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DOA: The Evolution of GREED

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Johnny Vicious vs. Matthew Keith

Fodder for the monkey man. I'm gonna sit in the crowd with a sign that says bring back the mask.


El Dragón Dorado vs. Teddy Powell

I like Dragon but Powell's got his thing for Flash and I want to see that program continue. A win for Powell here and he attacks Flash after the battle royal.


20-Man "Overloaded Overthrow": Choose a Winner - Steve Flash

You had to have known this was gonna be my pick

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Johnny Vicious vs. Matthew Keith

- It would be rather anti-climactic for him to lose the first match on his long ladder back to the top...


El Dragón Dorado vs. Teddy Powell

- Powell's getting to that stage where I'm sure he's going somewhere with this, so anything to help him get there quicker is good by me. ¬_¬ Not a big fan of his, sadly.


20-Man "Overloaded Overthrow": Choose a Winner - El Dragon Dorado

- Ignoring the fodder and tag team wrestlers - and Jay Chord, who's unlikely to have been booked to win a match he's only in by accident - that leaves us with Funk, Dorado, Torment, Flash, Powell, Rayne and possibly Edison.

I doubt Flash and Powell are going to let each other win, they'll probably take each other out early on. Rayne is probably only in there to make sure Tyler's plans go off smoothly, whatever they might be, not to win himself - that doesn't mean he won't of course, but I doubt you'd pull the trigger on that story so soon. Edison doesn't have much of a chance, the concept of throwing someone over the top rope to win will be too alien. So that leaves Canonball Funk, our resident comedy babyface. Dragon, who's just been beaten senseless by Powell. Torment, our resident badass killing machine. Torment is a good option, but I don't think he's over enough to go straight to #1 contender in his third appearance. Funk is Funk. So that leaves Dragon.

Still, a hard match to predict...

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Episode #6

Title: "… The War Within' … "





Eric Tyler, Acid, Rayne Man, Johnny Vicious, Cannonball Funk, Roy Edison, Steve Flash, Teddy Powell

… Last week, on DOA “Rapid Assault” …


[The opening seconds of tonight’s episode, of DOA “Rapid Assault”, begins just like any other week; with a short hype video formulating a narrative for tonight off of what happened on last week’s telecast.]


[The gritty presentation delivers an overly chaotic image as the sight of Eric Tyler standing in the entry way of the “Dungeon” Gateway is seen. This image comes from last week’s episode as Tyler’s rugged, and quite raspy, vocal delivery is heard; relaying the state of the #1 Contendership to the DOA Championship.]


”The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler”: Next week, We will find the NEW #1 Contender to the DOA Championship. However, you… Johnny, You won’t have the privilege to via for such a position. Instead, Your long, possibly career-crushing, journey from the depths of this organization upward will mark it’s beginning. [Evil Grin] While others will potentially go on for fame and fortune, challenging Acid for the DOA Championship, You will be nowhere NEAR that opportunity. [slight Pause] Do you understand? Do you REALLY understand the stages of HELL you’ll have to pass through in which to get BACK to the top? [Gruff Laughter follows]


[A quick glimpse of a battered; yet violently focused, Johnny Vicious is seen for a split second before the entire scene goes black once again. This view continues for a few more seconds until we bare witness to the sight of all 20 individuals competing tonight flash before the TV screen; one after the other in rapid succession. Meanwhile, a nameless voice relays the overall message hovering over tonight’s Main Event.]


Nameless Voice: 20 men… All competing for the right to challenge for the DOA Championship. [slight Pause] 20 men… All coming to this point through different paths; joining into one. [slight Pause] Who will change the course of their DOA career forever? Who will stand above the rest & ultimately challenge Acid for the DOA Championship? [slight Pause] The controversial clash begins… Tonight!!


[With that, The opening video comes to an abrupt halt; seconds before the DOA symbol gleams across the TV screen for a few short seconds. Ushering in the start of tonight’s episode.]


Grade: D-


Davis Detterich: Hello everybod-ay, and WELCOME… to DOA “R-R-R-R-RAAAPID ASSAULT!” [slight Pause] I’m Davis Detterich, along side my partner in crime John Greed, and we’ve got one HELL of a show planned for you here tonight!

John Greed: That’s right, Davis! Tonight will go down as a truly legendary episode of “Rapid Assault” as we look to find the NEXT #1 Contender to the DOA Championship! 20 men, All via’ing for the ability to face Acid, Here… Next week!

Davis Detterich: Tonight’s Main event, dubbed “The Overloaded Overthrow”, will do exactly that; find Acid’s next challenger! Who will it be? Can Teddy Powell find a sense of redemption with a victory tonight? Will Cannonball Funk have something to dance about in the closing moments of this episode? - OR - will Mr. Tyler’s appointed representative, Rayne Man, continue his dominating rise here in the DOA? Only time will tell…

John Greed: My money is on Torment. I love this guy… [Laughter follows] A violent competitor if there ever was one!

Davis Detterich: Or will it be the Indy Legend, Steve Flash? [slight Pause] With that being said, We’ve received word that Mr. Flash is getting himself ready, backstage, for tonight’s iconic showdown! Lets take the time to zone-in on his preparation…




“The Remarkable” Steve Flash

… Bruised and Battered …


[The opening scene for this week’s episode of DOA “Rapid Assault” begins with the sight of the Indy Wrestling Legend, Steve Flash, wincing slightly as he raises his right leg up onto a nearby bench. With his backend seated in an unforgiving steel chair, The aged superstar is portrayed as a physically broken individual. Both of his knees are wrapped heavily in tape, holding down compressed bags of ice, as the wear-and-tear from years of highly competitive Indy Wrestling has seemingly left the “Remarkable One” in a state of constant pain. This narrative is quite obvious in the way that Mr. Flash attempts to hide his signs of discomfort; however, is truly unable to when surveying his rigid body-language.]


[A true legend of the sport, and an all-around honorable man, appears to be on his “last leg” (literally; in a way) from a physical perspective; however, his mental determination still resonates through his body as if he were a young, 20-something, on the verge of starting his career. In a way, he MAY be broken down physically but is far to proud to ever admit such a scenario. Instead, he continues on like the consummate professional that he is; competing in the industry that he loves so dearly.]


[A matter of a few seconds pass when all of a sudden a familiar low, and raspy, tone is heard coming from off-camera.]



”The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler

… Advice for Mr. Flash …


”The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler: When is this going to end, Steve? [slight Pause] You HAVE to know that this isn’t normal; icing your knees far before you even step into the ring. You’re falling apart. It’s plain and simple.


[A look of utter-annoyance forms upon Flash’s face as he slightly leans back into his chair; looking upward at the ceiling & hoping that Eric Tyler will simply pass on through. Sadly, for Stephen, no such situation forms. Instead, The grizzled veteran slowly staggers his way onto the scene; limping slightly in his typical fashion. Meanwhile, his eyes never stray from the bruised man before him.]


”The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler: I know the feeling, Steve. Believe me. [slight Pause] The desperate hope that you can, somehow, slow down the sands of time. However, no matter how hard you try; it’s impossible. [slight Pause] Reality’s a b*tch, Steve… That’s a war you’ll NEVER win.


[steve Flash, still showing signs of being extremely annoyed by the presence of Mr. Tyler, continues to look upward at the ceiling; not giving any sense of eye-contact with the man before him. Instead, relaying a short winded message in which to push Mr. Tyler to his point.]


Steve Flash: What do you want, Eric?


[Flash’s disrespectful response doesn’t seem to phase Mr. Tyler in the slightest. Actually, it appears to humor the Wrestling Legend as “The Voice of Reason” is seen cracking an uncharacteristic smile upon his face.]


”The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler: Don’t look at this like I’m trying to force something down your throat, Steve. [slight Chuckle] Just look at this from the perspective of one old-timer to the other. [slight Pause] A word of advice from someone who has already gone through this very scenario…


Steve Flash: And what scenario would that be?


[There’s an air of laziness to Flash’s response as it seems as if he’s already tired of their little banter back and forth. Knowing that Mr. Tyler likes to hear the sound of his voice almost more than what’s being said.]


”The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler: Retirement.


Steve Flash: Who ever said anything about retirement?


[steve responds with a sense of brashness. His body, jolting forward slightly in a show of an angered shock.]


”The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler: Face the reality, Steve. [slight Pause] You’re icing your knees at the beginning of the show; removing yourself from the rest of the locker room in the process. Look at yourself. You’re not 20 anymore. This isn’t NYCW. The slow-paced thought-out style of competition won’t work here in the DOA. That seems pretty evident in the fact that you have YET to win a match here. [slight Chuckle] What is it again? 0-4? When is this going to stop?


[steve Flash continues to blow off Mr. Tyler’s statement; however, even HE has to realize that there’s a sense of truth behind what’s being said. Meanwhile, Eric Tyler is seen slowly lowering himself into a nearby chair; showing signs of his own depleted physical health after years of heavy competition.]


”The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler: No one would fault you for simply walking away. Truthfully, everyone here in the DOA would still respect you for the countless of years you put into this industry. You’re a bona fide Legend, Steve. What’s there left to prove? [slight Pause] How about this? I’ll put in a good word with the Network & maybe we can find you a job backstage or something. Sound good? You can call up Jakki, talk with your kids, and “Ride off into the sunset”. [slight Pause] We’ll even throw you a “going-away party” on-air; sometime in the next few weeks.


[steve, tired of listening to Mr. Tyler’s statement, abruptly stands up; wincing in pain as he removes himself from the steel chair he once sat upon. However, once on his feet, the aged superstar quickly snaps his head over to make eye contact with Eric; a raw intensity rummaging through out his body.]


Steve Flash: Stop! Stop this bull-crap, Eric. [slight Pause] You know damn well that I’m no where NEAR retirement. Do you understand me? [slight Pause] You‘re damn right I have nothing left to prove BUT that doesn‘t mean I‘m walking away. This is what I do… This is who I AM… And yet, You are trying to take that away from me? Force me down that same road you have taken? [steve points off to the right; toward where the ringside area would be] Get your boy [Acid] ready, Eric. Because TONIGHT… I’m going to walk out as the NEW #1 Contender to the DOA Championship!! [Heated Silence] And when that happens, I’m coming for Acid.


[steve Flash storms out of the room, still heavily bandaged, leaving Eric Tyler all by himself. The heated opening segment for tonight’s episode comes to a close with the sight of Eric Tyler leaning back in his chair; shockingly showing a sense of compassion for Steve Flash. However, anyone familiar with the “Voice of Reason” knows that there MUST be something else behind Mr. Tyler’s advice.]


Grade: D+


Davis Detterich: Who does Eric Tyler think he is trying to push Steve Flash toward retirement? Sure, you’re the “Voice of Reason”; a position that is debatable, BUT what gives you the right to speak to Steve that way?

John Greed: Come on, Davis!! Everything he said was true… You can’t deny that. Steve Flash is 0-4 here in the DOA & appears to have some difficulty with “keeping up” with the younger generation. This company, this style of wrestling, may not be the best fit for him. It’s just simple fact.

Davis Detterich: Even if that IS the case; which it is not, someone like Steve should have the ability to call his own shots. When he wants to retire, he cant retire; however, until that day comes… He should make that decision & not anyone else!

John Greed: Sometimes the “greats” need to be pushed out the door, Davis. They’ve tasted success. They know the game. However, there comes a point where their own ego gets in the way. Where they need others to “open their eyes”. That’s all Mr. Tyler was doing…

Davis Detterich: It’s all jealousy; that’s what it is. Misery loves company & right now Eric Tyler is miserable since his career has seen its end. Now, he wants to try to force Steve Flash down that same road.




Johnny "The Blazing Red Demon" Vicious vs. Matthew Keith

Singles Match


Johnny Vicious is in a fowl mood. His mannerisms are rather aggressive, his body-language cold & stand-off’ish, and his predatory stare is locked on the young, Mr. Keith, from the onset of tonight’s opening bout. While Matthew is widely considered to be one of the hottest-up-and-coming cast members in the DOA; tonight, He’s nothing more than a stress reliever for the emotionally-charged “Blazing Red Demon”.


The official start of the match marks the beginning of a short, yet extremely damaging, altercation for Matthew Keith as the youngster is literally beaten an inch from death. In a true act of domination, Johnny Vicious makes quick work of his reeling opponent; theoretically stomping a whole through his body in the process.


In the end, with Matthew Keith barely gripping to consciousness, Johnny Vicious is seen aggressively latching himself onto the fallen Keith. Locking in a deadly rear-naked-chokehold upon the fearful competitor. While Matthew initially tries to break himself free, His body is too overcome with tonight’s assault; tapping out rather quickly as a sign that he’s had enough.


Johnny Vicious defeats Matthew Keith in 2:56 via a rear-naked-chokehold.

Grade: C-


John Greed: Well… That didn’t take long. [Laughter follows]

Davis Detterich: No, it really didn’t, John. Then again, Matthew had to know that he was walking into the Lion’s Den tonight. Johnny Vicious, on a normal day, is quite deadly. However, now, he appears to be consumed with rage. Most likely due to the fact that Mr. Tyler has forced him to “The back of the Line”.

John Greed: [brief silence] It looks like Vicious isn’t done yet…




Johnny Vicious and Matthew Keith

… Frustration boils over …


[At first, Johnny Vicious is seen as someone so hell-bent on internal rage that he lashes out in defiance to anything perpetuating a sense of Authority. In this case, it was DOA official, Eugene Williams, attempting to force Vicious to relinquish the deadly submission hold bestowed upon the semi-conscious Keith. With Mr. Williams’ hands physically trying to pry Johnny’s arm from Keith’s throat, The break finally comes as “The Blazing Red Demon” removes his arm aggressively; standing up in a thunderous ascension. Staring down upon his victim as if he were in a murderous trance.]


[Mr. Williams quickly reviews Matthew Keith’s physical state; afraid that the youngster is severely hurt after such a one-sided destruction at the hands of Johnny Vicious. However, his good-Samaritan review wouldn’t last very long as Johnny Vicious comes back for more.]


[The frustrated competitor, Johnny Vicious, forcibly shoves Mr. Williams out of the way & once again turns his attention toward his fallen victim; lifting him aggressively off of the canvas & Planting him violently back down with a maneuver he calls “The Vicious Cycle” (Spinning Death-Valley Driver). Keith, looking like a victim of a car crash, lays in a motionless heap on the canvas below as his attacker grumpily pulls himself back to his feet using a nearby rope as a crutch.]


[“The Blazing Red Demon” stomps his way out of the ring, and up the isle way, never to lay his eyes on the carnage he had delivered again. Meanwhile, the live DOA audience is heard relaying a response of mixed emotions. Some overjoyed by the gritty nature of their favored babyface & some questioning his true disposition with such a heinous assault.]


Grade: D-


Davis Detterich: GOOD GOD… [slight Pause] Johnny Vicious has truly “lost it”; he’s “snapped”! I mean, he’s always been known to be a stiff-fighter but THIS? [slight Pause] wow…

John Greed: While I know it’s eating him up inside… Maybe Mr. Tyler’s decision was a good thing for Johnny Vicious. [slight Pause] It shook him up mentally, forced him to re-structure his goals here in the DOA. Maybe, and I’m not sure about this, but maybe being pushed to “the back of the line” has only awakened a sleeping giant?

Davis Detterich: That may be true, John. Just the look in his eyes. It reeked of a man whose been to “Hell and Back”. Very chilling…







Jay Chord

… “I am NOT a Role Model” …


[We return from a lengthy third-party promotional break to bare witness to the sight of Jay Chord standing before the camera lens. The view of the much anticipated youngster is quite close, creating a tight connection between the viewer & Mr. Chord himself, as little can be seen behind him due to the darkened room he resides within. Meanwhile, a Black & White effect is used to create a truly gritty presentation. Perpetuating a unique view of the debuting Chord.]


[With a purely intense look upon his face, and his flowing surfer-boy like hair, blanketing his forehead; stretching down to his eyes, The youngster makes his debut in a truly memorable way.]


Jay Chord: I am not a Role Model.


[A slight pause follows. This allows the first message to linger in which to create more time for personal reflection by the viewer]


Jay Chord: I don’t care what you think. I don’t care what you want out of me. I simply, only care for myself. [slight Pause] Some may call this arrogance. Others may brand me as self-obsessed. However, in reality, I see it as ensuring my success. [Another, Slight Pause] You see, from the day I was born, I was looked upon as the “second coming”. [slight Pause] The logical heir to my Father’s legacy. A theoretical burden that attempts to stain my success far before it’s ever achieved. So, with that in mind, how can one truly escape the crushing grip of such a shadow? [slight Pause] It’s really quite simple, you see. You turn yourself inward, you simplify your agenda, and focus all your attention on what YOU want to accomplish. Not what OTHERS want you to accomplish.


[Again, another slight pause stands to create a sense of drama for the youngster.]


Jay Chord: Others may plead for my alliance, some may cry out for acceptance; however, their hopes will go unnoticed. I didn’t join the DOA to make friends… I didn’t come to “The Dungeon” for your acceptance… Hell, I didn’t join this industry to simply ride on my Father’s coattails… [slight pause] I started this journey for myself… and only… myself.


[One final pause resonates through the camera lens as Jay Chord intensely stares straight forward. Almost as if he were sending a message straight to the viewers at home.]


Jay Chord: I’m Jay Chord… [slight Pause] … And I am NOT a Role Model…


[With that, The scene comes to a gradual close as we fade to a sea of blackness. Meanwhile, Jay continues to stare straight into the camera lens as if he were nose-to-nose with a dreaded rival.]


Grade: C-


John Greed: I love this kid!! The balls for someone to actually come right out and say… “I’m not a Role Model”. [Laughs] This is the kind of competitor that will go on to do great things here in the DOA! How couldn’t he?

Davis Detterich: Easily. Anyone who is THAT self-absorbed will almost certainly fall victim to his own ego!

John Greed: Oh, what do you know, Davis? [slight Pause] You know NOTHING about what it takes to be a successful competitor in the ring. This guy has all the tools to be a mega-star just like his Father. Without any need of acceptance from anyone, He’s setting himself up for true-greatness! Just you wait!

Davis Detterich: And YOU know what it takes to be successful in the ring? [An uncharacteristic arrogant stint of laughter from Davis is heard] From what I remember, You were a nobody during your active career. An afterthought for most, local, Rhode Island events. So, what kind of insight do you have?

[Grumbling is heard from John Greed]

John Greed: F*ck you, Davis…




El Dragón Dorado vs. Teddy "Redeem Thee" Powell

Singles Match


There’s something very statuesque about Teddy Powell. Gone are the overly-energetic mannerism that made him famous during his tenure with DaVE; no longer the personification of daredevil intentions he once was while competing with Sammy Bach under the “Adrenaline Rush” banner. Now, there’s a greater sense of demonic calm to his stare. Almost as if he were the true embodiment of a medieval Gargoyle; taking flight with a fusion of ability and fear-mongering.


On the other hand, El Dragón Dorado comes into tonight with his typical “hero demeanor” chipped away slightly. There is a level of reckless nature to his step; A sense of uncharacteristic aggression to his approach. While it seems like a new viewpoint for young Dorado, It’s his fear of Teddy Powell that seems to be pushing him into a “flight or fight” mentality. To be defined though, His fear isn’t what you expect from someone who was recently a victim of the other. His fear truly comes from the understanding that Teddy Powell embodies exactly what he is not: Unbound by Societal Laws. Dorado’s “Hero-mentality” keeps him residing within the lines of what is acceptable; where as, Teddy Powell simply acts, and re-acts, based upon pure primal notions. So, when matched up, Teddy’s new “Redeem Thee” persona takes presenance as the dominant personality.


With that being said, You would expect for a typical man to transform into a “bumbling idiot”; fearful of what the other may do to them. However, in this case, El Dragón Dorado does exactly the opposite: Forging a fight-plan that pushes Powell to the brink & back. Neither man wanting to lose. Both men wanting victory just as badly as anyone could.


Their warfare is rather harsh. Their strikes are extremely heavy & their approach is bordering on reckless as both men execute aerial spots like they were going out of style. The true difference, here, though was that El Dragón Dorado shows his superior abilities as it pertains to athleticism over Powell. His offense felt more seamless as his mind appeared to be always one step ahead of his previous attacker. In a way, it looks like Teddy Powell has to constantly push his body to the extreme JUST to keep up with the speedy Dorado. A fact that continues to happen as Mr. “Redeem Thee” himself puts forth the effort of a lifetime against his seemingly hated rival.


In the end; however, it was El Dragón Dorado who starts to pull away from the pack. After a string a praise-worthy chain-wrestling spots by Dorado, Teddy “Redeem Thee” Powell appears to be staggering just to keep on a vertical base. However, his challenge becomes even more hefty following a Tornado DDT from the Mexico-Native. Powell, barely pulling himself back up, slowly spins around to see El Dragón Dorado standing atop the nearest turnbuckle. He looks as if he wants to move out of the way; however, it appears to be too late.


El Dragón Dorado Leaps off the top rope…


*** The Lights go Out ***


Mass hysteria generates within the darkened “Dungeon” as DOA crowd members create a loud roar of confusion; so loud that only the faint sound of a heavy force hitting the canvas is heard in the background. The blanketing darkness continues for a short while longer until the scene is once again unveiled. However, No longer was El Dragón Dorado in control. He’s now seen laying face down on the canvas rolling around in pain; most likely the victim of a missed aerial spot due to the lights being turned out.


Meanwhile, Teddy Powell looks as if he’s ready to pounce. Awaiting El Dragón Dorado’s slowly ascension back to a vertical base.


With El Dragón Dorado staggering to stay on his feet, Teddy Powell quickly moves in for the kill. After an array of fast-moving strikes to the chest, Teddy ends his combo off with a heavy kick to Dorado’s stomach followed by his signature move “The Path to Redemption” (Sit-Down Tombstone Piledriver). The martinete maneuver delivers such a crushing impact upon Dorado’s head & neck that the young flier goes completely limp seconds after he’s spiked into the canvas. This opens up Teddy Powell to aggressively go for a pinfall attempt; receiving a standard three count from DOA official, Eugene Williams in the process.


Teddy Powell defeats El Dragón Dorado in 12:29 via “The Path to Redemption” (Sit-Down Tombstone Piledriver).

Grade: C-


Davis Detterich: Why are DOA officials allowing Teddy Powell to utilize the lighting system of the “Dungeon” to pick up victories? I mean, honestly. When does this carnage stop? He defeated Steve Flash, and now El Dragón Dorado; however, neither was done out respectable competition. In both cases, It was the lights going out that ultimately gave Powell the ability to gain control of the situation. This is just absurd!

John Greed: Do YOU want to be the one to tell Teddy he can’t control the lights? That man is nothing short of a bonafide psychopath!

Davis Detterich: Wait a minute… We’re getting word from the back… It appears that we may have found the accomplice to Powell’s ability to control the lights…




Unknown Assailant for Teddy Powell

… The controller of the lights …


[We quickly cut to a backstage camera view to see that we are currently inches from the control room doorway. The frantic right hand of the camera man is seen extending outward, opening the door in a slow fashion & quickly raising the camera lens to an eye-level viewpoint to document the carnage that has just taken place.]


[Within the control room, The viewer witnesses the fact that all 5 broadcasting engineers for the DOA’s “Rapid Assault” telecast are seen tied to their chairs. A few of them barely grip to consciousness as it appears that the central hub of “The Dungeon” has been overtaken by a destructive force.]


[A slow pan of the darkened room comes to a truly dramatic close as we now witness the sight of a slender female with her back to the camera. It’s easy to see that she’s the anticipated culprit as her right hand still resides on the very button that kills the overall lighting display within the DOA “Dungeon”. Within a matter of a few seconds, She realizes that she is being taped & this fact generates a chaotic response from the unknown female.]




… Powell’s Acolyte …


[Her head snaps around swiftly to see the camera lens positioned not far behind her. This fact enrages the menacing female as she quickly cracks a devilish snarl; only seconds before leaping into action.]


Violet: Bad move Mr. Camera-man…


[seconds after her chilling statement, Violet is seen aggressively spinning her entire body while speeding toward the camera lens with vile intent in mind. Once she engages the camera man, A quick assault takes place as the menacing female is able to floor her victim in the process. The sight of the DOA camera crashing to the floor creates a truly dramatic feel as the feed itself begins to twitch with error; however, not coming to a complete halt.]


[With the camera flat on its side, laying on the control room floor, we witness the sight of the barefooted gothic beauty shuffling her feet out of the room; slamming the door violently behind her.]


Grade: D+


Davis Detterich: Who the HELL was that?

John Greed: Violet. [slight Pause] She’s well known here in Hollywood as the “Midnight Stalker”. In late 2005 she was arrested on assault charges & later was forced into psychiatric treatment by the state of California. Her face, her likeness, was all over the news & it started to generate a shocking cult-following from some of the area residents.

Davis Detterich: Uh… Okay… But why the HELL is she here? Shouldn’t she be in treatment or something then?

John Greed: I believe she was released from treatment this last year; however, I could be wrong? Either way, It seems that she has a certain connection with Teddy Powell; being the one that kills the lights for the crazed competitor.

Davis Detterich: Is anyone going to call the cops though? She practically assaulted our entire broadcasting team. This can’t stand!

John Greed: Good luck… The folklore is that she only travels in darkness. Making it impossible for you to see here; however, easy for her to see you. It’s like a serial-killer’s pattern kind of thing.

Davis Detterich: What the HELL did I get myself into…

John Greed: Deadly Overloaded Action… [Laughter follows] The name doesn’t lie…







Totally Supreme (Dick Eyezen and Tom Kornell)

… Plan #1 In Action: DOA Domination …


[We comeback from a lengthy, third-party, promotional break to hear the final seconds of Totally Supreme’s theme music (a knock-off of “SupremeTV’s” Introductory song) blaring through the “Dungeon’s” high quality sound system. Meanwhile, Totally Supreme, themselves, stands square in the middle of the ring as Tom Kornell death-grips a DOA microphone in his right hand.]


Tom Kornell: We’re sick and tired of this company! The DOA this, the DOA that, the DOA is the greatest wrestling promotion in the World… We get it! We know!! Don’t you understand that WE need to feed our families too? I mean, Dick, here, had to fire 2 of his 38 personal attendants just to ensure that he could continue to feed his entire block. Did you hear that? He’s a damn humanitarian! And you want to ruin that? I don’t know how any of you sleep at night…


[The crowd boo’s slightly; half laughing at the same time. Meanwhile, Dick Eyezen is seen storming up to Tom, grabbing the microphone forcibly out of his hands, and screaming at the top of his lungs; yet again.]




[Dick Eyezen simply drops the microphone down on the canvas below; once again walking back to his corner. Meanwhile, this forces Tom Kornell to pick the mic back up, dust it off slightly, and continue to speak as if he wasn’t just interrupted by his partner-in-crime.]


Tom Kornell: And me… Do you NOT KNOW how much it costs to keep Jennifer happy? Jesus… That girl needs work done like her life depends on it! [shakes his head; disgusted] I mean, we’ve put almost a million dollars into that girl & she still looks like a horses-a**.


[A collective “ooooo” sound is heard through out “The Dungeon” as the DOA has just handed a “low-blow” to the Cornell family; something they will almost certainly hear about on Friday morning. Again, Dick Eyezen is seen storming Tom & forcibly grabbing the microphone from his hand.]




[Again, Dick drops the microphone and storms off into his corner as Tom simply shakes his head in a state of disgust over the picture Dick had just painted.]


Tom Kornell: All in all, Dick & I are focused on tearing this company apart… From the inside out as that’s the ONLY WAY our companies will EVER survive. I mean, how can we compete with this kind of action? Have you SEEN the stuff they do here? Flipping around, defying gravity? NO ONE can compete with that! NO ONE! [slight Pause; clearing his throat following that] Either way, Our dastardly plan took form last week with MY victory over NARATO… [An Arrogant smirk forms; proud of himself] My over-glorified abilities were no match for the much more talented, much more amazing, NARATO. So, following my amazing FLUKE Victory, We NOW have the justified RIGHT to ask for a Title shot! That’s right… a DOA Death-Defying Duo Title Shot! [Points to the back] So come out here… Accept our challenge you fools… Walk RIGHT INTO our plan… And before you know it, We will hold half of this companies Gold! So, in a sense, we will CONTROL this DAMN COMPANY!! And you KNOW What we do with companies we control? [slight Pause] We book them into corners, develop uninteresting characters, and ultimately force the industry into a state of absolute boredom!


[With that, The calming sounds of The Tokyo Express’ theme music begins to fill the “Dungeon” from wall to wall. This fact sends those in attendance into a truly excited state; showering the DOA Death-Defying Duo Champions with a wave of pure-love & respect. The tranquil warriors slowly step through the “Dungeon Gateway” with a look of absolute nirvana upon their faces; with focused minds & open-hearts.]



The Tokyo Express (OTA & NARATO)

… The Champs Arrive …


OTA: Brothers, Why do you create tension within your bodies? Why do you stain the world with your bitter-hatred of all? [slight Pause] There is no need for destruction. For, the second you close your hearts, and minds, is the second you fall victim to the evil ways of the Dukkha.


[Dick Eyezen tilts his head to the side; much like a dog would as he tries to understand what’s being said.]


OTA: Is it Gold that forces you into this state of hatred? If so, You must shed your EGO in search of true happiness: Nothingness. Once you’ve found peace, once you’ve removed attachments, you will find the true gift of life. It doesn’t stand in the form of GOLD but, rather, in the form of everlasting joy.


[Tom Kornell, much more aggressive in contrast to OTA, quickly interjects.]


Tom Kornell: What the HELL are you talking about? Speak American!


[The crowd begins to laugh, as so does The Tokyo Express, at the obvious showing of little to no intelligence from Mr. Kornell.]


OTA: You wish for a title shot?


Tom Kornell: YES! [slight Pause] Don’t make me Total Championship Wrestle your a**!


[OTA, despite being threatened, continues to radiate a sense of calm.]


OTA: If it’s a Title shot you wish, Then we accept. [Crowd pop’s as OTA pauses for a second] Next week, on “Rapid Assault”, we will grant you a Title shot for the Death-Defying Duo Championships! Does that suit your desires?


Tom Kornell: OHHHH… You’re going to be SOOO SORRY!! [Evil Laughter follows] Just you wait and see! A victory next week marks stage II of our plan for DOA Domination!!! First, my victory over NARATO, second, The DOA Death-Defying Duo Championships, and THIRD… Uh… Uh…


[Tom trails off, Talking under his breathe as it’s obvious that their plan only has two stages thus far. Most likely, Two stages that were just created in Tom’s mind a matter of a few seconds ago.]


OTA: May you find peace…


Tom Kornell: [Laughing; making fun of OTA] Yea, may you find an a**-whooping!


[With that, The segment draws to a close with the sight of these two warring teams staring each other down. Removed by space; however, that would come to a crashing halt a few minutes later as the 20-man “Overloaded Overthrow” gets underway.]


[We now transition into another commercial break with the sight of The Tokyo Express slowly shuffling back through the “Dungeon Gateway”; calm him their intentions & focused on their own mindfulness.]


Grade: D


John Greed: Is it just me… or… Did Totally Supreme just resort back to 4th grade fighting rules?

Davis Detterich: What do you mean?

John Greed: The famous, “Well.. Uh-uh, you doodie head!”.

Davis Detterich: It’s a brilliant tactic… Simply brilliant…







20 Man - "Overloaded Overthrow"

20 Man Battle Royal

The Winner is the NEW #1 Contender to the DOA Championship


The squared circle looks rather crowded as all 20 men are seen standing within the ring ropes; focused & determined to walk away with the amazing opportunity to, someday, via for the DOA Championship! With that being said, There is an almost palpable atmosphere hovering over the ringside area: That of “Every man for himself”. Duo’s would have to break-reigns for one-night-only, competitors would have to challenge their allies, and bitter rivals would; once again, find their paths entangled. All in all, There is an epic war brewing. A war that will only subside when ONE MAN stands above the rest as the NEW #1 Contender!


To spare you a long-winded, minutely sculptured, write-up for a match of this grandeur. I’ve decided to break the match down into a few prevalent narratives ending with a short recap of how the Final Four came to be one person’s victory. This way, It’s a lot easier for others to read & doesn’t become an 8 page long description that may end up being too much of a “wall of text”. So, Here we go:


Torment Looks Strong: Despite the fact that Torment is only a relative newcomer to the DOA Landscape, The resident “Raging Warrior” fares quite well through-out the hotly contested battle royal. With a mixture of deadly submission holds, heavy-handed strikes, and a violently aggressive demeanor; Torment appears to be somewhat unstoppable at given points. With that being said; however, he’s ultimately eliminated half-way through the match by El Dragón Dorado.


”Pecker-Wrecker” vs. The Moral Majority: The squared circle was almost not big enough for these three individuals as their bitter hatred for each other was seen littering this match-up from start to finish. Whenever Sparrow looked like he was on the verge of eliminating one of them, The other would always find a way to re-join their sub-warfare. In a sense, keeping their dreaded altercation alive. In the end; however, Matty is luckily relieved of their pesky attacks after both members of “The Moral Majority” are eliminated by both Matty and NARATO at different, and all-around separate, moments.


Roy Edison is still lost: This one is pretty plain and simple. Despite his truly menacing look, and overly aggressive fighting style, the former MMA-standout… stood out… like a sore thumb. He never looked to eliminate anyone. Instead, tried to inflict as much pain as possible upon as many people as possible. In the end, Edison fell victim to elimination as Steve Flash caught him off-guard with a belly-to-back overthrow; over the top rope & crashing to the floor below. Roy tries to re-enter the ring; however, a slew of security guards are seen escorting him to the back.


Jay Chord has “the stuff”: This, too, is pretty plain and simple as Jay Chord shows his innate ability to compete in the ring at the highest level. His speed is lightning quick & when fusing that with his natural, god-given, athleticism: No one seems to be able to keep up. Well, nobody but El Dragón Dorado. In the end, Dorado is able to eliminate the youngster following a botched missile-drop-kick.


Totally Supreme vs. Tokyo Express: With both teams hot off of their verbal confrontation only seconds before tonight’s Main Event, Everyone expected a heated brawl to ensue. Without shock; That’s exactly what we received. Despite the fact that Totally Supreme is often look at as “bumbling buffoons”, The rip-off duo is able to keep-up with the much-more experienced DOA Death-Defying Duo Champions! In the end, however, both teams are simultaneously eliminated following a pair of botched hanging close lines.


Steve Flash/Teddy Powell: With rage brewing within his body, The elder Flash looks to “prove himself” by taking the fight to everyone & anyone who dare cross his path. However, with Teddy Powell, there’s more than just proximity pushing these two to battle. Flash, still feeling robbed after his loss to Powell earlier on this month, seemingly makes it his personal vendetta to defeat the Mysterious one. In the end, He’s successful at doing. Following a deadly brawl from pillar-to-post, Teddy is ultimately eliminated by BOTH El Dragón Dorado and Steve Flash toward the end of the match. Leaving Teddy Powell on the outside looking in as it pertains to the FINAL FOUR.


Then… There were four…


El Dragón Dorado, Steve Flash, Rayne Man, and Matty Sparrow


Steve Flash appears to be slowing down slightly by the time the FINAL FOUR rolls around. However, don’t expect for the Indy Legend to just “lay down” and give up. Instead, the New York Native puts together a hellacious battle to the end. Ultimately, falling victim to a much younger, Rayne Man, following an unsuspecting overthrow as Flash is focused on Dorado.


Then… There were three…


It appears as if El Dragón Dorado is on the verge of being eliminated by Rayne Man; when all of a sudden, Johnny Vicious comes into sight. Bursting through the “Dungeon Gateway” the forbidden fighter forces his way through the ring ropes & ultimately destroys Rayne Man in the process. With no one to seemingly stand-up for the crazed fighter, Johnny Vicious ends up planting Rayne Man with his signature “Vicious Cycle” (Spinning Death-Valley Diver) & leaving his motionless body for Matty Sparrow to eliminate. The DOA audience in attendance goes absolutely crazy for Vicious as he stomps Rayne one last time before exiting into the backstage area once again. Most likely pissing off Mr. Tyler for his actions.


Then… There were two…


It came down to El Dragón Dorado and Matty Sparrow in the end. Two men who are both seen as “Home-grown talent” by most U.S. wrestling fans (not SWF/TCW/USPW/DAVE cast-offs). Also, two men whose career’s would certainly change with such a victory.


Their altercation starts off rather tentative as neither wants to make a mistake; ultimately aiding in their elimination. However, in time, their offensive styling’s become far more reckless in nature; growing tired of such a lengthy match & wanting victory badly.


When it’s all said and done, Matty Sparrow is seen trying to execute a powerbomb near the ring ropes when El Dragón Dorado breaks his maneuver with a simple shifting of his weight. Now, with the momentum in his corner, El Dragón Dorado looks to back-drop Matty over the top rope… And is successful it throwing him over; however, Matty latches onto the top rope as if his life depended on it. Ultimately using his legs to pull Dorado over the top rope by his neck…


Both men hit the ring apron…




El Dragón Dorado is the only man to hit the floor!


Matty “The Pecker-Wrecker” Sparrow finds a way to hold onto the bottom rope; in a sense, using it as a crutch to ensure that he’s not eliminated. A feat that proves to be truly amazing as he, NOW, stands as the NEW #1 Contender!


Matty Sparrow wins the 20-Man “Overloaded Overthrow” in 19:50. Sparrow is the NEW #1 Contender to the DOA Championship.

Grade: C



John Greed: Well, Holy-crap. “The Pecker-Wrecker” is the NEW #1 Contender! I never, ever, saw that coming…

Davis Detterich: I can’t believe it… WOW!!




Matty “The Pecker-Wrecker” Sparrow

… The NEW #1 Contender …


[The “Dungeon” erupts into a frenzied state of euphoria as the much-loved; however also heavily controversial, figure, Matty “The Pecker-Wrecker” Sparrow, stands as the NEW #1 Contender to Acid’s DOA Championship! With a showering of praise lowered upon him, Sparrow quickly ascends a nearby turnbuckle; raising his arms high into the air in a show of unadulterated celebration. An amazing sight of a relative unknown competitor to the national pro wrestling scene; unveiled as a NEW “Major-Player” to the masses.]


[While this scenario stands as a “feel-good” kind of moment for most wrestling fans DYING for a sense of change in the Pro Wrestling Industry, We are quickly reminded that all things must come to an end; regardless of their historical meaning.]


[As Matty Sparrow turns his attention toward the fans, flashing his signature arrogant smirk, a chaotic rustling is seen taking place on the other side of the ring. Before too long, We now notice that the unknown situation at hand is actually the emergence of the DOA Champion, Acid, coming out from underneath the squared circle.]




… The Champ lands the “First Shot“ …


[Those in attendance try to get Matty’s attention; however, it’s too late. Acid quickly storms the ring & plants the unsuspecting Sparrow onto the canvas below using his trademark finishing maneuver, “The Acid Rain Bomb” (Sit-Down Powerbomb). Matty’s fall from the nearby turnbuckle is rather violent as Acid makes sure to deliver as much force upon impact as possible. Meanwhile, as Acid slowly stands over his victim in a predatory kind of way, Mr. Tyler is seen slowly entering the ringside area through the “Dungeon Gateway”; staying far from the ring; however, delivering a damaging message to Matty Sparrow in the process]



”The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler

… Dropping a Bombshell …


”The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler: Congratulations, Mr. Sparrow. [A coy smirk grows upon his face] You defied all odds & came away as the NEW #1 Contender to the DOA Championship! [slight Pause] Don’t rest easy, though, as next week… Here on “Rapid Assault”… It will be YOU… And Acid… For the DOA Championship!


[The crowd pop’s for such an announcement despite the fact that their beloved Sparrow appears to be barely clinging to consciousness. Acid, still standing over Sparrow, looks down upon his victim with an aggressive fury to his stance; breathing heavily as if he were hyperventilating in a way. Meanwhile, Mr. Tyler looks like he’s about to leave the scene; when all of a sudden, he spins back around to deliver one final message before the close of the show.]


”The Voice of Reason” Eric Tyler: Oh, I almost forgot… The DOA Championship match next week won’t stand as your “run-of-the-mill” kind of altercation. No. [slight Pause] All I have to say is… Matty… You better learn how to climb despite an injured back…


[With that, “The Voice of Reason” drops the microphone he holds in his right hand; spinning back around, and exiting the “Dungeon” through the nearby “Gateway”. Meanwhile, Episode #6 comes to a close with the sight of Matty Sparrow coughing violently as he rolls over onto his side. Also, with the sight of his attacker, Acid, standing high above him with the DOA Championship still snapped around his waist.]


Grade: D+


Davis Detterich: Better learn to climb?!??!?!?! [slight Pause as the “light bulb” turns on] OH… MY… GOD…

John Greed: It’s gotta be…

Davis Detterich & John Greed: A Ladder Match…










Overall Show Grade: C-

TV Rating: 0.22 (+ 0.01)

Dungeon Attendance: 2,000


<hr color="black">

Quick “Rapid Assault” Results


Johnny Vicious defeats Matthew Keith via submission.

Teddy Powell defeats El Dragón Dorado via pinfall.

Matty Sparrow wins the “Overloaded Overthrow”; New #1 Contender for the DOA Championship

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I liked the formatting of the Battle Royal, I will likely copy that for whatever diary I ever start. Solid write-up again, and the promoting of the "Pecker-Wrecker" is both kinda surprising and overall awesome. Sparrow vs. Tyler/Acid(/Rayne Man???) should be a really entertaining read.
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*Stands up and claps*.


You know, the way you present things... the really great writers have the audacity to make you suspend your belief, and really understand the characters, understand their motivations. It's not as easy as coming out and saying


Eric Tyler I am motivated to emotionally wear you out of wrestling, Steve Flash


That'd give away the trick. That'd give away the deception of being able to swerve. That'd give away the deception of I need to tune into this show to see what innovative approaches to their goals they're taking today. That'd give away the ability to create genuine conflict and turmoil. The legacies of what makes great literature.


I just want to say, when I read your promos in particular, very quickly, without it being told in black and white but with shades of indigo, violet, yellow, green, whatever, I saw some very deep-layered characters, and that can only add intrigue to me because it builds a multitude of high quality feud possibilities intertwined with the obvious fast and flashy approach of wrestling DOA creates.


Brilliant, absolutely brilliant. I'd be extremely pleased to ever create a show like that.

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Sometimes you read a show like this and you wonder just how it's possible that it's all based on a game. Honestly, this was possibley one of the best shows I've ever read and has, quite honestly, made me revaulate the way I write my results... Hopefully, as things grow with my fed I'll be able to evolve my writing as if the quality improves because this? This right here is something to aspire to...


This show I've just read, rivals some shows I've read in the other creative writing world I was involved in (efeds) and those shows are put together by a number of people over days sometimes weeks.


Kudos, these results make me happy about my decision to move away from the feds and into TEW Dynasties.

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Not to burst the bubble, because I'm sure we're all very happy for Sparrow, however...


...In C-Verse terms Sparrow Vs Acid isn't world breaking because fans have actually already seen the match up. People often forget Sparrow is a DAVE Alumni and even his bio states that most of his best DAVE matches were against Acid.


So while it's a fun booking moment, where the fan favourite get's his push; in C-Verse terms it's not so much a revolution as a return to what DAVE was doing in 2004. So I fully expect a number of C-Verse notables to call DOA on this; The Networking fearing a DAVE rehash, Sam Strong rightly saying DOA might not be as innovative as it's claim, and so on.


Sparrow vs Acid brings consequences people.

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E-V, been loving it thus far, sorry I haven't been dropping in but I was busy PPV writing! The characterisations, as everybody has said, have been amazing. Eric Tyler is one of my favourite characters in a dynasty everywhere, he's a stereotypical corrupt authority but at the same time, I just feel like there's something else going on under there ready to boil over.


Jay Chord I'm really enjoying too, his sense of etitlement is just so easy to hate. And as for Sparrow, with that new picture I'm glad to see he won. The Val Venis of the C-Verse getting a push? What's not to like?


DOA just gets better and better.

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I liked the formatting of the Battle Royal, I will likely copy that for whatever diary I ever start. Solid write-up again, and the promoting of the "Pecker-Wrecker" is both kinda surprising and overall awesome. Sparrow vs. Tyler/Acid(/Rayne Man???) should be a really entertaining read.


Thanks Rayelek!


The formatting for the Main Event was something I put together in fear that a large wall of text would probably scare a lot of people away. This way, it gives you the overall feel of what happened during the match without drawing it out to the point where no one wants to read it. ha.


Pecker's rise was suppose to be somewhat of a "shock" as I don't think anyone ever made a prediction that he would walk away with the #1 contendership. That being said, I didn't change my winner based upon that as It came down to a few people in my head & Matty appeared to be the better "story" in the end. More or less, With Matty's rise..... Johnny Vicious fighting his way back up... Steve Flash wanting to prove himself... And the debut of a newbie coming for the DOA Championship... The DOA Title scene is quite hectic at this point!


Just what I like. :D


I love Daphne...I mean Violet, that is one tough chick!


I could see the parrallel. I can't lie as I did myself; however, I'm hoping to give Violet her own little twist over time. She just has a perfect look & will REALLY help Teddy Powell to get over in the end (acting as his manager). As the weeks, months, go the "viewers" will continue to find out the connection between Powell & Violet. It should be a lot of fun to write!


*Stands up and claps*.


You know, the way you present things... the really great writers have the audacity to make you suspend your belief, and really understand the characters, understand their motivations. It's not as easy as coming out and saying


Eric Tyler I am motivated to emotionally wear you out of wrestling, Steve Flash


That'd give away the trick. That'd give away the deception of being able to swerve. That'd give away the deception of I need to tune into this show to see what innovative approaches to their goals they're taking today. That'd give away the ability to create genuine conflict and turmoil. The legacies of what makes great literature.


I just want to say, when I read your promos in particular, very quickly, without it being told in black and white but with shades of indigo, violet, yellow, green, whatever, I saw some very deep-layered characters, and that can only add intrigue to me because it builds a multitude of high quality feud possibilities intertwined with the obvious fast and flashy approach of wrestling DOA creates.


Brilliant, absolutely brilliant. I'd be extremely pleased to ever create a show like that.


Thank you Tristam!! Coming from you, That's an amazing thing to hear. :D


With this project, even more so than my PSW one, I really take my time to flesh out the entire show. Book, re-book, write, re-write, the entire thing until it's "perfect" and ready to go. Sure, it takes a lot more focus than other projects before; however, I really feel like it's paying off with some great characters, interesting shows, and storylines that seem realistic & fun to write for.


All in all, Your words are much appreciated!


Sometimes you read a show like this and you wonder just how it's possible that it's all based on a game. Honestly, this was possibley one of the best shows I've ever read and has, quite honestly, made me revaulate the way I write my results... Hopefully, as things grow with my fed I'll be able to evolve my writing as if the quality improves because this? This right here is something to aspire to...


This show I've just read, rivals some shows I've read in the other creative writing world I was involved in (efeds) and those shows are put together by a number of people over days sometimes weeks.


Kudos, these results make me happy about my decision to move away from the feds and into TEW Dynasties.


Thank you, MikeMelling!


I, too, wrote in a few Efeds back in the day (6 years ago now); however, nothing is more fun than putting together a TEW event. Why? You can come together with a general idea, book it as such, and have a third-party machine that decides what kind of "heat" you developed from it. So, in a sense, you can see (based on many in-game things) how your ideas would play out in the Cornellverse.


Plus, on top of that, the game gives you a whole bunch of scenarios to write for outside of just matches, characters, etc. That's why It's become far more fun for me to write my diaries from the perspective of John Greed. That way, those moments have the ability to be heard within this thread.... Ultimately knowing what happens by how John reacts to such scenario.


All in all, Truly, Thank you! :D


To echo tristram - brilliant, just brilliant. Violet's unveiling - fantastic, Chord's debut - great, main event - superb. Can't believe Sparrow won!


Thank you, Jhd1!


I was hoping someone would pick up on the Jay Chord debut. It's a fun persona to write for & should be a lot of fun going forward. :D



Not to burst the bubble, because I'm sure we're all very happy for Sparrow, however...


...In C-Verse terms Sparrow Vs Acid isn't world breaking because fans have actually already seen the match up. People often forget Sparrow is a DAVE Alumni and even his bio states that most of his best DAVE matches were against Acid.


So while it's a fun booking moment, where the fan favourite get's his push; in C-Verse terms it's not so much a revolution as a return to what DAVE was doing in 2004. So I fully expect a number of C-Verse notables to call DOA on this; The Networking fearing a DAVE rehash, Sam Strong rightly saying DOA might not be as innovative as it's claim, and so on.


Sparrow vs Acid brings consequences people.


I see your point, Celt. Matt Sparrow was part of DaVE back in 2005 and in his profile it says, as well, that he had some great matches esp. with Acid. From that stand point, It doesn't seem so revolutionary versus what DaVE did back a few years prior. However, one big difference in this case is, Matty Sparrow carries a whole new persona & this match will actually mean that he's moved into the Main Event scene in a way.


During his DaVE years, He was probably a midcarder that got bounced around, had some great matches, and then left before anything could really start to form together in his favor. Here in the DOA, however, Matty Sparrow just changed the course of his career by stepping into the Main Event. Sure, against a guy he's faced before but he's never been given the opportunity to headline a show before I'm sure (even in DaVE). So, in a way, it may seem like there's consequences but it's the same thing you see in TNA (or you hope for in TNA) where some names who have worked for other, bigger, companies are given the opportunity to shine in the new, revolutinary-minded, company.


So, yes, not exactly a 100% "home-grown talent" breaking through and sending shockwaves through out the industry BUT it's certainly a great story to see a relative no-namer (in the sense of "push) battle his way to the top. Even with a gimmick like his (which would scare most bookers away from putting him over), Matty is able to embark upon the greatest opportunity of his career; facing Acid (once again); however, this time, for the DOA Championship instead of being an opener match in DaVE.



E-V, been loving it thus far, sorry I haven't been dropping in but I was busy PPV writing! The characterisations, as everybody has said, have been amazing. Eric Tyler is one of my favourite characters in a dynasty everywhere, he's a stereotypical corrupt authority but at the same time, I just feel like there's something else going on under there ready to boil over.


Jay Chord I'm really enjoying too, his sense of etitlement is just so easy to hate. And as for Sparrow, with that new picture I'm glad to see he won. The Val Venis of the C-Verse getting a push? What's not to like?


DOA just gets better and better.


Thank you, Shmoe!


No worries. I know how it goes. I tend to get lost in writing a lot & forget to swing in and reader others work. That's something I'm trying to work on alot!


I love the fact that Eric Tyler has taken on so much focus. At first, I had a vision for him as the corrupt AF that you speak of; however, as time has gone on it's been a lot of fun to continue to craft him. Now, his storyline with Steve Flash, will certainly flesh out some of those internal demons waiting to boil over as you say. Plus, what's fun is that he's not really an AF from the standpoint that most are. He's not a GM, or an owner, or anything at all really. He's simply a guy who was hired by the network as an experienced voice within the fray. So, in a way, he's given power by the fact that the Network has brought him in as an aide but he doesn't really posses THAT much power. He still has to listen to the Network 100% and can't stray from that; can only office advice & hope that the Network agrees with him. On the other side, The Network is suppose to play "dumb". Thinking that Eric's decisions, and viewpoint, at this point are the "Golden Rule" of Pro Wrestling as they really have no idea. With time, that may change.... ;)

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Mid-Way through Episode #6

... Trouble is Brewing ...





“Get this little punk out of my face before I pull his throat out through his mouth.”



There was a hefty cloud of Tension hanging over the “Dungeon” this past Thursday; however, it didn’t reside where you would first expect. In an industry where characters run-wild, storylines push the envelope of what is “acceptable”, and there stands this “larger than life” mentality to the entire show; The TRUE drama was taking place “behind the curtain”.


Mid-way through Episode #6, I was called to the locker room area through a frantic message from Greg [Rayne Man]. The look on his face was quite alarming as you could tell that something was pushing him toward a state of nervousness.


“John, We need you in the locker room.”


A slight sigh of annoyance escapes my heavily guarded mouth as I slowly place my headphones down upon the table before me. Up until now, as with any Episode, I typically spend the duration of the show watching a closed-feed of the broadcast. Making mental notes, dramatically scribbling down additional information, and generally overseeing the TV product as a whole. Even the Network, especially Jensen, knows not to contact me during an event as my full-focus is set primarily on the telecast; not worried about anything else in the slightest. Call it a sense of “overworking”, I know; however, my pre-set insecurities about the DOA as a whole keeps me glued to the companies development at all points. Deep down, I feel, If I let anything slide… The DOA, and myself as it’s conductor, will fail miserably. Pushing us both to the brink of “yesterday’s news”.


So, for Greg to feel the need to pull me away from the monitor, The scenario at hand must have been something so grandiose that only I, the acknowledged sense of Authority during all DOA events, could bring its development to an end; flexing the power that my position warrants in which to restore order.


As I walked through the small wooden door frame of the “Dungeon” Locker Room, There stood something that would send shockwaves through any Headbooker’s body.


The widely respected, Living Legend, Eric Tyler is seen pinning the arrogant, Jay Chord, up against the painted concrete wall with his right forearm positioned across Chord’s neck. Even with such a, potentially, deadly scenario, Jay still projects a grand sense of Arrogance; smirking in Tyler’s direction. Meanwhile, other DOA “cast members” are seen trying to reason with Mr. Tyler; not physically getting involved but seemingly trying to calm him down from his aggressive state.


Here in lies the problem. Eric Tyler is considered to be one of the most highly respected Locker Room leaders in the DOA. His word, his viewpoints, are often taken in as fact by many of the youngsters in the DOA. So, for such a scenario to be developing, Jay Chord must have REALLY pissed him off.


It took a matter of a few minutes, but in time, Eric forcibly removes his forearm from Chord’s neck. Storming out of the room as he grabs his nearby towel. It was probably best for him to remove himself; however, the same would be said for Jay… Who… Went nowhere. Simply standing his ground as he still cracks an arrogant smirk upon his face. As if he had just won some sort of battle by getting under Tyler’s nerves.


In the end, Even with the Network’s absolute love for the youngster idling in the back of my mind, I had to drop the gavel. Show this “silver spooned jacka**” that his behavior was not accepted here in the DOA. Even with my own anxieties raging within my body, I attempt to project a sense of confidence; knowing that people like Chord feed off of insecurities.


As you can expect, Jay pretty much blew me off.







Altercation: Jay Chord & Eric Tyler

Disciplinary Action: Stern Warning

Jay’s Response: “Gotcha Boss, You made your point loud and clear”.

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Well, that didn't take long for Jay's prickness to shine through. And to pull something on Eric Tyler of all people is a good way to a very short life, regardless of who your father is.


Was that an actual in game incident, or a story one?


Crazily enough, It was actually an in-game scenario that came up. ha. I pretty much signed Jay for the fact that I knew he would make this diary a little more interesting. Aware of his amazing skill set; however, also very aware of the overall prick that he is known to be.


So, for him to pick a fight with Tyler right off the bat.... wow... It was like an absolute gift for me from a developmental standpoint!


That being said, The Network will certainly weight in on the situation... You can certainly expect that! :rolleyes:

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"...before I pull his throat out through his mouth" - now there's an image! I'm not surprised that Jay's kicking off, in fact I'd be more surprised if he didn't. I'm fully expecting John to be nearly sacked at the behest of Chord sooner rather later...Mr Greed, Mr. Tarver is waiting... :D
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Review of Episode #6: "... The War Within' ..."

- 2nd week of June 2010 -



The Monday Following Episode #6

... The Rise of Mr. Porn, Flash has depth, and the "Jay Chord" Rules ...


These weekly meetings have grown rather tiresome; however, I've slowly developed somewhat of a "tough skin" as it pertains to the Notes brought forward by the Network. That being said, There's still an air of unease hovering above us all. Just waiting for the day where they finally turn to me, wrestle their papers, and say...


"The Network is unhappy with your progress. You will report to Mr. Tarver as soon as possible."


Network Note #1

Subject: Matty sparks a lot of internet "chatter".<hr color="black">

“We rebounded. That’s all the Network could have asked from you. [sighs] You took our direction, you researched our viewer analysis; and for that, you’ve found a way to bring some eyes back to the DOA. A ‘congratulations’ is certainly in order for you, John. So, congrats. [A hollow smile forms upon his face; not that he didn’t mean it but it felt rather forced in a way. His mind pushing forward almost immediately.] In our recent polling, It appears that Matty Sparrow may be the reasoning behind your subtle spike. [slight pause; looks over his paperwork before him] His arrogant, crude, and overall “degenerative” persona has really won over our demographic. [slight Smile forms] Then again, How could he not? [Laughter follows] He’s a friggin’ ‘porn star’ for god’s sake. [Pauses; looks back up at John] Great work in pushing Matty to the forefront. His unexpected rise has produced A LOT of chatter on the internet.”


There certainly was chatter. Some of it good. Some of it not-so-good.


There is an underlying fear with many that the DOA was, ultimately, trying to become DaVE-junior. Not in the sense of utter-hardcore action; but rather, posing as a “revolutionary figure” while utilizing the “scraps” left behind by Mr. Vilbert. What’s so revolutionary about using old, tired, individuals like Acid, Eric Tyler, and in some cases, Matt Sparrow? Sure, while the last name doesn’t really count as a TRUE DaVE-figure (only working for the company for a short time), There appears to a justified fear that the DOA was trying to rekindle the past; something that I didn’t want to be linked to.


During my tenure with PSW, These same whispers blanketed the internet wrestling sites. “Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling is a ‘poor man’s’ DaVE”… Something I heard, saw, and read, on many different occasions. It was that very fear that drove me to re-brand “Hardcore Wrestling”; giving it a new look, a fresh feel, and a more competitive outlook.


Now, in the DOA, the fact that Tyler, Acid, and Sparrow all reside on the roster makes some very “uneasy”. How can you be truly innovative if you’re only pushing guys who were crafted by other head bookers? Using their tired fame just to add ratings. Sadly, while it would be amazing to run a TV show fully stocked with ‘no-namers’ and ‘up-and-comers’, This simply wasn’t an option for the DOA. We NEED people like Mr. Tyler, Acid, and Matt Sparrow to bring a level of familiarity to our product… While ushering in our own home-grown talent from the backdoor; giving them a slow, gradual, rise in which to develop our OWN stars.


In Sparrow’s case, While this won’t mark the very first time he’s faced Acid before (Doing so on several occasions in DaVE), This is the FIRST TIME they will EVER compete, one-on-one, for their employer’s top championship. If that wasn’t enough, Matty Sparrow himself stands as a “whole new man” as it pertains to HOW he was booked in DaVE. So, even with the whispers of unease resonating through out the fan base, I am still confident with the product we’ve gone forward with.


The Network appears to be happy with Matt Sparrow…


Most of our fan base appears to be excited about his unexpected rise…


Hell, even the locker room area is pretty happy to see a “life-long” Indy Vet finally see his years of hard work pay off…


In the end, It was time for Matt Sparrow to “embrace the lights”, To give us all a show that ONLY Matty… Can…



Network Note #2

Subject: Massaging the "smarks".<hr color="black">

“The Network also extends another congratulations as it pertains to Steve Flash. [slight Pause] It is our understanding that Steve Flash has generated quite the following by most industry… [Looks down at his paper; with a look of confusion upon his face] “smarks”. It is “smarks”, right? [i gently nod] It’s best that we balance the rise of someone like Matty Sparrow with the likes of someone like Steve Flash. Sparrow speaks to our general demographic. Also, to those who may have never tuned into Pro Wrestling before & like the fact that Matty’s character is intriguing. On the other hand, Steve Flash cultivates the ‘loyal wrestling fan’ fan base for the DOA. If we want to be successful, which we do, we need to find a way to play a balancing act between these two fronts; Give room for ‘flash’ while also giving time for ‘smark favorites’.”


I agree; to a point.


Steve Flash’s push was never about giving the ‘smarks’ what they wanted. Honestly, I’ve wanted to find an avenue for Steve ever since he signed on with DOA; excited about his natural progression as an on-screen character. However, up until now, we had little for him to really partake in. How do you book him? As the amazing, can-do-no-wrong, competitor? The man who can ‘do it all’ despite his age? The blue-collar warrior who stands up for all that is ‘America’? All of that seemed overplayed; tired in their own way. So, after speaking with Flash, we constructed an idea where we would deliver a heavy sense of reality to his on-screen persona.


This is the very first time most general TV-viewers are getting to know Steve. To them, They have no semblance of a thought as it pertains to what he’s been able to accomplish up until now. He’s a relative no-namer & an old one at that (as it pertains to the typical DOA roster member).


So, how do you push a guy who is realistically 10 years older than most of your main event roster? You do so by interjecting the fact that he’s “on his way out”. That he’s a broken soldier who can’t even imagine the thought of stepping away from the sport that he loves. Many sports stars have struggled with this, many movie actors have as well. Hell, while it’s not our demographic in the slightest, many 60 something’s know exactly what it’s like to weight the option of retiring from work or forging on within the industry that they love.


Why should Steve be any different?


Now, with a rock-solid storyline at his back, I’m positive that Steve will be able to cultivate an even stronger following as he continues to prove to Mr. Tyler, the DOA fans, and himself; that he can still “go”.


Cult-Phenomenon or not…


It takes a sense of reality to truly tell the story of “Steve Flash” in this case. Not just his general abilities within the ropes.



Network Note #3

Subject: Complaint by a DOA Employee.<hr color="black">

“While we’re very happy with the ‘on-screen’ scenarios that have played out thus far, there is something we must speak to you about. [slight Pause] The network received a complaint from an employee of yours following last Thursday’s telecast. Now, we won’t relay his name out of respect to him; however, we just want you to understand that this person… [Looks John in the eyes] This person is very important to the DOA. He may be rough around the edges, he may have a little bit of an attitude; we know this, however, you NEED to see to it that he’s happy. Why? If we play our cards right, and you give him the proper room to grow, then he could ultimately stand as the personification of the DOA. [Pause] This order comes directly from Mr. Tarver himself. If you know what I’m talking about…”


I knew exactly who they were talking about: Jay Chord.


I’ve heard of his uncanny ability to piss off others in record time; however, had NO IDEA that he would jump after the “biggest fish in the Ocean”. Then again, after further thought, It was probably his choice all along to go straight after Eric [Tyler].


Eric’s widely considered to be THE most respected man in the DOA locker room. He’s the be-all, end-all, as it pertains to locker room scenarios. You have a problem? You go to Eric. I understand that, And I don’t EVER try to challenge that as I know, as a former Pro Wrestler myself, that men like Eric are NEEDED in all successful locker rooms.


He’s the equalizer.


The “Father Figure”.


The True, “Voice of Reason”.


So, who better for Jay to mess with than the very man that everyone else sees as their “Leader”?


In no way do I expect that Jay wants to “lead the locker room”; however, by getting under Eric’s skin… He’s successfully created this persona of a “bad boy” with other cast members.


Something that a 19 year old LIVES for…


The ability to say that you have an “edge” about yourself…





<hr color="black">

What we learned:

* The choice of Matty Sparrow was a well thought out decision; something I mulled over for quite some time. Personally, I had it down to Sparrow, Funk, or Dorado, as it pertains to who would walk away with the win. While all three had their "pro's and con's", In the end, I felt that Matty was the best character for the DOA to go forward with. So, I went against a TEW focus (looking at those with popularity & the ability to "wow" the crowd with ability) and looked square upon the characters; Who would offer the BEST story? When I came to that point, It was easy... Matty was the only guy who could really deliver a "Grade-A" storyline at this point with Acid. Then again, That doesn't mean that he's going to be the ONLY person looking to challenge Acid for the Title... ;) Lets just say that it's going to be quite hectic around the DOA Championship for quite some time.


* Steve Flash's "Retirement" storyline is something that literally came to mind seconds before booking Episode #6. However, despite it's "last second" feel for me, I'm really happy that it did come together. To be honest, I'm really excited to go ahead with the booking of this & already have a lot of ideas in store for Steve along the way. I feel that this storyline will not only give Steve something "to do" as it pertains to a weekly spot on "Rapid Assault"; however, will also flesh out his character as he continues to PROVE to everyone (especially Mr. Tyler) that his days are certainly not done.


* I'm trying to tackle the Jay Chord/Network/John Greed scenario in a way where Jay Chord is being treated with "kid gloves". While John initially was quite stern with Jay, You can see that the Network wasn't so happy about the decision. However, instead of tearing John a new one... They simply gave him a hint to "change his ways" as it pertains to his reactions to Jay. All in all, It's sort of like Michael Jordan back in the 90's. He was widely considered to be "The guy" in the NBA... So... He had his own set of rules that were often thrown his way by NBA ref's; "The Jordan Rules". So, in a sense, we now have "The Jay Rules". The funny thing is, by that point, Jordan had actually EARNED this new rule-set... Where as Jay... Not so much.


Popularity Shifts:


+ Pop. Gains

Johnny Vicious (from D- to D)



- Pop. Losses

Cannonball Funk (from D- to E+)

Mikey James (from D- to E+)

Teddy Powell (from D- to E+)

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I have to be honest and express my disappointment with the fact that Steve Flash didn't win the battle royal. But the fact that I can get disappointed is a testament to your writing.


I am interested in seeing how the Moral Majority react to Matty Sparrow getting a title shot, though. I can see Eric Tyler using them to make sure Acid retains his belt at times.


All in all, great work so far.

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I have to be honest and express my disappointment with the fact that Steve Flash didn't win the battle royal. But the fact that I can get disappointed is a testament to your writing.


I am interested in seeing how the Moral Majority react to Matty Sparrow getting a title shot, though. I can see Eric Tyler using them to make sure Acid retains his belt at times.


All in all, great work so far.


Thank you, Angel!


I'm certainly a Steve Flash mark myself; however, I ultimately felt that more needed to be done to flesh out his character before he ever made it into the Main Event consistently.


Sadly, He was put on the "back-burner" at first as I didn't really know what to do with him. However, now, I've found the proper storyline to give him a "light at the end of the tunnel"; something to strive for. Also, by doing so, he'll end up looker stronger as a character in the end. Making it much easier for me to see him as a credible champion down the road.


Also, You can definitely expect a word from "The Moral Majority" on Episode #7 as it pertains to Matty's Title shot. It's something I'm already excited about. :cool:

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My jaw practically fell to the floor upon hearing of his release from the SWF. Here in lies one of the HOTTEST free-agents on the Indy circuit right now & that very person was eager to contact US about possibly forming a contract. His speedy, eccentric, high-flying approach to this craft was something to be revered by ANY modern wrestling fan. So, you can imagine the elation that surged through out my body as I was informed of his arrival in Los Angeles.


It was time...

No longer would we pull any punches...

No longer would we grip the wrestling 'toilet bowl'...

No longer would we appear to lack 'star power'...


All it took was convincing the newly released juggernaut that the DOA was his ONLY true place to call 'home'. The ONLY company that would allow him to 'remove the training wheels' and ultimately wrestle the way HE has always dreamed of...


... Fast & Furious ...




<hr color="black">NEXT: DOA BOUND?

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My jaw practically fell to the floor upon hearing of his release from the SWF. Here in lies one of the HOTTEST free-agents on the Indy circuit right now & that very person was eager to contact US about possibly forming a contract. His speedy, eccentric, high-flying approach to this craft was something to be revered by ANY modern wrestling fan. So, you can imagine the elation that surged through out my body as I was informed of his arrival in Los Angeles.


It was time...

No longer would we pull any punches...

No longer would we grip the wrestling 'toilet bowl'...

No longer would we appear to lack 'star power'...


All it took was convincing the newly released juggernaut that the DOA was his ONLY true place to call 'home'. The ONLY company that would allow him to 'remove the training wheels' and ultimately wrestle the way HE has always dreamed of...


... Fast & Furious ...


Oh you TEASE! You can't do this to us E-V, it ain't fair I tells ya!

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