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Got an awsome NYCW game going just hit regional in spetember 2010 so Im doing Rush witch is 1 1/2 hours long at the end of the month in Tri state and Slam witch is a small event and only an hour long in New England I am constantly doing talent trades with MAW Machine and Jay coming in and out since stomper wont let me get any more agrements:(.


I desided to bring in "Southern Justice" Jack Griffith running a redneck gimmic in at The very start and grab the Empire belt and forming The Kingz Of Oldschool with Frank and Black Hat


"Platinum" James Prudence was also in early on in the peace running a Patriot gimmic and formed The High Performace Patriots with Whistler and The Ring Generals sadly i think I will lose James in six months time due to him geting massive over but I have plans for Sammy The Shark who just hit ME status to take control of the group.

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May 1987


Company TNA



Owner Dixie Carter

Booker/User Character Paul Heyman




Main Eventers


Arn Anderson

Barry Windham

Bobby Eaton

Tully Blanchard


Upper Card


Bam Bam Bigelow

Scott Hall

Stan Lane

The Ultimate Warrior


Mid Card


Eddie Gilbert

Marty Jannetty

Mike Rotundo

Rick Rude

Scott Steiner

Shawn Michaels

Terry Taylor


Low Card


Brian Pillman

Rick Steiner





Cactus Jack

Eddie Guerrero




Ron Hutchinson

The Undertaker




Ashley Cartier

Candi Devine

Lady Apache

Luna Vachon


Sherri Martel

Tina Ferrari




Beulah McGillicutty

Jim Cornett

Paul Heyman





Chris Cruise

Jim Ross


Color Commentary


Eric Bischoff




Bill Alfonso

Nick Patrick


Road Agents


Pat O'Conor

Boris Malenko

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A burst of dumb inspiration hit me this morning where I thought about all of the deceased wrestlers from long ago to as recent as Macho Man and doing a specific 'deceased wrestler' promotion, either making it like they're all up in heaven kicking ass in front of the other millions of souls or just making as if they didn't die, but still strictly making it centered around just the deceased wrestlers as if they're alive and on Earth. Mainly the ones who were active in the 80s/90s/2000s and they're all in wrestling shape. Strange I know!
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A burst of dumb inspiration hit me this morning where I thought about all of the deceased wrestlers from long ago to as recent as Macho Man and doing a specific 'deceased wrestler' promotion, either making it like they're all up in heaven kicking ass in front of the other millions of souls or just making as if they didn't die, but still strictly making it centered around just the deceased wrestlers as if they're alive and on Earth. Mainly the ones who were active in the 80s/90s/2000s and they're all in wrestling shape. Strange I know!


Gordon Solie and Gorilla Monsoon on commentary!

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A burst of dumb inspiration hit me this morning where I thought about all of the deceased wrestlers from long ago to as recent as Macho Man and doing a specific 'deceased wrestler' promotion, either making it like they're all up in heaven kicking ass in front of the other millions of souls or just making as if they didn't die, but still strictly making it centered around just the deceased wrestlers as if they're alive and on Earth. Mainly the ones who were active in the 80s/90s/2000s and they're all in wrestling shape. Strange I know!


OMG I thought about it that too. Today in fact, too. lol

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Just completed the 15th year of my MSWA game (formally FCW) so here is an update.


January 2025

With $4,895,820

180 shows completed




MSWA Heavyweight: Matty Faith

Prestige: 70

9 Defenses made so far

Defeated Matt Hocking


MSWA Regional: Ford Gumble

Prestige: 70

4 Defenses made so far

Defeated King Kong Kennedy


MSWA Tag Team: The 937IB Express (King Kong Kennedy and Ox Mastadon)

Prestige: 40

2 Defenses made so far

Defeated Brady Prince and Buck Graham




Antonio Del Veccio vs. Ford Gumble ©

MSWA Regional Title Feud


Matt Hocking vs. Matty Faith ©

MSWA Heavyweight Title Feud


Here is the card for my first event of 2025 titled MSWA Re-Launched


Derek Frost vs. Natural Storm: DC Rayne and Eddie Howard

Air Attack Weasel vs. Hector Galindo


King Kong Kennedy vs. Rudy Velasquez

Jesus Chavez vs. Amo Del Gato


Antonio Del Veccio vs. Ford Gumble ©

MSWA Regional Title Match


Matt Hocking vs. Matty Faith ©

MSWA Heavyweight Title Match


New Signings

Ace Youngblood



Larry Wood – Didn’t need him


Title Run Promises

Ford Gumble Promised Mid Card Title Run


Not sure how he will get this at this point since he is already the Regional Champion, I will probably have him lose the title on one show and win it back on the next.

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I've been trying to hit National for the whole year!


I have Exodus and MOSC as child territories already.


Now I can/need to break all my working relationships, sign the hell out of everyone, then, eventually, get back The Natural.



Oh, and Vicky Stone is the owner.





GREAT. Victoria won't let me be allied with others. So...if I break my pact with TCW, I can't get it back. But they have McFly...

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OMG I thought about it that too. Today in fact, too. lol


funny, you wanna do it? I'm thinkin guys who died in 90s through up to Savage but modifying their age and stuff to get them in wrestling form so if it starts in 2011 there won't be like a 70 year old Andre the Giant haha.

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One of my long running annoyances with my long term CV '97 games has been HGC. They sign everyone they can, and then never use them right. On their roster they currently have:


Bryan Vessey

Cliff Wilson (Dark Angel)

Craig Prince

Dan Stone Jr.

Human Arsenal (I have missed many better people off this list than HA, but he was my promotions Tag Team specialist damn it.)

Jack DeColt

Joel Bryant

Johnny Bloodstone

Piston Pete Hall (Like Human Arsenal, he was special to me.)

Remo (He was beasting through my promotion. A* pop in my home region and he left me)

Rip Chord

Sam Keith

Steve Flash

Tom "Angry" Gilmore (See Piston Pete Hall)


And thats not to mention people like Dread, Nemesis, Liberty, BLZ Bubb etc. And the younger generation stars like Jack Bruce & Sammy Bach.


Yet their world champion is Demon Anger (yes that tag team guy). And the only person on that main list with a world title run is Bryan Vessey.


The tag team champions. The Insane Heat & Eddie Chandler. Neither of whome would get on my cult promotions roster. The only person on my list with a tag title run is Joel Bryant.


And their three lower titles are held by Outbacker Rolf, RK Hayes & Iceman CA. The people on my list have a combine 4 reigns.


And a quick example to show misuse. I am in September and Dan Stone Jr. has only had 6 matches so far in the year.



Where am I going with this. Well for the first time ever I am going to do some in game editing. There will be a revolt leading to many people leaving HGC (I.E I will edit their contracts down to 1 day). But my question is, who do you think would lead such a revolt. My main thoughts were Chord or Keith, but Keith already turned his back on the SWF. Can't see him doing the same to HGC, and at 57 would Chord screw the 2nd biggest promotion in the world.


So who from that list do you think would have the backstage pull to lead the revolt? Could Rip decide to call it a day, but influence the business one last time? Is Keith the type to stab yet another promotion in the back? Could Dan Stone Jr. say he is going back to NOTBPW and try and lead other wrestlers with him? Or any other ideas?


Edit: And do you think anyone from the list would be opposed to leaving and stay loyal?

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funny, you wanna do it? I'm thinkin guys who died in 90s through up to Savage but modifying their age and stuff to get them in wrestling form so if it starts in 2011 there won't be like a 70 year old Andre the Giant haha.


Sorry Don't have time with work and school

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Well I managed to play my ESE save to 2014 (longest that I ever played any save, outside of Effverse that is). I finally hit regional size and actually managed to stay there despite being 5th in every regional battle so far. I´m slowly getting my guys overness up with several guys being between D+ and C- currently.


Kid Toma (Got offer from NYCW at the time of contract negotions and decided to look other options, didn´t actually sign with NYCW though), Egutchi (signed by WLW) and Dante are gone but I did sign plenty of new guys and in fact my roster is pretty big now (or rather still):


Main eventers:


Hiroshi Morisue H

Tasuku Shinozuka F

Toyokuni Hardcore H

Tsurayuki Kamachi F (Current King of the Network champion, got title after Toma left.)

VENOM H (will be the next champion simply because I promised him a title run)


Upper midcard:

Dark Eagle F

Larry Wood H

Nariaki Hitomi H

Takesi Umehara F

Young Boy Sayuki F



Brother Yo****aka F (ESE Team champion)

Kinji Akamatsu F (ESE Team champion)

Masakazu Kaima H

Ninja Shunji F

Reijiro Hiraki H

Rogue Matsuo SF F

Sozen Ishinomori H (ESE Prince of Studios champion)

Taro Shionoya H


Lower midcard:

Acid II H

Beetle Kimura F

Spirit of the Lizard H

Spirit of the Shark H



Ant-Man H

Lion Kenji F

Ogai Miki H


Enchantment talent:

Musashi F

Japanese Phoenix F (will be leaving thanks to no actual wrestling skills combinated with bad backstage presence, Panda Mask II will likely replace him and team with Kimura since those two actually have tag team experience.)



Tag teams:

Acid Ant (Ant-Man & Acid II)

Fire Beetle (Beetle Kimura & Japanese Phoenix)

Problem Solvers (Taro Shionoya & Sozen Ishinomori)

Revolution (Masakazu Kaima & Reijiro Hiraki)

Rogue Ninja (Ninja Shunji & Rogue Matsuo SF)

The Apocalypse Riders (Spirit of the Lizard & Spirit of the Shark)

The Brotherhood (Brother Yo****aka & Kinji Akamatsu)

The Young Lions (Lion Kenji & Musashi)


Outside of ESE some interesting development (well from my perspective at least) have happened in USA.


SWF has interesting main event scene including Bruce the Giant, Frederique Antonio Garcia, Marc DuBois, Rocky Golden and Squeeky McClean alongside Angry Gilmore, Eric Eisen, Jack Bruce and Rich Money.


TCW has no real surprises on their main event scene and they haven´t really lost anyone but Golden either (well some decent guys like Edd Stone where let go but computer does that all the time). Cristian Faith however is currently in TCW uppermidcard after leaving SFW for unknown reasons.


NOTBPW, unsurprisingly has really great roster as they haven´t really lost anyone and have added guys like Steve Frehley, Tyson Baine, Sean Deeley (currently main eventing in NOTBPW), Jack DeColt, Eddie Chandler, Nate Johnson, Dan DaLay, Bobby Thomas & Randy Bumfhole to their roster.


However the real interesting story is USPW who did breafly rise to national level. Unfortunately the competition there was too much but they do have interesting main event scene with Chris Caulfield, Enygma, James Justice, Super Lucha Scott (yes you read it right, Big Smack Scott is in USPW main event scene:p) & Vengeance (no idea why SFW let him go) with Edd Stone, Kashmir Singh, T-Rex, Jumbo Jackson and Freddy Huggins populating their upper midcard.

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I have just ran the revolt mentioned in the post a few up from this one. And have put a story together for "how it happened".


At HGC Destructive Energy, Bryan Vessey was meant to regain the World Title from Demon Anger. The booker, Sam Strong had promised him this, however at the last minute plans were changed, and Anger retained his title over Vessey.


Strong apologised for the change before hand, and as a sign of faith gave Larry Vessey a win over Sam Keith in the co-main event. However this was not enough for Bryan, who couldn't care less about his brothers success. The decision by Strong lead to another disgruntled superstar, Sam Keith. Keith risked everything by quiting SWF a few years prior, and had been patient, believing one day his faith in the company would be paid off. However Keith was at breaking point, losing more matches than he was winning was getting too him. Especially considering he was putting on Match of The Night almost everytime he wrestled. And now he was being asked to lay down for the lesser Vessey brother.


Both men were proffesional in the ring, however backstage was a different story. They managed to rile up several wrestlers to the point they were all willing to fight together, or leave together. These wrestlers included former NOTBPW pairing Dan Stone Jr. (who had just lost to the 57 year old Rip Chord) & Johnny Bloodstone. Ex-CGC star Jack DeColt. And several ex-NGW (my promotion) stars, who knew they would be welcomed back by the small promotion. These wrestlers were Tom Gilmore, Remo, Human Arsenal & Piston Pete Hall. All though some people decided not to join in, Larry Vessey opted out, as he was being treated well, and many other big stars (Nemesis, Dread, Bubb, Chord, Bryant) stayed as they knew the promotion was best for them at this stage in their careers.


Together these wrestlers confronted booker Sam Strong, and demanded more control over their own creative programs, but were denied.


All the wrestlers walked out of the arena that night, and did not return to HGC the next day.


Now just to see which ones of them I can sign :p



Johnny Bloodstone will make his return to NGW :D

Jack DeColt will re-join his brothers Steve & Alex in NGW :D Just need Ricky now :p

Piston Pete Hall is back.

Human Arsenal is back :D But got to decide which tag team to have Raymond Diaz in now. (Diaz used to team with Arsenal before he left, but is now teaming with Tim Westybrook)

Huge mark out moment. Dan Stone Jr. is making his way to my promotion. Dream matches galore there. :D

Remo returns to the promotion that made him.

No suprise that Vessey turned me down. Just want to see what he does now.

Sam Keith has jumped back to SWF.

And rounding off my new signings Angry Gilmore is back.


If my roster wasn't already bloated enough, it sure is now.

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TNA created in January 1995 as regional, going Global in October 1998 :)


Main eventers (US) : Sting, Shawn Michaels, Raven, Chris Candido, Christopher Daniels

International stars : Jushin Liger, Great Sasuke, Koji Kanemoto, La Parka, Octagon, Yoshihiro Tajiri

Tag Team division : Adam Impact (Edge) & Christian Cage, Eliminators (Saturn & Kronus), Full Blooded Italians (Guido Maritato & Tony Mamaluke), Shannon Moore & Shane Helms, Joey Matthews & Christian York

X division : some already said, Frankie Kazarian, Evan Karagias, K-Krush (Truth), Julio Dinero, Scott Taylor, Doug Williams ...


At the time WWF is the #1 promotion, looking like ECW : Cactus Jack World Champion, Lance Storm & Tommy Dreamer Tag Team Chammpions, and a young AJ Styles Intercontinental Champion.

WCW #3 (I'm #2), with Ric Flair the new head booker (crowning himself World Champion the same week). "Holy Sh*t" champions : US for Arn Anderson, TV for Gerald Brisco, Tag for Steven Regal & Kevin Sullivan

ECW #4 in US, #7 in the World (after CMLL, NJPW, AAA), with "not so extreme" champions : The Giant World Champion, Rock'n'Roll Express Tag Champions, Jerry Lawler TV Champion. Also in the roster Bill Goldberg, The Rock and The Undertaker.

Rey Misterio Jr is dominating CMLL : Heavyweight, Welterweight, Tag Team and Trios champion (Tag champion with Chris Jericho).

Bret Hart is the current World Champion in AAA.

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Just completed the sixteenth year of my MSWA game so here is an update.


January 2026

With $5,314,925

192 shows completed




MSWA Heavyweight: Matt Hocking

Prestige: 70

7 Defenses made so far

Defeated Matty Faith


MSWA Regional: Ford Gumble

Prestige: 70

1 Defenses made so far

Defeated Antonio Del Veccio

Note: Antonio won the belt from Ford and then the next month Ford won the title back.


MSWA Tag Team: The 937IB Express (King Kong Kennedy and Ox Mastadon)

Prestige: 40

4 Defenses made so far

Defeated Brady Prince and Buck Graham




Antonio Del Veccio vs. Matt Hocking ©

MSWA Heavyweight Championship feud.


Matty Faith vs. Derek Frost


Here is the card for my first event of 2026 titled MSWA Re-Launched


Antonio Del Veccio vs. Matt Hocking ©

MSWA Heavyweight Championship Match


Air Attack Weasel vs. DC Rayne

Jesus Chavez vs. Eddie Howard


The Latino Kings: Rudy Velasquez and Hector Galindo vs. The 937IB Express King Kong Kennedy and Ox Mastadon ©

MSWA Tag Team Championship Match


Matty Faith vs. Derek Frost


Chris Kaladaro vs. Ford Gumble ©

MSWA Regional Championship Match


Monday Week 1 May 2025

Opened MSWA Arena


New Signings

Cameron Jones

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Well, I've crossed my IWL game over into 2014 and two thoughts have started to occur to me.


1: I've never played a Regional promotion before. I've either played super small companies or pre-2008 I played the big boys. TV, PPV, the whole nine yards. I've never had to think about growth strategy before. I was either so small it came as a blessing or so big it took care of itself.


2: One of the reasons I've been so reticient to play the big boys in recent years is because I've always been paranoid about the expense of terminating written contracts early. If I build up to that stage gradually with this game rather than just starting there from the word go, maybe I can finally overcome that paranoia.


Within the game, it wasn't the most exciting month to report on. Nothing changed on the title front. Although it does occur to me that to my growth in size, I forgot to mention that Island Ink had won the tag titles for the third time in mid-November. Their war with the British Bothers ends with the next end of month supercard and then a new challenge awaits them.


Actually, big news is one the creative front. I have three new stories getting ready to start. I have romance blooming in the booth. El Orgulloso and Klaus Blut just finished a Revenge Of The Little People feud from DOTT and Davis Ditterich's reaction to seeing his broadcast partner Kathleen Lee nearly shoot her eye out in the chaos has sparked an attraction. But don't expect the locker room to let it go untested. Newcomer Elliott Thomas has been hired to see to that. I'm a month out from creating the promotion's first stable. But it won't include The Big Problem. Due to another brainstorm, I've re-hired IWL charter member La Criatura Roja (De La Navidid) to fill the open slot. And I hired on Stephanie Drucker hoping to get a love storyline going with her down the road as well. Problem can come a little later but I still hope for him to come.


In the meantime, Ishino Mori is getting to challenge Bob Shrunkle for the world title in the slam challenge storyline I've been pointing the big Asian towards and I have lower tier tag teams Lexicon (random gen Lex Torosidis/Cip Conduit) and Project Nippon (Kuemon Hotta/random-gen Shogo Takahashi aka Young Boy Shogo) feuding to see who can take the next step in the tag division. Both random gens have solid Entertainment skills but Torosidis is older (21 vs 18) and much better in the ring all around than Shogo so I'm planning to give Lexicon the nod unless something wild happens. So December of 2013 may have been fairly quiet. But the fireworks are definitely in the cards before long.

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Just completed the sixteenth year of my MSWA game so here is an update.


January 2026

With $5,314,925

192 shows completed




MSWA Heavyweight: Matt Hocking

Prestige: 70

7 Defenses made so far

Defeated Matty Faith


MSWA Regional: Ford Gumble

Prestige: 70

1 Defenses made so far

Defeated Antonio Del Veccio

Note: Antonio won the belt from Ford and then the next month Ford won the title back.


MSWA Tag Team: The 937IB Express (King Kong Kennedy and Ox Mastadon)

Prestige: 40

4 Defenses made so far

Defeated Brady Prince and Buck Graham




Antonio Del Veccio vs. Matt Hocking ©

MSWA Heavyweight Championship feud.


Matty Faith vs. Derek Frost


Here is the card for my first event of 2026 titled MSWA Re-Launched


Antonio Del Veccio vs. Matt Hocking ©

MSWA Heavyweight Championship Match


Air Attack Weasel vs. DC Rayne

Jesus Chavez vs. Eddie Howard


The Latino Kings: Rudy Velasquez and Hector Galindo vs. The 937IB Express King Kong Kennedy and Ox Mastadon ©

MSWA Tag Team Championship Match


Matty Faith vs. Derek Frost


Chris Kaladaro vs. Ford Gumble ©

MSWA Regional Championship Match


Monday Week 1 May 2025

Opened MSWA Arena


New Signings

Cameron Jones


It's 2026 and you still have most of the original roster? That's commendable. Especially considering how much most of the original FCW roster sucks. :p Have Mastodon and Kennedy (in particular) improved considerably, or...?

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Playing my USPW game again and having a blast. It's April 2012 and I've helped them attain National status. Producing PPV's on USA Free Choice and American Wrestling TV every week on USA Sports 1. I plan to keep USPW in the United States and that's all. I have no interest in expanding into Canada or any other country.


Nicky Champion is the current reigning USPW World champion, T-Rex and Tyson Baine are on their third reign as USPW World Tag Team champions, Gorgon is currently our Women's champion, Rudy Velasquez is holding the Television championship, and Harry Allen was recently crowned the first USPW Cruiserweight champion.

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Just got Ricky DeColt into NOTBPW.


I would like The Natural back, as well as Sean McFly.


Oh, and I managed to never lose Dark Angel, presumably due to careful/unintentional jobbing back at Cult.


I'm 8th, by the way, for Importance. The only International promotion in the world, 100 Momentum and 90 Prestige (highest in the world). 3rd on Influence. But no, I've been falling on Importance.


Oh, and Thrill Seeker's "Thrill Seeker" gimmick is rated as 8. Lol.

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It's 2026 and you still have most of the original roster? That's commendable. Especially considering how much most of the original FCW roster sucks. :p Have Mastodon and Kennedy (in particular) improved considerably, or...?


I only have 8 guys from my origional roster still in the game, the reason I still have Shawn Gonzalez is because I went into the editor and gave him a written contract but he is now retired. Mastadon and Kennedy haven't improved much even though they have been the tag team champions for about three years although my goal is to have them lose the titles by the time I provide my next update. I have had Matty Faith for a while and despite having multiple world title reigns he has yet to improve. Ford Gumble retired at the end of 2025 and I was quite happy actually because every time his contract came up he wanted another title reign promised when he still held a title so I am glad that I don't have to worry about how to get a title off of him and having him regain a title to satify his title reign.


Back with the 08 version of the game NOTBPW became my favoriote promotion and still was for a long time since I was playing 2010. However now that I have had a game last this long FCW is probably my new favoriote promotion because chances are I won't ever be able to duplicate a game like this ever again.


Although this game hasn't reached the greatness of Logans MAW/WCW game I am very happy with the job I have done and If I can never get to cult I will still be happy with it. My goal is to play this game long enough so that I have to retire, that is the only way to end a game like this.


@ D-Lyrium in case you were wondering and I was currious myself here are the people I still have left over from my origional roster.


Cueball Lynch- Colour Commentator

DC Rayne

Eddie Howard

Hector Galindo

Jesus Chavez

King Kong Kennedy

Leper Messiah - Personality

Matt Hocking

Ox Mastadon

Puerto Rican Power - Road Agent

Rudy Velasquez

Shawn Gonzalez - Road Agent


so 12 people leftover from the origional roster and 8 of them are wrestlers.

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Not sure how in-depth you want this, so here goes. I'm using the WWF in Genadi's incredible January 2001 mod. I'm building toward the purchase of WCW and ECW and booking the Invasion the way it could have been (Sting, Goldberg, Nash, etc.)


I have shrunk my roster by quite a bit in preparation of the influx of talent coming in. I released:


Chaz Warrington (Mosh)

Barry Buchanon

Matt Bloom (Albert)

Joanie Laurer (Chyna)

David Heath (Gangrel)

Steve Blackman

Terri Runnels

Terri Powers (Tori)

Ray Traylor (Big Boss Man)

Steve Lombardi (Brooklyn Brawler)

Chad Patton (Referee)

Mike Lockwood (Crash Holly)

D'Lo Brown

Jacqueline Moore

Tina Ferrari (Ivory)

Bob Holly (Hardcore Holly)

Nora Greenwald (Molly Holly)



I have also bolstered my developmental territories, signing guys from CM Punk and John Cena to Samoa Joe and Nigel McGuinness, from Amazing Red and Low Ki to Trent Acid and 'Sick' Nick Mondo. Overall, I have 40 guys stretched across 4 territories.


There haven't been many "new" champions crowned, mostly because I'm focusing on the roster itself.


WWF Champion: Steve Austin

WWF Intercontinental Champion: Chris Benoit

WWF Tag Team Champions: Edge and Christian

WWF European Champion: X-Pac

WWF Light Heavyweight Champion: Dean Malenko

WWF Hardcore Champion: Raven (Not many challengers here)



The Undertaker won the Royal Rumble, and will face the WWF Champion at WrestleMania X-Seven - in a match that will be interrupted by a Nexus-style attack from World Championship Wrestling.


I have a few "projects" as far as who to push. Lance Storm and Chris Candido have reformed their ECW Tag Team Championship-winning alliance, which is currently unnamed (any and all suggestions are welcome). I signed both Mike Quackenbush and Christopher Daniels and am trying to push them up into the midcard. I have "repackaged" Too Cool as... well, "Too Much," Brian Lawler and Scott Taylor. As they are working as heels, the "Dancing Fool" gimmicks no longer fit. I'm hoping to build Tazz and the newly-signed Rob Van Dam up to at least Upper Midcard for them to turn heel when the Alliance comes in, possibly with The Dudley Boyz.


I am trying very hard to end steroid/drug use, however that isn't going very well. I suspended Triple H for one month after a (yes) sixth failed steroid test. My backstage rating is 31.1%, and that's with the rules having a positive effect and the success of the Royal Rumble. Most people hate me, however Chris Benoit is 100% Clean, and is now loyal to my user character, Vince Russo. I'm struggling to find the right way to deal with drug users, such as Raven and Triple H. Any help in this area would be greatly appreciated, as I'm afraid that Triple H will walkout on me.


I'm doing very well financially, turning a profit of nearly $6 Million in 7 weeks. Everything else is great.

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Sorry that I am posting this right after one of my posts but I thought this was something worth mentioning.


SWF the once Global Phenomenon and number 1 promotion are now Local and ranked 44th. Here is there roster...


American Elemental II

Ash Campbell

Devastating Don

Eric Eisen

Harry Allen

Paul Huntingdon

The Demon From The Deep (Tyson Baine)

The Force


Quite sad that this has happened to them even my promotion is ranked above them.

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