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What's going on in your game?

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Sure, Roberts in an Evening Gown match gets me flak. Emma Chase the North American champion? Nope, no one cares.


In this week's SWF Uprising, I managed to swerve myself (about 1/4 or so of the diary is meant to be swerves) as to whom the big interviewee is. Because my original plan called for a worker that I won't have for 6 days. I realized this booking that segment, after having already saved so I had to do something and I TOTALLY DID but I'm giving people an opportunity to predict first >_>


In this game, I've...I think I've had one 70-ish match, but the main event tonight should hit...83. I'm predicting 83. It's going to be a fantastic match, regardless, and one which I think would have been a perfect main event in...eh, probably not SWF, but I'm pretty sure we're soooo far past that point.

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I'm enjoying my brand split TCW game right now. I just have a singles title and a tag title for each brand, then I combine them for PPVs. It's a lot of fun because I'm coming up with individual stories for each show. And I like how I can play with it so if I want only certain guys to expect to be on one show, that can happen. Meanwhile, I can set my biggest stars to appear on either show.
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Sure, Roberts in an Evening Gown match gets me flak. Emma Chase the North American champion? Nope, no one cares.


In this week's SWF Uprising, I managed to swerve myself (about 1/4 or so of the diary is meant to be swerves) as to whom the big interviewee is. Because my original plan called for a worker that I won't have for 6 days. I realized this booking that segment, after having already saved so I had to do something and I TOTALLY DID but I'm giving people an opportunity to predict first >_>


In this game, I've...I think I've had one 70-ish match, but the main event tonight should hit...83. I'm predicting 83. It's going to be a fantastic match, regardless, and one which I think would have been a perfect main event in...eh, probably not SWF, but I'm pretty sure we're soooo far past that point.


No one should complain of having more Emma Chase on their TV.

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Ricky, that's the brilliant part. You ADVERTISE GREENHORN FIRST.


Thus ensuring nobody watches the shows or buys the PPVs, while also absolving yourself of responsibility.


I now want to hire Greenhorn and make him Jack Bruce on the microphone and a World Champion.

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Morgan Freeman, Nathan Explosion from Metalocalypse, the guy that does the voiceovers on talent shows/lottery shows and Arnold Schwarzenegger, alternating chapters.


Meanwhile, in the TEW side of things: I have waaaaaaay too many sims going: Currently got a Queens Of Chaos Mod Sim - all male wrestlers and promotions, a Queens+Jhdverse+CVerse NoContract Sim, a CVerse NoContract Sim, a WOTI NoContract Sim, a normal CVerse Sim and a CVerse97 Sim...

I made a promise to myself to get all my sims to 2060, so... yeah...

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Add in Stallone and you have the greatest show in history.


Right now I'm trying to combine TCW with a combination of younger American talent, WLW touring regulars, and some defected PGHW youngster. My idea is that after Seiji Jimbo inherited the promotion he tried to push himself and pissed off a lot of the younger guys on the roster especially when he decided to win the title from PRIDE Koiso. In my mind Pride and the new PGHW generation decided to quit the promotion. Cornell being a fan of PGHW and seeing so many available young talent hired them all. This led to PGHW invasion where they dominated the from August to October and held all the titles. In November Cornell coming back from an injury surprised everyone when he, Hawkins, and The New Wave restarted the Corporation but after the first month it became obvious that Cornell was not trying to rescue TCW but take it over. Then in December the Corporation messed with Peak and Death Monkey along with Sam Keith and his sons brought both groups the fight. Now in January 2011 there's a stalemate between the four groups.


The Puro Killas (PGHW invaders)

The Corporation (Cornell, Hawkins, New Wave, Golden, Bach, and Law)

The Hellfire Club (Peak and Death Monkey) more members joining later

The Keiths (Sam, Greg, and Matthew)


I'm planning on adding two more face groups if I decide to make Peak Heel.


The Black Blood Renegades (Joshua Taylor, Cali Dragons, and Ares(Acid))

The American Militia (Minnesota, Jameson, KC Glenn, Johnson, and American Elemental)


I'll try to make the storyline make sense later once I edit the roster and the World. Plus I'm thinking of having Rich Money, Remo, Squeeky McClean, and the Machines into a another heel group.


Most of 2011 will be a major stable war between all the groups as they fight for the titles. New members will join, some will leave, and others will turn.


I also plan to have guys Edd Stone and Aaron Andrews be a big part in the War as they try to fight for the titles without joining any groups.

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And to get the most viewed PPV in the history of humanity we will have Morgan Freeman reading Fifty Shades of Grey.


Well the idea is that it's the worst talker in wrestling history reading the third worst book (#2 is Twilight #1 is Atlas Shrugged) in literary history. Zero buys.

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Something wonderful has just happened:




For the first time in the three years since I started playing this game, TCW finally let Edd Stone go of their own free will. Sure, I've stolen him in SWF games, but this is the first time that Edd Fu will make its debut in MAW!

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I am approaching my seventh anniversary show with Barry Darsow as my champion. The current plan is for him to drop it to Austin, they had by far my best ever match (80 rating) at the last show and I am going to do every thing I can to top that at my biggest show of the year.


The smaller, technical workers have been marginalised by the brutish brawlers so I have created their own title. Regal is the middleweight champion at the moment.

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So it's Febuary 1992 in my retro game.


Steven Regal is OWF champion again, having won it from Dave Finlay. Both men are three-time champions now, Finlay having lost in his second run... then later beat in a rematch... to Taz, who is pretty much doing the gimmick he's famous for, without the MMA overtones as MMA hasn't been a thing yet in the US. After losing the title, Taz started working alongside The Eliminators in six-man tags...


Axl Rotten and John (Balls) Mahoney, the second incarnation of the tag team Brothers In Violence (The first being Mahoney and Mick Foley, but Mick's in WCW now), had a falling out after Axl's "real" brother Ian appeared in OWF. John challenged the brothers to a match... loser loses his hair... and his tag partner would be Taz himself! John got the pin over Ian, who of course got the haircut.


Now Taz, Mahoney, and the Eliminators are calling themselves The Four Angry Men, an alliance based on the idea that between the four of them every other OWF wrestler has a reason to hate at least one of them, and they aren't exactly people persons, so they band together to watch each other's backs.


Also I made a "Beat The Champ" midcard title with the gimmick being that there's no champion's advantage, but a 15-minute time limit. I held a battle royal to determine the first champ. I wanted Sabu to win, but Marc Mero didn't like this, so I left the winner unchosen...


And Sabu ends up winning anyway :D


RVD is still a couple months from returning from his brain tumor. I plan on megapushing him as an inspirational figure of sorts.

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Just started a WWF 2001 game on TEW 2010. Deleted Batista and Goldberg from data sorry can not stand neither guy.


Main feuds are Evolution (Billy Parton,James Farrelly,CM Punk,and Randy Orton) vs Kurt Angle (using Main Event Mafia storyline). WWF World Title


*Parton (myself) is Tommy Cornell imported/ title histories are misc from WCW like Arquette and Russo plus vacants if longer then 1 day or same day

*Farrelly (my friend) is Rich Money imported/title histories are Goldbergs


HBK vs The Rock vs Steve Austin


Edge and Christian vs APA WWF Tag Team Titles


Kane vs Benoit for IC title


Trish vs Ivory vs Lita for Women title


Chris Jericho vs The Undertaker


Eddie Guerrero vs Dean Malenko WWF Cruiserweight TItle


My first PPV will be WWF Royal Rumble


1- Edge/Christian © vs APA WWF Tag Team Titles

2- Ivory © vs Lita WWF Women Title

3- Dean Malenko © vs Eddie Guerrero WWF Cruiserweight Title

4- Kane © vs Chris Benoit for WWF IC title

5- Trish Stratus vs Bianca Beauchamp in a Bra and Panties match

6- The Rock vs Steve Austin

7- The Royal Rumble match

8- Kurt Angle © vs Billy Parton Main Event WWF World Title


also CM Punk is the WWF European champion made the title for low card

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<p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Septmber-December</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

Just hit the first day of 2018 in my CGC save and have held 896 shows, here has what has been going on in the game from the start of September to the end of the year in the year 2017.</p><p> </p><p>

Eddie Chandler is the CGC World Heavyweight Champion after defeating Sean McFly in match seven of a best of seven series back at Apocalypse in October. He has made three defenses since winning back the title and is the first man to hold the CGC World Title twice in this save.</p><p> </p><p>

James Prudence is still the Canadian Champion he has made nine defenses of the title so far.</p><p> </p><p>

The Can Am Blondes (Owen Love and The Natural) are the current CGC World Tag Team Champions having defeated Remo and Rich Money for the belts back at Survival Of The Fittest in November they have made one defense of the titles since winning them.</p><p> </p><p>

The CGC Heavyweight Champion is Steve Frehley after he defeated Christian Faith after Christian managed Ten defenses of the title. Steve won the title at Chamber of Horrors in a six man chamber match also involving former champion Christian Faith.</p><p> </p><p>

The CGC Province Champion is Jim Force after defeating Bryan Holmes at Last Man Standing in September. Bryan managed nine defenses of the title prior to his defeat and Jim Force has made three defenses of the title since winning it.</p><p> </p><p>

The CGC Heavyweight Tag Team Champions are Mikey James and Frankie Perez having defeated Alex and Jack DeColt at Survival Of The Fittest back in November. Frankie and Mikey have made one defense of the titles since winning them.</p><p> </p><p>

Here are what my current storylines look like on my respective brands.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Golden Brand</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

Tom Gilmore vs. Eddie Chandler ©</p><p>

<em>CGC World Heavyweight Championship Feud</em></p><p>

Started: October 2017</p><p>

Have had one match so far (not including the Chamber match that they were both involved in)</p><p> </p><p>

Jack Bruce vs. Sean McFly</p><p>

Heat: 92</p><p>

Started: October 2017</p><p>

Have had one match so far</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Bronze Brand</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

Davis Wayne vs. Steve Frehley ©</p><p>

<em>CGC Heavyweight Championship Feud</em></p><p>

Heat: 73</p><p>

Started: October 2017</p><p>

Have had one singles match so far</p><p> </p><p>

Bryan Holmes vs. Chrstian Faith</p><p>

Heat: 87</p><p>

Started: October 2017</p><p>

Have had one singles match so far.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>New Signings:</strong> Craig Prince, Jay Fair, Enforcer Roberts</p><p> </p><p>

Finally here is the card for <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">CGC Elimination XVI</span></strong> which is my next pay per view</p><p> </p><p>

Jack Bruce vs. Sean McFly</p><p> </p><p>

Jim Force vs. John Maverick</p><p>

<em>CGC Province Championship Match</em></p><p> </p><p>

Shane Nelson and Thrill Seeker vs. Owen Love and The Natural ©</p><p>

<em>CGC World Tag Team Title Match</em></p><p> </p><p>

Nate Johnson and Bobby Thomas vs. Mikey James and Frankie Perez ©</p><p>

<em>CGC Heavyweight Tag Team Title Match</em></p><p> </p><p>

Davis Wayne vs. Steve Frehley ©</p><p>

<em>CGC Heavyweight Championship Match</em></p><p> </p><p>

Aaron Andrews vs. James Prudence ©</p><p>

<em>CGC Canadian Championship Match</em></p><p> </p><p>

Bryan Holmes vs. Christian Faith</p><p> </p><p>

Tom Gilmore vs. Eddie Chandler ©</p><p>

<em>CGC World Heavyweight Championship Match</em></p>

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<p>RVD's finally back from his brain tumor!</p><p> </p><p>

Sadly, he's rated as an opener, and rusty (not that I didn't expect that, of course).</p><p> </p><p>

I lost Taz and Marc Mero to PNW, and got Sean Waltman (as The Lightning Kid, but masked).</p><p> </p><p>

And ECW just opened, so I'm about to lose like half my roster...</p>

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So after months of bragging and claiming to be the best in the world and the nobody could beat him Steve DeColt finally lost the NOTBPW Canadian title at Summer Smash 2010 to the debuting Jack DeColt, Steve had beaten the best NOTBPW had too offer before Jack came along...now it's time for the feud of the year.
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<p>My game world is pretty dull outside of the UK. WWF are completely dominant and Ole Anderson is booking WCW down the toilet, their last PPV was a D- <img alt=":eek:" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/eek.png.0e09df00fa222c85760b9bc1700b5405.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

If/when he gets sacked I will probably go over there and drag them kicking and screaming into a war with the WWF.</p><p> </p><p>

In my fed I am making the most of Austin before he gets signed up by the WWF. He is my heavyweight champion and he has delivered a couple of 80 rated matches with Brian Adams and Chris Jericho.</p><p> </p><p>

I have decided that my user character needs to be mega over now so I have been giving Scott Steiner a brute push ready to drop that pop to me.</p><p> </p><p>

Cult seems possible at the moment but national would be impossible with the low UK importance of Genadi's mod.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="OctoberRaven" data-cite="OctoberRaven" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25963" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Traditional and Realism Key<p> Pure Heavy</p><p> Comedy Medium (done solely to make sponsorship better)</p><p> Hardcore Low</p><p> Cult and Modern very low</p><p> </p><p> Perf > Pop, fans don't care about gimmicks, 60/40 Intensity/Danger.</p></div></blockquote>Thanks a lot, I'll give it a try.
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NOTBPW, May 2010.


Signed a working agreement with TCW and just gave away Dan Stone Jr vs Tommy Cornell on free TV (with Dan winning cleanly of course, the match got a 91). As part of the deal I sent Sean Mc Fly to TCW and they wasted him in an angle with Laura Huggins that only scored a 70. Morons.


I also managed to sign away Sean Deeley from CGC. I've given him a submission expert gimmick and he's going to go right after Jeremy Stone. I can't wait to have my first ever Ultimate Submission match.

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