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The Official TNA / Impact / GFW Discussion Thread

Adam Ryland

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I think overall, Stein's point is a valid one. TNA already has a reduced workload, yet they have a undeniable history of letting guys take long breaks. Seems kind unreasonable, and seems to lead to them being looked at as "that fed you go to to semi-retire".



Looking at recent stories involving wrestlers health maybe this isn't such a bad thing. Personally I think TNA's style means they need to give guys time off to let them recuperate. Jeff Hardy has well documented issues which are due in part to the E forcing him to work as many nights a week so I don't think you can look and say WWE stars work this many nights a week and TNA work less and are inferior.


The other thing that giving stars time off and keeping them off screen means you can keep stars fresher for longer. If you shove stars down wrestlers throats the fans turn on them. TNA have a big, diverse roster and they can afford to freshen up the roster every now and then by pushing someone out of the spotlight and letting the other guys take their place.

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To my knowledge RVD vs AJ Styles has main evented every house show since RVD won the title


Aren't all thier house shows in universal studios at the impact zone?


I don't know if that's accurate or not, someone can enlighten me, but if they are that kinda makes that not so impressive as it eliminates the travel part of the equation.


Those three house shows i listed are all at least 80-100 miles apart, the melody tent one is going to be hell on travel, its on a sunday. good luck getting off cape Cod on a sunday night in late august :D


I think, for instance, that the one out west is at a bigger event, i would assume the house show main event at that show would be bigger names. But i didn't really expect them to ask many M/E guys to go to a glorified high school gym for a house show. I'm hoping we get one more in addition to punk, that would make me happy enough

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The other thing that giving stars time off and keeping them off screen means you can keep stars fresher for longer. If you shove stars down wrestlers throats the fans turn on them. TNA have a big, diverse roster and they can afford to freshen up the roster every now and then by pushing someone out of the spotlight and letting the other guys take their place.

Two things to remember:

*TNA has the same crowd week in week out forever, so absolutely they have a greater need to not see some guys for a while.

*Guys like Jeff Jarrett never get fresh!


I think maybe Abyss could do with a break ;) Clearly he's not "TNA's John Cena" like they were planning.

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Aren't all thier house shows in universal studios at the impact zone?


I don't see how there is any logic to thinking that at all. Every episode of Impact they advertise their TNA live events at the bottom of the screen. Not even just once, but multiple times. I'll be attending one September 10th :)

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I don't see how there is any logic to thinking that at all. Every episode of Impact they advertise their TNA live events at the bottom of the screen. Not even just once, but multiple times. I'll be attending one September 10th :)


Must have missed that, not all that surprising considering i wouldn't pay for either outfit's house shows at the moment. Both are pretty mediocre in my view.


The only reason im going to the melody tent house show is it's literally 5 miles away and a friend is giving me a ticket (which to be fair are only a ten spot anyway for that show, not unreasonable to see the midcarders have at it)

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By Dave Scherer on 2010-08-11 13:57:24

On the official Twitter page of Hulk Hogan, the following was posted minutes ago:


I know you've heard the rumors brothers and they are true. Eric and I are leaving TNA on a mutual basis. I just got out of meetings now.


It was really fun but time to move on.


TNA has a new leadership coming in. Make sure you Hulkamaniacs still support them. TNA needs the power of Hulkamania to live on brothers.


Thank you Dixie and Bob Carter for the wonderful and positive experiences in TNA. Nothing but the best to you guys.


Brothers, this isn't the last of me though. You'll be able to see me at "Hulk Hogan & Friends" events on tour soon.

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Posted less than two minutes ago on Twitter.


EBischoff- The Hogan twitter site that I posted is a fake one. Hulk IS getting a Twitter page up, but the most recent post is a fake.


Just posted


EBischoff- I will post the REAL page info as soon as we get it. Sorry for the confusion.

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The Hulk Hogan twitter is a total fake.


Some of the fakers tweets today...


@EBischoff GOT WORKED BROTHERS! He publishes information before even verifying its accuracy. How can someone like this even try to run TNA?!


That piece of **** @BTLSRadio GOT WORKED TOO!


This one was for the INTERNET WRESTLING COMMUNITY! Beat us if you can, survive if we let you!


How I got this to work: Well, here's the truth and honestly the truth, I work for TNA and am a current employee.


TNA doesn't listen to any of us backstage. We're not allowed to step on anyones toes.


So I thought this would be the best way to express my true thoughts.


I hate Bischoff. I don't hate Hogan, but I don't see him helping TNA, he's just taking money. So let us do what we do best...


And that's to provide true TOTAL NONSTOP ACTION WRESTLING. @TNADixie, this is a shoot brother. We want @EBischoff OUT!


Hogan and Bischoff always play up how we're a happy family backstage. But that's far from it. We get paid ****.


Some of us were paid better in 2006, no lies.


Some of us got our eyes on a new wrestling company coming up in Florida and you know what, if it doesn't have @EBischoff's name, it's a draw

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The Hulk Hogan twitter is a total fake.


Some of the fakers tweets today...


@EBischoff GOT WORKED BROTHERS! He publishes information before even verifying its accuracy. How can someone like this even try to run TNA?!


That piece of **** @BTLSRadio GOT WORKED TOO!


This one was for the INTERNET WRESTLING COMMUNITY! Beat us if you can, survive if we let you!


How I got this to work: Well, here's the truth and honestly the truth, I work for TNA and am a current employee.


TNA doesn't listen to any of us backstage. We're not allowed to step on anyones toes.


So I thought this would be the best way to express my true thoughts.


I hate Bischoff. I don't hate Hogan, but I don't see him helping TNA, he's just taking money. So let us do what we do best...


And that's to provide true TOTAL NONSTOP ACTION WRESTLING. @TNADixie, this is a shoot brother. We want @EBischoff OUT!


Hogan and Bischoff always play up how we're a happy family backstage. But that's far from it. We get paid ****.


Some of us were paid better in 2006, no lies.


Some of us got our eyes on a new wrestling company coming up in Florida and you know what, if it doesn't have @EBischoff's name, it's a draw


Lol what total BS.


On a more positive note. Got to see the Carter Youshoot and you can see she has had media training hehe. Still was interesting to hear that ppv buys are/where up and even did record numbers and the monday wars shows did record overseas numbers. She also said they make many millions in profit from ppv. So all those extremely low numbers out there are probably bs.


For the rest I would have to listen to it again. On a sidenote much of the crappy matches and angles that have been blamed on Russo where actually Dutch Mantell or JJ when they still had power. And apart from the KO lockbox stuff since their removal their has been less tomfoolery.

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Lol what total BS.


On a more positive note. Got to see the Carter Youshoot and you can see she has had media training hehe. Still was interesting to hear that ppv buys are/where up and even did record numbers and the monday wars shows did record overseas numbers. She also said they make many millions in profit from ppv. So all those extremely low numbers out there are probably bs.


For the rest I would have to listen to it again. On a sidenote much of the crappy matches and angles that have been blamed on Russo where actually Dutch Mantell or JJ when they still had power. And apart from the KO lockbox stuff since their removal their has been less tomfoolery.


I'd take that many millions with a huge pinch of salt.

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Well to be fair Hyde would you really expect her to admit pubically that their losing their (donkey) on pay per views and that numbers are down? Its a shoot but nobody is dumb enough to say "business is down all across the board and we're losing millions".


I would say the truth lays somewhere in the middle. I would think if ppv numbers were that high why wouldn't they release them? If they weren't near as low as people speculate why wouldn't they release them? I remember when they beat ECW in the ratings they were all over that. I would think anything they can do to present themselves in a more credible light they would.


I don't know what record numbers are but I can't see everybody that reports on their ppv numbers being low all being completely and totally off base. Of course maybe 20,000 is a good number for them and maybe they do make a profit.


On another note I think I heard that REaction has been scrapped and that Xplosion is not coming to Spike is this accurate? If so they went from having talks of a four hour wrestling block to being right back where they started. I wonder why they scrapped REaction.

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On another note I think I heard that REaction has been scrapped and that Xplosion is not coming to Spike is this accurate? If so they went from having talks of a four hour wrestling block to being right back where they started. I wonder why they scrapped REaction.


Where did you hear that? Spike TV just released a video of Hulk Hogan on their website promoting Reaction

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It's supposed to debut Thursday after TNA's Whole F'n Show.


*edit* Eric posted this on his Facebook page.


Eric Bischoff, Controversy- Just watched a cut of "ReAction". Great work by a great team. Viewers will get a new perspective on the athletes, stories and behind the scenes. Props to Sully and the post prod team in Nashville! Looking forward to seeing ReAction on the air tomorrow night!

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