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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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I really want to see Dutt win this thing.


My money's on King, given everything we now know. That'd be kinda disappointing though. Part of me really hopes he gets dropped to the bottom of the X-Division and jobs to everyone during his time in TNA, if this is the type of man he is.


Ion's reckless, and has proven such. The push he got after what happened was absurd. The man does not deserve to be champion. That simple.


Dutt's always been an incredible talent, and while I don't see him having a long run with the strap, he helped put over a lot of these X-Division guys, and he deserves a run of some sort.

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I wouldn't mind seeing Douglas Williams (Who they should use a lot more in my opinion.) or Dutt. Because to me they are TNA guys, yes Dutt left and Doug has been kept off T.V. but I would rather see it on someone who has done their time in TNA.
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My money's on King, given everything we now know. That'd be kinda disappointing though. Part of me really hopes he gets dropped to the bottom of the X-Division and jobs to everyone during his time in TNA, if this is the type of man he is.


I agree, at least in the short term. I would love to see King get annihilated for the next year or so but I still hope he is able to have some sort of a career afterwards because he still a great talent, just a horrible business man.

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Type of man that grabs a better deal when he is free to do so? Ah well I don't see this what he did as big as a deal as people make it out to be and us only having heard ROH's side of the story. Thing is with guys like Williams there is so much talent and storylines going on atm where do you fit him in? Personally I would have both him and Kash return to tag scene and have them be occasional X wrestlers.


And wait wasn't he free to negotiate with other companies? So technically if he signed the deal before the show didn't that cancel out his word agreement making a tv appearance ok? Ah well think its being way overblown.

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Type of man that grabs a better deal when he is free to do so? Ah well I don't see this what he did as big as a deal as people make it out to be and us only having heard ROH's side of the story. Thing is with guys like Williams there is so much talent and storylines going on atm where do you fit him in? Personally I would have both him and Kash return to tag scene and have them be occasional X wrestlers.


And wait wasn't he free to negotiate with other companies? So technically if he signed the deal before the show didn't that cancel out his word agreement making a tv appearance ok? Ah well think its being way overblown.


Before that expiration, an agreement was reached between Kenny and ROH management for an extension of that contract, with a provision to allow him to negotiate with any other promotions so that he could evaluate his options and any potential interest in him elsewhere. When that short extension concluded he would then be free to accept an offer elsewhere, or sign another long term contract with ROH.



He was locked in, likely for a month, to give ROH time to have them drop the belts.

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Last week's episode was pretty decent actually, like you said. I'll never wash these eyes again! All decent action, the segments mattered somewhat, good matchups... I couldn't believe what I was seeing: Austin Aries getting air time and a PPV main event, no crappy diva match (sorry velvet), and it had the Fallen Angel still going on strong. The whole drug addict thing was probably the worst part of the show, along with the "gut check" segment. I really like women's involvement in this industry (like shimmer), but not if they're stinking up cards like this show. Without those it would've been a nice episode.
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Type of man that grabs a better deal when he is free to do so? Ah well I don't see this what he did as big as a deal as people make it out to be and us only having heard ROH's side of the story. Thing is with guys like Williams there is so much talent and storylines going on atm where do you fit him in? Personally I would have both him and Kash return to tag scene and have them be occasional X wrestlers.


And wait wasn't he free to negotiate with other companies? So technically if he signed the deal before the show didn't that cancel out his word agreement making a tv appearance ok? Ah well think its being way overblown.


The problem is not that he grabbed the better deal or anything like that. The problem is that he didn't give ROH any notice that he was doing so. In fact until Thursday morning they were still under the impression that he was signed would be honoring their agreement and either signing a new long term deal or at least working with them long enough to drop the tag titles. He basically gave ROH only a few hours warning that he would not be honoring their agreement and thus would not be returning at all. To make matters worse he had only just won the tag titles 2 weeks ago meaning on some level he was saying/doing something that put caused ROH to have faith that they would have him around for a while to come. That's where the anger comes in, he left them with very few options as far as the tag titles and unlike TNA and WWE ROH actually care about how their championships look....even their tag titles.

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Guest codey
Honestly, it was a horrible decision by RoH as well to give a man a title the night his contract expired, I don't care if they had a "handshake agreement." Blame needs to be placed all around here.
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I'm pretty much ignoring the politics. Haven't read up. Don't plan to.


I've been digging seeing indy guys come in for this tournament. I seriously marked out for Johnny Yuma. He's not my favourite PWG guy, and his performance was iffy in places (I blame King for messing up his stunner variation) but I marked out nonetheless.


Out of the 'new' guys, Sonjay Dutt and Kenny King seemed to be in a class of their own. I like Jigsaw, but Dutt looked twice the wrestler he was, in look, in poise, in his offense. It was an even bigger gap between Kenny King and Yuma. Flip Kendrick looked like all his moves were just barely rescued from botch city, and I can't remember what Sabian did, except make me wish Scorpio Sky had won instead.


I want Dutt or King to win the title. They're better than the other new faces, and I'd prefer new hat to old hat.


Should be a great show although some of the qualifiers will suffer for time.


They'll be short, but I don't think they'll 'suffer'. Generally, I'm all for longer matches on television, but these quick X-Division qualifiers are kinda doing it for me. They're action packed lightning bolts of fun. I don't really need to see these guys 'work holds' or 'tell stories'. Let the bigger guys do that. I want flips and springboards and head drops, and lots of 'em. Give them 5 -6 minutes to cram in only their best, smoothest, least botch-tastic spots.


Psyched for the PPV.



P.S. Man, Devon's a good babyface. I don't think I've seen him wrestle for at least a year. He was so animated. Enjoyed him.

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Yeah was more a mode of expression. With X style matches shortness doesn't have to a problem but I like the longer ones which combine both the high octane style and tell a story and have selling, less then some like but there is a logic behind it as their high impact moves have do less damage and they are used to taking a beating coming so far being smaller. AKA cruiser logic, and that's the most important thing that it remains looking realistic.


Anyhoo should be a very entertaining PPV with an already decently built post show.

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Was wondering who he was. Might have to check out some of his work from over there. I usually don't get to see much indy stuff. Don't really have the money to spend to do so. Seemed like a talented guy, and I'd like to see how that move was going to work out before King botched it.
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Meh knowing TNA they would have probably allowed him to appear on ROH to drop the strap etc. Its more fail on ROH's part then anything. But ah well nice talent lets see what he does.


Yea, TNA is really good about allowing guys like that fulfill outside obligations. Like Jeez (Rashad Cameron) advancing to the PPV and then the next night working Shane Douglas' Extreme Rising show against The Gangstas. Obviously it wouldn't have been a problem for King to show up at ROH's next show or next few shows and drop the titles the right way. ROH just made a really childish knee-jerk reaction to what could have been a non-issue.

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Kenny Kings side of the story, source confirmed twitter:



Kenny King released the following:

My people's,


First and foremost to all of my friends, Family and everyone riding with me on this one thank you. The love and support has been unreal. It doesn't matter if your'e a new Kenny King fan or you've been with your boy since tough enough. My passion for this sport reflects yours, and I will continue to bust my ass to give back the love you have shown me.


Second I would like to thank @ringofhonor for the opportunity To master my craft against some of the best wrestlers in the world. The last 4 years have been invaluable to my career. I have nothing but love and respect for the company that allowed me to find myself and grow as a wrestler.


Next, since the content of my character has been called into question, just ask about me. My integrity and HONOR has always been above reproach. But since they wanna talk bad about your boy, consider this...


(spoiler alert)


I was offered a contract extension, I had reservations about the parameters of the extension and [how] effective my "free agent" option would be.


I gave a handshake agreement that I wouldn't do anything "screwy" with the belts. A la medusa. [WWE belt in trashcan on WCW Nitro]


I gave ROH information about every move that I made regarding working for @impactwrestling. Realistically they could have just found out when they saw my black ass walking down to the ring.


I was given a physical contact extension by ROH, which I respectfully declined to sign due to the reasons I stated above.


If I declined to sign an actual contract extension, how could anyone think there was a verbal agreement?


I took the biggest gamble of my career this weekend. So going into destination X tomorrow night I am prepared to put it all on the line. I am especially grateful to @tnadixie and @impactwrestling for giving me the opportunity to showcase my skills on a bigger stage. I was given an amazing opening and I took it. Ask Eminem how many chances you get to blow up. The world will watch tomorrow, and I got a bag full of fireworks. Tomorrow is coronation day.


Thank you.

Kenny King


Between the [] are my additions for better reading.

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Time to bow down to your new World Champion for thou is the Greatest Man That Ever Lived. In all seriously, awesome PPV, TNA has been on a roll the past two months and you can make a case that Impact Wrestling has been the best wrestling show in North American.
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TNA's finally picking up. This is the longest they've gone in years without taking a major step backwards and every step they take forward is even bigger than the last. I personally can't wait to see where they go from here I can seriously see TNA breaking out over the next year or 2 if they keep this momentum up without taking too many steps backwards. Since going live iMpact has been better than RAW consistently and the PPVs have been getting better and better.
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Austin Aries wins!







My neighbors are PISSED right now. I avoided everything until I got to see the PPV, and while the Ultimate X was a bit of a let down, that ending more than made up for it.


Can't believe they put the belt on him.

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Very (pleasantly) surprised. I'm expecting Roode to win it back soon, because it seems to me like Storm winning the BFG series and challenging Roode is still the most logical outcome. But no matter what happens, I'm thrilled for Aries. He deserves it, and I'm glad to see TNA recognizes just how good he really is.


Oh, and Lo-Drew: I am in total agreement. I don't like every single storyline they've got running, but overall, I'm enjoying TNA more than either WWE or ROH right now.

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