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strange events/deaths/other events 2010

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The first part isn't too strange, since it tends to happen about half the time, but...


Ernie Turner was sent to RIPW under a developmental deal.


The scary part?


He's got D+s in almost all his top row skills now, save one D-, a C-, and a C in his hardcore, and he now has B performance skills.


And his technical skills don't seems to be slowing down their progress anytime soon.


He honestly has the tools to make a legit impact whenever the SWF finally decides to call him up.

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My workers are the most flatulent wrestlers in the business. I am dealing with backstage farts all the time. There must be a really good burrito place nearby or something.


If you run SOTBPW or OLLIE then you have most likely answered your own question :p

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Dean Daniels took over USPW in my game, which was odd. He hasn't changed the product too much other than cranking Traditional up to Key. Their main event is pretty much the same as you'd expect (except Baine has left): Enygma, Justice, Champion and T-Rex. Dig further however, and... KC Glenn? Jack Griffith? Jimmy P and Donnie J?


He also has only worked three USPW matches in his two year tenure as boss, because he regularly misses his own bookings to work in Japan. Hilariously, one of those three matches was Daniels and Ant-Man defeating Alicia Strong and Belle Bryden.

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