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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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Going back to that story will be going back to an angle 4-5 months earlier? I know TNA gets heat for **** booking, but you can't use this against them. It's not like they dropped the whole thing and the angle was forgotten. Terry got his squash win over Williams. Terry got his squash wins over Magnus.


Sure I can. Terry squashing Williams and Magnus individually and that being the end of it is "yawn. ho hum" booking. There's no closure in that. There's no poetic justice. Only with Terry either winning the X Division belt or being the catalyst in Williams losing his ill-gotten reign can there be that proper closure. And now with this stripping Williams of the belt business, that's not possible. Usually, I'm willing to give TNA a pass on the booking issues folks cite because I don't notice the gaffe as badly. And yeah, it is like they dropped it. It may not have been INTENDED to be that way. But we know how the road to hell was paved, don't we?

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Sure I can. Terry squashing Williams and Magnus individually and that being the end of it is "yawn. ho hum" booking. There's no closure in that. There's no poetic justice. Only with Terry either winning the X Division belt or being the catalyst in Williams losing his ill-gotten reign can there be that proper closure. And now with this stripping Williams of the belt business, that's not possible. Usually, I'm willing to give TNA a pass on the booking issues folks cite because I don't notice the gaffe as badly. And yeah, it is like they dropped it. It may not have been INTENDED to be that way. But we know how the road to hell was paved, don't we?

Yawn Ho Hum? If Terry was to cost Williams the title at say Sacrifice, do you really think ANYONE other than you would remember that angle from 4 months earlier? And better yet, that they would care? British Invasion hasn't even teamed together since then.

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What a junk main event. Hardy's spot was crazy but looked way too planned, a spot for the table to sit and the ladder modded to sit on the cage, laughable. Still like the heel Sting though, wish we'd see more of him on TV to be honest, of course him being my fav all time I'm biased.


Angle and Anderson definitely stole the show. Great match and nice end to the feud.

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Guest TDubTNA
Was a good PPV other than the Main Event. Why does Hogan feel like he needs to continue to put himself over at the end of shows. He did it on Impact and now a PPV. I'm so tired of Hogan. I really wanted to see Joe come back the crowd would have went crazy instead Hogan puts himself over as always.
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Stop looking at wrestling as if it's trying to be kayfabe. The stories are most often kayfabe. But the spots aren't. The spots are there to increase your entertainment. The stories there to make you care. Just because they set up a ladder and a table on top of the cage doesn't take away from it.


Story issues? Fine, they should explain everything. But having a ladder on top of a cage? Is that really so much different than a sledge hammer being under the ring? Or a barbed wire baseball bat being under the ring?


If you need everything explained spot-wise, then how can you enjoy matches at all? They are nothing like real fights. Why would someone go on the top rope, do a little dance, and then do a big flippy-de-doo in a real fight? If you can accept that, I ask you to accept ladders magically appearing on top of cages.


You'll enjoy wrestling a lot more this way.

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Was a good PPV other than the Main Event. Why does Hogan feel like he needs to continue to put himself over at the end of shows. He did it on Impact and now a PPV. I'm so tired of Hogan. I really wanted to see Joe come back the crowd would have went crazy instead Hogan puts himself over as always.


You may be tired of him, but the crowd went nuts for Hogan.


That being said, I think with what happened with Bischoff tonight, we're going to see less and less Bischoff and Hogan on TV. Especially in the ring. There's really nothing else they can do from a storyline standing point after what happened with Bischoff.

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My God, I finally watched a TNA PPV. Well, the latter half of it.


Angle/Anderson was masterful, well done between the two men. I knew there's a reason I kept faith in both of them, even during their fallouts with the 'E.


Pope/AJ was sweet as well, one part that irked me though was when AJ flew off the top of the cage. The guy fell flat on the canvas and... he got right back up(for the roll-up sequence). That just looked wrong, one would usually stay down after missing simply a top rope spot, let alone a diving spot of this magnitude. Missed the ending but for what it was, alright contest.


Don't get me started on the ending. I saw everyone from the outside whining about Hogan always stealing the spotlight, but I saw in and it was ridiculous. Do they not seriously see what they're doing? All the wrestlers were squatted around the ring, immobile while Hogan parades around and proceeds to hand a pointless brutal beatdown to Flair with Bischoff casually on the sidelines. The crowd seemed hot for it when I bet a good portion of them saw it coming, and tried to reluctantly embrace the moment by giving into it. They couldn't do much of anything else, it's a PPV and they're bracing for big things. Match itself was cool though.

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Yawn Ho Hum? If Terry was to cost Williams the title at say Sacrifice, do you really think ANYONE other than you would remember that angle from 4 months earlier? And better yet, that they would care? British Invasion hasn't even teamed together since then.


Okay man. You're really pushing it. ANYONE? Really? You want to go that monolithic route? REALLY? Of course I think other people other than me would notice and care. Enough to where I think TNA would care to correct this error? We can have that discussion and you might, MIGHT sway me. But this monolothic "Nobody" type stuff really needs to die. I suppose it could be worse though. You could have told me that Any Normal Human Being "could care less."


So Terry squashed both Williams and Magnus with nothing much at stake. I repeat. Yawn. Ho hum. Good step along the path but hardly a conclusion to anything.

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I am still stunned that the faces won the advantage for the match. How do you possibly screw up as something as simple as "the bad guys win the advantage to draw sympathy for the faces"!? It's suppose to be fool proof.


Because it gave false hope and the heels got the advantage anyway...


Okay man. You're really pushing it. ANYONE? Really? You want to go that monolithic route? REALLY? Of course I think other people other than me would notice and care. Enough to where I think TNA would care to correct this error? We can have that discussion and you might, MIGHT sway me. But this monolothic "Nobody" type stuff really needs to die. I suppose it could be worse though. You could have told me that Any Normal Human Being "could care less."

The beauty of the English language is that it does not have to be taken literally.


So Terry squashed both Williams and Magnus with nothing much at stake. I repeat. Yawn. Ho hum. Good step along the path but hardly a conclusion to anything.

But you're asking for a conclusion 4 months and two separate feuds later!


What would you want to happen?


Rob Terry costs Doug Williams his X-Division title.


"If you remember back in January, Doug Williams won the title after taking the Feast or Fired case from Terry! Terry promptly squashed him in 40 seconds. But Terry wasn't done! He waited stalking from the shadows, waiting months to cost Doug Williams his title!"


I guess now this means Terry whom is being built as an unstoppable monster has to feud with Doug Williams whom is being built as a wrestling technician who hates high flyers.


Whoever comes out on top in the feud will ultimately kill the other person. Doug Williams will just stop caring about the X-Division and all those promos will stop so he can fight Rob Terry. If Rob Terry wins, he'll have just as much heat as he had before and Doug Williams will be without his title and will have much less heat to trash the high flyers. If Doug Williams wins, Rob Terry might as well be fired since it'll toss months or booking out the window.

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Stop looking at wrestling as if it's trying to be kayfabe. The stories are most often kayfabe. But the spots aren't. The spots are there to increase your entertainment. The stories there to make you care. Just because they set up a ladder and a table on top of the cage doesn't take away from it.


Story issues? Fine, they should explain everything. But having a ladder on top of a cage? Is that really so much different than a sledge hammer being under the ring? Or a barbed wire baseball bat being under the ring?


If you need everything explained spot-wise, then how can you enjoy matches at all? They are nothing like real fights. Why would someone go on the top rope, do a little dance, and then do a big flippy-de-doo in a real fight? If you can accept that, I ask you to accept ladders magically appearing on top of cages.


You'll enjoy wrestling a lot more this way.



I never said I needed it explained, its Jeff Hardy, something like that was going to happen. I just don't like it looking so planned out, atleast try to make it look spontaneous (sp?) is all I'm saying. I was entertained by that, I even said that in a way. Just didn't like the way it was executed is all.




I am still stunned that the faces won the advantage for the match. How do you possibly screw up as something as simple as "the bad guys win the advantage to draw sympathy for the faces"!? It's suppose to be fool proof.


Agree with this completely. The faces are supposed to be at the disadvantage, its booking 101. Of course with Sting taking out Hardy I guess they still were.


Besides that was probably the highlight of the whole cluster of a match. Decent PPV for the most part and was actually surprised by the Beautiful People victory to be honest.

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