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Just made somebody into a National Icon at Cult.


Magnificently proud of myself. 8 years and 9 months into a 0/0/0/0 and I've finally contributed to someone's Hall of the Immortals progress.


It's Matt Keith. There are six wrestlers with over 90 popularity in the USA right now, and two of them work for me. The others are all with TCW, the SOBs.


Just had a weird as hell moment when I realised that Tommy Cornell is 40 years old. Damn, just... wow.


Congratulations, dude.

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Playing an SWF game as I have never really given them a good session before and thought with only a few weeks until '13, why not, I accidentally deleted a game I was going to play as a diary and wanted something I didnt normally try.


So halfway through February 2010 just off the back of the Feb PPV (I re-jigged the order of some PPV's so I have had Jan-Welcome To the Jungle and Feb-Nothing To Lose) and things are going very well.


I introduced the SWF Television title to give the midcard guys something to compete for as I want the North American Title to be a fair bit more prestigious and something that some of the top guys would want to hold (think IC Title of the late 80's). After an 8 man tourney the winner ended up being Marc DuBois and after a couple victories defending here and there (nothing spectacular) he has hit up to UM status already and is starting to look like he could actually take the next step! So now I need to have a good think of how to handle that and get the TV Title back off him so he can move onto the NA Title...


I teamed Squeeky McClean up with Runaway Train as his muscle and they are called 'Clean Break' and are feuding with Jack Giedroyc and Valiant as 'Wrestling Pride' (shocking name but I was struggling) over the Tag straps.


Angry Gilmore is feuding with Lobster Warrior over their respective attitudes to wreslting, Gilmore can't stand the comedic nature of Lobby and want's to beat it out of him, this along with Frederique Antonio Garcia's feud with Robbie Retro has led to a couple of tag matches which Gilmore (in-character of course) not wanting to take part in and a couple of skits involving F.A.G and Gilmore training for their matches against Lobby and Retro, to my delght F.A.G and Gilmore ended up having excellent chemistry so this will probably play out for a bit longer, while the other three men are showing off their characters in and around the ring, Gilmore will be getting more and more infuriated at his opponents and his partner :D


The Main Event feuds are still as they were at the start of the game with Eric Eisen still holding the belt, nothing really of note coming on with this except Rich Money will win the belt at Supreme Challenge as he won the WTTJ Battle Royale which lets him go onto face the champ.


Faith and Frehley still going strong against Marat and Vengeance though I am thinking of tweaking this a bit and have Vengeace go against Faith just .... because.


As per the norm I imagine with most SWF players, I have just agreed to extend Supreme TV over into Canada and got SWF Uprising back as a B-Show in the US. This will allow me to push some younger guys who I signed but the roster is by and large exactly the same (except Everest, he was gash, and an arse so I fired him). The young talent I have hired for the B-Show are Matt Keith and Greg Gauge (Matt has changed his name to Gauge also and they are called 'Full Gauge' - again, struggling with team names), Mainstream Hernandez, Masked Cougar and Gino Monteiro.



So yeah, still enjoying this one more than I was expecting to and this will probably take me happily to the release of '13.

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playing as World Wrestling Council in the 2001 mod


in January i hired Rey Misterio Jnr,Haku and Viscera renamed as Big Bad Bone Daddy, and Abdullah the Butcher


Rey is a face and the rest heel, Abdullah and Bone Daddy made an impact, destroying Eddie Colon, leading to Carlos Colon wanting revenge on Bone Daddy and Abdullah,


Ray Gonzalez won a no 1 contenders for Carly Colons Universal Title, which he lost in a ladder match at Enter the Butcher


Carlos Colon and Abdullah the Butcher went to a no contest,


Febuary saw the signing of Samoa Joe who is getting the Goldberg push, the feuds carried over with Haku putting Rey through a flaming table putting him out of action


Carlos and Abduallah went to another draw, Carly beat Big Bad Bone Daddy by count out


March saw a turn for our t.v, Carly was badly beaten at the beginning of the show, claiming Ray beat him and ambushed him, Ray Gonzalez was confronted by Carlos and he said that he could be Rey Misterio, but Carlos said he is out of action


Ray Gonzalez a few days later signed with IWA P.R our enemies, the next show, Carly was backstage, just saying Ray did it, Ray Gonzalez came to the ring claiming he maybe enemies with Carly but did not ambush him, Carlos said that night he must put his career on the line, as Carly Colons injuries has put his carear in jeopady


Rey Misterio was Rays opponent beating him in a ladder match, Carlos and Rey celebrated, then Sandman, Tommy Dreamer and Rob Van Dam came to the ring and beat down Carlos, Rey chased them off then attacked Crlos with the cane, and a big flag came down with the ECW logo


the 3rd show of the month, Paul Heyman announced that ECW has come to Puerto Rico and has taken over WWC


Carlos Colon said that no one is taking over the promotion he helped create, setting up The ECW vs WWC in a 5 on 5 elimination match at Rage in the Cage, Carlos took on Big Bad Bone Daddy which ended with Carly attacking his father


The team of RVD, Dreamer, Sandman, Rey Misterio and Carly Colon will face Team WWC Carlos Colon, Eddie Colon, Samoa Joe, El Bronco and Haku who turned after not being informed of Rey being the leader of the invasion


have not decided the outcome but has been an enjoyable three months of gameplay, the only thing i know is Bone Daddy and Abdullah The Butcher will join the invasion

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Starting a TNA 2003 game with few roster changes.


Main Eventers- BG James,Billy Parton (me),Curt Hennig,Jeff Jarrett,Konnan,and Ron Killings


Uppercard- Chris Hero,CM Punk,Glenn Gilberti,Jerry Lynn,Kid Kash,and Mistico


Midcard- Abyss,AJ Styles,Chris Harris,Christian York,Christopher Daniels,James Storm,Joey Matthews,Low-Ki,Mike Sanders,and Sonny Siaki


Lower Card- Alberto Del Rio,Antonio Cesaro,DH Smith,Desmond Wolfe,Robert Roode


Opener- Alex Shelley,Paul Burchill,and Tyson Kidd


Enhancement- Austin Aries and Chris Sabin


Knockouts- Alexis Laree,Angelina Love,Beth Phoenix,Lacey,Melina Perez,Natalya Neidhart,Payton Banks,Traci Brooks,Trinity,Vida Guerra (created her),and Winter.



Announcers- Joey Styles,Mike Tenay,and Don West

TNA Impact weekly PPV


TNA Xplosion on Syndication and Sunshine Network


*won't put Impact on tv till i hit national at low cult level now.

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Sim my fourth year in my CombinedVerse

Young Wrestler of the year: Hikari Minami

Veteran Wrester of the year: Quan Chi

Female Wrestler of the year: Meiko Satomura

Promotion of the year: TCW

Most Improved Promotion of the year: NOTBPW

Match of the year: Masato Tanaka defeated Kato (Other 100 rated matches: Takayama, Kea and Balgruuf defeated Yoshimitsu, Kumasaka and Liu Kang/Kris Phoenix defeated Sammy Bach/Troy Tornado, Sheamus and Roscoe Carmine defeated Superman, Bryan Danielson and Jesse Van Holt)

Card of the year: ND-13 Our Time

Top 25 wrestlers:


Kris Phoenix

Sean McFly

Yoshimi Mushashibo

White Panther Jr

John Maverick

Shooter Sean Deeley

Owen Love

Soul Taker

Quan Chi

El Hijo Del Sultan

Steve DeColt


Johnny Bloodstone

Eisaku Kunomasu


Champagne Lover

Sammy Bach

Yoshihiro Takayama

Shinsuke Nakamura

Liu Kang

El Zorro

Green Doctor Jr

Mr Lucha

Meiko Satomura

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Big fun being had as my final TEW 2010 games runs into Year Three. YEPW is a 0/0/0 project with limitless money (not meant to be a challenge, more for fun). I set the rule from the start that I must sign the unemployed workers and if any of my workers get picked up by another company I edit there contract with me down to 1 day and let them go. Both YEPW project workers have had legit year long reigns and while Nigel Svensson's was far more successful than Roderick Remus' One cannot help but feel Remus is still the biggest star. While Mark Smart and user character Nick Bradford have been pleasant 2012 surprises it is zero to hero Remmy Honeyman who will eventually take the title off of Remus.


Under the Main Event Joe Bennig, Antonio del Veccio, Johnny Heizinger and random gen Steve Hesketh battle for the Young Lions title. Meanwhile our tag division is strong based on Bradley Blaze and regen Juan Taylor (Team Texas) and the Good Ol' Boys. Our women's division once had Cordellia Krause aka Devil's Daughter and Amber Allen, but has been dominated by Kinuye who has won the Women's champ a shocking four times. Up and comer Grace Hesketh (another regen) has taken the division by storm as well and may just be the woman to dethrone Kinuye.


Can't wait to see what 2013 brings.



2014 ahoy! Combine the stagnation of constantly being in regional battles with a bored booker and you get what I call forced expansion! YEPW is now ... well still YEPW but also a brand in the NWA umbrella! Also included is the WWA which will be a completely tag team based. Signed up a bunch of new talent after 2013 Year in Review, but the new labeling and brands won't take effect until 2014.


The main event scene stayed relatively the same with Roderick Remus, Nigel Svensson, Nick Bradford and Mark Smart battling. Jake Idol signed on and recieved a large push almost immediatly, which may come down to the booker being a big fan of his more than his skill. Also forcing his way into the main event was random gen Steve hesketh, who wowed fans with his first C rated match in late 2013 to secure a spot among the YEPW elite. The most important jewel of both the YEPW and NWA crown is the North American Indy Championship, and this was not one by Remmy Honeyman as many predicted. Honeyman's performances came back down to Earth in early 2013 and the booking team felt he may be a year away from the big win. Instead they moved the title to Nigel Svensson who was putting on the best matches night in, night out in the company. Remus moved to the tag division, which made room for some of the other talent to vie for Nigel's championship, and most impressiveof these new challangers is Bradley Blaze, who may be 2014's Steve Hesketh.


The Young Lions Title moved from Antonio del Veccio to Jake Idol to Bradley Blaze. Many talented midcarders battled for this title, including Javier Cano, Joe Bennig, Josh Jones and Johnny Heizenger.However the story of the Young Lions Title for 2013 was not a young man, but the last run of a man running close to the age cut off date for YEPW (30) Shane Nomad. Nomad's (who was with the company from day 1) run was between del Veccio and Idol and had a real feel good run to it before he left the company. The tag ranks were dominated by the same names, plus the Good Ol' Boys. Bennig and Heizenger swapped titles with the Boys over the year, then won them back. In the Women's division Christy Higgins won the belt off of Kinuye and had a strong run before losing to Debbie Rose. Rose, along with Kate Lilly, Grace Hesketh and Higgins battled over the year, but it was Kinuye who again won the belt in November (her 5th run!) and won again at the December PPV Year in Review, making her a perfect 4-0 at YEPW's biggest event.


2014 will be fun. 22 more shows per year. 16 new workers breathing a much needed fresh air into the game.

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Just thought of a new character that I am planning to debut, need to pick the worker first though.


The gimmick is in essence a combination of Waylon Mercy/Bray Wyatt and Papa Shango. A Louisiana Cajun with Voodoo backgrounds. He isn't concerned with winning and losing rather just causing pain.


I am planning on him cutting vignettes about bringing "Mercy Upon Our Souls" and redeeming himself "For the sins of his daddy". The dark promos will lead to the characters debut, where he will face one of my jobbers (probably Tyson Dux)... Before the bell rings the lights will go out and fire will appear. When the lights come back on, the jobber will be out-cold on the mat with the souls of his boots on fire (Papa Shango style). The still to be named character standing around laughing and offering to read the good book to the ref and the audience. This will progress, beat-downs of various jobbers etc, random fires, random damage to things with Biblical notes attached. Voodoo dolls, the works. After a while he'll face a bigger star and rather than win, just walk out, laughing and preaching to the choir.


Outside of that, planning on Rob Terry (yes that Rob Terry) going on a massive run that will result in a World Title.

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Just started a new WWE game. First time I've played current day for a while. Currently building towards this 'Mania card:


MITB: The Miz vs Cesaro vs Sheamus vs Kofi vs Rhodes vs Sandow

- Obviously something of a thrown-together (upper)-midcard mash-up and is tentative at best. Might increase it to ten-man because there are plenty of other people that need to get on the card (and I don't want two MITB briefcases).


Wade Barrett vs John Morrison - WWE Intercontinental Championship

Jack Swagger vs Alberto Del Rio - WWE United States Championship

- I haven't figured out the details for either second-tier title matches yet (not even booked TLC yet). Morrison is one of many returns planned for the Rumble.


Team Hell No vs Jericho & Christian w/Edge - WWE Tag Team Championships

- Jericho is going to return from his hiatus at the Rumble, as Christian returns from injury, and with Edge on guest commentary for the event. After that, they'll form a little elite-Canadian stable. I don't really imagine if this were real life that there would be a face/heel divide for this match but for TEW purposes, the Canadians are heels.


'Taker vs Triple H vs HBK

- Toyed with this quite a bit because HBK's retirement in real life was really well done but they've been sowing the seeds for this and it's something I want to run with. The pre-match understanding will be that this is it for all three, regardless of the outcome.


Trish vs AJ - WWE Divas Championship

- AJ is going to turn heel (and eventually join up with Dean Ambrose in a Joker/Harley Quinn sort of relationship) after winning the Divas Championship at the Rumble, and she'll provoke the return of Trish by continuing to work her way through the male roster and generally make the divas "look bad" (WWE-logic, I know).


Ryback & Punk vs Lesnar & Shield

- I fudged real life a little to have Ryback face Reigns at TLC, and he'll go onto face Ambrose & Rollins at the Rumble, winning both. After the Rumble match, though, Lesnar will return to help inflict a vicious beatdown on Ryback, which will be the catalyst to make it clear that Heyman was behind The Shield all along. Punk drops the belt to The Rock, after arguing with Heyman between Ryback's match and his. Without Heyman's help, Punk loses at Elimination Chamber too, and feeling Heyman has tainted his entire title reign and undermined his "Best In The World" claim, he turns face to side with Ryback (who faces Lesnar at ElimCham) to take on Lesnar & The Shield (and possibly Maddox but he may just get his comeuppance in the build-up).


Ziggler vs Orton - World Heavyweight Championship

- Orton is going to take the title from (and retires) Big Show at the Rumble and Ziggler will cash-in immediately afterwards to take the belt, and they'll have a double-turn so by Mania Ziggler is face and Orton heel. Ziggler retains inside the Elimination Chamber but Orton hasn't had his singles rematch, so they settle it at Mania.


The Rock vs John Cena - WWE Heavyweight Championship

- The Rock beats Punk at the Rumble (and EC), Cena wins the Rumble. Rock/Cena II at 'Mania.


And I also need to find space for Batista somewhere (another Rumble return). Other considerations are possibly Epico, Primo & Carlito vs The Usos & Rikishi, and something for Rey, Sin Cara, Prime Time Players, Joe Hennig (planning at least a test-the-water push now he's using his father's name), Ted DiBiase, Kidd, Gabriel, Kassius Ohno, Bateman & Curtis, and those are just the people I want on the card.

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My 100th monthly event in my retro game:


-The Madmen (Sabu and Pondo) d. Devil's Duo (Jeff Sword and Doug Vines) and The Swinger Brothers (Johnny and Simon) (Simon Swinger = Simon Diamond) 53

-Rhino d. Stevie Ray 51

-Two Angry Men (John Kronus and John Mahoney) d. Bob Holly and Don Diamond (Mahoney = Balls Mahoney) 50

-Ulf Herman d. Dave Finlay (w/ Boni Blackstone) 63

-OWF Tag Team Title: Knights of Darkness (Christopher Daniels and Immoral Beast) (w/ The Lock and Queen of Darkness) d. Sky Raiders (Hayabusa and Juventud Guerrera) © (Immoral Beast is Abyss, The Lock is Winona Little Heart, Queen of Darkness is Nancy Sullivan) 54

-60 Man Iron Man Match for the OWF Title: Taz d. Steven Regal (w/ Francine) © 4-2 56.


A disappointing main event but otherwise a solid show for my company.

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Currently in April 2010 with USPW.


For the first couple of months of the year Peter Valentine had been feuding with Nicky Champion and Sam Strong, the basis of the feud was how Valentin was jealous of Champion and Strong's relationship and how Champion was the one getting the push over the experienced Valentine. Nicky defeated Valentine at Red, White and Blue for the National Title straight after the match Valentine attacked Champion injuring him(Storyline-wise) so he vacated the title in an instant.


Champion was written off TV several weeks whilst Valentine battled against the recently debuted Rick Law who saved his hero Sam Strong from a beatdown. Law fought against Valentine at Liberty and Justice where again Valentine was on the losing end at the hands of Law and once again started vicious beatdown on his opponent until Champion returned to USPW, Champion had coming running to the ring steel chair in hand looking like he was going to save Law but he instead clocked Law with a wicked chair shot, they proceeded to cut a promo proclaiming a change was coming in USPW.


Elsewhere James Justice had turned he heel at the beginning of the year declaring he was p*ssed off at the way management had treated him and that he wasn't getting a fair crack at the world title. He and Enygma feuded over the Title where at USPW Stars, Stripes and Slams Justice defeated Enygma inside a steel cage. More The Champ has begun a feud with a now face Bruce the Giant.


After not really having much for him to do in the first couple of shows Chris Caulfield is now halfway through a feud with ex-DAVE alumni T-Rex and Henry Lee when both men attacked Caulfield on episode of American Wrestling so far Lee and Rex have managed to get the better of him for now but Caulfield now as back up in the form of recently signed Johnny Martin.


In the Tag the division The People's Team recently lost the tag straps to Giant Redwood and Darryl Devine and are now looking to get them back.

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Sim of my fifth and final year in my CombinedVerse

Young Wrestler of the year: Hikari Minami

Veteran Wrester of the year: Kurt Angle

Female Wrestler of the year: Meiko Satomura

Promotion of the year: SWF

Most Improved Promotion of the year: EWA

Match of the year: Chris Jericho defeated Timothy Hawk (Other 100 rated matches: Ray, Mistico and White Panther Jr defeated Soul Taker, El Hijo Del Sultan and Antonio Maxi Marquez, Monkian defeated Timothy Hawk, Toshiharu Hyobanshi defeated Liu Kang, Rugal, Kato and Liu Kang went to a double count out with Kondo, Hsu Hao and Balgruuf)

Card of the year: UPJ Blackout Tour (Saturday)

Top 25 wrestlers:


El Hijo Del Sultan

Kurt Angle

Soul Taker

White Panther Jr


Mr Lucha


Green Doctor Jr

Yoshimi Mushashibo

Champagne Lover

Chris Jericho

Shinsuke Nakamura

Bryan Vessey

Eisaku Kunomasu

Tadiyuki Kikkawa

John Maverick



John Cena

Randy Orton

Steve DeColt

Sean McFly


Meiko Satomura

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Kinda stuck in my new game... I have one dojo in each major game area (Europe, Australia, UK etc. not every area inside of an area)


Anyways from my canadian dojo I had a guy named Daniel Frehley graduate and im not sure if I should sign him or not. His top rows are ATROCIOUS

Rumble: 35/0/2 Tech: 42/38/35 FLY: 0/3

his performance is maybe even worse.



But onto the good things:

He has massive star quality, 87 to be exact.

63/63/55 entertainment.

He starts good enough to play a heel or a babyface and can use cool, cocky and wholesome gimmicks pretty well.


Upon cloning the game and taking a peek at his peaked stats, I can see he has alot of growth potential although he is nothing amazing, by any means, he can become a solid midcard competitor for a company if he reaches his peak. Sort of a Hell Monkey-ish competitor if he trained a little bit differently and only had 53 psychology.

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<p>Thought I'd share something interesting that happened in my SWF game...</p><p> </p><p>

I've given Big Smack Scott a push to the NthAm title. Initially, I turned him face when he refused to cooperate with Kurt Laramee's allegiances to Eric Eisen (mentioned in the Man Under Pressure C-verse article). Kurt has since been jobbed and asked for release, which I gladly accepted (who does he think he is with his shoddy SQ). BSS on the other hand went on to win a 5way ladder match to get the strap. He then briefly fueded with FAG and retained.</p><p>

Around this time he tested positive for roids. Being the A-Star that he is (literally), I took no action against him. Silly, cos he started taking the pee out of me backstage and entered into a 'simmering tension' relationship. Shouldve slapped the wrist like I usually do with him.</p><p>

Anyway, not long after that (not long at all), another incident, got caught with roids and the press was onto it. SWF got a whole grade knocked off it's prestige and here is my face Nth American champ about to go over great-chemistried Enforcer Roberts at Supreme Challenge, not to mention the snickers and heckling from the crowd no doubt. Gave him riot act treatment and now its a 'strong dislike' relationship. But I had to be realistic about it and not just ignore it, the storyline needed to be altered too.</p><p>

The last STV b4 Supreme Challenge I had the Eisen-alligned trio of Emma Chase, Brandon James and Enforcer Roberts come to the ring with a big dumpster bin. She calls out the clearly unprepared Smacker to read a 'statement' about the 'negative publicity' BSS has given the company recently, without actually alluding to what it obviously was. He is stripped of the title and it'll be contested between James and Frehley in their cage match instead at S-Challenge (Enforcer Rob is mildly displeased about this as he was up for a shot, but he's politely put back in his place by Chase... this is the first of a few subtle face-turn signs for Roberts, who Eric Eisen will make an example of due to one mistake, despite being a loyal servant for years... such a heelish thing to do). BJ and ER then proceed to assault Big Smack and slam him from the ring's edge into the dumpster smashing the floor out of it. He gets stretchered out and won't be seen again for 3-6 months until people have forgotten about this minor caught with roids indiscretion. Then he'll make a big comeback and... probably do it again, but oh well, the things you do for your stars ay? </p><p> </p><p>

Thinking about doing one last huuuuge update on everything going on in this fun save before the weekend is out and this becomes a ghost thread. But dunno if I'll get a chance, we'll see...</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25963" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I've given Big Smack Scott a push to the NthAm title. </div></blockquote><p> </p><p> NthAm = Nathan Jones + Jason Statham = BEST TITLE EVER.</p><p> </p><p> And then I thought National Anthem.</p><p> </p><p> And then I said oh. I'm stupid.</p>
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<p>So, ten years into my retro game, Outlaw Wrestling Federation 113:</p><p> </p><p>

The Queen's Pets (Charly Manson and Spyrazul, w/ The Queen of Darkness) d. Air Paris and Steve Corino</p><p>

-Background: "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels came into OWF to spread the Dark Gospel and to create an army to conquer the world. By capturing and enslaving Chaz Warrington and Ulf Herman, he created the Lost Soul and Cold Chemical (though Glen Jacobs was the first to wear the Cold Chemical hood) and brought The Immoral Beast (Abyss) into the world as well. Lost Soul and Cold Chemical would escape Daniels' control and this lead to the Queen of Darkness herself coming to OWF to take control. No longer would Daniels act as her right hand and herald, now he would serve as a Knight of Darkness with the Immoral Beast. She also brought her "favorite pet", the deranged Charly Manson, and recently corrupted Mike Quackenbush and turned him into Spyrazul to do her evil bidding.</p><p>

-The Pets used the Army's tag finisher Soul Crusher (Wheelbarrow/Diving Leg Drop combo) to get the win.</p><p> </p><p>

John Mahoney (Balls Mahoney) and Devil's Duo (Jeff Sword and Doug Vines) d. CW Anderson, Bob Holly and Don Diamond</p><p>

-Mahoney wins via Michinoku Driver</p><p> </p><p>

Masato Tanaka and Rhino d. Lance Storm and Simon Swinger (Simon Diamond)</p><p>

-Background kinda: Simon Swinger's brother Johnny injured his rotator cuff a few months ago, so he's kind of having to fend for himself until then.</p><p>

-Tanaka got the win via Diamond Dust</p><p> </p><p>

The Blue Meanie d. Hayabusa</p><p>

-Hayabusa is one half of three-time OWF Tag Team Champions The Sky Raiders with Juventud Guerrera</p><p>

-Blue Meanie wins via Meaniesault</p><p> </p><p>

The Madmen (Pondo and Sabu) d. Muscle Bombers (Big Titan and Ulf Herman)</p><p>

Background: Rivals in the tag team division, longtime tag vets Pondo and Sabu are known for their suicidal high-risk offense, and even despite Sabu losing an entire year due to a concussion they keep doing the most insane stunts in OWF. The Muscle Bombers are relatively new and love to dish out punishment before finishing off their foes with stereo powerbombs.</p><p>

-Pondo wins the match by climbing a ladder set up outside the ring to nail a flip senton onto Big Titan</p><p> </p><p>

#1 Contenders Match: Steve Austin d. Larry Zybysko</p><p>

-Background: Both men know each other well from the WWF, and both men have wins over OWF Champ Dean Malenko. </p><p>

-Steve Austin wins by STUNNER, STUNNER, BUHGAWD HE HIT THE STUNNER... What? JR is working for me, so he might be saying this.</p><p> </p><p>

OWF Tag Team Championship: The Fists of Rage (Dave Finlay and Taz) d. The Knights of Darkness © (Christopher Daniels and Immoral Beast, w/ Queen of Darkness)</p><p>

-Background: We already know the story behind the Queen's Army, so let's cover the Fists of Rage. Since the untimely death of Steven Regal, Dave Finlay decided out of respect for his fallen rival he won't be seeking to tie Regal's record of most OWF title reigns. So he has set his sights on an accolade Regal never won: The Tag Belts. Failing with CW Anderson before, he found a better choice in a man just as vicious as Finlay is: Former 2-Time OWF Champion Taz. The Fists of Rage were born, and their mission was to dethrone the longest reigning OWF Tag Team Champions (holding the titles for 13 months).</p><p>

-Fists of Rage win with their finisher, the Devil's Cut (3D)</p><p> </p><p>

OWF Championship: Dean Malenko © d. Juventud Guerrera</p><p>

-Background: Juventud Guerrera, as Television Champion, had the right to challenge Dean Malenko for the title as there was no established top contender at the time, at the cost of vacating the TV title regardless of the result of the match.</p><p>

-Malenko wins with his infamous Texas Cloverleaf, making his 6th defense.</p>

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