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I just started a new game with WWE in 2010 with my main goal being to rewrite the Nexus angle. I have ideas for them and I really am excited for a new game for the first time in awhile. My goal is too make it to 2012 with the Nexus still around with guys in the main event and midcard title scenes. I think its gonna be necessary to drop some of the original NXT guys and add WWE superstars as I go along.
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Decided that since I was itching to play and the Cornellniverse is going to be to be the only option initially in 2013 that I would start a new concept game using the latest Real World Mod....


I imported TCW and hired away all of the champions (that would let me) from the US Indies...


Problem A:

Popularity of the workers is just not there...so, I fell to Cult almost immediately. I've got better exposure than ROH still, so hopefully that will keep me as the #3 promotion in the US...but our match ratings are very much in the crapper at the moment as a result of the overall "overness" problem. Fit Finlay is my highest rated guy at 67 accross all regions.


Problem B:

Economy bloooows right now. Attendances are down, and it could be a result of both poor shows/dropping to Cult immediately, but I'm hoping that things will stabilize soon. We're still on TV so people are gradually getting more popular...and we're also on PPV, so that's helping every month as well...but it's pretty painful.

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I'm currently having fun booking my 2004 WWE game (been playing since 1997) I'm currently working out a storyline where the ECW originals, fed up with the fact that their original brand has become a WWE training camp of sorts where the ECW World Title has been devalued below the value of the Intercontinental title and given the Pheonix makeover.


I'm slowly building up Rhyno, Tazz, Lance Storm and RVD to prepare an insurrection that will ultimately end with the ECW brand actually becoming a legitimate brand and not just a place for rookies to debut. I'm thinking I may have Benoit join them as well as add new blood by having the Second City Saints throw themselves into the fray.

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Have hit December of 2010 in Border Line Wrestling and December means the year end review. This is where it's time to put up or shut up. If you aren't improving and showing you can take advantage of the opportunity I offer, you hit the bricks.


And the man who's finding himself in the biggest trouble is our inaugural Homeland champion, Brady Prince. He's shown minimal progress, he's expensive and he's been a pain about how he loses. Which means as soon as I fire up the game again, he's gone. I have several guy on the Shortlist who would be cheaper that I can bring in and use to fill my face hole. Most tempting among them being the recently released Wooten Fitzpaine from PSW. Also potentially on the bubble are Biff The Bruiser and Cal Sanders. Some cheap youth in the place of expensive vets like Prince and Biff could help the finances too.


The Bob Casey/El Ladron Homeland title beef is off to a good start. A month in and already E heat. Should make for a really heated feud once things really start roiliing between the two.


Biff The Bruiser and Mystery Mask's current storyline should be wrapping up at the end of the month. And with the assessment working against Biff the plan for the story has changed. I had originally thought of doing a Villian's Revenge followed by Hero's Revenge to cap things off before pushing Biff onto Cal. But with the year end assessment going against Biff I'm thinking I'll skip to Hero's Revenge and use it to write Biff off the stage.


Tag team gold is now on World of Surf. Really need to decide who's facing off with them next. Could let Midnight Demise go blood feud with Fuzzy and Emilio or Brothers Haruhiro and Oda of the Temple of Pain could get their chance. I'm inclined to lean Tsumemasa and Yakuta as they would be the fresher fight but haven't decided yet.


And to round out our storylines, I did a variation on Phantom Stranger's suggestion in the Creative Has Something For You thread. Pat Rigsby is feuding with the boys of Blue Tokushima. The primary beef is with El Diamante Azul as Brother Stranger suggested. But since ChikafusaTadeshi is

EDA's natural tag partner he's along for the ride as well. Just finished the unchained introductory feud and am about to start Rigsby and EDA into the Kane/Rey Mysterio feud. I figure a second chained feud after that and then if all goes well, Pat should be ready for bigger and better things.


Growth is going well. BLW is now E- Important in its home base of the Great Lakes. Regional here we come. And I got a big surprise in finanaces as well. Due to burgeoning projected attendances, I shifted the show location from the Ohio Jewish Center to The Asylum. So I was thinking my monthly loss would increase due to the extra cost. But the crowds I got were so big that ticket sales offset that cost and I lost $1300 LESS than in October. I drop the high priced stragglers and get some youth in, I should really start to get closer to profitability.

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CWL now in April 2010


March 2010


Rise of the Locust Cult

Mr Deadwood aka Larry Wood destroyed Angel De Mexico, after it was announced he wants Captain USA, but he never came out


Rayne Man found out that Roderick Remus was seen with his missing sister, Rayne Man beat Remus only to find out that he was the one who located her, and the last he saw she was poisoned and taken away, And that he was not the mastermind


USA and Atomic beat Ota and Dee, they announced soon he will be here the leader of their cult, and he will bring with him a true power


Silver Shark Beat American Patriot, Shark then beat down Patriot, this was a number one contender match and Shark gave up his chance to allow another disciple beat Captain Atomic at Taste of Poison


Death Monkey defended his Hero championship against American Fox, Daeth then spray painted Villain across the Hero belt to close the show


April 2010

The Taste of Poison


The first bit of this event saw the debut of The Flash aka Flash Savage beat Masked Mauler the local bully who gets beaten by all


Rayne Man then came out to face the man who poisoned his sister and kidnapped her, Joey Poison came out an revealed he did poison her but he is not behind it all, then had a match that ended with Poison escaping through the crowd to a count out


Captain USA and Deadwood came to a draw after the brawling got out of hand, USA says he wants Deadwood in a no dq next month


Ota Beat Fox, because of this the Locust cult get a match of thier making next month


The newest disciple was Travis Century, who lost to Atomic after every member of The Locust Cult beat down Atomic with the match next month is Century and Death Monkey vs Captain Atomic


there was other filler matched but these were the main matches, taking it slow as i am only doing monthly shows so i like to plan all events with back up plans in case someone goes somewhere else

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Just hit September of 2016 in my CGC save and I have held 688 shows, here is a summary of what has happened in game from the beginning of May up until the end of August of the year 2016.


Sean McFly defeated Christian Faith for the CGC World Title at Chaos In The Cage in a cage match in match five of eight in a best of seven series (The first match they had was a thirty minute time limit draw which is why they had eight matches in a best of seven series). After that Christian won match six which was a non-title match in order to gain another shot at the title. Sean McFly won match Seven which was an iron man match as well as Match eight. He has made four defenses of the title so far.


Aaron Andrews is the Canadian Champion having defeated Shane Nelson back in June at In The Company Of Legends. I was originally going to have James Prudence win the title but changed my mind as I am trying to build up Andrews. He has made three defenses of the title so far.


The Tag Team Champions are The Flying Stones (Edd and Duane Stone) They also won their titles at In The Company Of Legends in June having defeated the Cali Dragons they have made three defenses of the titles so far.


My current feuds look like this…


Ricky DeColt vs. Johnny Bloodstone

Heat: 76

Started: July 2016

Have had one match so far.


Davis Wayne vs. Jack DeColt

Heat: 81

Started: July 2016

Have had one match so far


Shooter Sean Deeley vs. Sean McFly ©

CGC World Heavyweight Title feud

Heat: 91

Started: August 2016

Haven’t had a one on one match yet their first match is going to be at Last Man Standing in September


New Signings: Alex Braun, Jack Bruce, Rich Money, Remo, Robin DaLay, Ryan Holland


Note: I was able to sign Jack Bruce, Rich Money, and Remo all from SWF after they fell to cult for the billionth time in this save.


I am very close to reaching Global which hopefully I will have done by the next update, once I hit global I am planning on changing the name of the company from Canadian Golden Combat to Canadian Global Combat.


Finally here is the card for CGC Last Man Standing which is my next pay per view


Christian Faith vs. Remo


Snow Fox vs. Aaron Andrews ©

CGC Canadian Championship match


Ricky DeColt vs. Johnny Bloodstone


Mikey James and Frankie Perez vs. Edd and Duane Stone ©

CGC World Tag Team Championship match


Jack Bruce vs. Rich Money


Davis Wayne vs. Jack DeColt


Shooter Sean Deeley vs. Sean McFly ©

Last Man Standing Match for the CGC World Heavyweight Championship

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In my 2010 game which on the Raw side is all about Nexus and preserving it and making them look stronger than they did in real life. Wade Barrett has promised that a higher power will reveal itself in his match with John Cena. Barrett has gave Cena hints about the higher power, saying that he's part of Cena's past and that whether Cena likes it or not the Nexus now has power over the WWE. Also at the last PPV CM Punk and Wade Barrett made a deal saying the Straight Edge Society and Nexus will stay out of each other's way no matter what. Punk is Heavyweight champion and Wade Barrett has loaned Michael Tarver to CM Punk to give the SES some fire power.
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Into February 2011 in BLW and I'm finding myself in a bit of a tricky spot or two. Having some real roster regrets and creative concerns.


To start with, I didn't end up firing Brady Prince after all. He's been mostly trade bait for me and has gotten some good people back for me. Brought Jonnie Perez in from CZCW and got both Hillbillies out of USPW for him. Would have liked to have gotten the Hillbillies both at the same time to challenge my tag team champions. But considering Al pulled creative control when I tried to feed him to Bob Casey in a Homeland title match, it may be just as well I had to get them separately.


I "solved" the Tag Team title fued problem by hiring on the Master of Minds to manage The Temple of Pain in a Midnight Express vs Rock & Roll Express type feud.. But that fell apart by the game refusing to recognize key events. So I've moved them into a Borders of Blood. But I'm debating if I really want to follow through with that. The Master is rather a negative influence backstage and considering his debut fell through I think I'd rather just get someone else. I evolved into the new storyline. So ending it could hurt both team's momentum. But I'm so small that should be fixable easily enough. Still it seems unfair to do that to Fuzzy, Emilio, Haruhiro and Oda when they did nothing wrong to make things not work.


Another issue is that Bob Casey is showing up on my Creative Meeting screen as a Who's Not. I don't normally worry about momentum too much and generally look at that screen perfunctorally. But seeing as Casey is my version of a world champion at the moment, that bothers me. According to my Franchise Players list, he's my top face. But I'm thinking of letting El Ladron take the belt and reigniting the feud with La Criatura Roja that helped him get up the card to begin with.


One thing that should help stabilize matters some is that I have Mystery Mask "back". Cal Sanders returned him in mystery partner capacity as part of my Hero's Quest story. So the Mr. Hood era is over. No more having to baby a storyline by not tip toeing around how I use my best talent. I'll sift my way through. I generally do. Comes with the territory of playing the little fish.

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Breaking News: Bryan Vessy Suspended

Well I was forced to suspend Bryan Vessy for testing positive six times in one month of steroids. He will start a 28 Day Suspension.


Breaking News: Bryan Vessy Released

TCW.Inc has comes to terms with the release of TCW Talent Bryan Vessy due to giving management an attitude over his suspension replying he will try not to get caught again which implies he will continue to take steroids. We wish Bryan Vessy the best in the future.

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Breaking News: Bryan Vessy Suspended

Well I was forced to suspend Bryan Vessy for testing positive six times in one month of steroids. He will start a 28 Day Suspension.


Breaking News: Bryan Vessy Released

TCW.Inc has comes to terms with the release of TCW Talent Bryan Vessy due to giving management an attitude over his suspension replying he will try not to get caught again which implies he will continue to take steroids. We wish Bryan Vessy the best in the future.


Best of luck in your future endeavours

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Breaking News: Bryan Vessy Suspended

Well I was forced to suspend Bryan Vessy for testing positive six times in one month of steroids. He will start a 28 Day Suspension.


Breaking News: Bryan Vessy Released

TCW.Inc has comes to terms with the release of TCW Talent Bryan Vessy due to giving management an attitude over his suspension replying he will try not to get caught again which implies he will continue to take steroids. We wish Bryan Vessy the best in the future.


Fire --> Gets Clean --> Rescind --> Profit



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Annnnd Remmy Honeyman continues to have good chemistry teaming with half the roster. Kind've amuses me that he didn't have any with Brooke Tyler, who was the person he formed a B+ experience team with over three or four years, considering it seems like every time I go chemistry fishing, it seems to be Remmy that finds it.


This just reaffirms my ambition to make him the new Robert Oxford, really.



Edit: Just broke my attendance record, too. I go head to head with SWF's PPVs, and whilst my buy rate was comparably pathetic, we only had a couple thousand less fans and a superior show. Awwww yeah.

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Canadian Global Combat (formally Canadian Golden Combat)

September – December


Just hit January of 2017 in my CGC save and have held 740 shows (40 shows away from breaking my all time record for shows completed in a save). A lot has gone on so here is what has happened from the beginning of September though the end of the year of 2016.


I hit global in December of 2016 and changed the name of the company from Canadian Golden Combat to Canadian Global Combat.


Sean McFly is still the CGC World Heavyweight Champion having held the title since May of 2016 he has made nine defenses of the title so far. He is currently in a feud with Rich Money over the title and I am still planning on having him lose the belt to Eddie Chandler sometime in 2017.


Aaron Andrews is still the Canadian Champion having made seven defenses of the title since he won it back in June of 2016.


The World Tag Team Titles were vacated.


Reason being because I just created a brand split between my two A show’s so the brand split will be in effect between CGC Title Bout Wrestling and CGC Bronzed Gods. Canadian Silver Television, which is the B show, is a show that incorporates both brands.


Due to the brand split the three original titles have been made exclusive to the Golden Brand while I created three new titles for the Bronze Brand. Those titles are…


CGC Heavyweight

CGC Tag Team

CGC Province


All titles on the Bronze brand are currently vacant and the first champions for all titles will be decided at CGC Elimination 2017.


My current storylines look like this…


Golden Brand


Rich Money vs. Sean McFly ©

CGC World Heavyweight Championship feud

Heat: 94

Started: November 2016

Have had one match so far


Eddie Chandler vs. Jack Bruce

Number One Contenders feud

Heat: 80

Started: November 2016

Have had one match so far


Note: The winner of this feud which will be Jack Bruce will face the winner of the Rich Money vs. Sean McFly feud which will be Sean McFly. So by my next update expect a feud between Jack Bruce and Sean McFly to be taking place for the title.


Bronze Brand


Davis Wayne vs. Jack DeColt

Heat: 73

Started: July 2016

Have had six singles matches thus far and their feud will end after their next match.


Christian Faith vs. John Maverick

- Storyline hasn’t begun yet


New Signings: Joss Thompson, The Natural


Finally here is the card for CGC Elimination which is my next pay per view


Eddie Chandler vs. Jack Bruce

For the vacant CGC Heavyweight Championship on the Bronze Brand


Johnny Bloodstone vs. Steve Flash

For the vacant CGC Province Championship on the Bronze Brand


Remo vs. Chris Caulfield


Christian Faith vs. John Maverick


The Specialists (Bobby Thomas and Nate Johnson vs. Alex and Ricky DeColt

For the vacant CGC Tag Team Titles on the Bronze Brand


The Almighty Dollar (Rich Money and Remo) vs. Youth Energy (Thrill Seeker and Shane Nelson)

For the vacant CGC World Tag Team Titles on the Golden Brand


Davis Wayne vs. Jack DeColt


Rich Money vs. Sean McFly ©

For the CGC World Heavyweight Championship on the Golden Brand


Finally I plan on going on a hiring spree since I made this brand split because now I have nowhere near the ideal roster for either of the two brands.

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Annnnd Remmy Honeyman continues to have good chemistry teaming with half the roster. Kind've amuses me that he didn't have any with Brooke Tyler, who was the person he formed a B+ experience team with over three or four years, considering it seems like every time I go chemistry fishing, it seems to be Remmy that finds it.


This just reaffirms my ambition to make him the new Robert Oxford, really.



Edit: Just broke my attendance record, too. I go head to head with SWF's PPVs, and whilst my buy rate was comparably pathetic, we only had a couple thousand less fans and a superior show. Awwww yeah.


I've never worked with Honeyman. Maybe I should change that. If he's this adapatable, he may be a guy I need to consider. He certainly could benefit from working on his Entertainment skills with me

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Started a new game with AAA and the first show, Pretty Amazing saw an injury.

Vixen from the Wild Times gets hurt. So i say ok, lets spend some cash on her to heal her poor injured spine, now she's out for 16 months. I was going to push Wild Times to the moon and let them get the belts.




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I've never worked with Honeyman. Maybe I should change that. If he's this adapatable, he may be a guy I need to consider. He certainly could benefit from working on his Entertainment skills with me


Remmy is - no lie, one of my favourite workers. Whilst his safety is a bit low for my liking, he has all the makings of a ring general. Like I mentioned above, he's basically a proto-Robert Oxford. Or, if you like, a young Bob Casey, haha.


But yeah, his stats make him a versatile tag team wrestler, just in this game, for some reason, he keeps on finding chemistry with everyone. Awkward when you're chemistry fishing and the only notable result so far is for a guy who is already in a team.

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I have to admit a sad fact....I have been playing this game since the first incarnation and have just recently figured it out.....Am I alone? lol



Anyway I am playing as USPW and ran a story between Enygma and Baine and had Baine come out on top. He is now the monster world champion that no one can beat and so I continue to bring in new stars from outside the company to compete against him while I build up Devine to be the David that will finally topple Goliath.


In other news I have Bruce and Enygma now feuding along the same lines as the Abyss vs Sting storyline from a few years back. Bruce is continuing his heelish ways while Enygma is attempting to reform him in any way possible, this will culminate with a save angle in which Enygma will be attacked by T-Rex and be saved by Bruce who will then go on to tag together for awhile before ultimately ending in Bruce once again returning to his old ways.

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Update time again. Going into March of 2011 with Border Line Wrestling and starting to tweak my roster a bit.


Finally fired Brady Prince. I'd gotten all the trading done with him that I could manage so I got his money off the books. I also dumped Martin Theocott. He didn't seem to be helping Abi Romanov enough so I brought in Davis Ditterich to see if the disparity in skill could be good for her. The chemistry between them is awkward but it doesn't seem to be hurting match ratings much. So I'm going to just live with that. Especially if Ditterich can up Abi's game. and the Master of Minds is out. Turns out ending the evolved storyline didn't hurt at all. So I told him to take a hike. World of Surf and the Temple of Pain are now in a three week unchained prelude before I start them in the LAX/Beer Money feud from TNA. Rounding out the new hires is Regular Joe who works under the name Joe Sixpack and is only asking me for about half the money Brady Prince was. Ditterich is also offering me savings as compared to Theocott. So I'm getting help in multiple ways from these moves.


In other storylines, Bob Casey had quite the scare for the Homeland title. Nearly losing it to El Ladron to end their one on one story. But I resversed course and allowed him to retain. He's now dealing with both El Ladron and La Criatura Roja in a Mister Monster story from the SvR story pack. The plan being to let Ladron and LCR renew grudging acquaintances and fight over the Homeland title. Their earlier feud got them up the roster to start with so feels proper to reward them for that. Don't know yet who Casey will feud with. But I'll figure that out by the time I need to.


The war between Biff The Bruiser and Mystery Mask rages on. Cal Sanders has been mauled and is playing letter person Mr S. while the masked man punishes Biff and Midnight Demise for Cal's in story injury. Should run for a couple more months before it's over and once it is, Biff will just about be done.


And the feud between Pat Rigsby and Blue Tokushima is surprisingly hot. Story has E level heat. Which has it tied with my Homeland title feud and just a step below the Biff/Mystery Mask war. Can't complain about that when you're a Small fed. Maybe Pat can do a respect feud with Bob Casey when he's done with El Diamante Azul and Chikafusa Tadeshi. I'm not quite ready to push those guys up the roster yet. Like them where they are as the lesser face team.


Finances are starting to go the right way. Payroll's been down each of the last three months and ditching Biff the Bruiser for someone younger should help once his contract runs out. Still a good bit away from the potential of a profit but starting to get in the right direction for that.

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I just started a new game after about a year away from the game. I am using the Golden Era real world mod and I started BPW - British Professional Wrestling with no popularity or prestige.


I am about a year and a half in and I am very close to growing to small. I have scoured the world for the best young talent and Cactus Jack is my current champion, he has a long feud ongoing with a young Shawn Michaels.


The long term plan is to hire and build around guys like Steven Regal and Finlay and take BPW as far as possible.


As usual my user character is a wrestler with excellent potential but terrible stats, I have been jobbing him endlessly so far but he has improved to E's in most stats and is starting to gain some popularity.

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Dec 1988 and it has all just kicked off;


- My last show featuring Cactus Jack beating Brian Pillman in the the main event has pushed me over to small.


- WCW is born


- ITV say they are going to stop supporting wrestling. I am actually not going to fulfil this narrative and instead go with alternative history. Can Joint Productions survive? Who can take that prized TV spot from them?


- Honky Tonk Man is WWF champion :)

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Dec 1988 and it has all just kicked off;


- My last show featuring Cactus Jack beating Brian Pillman in the the main event has pushed me over to small.


- WCW is born


- ITV say they are going to stop supporting wrestling. I am actually not going to fulfil this narrative and instead go with alternative history. Can Joint Productions survive? Who can take that prized TV spot from them?


- Honky Tonk Man is WWF champion :)


Nice. I'm playing a Golden Age game on the side myself, with Steven Regal as champ and Mick Foley groomed to be his rival.


Honky Tonk Man was KOTR 1987 and later WWF champ... until Don Muraco beat him at WrestleMania IV. KOTR 1988 was BOB ORTON JR :eek:




Even more shocking though, is Ric Flair loses the NWA title... TO KEVIN SULLIVAN

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