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Just started that WCW 2001 game. First thing that happens? Nash provokes and attacks Buff Bagwell backstage. Yeah, this game's gonna go well.


I'm already looking toward the future with WCW, I'm going to negotiate with two young up-and-comers named Samoa Joe and John Cena. They seem like they might do well in the wrestling business.

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random midcard greatness... Ernest Youngman defeated Citizen X in five minutes, in a throw away midcard match that meant nothing.. and gained a C+ [66] which ranks at #4 on our top ten.. both men have been nowhere near this good and the match meant nothing.. no good chemistry note either.. wierd..


in other news Giant Brody has run over everybody and take both the Invitational and the MAW Title in back to back months.. hes over like rover.. the only other man anywhere near him in the Mid Atlantic is Jay Chord.. who has recently decided to veto defeats against Cameron Vessey and seemingly everyone.. the guys ego seems to have got massive.. I really have little choice other than to face Brody and Chord off (both are heels though so maybe a three way) and switch the title to Jay..


*note: now ive actually checked overness.. American Patriot actually sits ahead of Jay.. so theres my three-way..*


in further news.. Greg Gauge has gone.. full-time deal in Japan with GCG.. so my main event scene is Patriot, Vessey, Brody and Chord.. Jay and Cam have put on back to back C+ [68] matches (best matches ever in MAW) with Jay refusing to lose either.. which ruined my plans of a best of 3...


we should be hitting regional after Old School Rules in May.. weve reached E+ popularity in the Mid Atlantic (and won the Regional Battle over NYCW and PSW) but were just short of the required importance..



EDIT:// Old School Rules (Overall Rating C [62]) is our new best show ever.. on the show it featured our best match ever Jay Chord retaining over Mainstream Hernandez in a B- [72] 31-minute classic... and also our worst match ever, Anders Thunder debuting and destroying Copperhead in a two-minute F [5] match.. crazy show..

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Christian Cage just beat Christopher Daniels for the 1PW World Heabyweight belt, who daniels have held for 2 years.

-I Ran out of chalangers for Daniels, so i'm putting him in a tag tem with Matt Sydal to cool him of post-reign, Cage just seemed right the person i had top put it on, with Austin Aries or Samoa Joe beating him later in the year if my plans goes out ok.

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Just busted out with a C match in PSW! Have to say, it made me feel good.


On the other hand, neither man involved is part of their starting roster.


That said, I'm not gonna complain about SWF letting Akima Brave go :D I promptly snatched him up (defeating NYCW in a bidding war, though they were unwilling to compete with Brave's base demands), and of course his brother Rhino Umaga as well.


Akima promptly debuted to save Matthew Keith from getting sent through a pile of tables by The Army Of Extreme (Lt. Robert Oxford, Sgt. Bubba Lee West, and Pvt. Nelson Callum), and the wild brawl ultimately lead to Oxford and Brave agreeing to meet later that night, in a PSW EXTREEEEEME Rules match.


The result? A very solid C. I'd like to thank SWF and TCW for casting off two relatively talented workers, as despite not being all that "hardcore", they're still awesome.



EDIT: Oh, and no more mentor/protege relationships.... though Dead Bolt now has a strong friendship with Mitch Naess. Gonna be fun to be forced to push him.

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On Raw i have decided to try and get Ted Dibiase over as a Main eventer by giving him a feud with John Cena, Hopfully Cena will learn Ted a thing or two and will help him get over. If it goes well Teddy will get a tittle match once his momentum his full and his populairty gets a little better. Even if he doesnt earn a title match a feud with a top Face won't do him any harm at all. But if he fails it may be his only chance for the rest of the year.


I have also got Danielson / Evan Bourne / Wade Barret in a feud for the newly created Indie title which is a floating title. Hopefully i'll have them in a long feud so while there momentum and populaity increases it will raise the presigue of the belt which in turn will help them get higher rated matches and end up propelling them to Uppermidcard/ Main event. Really looking forward to making this feud one of my best, the possible matches and angle i could do with them :p



I have other feuds on Raw such as HHH v Sheamus which is mainly being used to help improve sheamus's skills overall.


Randy Orton v HBK: Just there to give them somthing to do really, going to use them also to raise the skills of the midcarders/Uppermidcarders.

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It's November 2021 with WCW (formerly MAW) and I just signed Dan DaLay away from NOTBPW. I'm overly anxious for father vs. son since Rob(in) is a major star for me on my Stampede brand. I need to build Dan up quite a bit before it'll be where I want it to be, but with Dan being 46 I needed to accomplish this before his stats deteriorate too much. Rob is 24 years old. Heel angry veteran father vs. face rookie son - its gonna be epic. :cool:


Rocky Golden is the top babyface draw in WCW and he's on the Sunday Stampede brand. Swoop McCarthy and Kevin Christopher (KC Glenn) are right behind him (all three on separate brands). Jay Chord is the top heel (of course). Troy Tornado and Johnny Bloodstone are both building so many stars. Along with Kevin, Jay, and DWN those are are my top Ring Generals.


I'm building for a Drake Young vs. Spencer Spade program at the start of 2022 which would be inter-brand (Young on Takeover and Spade on Stampede). I'm fairly certain the 2022 Rip Chord Invitational will come down to them in the finals. They're #4 and #5 on my Talk The Talk creative meeting screen. The promos they'll have throughout will probably be better than the matches.


Gino Montero and Blue Phanton have become major stars on my cruiserweight brand (Thursday Takeover). Phanton has pretty much become my Rey Mysterio. He's won the top title (WCW World) on the Takeover brand... beating Jay Chord. :eek:


A tag team I'm really high on right now is Notorious - Barrera & Bullet. I had them in development for 18 months until finally calling them up after giving them both new contracts. I've been able to build their experience up to 60. They're averaging C matches, but I've been able to get a B+ out of them against The Cali Dragons (Frankie Perez & Mikey James). Dominant Destruction (Colossus & Grave Digger) are my World Tag Team champions and have been for 7 months. I don't see Notrious grabbing the titles anytime soon, but they're certainly on my radar.


American Patriot is more iconic than Tommy Cornell now. He has 98-100 popularity throughout every game area besides Australia. He's a 5-time and current World Heavyweight champion on our Monday Mayhem brand. I really don't know if I'll ever take his 100% prestige mask off. I don't see him retiring for at least another 5 years (hoping) because I've been able to treat him like The Undertaker (vacations) due to his physical condition. Brandon has never worked a house show for me in his life because I don't want to wear him out.


Bank account is 85 million+ and I'm pretty much going to go on a spending spree with venues and whatnot. I've already purchased a ton of retired championships and only a few are left. I purchased anything Rip Chord ever held because I figured Jay would do that if he had the money. I have FOURTEEN development territories - 4 that I created / purchased and 10 through relationship pacts. Two of them I've created (purchased) in the US (Hawaii and Mid South) and one in Eastern Australia are touring (10/mo) promotions (3 events a week). I use the handy editor to give them cash and take away from WCW's.


Maybe my over aggressive amount of child promotions is bad, but I look at it as a good thing because a ton of lower guys are getting work even though they may not have a written contract with us. I can't send a 100+ guys into development because that's a ridiculous number to track, but I send a good amount and spread out the workers to each child promotion. Having the AI fill the gaps is fine with me and I think helps the game world as a whole.

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I started playing the end of an era mod with WWE, currently still in January right after Royal Rumble. Triple H and Stephanie McMahon had abducted Trish Stratus, trying to make Kurt Angle lay down and give Hunter the title in order to get Trish back. Becoming more and more desperate over the weeks leading into the Royal Rumble, losing the belt seemed inevitable for Angle as he couldn't find out the whereabouts of Trish.


In the meantime, Shawn Michaels had returned to the WWE and he was not quite down with what his former D-X partner was doing, so at the Royal Rumble, he showed up in the arena with Trish just as Triple H was about to "pin" Kurt Angle for the belt. The match was actually on and Kurt Angle defeated Triple H by submission in 23 minutes to retain the belt.


The Rock has won the Royal Rumble, securing him a title match at Wrestlemania against Kurt Angle (or whoever else is champ at that point ...), while Triple H isn't quite done with Angle and HBK in particular. Hunter is rioting and wants nothing else but to get HBK to come back into active competition so he can exact revenge on him.


The happy, dysfunctional McMahon family is also deeply involved in this storyline - Stephanie is siding with Hunter, Shane won't stand for favoritism and both are trying to get father Vince on their side. Steve Austin is entirely not down with the McMahons getting involved like this, and he is ofc also aiming to get a shot at the World Heavyweight Title. There are a few stunners to be had in the near future ...


So much for my main event storyline, which actually extends across two storylines.


Elsewhere, I'm letting some of the other storylines run their course until Wrestlemania, with a couple tag team matches planned for No Way Out. This would be The Undertaker vs. Rikishi, Edge&Christian vs. Hardy Boyz vs. Dudley Boyz and Chris Benoit vs. Billy Gunn (I am totally building up a few midcarders to challenge for the IC belt so I can phase Billy out atm) for the IC title.

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I'm only into a second year, started the night after wrestlemania 2010 and am now at Survivor Series 2011


Shawn Michaels and The Undertaker's 18 month feud, has finally come to a head with A burried Alive match. Shawn Michael lost, and i've given him sometime off (and he got injured slightly), The Undertaker was helped by a returning Kurt Angle (who turned instant heel after a month long face run since he re signed with the WWE. When Shawn returns career vs career at The Rumble Kurt vs Shawn


World Heavyweight championship is now o Raw, and is currently held by The Miz (3 months into his reign) Orton vs Miz at Survivor Series in Hell in the Cell. Miz goes over.


WHC #1 Contender match between Chris Jericho and Wade Barrett, Barrett went over and is next for Miz


WWE title (on SD!) is now held by Punk after he defeated Morrison and former Champion Christian


SD elimination 5 v 5 elimination match team Cena (heels) (Edge, Drew, Ziggler (IC champ) & Ted DiBiase) took on HHH (faces) (Matt & Jeff Hardy (US champ), Santino & Mark Henry) Team Cena won, after the Hardyz were left for their team and Matt turned on Jeff. edge got the pin for the win on Jeff.


Women's and Diva's title were combined at Survivor Series, with Kelly Kelly (Women's) defeating Mickie James (Diva's)


Tag team championships changed hands as new to the WWE Motor City Machine guns defeated the current Champions The Hart Dynasty and The Gate crashers in A Three way TLC match.


Jack Swagger def Rey Mysterio in an Ambulance match after Kane returned and attacked Rey after stalking rey through videos for the past month.

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Apparently karma's a beyotch.


The same day I get the news Boriken Love Machine, one of my favorite midcarders in APWF, is signing a written deal with OLLIE, SWF hits International.


So far, they've offered contracts to The Brooklyn Punk, Burt Selleck (both of whom have stayed loyal thanks to their friendship with Terry Lambert so far), Jeff Hanson (A* skill ref), High Chief Malietoa (C overness, B entertainment manager... and a big, crazy Samoan), Trent Peak (one half of my current tag champs), and Romeo Heartthrob (who I'm also fond of.)


So, I think Punk and Selleck will still stay loyal... which means in a week SWF will start sniffing around for two MORE wrestlers to sign away. Meanwhile, Baron Von Rambis is STILL on hiatus (jerk). I may be losing as many as five in-ring workers within the span of a month, which is more than twice what I've lost since the start of 1977 (it's September 1978 now).


I'd say it's a rough time ahead for APWF, but let's be honest: all I need is Terry Lambert to put on good enough shows to hit National, let alone start offering Written deals by about this time next year. Still... BLM and Trent Peak were a couple of my favs, it'll be hard to swallow. Heck, Peak and Heartthrob are part of the starting roster.


The real question, however... why on earth didn't OLLIE or SWF, while raiding poor APWF, target Luis Montero or Sam Strong? Why on earth does SWF insist on stealing my undercard, and not, say... Crippler Ray Kingman or Brutus McBride? Heck, they'll probably steal Lee Wright and Roper Williams next!

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I'm playing as SWF at the moment using the 70's mod.


I've declared war on all the USA promotions and brought in a few people, including Angus McCloud who is now the US title holder, Chief Two Eagles who's sitting nicely in the Upper Midcard, Sam Strong who got released from APWF and my best signing in George DeColt who is superb in and out of the ring, skyrocketing in popularity.


Regularly putting out B rated TV shows and B+ rated for my Big events, just about to renew my TV show slot and waiting on PPV to be born in early 1978.


Really enjoying the game i've got going, might even turn it into a diary when I hit Supreme Challenge.

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I'm playing as SWF at the moment using the 70's mod.


I've declared war on all the USA promotions and brought in a few people, including Angus McCloud who is now the US title holder, Chief Two Eagles who's sitting nicely in the Upper Midcard, Sam Strong who got released from APWF and my best signing in George DeColt who is superb in and out of the ring, skyrocketing in popularity.


Regularly putting out B rated TV shows and B+ rated for my Big events, just about to renew my TV show slot and waiting on PPV to be born in early 1978.


Really enjoying the game i've got going, might even turn it into a diary when I hit Supreme Challenge.




-This message is brought to you by APWF, making offers you can't refuse since 1969.

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You won't like it when I mention I've also got The Heartwrenchers :p.


Captain KAOS has retired and left, I turned Burt Selleck heel and got him using a Lounge Lizard gimmick and brought in Papa Voodoo as I love his look who's currently feuding with Chief Two Eagles to name a few things that have happened.


Hagar Erikson is leaving, as he wanted too much money and creative control which I never give out and is on a Supreme losing streak on his way out :).

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playing dse81's NWA mod, it RULES!!!11!!...


i opened my own cannadian promotion, owned by Kevin Steen and El Generico, they run three times a month out of Quebec, 1 in ontario, with 3 big shows a year to cap of fueds and such.


Kevin Steen announced that a tournement will be held to crown the first Canadian National Champion, it will feuture the companies top stars, here are the brackets:


Mike Quackenbush vs Chris Hero

Kevin Steen vs Sexxxy Eddie

El Generico vs Roderick Strong

Austin Aries vs Desmund Wolfe

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You won't like it when I mention I've also got The Heartwrenchers :p.


Captain KAOS has retired and left, I turned Burt Selleck heel and got him using a Lounge Lizard gimmick and brought in Papa Voodoo as I love his look who's currently feuding with Chief Two Eagles to name a few things that have happened.


Hagar Erikson is leaving, as he wanted too much money and creative control which I never give out and is on a Supreme losing streak on his way out :).


Please, please, please post this as a diary. I'd love to read more (or any) 70's diaries (mostly to steal characterizations for my own...:p)!

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Last week of August in my SWF game, and rounding the corner to my Money In The Bank Pay-Per-View, and Elite and Supreme are each going to have a brand Mr Money In The Bank.


Jack Giedroyc won the Money In The Bank match at The Supreme Challenge and has yet to cash it in. Going to see If I can get him to cash it in this event against either Rick Wolfe or Christian Faith, or against Vengeance or Sam Keith.


EDIT - So I booked the Show, got a B+ rating, and Jack Giedroyc cashed the title in on Christian Faith, which surprisingly got a B rating. Giedroyc shot up from 72 Popularity to 86 Popularity after winning the title. Jack Bruce and Brent Hill also won their respective Money In The Bank matches, and when Bruce tried to cash it on Sam Keith, Tyson Baine intervened, because He wanted to fight Sam Keith, due to the fact that Baine was the winner of the Welcome to the Jungle battle royale, which guarantees him a title match at SWF's Slammiversary.

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<p>Apparently, SWF overheard my comments in this thread.</p><p> </p><p>

Less than a week now until APWF's Steel City Supercard, our biggest event of the year... and, as predicted, Burt Selleck and The Brooklyn Punk both gave a big "screw off" to SWF... who responded by making offers to Identity Black (ouch), Sam Strong (OUCH), and... Crippler Ray Kingman (TRIPLE OUCH!!!)</p><p> </p><p>

I managed to get Trent freakin' Peak to stick around, but now I wish I hadn't. Now I'm looking at losing up to three of my top stars, including my absolute top two faces AND the guy I planned to put the APWF title on in less than a week. Bad news Kingman: looks like Terry Lambert's reign will last more than one year. So much for that epic plan, eh? </p><p> </p><p>

Looking at it... if I do lose Strong AND Kingman, my top faces will be Burt Selleck (the only other current Main Event level face), an aging and battered Masked Patriot (who I can now team with Cheif Two Eagles, whom I just brought in. Hey, SWF's booker hates Two Eagles, so they won't steal him!), and... a recently returned with a Comedy gimmick Farmer Fran, who has spent the last couple of shows hosting "The Bayou Beat", where interviews folks in his swamp shack. Guess I could turn Brutus McBride face again, that'd work.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="DreamGoddessLindsey" data-cite="DreamGoddessLindsey" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25963" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I debut my enhancement talents in highly-rated angles, and now most of them have momentum in the 90s. Yes, my jobbers have that much momentum. I'm slowly getting almost everyone up there by abusing "not rated" angles. It's awesome. I get a ton of popularity and momentum from it. Now all my ratings are higher.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Thank you DreamGoddessLindsey. This has been a big help. I have only used it twice so far, but the guys I debuted both has much higher momentum, than I seem to normally get.</p>
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Ha Ha things are so bad for APWF in the seventies that Farmer Fran is going to be headlining against Lambert soon <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />
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<p>Well...MPWF founder and legend of the lucha world Alfredo Menendez left the business, so I responded by creating an annual "Torneo del Alfredo Menedez", the first incarnation of which was held in August 2010. It was one of my most successful shows to date, and its success has put us firmly ahead of OLLIE for the #2 spot in Mexico. I am LOVING this game as MPWF, btw, they are an extremely fun fed to play.</p><p> </p><p>

For those interested, the tourney played out like this....</p><p> </p><p>

Mayan Idol d. La Estrella - C</p><p>

El Bandido d. Magnifico - C</p><p>

Electrico d. Hugo Garrido - C</p><p>

Angel del Mexico d. Chess Maniac - C-</p><p>

Soul Taker d. Amazing Fire Fly - C+</p><p>

Spanish Superfly d. Hijo del Mephisto - D+</p><p> </p><p>

Round 2 was two triple threat matches....</p><p> </p><p>

Soul Taker d. Angel del Mexico and Spanish Superfly - C-</p><p>

Electrico d. Mayan Idol and El Bandido - C+</p><p> </p><p>

The final was a ladder match for the inaugual Alfredo Menendez Cup...</p><p> </p><p>

Electrico d. Soul Taker - B-</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Stennick" data-cite="Stennick" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25963" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Ha Ha things are so <strong>awesome</strong> for APWF in the seventies that Farmer Fran is going to be headlining against Lambert soon <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Fixed <img alt=":cool:" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/cool.png.f00d2562b2c1d873a09323753efdb041.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
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<p>So I'm California Pro Wrestling in the 77 C Verse and I'm loving it. You start out with two written contracts. I proceeded to use those, pluse Pierce Holt on commentary to do a weekly show of just Samarai vs. Holt four times a month plus a big event. After three months of doing that I'm already in the mid 60's in pop in the region with a hefty two million dollar bank account. </p><p> </p><p>

Story wise I've not done too much since its a performance based promotion. I brought in Mark "The Lariat" Krogan even though it says he's only a legend in Texas. I debuted him against Jason Jackson (Edmond's son) and had him completely destroy Jason while Edmond was on SWF's Sunday Night Slam (that'll teach him to make me second priority". He attacked Jason after a match with Tito Bumfhole the next month bloodying him with a cowbell. The next month was CPW's Iron Man tournmament which I treat as King of the Ring. Edmond faced off against Krogan in the finals after Krogan destroyed everyone after his matches with them. So really the only story is Edmond vs. Krogan along with Yakuza Riot tormenting the Party Animals over the tag titles. APWF fired Magnum and Strong so I've brought them in as a team to just play around in the under card for a year or so.</p>

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