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Sounds good, something if this was real, most likely no one saw coming. Good show :)


Thanks man. Yeah it was completely out of nowhere and just a great way to end the tournament I thought. But now I've got a dilemma.


It seems as though since The Natural and Owen Love won the Ed Henson Memorial tournament, the people in Canada (where NOTBPW is based, for those unfamiliar with CV) have gone absolutely crazy for The Natural. In January, his popularity was a C. In February, it was B+. Now after winning the tournament in March, his popularity is A* in several of the Canadian regions.


Oh, but it's not only that. He is gaining significant popularity throughout the rest of the world as well. He's moved from F- to D- in Japan, UK, Australia, Mexico, and Europe. The guy is absolutely gaining popularity by the minute. He's now the biggest star in my promotion in terms of world-wide popularity. The Dark Angel-J. Stone feud is just starting, but it's nowhere near the heat that Natural is getting in every segment that he's in.


Now I wonder if I should I just go ahead and put the belt on The Natural, and have him win it in a three way. Then I can let the Angel-Stone feud continue. J. Stone has lost some momentum, while Angel is still red hot. Natural is 38, so this may be the last chance for him to have this kind of success. But with a guy that is rising this quickly, it almost seems hard not to go ahead and give him the belt.


Any thoughts guys?

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Austin Aries celebrated in the ring, after just having defeated one of his arch rival, Homicide.......


Aries celebrated, even though he just had receved the fans acceptance after Stong and Evans turned on him, not everyone had accepted the current champ.


Suddently, Ric Flair's music hit, and he came walked down to the ring, he played to the crowd, they loved it. He entered the ring and clapped his hands.


The announcers noted 4 hodded workers, spread over the front rows. Flair had the mic, and the music stopped:

"Congratulations, Austin Aries, looks like you once again slipped away with your belt, Once again. I admit it, your great....your very good at what you do. Just like a world champ chess player, your always one move ahead....but not this time"


Aries looked confussed, but still lisstned.


"Now, its my turn to suprise you alittle"

Suddently 4 masked men jumped the railing, hitting security. It proved to be Brent Albright, Bobby Roode, Nigel Mcguinesse and Mike Quackenbush, they surrounderd the, before entering from 3 of 4 sides. Austin Aries knew a beatdown was immenant, but there was nowhere to run. He quickly tried to tackle Ric Flair, but was hit by a big lariot from Nigel, flipping him in insideout.

The others where quick to position themself, Roode quickly grabbed onto a frotn chansery and deadlifted Aries and suplexed him to the ground. With little to no comunication Quack springboarded into the ring with a flipping senton. Albright's turn was next, lifting the dead champs up, hitting a HUGE half nelson suplex right onto his head. The five men stood over the dead body.


Flair grabbed the mic: "Your move champ!"


The five men left the ringride area, leaving him dead in the middle of the ring.

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I found a real world mod from February, stared the night after The Royal Rumble this year, so I've taken it on. ONly a week in but here goes.



-Randy Orton opened the show, called out Vince, but Cena turned up instead, they exchange words, and then brawl. Vince Announces that they will go 1 on 1 later. Suddenly Ted and Cody run in, and attack.......Orton. Thus ending the legacy (2 months early).

-Maryse def Nikki Bella in round 1 of the Diva's title tournement (68)

-Quick video of Ted and Cody attacking Orton

-Carlito def Chris Masters (49) Clicked call in ring by mistake, should have rated higher.

-After Carltio celebrated, we get a backstage promo from Ted and Cody. they're now going by the name The Fortunate ones.

-Vince backstage, announces Evan Bourne will face The Miz.

-Evan Bourne def The Miz (54) Not sure why that was so low!?!?

-Evan celebrates, but Miz is disgrnutles at being beaten and attacks him, they brawl and Evan Bourne is thrown off the stage!

Jack Swagger def Kofi Kingston (77)

-Backstage Cena cuts a promo hyping the Main Event

-Sheamus def Mark Henry (68)

-After the match, Sheamus attacked Henry

-The fortunate ones def D-X for the Unifed TAg team titles (79)

-After the match, Shawn Michaels attacked Triple H turning him heel.

-Main Event. Randy Orton def John Cena (87)

-After the match, Jack Swagger & Sheamus joined Orton and attacked Cena. Kofi Kingston came out, but couldnt make the save, followed by Mark Henry.

Show rating 61.



-ECW opened with Christian in the ring. Tiffany came out and annouced that Christian would defend his ECW title at Elimination Chamber.

-Zack Ryder def Yoshi Tatsu (54)

-Backstage, Vladimir Kozlov and Ezekiel Jackson attacked The Hurricane. (Vlad turned heel)

-Cryme Tyme def Caylen Croft & Trent Barreta (53)

-THe Fortunate Ones attacked Cryme Tyme.

-Vladimir Kozlov & Ezekiel Jackson def Shelton Benjamin and The Hurricane (53)

-Following the match the 2 teams brawled.

-Christian def William Regal. (74)

Tiffany came out after the match and announced that Christian would defend against William Regal, Shelton Benjamin, The Hurricane, Ezekiel Jackson, Zack Ryder and Vladimir Kozlov inside that Elimination Chamber


Now going to book SD!

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Downloaded the Cornellverse 1977 mod, and am in the process of simulating through to 2010 and starting from there. I'm midway through 1995.


SWF is HUGE -- 90% overness across the globe. It remains to be seen how the arrival of HGC (it's coming soon!) and TCW (in this world, they're two different things!) will affect that. Probably not much, though. Meanwhile, AICW is cult... they've somehow managed to hang on by producing two D+ shows a week on tour. (Led by their 10-time World Champion... a 50-year-old Day-Glo Joe. Not making this up.)


In Canada, CWF is holding on to the no. 1 spot, and NOTBPW (minus Stones) is probably going to die off pretty soon. They go through bookers pretty fast... everyone from Peter Michaels to Rocco the Plumber (twice!) has been hired and fired as booker.


Meanwhile in Japan, BHOTWG is in trouble. They were no. 1 for a long time there, but Master Kitozon retired, and GCG overtook them. They're at cult now, with D+ momentum and D+ prestige. Meanwhile, their top tier of stars -- Seison Yamanaka, Robbie Gordon, Elemental -- are all well on the far side of 40. Tomov is still wrestling at 54, last I looked. They're not going to be around too long, I think... unless they decline and shrink to the point where they can't lose enough money to close.


That's my major frustration at this point: there are a number of old territorial promotions that just won't die. Folks like APWF, CWB, TWL, etc. have got $50-100 million or so, fallen down to regional, and they're sitting on that money. They're still big in their home regions, so they're holding steady... but even if they weren't, they don't have anything like the expenses to burn through that money. They will probably stay like this forever.


I'm tempted to edit them -- "Terry Lambert departs APWF, taking $75 million with him, now they only have $8 million and no more Terry Lambert", that kind of thing. You know Lambert would do that. Haven't quite succumbed to that temptation yet. YET.

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That's a fantastic idea, Jensen. Will be fascinating to see what the 77'verse looks like in 2010. IIRC, all the workers from TEW2010 are in the 77 data as new workers, aren't they? Will be fun to see where they all end up!


Since I like turns in tag teams (I split up the Kings of Wrestling.


You did WHAT?!?! Heretic! :p There are some teams that just shouldn't be broken up. :p

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Anyways, 1 month into my NOTBPW game, and I am happy with these results. My user character is Remmy Skye, I "got" Joey Poison, and slapped on the Rainbow Warriors name. I think it has been used before...


I'm building up two feuds, Stone Jr/DeColt, and Stone/Bloodstone. I've wanted to bring in Edd Stone, but Dan Sr. rejects me. I wonder why :rolleyes:


I've got working deals around the world and I plan to host a PPV in May with a superstar from each promotion. I got...





CGC (It only seemed fair)

MAW (Only because I love the roster)






And I got a PPV deal in America. So I'm pumped.


I'm planning on turning Sean McFly a heel, then having DeColt announce his new stable "The Elites" along side of Johnny Bloodstone, John Maverick, and SEAN MCFLYYYYYYYYYY. I'm thinking about bringing in a Television title or something mid-card, and giving it to McFly. Then giving random workers from other promotions, or in NOTBPW, 5 Minutes of Fame with him (like Eddie Edwards) This should be a good game, and maybe some day. I'll get Edd Stone or Duane. Some day.

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That's a fantastic idea, Jensen. Will be fascinating to see what the 77'verse looks like in 2010. IIRC, all the workers from TEW2010 are in the 77 data as new workers, aren't they? Will be fun to see where they all end up!

Yep... it's like an alternate-history version of the Cornellverse, where pretty much all the workers are the same, but the landscape is totally different.


Well, not all the workers are identical... I am generating random workers, on the theory that "well, in the 'real' Cornellverse this guy decided not to become a wrestler, but..." As it stands now, most promotions have 1-2 of these guys, which is just about the ideal number in my opinion... enough to be different, but not so many that it's not recognizable.


Meanwhile, some guys are getting retired by injury. (Christian Faith, for one -- though NOTBPW signed him up as a commentator.) Others just aren't making an impact, while some guys you wouldn't expect are. (Vin Tanner: 27 years old, national star, two time SWF US Champion. Dread: 33 years old, D+ popularity.)


Oh, well. At least Steve Flash is a two-time NOTBPW champion. Granted, it's not the 'real' NOTBPW, but still.

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I just sent Hulk Hogan down to developement to remove ring rust. I sent Hugh Morrus down to help train at NWA:Michigan. Brought Eddie Guerrero up to the main roster to finally return to WCW after training some guys at NWA:Michigan.


My plan is for Eddie Guerrero and Shane Douglas to feud over the US Title. Eventually Eddie and Lance Storm will feud for the belt. Kurt Angle just dropped the title to Shane Douglas and will be moving on to feud with Goldberg for the WCW World Heavyweight Title.


Sting and Vampiro continue to have matches over their hatred for each other. They have good chemistry and put on matches between 80-86 each time. If I can bring Vampiro up from midcard I bet they will have 90's rated matches.


Ric Flair just lost a feud to Hugh Morrus. He will be moving on to a feud with Chris Sabin I think in which Sabin will win most of the time in my attempt to please Eric Bischoff by bringing Flair down.


DDP is getting more and more mic time. I plan on having him dominate Kevin Nash when I get him over enough. Nash has Creative Control and is always using it. So I need to bury him some.


Taz is an unstoppable heel main eventer. Scott Steiner was but now that Booker T is running strong Steiner has been exploited. With Taz moving into this role I think I may have him feud with Adam Edge for awhile.

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returned to my MAW game in 2013.. Ive just held Fan Festival in June..


Bruce The Giant has just made his debut! He answered an open challenge for #2-ranked Ernest Youngman.. The Giant won the battle (62) and took the #2 rank; but following Jack DeColt's unsuccessful challenge at Dark Patriot (BBS turned evil) and his MAW Title.. Bruce slides straight into the #1 position of the Super Six Rankings..


this sets up Dark Patriot vs Bruce The Giant in the main event of Summer Heatwave for all the marbles..


The Super Six Rankings look like this:


#1 Bruce The Giant

#2 Ernest Youngman

#3 Ota

#4 Donnie J

#5 Cameron Vessey

#6 Fox Mask


Elsewhere... The Future Shock team of Syd Collier and Cameron Jones upset everyone to become 2-time Tag Champions by defeating Natural Storm at Fan Festival.. and El Mitico Jr held on to his recently won Traditional Title by defeating Acid II..


August will see the first ever Battle For The Mid Atlantic Battle Royal... with the winner earning himself a shot at the MAW World Title at Where It All Begins Again in October.. thinking it may be a 20-man battle royal and I have no idea who will win.. I might hold off on giving Bruce the Title and have him prevail here.. Ive got a stacked main event so I have lots of options..

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Only a week and a half or so has past with WLW since I last updated...


But I thought I'd throw out this fun fact I discovered at my last show:


American Elemental and Emerald Angel have Great chemistry.



That's right folks: argueably the two greatest high fliers in modern history (heck, Emerald Angel is the best thing since the first Elemental), have great chemistry against each other.


They pulled out a B (81) match against each other, with only C and E+ overness between them. Can anyone else imagine what these two could accomplish against each other if, say, they both had A overness?

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Nobody cares about your wimpy high fliers. More talk of the Alpha like Mastodon and his destruction of more Japanese Legends.


At the last show, most of Black House and Def-REALM (not Emerald Angel) got into a knockdown, dragout brawl all throughout the arena... during which Mokuami Maito was obliterated after Mastodon ambushed him by blasting his way through some sound equipment. The babyfaced assassin never saw him coming...


Mastodon is like a 400+lb ninja... minus the ability to do crazy flips.

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Scott Steiner is on his last leg in my WCW 2002 game. He has picked another fight. Luckily I want to bleed some overness off of him first. Once I do that he is getting cut loose.





Anyone who releases Scott Steiner deserves a swift kick down south. So he's picked a few fights, big deal! It's only because of the steroids he's on, which he NEEDS to look as freakin' JACKED as humanly possible for YOUR benefit.


You should be ashamed of yourself.

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Anyone who releases Scott Steiner deserves a swift kick down south. So he's picked a few fights, big deal! It's only because of the steroids he's on, which he NEEDS to look as freakin' JACKED as humanly possible for YOUR benefit.


You should be ashamed of yourself.


He is making people like Goldberg, Lance Storm, Shane Douglas, and others unhappy though. Goldberg is my champion! If he picks a fight with Kurt freakin Angle thats it. Maybe I will keep him until then.

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a very eventful month surrounding the Supreme Challenge in my game. On the last SupremeTV before the big PPV, Christian Faith returned from his nation wide search for the still absent Jack Bruce (missing in action since that fateful Christmas Clash in '09). The Supremacy (now consisting of Eisen, Emma Chase, Remo, Enforcer Rob, Runaway Train, Jack Giedroyc & Jay Chord) got word that Faith was in the arena, but couldnt find him. so they hatched a plan to give Steve Frehley a solid beatdown in his main event match against Remo, thus luring the goody-goody Faith out. It worked, but Faith wasnt alone. Out onto the ramp with Faith was not Jack Bruce, but instead... Rocky Golden, Rick Law & Tony Rennie (Troy Tornado)!! I couldnt believe my luck when the 3 of them came out of contract within 2 weeks (along with American Buffalo too, but not playing a role in storyline, so on a 1 month vacation). As much as I wouldve loved to have done a heel invasion, I simply couldnt with the very over Supremacy already the main event heel stable. So, I scuffed the Jack Bruce return for the time being and brought in the other 3 as Faith's face arrivals, setting up a great card for the Supreme Challenge;

- Faith defeated the man who betrayed him a month earlier, Jay Chord, giving him a wrestling exhibition in the process.

- Clean n' Classy (Squeeky McClean & Huntingdon) retained their tag titles with a typically tainted win over The Bumfholes.

- Joe Sexy, Steve Frehley and Brandon James had a 3-way ladder match for the North American title, with Joe retaining.

- Viva la France (Dubois & LaGrenier) defeated American Patriots (A.Machine & Masked Patriot).

- The Valient & Giedroyc fued looks set to continue unresolved after brawling their way to a double count-out.

- Marat Kohklov got the better of Rich Money in a match that I knew would get bad chem and wouldnt burn out everyone. The brief lead-up was Marat taking exception to Money's claim that he'll win next month's rumble, despite Kohklov being obvious favourite.

- Rick Law & Tony Rennie got their SWF careers of to a good start, going over the Supremacy's Old Guard (Roberts & Runaway T), one for the good guys.

- Samoa (Sam Owen aka Samoan Machine, Kid Toma, Akima Brave & Rhino Umaga) defeated the combination of Wiley Coyote & Biggz Boyz in a 4 v 4 match, establishing themselves as a genuine midcard menace.

- Angry Gilmore v Remo was the semi-main, which not surprisingly was the best match. Steve Frehley got involved seeking revenge for the belting he received from Remo and co a few nights before on SupremeTV... but he screwed up his interference, costing former ally and fellow babyface Gilmore the match!

- Rocky Golden went up against Eric Eisen in a cage escape title match main event! With the help of Jay Chord and Enforcer Roberts outside the cage antics, Eisen overcame another hurdle and retained the belt, continuing his reign.

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I've grinded PSW to June 2011, with slowly but steadily putting on solid cards. My popularity has gone up by one grade and now I'm in a regional battle with FCW and NYCW. I've tried several dirty tricks on NYCW and they've all failed. I've gained money constantly, until last month when I did some scheduling fixes and it cost me some money and gained me some popularity outside my home region. I'm in war with NYCW, probably soon also with FCW and I currently have working agreements with FCW, MAW and USPW.


My top stars are Tribal Warrior, Rhino Umaga, Doug Peak, Jumbo Jackson and Robbie Retro. I lost Andre Jones to NYCW, well not too heartbroken about that as he didn't produce the goods I had expected. I've pretty much ditched the original roster of PSW as the remaining workers are Mitch Naess, Doc Messing, Ash Campell, Teddy Powell, Johnny Martin, Grandmaster Phunk, The Punisher, The Wolverine, Dead Bolt, Primal Rage and Nicole Kiss.


Any thoughts on how many shows should I hold? Is one medium show a month enough as I'm getting slightly outdone by the competition. It's been bit of a surprise how hard it is to find suitable workers who are willing to take crazy bumps, i.e. The Good Ol' Boys not willing to do so. Luckily there always is Madman Boone!

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