstances i would no … Official that under the circumstances i would not sign … Same bulls**t they did to destoy wcw

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It's really sad because with the talent (AJ, Joe, MCMG, Aries, and Daniels) and the star power (Sting, Hogan, Flair, Angle, RVD, Hardy and Anderson) TNA's got they should be beating WWE in ratings.


They should be beatng a show with the talent and star power of the following?:

CM Punk

Chris Jericho

Daniel Bryan

Dolph Ziggler

Cody Rhodes

John Cena

The Rock

Brock Lesnar


As much as I like the guys you mentioned, I just don't think it's fair to say they should be *beating* WWE right now. And I even left Triple H, Shawn Michaels and The Undertaker off the list, even though they were heavily focused on for the past month. And I left out Orton, Kane and Big Show who all have major star power, and are on Raw most weeks, but are technically SD guys.


It would take at least a full year of perfect booking before TNA could even build real traction. They've been at it almost ten years now, and they are nowhere near being competition to WWE, even with all the talent and star power they've acquired.

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Thing is, and what irritates me (and I guess everyone else) is that they really genuinely could be a competitor to WWE with the talent and the money they've had over the years. They've got a combination of talented workers and big draws that any other promotion barring WWE would kill for. Instead, they've just repeated the mistakes that killed WCW, and it's going to kill them eventually.
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I've given up on TNA. Again.


I stopped watching after 10/10/10. I followed results to a small degree and kept an open ear for any "must see" matches, but I never got the feeling that I was missing much. Some gents on another site were talking up how much has improved and changed in late 2011, so I started watching again in early 2012. After last weeks Impact, I'm done with it once again.


Don't get me wrong - its not all terrible. I do enjoy certain things they are doing. I realize that some fans point to those "good" things and hold hope that that bodes well for what will come. But I've watched TNA on and off since early 2008 and its always been that way. They've always had some good things going on. But they have also always had some crap. And there are times when that crap is primary stuff, which renders it nearly unwatchable to me. Stuff like Garrett Bischoff getting major air-time and a 15-minute circle jerk for Hogan to top off the show is stuff I have zero desire in watching. If I have to skip through half the show, I'm just not watching.


I've said it many times before, but I really do want TNA to succeed. I like some of their talent and would love to see real competition for the WWE. But its the same old TNA to me. There's a reason they are still drawing the same damned ratings in 2012 that they drew in 2010. And in 2008. They do the same things and make the same mistakes. I realzie there are fans who love the proudct as it is and so be it. Just like there are fans who love everything the WWE does - I don't agree but its not really wrong either.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've watched exactly one episode of Impact since the whole "They" storyline went down. I was highly interested in TNA when they were pushing Jay Lethal, Desmond Wolfe, The Pope and some of the other guys right before and right after Hogan came on board.


I do find it funny that even this board who has always had more TNA supporters than others have mostly given up on this promotion. Ra King Ka I hear though is incredibly entertaining.

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I really dug iMpact tonight but one thing that really struck me as funny is during one of the video packages they didn't censor s**t but they censored a** twice in the same video.


Overall they seem to be heading in a pretty good direction going into Lockdown which means next week we'll probably get an hour and a half of Hogan talking, 15 minutes of Bischoff family drama, 13 minutes of Flair yelling until he bleeds, and 2 minutes of wrestling. It's the TNA way, the better the shows are one month means they'll be that much worse the following month.

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God I love Scott Steiner. He should be in charge of a wrestling company


He should and he should push himself as the world champion of it. I'd support it!



I've watched exactly one episode of Impact since the whole "They" storyline went down. I was highly interested in TNA when they were pushing Jay Lethal, Desmond Wolfe, The Pope and some of the other guys right before and right after Hogan came on board.


I do find it funny that even this board who has always had more TNA supporters than others have mostly given up on this promotion. Ra King Ka I hear though is incredibly entertaining.


Ring Ka King is pretty good. Some of the Indian guys outside of Dutt aren't that good in the ring but the show is entertaining. Seems to make sense too. It's more traditional booking it seems with a lot of showbiz type flare to it like belly dancers at ring side.

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About to settle down and watch this weeks Impact. Still plugging away at it and hoping that one day Russo actually gets his booking right.


Couple of thoughts:


Where the hell is Pope? He's one of my favourite guys in the company and he's just vanished.


Is Rob Van Dam injured? I'm not exactly a mark for him but the main event has gotten super-stale super-fast because it's always the same four guys (Roode, Ray, Storm & Hardy) doing the same stuff.


The Abyss thing they're doing is cool. I'm actually interested to see where that will go.


MCMG vs Joe & Magnus will be an awesome series of matches, I just wish all four of those guys were pushed harder.

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