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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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Another problem is that these guys are all tag teams for the most part. I'm more of a fan of showing off SINGLES wrestlers instead of a bunch of tag teams. Why not make it a tag team three way, or Homicide vs. Suicide and then Homicide cheats and out comes Hardy. Or Hardy walks out of the crowd, open challenge and Homicide answers.


The truth is Jeff Hardy was the biggest world champion in the business six months ago and now he's just a guy.

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I really wanted this to be good. But the start is terrible thus far.


The Steel Asylum match is always kind stupid. You cant see much because its red and abstructs everything. Seems the camera guys are just off. No big spots, which is what a match like that should be about. And then Homicide cant climb (lower's athletisism in mod). Plus Hardy has a lackluster debut. I mean, having him debut attacking AJ or something is what they should of done.

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hogan motorcade....hahaha


I like the idea behind that huge hype for just how "important" Hogan is. Nash with a big promo "making more money than I ever have". I liked the promo but in reality there is no way he'll ever make more money than he did during his run with Time Warner when he was writing his own checks.

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The truth is Jeff Hardy was the biggest world champion in the business six months ago and now he's just a guy.


Yeah. It must've been decided to do it in order to get people to keep watching.


I can't believe they're still doing the spider thing with Tara. Ridiculous.


LOL..they cut away during the pin because too much butt was showing because ODB used the tights for the win.

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flair....meh....mania farewell is pointless now. what a shame....


plus hogan, nash, bischoff, tenay.....and on and on...


i swear im watching wcw


Watching WCW isn't always a bad thing though. Sure, it feels like they are re-creating a company that fell apart for a reason... however, these guys are still interesting to see on TV. ya know? As long as they continue to build their own stars I see no problem having people like Flair show up.

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still very generic to me. I cant help but see this more of old stars simply going to the next place for a paycheck. I mean, Hogan already said he's not going to wrestle, I dont see Flair wrestling, Nash doenst really wrestler, if Hall comes back is he going to wrestle much? So its back to the WCW guys running around not wrestling, doing what? They already have Foley too who might not wrestle all that much... I dont get it. Not to mention Bubba the Love Sponge who is now getting a pay check for doing in reality what Borash or Hemme can do... and if the Nasty Boys show up. ugh. Not a good start at all.


Why not focus on the guys in the ring? Angle, Hardy, AJ, Joe, Daniels, ext with Hogan there simply to elevate them?




All we need now is Tony Schiavone to join the announce team.

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still very generic to me. I cant help but see this more of old stars simply going to the next place for a paycheck. I mean, Hogan already said he's not going to wrestle, I dont see Flair wrestling, Nash doenst really wrestler, if Hall comes back is he going to wrestle much? So its back to the WCW guys running around not wrestling, doing what? They already have Foley too who might not wrestle all that much... I dont get it.


Why not focus on the guys in the ring? Angle, Hardy, AJ, Joe, Daniels, ext with Hogan there simply to elevate them?


Sadly, if TNA wants to move on past a "cult company" they need the likes of Flair, Hogan, Nash, Foley, etc. to get there. It's actually quite smart... Use the big names to lure in potential new viewers and then have them become familiar with your "REAL" talent. Give Styles, Daniels, Joe, Homicide, etc... a shot at those names in time & give them the rub at some point.


In all honesty, TNA Needs these guys if they want to move on past being a somewhat unknown.

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if they bring in the old guys, "rargh rargh it's WCW all over again". If they brought none of them in, it'd be "rargh rargh no star power". They can't win. Some people just love complaining tbh.


Not true. I think a lot of people would welcome RVD, Kennedy, and Hardy with open arms to TNA because they will contribute something. As I said above, now it seems you have Hogan/Flair/Nash/Hall/Foley and a bunch of other guys who dont wrestle that regularly.... I love having 1 of them there. Maybe 2. But those are probably 5 of the top 6-7 wrestlers on the pay roll who do what?

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if they bring in the old guys, "rargh rargh it's WCW all over again". If they brought none of them in, it'd be "rargh rargh no star power". They can't win. Some people just love complaining tbh.


yes., bring in stars. BUT ones that can still go. like RVD, Kenndey or when they had the chance, jericho or someone similiar. Hardy IS a good pick. the old timers were old 14 years ago during the first defection. now they have one foot in the grave. quality star power. is the key, not boucing off the ropes with a walker.

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I'm not ready to declare it a mess yet. I like Flair being there, the womens match was quick and in offensive. So far the only segment I don't like is the first segment.


I meant more so that they are a mess technically; random cut aways, bad camera angles, going to commercial then coming back because it wasn't time...this is clearly a crew doing it's first live broadcast.


Boo. Hate that Lashley's gimmick is that he's whipped.


EDIT: LMAO..nevermind. That was a good way to spin it. Heel Krystal telling the fans Bobby is too good for TNA

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