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<p>Just did the smartest thing I've ever done while booking CZCW: Working Agreement with TCW <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />.</p><p>

Now I get to keep Acid YAAAAAAAAY. If only SWF would have let me have a working agreement with them, I'd still have James Prudence and Frankie Perez <img alt=":(" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/frown.png.e6b571745a30fe6a6f2e918994141a47.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>

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Started a new TCW game (likely to be last TEW2010 game)


My favourite story is Sam Keith / Rocky Golden. Opens with Sam Keith already in the ring, suited and holding a mic. Keith gets straight to it; he wants to face Rocky Golden at MiW. Keith talks about "not getting any younger" and how this may be his "last chance". Keith says that if he fails to win the title from Rocky Golden, he'll retire as an in-ring competitor.


Golden comes out. He talks about how much he, and everybody else, respects Keith. Golden says that there's no need for Sam to put his career on the line and that it'll be an honour to defend the World Heavyweight title against him. Golden puts out a hand which Keith looks at before simply walking away.


On Show 2, new Tag Team Champions, The Hellfire Club, get in Rocky Golden's face backstage. Sam Keith intervenes just as things look to get ugly and suggests that they (Golden & The Hellfire Club) "settle it in the ring". Rahn & Buffalo misunderstand what Keith says and take it as a challenge ("The world champ and the 'has-been' want to face The Hellfire Club? YOU'RE ON!!") Keith looks at Golden and shrugs.


Keith & Golden go on to beat The Hellfire Club and capture the World Tag titles. They'll hold the titles going into their match at MiW after successfully defending against The Machines on the same card.


The New Wave losing the titles was done so I can give them some time off leading up to their heel turn. You see, I've signed Dunton Hall and he'll be part of a story where he's bought into TCW after the board (minus Cornell) decided to sell up, making Dunton majority owner. He brings Eric Tyler, Nemesis & Queen Emily to TCW and starts to build an army which consists of former DaVE workers. The first to join is Sammy Bach.


At MiW, Keith will prevail over Rocky Golden, capturing the TCW World Heavyweight title. This is when Dunton Hall debuts, revealing he has bought into TCW, sanctioning his first match: Sam Keith vs Sammy Bach for the World title. Keith is stunned, as is Golden, and the match happens. Earlier in the night, Bach has already captured the All Action & International titles in a Three Way against Joshua Taylor & Edd Stone, in which, both titles were on the line.


Bach defeats Keith and becomes the first ever 'Triple Champion' in TCW history.

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Into July of 2010 in BLW and we just hit Small. WOO HOO!! Always good to be able to get the extra show time and the extra manpower to properly support a tag team division.


The war rages on between Bob Casey and Brady Prince at the top of my roster for the BLW Homeland (aka World) title. And I'd say the separation of old Maryland Alliance buddies Brady PRince and Buck Graham is complete now. Last show Prince and Frank Simmons tried to light Buck on fire because he dares to support Bob Casey. Thankfully security cut that out before Buck burned. Casey and Prince are about halfway through Standard Singles Feud 1 and I'm thinking Bob will get the belt at the end of this.


Elsewhere on the card Mystery Mask and Biff The Bruiser are playing a game of Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow. Once Biff's good and shaven, I figure they will do a cage feud and go their separate ways. By which point I hope I can rekindle Biff's war with Cal Sanders from TEW 08.


El Ladron's been feuding with La Criatura (De La Navidad) Roja using the Most Feared storyline from the Cappy Pack. Debating what I want to do next with them. The Most Feared story just ended with LCR putting Ladron in his place by beating him. Story only got F+ heat so I can't decide if I want them to go further to heel on heel war or if I'll need a scenario for one or both of them.


I'll also need to get a tag team tourney going before long. Rising to Small and hiring extra talent means getting the tag scene off the ground. But I have a bit of a problem there. When I started assembling the roster, I had hoped once I got to this point in the game Frank Simmons and Ryan Death would be my lead heel tag team. But I just had to give Frank a stern warning and throw him under a couple people for starting rumors about Death. I'm not about to force that team on Death now. I'm a good boss like that. Going to need to do some figuring to get some new lead heels.


Hopefully my new hires will help with that. Just brought in Brothers Haruhiro (Tsumemasa) and Oda (Yakuta) to team up as The Temple of Pain. Along with Dwayne Dark and Cal Sanders. Hoping Dark will click with Death and can replace Frank Simmons as Ryan's partner. Who's worked himself far enough under my skin that he may either be fired or allowed to expire when his contract comes due. I have enough of a veteran presence on the roster without Simmons ticking off his public allies. Cal of course will be playing face and prepping to rekindle his war with Biff The Bruiser.

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power outage KILLED my CZCW save, I was heading into november 2011


It was during a sunday too so even the backup is f***ed :mad:


Haven't played PGHW in a while...


Started my PGHW save and Empire wrestling (in europe touring promotion I created) gets Miwa as their booker. He leaves me :(


Im def starting this over...

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Was hoping for this thread, have lots to tell ... later. Too late now.


I will say that a 3 way brand split with 5 house shows a week for each brand, two 2 hour TV shows and 2 PPVs a month equals money.


Its not cheese IMO though, I'm looking for new revenue streams to pay my workers, the other expenses and make money.

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Just hit January of 2016 in my CGC save and I have held 584 shows, Here is what has happened in game from the beginning of September up until the end of 2015.


Christian Faith is still the CGC World Champion I am planning on having him have the title for a while, he is currently feuding with Shooter Sean Deeley who I am planning on having defeat Christian Faith for the title. However it probably wont be during their feud because I want Christian to have a nice long reign.


Shane Nelson is the CGC Canadian Champion having defeated Dan DaLay for the belt to satisfy a title reign promise that he had in his contract. I have no idea how long I am going to have him keep the title or who he is going to lose it to yet.


Alex and Ricky DeColt are still the tag team champions now having six defenses of the titles. I am planning on having them drop the titles to either the Cali Dragons or the Specialists at some point.

Finally my current feuds look like this…


Johnny Bloodstone vs. Alex DeColt

Heat: 80

Started: September 2015

Have had four matches so far


Davis Wayne vs. Joey Poison

Heat: 82

Started: September 2015

Have had four matches so far


Christian Faith vs. Shooter Sean Deeley ©

CGC World Heavyweight Title feud

Heat: 96

Started: September 2015

Have had four matches so far


I probably wont complete another full year with this save before TEW 2013 comes out since I am up to thirteen shows a month but either way I am going to keep playing this save until TEW 2013 comes out. At which point my first save with TEW 2013 will be with CGC!

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Currently having a some kind of stable wars.

Those are not real factions, more some alliances between wrestlers.


Almost as simple as a babyfaces vs heels storyline.

Started with a few wrestlers and rivals came to increase the size of each side.


In the heel side, are on the top Akira Tozawa and Kevin Steen, with Samoa Joe, The Bucks (Matt & Nick Jackson), Alexis Laree, Sara Del Rey, Pac, Chuck Taylor and TJ Perkins.

In the babyface side, are on the top Austin Aries and Alissa Flash (who married for "real" the last year), with El Generico, Chris Sabin, Christopher Daniels, AJ Styles, CM Punk & Colt Cabana, Magnus, Willie Mack, Ricochet and Jay Lethal.



Alex Shelley was with Steen & Tozawa, but he betrayed then (staying heel) when he gain a title shot and beat Tozawa to became World Heavyweight Champion. Now he's on his own.

At this time, he's directly feuding with Steen and Tozawa, who also are against Chris Sabin, trying to keep him away from the title picture, especially because Sabin and Shelley had a long and brutal feud in the last year after the split up of the MCMG, which can be restarted at any moment.


CM Punk & Colt Cabana are the current tag team champions, feuding with former champion Kurt Angle & John Cena, who act as mercenaries. They used to be hire by Steen & Tozawa, but it ended when they took the titles from them.

Austin Aries, Alissa Flash & Ricochet are the current Trios champions. No feud at this time, but this will be easy to find them 3 opponents from the other group.

Chuck Taylor just won the X Division title from Magnus.



I'm 4 monthes away from the Anniversary Show (main PPV of the year).

One PPV left before (i use 6 PPV per year).

In the next one, I might have a Shelley vs Steen for the title and a Tozawa vs Sabin because the rematch between Shelley and Tozawa will happen on TV.

I think the main event of the Anniversary Show will be a 4-Way between Shelley, Sabin, Tozawa and Steen. Either elimination or ladder match.


For the tag team titles. I think it's time to split up Cena & Angle, so they will not be longer have a title shot. Of course they will face each other on PPV.

I think one of the tag team from the babyface team will turn heel (but will not necessarly join the Steen stable).

My plan at this time is that the champions Punk & Cabana will feel rejected by the other member of the alliance and will face some other tag team. Most probably AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels because of the long time history between Punk and AJ (feud in the X Div before becoming one of my most succesful tag teams). But it also can be El Generico & Willie Mack to continue the push of Willie Mack.


In the X Division, the next PPV will have the rematch between Magnus and Chuck Taylor. Taylor will retain the title.

Then, I think I will give a title shot to another wrestler. Maybe Ricochet if he's not anymore one of the Trios champion. Else, probably Jay Lethal.


For the Trios titles, as I said earlier, no real idea for now. Alexis Laree & The Bucks are former champions, so they might be the future contenders, unless I find something else with Sara Del Rey, because it's a long time since she has her last title.



By the way, I'm in 2015, that's my 21st year, #1 company in the US (WWE is no more, the ones behind me are "cult".

NJPW is the only one but me to be Global. CMLL is International.

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playing as PSW but heavily modified gave them TV coverage and PPV, and signed Nemesis to a year contract


at the end of the year Nemesis was going, far too big to stick around, Bryan Holmes was the number 1 contender at American Pride


the match was a brutal one, Nemesis looked to retain until, Holmes got him in a submission, and Mitch Naess demanded the ref ring the bell, in PSW very own screw job on Nemesis


in my head and in my notebook this pissed Nemesis off for real and walked out the very next day, Mitch then became Mr Naess a cocky and new found confidence to run the company his way


we turned cult a few weeks later and announced that PSW T.V featuring Nemesis was gone and that the whole programme was going to be rebranded as D.A.V.E and that its a new era


i did this as Mitch's goals mean a lot of my original talent is gone, at war with NYCW, Johnny Martin became there head booker and left me, Braun wanted too much money, several names left me for SWF and TCW


but this year i am sticking to a one leaves one joins policy and can only hirte unemployed or if their contracts are ending, to keep the roster from bloating

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Playing a first-time game with TCW, hit Global in August! :D


Skewed the product to get it to pop=performance


Been trying to steal all the talent I can from SWF & NOTBPW


And originally USPW but meh... not worth it besides Engyma (I'm waiting!)


So far I've got...


Bruce The Giant

The Can-Am Blondes

Harrison Hash

Kid Toma

Erik Strong

Tommy London

Lobster Warrior as Chris Morrisette


I missed out on Christian Faith & Duane Fry, too bad :rolleyes:


I ended up firing Bryan Vessey, didn't want to but the steriods did him in.

Larry Vessey got mad and asked for his release... granted.

Now I'm going to push Cameron Vessey just in spite of them. :D


I had to battle with SWF to keep Tommy Cornell... ended up @ $350,000/month... same with Lobster Warrior but got him for $90,000/month.


DWN is MAIN EVENT! 82 across the US in popularity :cool:


Pretty much using Bruce The Giant to help elevate younger talent...

The bonuses keep him happy, then a few squash matches and back to jobbing :)


Pretty much trying to push the younger talent with this game after being disappointed with how they did in a sim I did to like 2060.

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Pretty much trying to push the younger talent with this game after being disappointed with how they did in a sim I did to like 2060.


:o My sim was (and is, simming through 2053 now) AMAZING for young talent, DWN, Jett, Marc DuBois, Randy Bumfhole, Casey Valentine, Matthew Keith, Greg Gauge, Bussho Makiguchi, Chojiro Kitoaji, Extraordinario Jr, Hollywood Bret Starr, Mabuchi Furusawa, Mr Lucha III, Mystic Dragon and Jay Chord all got main event title runs in big promotions (mostly in WLW, because they were the the biggest from 2030-2050). As for TCW younger talent: Aaron Andrews held the Heavyweight title 5 times, Freddy Huggins twice, Joshua Taylor twice.


However, if you are going to focus on younger talent... PLEASE MAKE MIGHTY MO A SUPERSTAR (oh and hire Logan Wolfsbaine as soon as he debuts).

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And the summer of 2010's winding down in BLW. Going into August and starting to approach contract season as most the roster has two months left on their charter deals.


The war between Bob Casey and Brady Prince (I'd probably be calling him King Brady if I were playing this as a diary game) rages on. Currently storyline should take us to September. And perhaps the end of "His Majesty's" title reign.


Mystery Mask is getting the best of Biff The Bruiser. On the next card or the one after, I should be to the point where Biff puts his hair on the line. This feud has been my hottest story so far. But the Homeland (World) Title war between Casey and Prince has started to catch up to it in heat. Which I'm really happy about. I don't believe in this "Oh X is so big he doesn't need the title any more" jazz. The world title or its equivalent should either be or at least be tied for the biggest thing in the promotion and if it's not you have a problem.


Lower on the card we have our inaugaral tag team champions in Ryan Death and Dwayne Dark. Collectively known as Midnight Demise. They only have neutral chemistry officially. But "Dark" and "Death" just went together so well I decided to overlook that fact. They won the belts over fan favorites World of Surf and the fans will be hoping the chemistry advantage for WoS will help the faces win the day.


Also, El Ladron seems to have found a rival worthy of his attention in La Criatura Roja. LCR is doing the Masked Man Challenge from DOTT and Criatura just had a very strong 2 out 3 falls match with Cal Sanders to complete the set up. Which should be a good first step for Sanders in getting at Biff down the road. For those of you who like tweeners, please come to the Ohio Jewish Center and support El Ladron. Thief though he is, that's the road he's taking.


Finances look pretty good thanks to the jump to Small. The extra ticket revenue and leap in sponsor money always help. Payroll and show expenses are the highest they've been so far. But with adding extra personnel and lengthening the show, that's not surprising. So no sweat there.


Backstage is fabulous. 96.8% rating and so very good our one minor negative influence worthy of notation on the game screen, Brother Oda (Yakuta), has been mitigated right off the page. One thing that does strike me funny is that Brother Haruhiro (Tsumemasa) was recently praised for his funny road stories. I can believe many things about Haruhiro but with that render a sense of humor isn't one of them. That's why I have him in the monk gimmick. He's all serious and philsophical and dangerous for his coldness while his partner provides the personality.

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In my 1987 WWF game.


I'm a few months in and after years of Hogan dominating he loses the title and is out of the title picture, in a time when everyone knew there place now people are starting to dream of actually being a WWF Heavyweight Champion.


Vince lost the majority ownership of the company to (my user) Chris "Flash" Hart and with vinces former favorites not being protected and and pushed there's rumblings in the locker room about how things are going to be, the old favorite concerned and moaning about losing there place, the others looking forward to be given a chance to rise, Hulk Hogan in the middle unsure about how he feels about the whole situation, a part of him wants to fight and prove he is the top guy in WWF regardless of who's in charge and another part of him is annoyed that anyone had the cheek to push him off the top.



Flash Hart has been placing himself in the top title feuds but strangly seemingly holding back at certain points, it's unknown if he's just picking his spot for the right time to win the title or backing another worker to be the top guy.



Hogan lost the title in a 4 way dance against Ricky steamboat, Roddy Piper and Chris Flash Hart. Piper won the match in a hard fought victory with a major talking point being while Flash had Steamboat out for the count and ready to pin with Hogan getting to his feet outside, Flash decided to jump from the top rope to the outside onto Hogan which led to Piper taking advantage and pinning Steamboat for the win



Piper is successfully defending his Heavyweight title the last two PPV's but with more and more people starting to believe they have a chance of actually winning the top prize Piper will have his work cut out.


Hercules has started a feud with Hogan with the hopes of coming out on top to prove he was what it takes for a match with Piper.


Bret Hart's stock is high after a feud with Randy Savage proved hart is up there with the best.


Vader has been a dominating force in WWF being undefeated in 4 months since his debut and is starting to turn his attention to the champion.


The Road Warriors are beginning to outgrow the tag division and with 2 title reigns under there belt they are both looking to enter the King of the Ring to earn the title shot against Piper.


We have Nick Bockwinckle and Harley Race adding up the victories and wanting to prove that despite there age they will complete there legacy and win the biggest prize of them all and forever cement there place in history.


A lot of people suspect Flash has something else planned but for the moment he's opened up the title race and in the once stale and predictable promotion it is now a place where workers can dream and competition has heated up.

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in my PSW game i have turned cult, very low cult but where i wanted to be, i cheated in this game as i gave myself t.v shows and ppv for usa,


also had Nemesis who left in November


at the moment i am rebooting my company and renamed them D.A.V.E after buying the belts


the main storyline is Mitch Naess has gone crazy, with wrestlers concerned about the rebrand, the PSW titles are still active but will be crowning the new DAVE champions over the course of the next month with the main DAVE belt against the PSW Championship to Unify both titles


eventually i hope to bring in Phil Vibert to try and calm Naess down and eventually take over the show and staying as DAVE


my roster


Main Event

Frankie Future

Shawn Gonzalez


Travis Century

Bryan Holmes - PSW Champion

Dallas McWade

Henry Lee


Upper Midcard

Dark Angel - cheated to get him

Joanne Rodriguez

Teddy Powell

Pistol Pete Hall

Andre Jones


Johnny Bloodstone - every game i play i allow one wrestler to steal, picked him this time

Dean McWade


the rest of the roster is sort of in limbo, as i am trying to balance out my roster and see who i want to keep, most of the original roster is gone due to finance or owner goals, this year is more of a test year and the official Violence Era will begin in 2012


i play with my own era's in my notebook, the Nemesis era was Jan 2010 - November 2010, from there is was meant to be the comic era with Ash Campbell winning against Nemesis and he would become heel and become Ramesis, but he signed with SWF, was going to cheat and bring Captain Atomic in as Captain Nuclear but gave up


this era in my notebook is the DAVE era which will end hopefully with Mitch Naess stepping down as owner in storyline and begin the Violence era, in which a wrestler and manager duo will come into the company saying that they are from the T.V headquarters and the hardcore must go, resulting in hardcore workers and normal wrestlers battling for a different product

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Im currently playing the Mr Canada WCW Reborn mod. Totally loving it!


As WCW i sank to Cult after about 3 months but have risen straight back to Global after the cooling period.


Champions are:

WCW World Heavyweight - Samoa Joe

WCW US - Murat Bosporus

WCW Cruiserweight - Curry Man

WCW Tag Team - The British Invasion

WCW Womens - Mickie James


Hottest Storylines are:


Y2J vs HBK - Jericho is on a legend killer streak, like Randy Orton, defeating people like Mick Foley, Sid Vicious etc....


nWo - nWo style storyline featuring my Avatar as Hogan and Nick Aldis and Doug Williams as Nash and Hall (Its an English invasion as i am from England). Managed by Steven Regal.


Murat Bosporus Undeafted Streak - Streak a la Goldberg circa 1997


Indies Rise - 4 Way storyline involving Samoa Joe, Austin Aries, CM Punk and Bryan Danielson.

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5 months into a WWE RW mod game. My champs:


WWE Champion: CM Punk

World Heavyweight: Dolph Ziggler

WWE Intercontinental: Kane

WWE United States: Damien Sandow

WWE Tag Team: Big Show and Mark Henry

WWE Womens: Kharma



Loving this game so far, I'm pushing the **** out of Damien Sandow, he's 15-0 since I've started booking. One of my main problems is I want to push so many of the often underutilized stars on the roster that I'm starting to run out of people for them to beat!

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Started playing OMEGA in the Montreal Aftermath Mod. Using a quasi-RtG setup. Brian Chambers the 18 year old whos grandpa left him a nice grant when he graduated high school was able to buy OMEGA from the Hardy Brothers and help get them out of debt. They start as a local federation with 25k in the bank.


Brian Chambers first act of business was to hire a few people to beef up the roster and he hired Adam Copeland (as Adam Impact), Christian Cage, Rhino, Chris Harris and James Storm. After bringing in Don Callis (who was fired from WCW) as the road agent, Brian Chambers (me) hired Scott Hudson for the announce table and Rudy Charles as the referee.


The first show was 2 hours and proved that the roster works but needs to go with one hour shows for now. The second show was one hour of all matches. It was noted that a segement or two of angles would help.


I am now entering the third month of gameplay and currently have the Brand (Willow the Whisp aka Jeff Hardy, Surge aka Matt Hardy, and Kid Dynamo aka Shannon Moore) feuding with Border City Bruisers (Adam Impact aka Edge (who has bad chemistry when facing Surge (BOOOO)), Christian Cage and Rhino).


Hopefully my effort to keep those guys near the top won't have them hired on by the big two (WCW and WWF) or ECW. HWA was taken over by Les Thatcher with Dutch Mantell as the booker. They to put Jeff Hardy and Caprice Coleman (both with OMEGA) on ppa contracts, no big deal. But they also manage to stop me from hiring Andrew 'Test' Martin (who was going to team with the newly debuted Gene Snitsky) and Christopher Daniels (RAGE!)


Current Finance: 22490 (-990 in Jan of 98) Not bad. Only down 2500 in 2 months. I can come back.

Current OMEGA Champion: Surge (2 Defences)

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With TEW2013 on the horizon, I realized I'd never tried a real world game with 2010, so I got the "A new power is rising" mod and started a WWE game. Almost five months in, I'm having quite a bit of fun planning towards Wrestlemania.


My main storyline up until Survivor Series featured a faction around A.J. (who turned heel at Night of Champions, helping CM Punk to defend against Cena) feuding with a faction led by Triple H. Predictably, Hunter's team won the deciding Survivor Series match, leaving control of the WWE in the hands of the COO although he was quick to relinquish it to interim-GM JBL and then new/old RAW-GM Steve Austin so he could concentrate on his personal feud with Brock Lesnar. The Next Big Thing defeated Hunter at SummerSlam, then decimated The Undertaker at Survivor Series and has just announced his participation in the Royal Rumble match.


Also at the Rumble, CM Punk is still going strong as WWE champion and looks to defend against The Rock while Dolph Ziggler (who cashed in successfully at Hell in a Cell) faces Randy Orton.


Sheamus turned heel in late December by first brogue kicking Hornswoggle to hell and then interrupting The Undertaker who was just about to announce his willingness to participate in the Rumble match but now faces possible retirement after the brutal beatdown Sheamus delivered to him.


Ryback squashed his way towards the upper end of the card and took the US championship from Wade Barrett at the Tables, Ladders and Chairs PPV with Barrett's "The Empire" stablemates Drew McIntyre and Mason Ryan powerless to stop him.


Daniel Bryan reconciliated with A.J. (who he still seems to harbour feelings for) during her reign as GM and managed to parlay that relationship into winning the Intercontinental title at Night of Champions. He faced a familiar new challenger in late 2012 when Kaval made his return (although their Ladder match at the TLC ppv fell short of expectations).


The tag team title was vacated after R-Truth turned on Kofi Kingston to join All World Promotions who also directly benefitted as the Prime Time Players won the vacant belts in a match against The Usos. Truth was later fired for repeated drug offenses and Titus O'Neil was sent back into development, but All World is still going strong with David Otunga taking O'Neil's place as Darren Young's partner and Mark Henry being their newest and hottest acquisition.


They did, however, lose the tag team titles to a new team consisting of Christian and Ted DiBiase who showed amazing chemistry together and call themselves "The Peep's Posse". At the Royal Rumble, they will look to defend their belts in a four-way match against Otunga & Young, Primo & Epico and another new team consisting of Damien Sandow and the self-proclaimed European champion Antonio Cesaro.


The Divas title, relatively worthless as it is, changed hands quite a bit, first to Kelly, then to the opportunistic RAW GM A.J., back to Kelly and finally to Kharma who looks completely untouchable and might dominate the division as long as she wants to.


There's also a bitter feud between Sin Cara and Kane, who seems hell-bent on unmasking the Mexican sensation, an on-going conflict between Smackdown-GM Booker T and rising star Cody Rhodes, a new round of the feud between Alberto Del Rio and Rey Mysterio (who lived up to his first name by winning the 2012 King Of The Ring Tournament in December), a rivalry between Zack Ryder and newcomer Dean Ambrose, a pretty much useless Brodus Clay & Santino Marella tag team that keeps winning without anyone giving a damn aaaaaaand of course John Cena is still right up there, feuding with The Miz, and in anyone's imagination the heads-on favourite to win the rumble match.


Oh, and Mick Foley has completely lost it. He keeps appearing in different personas on RAW, one week dancing with Brodus and Santino as Dude Love, the next brutally assaulting some unsuspecting babyface as Mankind or Cactus Jack...

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I am currently in the first week of May in my CGC save and have held 636 shows here is what has happened in game from the beginning of 2016 up until the end of April.


Christian Faith is still the CGC World Champion having made 16 defenses so far I am planning on having him have the most defenses of any heavyweight champion in my save. Right now Eddie Chandler has that record at 20 defenses so Christian will at least tie the record before losing the title. I plan on having Christian lose the belt to Sean McFly in the conclusion of a best of seven series that I am doing. I have done two matches so far. The best of seven is actually going to be a best of eight but the first match that the two had ended in a thirty minute draw so the score at the end of the series will be 4-3 to the winner over eight matches.


Shane Nelson is the current CGC Canadian Champion I am going to have him lose the title to James Prudence at Chaos In The Cage in May.


Mikey James and Frankie Perez are the current CGC World Tag Team Champions they are going to have a match at Chaos In The Cage with Eddie Chandler and Dan DaLay for the titles. Mikey and Frankie have defended the belts four times so far after defeating DaLay and Gargantuan in February of 2016.


Note: DaLay and Gargantuan were transitional champions having not made one successful defense of the belts because in the match where they won the title I got a road agent note that said that they were an awkward pairing.


Hopefully I will get to Global by the end of the year and just so you guys know its going to take longer between updates because I am now doing thirteen shows a month.


Finally my current feuds look like this…


Sean McFly vs. Christian Faith

Heat: 100

Started: February 2016

Have had two out of eight matches so far (See explanation above as to why there are eight matches in a best of seven series.)


Jack DeColt vs. Shooter Sean Deeley

Heat: 86

Started: February 2016

Have had two matches so far.


John Maverick vs. Ricky DeColt

Heat: 85

Started: February 2016

Have had two matches so far.


New Signings: Frederique Antonio Garcia, Sean McFly, John Maverick, Edd Stone, Duane Stone, Dagger, Stefan Raynor, Louie Peyton (Sent both Stefan Raynor and Louie Peyton to development after signing)

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Mod: Montreal Aftermath

Starting Date; December 1997.

Federation: Deep Impact Wrestling (Based out of the TriState area)

Finances: 10,000 in the bank.


Deep Impact Wrestling opened in Decemeber of 1997 under the reign of Brian Chambers, a 18 year old looking to start a name for himself in the wrestling business. DIW currently runs under the style of performance over popularity. It's about quick paced action, high flying superstars, technical wrestling and all around entertainment.


Working Agreements with: BCW, OMEGA, OVW, and ECW.


Main Event


Jeff Hardy (F)

Barry Horowitz (F)

Brian Adams (H)

Lance (Simon) Diamond (H)


Upper Midcard


Shane Helms (F)

Super Dean Nova(F)

Adam Impact (Copeland) (H)

D.C. Kash (Kid Kash) (H)

Steve Bradley (H)




Nick Dinsmore (F)

'Wildcat' Chris Harris (F)

Shane Sewell (F)

Jamie Noble (F)

T.J. Thunder (Andrew 'Test' Martin) (H)

D.J. Lightning (Sean Casey) (H)

Rob Conway (H)

Rhino (H)


Lower Midcard

Jamie Noble (F)

Christian Cage (F)

Brian Chambers (F) (My character)

During his early teen years, Brian was an avid fan of small wrestling federations and had a unlimited supply of videos. Through these videos, and a gracious ten thousand dollar grant from his grandpa, Brian was able to put a preliminary roster together that is Deep Impact Wrestling. He uses the style of American-Luchadore which is high-flying when used for technical performances rather than spot-monkey.



Shannon Moore (F)

Joey Matthews (H)

'Cowboy' James Storm (H)



Beulah McGillicutty (F) Manages Brian Chambers

Francine (H) Manages Thunder and Lightning


Commentary Table

Scott Hudson

Steve Prazak



Brian Hebner


Road Agent

Michael Hayes - Might turn to a manager later

Tom Pritchard


Tag Teams:

Natural Born Thrillas (Helms and Moore)

Thunder and Lightning (T.J. Thunder and D.J Lightning :p )


Belts: (All currently active belts will have a champion at first show)

DIW National (ME)

DIW Cruiserweight (Mid)

DIW Hardcore (Mid)

DIW Tag Team (Floating) (currently inactive)


Current Storylines:

Main feud: Lance Diamond is against everything DIW stands for he prefers the old school wrestling style with holds, story telling and technical wrestling. He is going to feud with Jeff Hardy who epitomizes the DIW Standard.


Secondary Feud: On the edge of the Main Event, Adam Impact looks to make a name for himself while taking on former WWF superstar Barry Horowitz.


Minor Feud: 'Wildcat' Chris Harris and 'Cowboy' James Storm have started a heated rivalry due to their similar styles. This feud will eventually lead to them forming a tag team down the road due to mutual respect.


What to watch for:

Christian Cage is currently working in a Surfer Dude gimmick while working up the roster.


Thunder and Lightning will be teaming up together in a style that Kevin Nash and Shawn Michaels would be proud of.



OH! And one final note... Matt Hardy is absent from this roster because he wanted to stay with OMEGA... (RAGE!)

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