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strange events/deaths/other events 2010

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im in total shock...... of all the random deaths, some more shocking than others, i think this one takes the cake. not sure if anyone else have had this happen before but.........








whats more interesting, is that it was my first death in this game. I was multi-advancing a few days and then got stopped because i had a decision awaiting, and i happend to see the news feed and im like "WHAT!?!?! CORNELL SOLD TCW?!? NO WAY!?" and then I went to see maybe cornell jumped ship to SWF or something crazy, but then saw he was deceased. Also more shocking, TCW doesnt go to Keith? or even Wolfe Hawkins? or cornells wife? His son has not entered the game yet. hm.... atleast this guy who took over does have REALLY high backstage stats so interesting to see where this goes.



Edit: sorry, ive been followin the boards for a LONG time but im new to posting.... can someone tell me how to actually have the pics show up so i dont look like a noob tard? :( haha thanks


Edit Edit: ok..... why is it when im logged in, the pics dont show up..... but if i logout and go to the forums as a visitor, i can see the pics?

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Hopefully thats visable.


If you switch it from letter grades to numbers, its a 4.


Almost perfect.


GruntMark told me about this glorious bout when it went down. I figured that, odds are, both men accidentally fell on the ground, got tangled up on each other, and just flopped about in helpless attempts to get back up for six minutes straight.


Or something to that extent.

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I have never gotten an F- match before (I have had a ton of F- angles, I once had an angle with Jerry Martin in it rate out a two and I was so proud.), who was Land Mass facing off with in that awsome match?


I've gotten one F- match in my USWP game. It was Ekmuh the Hawaiian Strongman versus Rhino Umaga. I was hoping that Rhino would be able to carry Ekmuh to a watchable match but no dice. Fortunately it was only a dark match.


Oddly Demon Anger was able to do better next week, getting an E match out of Ekmuh.

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I have a question...and it's about touring.


I know, I know. I've done a lot of research on the forum as of late, but this question is not about how to set up the tour.


I'm wondering what the benefit of the tour schedule is in the game? I'm not a fan of how it's implemented in TEW so playing as my small 0/0/0/0 Japanese promotion, I've just set up a weekly show on a regular schedule with a monthly super show.


Progress has been steady, I'm at a 50% in Kanto, but only about a 18 everywhere else. Would there be any benefit to moving to a touring schedule if I can simply do a weekly event as is and run the entire year anyway?

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I have a question...and it's about touring.


I know, I know. I've done a lot of research on the forum as of late, but this question is not about how to set up the tour.


I'm wondering what the benefit of the tour schedule is in the game? I'm not a fan of how it's implemented in TEW so playing as my small 0/0/0/0 Japanese promotion, I've just set up a weekly show on a regular schedule with a monthly super show.


Progress has been steady, I'm at a 50% in Kanto, but only about a 18 everywhere else. Would there be any benefit to moving to a touring schedule if I can simply do a weekly event as is and run the entire year anyway?


I think (THINK) touring companies don't have as high of expenses, for whatever reason. I've seen numerous touring companies hit Cult with the minimum requirements and not miss a beat, while other companies would surely die if they attempted to do so.



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