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Just set up my latest training fed game. Went back to the International Wrestling League name and the Pacific Northwest. Been a while and it feels like a bit of a return home as it were.




Brendan Idol

Mystery Mask (UC as usual)

Rex Reeves

Washichi Inao




El Pavo Real

Lee Bawes

Ron Greenhorn

Stardust Phil Cox

Wes Schnorrfest




Julio Dominguez

Morimasa Kato








Merv Matera








Coach Norman


Already have some ideas in mind for this crew so getting the game off the ground shouldn't be a problem. Already know my World Title feud and a couple concept tag teams. Oh and I know Elle violates my typical rule that workers in my training feds can't work elsewhere. But EWA aren't really going to stretch her skills using her as a manager. So I feel safe in hiring her and doing so myself.

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Playing my retro game, now in mid-93.


-I hired Christopher Daniels, who is forming an Army of Darkness-style group, with The Lock (Winnona Little Heart) as his valet and working with Adam Blade (Edge) and Scott Terror (Scott Taylor, was teaming with Brian Christopher but I had to cut Christopher).


-Grouped Hayabusa with Juventud Guerrera as the Sky Raiders. That's right, CoH reference in 1993, big woop wanna fight about it.


-Also had to cut Brian Knobbs, so Jerry Saggs is with John Mahoney and John Kronus as The Three Angry Men (and Mahoney/Kronus now known as the third incarnation of the Brothers in Violence tag team)


-Also hired Masato Tanaka as a freelancer. Had an excellent match with Steven Regal (still the OWF champion) and planning to have him do some training matches (including a BR) and maybe a bout with Dave Finlay too.


-And Sabu has a concussion. Meaning his tag team partner Madman Pondo gets a singles run for a year! FEEL THE EXCITEMENT!


-First on my hire list: Simon Diamond, Swinger, and Francine. Why? Because I need a new jobber team and Francine can be Regal's valet.

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Wrestlemania 29:


WWE Championship:

CM Punk© vs The Rock


World Heavyweight Championship:

John Cena© vs Damien Sandow


No Holds Barred:

Brock Lesnar vs Undertaker


WWE Tag Team Championship:

The Rhode To Awesome(Cody Rhodes/The Miz)© vs Chris Jericho and Christian


Special Challenge Match:

Sin Cara vs Rey Mysterio


WWE Womens Championship:

Kharma© vs Trish Stratus


Fatal 4 Way for World Title Number 1 Contendership:

Randy Orton vs Sheamus vs Alberto Del Rio vs Kane


Grudge Match:

Ryback vs Wade Barrett


WWE Intercontinental Championship:

Antonio Cesaro© vs Daniel Bryan vs Dolph Ziggler


And there it is, my Wrestlemania 29 card! I've got two more weeks to go before the big PPV, hopefully it turns out alright

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I'm quite pleased with my NWA storyline at the moment. I just had Arn Anderson draw with HBK (they got an 88 rating too) and he is about to win the NWA title at the next PPV. This will lead to a long feud leading up to a NWA/21CW unification bout down the line.


If I ever decide to have a brand split then this would be a great way to do it.

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13 months into an SWF game. No major retirements on my roster (just Enforcer Roberts who is now a road agent). Angry Gilmore (heel) is the SWF champion and the current plan is for him to hold it until Supreme Challenge 31, where he will lose it to Rich Money (babyface). The last singles match Gilmore lost was to Money at Challenge 30 and they haven't had a singles match together since.


Also I have had great luck with tag chemistry. Jack Giedroyc/Gregory Black, Robbie Retro/Captain Atomic, and Guide/Brent Hill (who I stole within a month of each other) all have positive chemistry as tag teams. All were discovered by throwing together teams.


On a sad note Kurt Laramee died when he got hit by a car in April. His last match was a loss to Gregory Black at Supreme TV.


And just for something fun to do on my B show, Frederique Antonio Garcia brought back the European Title.

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Just hit the first day of September of 2018 in my CGC save and have held 1,000 shows, here is what has been going on in the game from the start of May to the end of August in the year 2018.


Eddie Chandler is still the CGC World Heavyweight Champion having now made eleven defenses of the title since winning it back in October 2017. I am planning on having him get to at least the year mark before I take it off him because the person who I want to take the title off of Eddie isn’t ready momentum wise yet. Until this person is where I want him to be then Eddie will still be the World Champion. So in other words if by my next update Eddie Chandler is still the CGC World Heavyweight Champion you will know why.


Duane Stone is the Canadian Champion after defeating Gargantuan in August at the Battle Beyond, he has yet to make a defense of his newly won title.


Alex and Jack DeColt are the current CGC World Tag Team Champions after defeating The Can Am Blondes back in July at Ultimate Showdown to claim the titles. They have made two defenses since winning them.


Steve Frehley is still the CGC Heavyweight Champion having made eight defenses of the title since defeating Christian Faith in December 2017. He is going to lose the title to Tom Gilmore at some point probably in early 2019.


John Maverick is still the CGC Province Champion having made seven defenses of the title thus far.


The CGC Heavyweight Tag Team Champions are The Almighty Dollar (Remo and Rich Money) after defeating Mikey James and Frankie Perez at In The Company Of Legends in June to claim the titles. They have made two defenses of the titles since winning them.


Here are what my current storylines look like on the respective brands


Golden Brand


Christian Faith vs. Shooter Sean Deeley

Started: April 2018

Have had four singles matches thus far, will have one more at Last Man Standing in September before their feud ends.


Ricky DeColt vs. Eddie Chandler ©

CGC World Heavyweight Championship Feud

Started: April 2018

Have had four singles matches thus far, will have one more at Last Man Standing in September before their feud ends.


Bronze Brand


Davis Wayne vs. Tom Gilmore

Started: August 2018

Have had one match thus far.


Sean McFly vs. Steve Frehley ©

CGC Heavyweight Championship Feud

Started: April 2018

Have had four singles matches thus far, will have one more at Last Man Standing in September before their feud ends.


New Signings: Dark Angel


Left Company: Jack Bruce (To TCW)


Finally here is the card for CGC Last Man Standing which is the next pay per view


Tom Gilmore vs. Davis Wayne


Steven Parker vs. Duane Stone ©

CGC Canadian Championship match


Sammy Bach vs. John Maverick ©

CGC Province Title Match


The Peak Brothers (Doug and Eddie Peak) vs. Jack and Alex DeColt ©

CGC World Tag Team Title Match


Christian Faith vs. Shooter Sean Deeley


The Specialists (Nate Johnson and Bobby Thomas) vs. (The Almighty Dollar) Remo and Rich Money ©

CGC Heavyweight Tag Team Title Match


Ricky DeColt vs. Eddie Chandler ©

CGC World Championship Match


Sean McFly vs. Steve Frehley ©

CGC Heavyweight Championship Match

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The Ten Year Blood Fued:


In my Florida territory game, which is currently in it's 19th year, I unintentionally created an interesting feud between two pairs of brothers. The teams involved were The Dynasty (Greg and Matthew Keith) and The H8 Street Kru (created/imported characters Leo and Devon Rush.)


The two teams were the backbone of my tag division for many years. They traded the belts back and forth a few times, had some epic and grueling matchis (including the company's first ever ladder match) and generally feuded off and on until around 2017.


The feud fizzled out when Greg Keith started getting majorly over while Matthew, Devon, and Leo seemed to stall out. Greg went on to become a major player in the State Championship race, eventually winning the title 3 times. During his second reign, I noticed that Devon Rush was starting to get seriously over, eventually reaching main event status himself. This lead to a feud between Devon and Greg over the State title that lasted most of a summer, and ended when Greg left the company to sign full-time with TCW. In their last match, Devon won the title and began his year long reign, before eventually leaving for NOTBPW.


Fast forward about a year... All of the sudden, Matthew is shooting up the ranks like no ones business (due in part to signing part-time with NYCW, who had a TV show and gave him more exposure.) Out of nowhere, Matthew Keith is a major player just as his brother was a few years before. Like Greg, Matthew seizes the State Championship and begins a dominant reign.


At this point, I was just happy that Matthew, who had sat at lower mid-card for so many years, was finally living up to his skills. I would have been happy if it had just stayed that way...but then I noticed that Leo Rush was pushing upper mid-card. Suddenly he was also a major player, and I set him up to feud with Matthew over the title, a feud that is currently the biggest story in


So, long story short: The Rush boys fought the Keith boys for years over the tag titles. A few years later, Greg and Devon went on to feud over the State title. And a couple more years after that Matthew and Leo did the same.


The initial feud between the tag teams was mostly set up to help my tag division. The random jumps in popularity that caused the rest of it were just a pleasant surprise that made for a pretty interesting long-term narrative.

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So my retro game is in 1994.


Dave Finlay is champ now, as it justified him facing Masato Tanaka in Tanaka's last match under contract. Finlay will keep the belt for a while longer, not sure if Regal's getting the belt back or if someone else will get a shot... problem with someone else is, nobody is nearly popular enough or talented.


Christopher Daniels meanwhile is OWF's Pacific Champ (I've been running shows in the Northwest to try to boost my overall popularity). Adam Copeland has been poached from me... bad news as he was part of Daniels' Angel's Army faction. So Glen Jacobs takes his place as the masked Cold Chemical, tagging with Chaz Warrington ("Lost Soul"). Chemical and Soul are going to take the OWF Tag Team titles from The Sky Raiders (Hayabusa and Juventud Guerrera).


Bam Bam Bigelow and Gerald Brisco both died in 1993. Other notable names in the graveyard are Del Wilkes (The Patriot), Rick Rude, Matt Borne, 18 year old Psychosis (!!), Rocco Rock, and Adian Adonis.

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I'm playing in my 2010 WWE game and 7 months in I decided to make an extra brand which is exactly NXT, without the gimmick it got in real life, its just my third brand with a tag title and heavyweight title.


The Worlds Greatest Tag Team(Haas and Benjamin) have claimed the tag team titles while Alex Riley claimed the Heavyweight title by eliminating R-Truth.


The brand it set up for me to build prospects and polish mid card guys before moving them up to the main brand. There are some great guys on the card like Truth,Brian Kendrick,Chris Masters, William Regal and Alex Riley.While it has prospects like Brodus Clay, Richie Steamboat, and Tyler Reks.


I also have developed a talent where once a month I will give a guy a match and a promo, if the match and promo average out to a C- or higher they get a contract or if its a D or D+, they will possibly have a chance to enter developmental.


The first show excites me because I am repackaging a bunch of wrestlers like JTG, Michael Tarver and Kozlov and hoping to turn them into future midcard champions for either Raw or Smackdown. I am thinking of having JTG feud with Riley over the main event title, since they seem to have completely different characters. Riley is still Miz's apprentice, wears suits and trashes the fans at every chance he gets. JTG is a crowd pleasing babyface, I want JTG to keep his gimmick but be a serious threat to Riley.

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Last night I got a lightbulb moment: An invasion of PSW by Men of Steel Combat.


I'm working on getting it to happen now, giving PSW a financial boost and putting MoSC in debt to speed things up a little.


Though I dislike the companies, that's a great idea.




Finally doing my grand final 2010 gesture. I'm up to 7 of...**** this is going to be a long bit of work.

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I'm about 7 months into a WCW game using the BigPapaVerse. I'm going to start running with a monthly GutCheck challenge as I really love the idea, and it's going to be a great way to test out some unknown talent. I've contacted Eddie Edwards, Davey Richards, and Kenny King, hopefully I can sign them to 1 appearance contracts now and they'll be the first three to appear in GutCheck over the next three months.


Another idea I've ran with is for my pre-show to PPV's. Some months if I know I have a large amount of matches for the PPV I'll bump one of the singles matches to the preshow and make it a 5 on 5 elimination match as a means to get younger talent or just guys without direction at the moment some experience/work. It was just something I did at first because I had a few youngsters that I wanted to showcase, and I liked it so much that I've ran with it every month. Here's the match-ups:


The Big Bang: Team Phoenix (Ken Phoenix, Claudio Castagnoli, Chris Hero, Colt Cabana, and Ace Steel) vs Team Albright (Brent Albright, Adam Pearce, Jay Briscoe, Mark Briscoe, and Shane Helms)


SuperBrawl XVII: Regal's Empire (Steven Regal, Doug Williams, Nigel McGuinness, Fergal Devitt, and Dave Finlay) vs The Flock (James Keenan, Low Ki, Jay Briscoe, Mark Briscoe, and Mike Knox)


Hostile Intent: Team Kidman: (Billy Kidman, Claudio Castagnoli, Chris Hero, Brent Albright, and Ken Phoenix) vs Team Willams (Doug Williams, Nigel McGuinness, Paul Burchill, Rene Dupree, and Sylvain Grenier)


None at Spring Showcase because of the matches bumped by the King of the Cruiser's tourney


Blaze of Glory: Team Swagger (Jack Swagger, Trevor Murdoch, Brent Albright, Jamie Noble, and Matt Sydal) vs Team Castagnoli (Claudio Castagnoli, Chris Hero, Austin Aries, Ace Steel, and Ken Phoenix)


Great American Bash: Team Storm (James Storm, Trevor Murdoch, Chris Hero, Jack Swagger, and Elijah Burke) vs Team Whitmer (BJ Whitmer, Booker T, Ken Phoenix, Mike Knox, and James Keenan)

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I'm about 7 months into a WCW game using the BigPapaVerse. I'm going to start running with a monthly GutCheck challenge as I really love the idea, and it's going to be a great way to test out some unknown talent


I recently started a Gutcheck type contest too and my first contestant passed the qualifications of their match and promo having to average a C-, it was Husky Harris, He got a C- for the promo and a C in the match. He was just the test to see if its possible to average a C- match and Promo with low popularity and now since I've seen its possible im gonna try Alex Kozlov for the first guy to have a chance who doesn't actually have a contract already.

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I thought I had lost my long term game today but luckily the back up saved it.


It is January 1998 and I am up to International now. Arn Anderson just beat HBK for the NWA and 21CW titles to end their epic feud and now my user character is going to send Bull Nakano, Meng and Finlay after the champ.


I started a second brand called 21CW global which is based in Mexico. It has a TV show which is shown in the US and Canada so I can use guys who are over in Mexico and get them over in the US. Dos Caras is about to win the belt against MS-1.

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You know, considering they've tagged together long enough to be 100 experience, and that one's job security and push is probably entirely due to the fact that the other is the head booker of their promotion...


You'd think Tank Bradley and Alex Braun would be friends or something.


Would make sense. I like to think it's an awkward relationship where Tank Bradley is basically a sad puppy Alex Braun can't say no to.

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Okay. After having been under the weatehr the last couple days and other such distractions, maybe I can finally get the ball rolling on sharing my new IWL game.


Crowned the inaugural champion of the new International Wrestling League in the recently much discussed Brendan Idol via my typical eight man title tournament. But disappointingly he has poor chemistry fighting the man who's supposed to be his big rival in Rex Reeves. The set up I'm going for is the thankful to be working face in Reeves fighting heel Idol and his too big for this hellhole ego.


Nor did my big tag team brainstorm particularly strike gold. The thought was to unite Ron Greenhorn and Wes Schnorfestt with an irony gimmick as The Crashing Bores. But again poor chemistry gets in the way. In both cases I may go with them anyway. But it would feel better if my biggest ideas had the benefit of chemistry. So far my chemistry man is Lee Bawes who has it fighting both Ron Greenhorn and Morimasa Kato


Meanwhile I have the two Mexican members of my roster fighting each other as El Pavo Real declares himself Peacock Of The Walk over the objections of Julio Dominguez. While Washichi Inao takes his wounded pride over being eliminated in the World Title tourney out on the man who beat him. That being user character, Mystery Mask. Inao vs Mask was the main event of my lead show due to story structure and it fit so well with the Standard Singles Feud ver2 that I just had to run with it. Haven't decided yet how to have Reeves and Idol start their war. But now that I'm starting to recover from my cold, I'm sure I'll come up with someting.

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In my SWF game, I just started a TCW/DAVE invasion. I had stolen some TCW guys, Troy Tornado, Rocky Golden, Guide, Brent Hill and Eddie Peak, since most of them and a few other guys on the roster were in DAVE I added them in too. I just bought the retired DAVE Unified title and Brandon James brought it out of retirement, as he was the last person to hold it.


Jack Bruce is currently filming a movie, but once he returns he will join the invasion as a Hulk Hogan style turncoat.

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