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The mystery goes on...:D


I remember you saying that TCW was your favorite so that was why I thought they would be next.


Good memory on you! Yeah, TCW has been my favorite CV promotion since 2007. I obviously came to love the SWF through my Gen-S diary, but TCW was the first promotion I felt like I got a real handle on in the CV. But its not the only intriguing CV promotion, in project terms. CGC and NOTBPW are both appealing, and my love of puro makes BHOTWG and GCG possibilities as well.


Here is a rough draft of the first post for what will be a fairly barebones style 0/0/0 diary based in Japan. I've got a number of ideas for it but it's largely going to be based on the two major tournaments outlined above. However, I do need some good names for the lesser divisions/mountains. And hopefully I'll get a cool logo and banner too in order to make it look pretty. Otherwise, this game is going to be a lot like the classic Coastal Zone diaries in terms of content and appearance, inspired by my own run with GCG in 08 and a desire to play a long term game from the ground up for once. :)


So any help you can give in coming up with good names for my mountains/divisions would be appreciated. :)


Looking forward to this one, Derek. Love puro.

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Here is a idea people could as for now I'm doing my TCW diary.


Newsletter on Diarys- Instead of doing a watchers diary of the game you could do a watchers diary on some of the other diarys on the TEW 2010 board like you could give reviews or even how interviews with some of the writers or have the writers write a wrestler for you to have a interview with.

The person who does the diary would PM the writer of the diary and ask for example I'm doing TCW so someone would ask can you write a Interview as Tommy Cornell for my diary and I would say yes but it depends on the writer I think that this would be interesting to follow and the first of its kind. You could also do a rumors section were you just make stuff up about who will sign with who, or could do top ten lists of diarys with the best ??? what ever your doing the diary about.

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I like this idea. There was something like it for diaries back on 05 or 07 - watching the corners or something like that. Could be a community thing more than just one person, even.


I recall that vaguely, and it was really good stuff!

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Here is a rough draft of the first post for what will be a fairly barebones style 0/0/0 diary based in Japan. I've got a number of ideas for it but it's largely going to be based on the two major tournaments outlined above. However, I do need some good names for the lesser divisions/mountains. And hopefully I'll get a cool logo and banner too in order to make it look pretty. Otherwise, this game is going to be a lot like the classic Coastal Zone diaries in terms of content and appearance, inspired by my own run with GCG in 08 and a desire to play a long term game from the ground up for once. :)


So any help you can give in coming up with good names for my mountains/divisions would be appreciated. :)


I like the sound of this a lot. Are you wanting suggestions that are linked to mountains for the name of the titles. Like the Himalayas etc....?

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I like the sound of this a lot. Are you wanting suggestions that are linked to mountains for the name of the titles. Like the Himalayans etc....?


Any and all suggestions are welcome. Whether you try to name them after mountains or just come up with random words that can fit in, I'd be happy with anything. The best ideas I've got so far are something volcano related for the Juniors... and the women's division would be something lame like the Queen's Mountain.


So anything better than that would be awesome. I'm terrible with names. :p

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Any and all suggestions are welcome. Whether you try to name them after mountains or just come up with random words that can fit in, I'd be happy with anything. The best ideas I've got so far are something volcano related for the Juniors... and the women's division would be something lame like the Queen's Mountain.


So anything better than that would be awesome. I'm terrible with names. :p


The Sternness Mountain - for veteran workers

The Burning Mountain - for Young Lions, representing their burning desire


Obviously lifted from the NOAH stables.

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Any and all suggestions are welcome. Whether you try to name them after mountains or just come up with random words that can fit in, I'd be happy with anything. The best ideas I've got so far are something volcano related for the Juniors... and the women's division would be something lame like the Queen's Mountain.


So anything better than that would be awesome. I'm terrible with names. :p


I was thinking about something volcanic myself for the junior division. Something like Vesuvius. I also know of three mountain ranges from Japan

Akaishi Mountains

Hida Mountains

Kiso Mountains


I will keep thinking.....

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The Sternness Mountain - for veteran workers

The Burning Mountain - for Young Lions, representing their burning desire


Obviously lifted from the NOAH stables.


The Burning mountain while sounding great does sound like a national tragedy headline though :p


I still think it is a great name.

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The Week in Wrestling; A Year in Review


Article 2


The Week in Wrestling, presented by the Universal Wrestling Appreciation Organisation. All the highlights and main thoughts about this week in wrestling.


Good day dear listeners, or for those reading the digest, you would be our dear readers. This is Wrestling Corner, and I am your humble host Francis Attandale.


With me today in the four corners of the wrestling ring, as tradition with each new year, are the men who have started to run their piece of wrestling nirvana.


In the Maple Corner, a man who has risked it all on the big dream of running a successful wrestling promotion, Canadian businessman Daedalus Buchinsky. The founder and owner of ACPW, All Canada Pro Wrestling.


Daedalus: Thanks for the invitation.


The next man is a man who the eyes of many will be watching in the coming months, and indeed years, Tristam Day. He founded RAW, Revolution Australian Wrestling under the banner of The Australian Sports Network. The first promotion opened solely for the purpose of a television network.


"]Tristram: It's a privilege, honestly.[/font]


And our next man is another Canadian, he is probably the best known Australian Indy worker, due to the legends of his antics being spread across the span of the Internet and into our laps. The Comedian opened DIW, Deep Impact Wrestling almost in rebellion to the success of RAW, and to provide Australia with a true alternative to the mainstream. Do not let his name fool you, he is The Comedian.


Comedian: ...


And our final guest, joining us by satellite is by far the richest man ever to feature on our program, and we have seen the likes of Richard Eisen, Tommy Cornell and Sam Strong. He has opened a small wrestling promotion in Europe, called Victory Wrestling Association. He is multi-millionaire Swiss Businessman Albert Thorp, who made his fortune in the highly competitive business of Army Knives and Cutlery.


Thorp: I am very grateful for *unintelligible* to show Europe that *unintelligible* Wrestling Association is one of the key promotions of the near future.


Our first question, which shall be directed towards the gentlemen from Australia in particular, Why do you think Australia has become such an unexpected hot spot for wrestling?


Tristram: I think Australia has become such a hot spot because of the exposure given to wrestling by great companies such as RAW and...


Comedian: Oh Bull****, you've turned your wrestling into a ****ing pantomime. I've seen more Wrestling Spirit in the toilets of an Indian Restaurant then I have in your ****ing ring.


I opened DIW because you bastards can't get in in to your heads that actual men who are actual wrestling fans have no desire to see skimpy little broke-back cowboys falling on bananas and to see superheroes win matches with poncy legdrops.


Tristram: I find it rather rich that a company that sells itself on blood brawling and hardcore trash can boast wrestling morals to a company attracting thousands in attendance and further thousands watching on TV. And sir please, my son is listening, can we please limit the swears?


I have been told to remind you that Swearing is not allowed.


Daedalus: If I may interlude, I would say that the answer is rather simple, wrestling in Australia has finally started to be seen in the mainstream, after the unification of the smaller wrestling companies into APW, the introduction of RAW and New Zealand's first wrestling company, ZEN, we finally have have a continent with several promotions with the necessary coverage to attract attention from the mainstream.


Comedian: I can't help but notice that you've skipped around DIW, I've got half a mind to shove me fist so far down your throat I'll be able to use your feet like bloody sock puppets. DIW is the only serious wrestling promotion in Australia and as far as I'm concerned Australia at the moment is not a wrestling hotspot it's a goddamn hotspot for soap operas and glorified leotards.


Unfortunately we must move onto the next question, this one is more about the wrestling world in general, many people are citing TCW and PGHW as examples of companies that couldn't fully capitalise on their momentum. Do you agree?


Thorp: I think momentum is very important in modern wrestling, however the circumstances between TCW and PGHW were very different. I would say *unintelligible* and the death of INSPIRE worked against PGHW in a strange twist of fate. TCW had the injury *unintelligible* repercussions which affected the quality. With TCW their fighting comedy with quality, and people prefer to laugh, so they quality has to be A*, and during that time it just wasn't.


Tristram: I must agree with the business knowledge of Mr. Thorp, but I feel with TCW a lot of their problems came about because of the simply outstanding "Jack Bruce, Man Under Pressure" storyline which even featured on the Steven McArnold show on CBA when Jack Bruce was a guest. The viewer boost from that was enormous and quite simply fans were more curios about what crazy twist would happen on SWF Supreme TV than what athletic display they would see on TCW Total Wrestling.


Comedian: So what you're saying is Mainstream media crap and Comedy will prevail over real athletic displays because the average viewer is an inbred yuppie who blindly follows Steven bloody McArnold. TCW failed because of injuries that not only took out their key players, but forced them to change their styles to accommodate for those injured. Their stars were weak and old and survival of the fittest kicked in. The only wrestler on that roster worth his teeth is Cornell and even he was pandering to sports entertainment back in the day.


Thorp: I do agree that TCW's roster is aging, but they have more young talent in the upper-card then SWF ot USPW.


Sorry, but time must make us move onto our last question for today, the Hall of Immortals gained another member in Optimus, so we would like to ask who do you feel is a future HOI inductee, one from each person with an explanation if you will.


Thorp: The greatest European wrestler for me, and for that for me has the most significance, is Tommy Cornell, he is the total package. He can talk, run, grapple *unintelligible* naked *unintelligible* and by christ he throws a good punch. I would buy out TCW just to get him to wrestle one show with VMA.


Comedian: Nemesis, he embodies everything that wrestling is about. If he isn't in the HOI than it is not worth it's bloody weight in myrrh.


Daedalus: I would say Steve DeColt, he has embodied the spirit od Canadian wrestling more than anyone else. He can wrestle with the Stones, out-talk his fellow DeColts and has split his family in the modern fashion that has befallen Canada.


Tristram: Bruce the Giant, he literally towers over everyone else. He can entertain like no other, and his ring presence is enormous. I hope he comes one home to Australia and passes on his talent to the next generation of Australian Wrestlers.


That's all we have time for, until the next broadcast I have been Francis Attandale, my guests have been fantastic and insightful, and lets hope this year in wrestling will surpass the last.


I know interviews have been done before, but I felt like writing one. :D

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Just throwing out there how pumped the diary community is at the moment. I just hope it lasts and isn't just a "release week fluke"


I think it will probably be a release week fluke. Don't get me wrong, I hope that all of these diaries do well, heck I read most of the diaries on the board so I hope they all do well, but I just think everybody is hyped and soon a lot of these diaries will drop like flies.

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I think it will probably be a release week fluke. Don't get me wrong, I hope that all of these diaries do well, heck I read most of the diaries on the board so I hope they all do well, but I just think everybody is hyped and soon a lot of these diaries will drop like flies.


... HEY!


Only my real-world diaries drop like flies.


... okay, and that C-verse Mafia-based one. That dropped fast.


... and Victorious Kaiju Melee didn't last long...


... okay, okay, so they drop like flies...

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I think it will probably be a release week fluke. Don't get me wrong, I hope that all of these diaries do well, heck I read most of the diaries on the board so I hope they all do well, but I just think everybody is hyped and soon a lot of these diaries will drop like flies.


Well, mine will be long running like the last APW one, so I rather hope I can grab some of the fanbase now and keep hold of them!

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Having been out of the diary loop for a while I may give it a go again soon.


I'm toying with the idea of USPW but with a twist. Whilst a lot of the diarys on here seem to be set with from the viewpoint of a lesser known star working against the old guard (Redwood, Valentine etc) I'm leaning more to the idea of being an old school booker, trying to block the new generation of workers in favour of his buddies.


I'm sure its been done before but it should be a blast if I ever get round to making it into a full blown diary. The interactions between Alicia (representing the voice of the new generation), the user character (representing the boys) and Sam (sort of a go between, wanting to side with the old boys but also being torn between his daughter's vision and the need to transform USPW's image into a more modern and relevant promotion) would be pretty fun to watch play out.


Plus it would mean a lot of love for Redwood, Valentine, Mustafa and Starr ;)

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As seen here, I'm running a diary when my mod is done where a revolution takes place. As seen so many times in real life, something becomes "hot" and everyone and their mother wants a piece of it. In this case, the "hot" thing is women's wrestling and its surge in popularity changes the landscape of the C-Verse significantly. Some will thrive, some will die, others will be left standing on the precipice.


The mod itself will have several promotions (both child and independent) as well as at least one owned by a media group. Haven't decided which I'll take over (though I am leaning in one very familiar direction :p) but it's bound to be fun. And with 200 new/custom workers added, the names won't be familiar to most either. :)

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Having been out of the diary loop for a while I may give it a go again soon.


I'm toying with the idea of USPW but with a twist. Whilst a lot of the diarys on here seem to be set with from the viewpoint of a lesser known star working against the old guard (Redwood, Valentine etc) I'm leaning more to the idea of being an old school booker, trying to block the new generation of workers in favour of his buddies.


I'm sure its been done before but it should be a blast if I ever get round to making it into a full blown diary. The interactions between Alicia (representing the voice of the new generation), the user character (representing the boys) and Sam (sort of a go between, wanting to side with the old boys but also being torn between his daughter's vision and the need to transform USPW's image into a more modern and relevant promotion) would be pretty fun to watch play out.


Plus it would mean a lot of love for Redwood, Valentine, Mustafa and Starr ;)


That would be AWESOME. :)

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I don't ordinarily ask for advice like this, but I'm trying to nail down a solid opening and I just can't figure it out on my own. Here's the rough draft and some feedback points at the bottom of the post:


The bar was noisy and crowded, and only one man in a back booth noticed the three guys entering the bar. The first looked like a typical corporate drone with a briefcase stuffed full of graphs and reports. The second was more typical of the bar faring type, casually dressed, hair slicked back for an evening out. The last was an oddity. A tall, well built man with a face weathered by age and crossed with scars. The first two started arguing about where to sit, but the third pushed past them and headed towards the back, towards a dark booth with a shadowy figure sitting in the corner.


The large man sat down and slid into the empty bench, followed by the business suit, fumbling to get his briefcase onto the table. He reached his hand out, but a withering look of contempt caused the hand to return to clutching the briefcase. The casual man briefly considered scooting in next to the large, looming shadow, but quickly reconsidered and crammed a third body into the two seat bench with the others.


The suit opened his mouth to speak, but the shadow sitting opposite spoke first, with a voice as deep and coarse as rolling thunder.


"Alex, Mitch...kid."


Alex Braun gave a nod of respect to the speaker, and Mitch Naess perked up a bit, happy the man even remembered his name. The casual man, Doc Messing, opened his mouth in protest.


"Hey, I'm not a kid..."


"Doc, go grab us some beers."


Alex's calm, even tone pierced through the background racket of the bar and stopped Doc's protest cold. There was a good reason why Alex was nicknamed “Iceman.”


Doc fumed a little as he got up from his perch on the edge of the bench and headed towards the packed bar.


“So, how can I help you?”


Mitch piped up, whipping out charts and graphs and reports from his briefcase like a magician from a top hat.


“Well, studies and trends show that PSW is reaching a critical juncture. Figure 1-1 shows that we are in similar positions both in popularity and exposure to DaVE back in 1997 at the height of the East Coast Wars. Now, Figure 1-2 shows that although we are of similar size as NYCW and CZCW, we aren't competing for the same market demographics. The Venn diagram shows our market here, NYCW there, and CZCW over here with very little overlap. Now, Figure 1-4 projects that without competition and with our current growth trends that we should be on part with DaVE's 2007 numbers in only two more years...”


Mitch paused his presentation as the shadowy figure erupted with laughter, rolling out with the mirth and merriment of an avalanche.


“You really think you can hold a candle to DaVE? You're nothing but an imitator that will never, ever, be able to stand up to the real thing.”


Just then Doc returned with an armload of beers. Setting them down he slid one to everyone and returnd to his perch. The shadowy figure picked his up and drained it in one long gulp. Slamming the empty glass back down he slid the glass back to Doc.


“Get me another one, kid..” Doc sighed and headed back to the bar, even more crowded then before.


“Mitch, your analysis and reports don't know s*** about the business. You say you want to imitate DaVE? Fine, I'll help you out.”


“Hey, we don't imitate, we innovate. That's going to be our new slogan for 2010.”


The shadow didn't respond, and even Alex rolled his eyes at the slogan.


“Whatever, but the thing is you've got three main problems standing between you and national exposure. First, your guys now can tear it up in the ring, but are floundering on the mic. JD Morgan, The Wolverine, those two new guys, the Good Ole Boys... all of 'em need help, badly. Get yourself a mess of divas, have them distract the fans a little and pick up the slack when your boys drop the ball.”


Mitch whipped out a pen and notepad and was furiously writing down notes.


“Second, your road agent is a piece of crap.”


Mitch's pen paused mid-scribble.


“You're talking about Frank? Fabulous Frank? What's wrong with him? Frank's been a valuable employee for nearly 3 years now.”


“Yeah, but unlike you, I've actually worked alongside Frank. He's a good wrestler, got a nice head for the business, but he is poison backstage. Morale is everything in the wrestling business. You can't expect guys to put their bodis on the line, shedding blood for the fans only to be treated like a piece of rotten meat once the show is over. Kick him to the curb as there's better fish out there. In fact, a certain DaVE-alumni just recently retired and si looking for work.”


“You mean Eric Tyler? But, I tried to hire him and he turned us down. I have an email transcript here that shows he turned us down for being 'too small'.”


The figure slid a card with a phone number jotted down on it.


“Just tell Eric that I recommended him to you and that should clear things up.”


Alex reached out and grabbed the card, studying it for a bit before tucking it away in his wallet.


“What'll the damage be?”


“Eric's got a great head, and it'll cost you. Probably at least 1.5k a show.”


Alex whistled at the amount and Mitch seemed upset by such a large figure.


“That's...that's more then our stars make.”


“Yeah, because you're stars aren't half as good as Eric. No offense, I like Johnny and rest, but Eric is in a league of his own. Plus, he may be retired but he probably wouldn't object to entering the ring again and teaching some of your new guys the ropes. Even Steve Flash could learn a thing or two from Eric.”


“It's expensive boss, but he's got a good point. Eric would be a real asset both in and out of the ring.”


“Finally, your shows need some major overhaul. Every time it's the same thing. A few chair's hear, a ladder or table match there, a cage main event... it's getting old. DaVE was innovative, Phil was innovative. He was inventing and re-inventing the concept of hardcore wrestling every single show. You go out there with kid gloves, trying to capture the hardcore market when three's harder stuff on Supreme TV? That's recipe for failure. You've got to bring the hardcore back to Philly. You've got to show the fans things that they will never, ever be able to see anywhere else. “


The man stood up, looming over the two seated like a statue, a dark monument to the way the world used to be, imparting one last message before departing.


“You've got to prove to the world that PSW is THE home for hardcore.”



Two questions:


1) Is the "mysterious shadowy figure" working? I realized by the end that without a name, trying to describe him ended up getting a bit repetitive. I like the mystery angle as a hook but if it's not working, it's not nearly important enough to lower overall quality for


2) Too verbose? Too long? Should it be split up into a multi-part opening?



I'm thinking that mabye the two problems could be solved by splitting it up and doing a mid-way reveal like I did with Professor Nero in my RIPW diary. Any other feedback, whether here or through PM would be most appreciated.

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