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Im planning Cyber Sunday in 2011 (replacing TLC)


If anybody wants to pick the *choices* then go ahead, it'll be fun to have random matchups.


WWE Heavyweight Title Match

Triple H vs

A) CM Punk B) R-Truth C) Alex Riley


WWE World Heavyweight Title Match

Daniel Bryan vs

A) Christian B) Wade Barrett C) Sheamus


John Cena vs Alberto Del Rio (Special Referee)

A) The Rock B) Vince McMahon C) Shawn Michaels


Randy Orton vs Mark Henry

A) Street Fight B) Last Man Standing C) Steel Cage


WWE Divas Title Match

Beth Pheonix vs

A) Maryse B) Kelly Kelly C) Natalya


The Miz vs

A) Davey Richards B) Evan Bourne C) Rey Mysterio


The Undertaker vs

A) Sin Cara B) Jack Swagger C) Drew McIntyre


WWE Tag Team Titles Match

The Kings Of Wrestling vs

A) Santino + Kozlov B) Big Show + Kane C) The Corre


WWE United States Title Match

Zack Ryder vs

A) Colt Cabana B) Kofi Kingston C) David Hart Smith


WWE Intercontinental Title Match

Ezekiel Jackson vs

A) Ted Dibiase B) Cody Rhodes C) Tyson Kidd


Jim Ross vs Michael Cole (Special Referee Match)

A) Jerry Lawler B) Hornswoggle C) Booker T


New Raw General Manager Announced

A) Jonathan Coachman B) Shawn Michaels C) Paul Heyman

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Im planning Cyber Sunday in 2011 (replacing TLC)


If anybody wants to pick the *choices* then go ahead, it'll be fun to have random matchups.



WWE Heavyweight Title Match

Triple H vs

A) CM Punk B) R-Truth C) Alex Riley

I know your game most likely doesn't have the heat of the promo Punk cut, but this would be interesting in a storyline sense with HHH representing Vince's company and WWE vision vs. CM Punk


WWE World Heavyweight Title Match

Daniel Bryan vs

A) Christian B) Wade Barrett C) Sheamus

I got a B+ match out of them on just a random episode....


John Cena vs Alberto Del Rio (Special Referee)

A) The Rock B) Vince McMahon C) Shawn Michaels


Randy Orton vs Mark Henry

A) Street Fight B) Last Man Standing C) Steel Cage


WWE Divas Title Match

Beth Pheonix vs

A) Maryse B) Kelly Kelly C) Natalya


The Miz vs

A) Davey Richards B) Evan Bourne C) Rey Mysterio

It was like a year or two ago, but Miz was all cutting promos against Evan saying stuff like 'this locker room is for all the Evan Bournes' and don't think Evan really got his payback for a comment like that.


The Undertaker vs

A) Sin Cara B) Jack Swagger C) Drew McIntyre


WWE Tag Team Titles Match

The Kings Of Wrestling vs

A) Santino + Kozlov B) Big Show + Kane C) The Corre

Kings of Wrestling vs. the Titans of Wrestling so to speak...


WWE United States Title Match

Zack Ryder vs

A) Colt Cabana B) Kofi Kingston C) David Hart Smith


WWE Intercontinental Title Match

Ezekiel Jackson vs

A) Ted Dibiase B) Cody Rhodes C) Tyson Kidd


Jim Ross vs Michael Cole (Special Referee Match)

A) Jerry Lawler B) Hornswoggle C) Booker T


New Raw General Manager Announced

A) Jonathan Coachman B) Shawn Michaels C) Paul Heyman

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Started a new TCW game so I can see how I do without imported guys on the roster (I had hiring rules, but it made the game substantially different from the default). I went through the ropes of seeing whose contracts are longest, starting momentum and so on and so forth...


...And I discover by far the worst time decline page I have ever seen.


Sam Keith: 9 years past his prime, terminal (which is expected for him, in my other TCW game he's 22 years past it so this isn't too bad)

RDJ: 9 years past his prime, terminal.

Genghis Rahn: 9 years past his prime, terminal.

Bryan Vessey, 5 years past his prime, showing his age.

Robert Oxford: 3 or 4 years past his prime, not getting any younger.

Brent Hill: 3 or 4 years past his prime, not getting any younger.

Joel Bryant: Past his prime, a few years until his work starts suffering too much.


Granted it could be worse, but that's the first time I've seen 7 guys on it at the START of the game, let alone RDJ being terminal.

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I think I finally realized a big flaw I would have in making new games: I had a tendency to hire guys I liked and it got to being just too much and not leaving very much for the competition in TNA/WWE and even ROH, also not being able to use a lot of those guys in feuds and so forth cuz you can only have so many for pay per view and TV appearances. So I just had to bite the old lip and let a few of my well liked wrestlers stay where they were and just keep a few around. I think this new venture is what I may need..
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Started a new TCW game so I can see how I do without imported guys on the roster (I had hiring rules, but it made the game substantially different from the default). I went through the ropes of seeing whose contracts are longest, starting momentum and so on and so forth...


...And I discover by far the worst time decline page I have ever seen.


Sam Keith: 9 years past his prime, terminal (which is expected for him, in my other TCW game he's 22 years past it so this isn't too bad)

RDJ: 9 years past his prime, terminal.

Genghis Rahn: 9 years past his prime, terminal.

Bryan Vessey, 5 years past his prime, showing his age.

Robert Oxford: 3 or 4 years past his prime, not getting any younger.

Brent Hill: 3 or 4 years past his prime, not getting any younger.

Joel Bryant: Past his prime, a few years until his work starts suffering too much.


Granted it could be worse, but that's the first time I've seen 7 guys on it at the START of the game, let alone RDJ being terminal.


Ouch. I've seen RDJ on the list a few times. I think he's taken a bit of a battering and his physical health levels aren't fantastic, if memory serves. That tends to push them more toward being on the decline. Same with Hill due to his neck.


I hear you on adding workers. I have a huge tendency to do that. Being conservative with who you add really makes a big difference in how the game feels. It also lets you be more concise in how you push the newer talent when there its only a couple of them.


I'm still going back and forth on moving forward with either another TCW game or CGC. USPW suddenly caught my eye, though. Moreso than the SWF, TCW, or CGC, I like that much of the USPW main event scene can be or will need to be replaced within a few years, so it looks like a great place to make new stars.

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Ouch. I've seen RDJ on the list a few times. I think he's taken a bit of a battering and his physical health levels aren't fantastic, if memory serves. That tends to push them more toward being on the decline. Same with Hill due to his neck.


I hear you on adding workers. I have a huge tendency to do that. Being conservative with who you add really makes a big difference in how the game feels. It also lets you be more concise in how you push the newer talent when there its only a couple of them.


I'm still going back and forth on moving forward with either another TCW game or CGC. USPW suddenly caught my eye, though. Moreso than the SWF, TCW, or CGC, I like that much of the USPW main event scene can be or will need to be replaced within a few years, so it looks like a great place to make new stars.


When ever I find a render I love in the random renders thread or a render that doesn't fit in the rerender thread I will make a whole new character just for the render. Otherwise when I put in a character I give them some form of backstory with my normal user character. It adds my personal flavor and attaches me to my game more. Sounds strange out loud, maybe that's just me.

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Actually - I wasn't exactly referring to new signings. In the game I'm talking about I imported a bunch of workers wholesale from a mod that I'm working on (about 170) around six months in, as well as most of the promotions. I didn't sign that many, but the new promotions and new workers (many of them very skilled) altered the game quite drastically.


So far as signing new guys goes though, I do intend to be conservative in this game. I have a bad habit of signing anybody I think will be useful or has the slightest chance of becoming useful, both onto the main roster and into development. I also hoard guys who probably aren't worth the pay packet, but in any case...


I intend to give myself some kind of hiring embargo. I'm going to limit myself to three 'developmental prospects' (guys to stick in dev and leave there for at least six months) and three straight hires, probably per month (comparisons to my regular hiring practices make me realise that this isn't a lot, which is slightly alarming. xD). I'll probably also operate a 'one in, one out' style of policy. Let one guy go, bring another one in. Might waive the restrictions when it comes to warring promotions, and no, I won't declare war on everyone in sight to get around that, lol.


When ever I find a render I love in the random renders thread or a render that doesn't fit in the rerender thread I will make a whole new character just for the render. Otherwise when I put in a character I give them some form of backstory with my normal user character. It adds my personal flavor and attaches me to my game more. Sounds strange out loud, maybe that's just me.


I have a stack of renders saved that I assign to (re)gens. If I'm in the mood I'll give the gens their own character as well, something to distinguish them from 'They graduated in this month, from this dojo'. That's always fun.

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Ah, I get you, Blake.


Yeah, i tend to hoard talent, too. The younger talent is so tempting, especially when you know that they will get snapped up by another promotion and never used to their full potential. I used to sign guys - main roster or developmental - based on "can they be useful?"... but they answer to that one becomes "yes" way too often. So I try to limit it to having direct plans for given workers. I still tend to talk myself into bringing guys in. I might think one heel team in development is enough if I have C-V2 in there, with the intent of making a 2nd generation stable eventually... but the Ring Generals can be eventual replacements for the Tag Team Specialists... and what if C-V2 don't really develop? So I end up signing the Ring Generals, too... One of the obvious downsides is that it ends up making too many games feel the same, even with different promotions.


I've been tempted to try creating a few workers. Developmental level talent who graduate from existing dojos, maybe. Something I may look at...


I have somewhere near 500 random male C-verse cuts, over 100 female, and about 150 masked (some of which are doubled). For the most part, I use them for regens like you.

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No No No No No No No!


I just decided to open up my own development territory, filled it with some of the finest talent available (Aaron Andrews, The Biggz Boys, Darryl Devine, Eddie Cornell, Greg Black, Mikey James, etc.). I send down some great people to train my guys (Robert Oxford, Johnny Martin, Tim Westybrook & Freddie Datsun). And who becomes the owner of the promotion.


This rubbish generated guy, who has been un-employed for 6 years, only working for one promotion, and having only 18 proffesional (non-independent) matches in a 9 year career.




Just got to hope he doesn't feel the need to wrestle matches in my promotion.

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Wow... that's quite a talent... I like how he can go for awhile and isn't likey to get injured but pretty much can't do much else.


Might wanna flip his status and contract to non-wrestler or Retired wrestler, just to be safe...


Im tempted, but am going to wait a few shows first to see what happens. Also got to see who gets the booker position.


Although if he doesn't work out as owner I will probably just kill him off and see who replaces him, not like he will be missed :p


Edit - And so it shall be, the regen must die (:p).


Who did he hire as booker...




Just got to hope for better luck with the new owner/booker.

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Welp, I started out as USPW as I didn't want to start as the big two and wanted a relatively good base to bring in whom I liked. I gave a few guys the axe (Cap'n USA, The Hillbillys), Hired a few more (DWN,Prudence, Matt Keith, Acid, plus a few more) to eventually be my 'next generation' of guys. It's now August of 2010, Financially secure, but still fighting to get to National(whatta slog this is, ugh).


Favorite moments of the game so far:


- turning Enygma heel(momentum is now 97. whoo). Currently feuding with current champ Caulfield the guy he back stabbed.


- Sam Strong's owner goals PREVENTING me from being forced to rehire Peter Valentine. I'm not ashamed to admit a snoopy dance was had at this along with a few verses of 'hey, hey, hey, goodbye.' He remains unemployed to this day. I DID manage to get the lug to above the required momentum too.


- hired Queen Emily after firing the Sheik and started up her own stable The Queen's Court consisting of Rex,Baine,Acid,Steven Parker, and Samoan Machine. Momentum is a 75 as they've been off camera as a group for a bit.


- Just hired American Elemental, hopefully he can be another big player in the future.


- amusingly I find myself drawn more toward the Cornellverse than the Real World mod I have. Who knew?

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In my ASCW (0/0/0/0, currently Regional) game, USPW just hit national and decided a sudden expansion of their women's division was in order. They signed away Jaime Quine, Nadia Snow and Stephanie Wade (the latter two I'd JUST picked up as well) in the space of about three weeks. Whilst it's a slight relief not to have promised title runs for the A-List on my mind, I had them set as targets since mid-small (awesome re-render inspiration), and it's a blow. Jaime is aggravating because I've had her for so long and really been building her up, even though she isn't quite as good.


To cap it all off, they took Zimmy Bumfhole too, which I figure was a case of when, not if. Luckily I just about had time to (hastily) wrap up his storyline and as a nice farewell a three way ladder match between him, Mathias (Remmy) Skye and Samson Barclay (user character) for the Great Lakes title (my main belt) resulted in a record-breaking 81/B score. He'll be missed.


Curse you Alysian Scottsfield! (Yes, of all people, he took over).


On the bright side, SWF released Ernest Youngman, who they'd signed from me back in December 2011 (now August 2012, I guess it was a short contract). He returns both more over and more skilled from time in RIPW and their main roster.


Also returning is ASCW original Hugh de Aske, who left me almost exactly a year ago to focus on a WLW tour. He also had a stint with EX2010, but after that was over and CZCW let him go, he was left working only for NYCW, so I re-signed him. He'll slot into Jaime's old place.


We soldier on! I've been winning the Regional battles decisively for some time now, which is nice - I believe I've won five running. Jay Chord is their champion, but given he's defending against opponents like Wooten Fitzpaine, they're safely beneath me. NYCW are doing decently, but Zimmy signing with USPW is going to hurt them more than it does me (I'm tempted to declare war, as we share The Ring Generals and Hugh de Aske, and it would allow me to steal Chance Fortune and Erik Strong). PSW... well, PSW are doing awfully, shows are clocking in at D/+s which are keeping them firmly in fourth place.


From here... I need to build up my popularity and my finances, I guess. It's my first time trying to navigate the Regional->Cult->National jump, so I'm trying to plan ahead.


Edit: Ha! The very first National battle kicked them straight back down to Cult. Have some of that!

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Wouldn't the anti-hero be cheered? He's either a mean face or a heel that gets cheered.


So unless he turned via...






America bombing the Russians, and he has a Russian sister, so he punched...Corporal Doom in the face to stop the bombings...



He should still be cheered...






Speaking of Sgt. Slaughter, I put my dad in the Cobra Clutch (which I had been trying to get right for...awhile now). I made his knees weak and when he tapped out he fell to the floor. Didn't hit his head on the tile, though, so we're far from even.


Negative. You're assuming that by anti-hero I mean NWO Hogan or Austin 316. You need to imagine Hogan before his turn and then ignore the fact he became cool. Nobody wants to see a guy they've cheered for doing the right thing turn around and do the wrong thing. He went from being a gentleman to a prick. Why? Because he lost to the future of the company - a guy ten years younger than him.

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Negative. You're assuming that by anti-hero I mean NWO Hogan or Austin 316. You need to imagine Hogan before his turn and then ignore the fact he became cool. Nobody wants to see a guy they've cheered for doing the right thing turn around and do the wrong thing. He went from being a gentleman to a prick. Why? Because he lost to the future of the company - a guy ten years younger than him.


No, I'm not assuming that. I'm assuming you're using the definition of what an anti-hero is. Which is a hero with villainous tendencies (which would be a face) or a villain with heroish tendencies (hence possibly being cheered). Rather, compassion or w/e the hell blah blah blah.


If he's a hero that's turned into a villain, that's not an anti-hero. That'd be a villain. Unless you mean anti-hero as in not-hero, as opposed to the literary term.


In which case, grammatically, you are correct. *angarfaec*. Wait, we have one of those: :mad:

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I cloned the PSW game I've been running so I can do one as a diary game and one as a regular game.


I'm at October 2013 in my non-diary version, and starting to run three shows every other month; two at The Ministry and an excursion to another territory as my "Hardcore Invasion" tour. Trying to find a territory where regional battles won't kick my ass. Currently looking at Great Lakes.


Nelson Callum got signed into RIPW :(, so I hired unemployed worker Slugger based solely on his gimmick and that he might be willing to do a deathmatch with Dead Bolt in the future.


I'm turning The Untouchables into a four-man contingent with Frankie Future and JD Morgan reuniting as Idaho Punisher gets booted out for being incompetant. They'll hold all the major gold (except my Hardcore Invasion belt which is a kind of B-level title, which I'm putting on Nomad because Nomad is awesome)


I've yet to break a goal, which hasn't been easy due to popularity based ones. I ALMOST had to fire The Pilgrim because of his selling but he got to 35 JUST before his contract renewal came up.

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Just completed the 22nd year of my MSWA game so here is an update!


January 2032

With $7,556,527

266 shows completed




MSWA Heavyweight: Matt Hocking

Prestige: 70

3 Defenses made so far

Defeated Doug Peak


MSWA Regional: Eddie Howard

Prestige: 69

6 Defenses made so far

Defeated Matty Faith


MSWA Tag Team: The Latino Kings (Rudy Velasquez and Hector Galindo)

Prestige: 41

2 Defenses made so far

Defeated Double Trouble (Matt Hocking and Eddie Howard)




Jesus Chavez vs. Matt Hocking ©

MSWA Heavyweight Championship Feud


Matty Faith vs. Doug Peak


Here is the card for my first event of 2032 titled MSWA Re-Launched


Jeremiah Moose vs. Eddie Howard ©

MSWA Regional Championship Match


C.H. Threepwood vs. Ox Mastadon


Jesus Chavez vs. Matt Hocking ©

MSWA Heavyweight Championship Match


The Gods Of Thunder: Atlas and Titan vs. The Latino Kings: Hector Galindo and Rudy Velasquez ©

MSWA Tag Team Championship Match


Chris Kaladaro vs. Christian Price

Matty Faith vs. Doug Peak



Shawn Gonzalez (left the wrestling business)

Derek Frost

Crockett Tubbs



Derek Frost – left promotion after retired and contract wasn’t renewed.

Crockett Tubbs - left promotion after retired and contract wasn’t renewed.

Zel Quinn

Alan Parent


New Signings

C.H. Threepwood



New Tag Team

The Gods Of Thunder: Atlas and Titan

Experience: 32




When I signed C.H. Threepwood (Jason O'Conner) I was hoping that I could put him with Crockett Tubbs and have another tag team as they are the Fighting Irish in the game. Unfortunately after I signed Threepwood, Crockett retired shortly after that so I wasn't able to use them as a team for one show.


Also When I signed Titan I did so not even knowing that he was the tag team partner of Atlas. I am glad that they are a team though because it brings new life to my tag team division which unfornately has been dead for a while due to lack of tag teams. In the match for the tag team titles at the next show between The Gods Of Thunder and The Latino Kings The Gods Of Thunder are going to win that match and the tag team titles ending the over year long reign of The Latino Kings with the belts.


Finally I was able to Stabilize my promotions ranking of 28th which is almost back to the origional ranking of 26th when the game started. For a while I was shooting back and forth between 28th and 29th but now hopefully I will stay at 28 until hitting 27. That's all for my rant thanks to those of you who are interested in this save and like to hear updates for it!


P.S. I only have three more years to complete with this game before I get the achievment for completing 25 years of a single career!

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No, I'm not assuming that. I'm assuming you're using the definition of what an anti-hero is. Which is a hero with villainous tendencies (which would be a face) or a villain with heroish tendencies (hence possibly being cheered). Rather, compassion or w/e the hell blah blah blah.


If he's a hero that's turned into a villain, that's not an anti-hero. That'd be a villain. Unless you mean anti-hero as in not-hero, as opposed to the literary term.


In which case, grammatically, you are correct. *angarfaec*. Wait, we have one of those: :mad:


I meant anti-hero as in not-hero and not the literal definition of 'anti-hero'. I often use words the "wrong way" and it can confuse people. I've done it for years. My apologies. :o

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In my WWE game I ran into the problem of having four shows on tv thinking it would help make more money. Well as it turns out most of my stars who are on the WWE and WCW brands are not happy about not being showcased on the new show Saturday Night's Main Event. So now I changed all the brands around and have WWE Raw, WCW Nitro (in the former Saturday Night slot), and two B Shows. This way my top guys are not mad about being left off a show. I am thinking about making a third A Brand so that I dont have to book two B shows a week and to showcase my large roster. I have a ginormous roster to keep competition away from the newly global TNA. Im not sure if a third brand is the right idea, I want it to be equal to the WWE and WCW brand but dont feel that ECW would be seen as equal. I was thinking about calling it AWA but that seems like a reach.
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How did you manage that? I am guessing ring-rust from the Rock, but still it shouldn't be that low should it?


But props on having Danielson vs Aries at 'Mania.


Yeah ring rust I guess, hence why it wasn't the last placed match on the card as I knew that'd be a deciding factor. I'm not too gutted, I didn't particularly want to do the match when people like McIntyre, Kane and Sheamus didn't make it onto the Main card but I thought I'd have a bit of continuity.


The Aries/Bryan feud has been delivering impressive results aswell considering what it started off as. Aries debuted with a series of attacks, with his motivation for targeting Bryan being that Bryan sold out his beliefs when he joined WWE and left ROH high and dry. It was made to seem like Aries was not a contracted wrestler, until he beat Bryan at Elimination Chamber to win a contract and earn a title shot.

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Continuing to push through my game with a custom promotion owned by Adam Copeland and Chris Jericho in partnership with Fox. Lost the TV deal early, but regained it (MyNetworkTV). Jericho is the current champion and will begin feuding with Sean Waltman (who was the Lightweight Champion, but decided it wasn't prestigious enough).


Pushing some new stars to new heights, and having fun with it. Which is all that matters.

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Ring of Honor: May 2012


Current World Scenario:

After a fantastic month where WWE brought Raw to ESPN, things went from bad to worse for the E as ratings dropped and soon followed prestige. In April 2012, WWE programming was dropped from SyFy (Smackdown) and ESPN (Raw) and WWE's prestige dropped to an all time low of 7, as WWE dropped to Cult.

Shortly afterwards, Vince McMahon retired and Eric Bischoff stepped in to buy WWE to salvage what was left of the company and its reputation.


TNA continue to put on distinctly average television and pay per views, with little to no growth overall and remain 2nd overall in America, but may take 1st spot if WWE fall any further by default.


The main excitement in the wrestling industry is the battle for third - currently changing hands on an almost weekly basis - between Ring of Honor and Dragon Gate USA. Both companies, currently at cult, have signed television deals and continue to improve and put on excellent pay per views. ROH are currently pulling a 0.68 on HDNet, whereas DGUSA are much further down at about 0.24.


ROH Champions

ROH Heavyweight Championship: Homicide (Defeated Davey Richards)

ROH Television Championship: El Generico (Defeated Kenn Doane)

ROH Tag Team Championships: The Young Bucks (Defeated the Briscoes)

ROH Womens Championship: Ayako Hamada (Defeated inaugural winner Sara Del Rey)


ROH Current Feuds

Homicide vs Shelton Benjamin

With Davey Richards leaving for NJPW just one week before his ROH title match with Homicide at Death Before Dishonor, ROH management rushed the title onto the now two time champion Homicide. On recent ROH Television, all pick 6 contenders headlined in a 6 way elimination match, to determine the new rankings and the new number 1 contender for the ROH Heavyweight Championship, which Shelton Benjamin won, pinning his former tag team partner Charlie Haas.


Eddie Edwards vs John Hennigan

After his WWE contract came up for renewal, John Hennigan jumped ship from the dying brand and came across to ROH and has been running his mouth about being the biggest draw in the company, firstly attacking Shelton Benjamin on his debut, then ROH stalwart Steve Corino. Eddie Edwards has been losing momentum since losing the title to Davey Richards, but looks to get back to the top of the roster with a win.


Delirious vs Hallowicked

Hallowicked debuted to attacked Delirious and cost him an ROH Television title shot and has interfered in Delirious' matched on several occasions on ROH TV and Delirious has yet to get his hands on the mysterious masked man.


Rhett Titus vs Kenny King

The All Night Express had, and were unsuccessful with, 4 Tag Team Title shots. At ROH Big Bang, having lost to then champions Jay & Mark Briscoe, Rhett Titus lost control and turned on Kenny King, leaving his former partner down and out, needing knee surgery. He returned on recent ROH TV to the surprise of Rhett Titus. The two are set for action at the next ROH PPV.


The Programme

Ever since Steve Corino announced his intentions to change at the end of 2011, along with sponsor Jimmy Jacobs, Corino has set about correcting his wrongs and those of other workers. The stable, also including Kevin Steen & Low Ki, have tried (mostly in vain) to correct the wrongs of other former ROH wrestlers, including the now injured Christopher Daniels.

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