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I don'tk now Nogueira winning or even dropping Schaub. Schaub has only been dropped once in his career, and Nogueira's chin is fading. Also, did you take a good look at his eyes? Something is seriously wrong with them. I don't recall his eyes looking that weird. Something's up.


If Shogun blitz Forrest I expect nothing less than the king of all breakdowns.


Huh? What do you mean by that?

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I don'tk now Nogueira winning or even dropping Schaub. Schaub has only been dropped once in his career, and Nogueira's chin is fading.


Also, did you take a good look at his eyes? Something is seriously wrong with them. I don't recall his eyes looking that weird. Something's up.


Aye but he's not exactly fought that much, got dropped by Nelson and I don't remember him taking many shots (apart from Cro Cop elbows) in his last 2.


Didn't notice the eyes though, I'll have to check that out xD



If Shogun blitz Forrest I expect nothing less than the king of all breakdowns.


On the spot retirement tbh.

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Forrest I would think. He just doesn't seem too enamoured with the whole fighting thing right now. If he suffered a loss anywhere near the one to Silva I don't know how he'd react.


I meant Forrest. Silva toyed with him a lot before dispatching him in an effortless manner and we saw what that did to him. Imagine what he'll do when Shogun blitzes him and pounds him to dust.

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Dissapointed Chael didn't make the trip for whatever the real reasons are. Was curious to see if some fan decided to go nuts and make a run at him.


Dana White said on Opie and Anthony that Sonnen's in Brazil and that he's been there training Okami for the fight.


Nt arguing just saying what I heard the man say.

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I doubt they will riot. They've seen fights before. Hell, Brazil is where BJJ is created. They are probably just excited and using hyperbole.


Haha I know, I just found it funny. Though I'm not sure (in WWE even) I've ever seen a "if X loses we riot" sign and X actually lose, I'm sure people are more forgiving when it's lady luck answering to them :D

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Haha I know, I just found it funny. Though I'm not sure (in WWE even) I've ever seen a "if X loses we riot" sign and X actually lose, I'm sure people are more forgiving when it's lady luck answering to them :D

Most of the fighters have either been low-key or respectful. Schaub's been going around in interviews saying he's glad he's fighting his "hero', and what-not. Most of the interviews were with either the UFC Brass, or the top UFC fighters (expectedly). The only person that sounds even remotely negative, who could have joking, exaggerating, and maybe even telling the truth, was Forrest clamining that, although he has issues with the place or the people, he really wanted to get back home soon as possible.


Now, if Chael Sonnen was coming, it might have made me wonder about it. But everyone loves to see a good KO or submission. Even if it's against your favorites.

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It's not about name value, it's about saturation and reach. Spike, as part of a large media conglomerate, is on more cable systems and has access to more homes than HDNet. They're also on BASIC cable plans with many of the largest providers, which gives them access to even more sets of eyes. But, MMA fans (which, by the way, I'm told in the US spend more, on average, than fans of any sport except the NFL. They also tend to have a higher per capita income. THAT'S why MMA is highly valued, by broadcasters at least) would probably appreciate HDNet's variety. Especially if what you say is true and the UFC's main events have been 'blah' compared to their undercard matchups. HDNet has its niche with the more hardcore fans (very much like the NFL with Sunday Ticket. Casual fans aren't ponying up for that plan). UFC had/has the broader reach due to their broadcast visibility and a partner willing to help them build their brand at almost any cost.


Remember, you're talking about matchups and such and the network(s) are looking at one thing: AD SALES. Spike made tens of millions a year off UFC, purely off ad sales. That's where the difference is. No one else in MMA brings in that kind of ad demand (yet?). That's where Spike will feel the loss.


Thanks for clarifying the behind the scene details. I think reach and saturation becomes murky in the international scenes because of so much difference in just the presentation of the UFC alone.


Some places may offer the UFC for free and things like the difference between free and PPV becomes almost the same to casual viewers and only people who want to research and keep up with the stuff really nail down which is which. There's also the internet factor not just in terms of advertising but the brand built up from things like streaming and piracy.


Certain people that may be closer to straight up fight consumers (the viewers who mostly don't care about hype, TUF, maybe not even watch or have the Countdown shows) may "become more curious" as to figure out why something like Bellator is being spoken as being "On Spike" now and any mma organization that has a closer theme to the UFC will get all that additional curiosity prestige from just the design footprint the UFC left behind. It may not be a golden goose situation but an opportunistic organization like Bellator who has shown better budget controls than most other budding mma promotions could easily leapfrog faster on Spike than on HDNet not just in expanding their reach but in getting closer to the consciousness of the more common consumer who only treats certain shows as "must watch regularly" shows if they become a separate alternative brand with enough of the same things as another famous brand but for some reason or another is not a clone of the famous brand. It's just easier to be viewed as another top brand this way compared to being seen as "it's free MMA on TV" or "I'm anti-UFC and this delivers the more exciting product" or "Wow, this place has more MMA shows". It's just not the same even after reach and saturation has been considered. The only term I can equate that to is overall name value. It's just something like how certain popular videogame companies built themselves. Like Capcom is not the only fighting game company but ask many people what they associate with fighting games and Capcom more often than not comes up even though in recent times Street Fighter has been close to their only marquee fighting series. In contrast, something like Namco who has both Soul Calibur and Tekken may not even generate the image of a fighting game company. Some may even still stick them to the company that made Pac-man. That's just what Spike has become. They could easily become the Capcom brand of MMA if they partner with the right organizations like Bellator.

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