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Diary Preview Thread

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Considering either an ACPW or VWA diary. (I registered JUST to do this!) It may come down to a coin toss though, since I've never played either one.


My opinion should not sway you one way or the other, but I would love to see someone do an ACPW diary (I will still read if you decide to do a VWA one as well). ACPW are a nice little fun company to play as.

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My opinion should not sway you one way or the other, but I would love to see someone do an ACPW diary (I will still read if you decide to do a VWA one as well). ACPW are a nice little fun company to play as.


I've already posted a VWA diary, about to upload the first show as soon as I can!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Okay, here's a very rough draft of what I've got planned for my diary. Please, feel free to critique and point out mistakes etc. Also, if you could give me your feedback on the idea, story etc that would be great,



Who is this man???



Last night on USPW’s American Wrestling, Sam Strong was on the receiving end of one of the most vicious and sickening attacks in the company’s history. Today, we’ve learnt that the man responsible for the attack goes by the name of Damien Baal.


Standing at over 7ft tall and weighing in at more than 300lbs, the mysterious masked man came out to the ring during an altercation between Sam Strong & The Guru. For weeks, The Guru had been promising to bring ‘hell itself’ to USPW. Last night was no different but this time, Sam Strong had heard enough and came to the ring to confront The Guru. After a heated exchange between the two, Strong finally last his cool and knocked The Guru down with a right-hand. The fans roared in approval but not for long…


Suddenly, the lights in the arena went out and flames rose from the top of the entrance ramp. Red lights filled the arena followed by demonic-sounding, eerie music. Then, out walked the masked monster.


His eyes fixed on fixed on Sam Strong, he slowly approached the ring. Strong looked on not knowing what to expect as he stepped over the top-rope. The Guru, who had managed to get back to his feet, issued a command and the monster attacked. He wrapped his huge hand around the throat of Strong, lifted him with ease then delivered a humongous Chokeslam. The Guru barked another command at Baal who then scooped Strong’s motionless body off of the matt. He positioned him, face to his front, head pointing down. Then, he jumped, landing on his knees, driving Strong’s head into the canvas.



The crowd fell silent as the huge figure stood over the body of their beloved Sam Strong. Out of nowhere, fire rose from each of the 4 ringposts as the same red lights and same demonic, eerie music played.


As of now, we have no news on the condition of Strong. He left the arena in an ambulance and was taken to a nearby hospital. As for his attacker, little is known about him.




The show following the masked man's attack on Strong opens with a re-cap of what happened. After some brief words the announce team, we cut to the ring where Alicia Strong is standing. She starts by updating the USPW fans on the condition of their beloved Sam Strong. She says that he's suffered some damage to his neck and has a pretty bad concussion. She says that it's nothing life-threatening but it's 'fairly serious'. Next, she says she wants some answers and that the only man who can provide those answers is The Guru. She demands he comes out to the ring. The lights go down, then just like last week, red lights fill the arena followed by that demonic-sounding, eerie music plays. Finally, flames errupt at the top of the entrance ramp and Damien Baal comes out with The Guru. They slowly walk to the ring as Alicia's stare is fixed on them. Her expression shows no sign of fear, more anger. The Guru steps through the ropes and into the ring, followed by Baal, who steps over the top rope with ease. Alicia stares right at Baal and asks


"Who are you? Why did you do what you did to my Father?"


Baal glares, turning his head slightly to the side. She asks again, this time with more venom.


"Who. Are. You? Why did you do what you did to my Father!!!?"


Again, Baal doesn't respond, just stares. Alicia screams;




At this point, The Guru intervenes. He tells Alicia that if she valued her safety and well being she should probably stop. The Guru says he'll answer her question;


"The man who stands before you, Alicia, is Damien Baal. Damien has been locked away in an asylum for as long as he can remember. You see, Alicia, when Damien was just a boy, his parents were killed when their home burnt down. Damien himself. suffered burns to his face trying to escape which is why he wears his mask, to hide scars, the ugliness that he would be mocked for"


Alicia talks:


"And this has what to do with my Dad, exacty??"


"Well, after a long and traumatic investigation by the police and fire departments, it was concluded that the fire was started deliberately and they pointed the finger at poor Damien. He was analyzed, questioned, prodded and poked, all this on top of the trauma of losing his parents. Realizing they were getting nowhere fast and had nobody to blame for such a disgusting crime, hypnotisits and mediums were brought in by the police. They worked together for many weeks, trying to get inside Damien's head. Eventually, they did, or so they claimed. They claimed that Damien was mentally unstable and that during several session Damien claimed to be "The 1st Monarch of Hell" and "The Commander of The Armies of Hell. Then things just got crazy, they started carrying out crazy research. They linked the supposed 'crime' to his name....Damien Baal. Damien, as we all know, has always been a name associated with Satan, but there are plenty of people out there who share the same name. It was Baal that interested them the most. Apparantely, Baal was 'The First & Principal King in Hell'. It's cited that Baal held rituals at which people were burnt and sacrificed, burnt just like Damien's parents"


Alicia was losing patience:


"This is crazy!!! It has nothing to do with my Dad!!!"


"Based on this notion, Damien was accused of arson, of murdering his own mother and father. The case, kept out of the public eye, dragged on for weeks. Damien's defence team were nothing but rational and expected the case to be over in a matter of no time due to the ridiculous grounds the charges were based on. But that didn't happen. The case was allowed to get as far as the jury. Unfortunately for little Damien, the jury were retarted and returned a gulity verdict! Damien was convicted and sent to an asylum where he remained until I found him"




"You want to know? Really?






Alicia looks shocked....


"That's right, Sam Strong was Head Juror on Damien's case. And you know what, Alicia? It's not over, not by a long shot. You think last week was bad? That was just the start. They sent Damien away because they thought he was evil. Well, Damien's did his time and now he's back but what's ironic is that his time in that asylum has infected his soul with the very evil that runs through Satan's veins"


And with that, fire explodes from each of the four ringposts. The lights go down, a red glow fills the arena and Baal's music plays as Alicia stands, looking terrified.[/center]

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="26069" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>In late 2009 New York City Wrestling was sold by The Stomper to head booker Black Hat Bailey. Black Hat who already was not a favorable character in the locker room quickly put a stop to any 'modernization' that had began to seep into the organization, stepping on many toes along the way. Four of those who had been harmed by the process of change left following the last NYCW show of the year.<p> </p><p> The 'iMPACT Quartet' as the media dubbed them included aging Tri State star Rick Sanders, charismatic shooting star Sammy The Shark, and The Ring Generals tag team (Marv Statler and Dean Waldorf). The four left with the intent of creating a promotion in which the doors of the future would be opened, but the experiences of the past would not be forgotten. </p><p> </p><p> Thus iMPACT New York was born. Only time will tell if they can leave an impact on the Tri State or the wrestling business, if they can leave an impact on the future, or if they can make an impact in the greatest wrestling town in the world.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <span>http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g292/MaxxHexx/iNY/Static/INY.jpg</span></p></div><p></p><p></p>
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<p>I have a question and didn't want to post it in this forum as its own thread so thought I'd throw it here:</p><p> </p><p>

Does anyone know if when you are doing previews of your post, does that count as a new view for your thread? I seem to have a lot of views in my diary for the amount of posts and replies, and I know I do preview a few times before posting to tweak and whatnot. I'm afraid I'm artificially inflating my view total by doing that so was just wondering.</p>

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One thing to remember is that a lot of members just read rather than post in dynasties, also since yours is young many people wait a while until they know the dynasty will stick around before investing themselves in it by posting. Third, there are also many guests of this forum who read, but can't post. All three reasons are explainations to your preview question.
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One thing to remember is that a lot of members just read rather than post in dynasties, also since yours is young many people wait a while until they know the dynasty will stick around before investing themselves in it by posting. Third, there are also many guests of this forum who read, but can't post. All three reasons are explainations to your preview question.


Thanks Maxx.

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Maxx... Stop replying with advice and start posting iMPACT New York! :p


I'm just making sure any backstory holes are filled and writing ahead a wee bit. This week is finals week, but next week...then I will have more time to smash it all out.

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Just a quick question, and I figured this thread was the easiest way to reach potential readers.


As many of you may be aware I'm currently running this diary...


CZCW - Get Into The Zone!


The diary is actually constructed on a Wix website, which is a format I enjoy and am not planning to stop anytime soon. However - I know the idea of clicking off the forum and looking on an additional website doesn't appeal to everyone. I know a couple of people have found loading times slow, for example.


My question is this - would anyone be interested in reading the diary (who isn't already doing so) if I were to include a basic text version within the thread? It would be no frills and no different from what is on the website content-wise, just not as pretty! :cool: Would anybody find this beneficial? Would it be worth the time?


I've put an example of what I mean in the diary for the last show I've run. If you happen to check it out and have an opinion, then drop me a PM or leave a message within the diary. Don't clog up this thread! Thanks. EDIT: I've just put up a poll in my diary for easiness!

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(OOC: Since this is essentially a thread for dynasty commercials, well, here's a commercial.:) )





Have you been wondering why you’re watching this DVD?











He leans over your table, half shouting that very question, and it shocks you awake.



How long have you been watching it?












Nah, it couldn’t be that long, could it?



The lamp’s bright light obscures his features, and your weary mind doesn’t do you any favors.







“It’s probably time for me to introduce myself; you’ve been here long enough.”



“My name is….”



He stops and waves his finger. That much you can make out. Tsk-tsk.



“Actually you don’t need to know that right now, do you?”



“And I think it’d be best to bring you along slowly.”



The orange glow of his lit cigar stub pulses along with his haul as he continues.



“Right around this time, we….”



Another haul.



“……that is, the FBI, began investigating JK Stallings for, among other things, tax evasion, tax fraud, and, if you can believe it…..”



“….money laundering.”



“And at the time we had a pretty good idea about the evidence we were accumulating, the case that we were building, and the case that we could inevitably present to the court. By extension, a lot of people were involved.”



“But I can’t tell you how…..”






“....is that the right word here?”



“Sh*t just got crazy. That’s all I’ll say.”



“We thought it was one thing and…..”



“Well......sh*t just got crazy. You'll see.”



“I should tell you that everything you see here, and everything you’ve already seen here is evidence.”



“Watch it all again if you need to.”



“I’m going to need you, rookie….”



“I’m going to need you to help me put together a bigger case.”



“One that could make both of our careers.”



“So from this point forward, I need to make sure we’re on the same page. Watch this video with your satellite open, so to speak. Break out your fine toothed comb or whatever.”



“It’s more important than I can tell you.”







To read more and find out what this all means:




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  • 2 weeks later...

I have finally joined the darkside I finally got TEW 2010, after using 2005 and 2007 for my previous works. (Adam don't say that a new verison is in the works now).


A thought I have is bringing back my old dave dairy and using that as a backstory as a way to working with psw


Link to danger and violence extreme (backstory)



Question time I guess


Do people like the write up style of dairies (seeing everything behind the curtain, or would you rather not see behind the curtain of the daily workings. ( or do you just not care for the question.)


To me it honestly does not matter and I am thinking that while I may not present the daily workings for this one, I may keep notes of items and have them "pop up" from time to time in the form of an internet wrestling site (think pwinsider).


If you care to respond you can post here to keep the thread bumped or PM me. Thanks.


Here We Go Again


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  • 3 weeks later...

Just testing formatting



The Rip Chord Invitational V











Wrestling 2010


MAW:<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ANKDVFxkbo&hl=en_GB&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ANKDVFxkbo&hl=en_GB&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>


<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-F2PlvdfE3I&hl=en_GB&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-F2PlvdfE3I&hl=en_GB&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

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  • 5 weeks later...




(ooc: Just a little something I whipped up earlier today. The official version will be a lot more detailed and better written but for just playing around at the end of the work day this is what I got. This is going to be broken up throughout several posts as well as even more backstory to come. That being said this is the "preview" thread.)


It’s April of 1996. A young 16 year old by the name of James Keith Stallings has just become the world’s youngest billionaire. A life long professional wrestling fan he’s sank over 100 million dollars into creating the world’s second largest professional wrestling promotion. After four months of trying to find a production company to handle the promotions incoming shows young Stallings has yet to find any takers. He’s now sitting in the President of Empire Entertainment’s office in the heart of Los Angles.


[James is sitting across from a giant empty desk about ten floors up in the heart of Los Angeles. The door swings open behind him and a younger man dressed in a suit quickly steps in shutting the door behind him.]


Steve: James, sorry to keep you waiting my last meeting ran long. Apparently the American Sports 1 has just acquired the rights to the national dog show and talks ran longer than I had hoped…


[steve walks over to the bar in his office and starts pouring a drink. He glances back at James who’s still staring out the window of his office. Steve speaks up.]


Steve: Say James, can I get you a drink?


[James slightly turns his body to face Steve with a questioned look on his face.]


James: I’m uh, I’m not old enough to drink…


[steve’s smile turns to one of awkwardness and slight embarrassment. He quickly tries to change the subject.]


Steve: Well how bout a smoke? I got some fine Cubans if your into that sort of thing…


[James glances down before looking back up in an even lower tone.]


James: I’m not old enough to smoke either…


[With that statement Steve quietly sets his glass back down on the bar and walks behind his desk. He reaches out shaking hands with James before quickly sitting. Steve is shuffling paperwork while James uncomfortably stares at him. Steve finally meets eye contact from over his shuffled papers.]


Steve: Look James I’m going to get right to the point. The company has looked over your files and although your offer to our company is more than above asking price I just don’t know how we can get a deal done. You don’t have any television, you don’t have any pay per view. Although your offer is generous without any sort of media you wouldn’t have a need for a production company and at the end of the day we’d be tied into a contract we would actually lose money on….


[James shifts in his chair across the desk. He pulls at his HGC t shirt before stammering out a response to the rejection.]


James: I’ve been to every major production company in Los Angles and they all tell me the same thing. Without television they won’t take me on as a client. My people told me that you were the guy to get things done. I’m going to leave you with a blank check. You write what it will take to lock you guys in as my production company…


[James whips out his check book tearing off a blank check and sliding it across the large, oak wood desk. Steve lets out a sigh before clutching the check. He stares at the check and then stares back at James. Finally the silence is broken.]


Steve: James who do you have securing your television rights as of now?


[James thought for a second before curiosity responding.]


James: Well….me….


[steve took the blank check in towards him and starting jotting something down on it. A few moments later he slid it back over towards James.]


Steve: That’s how much I would ask right now for you to lock this company down for production of Hollyweird Grappling Company. Now I want you to double that amount, that’s the amount I’m going to be asking when I secure you the television rights you haven’t been able to get on your own…


[James stared at the number, it was bigger than he had expected in the first place and now Steve was going to ask for that to be doubled if he could secure television rights. He sat the check down and stared across as Steve for a moment. He snatched the pen and scribbled his name onto the check sliding it back to Steve.]


James: Consider this your down payment and you’ll get the other half when you get me that television deal.


[With that James got out and straightened out his wrinkly HGC t shirt and outstretched his hand for a handshake. Steve took a moment to respond staring at the check before slowly rising and offering a lifeless handshake. As James left the ten story high office Steve flopped back down into his leather chair. He covered his hands with his face before muttering to himself.]


Steve: I’m so screwed…




[several months had passed but to Steve it felt like years. His hair was needing cut, his clean cut face turn to stubble and was now showing signs of a full on beard. His eyes seemed like they were stained blood shot red. After all of this he was smiling as James Keith Stallings once again passed through his door. They shook hands and James took a seat. Steve slowly got up from his chair and walked over to the bar pouring himself a drink.]


Steve: I know its been a few months but I’m glad to see ya back in here James. Can I offer you a drink?


[James got a strange feeling of déjà vu as he moved his body around staring at Steve almost in disbelief.]


James: I guess you don’t remember out last talk, I’m not old enough to drin-


[before James could finish his sentence a can of ice cold Coke was flying in his direction. James quickly caught the freezing can of soda. Steve let out a laugh and rejoined him at the desk.]


Steve: Relax, lighten up James I got good news. I know you don’t drink but I also did some research on ya and best I can tell Coke is your drink of choice. So drink up friend I got great news…


[James was almost uncomfortable without how cheery and chipper Steve was compared to their last meeting when he almost refused a six figure pay day from James.]


Steve: I went to every network in this country and the results weren’t that great. Ace didn’t want us, American Sports 1 has Eisen and they wouldn’t even take my phone call. Arcadia, CANN, GNN, CBA, Sports American all either turned me down or laughed in my face. Hell I couldn’t even get a meeting with most of them and the ones that did offer me a meeting did it as comedy relief….


[James was staring at Steve in disbelief. Steve was so happy while James was seeing his company go up in flames. Was this Steve’s way of getting a bit of comedy relief for himself? Finally James cut Steve off and spoke up.]


James: I’m sorry but I thought you had good news, how is it good news that every network in the country thinks I’m a joke and I just spent 100 million dollars on something that I can’t even get a television deal for?


[steve chuckled to himself before pulling out a few different papers. He slid them over to James face down and started to immediately explain what they were since it was evident James wasn’t the patient type today.]


Steve: Because after all of them laughed in my face I went BACK to the secondary networks, East Coast Today, Hawaii 50, TV Puerto Rico, American Central, even West Coast Access. All of these secondary networks JUMPED at the chance to have even a sliver of what Eisen’s ratings are pulling in. Not only are we broadcast in ALL 50 States James but I signed a deal with Maple Leaf Sports so we’re in Canada as well. Not only are we in two countries, we’re also going to bee seen LIVE head to head with Richard Eisen. To top it off each network is paying US to broadcast on their network.


[steve’s rant was over he slowly kicked back in his leather chair while James looked over and analyzed each paper. You could tell he was the type that did read the fine print. After what felt like hours but truthfully was only a few minutes James put the papers down and looked back up at Steve with a cold stare. Steve leaned in just as James started to crack a smile. After the smile came a loud yell of relief.]


James: Well you earned every penny of that down payment. I’m a man of my word and Empire Entertainment is not only our production company but here’s the other half of that money that’s woed to you…


[Just like before James whipped out that fat check book of his. He tour off a sheet and scribbled onto the check. He slid the check over to Steve but Steve’s face had gone from smiles and a look of arrogance to a somber tone. He stared at the check, this was more than this company would make in two years just in HGC payments. He set the check down and looked back up at James.]


Steve: James I gotta be honest with you. Empire Entertainment has already made more money off of you with that last check than it will most of its other ventures combined. We don’t need the other half…


[James quickly shut him off.]


James: A deal is a deal Steve, your company went to bat for me, got me television rights, they got me production when nobody else would….


Steve: Look James, I did that television rights on my own time. The reason I’ve barely slept and haven’t seen the inside of this office since the last time you were here is because I’ve been spending my nights on planes all across the country. The company secured itself a high end client who now has a television deal. Its twice to three times as much as any other production company would charge something like this with television rights. If you really want to pay your debt though I have an ideat...


[James leaned in and Steve let out a sigh before continuing his thought process.]


Steve: You’ve spent a 100 million dollars on a professional wrestling company, you’ve been to every television studio and every production company in the country. You’ve already put more time and effort into this than anything thinks or even knows about. You’ve shown me you’re in this for the long haul. The reason I went to back for you was because I like a challenge myself. I like making something from nothing. Your case with the television rights was a challenge, but being a part of HGC and making it a success inside a form of entertainment that only one company has ever been successful at? That’s the ultimate challenge. To come in as an outsider and take over an industry that’s been dominated by one company for three decades that’s the kind of challenge I really want to be a part of…


[James c0cked his head in curiosity as Steve really made James realize maybe for the first time just what he was facing. In the seven months he’s had this company he hasn’t had time to stop and think of what a challenge it will be and how what he’s already overcame is nothing compared to the trials ahead.]


Steve: You already have my production company working for you, I’ve already been all over this country and Canada for you. Bring me on as part of the company, I’ll open up market avenues you haven’t dreamed about, I’ll work on branding, I’ll work on advertising, I’ll keep working television rights in more countries. Pay Per View. This is what I do James, you make me a part of this company and I’ll work until I drop to make this company the most successful in its industry inside two years….


[James could hear the passion pouring out of Steve’s voice, he could hear how badly he wanted this challenge. He also knew that he needed someone that believed like this. He could hire any consultant and adviser in the world but he knew they wouldn’t have this passion. James sat up and reached across the desk offering a handshake. Steve broke the handshake picking up the check to rip it in half. ]


James: Looks like we got a lot to talk about moving forward….




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So, here's an idea I had that might stretch me a bit - but in a good way. I think :p


We probably all remember the Watcher's Diary that Adam ran way back when. I was thinking of doing something similar as a sideline to my current diary, but combining it with a look at the different companies as I went along. For example, in month 1 I might look at NOTBPW, month 2 RAW and so on.


I'd do that by writing up the fed's big monthly show, whatever that is. Whether it's PPV, the tour's climax show, or just 30 men and the hot dog gal in Canada's snowy wastes, it would be a look at each company in the 'verse.


I'd also try and do each show in a different style - newsletter writeups, smartphone posts to a dirtsheet website, infinitywpi's barebones style, a full bells and whistles SWF.com writeup...


What do people think?

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Sounds pretty cool, JC. I'd honestly even be cool with just a well-written watcher's diary. I'm honestly a bit surprised the watcher approach isn't done more.


Also, Stennick - just had a chance to read through the HGC post... Good stuff. Hoping you turn it into an actual project.

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I will be doing a WCW 2001 Diary based on if WCW never was bought by the WWE. Money is tight and WCW is struggling with the loss of Time Warner money dishing out contracts. Nitro and Thunder are only 1 hour shows on Fox Sports Net. The Tag division is the weakest it's ever been. The whole roster is on the weak side. Can WCW rebound to battle with WWE head to head again?
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