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Here's a link to a local columist running down the Kroenke deal nothing official but I wouldn't think he'd be publishing something and he's been publishing similar things for months now if he was wrong but anyway heres the news from our side of things.



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All the owners I gave you are majority in each team they own.


so I wish someone could clarify this for us


Each of those owners own other sports teams in cities that dont have a competing NFL team.


The NFL doesnt care if you own several pro sports teams, but they dont want you "competing" against fellow NFL owners in their cities.


Kroenke's situation is that he owns the Avalanche and Nuggets, which "compete" with the Broncos, so it breaks the rule.

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what are break out numbers to you?


For Santonio Holmes, 88+ catches, 1500+ yards, double digit TDs. Or something resembling a typical Brandon Marshall year. In the Jets offense, he would be Mark Sanchez's first read (Edwards would be the vertical threat primarily, due to suspect hands) so he'd have an opportunity to really get a lot of looks.


And yeah GruntMark's right. It's not about the black & white ownership, it's about competition. It's one reason Paul Allen didn't even attempt to buy the SuperSonics when they were on the block. His setup is perfectly allowed since the NBA doesn't have the same rule and there's no freakin' way Portland ever gets an NFL franchise.

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Each of those owners own other sports teams in cities that dont have a competing NFL team.


The NFL doesnt care if you own several pro sports teams, but they dont want you "competing" against fellow NFL owners in their cities.


Kroenke's situation is that he owns the Avalanche and Nuggets, which "compete" with the Broncos, so it breaks the rule.


thanks for clearing that up, cuz it had me lost.


I remember the Glazers were trying to buy the Dogers at one point, that'd be interesting to see now with some probably reloacting there



So now that brings up a good point, who moves to LA


Vikes might get a new stadium here soon, so I doubt them




Jags, Bills, and yes even the Cheifs (who I think would be the best fit because then there would be no need for a realignment)


who do you think could move


My personal pick is the Jags. That city (sports wise) sucks, anyone who talks about Tebow going there (even though I am a fan of his) is dumb, he wont put more butts in the seat (maybe the first year) but people need to remember why the greatest outdoor ****tail party sells out every year........ it's because it's two COLLEGE SCHOOLS with history against each other who pact their own stadiums (of like 70k plus) each game, so then you take those two teams and tell them "here, you both get 33k in tickets, sell them)..... um that's why they sell


But the Jags just suck at selling tickets, and Florida is horrible with sports in general. Dolphins are the oldest team in Florida founded in 1966 so you are looking at what, maybe on their 3rd gen. in fans, Bucs about the same, but Rays, Magic, Jags, Marlins, Panthers, Lightning, on their first and second (meaning when they been there to someone being born, so if you are a dolphin fan born in 66, have a kid 24 years later, and now a grand child now, it's the third gen.)


we aren't like the Yanks, Giants, Packers, Red Wings, Cubs.... teams like that



But now if this happens what happens to the divisons


I'd like to see it corrected more, like Colts in the AFC North, Ravens in the East, Dolphins in the South

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As a Texans fan, I wouldnt mind seeing the Colts realigned somewhere else. At least until Manning hangs it up. :p


And as a Houstonian, I hate to see any fan see their team depart. It sucks. Hard.


However, if its going to happen (and its not realistic to assume no team ever moves again) then I'd pick the Jags to LA. Most the teams that cant sell out their stadiums are just bad teams. The Jags cant sell out when they are winning and agressively marketing.


I guess Buffalo might have similiar issues, but they are cozying up too much with Toronto to likely pack up and leave for LA.


Anyway, if the Jags move to LA they probably just stay AFC South. No way they break up the AFC West and a cross conference trade with the NFC West would only net the Cards as a more southern team, and the difference is hardly worth the effort.


Or I guess...the Rams. But maybe they are rivals with San Fran. Sorta.

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I got into an arguement with someone today about which division was the best in the NFL


he instantly said the NFC EAST, mine was the NFC South


but before people jump all over me, here is my reason


1) No other divison has had all four teams make it to a conference title game (played in it 5 out of 8 years)


2) No othe divison, has had three different teams make it two the superbowl


3) the fact that every year something different happens in the divison is what makes it so fun, the worst to first pattern, to the fact no one has been to the playoffs in back to back seasons

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As a Texans fan, I wouldnt mind seeing the Colts realigned somewhere else. At least until Manning hangs it up. :p


And as a Houstonian, I hate to see any fan see their team depart. It sucks. Hard.


However, if its going to happen (and its not realistic to assume no team ever moves again) then I'd pick the Jags to LA. Most the teams that cant sell out their stadiums are just bad teams. The Jags cant sell out when they are winning and agressively marketing.


I guess Buffalo might have similiar issues, but they are cozying up too much with Toronto to likely pack up and leave for LA.


Anyway, if the Jags move to LA they probably just stay AFC South. No way they break up the AFC West and a cross conference trade with the NFC West would only net the Cards as a more southern team, and the difference is hardly worth the effort.


Or I guess...the Rams. But maybe they are rivals with San Fran. Sorta.


I know i hear crap for this but i'd move Dolphins to the South, Colts to the North, Ravens to the East, and Chiefs to the South as well,, Jags get into the west

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I know i hear crap for this but i'd move Dolphins to the South, Colts to the North, Ravens to the East, and Chiefs to the South as well,, Jags get into the west


Yeah, it'll never happen. Geography was clearly the second consideration when they aligned the divisions. The top one was rivalries...mostly for the teams whose owners have significant pull.

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Its an ill defined question if you dont specify length of time.


Last year, even with the Saints, they certainly werent. Cause they have the Bucs. The NFC East and the AFC South both were comprised of a better group of overall teams.


how many superbowls have the East been to? one? :p


But I get what you are saying those divison may have better teams all around, but you have to also look which divisons continues to represent the NFC in the title games

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Didn't the Eagles go to 4 Championship games in the last decade (or was it 5?).


Some crazy number.


And once again, over how long are we talking? :D Im not going to do the math, but somehow I think the NFC East has more superbowls than any other. But you are getting REALLY historical and a bit silly.


I dont really like any of the teams from the division, but over the last 3 or 4years, they've all been pretty good, fairly consistently, except maybe Washington. And even they arent dead weight like the Browns are to the AFC North.


Can we all agree the worst football is consistently played in the West? (Either conference. :p )

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Some crazy number.


And once again, over how long are we talking? :D Im not going to do the math, but somehow I think the NFC East has more superbowls than any other. But you are getting REALLY historical and a bit silly.


I dont really like any of the teams from the division, but over the last 3 or 4years, they've all been pretty good, fairly consistently, except maybe Washington. And even they arent dead weight like the Browns are to the AFC North.


Can we all agree the worst football is consistently played in the West? (Either conference. :p )


Chuching, they have been pretty bad, when an 8-8 record wins the divison it scares me. When people keep hyping the Chargers up, well duh they're going to be good, they play the Raiders and Chiefs 4 times a year

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What people fail to realize (or take into consideration) is that the Chargers have Norv Turner...


Just like in the NBA, you'll never win a title with Vince Carter as your best player; In the NFL you'll never win a Super Bowl with Norv Turner as your coach.

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What people fail to realize (or take into consideration) is that the Chargers have Norv Turner...


Just like in the NBA, you'll never win a title with Vince Carter as your best player; In the NFL you'll never win a Super Bowl with Norv Turner as your coach.


don't say that, I'm a Magic fan....... wait but he isn't our best player, nvm

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Santonio Holmes won't hit any of those numbers. Rex Ryan isn't going to throw the ball enough, nor is the Jets defense poor enough to justify that amount of passes.


Plus Holmes is suspended the first 4 games of the year.


First, Rex Ryan is an intelligent football coach. Everyone with two brain cells knows the Jets are going to run a lot. So when facing an 8 in the box situation, Sanchez will have the ability to audible to a play action play.


You seem to be operating under a faulty assumption that a defense has to be 'bad' for a team to throw the ball a lot. Someone tell the Colts that.


Good coaches take advantage of situations and matchups (ask Bill Belichick). Rex Ryan is a good coach. Thus, 7 and 8 men in the box will lead to lots of skinny posts and outs and fades being switched to. He wants to add more balance to his offense, or else he never would've gotten Holmes in the first place.

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