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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>End of Feb 2010</strong></p><p> </p><p>

My storylines</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;">Blacks not black enough</span></p><p> </p><p>

Greg Black has had a little success in his quest to become a single star but one man in particular has been a thorn in his side, Lassan Maksuti. It all started when a fan jumped the railing and cost Greg a match, the following week the same fan jumped the rail and destroyed Black before he even got to the week causing him to not be able to compete. After a week off to rest up Greg Black once again had an encounter with the same "fan". This time security stood around the ring as Black took Enforcer Roberts, just the preseance of the fan was enough to cause Black to roll out of the ring and get into the face of the Lassan. Makutsi this time waited for Black to make his move as the two brawled in the crowd. </p><p> </p><p>

As the "Fan" was being lead out of the arena, Emma Chase stopped security and showed them a contract showing that this man was no fan. It was her newest client Lassan Makutsi. Makutsi went out to say that Greggory Black was a sell out and he was selling out to the white man with his crowd pleasing antics. Lassan vowed to show Black what its really like to be black again. The First lesson was that money is more important then anything which is why he aligned with Chase. The two men continue to constantly fight but in their one encounter at Nothing to Lose, Greg was able to get the victory.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;">Huntingdon can't resist</span></p><p> </p><p>

Japanese Legend Eisaku Hoshino is running for prime minister of Japan and he came to the USA to talk to commish Jerry Eisen and the fans about his master plan. Through his translator Dharma Gregg, Hoshino was letting the fans know that even though they weren't from Japan with a simple log on to the internet in a few years they could help him be victorious. Before he was finished however, he was cut off by Paul Huntingdon. Paul told Hoshino he meant no respect, he was trying to talk to a beautiful lady. Dharma apparently appaled rejected Huntingdon's advance and Hoshino did take what Paul did disrespectfully. Now the two men are on a collision course as Hoshino tries to show Huntingdon some respect. Hoshino is only on a short term contract so I plan on Dharma giving in and accepting a date from Paul if Hoshino loses. Hoshino will vow to leave SWF if he can't beat Huntingdon a second time, and after an botch interference Paul will win the match! I plan on having Paul Huntingdon turn face after another heel tries to get with Gregg and she rejects him when Huntingdon scrafices himself for her.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;">You are not a child</span></p><p> </p><p>

Enforcer Roberts as been trying to enforce the law for the past 2 months on Lobster Warrior by trying to take the mask off of him. Roberts claims that wrestling is a serious business and he's sick and tired of characters like Lobster Warrior getting all the publicity. Roberts has come close to unmasking the lobster when he handcuffed him to the top rope, only for the commish Jerry Eisen to distract the Enforcer allowing the referee to unlock the handcuffs. The two men are 1-1 against each other and Lobster will win the big blow off match but for now I'm going to have them face off in tag matches and 3 on 3.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;">Have my daughter</span></p><p> </p><p>

Lisa Bowen has recently debuted in SWF along side her father Runaway Train. During an interview backstage Train noticed Bart and Brett Biggz taking a little interest in his daughter. He destroyed the two boys, telling them that if he ever saw them near his daughter that he would kill them. Traing took on the Biggz in a tag team match and lost thanks to strength in numbers. He vowed to find a tag team partner as bad as he was. Who did he ask to be his partner? None other then Remo. Remo denied the partnership asking Train what was in it for him? When Train offered money Remo rejected, saying that he makes more money then Train can count. Runaway had one thing to offer though that Remo couldn't resist, his beautiful Lisa, saying that a respectable young man like Remo was much better then those slop sucking Brothers. The two teams have had one match so far and although not spectacular I can live with the rating.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;">Vengeance Vs. Frehley</span></p><p> </p><p>

These two monsters have been at each others throats since the start of the year. They've battled in the backstage area, around ringside, in the crowd, outside the arena and at the air port. They've even fought in the squared circle once, in a first blood match at Nothing to Lose wher Vengeance picked up the victory. These two aren't stopping any time soon though as Frehley showed up at Supreme TV with dried blood on his face and shirt ready to brawl! </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;">North American Dreams</span></p><p> </p><p>

This fued is playing out just how you'd think it would with Joe Sexy more interested in Emma Chase then in Brandon James and the gold. Sexy could of picked up the victory but Chase stood up on the apron and waved Joe over with a kiss throwing the belt in the ring, when she jumped down and Joe turned around it was too late as Brandon hit him with the title and pickd up the easy victory. Sexy is going to win the belt in the next encounter as Brandon James takes a little vacation. Sexy is going to stay in a fued with Chase though, I'm not quite sure who I'm going to bring in next to be here client. Maybe Marc DuBois and have him say that Sexy is more interested in him then her. It'll be Chase trying to tempt Sexy but only for the title, this time it'll be Joe who doesn't bite.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;">Another Monster vs. Faith</span></p><p> </p><p>

Khoklov has been an absolute beast, just destroying anything and everything in his path. Attacking when he wants to attack, intimidating and just being an all around bad ass. With that said Christian Faith has come face to face with this bad boy, and although it hasn't been pretty most of the time. Faith did pick up the official victory when it really counted at Nothing to Lose. In fact the match got an 88 rating which is by far my best. This fued isn't going anywhere.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;">The Battle For Supremecy</span></p><p> </p><p>

Jack Bruce was given a 3 month vacation since he's "in the hospital" after the gruling matches against Eisen and Money. During the first show of the year, Eisen debuted his new body guard; Everest. Everest and Eisen have attacked, mocked and aggrivated "The Lone Wolf" every opportunity they got. At When Hell Freezes over Eisen and Everest picked apart Money in a handicap match. </p><p> </p><p>

Jerry Eisen, once again who i have playing commishoner came out and booked a tag team match for Nothing to Lose. Rich Money refused to find a partner so Eisen found one for him. Eric and Everest were worried that Jack Bruce were coming back and were no where to be found. At the begining of the show, Eisen introduced Kurt Larame as Money's partner. Kurt says that he knows what its like to be alone more then anyone, even Money. Laramee picked up the victory over Everest in the tag team match. </p><p> </p><p>

Big Smack Scott is in development for my new touring development fed that I made. He's not going to be down there long but I ran an angle where he was put on a stretcher and no one knows who did it. When he comes back I'm going to evolve the Supremist storyline (I've done it twice to add Everest and Larame) again and have him team up with the heels. Three on 2 until Jack Bruce comes back, then it'll be 3 on 3 but Bruce, Laramee, and Money will have a very loose alliance.</p></div><p></p><p></p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Astil" data-cite="Astil" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25963" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Maybe I'll wait a few more moths before another update <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> At least throw me a bone an keep me up to date on smackdown!</p>
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<p>I just had Lesnar re-debut on the RAW after Hell In A Cell. </p><p> </p><p>

Basically, Cena, Sheamus & Barrett opened the show, all saying they deserve a title shot at Bragging Rights. The annonymous GM sends Cole a message and says that in the Main Event, all 3 will get the chance to prove they're worthy of it. He also warns Barrett that Nexus are banned from ringside and if they lay a finger on Cena tonight, they're done!!!</p><p> </p><p>

Main Event time and Orton is ringside as a guest announcer. Towards the end of the match, Sheamus goes to the outside after taking out Cena & Barrett. He taunts Orton who gets out of his seat and RKO's Sheamus. Back on the inside, Cena & Barrett recover, Cena hits the Attitude Adjustment and picks up the win.</p><p> </p><p>

As Cena celebrates, a hooded man hits the ring through the crowd and wipes Cena out with a move everybody recognizes...the F-5. He pulls his hood down and reveals himself as Brock Lesnar. He stares over towards Orton and motions that he wants the title. Orton stands on the announce table, smirking, and holds up the WWE Championship.</p>

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I just had Lesnar re-debut on the RAW after Hell In A Cell.


Basically, Cena, Sheamus & Barrett opened the show, all saying they deserve a title shot at Bragging Rights. The annonymous GM sends Cole a message and says that in the Main Event, all 3 will get the chance to prove they're worthy of it. He also warns Barrett that Nexus are banned from ringside and if they lay a finger on Cena tonight, they're done!!!


Main Event time and Orton is ringside as a guest announcer. Towards the end of the match, Sheamus goes to the outside after taking out Cena & Barrett. He taunts Orton who gets out of his seat and RKO's Sheamus. Back on the inside, Cena & Barrett recover, Cena hits the Attitude Adjustment and picks up the win.


As Cena celebrates, a hooded man hits the ring through the crowd and wipes Cena out with a move everybody recognizes...the F-5. He pulls his hood down and reveals himself as Brock Lesnar. He stares over towards Orton and motions that he wants the title. Orton stands on the announce table, smirking, and holds up the WWE Championship.


I got chills :D

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Update on my HIW game:


It’s July 2003 and we’re now the top UK promotion ahead of MOSC and 21CW. We’re all closing in on cult and whoever gets their first and can get national TV will have a nice advantage.


HIW UK title

Victor “The Gypsy Prince” Rodriguez came into the year as champ. He’s a technical phenom but is prone to tantrums and overconfidence. Sharky George finally finished off his feud with Geordie Jimmy Morris and decided he wanted his belt back leading to a title shot.


Come the match Sharky spent the whole time trying to bring his blunt, unsubtle but violent style to bear only for Victor to keep the match close and boring. HIW fans don’t like technical stuff.


Victor retained but Sharky was increasingly annoyed and handed out a few beatings with his trusty cricket bat leading Victor to agree to a rematch. Only this time the match would be best-of-3 falls with a submission round and a hardcore round thrown in.


In the actual match things were upset when Sharky debuted his new submission move especially created for Victor – the Going Down Under (sleeper) to surprisingly go 1-0 up.


In response Victor also surprised everyone by showing a new side of him as he used a broken beer bottle to level the match 1-1.


In the decider Sharky let any vestiges of humanity disappear when he attacked the ref before bringing his cricket bat back out and bludgeoning Victor unconscious before reviving the ref to watch him seal the win.


HIW Tag Titles

Over the last year the belts have moved around a bit but are back in possession of Youth Explosion (Ricky Storm & Leigh Burton). Those two are standing up for the young HIW fans whilst The Hustlers (Joey Beauchamp & Fred Murray) and The Rejects (Pitbull Brown & The Damned) try increasingly desperate tactics to weaken the champs. All three team are set for an in-ring showdown at Summer Falls this month.


HIW Velocity title

Adam Matravers was Velocity champ ever since he won it in the Velocity League last year but things changed recently when Sergei Kalashnov managed to steal the belt away after some blatant interference from his partner Dolf Kernen.


Sergei used his reign to belittle lower lights of HIW with his homophobic and racist views but the unlikely opponents to this were the Orange Crew of Ruud van Anger, Frank de Pain and Arjen van der Bilt. These three tried to get Sergei on his own in a fair fight but were continually foiled by the much larger Dolf. Finally Ruud managed to get a one-on-one with Sergei and ironically won after botched interference from Dolf.


A new threat

One of my dream workers has finally been tempted back to Britain and UK Dragon made his HIW debut in May. The light-hearted but passionate super-athlete has fans eating out of his hands but is being harried by the ultra-uptight Foundation headed by Leo Price. They’re a group dedicated to training and victory and resent Dragon’s seemingly effortless ability. Dragon is on a roll and is yet to lose but The Foundation’s boss Leo is getting more interested in putting Dragon in his place personally.


Tomorrow’s champions

In the undercard young tag teams are putting on great stuff. The Elimination agents look awesome and will battle hardcore rules with anyone, The Falcons (Dark Falcon & Super Falcon) are seen as the high fliers of 2005 and Mystery (Jeff McPeterson and Rod Todd) are amazing people whilst keeping their identities secret with masks.



Craig Prince was named Wrestler of the year for the 2nd time in January. he celebrated by walking out of HGC and into NOTBPW who promptly turned Global and are now ahead of HGC and SWF as the world's biggest conmpany.


The economy in Japan is causing companies to tighten their belts. Both PGHW and BHOTWG recently dropped to cult and lost their TV shows.


Australia is still without a major wrestling company but has an awesome indie scene with oodles of talent.


Europe is the only region with a growing economy and sees EWCW, UCR and EEWW battling it out and putting on good (if short) shows


All in all...

...this is by far my favourite ever TEW game so just wanted to share


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Just quickly adding something to my post, as I'm not going to repost only a month later:


North American Title scene


Emma chase has announced her new cliet Squeeky McClean and have set him on a quest to get her back the North American title. The two men have met once before with Joe picking up the victory already with botched interference from Chase again.


I'm the man around here


Brandon James took about a month off after his loss to Sexy, spending time training guys in development. I have just signed Koshiro Ino who is going to come in with much fan fair about how great he is and all that jazz. Brandon James is going to take exception saying how he's the highest paid free agent in the history of SWF for a reason and the two men will do battle.


A Love Story turns Angry


Dharma Gregg's time with Eisaku Hoshiro is winding down as his contract is coming up. I've evolved the storyline to the point now where Gregg and Huntingdons relationship starts to blossom and become something, she realises that he really is a sweet guy. But another man wants a date and that man is, Angry Gilmore! Gilmore doesn't take well to Dharma rejectiong his advances, getting well... Angry. When it looks like he's going to do some damage, out will come Huntingdon to make the face turning save and set these two in to a program in which I will hope will propel Huntingdon into the next phase of his young career.


The Avenging Angel


I have 100 heat right now for Steve Frehley and Vengeance but as they have already fought twice I only have one more 1 on 1 match in store for these two combatants. I have just signed Tyson Baine, renamed The Angel of Death and Floyd Goldworthy has been on my roster a little while with nothing to do so I paired the two up. After the next encounter between the behemoths I will have a respect angle where Vengeance shakes the hand of Frehley. AoD will run down and take out both men, particulary Vengeance, leaving him down and out for quite some time. AoD will continue to dominate the SWF roster, and fued with Steve Frehley in a small program until one day the lights go off and behind AoD is no other then Skull DeBones!


Jack is Back


Jack Bruce is back from vacation and has been inserted into the battle for supremecy again, actually he was never out.




Freddy Huggins has picked up some decent overness since coming over from TCW and I'm as the ****y heel I am looking for someone on my roster for him to fued with. His record is only 4 and 4 right now but I plan on having him go on a winning streak against some of the lower member of the roster and have him claim that he's the best SWF has ever seen. Since he is Canadian I may have it turn into a Canada is better then you pukes storyline featuring him destorying American Elemental and fueding with American Machine.


Tag Team


I have brought up Team Blood from development but Stone Yoshikawa and Cheetah Boy are just face whipping boys right now. Train and Remo are one with their program with the Biggz and will be soon paired against a new face tag team, not quite sure who yet though.

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My version of the WWE is turning into complete dream booking at the moment which is great and giving the game great value to me at the minute.


So yeah, I had Lesnar return. The way I'm spinning it is that he's taking a year off from UFC/MMA and the WWE offered him a huge pay packet and a title run. Next, I'll be bringing back Austin for a run as RAW GM. The plan is to build up a feud with somebody, possibly Cena, and have him wrestle one final match at Wrestlemania.


Or, I won't bring Austin in and instead it'll be HBK. He'll take over as RAW GM after a heel group lead by Vince McMahon consisting of John Cena, The Miz, Skip Sheffield and maybe another, start running things on RAW. They initially feud with Orton but Triple H returns followed by Batista. Orton, Triple H and Batista form a new version of Evolution called 'Revolution', led by Shawn Michaels.

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An "I'm bored at work" update...


Just booked Total Mayhem in my TCW game. Headlined it with McFly winning the world title from Sam Keith, which resulted in my first A* match. Nice to see after getting something like 6 matches that hit 99 before that... Also had the Freedom Fighters go over The Syndicate (Cornell & Hawkins)... to retain the TCW tag titles (I accidentally had RDJ & Minnesota win them from The Machines)...


I'm going to keep the Syndicate vs FF going for awhile yet, involving McFly eventually and setting up a Cornell vs McFly feud later in 2010. I'll probably have McFly drop the belt to Minnesota, but I'm not sure if I'll do face-vs-face, or maybe a triple thread match....


I can't stop signing people. Marco Flores was unemployed so I had to snap him up - tough to find a jobber with more talent. And looks like I will be able to steal Johnny Bloodstone from NOTBPW, to further erode their match quality and slow their climb to national. Christian Faith's deal came up, but it looks like he will resign with Supreme... unlike another TCW game I had on 2010. Although I really don't need him, I would've loved to team him with Steve Frehley... In addition to signing almost anyone with talent who has come available, I'm starting to bring guys out of development as more of them seem to be hitting that wall where further time there won't do them any good. The plan was to job the younger guys mercilessly for awhile, as I don't really feel any need to push any of them yet. Some are getting over despite that - Greg Keith somehow sky rocketed from around C to B in just a couple of weeks... just by losing matches on the B show with his brother. Good quality matches, since they're jobbing to top level workers, but still...


I negotiated another A show to start in June. So I will have 3 total - 2 A shows and a B show. I'm using brand splits for organizational purposes, but things aren't really split into brands for the shows. With a big and growing roster, its getting a bit cumbersome, but its my own fault.

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Small update:


I signed Takeshi Morishima as he was voted the best brawler in the world and i I hadn't really signed a new brawler in the 7 months of the game, as i signed mainly Technical workers or ariel.



Changed his name to "Asian Fury" and debued him on my 3rd Brand NWA but had too many workers, so he was squeezed in :/ he only ended up getting 58 momentum due to him loosing his match and the match getting a 75 rating.


So i moved him to Raw so he had more of a chance as they had less workers.


His first match on Raw was a loosing effort in a close match against Randy Orton, There match rating 95!!!


Glad he put on a top match like that, seems he has a big future in my company if he continues

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Really enjoying my WWE game, specifically, booking RAW. I emulated real life and had Edge go to SmackDown! and Punk to RAW. Punk debuted on RAW, attacking Daniel Bryan, setting up what should be a great feud in-terms of storyling and matches.


Over on SmackDown! Undertaker & Kane will have their buried alive match at Bragging Rights which will probably see Undertaker lose and take some time off. I may bring him back in his Big Evil/American Bad Ass persona. I'm also trying to push Chavo. I've turned him face and he's currently feuding with Alberto Del Rio who attacked Mysterio backstage on the last SmackDown! and bundled him into the trunk of his limo. On the next episode, Del Rio will turn up wearing Mysterio's mask. Chavo & Del Rio will face-off at Bragging Rights with the stipulation being that if Del Rio wins, Del Rio wins the services of Chavo but if Chavo wins, Del Rio releases Mysterio. Of course, Chavo is going to win because I'm pushing him hard. With 'Taker out of the picture, I plan on having a Battle Royle to determine a new No.1 contender for the World Heavyweight title which Chavo will win.


I'm a big fan of Chavo and he's a great worker. He's paid his dues and jobbed for years now so I think it's time he got a shot at the top.

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Really enjoying my WWE game, specifically, booking RAW. I emulated real life and had Edge go to SmackDown! and Punk to RAW. Punk debuted on RAW, attacking Daniel Bryan, setting up what should be a great feud in-terms of storyling and matches.


Over on SmackDown! Undertaker & Kane will have their buried alive match at Bragging Rights which will probably see Undertaker lose and take some time off. I may bring him back in his Big Evil/American Bad Ass persona. I'm also trying to push Chavo. I've turned him face and he's currently feuding with Alberto Del Rio who attacked Mysterio backstage on the last SmackDown! and bundled him into the trunk of his limo. On the next episode, Del Rio will turn up wearing Mysterio's mask. Chavo & Del Rio will face-off at Bragging Rights with the stipulation being that if Del Rio wins, Del Rio wins the services of Chavo but if Chavo wins, Del Rio releases Mysterio. Of course, Chavo is going to win because I'm pushing him hard. With 'Taker out of the picture, I plan on having a Battle Royle to determine a new No.1 contender for the World Heavyweight title which Chavo will win.


I'm a big fan of Chavo and he's a great worker. He's paid his dues and jobbed for years now so I think it's time he got a shot at the top.


Epic stuff, I like it!

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when MCD released the October update of his real world mod i started my game again.


The Undertaker won the WHC from Kane at Bragging rights.


Wade Barrett won the WWE title from Randy Orton. Only for The Miz to cash in MITB on Barrett and take the title from him. Seeing a weakened Barrett, Cena attacked him and destroyed him.


Barrett is now off TV for a month, Cena has assumed control of Nexus. And in the build up to Survivor Series is facing each of the other members. At Survivor Series it will be Cena vs Barrett in a last man standing match.


Kane will also get his rematch at Survivor Series against The Undertaker, in a burried Alive match.


Card for Survivor Series

WWE title

The Miz © Vs. Randy Orton



Burried Alive match

The Undertaker © vs Kane w/ Paul Bearer


Last Man Standing

Wade Barrett vs John Cena


United States Championship

Daniel Bryan vs (heel) John Morrison


Intercontinental Championship

Dolph Ziggler © vs Alberto Rio vs Rey Mysterio vs MVP


Diva Championship

Michelle McCool vs Kelly Kelly


Team Raw vs Team Smackdown!

R-Truth, Evan Bourne, Ted DiBiase & The Hart Dynasty vs Cody Rhodes, Drew McIntyre, Jack Swagger, CM Punk & Big Show.


The plan is to have Triple H return the Raw after Survivor Series. And feud with Sheamus, defeating him at TLC. then in the build to The Royal Rumble have a few cross brand feuds (Triple H vs CM Punk, US champion vs IC champion & Cody Rhodes vs Evan Bourne being the top ones)


After the Rumble (winner undecided) Triple H is going to turn heel, placing a bounty on the WWE Champion's head (likely to be Orton) and face him at Elimination chamber. (#1 contenders match inside the chamber), Triple H to become champion for Mania after forming R-Evolution (with Stephanie as Manager (& GM), Skip Sheffield (Muscle) & Lucky Cannon(orton role)


The Undertaker vs Kane (masked) will happen at Wrestlemania.


Punk & Bryan

Morrison & Miz

Christian & Edge

Are some of the other feuds I want in place for Mania.

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NYCW Roster July 2010


Main Event:

Grayson Huntingdon (Heel/Aristocrat)

Honest Frank (Heel)

Ryan Lee (User/Face)

Steve Flash (Face/Empire Champ)


Upper Midcard:

Black Hat Bailey (Heel)

Dazzling Dave Diamond (Face)

Rick Sanders (Heel/Tag Champ)

The Death Row Warrior (Heel/Shady K)



Land Mass (Heel)

Lee Wright (Heel)

Richie Riggins (Heel/Manager Claribel Potter/Tag Champ)

Sammy The Shark (Heel)

Whistler (Face)


Lower Midcard:

Animal Harker (Face)

Dean Waldorf (Face)

Marv Statler (Face)

Swoop McCarthy (Face/Tri-State Regional/Manager Cheerleader Nicki)



Jared Johnson (Face)

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NYCW Roster July 2010


Main Event:

Grayson Huntingdon (Heel/Aristocrat)

Honest Frank (Heel)

Ryan Lee (User/Face)

Steve Flash (Face/Empire Champ)


Upper Midcard:

Black Hat Bailey (Heel)

Dazzling Dave Diamond (Face)

Rick Sanders (Heel/Tag Champ)

The Death Row Warrior (Heel/Shady K)



Land Mass (Heel)

Lee Wright (Heel)

Richie Riggins (Heel/Manager Claribel Potter/Tag Champ)

Sammy The Shark (Heel)

Whistler (Face)


Lower Midcard:

Animal Harker (Face)

Dean Waldorf (Face)

Marv Statler (Face)

Swoop McCarthy (Face/Tri-State Regional/Manager Cheerleader Nicki)



Jared Johnson (Face)


Now October signings made are

Giant Brody and Steel as Great Brody and The Body

KC Glenn as Kevin Christopher

Jim Force

Morgan Malone and Skip Beau as The Canadian Wildmen

Marshall Dillon as Marshall Roberts



Fern Hathaway,Whistler,Animal Harker and Lee Wright



Team Supreme (Heels):

Claribel Potter

Grayson Huntingdon

Great Brody

Marshall Roberts

Richie Riggings

Rick Sanders

The Body

The Death Row Warrior


The Resistance (Face):

Cheerleader Nicki

Dazzling Dave Diamond

Dean Waldorf

Honest Frank

Marv Statler

Ryan Lee

Steve Flash

Swoop McCarthy

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Austin Aries is my world champ, he won it in october 2009 with help from his then stable mates Roderick Strong, Brent Albright and Jack evans....


Jack and Strong broke out, figuring they did not need Aries as their mentor, they where at that time 1PW Tag champions....Brent Albright and Austin Aries where assosiates, untill Brent turned on Aries, joining Ric Flair in the prosses.


Aries was now alone, he and his title, and everyone was guning for him, he had challangers lining up everywhere to face the champ.


Samoa Joe, Alex Shelley, Homicide, Low KI, Chris Hero, Mike Quackenbush, Roderick Strong, Brent Albright, Bobby Roode, Nigel MCguinnes, Christian Cage, Bryan Danielson, Davey Richards had one thing in common, a hate and dispise for the world champion, and wanted what was around his shoulder.


Aries defended the title with honor, dignity and respect. Turning Aries face.


Aries became under more and more presure, defending the title left and right, not only did he defeat 1PW stars, but international superstars, like Psycosis, Kenta Kobashi and even Mitsuharu Misawa!...


Aries is still my champ, and is set to defend against Samoa Joe at "The Means to an End"....also, Bryan Danielson and Nigel mcGuinesse has title shots the 2 following ppv's. Aries's odds are stacking against him.

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Playing a 0/0/0/0 game in Mexico using CVerse 97 and it's insanely good fun. Up to August 99, Masked Rebel and Nicolas Lopez are my main stars, with good chemistry together, and main event most of my shows either in tag or singles action.


My other main stars include Acid and Daniel Cano (great chemistry teaming as White Lightning, with the added bonus of Acid having awesome chemistry being managed by Lucia), the Continental Connection of Asiatico and Europea (good chemistry and got over insanely quickly to the point where I'm desperately jobbing out Europea to get his contract demands down to halfway realistic) and Insane Machine and Eclipse.


Jungle Jack, Nathan Priest and Tijuana Vampire were all main eventers previously but left to work for other feds. I'm growing really quickly, have a weekly 1 hour TV show, and hopefully should get to cult with $1,000,000 in the bank at some point in the next 6-9 months.

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3 Historic weeks in WWE NWA: The very first show of the new 3rd Brand we had the announcement by Jim Cornette of his new Client returning to WWE Brock Lesnar.


This Shocked the locker room, non more so then Tyler black who has been pleading for a match against a top star to prove his worth. He got his wish, a match against Brock Lesnar on his return. Lesnar made light work of Tyler black as Brock has his eyes on CM Punks NWA title.




Week 2: Jim Cornette in the ring with brock Lesnar hyping Brocks skills and laying his plans for domination in WWE. Jim cornette goes on to say there's no body currently in the WWE who can match Brocks skill in the ring. They are then Interrupted by non other than..


Kurt Angle, making a shock return to WWE just 2 days after Kurt on was TV with TNA.


Kurt goes on to say he is the man who can go toe to toe with Brock Lesnar and that brock better watch his back as Kurt will be coming for him.




Week 3 of WWE: !NWA!. The Miz in the ring claiming he's the most entertaining man on NWA and WWE as a whole and that no one can match him the ring either as his performances are far above anyone on the Roster, Finishing with his catchphrase, "Cos i'm the MIZ AND I'M AWWWWESSSSOOOO...." He gets interrupted when his mic gets cut and the lights go out, while a seemingly random video plays on the screen of the skyline of Hollywood. light come back on the Music plays of non other than THE ROCK.


The Rock comes down and cuts the Miz down on the mic, saying how the most electrifying man in sports entertainment is back and ready to layeth the Smackdown once again in the WWE and is starting with getting the Miz out the ring and backstage.


The Miz goes out the ring and to the backstage area embarrassed and shocked about what just happened.


Later on in the show the Miz attacks the Rock backstage and announces he set up a match between them on the show later tonight.


The Rock beats The Miz but in a rage the Miz attacks the rock mid celebration with the US title then runs off backstage setting off a feud between the two.

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Most times, the most fun I have in TEW are the games I cheat to all hell.


I started up Stampede Wrestling in the 1997 mod, and added 10-year written contracts to ALL the Harts (Bret, Owen, Bruce, Ross, Stu and Teddy) as well as the step-brothers, Anvil and Davey, as well as Stampede Alumni Chris Benoit and Steve Blackman. Gave myself 10 million bucks to give myself time to become profitable.


Having tons of fun with a Bret-Davey feud, as well as a Owen-Benoit feud who's matches are even topping the title feud.

Brought in tons of Canadians, Copeland and Cage, obviously, as well as Rhino, Mike Awesome and Lance Storm, and have a virgining Junior-Heavy division with guys like Hector Garza, Christopher Daniels, Jamie Nable and others.

Starting at just 38 pop in one region, everything I've done is gold, but 7 month in, I'm hemoraging 75 thousand dollars a month with television.

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I'm at regional ín October of 2013 in my 0/0/0/0 game with my created Maverick Wrestling Experience promotion.


After losing Soul Taker who had carried the company with great matches with the likes of Dark Patriot (Brandon Smith), Ernest Youngman (who I also recently lost along with Mainstream Hernandez who had only been around for a couple of months), Freddie Datsun (who's approaching retirement) my company is in a transitional period of building up new stars.


Dark Patriot is currently in his second reign with the heavyweight strap, feuding with the recently returned Rhino Umaga. They have yet to actually wrestle, as last time Rhino was around (1½ years ago) Patriot was unable to beat him until his very final match with the company. Patriot thus claims that Umaga has to earn his way back into contention, which he is currently in the process of, sometimes fending off interference from Patriot or his goons.


Meanwhile Freddie Datsun has won the annual Good As Gold (credit for the name goes to someone on this board, but the name escapes me) briefcase. This works differently than the MITB, as he only gets to set stips, time and place, not just walk out at some random time - there are proper channels to get things done around here, dammit! :p He has been involved in a few tag matches with the champ, matching up well, and helping the value of his protegé Cal Sanders in the process. This is also portrayed as Freddie's last chance at glory and the dastardly Dark Patriot not even finding the beloved Datsun worthy of the shot he has earned.


Generally Patriot's gimmick is that he turned from being the American Patriot to being the Dark Patriot by slowly beginning to equal loving America to loving Patriot himself. It culminated when he proclaimed that some soldiers in attendance were not true Americans because they weren't wearing Patriot merchandise.


Elsewhere the tag champs are the first tag team ever formed in MWE, "the Heizenger Project" of Johnny "Antman" Heizenger and Giant Brody. They originally formed as I was looking to introduce a tag division in 2010, but only had two matches until a few months ago when they reformed. The reason for this was that Antman left "to pursue other opportunities" (after I gave him a run as the first champion in the company... Yeah, I'm bitter :p). He was recently resigned and the tag team that only barely got started before he left immidiately became a dominant force winning the tag belts from the dissapointing team of "the Awesomeness" who were on their way out. Currently their main antagonists are "America's Team" of Aguila Americana & Masked Patriot, "Velvet Sky" of Austin Smooth & Sky King, and the heel team of Bradley Blaze & Larry Wood; "the Fistfight Express". The main factors that interest me in booking this is the dynamic of the championship team where Brody is increasingly becoming disillusioned with Heizenger's egomaniacal behavior, yet he enjoys a lot of benefits from Heizenger's cunning and intellect. Brody's lack of focus and smarts were always put over as the main reason why the dominant monster never became a champion before he had someone like Heizenger to channel his power.


The last title in the company is the Young Lion's Championship, which has been taken hostage by Snap Dragon. Young wrestlers attempt to take it away from the aging veteran, yet fall short due to Dragon being proficient at politics and cheating. Josh Jones is currently chasing the title after his buddy Syd Collier was robbed of it originally, and sidelined with an injury.


Aside from that Raphael, Jared Johnson, Marcus Van Buren (Mark Smart with the gimmick of a white trash loser who has taken a "richy boy soundin' name" in order to improve his standing in the world) and Irwin Gutmann are being groomed for stardom and are beginning to deliver pretty decent match ratings.

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Austin Aries is still under presure, with challangers everywhere, he got no-one to trust, as his manager turned on him...he's alone....this will lead to him taking the world title and disapearing for 2-6 months....Me creating a Intirm championship, with a 32 man tournement...and they will have a unification match at the 6th Annaversery show,or wrestlereunion 2012...


The Brisco Brothers are still getting over enough to compeat with the Motor City Machine Guns, they are featured every A and B show, in angles and matches...soon, they will become 2 time 1PW tag Champions


Lance Storm has retuned to wrestling!...and he wants to prove he got everything, my main though was to do a "Jerry Lynn" and give him one last run with a title, the world title....but I cant have him end Austin's reign yet.


William Regal debutedon 1PW - The New Era!....he is now the manager and personal trainer of Bryan Danielson, this is to get Bryan more over, so he can challange realistacly for the title....sometime...resulting in a rematch of the 97 rated match between the two.


Davey is now Tvchampion, defeating Sami Callihan....


Mike Quackenbush of "Flairs Future" is issuing a open challange for his Undisputed Junior Heavyweight championship....not sure who is gonna answer, Quack got 28 deffences, with LOTS of international stars under his belt....

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Im in October 2018 of a 0/0/0/0 game that I started. Its a very old school type promotion. Its very NYCW like.


Anyways, in the summer of 2017, John Greed started a stable called "Gold & Greed". It should be pretty easy to guess what Greeds plan was for the stable. Yup you guessed it! He rounded up some loyal members to chase after ALL the gold (championships) in CWA! Charles Johnson (Citizen X), Nelly Callum, Brian Flash (Raphael, Steve Flash's protege) made up the original members.


Shawn Gonzalez was the current champ at the time G&G was formed. John Greed constantly bullied Gonzalez with his loyal stable behind him. Greed finally got a title match after a beat down finally convinced Gonzalez that he had enough. At the PPV John Greed wins the World title for the first time. Gold & Greed finally had a little Gold to go with their name.


After the feud between the Gold & Greed stable and Shawn Gonzalez comes to an end, Its now January 2018! CWA's January PPV is a lot like WWE's Money In The Bank. The PPV is called Space Bound and instead of the stipulation of "Anytime, Anywhere" the winner of the ladder match gets to main even CWA's biggest PPV of the year, Fight For Fame 2 months down the road.


Darryl Devine wins the Space Bound ladder match and is set to take on who ever is the current champion when Fight For Fame rolls around. John Greed uses his usually tactics to retain his title at the next PPV. That means Devine vs. Greed is set in stone.


Darryl Devine suffers a month of trash talking and beat downs from Gold & Greed taking the title from John Greed at the CWA's Wrestlemania. They have a rematch at the next PPV which is held in a cage to stop G&G from interfering in the match. Devine retains and 2 days later I get an email letting me know that John Greed and fellow member Nelly Callum have officially signed WRITTEN contracts with SWF! :(


So I had to think quick and alter the storyline. John Greed came out the next week challenging Devine with 1 more match for the World Title. If he loses he leaves CWA forever! Devine accepts and of course Greed loses the next week. In the storyline Nelly Callum told the remaining 2 members of G&G that he was leaving with Greed to SWF.


Devine is still my Champion rolling into October of 2018. Charles Johnson & Brian Flash where left to rebuild Gold & Greed to chase the gold as the stable was meant to do. about a month ago game time Charles Johnson was fueding with Frankie Perez. Brian Flash needed a tag team partner so the stipulation of Perez vs. Johnson was if Perez won G&G would have to split up. If Johnson won Perez would be forced to team with Flash and chase the Tag Titles.


^ WWE robbed me I swear! :p


Johnson won and once Perez & Flash won the tag titles, Johnson decided to bring in a brand new title because of his failed attempts trying to defeat Darryl Devine. At my next PPV Johnson is going to win it with interference from Perez & Flash.


Other news: SWF is cult and their workers are everywhere throughout the US. TCW is Global and USPW is National.


Its a really fun game

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I'm thinking of making a stable similar to Orton's Legacy, but on a much larger scale, and they come in to say SWF and interfere in matches, and beat down the competitors. They feel due to their heritage they deserve the spotlight, and no one else, the storyline could start off with Richard Eisen being laid out backstage in a pool of blood and having to be taken out on a stretcher, leaving SWF without anyone to run things, but no one is shown who takes out Richard.


During that event's main event match,


Matthew Keith, Greg Gauge (Renamed Greg Keith), Ash Campbell, Luis Montero Jr., Gino Montero, Jay Chord, Cameron Vessey and Hollywood Bret Starr hit the ring, followed by Lisa Bowen, who will be the manager of every single one of them, I hope I don't get any bad chemistry.... xD


They proceed to over-power whoever is in the main event due to outnumbering the two established superstars 8-to-2.


They then take credit for taking out Richard Eisen, and they say they are taking over. Then at the PPV, they have a 5-on-5 tag team match, which is led by Eric Eisen under the guise of wanting revenge and consisting of various SWF stars, including the two in the main event that were taken out during the stable's TV debut, but it turns out Eric was the mastermind all along, and turns on team SWF, becoming the leader of the Stable. Jay Chord wins the SWF North American title during the PPV, and The Keiths win the SWF World Tag Team titles. The other 5 being the ones in the 5-on-5 tag team match.


This is, if I start the SWF game I've been wanting to start for the longest time, lol.... I start one, get a few months in and then stop, as I run out of things to do.


Maybe it'd work better and be more of a shocker if Eric turned face, and it was Jerry Eisen being the mastermind? Er, looking at his skills, Jerry has a 10 in heel, so I dunno if that would work out very well...

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Just a small little note from my game, because it made me happy.


For the 3rd year running I have guided someone to the "Young Wrestler Of The Year" award.


2003 - Remo - Brute pushed and had great matches when he was over, sadly ditched me for HGC.


2004 - Steven Parker - Did brilliantly despite little overness, helped a lot by the fact I put him in the ring with Buddy Garner alot.


2005 - Rick Law - After floating around for the first part of the year he formed "Supreme Future" with Rich Money and hasnt looked back since. The pair won my tag titles from the DeColts (Alex & Steve) and the next month won my annual tag cup.


I never meant to get the award for them it just happened, but since Marc Dubois just debuted I am going to try this year to get it for him.



And just because the power 100 has made me happy here are my workers rankings (My promotion is at Cult)


14 - Steve DeColt

16 - Alex DeColt (Partner of Steve)

17 - Pablo Rodriguez

20 - Mr Lucha

23 - William Hayes

24 - Chance Fortune (Partner of Hayes)

25 - Tim Westybrook

28 - Freddie Datsun (Partner of Westybrook for most of the year, had Westybrook turn on Datsun in November)

38 - Rich Money

41 - Rick Law

42 - Duane Stone

47 - Owen Love

51 - Dallas McWade

52 - Dean McWade

57 - American Elemental

58 - Buddy Garner

59 - Raymond Diaz

64 - Steven Parker

66 - Robert Oxford

70 - Spanish Superfly

73 - Rafael Ruiz (Partner of Spanish Superfly)

74 - Hell Monkey

77 - JD Morgan

78 - Wolf Hawkins (Partner of Steven Parker)

80 - Jack Giedroyc (Partner of JD Morgan)

83 - Raul Hughes

94 - Samoan Machine

97 - Eddie Peak

100 - Bairei Yasujiro


Really happy, got 29 people on the board at cult including some jobbers (Ruiz, Superfly and to a lesser extent the McWade's)

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