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And me being a fan of the way UFC used be run when White and the Fertitta firsttook over it's kind of disappointing. They just ran that company completely differently than any major sports league in the world and I think it's gotten them where they are today.


It really didn't though. When Zuffa bought the UFC they were losing money hand over fist. It's very well documented that the Fertitta brothers were ready to sell up before TUF turned things around.


What got them where they are today is the fact that TUF gave the brand national visibility, converted 18-34 fans (it was originally aired straight after wrestling) to MMA and most importantly, opened the floodgates for bigger, better and more 'blue chip' sponsors.


The UFC went on a massive social media drive last year - their sponsors took note. UFC sponsors are already taking heat from anti-discrimination groups - make no mistake, they will cut ties of the UFC becomes more trouble than it's worth. And once sponsors have dropped you for something controversial, good luck getting replacements. Look at the death of Pride: VERY different situation, very similar principle.

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I provided examples in other media outlets that persevered through the pressure sponsors and special interest groups put on them to comply with what they considered to be their standards. Has it backfired before? Yes. But do you HONESTLY believe that no one would advertise with the UFC -a company with huge influence on the biggest selling demographics in the entire world- because a few fighters made some inappropriate comments on their twitter?


And Pride was a completely different situation.

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I provided examples in other media outlets that persevered through the pressure sponsors and special interest groups put on them to comply with what they considered to be their standards. Has it backfired before? Yes. But do you HONESTLY believe that no one would advertise with the UFC -a company with huge influence on the biggest selling demographics in the entire world- because a few fighters made some inappropriate comments on their twitter?


I think if Bud dropped them, Coors wouldn't take over. If Harley Davidson dropped them, Ford wouldn't touch them. MMA isn't that 'big' of a sport, relative to others. The UFC isn't going to dissappear overnight if Bud kick them to the kerb, but they cannot afford to alienate sponsors like that...which is exactly why we're having this conversation, and not talking about how cool it was that Dana told Bud where they could stick their bottles of below-average-tasting lager :-p


And Pride was a completely different situation.


Well I said that - different situation, same basic principle. When it lost it's advertising platform/corporate backer - none of the others stepped into the void because of the stigma Pride carried with it. There was a TON of money to be made there.

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Look, I wish UFC would stand up to big sponsors. Realistically I guess they feel they cant, or at least shouldn't.


You know the MMA game is the real world behind it much better than I do, BH. But I still strongly disagree with your assessment of advertising potential with the UFC. You don't go from 7 figure contracts to no one wanting to touch you. If they lost Bud, they'd get another big sponsor. Not quite as big and not quite as lucrative maybe, but there are alot of companies that would want their logos all over the UFC, which is almost exclusively delivering content to young males - the absolute top market in advertising.



I wish they'd fight crap like this instead of cave into it. I know it doesn't make the most business sense in the short term, but it's what I would personally want to see.

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Right then, part one of my matchmaking vlog.


Just a basic intro really as nothing much has happened yet - but they'll get more interesting as things progress I'm sure :-p I'm not gonna be posting the link in many places at all (if any, for a while) so let me know what you guys want me to talk about, or if I should just stop talking altogether, lol!

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Look, I wish UFC would stand up to big sponsors. Realistically I guess they feel they cant, or at least shouldn't.


You know the MMA game is the real world behind it much better than I do, BH. But I still strongly disagree with your assessment of advertising potential with the UFC. You don't go from 7 figure contracts to no one wanting to touch you. If they lost Bud, they'd get another big sponsor. Not quite as big and not quite as lucrative maybe, but there are alot of companies that would want their logos all over the UFC, which is almost exclusively delivering content to young males - the absolute top market in advertising.



I wish they'd fight crap like this instead of cave into it. I know it doesn't make the most business sense in the short term, but it's what I would personally want to see.

You know how much the company of Bud Light is bigger than the UFC? The fact that they even have them is HUGE money. This isn't the UFC dealing with unions or fighters. Losing them would be a huge setback.

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I'm thinking of doing a video diary of sorts chronicling my experiences...will post it here if peeps are interested.


I'm definitely interested in all of this and I'm very happy for you man. I'm sure it is a tough job and if you ever need someone to help find talented unknown fighters or if you just need someone to bounce ideas off of, I'd be ecstatic to help you out.

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I'm definitely interested in all of this and I'm very happy for you man. I'm sure it is a tough job and if you ever need someone to help find talented unknown fighters or if you just need someone to bounce ideas off of, I'd be ecstatic to help you out.


agree, and if you guys decide to come to Canada i'll be glad to get a ticket if it's not to far away :p

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Not sure if anyone is fans of Female MMA but Invicta Fighting Championships is running their first show tonight. Some good names on the card with Kaitlyn Young, Liz Carmouche, and Marloes Coenen. Fight isd airing free on there website.


Watching ... And it's been pretty good so far.

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Cheers gents :) Like I said, have a peek at the first vid and let me know what you want to hear about in future ones and I'll try and make them as interesting as possible.


Lol, don't think we'll be heading over the Atlantic just yet. Low Level Regional WMMA fans, Low Level Regional.


Will I be able to watch the card?

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Not sure if anyone is fans of Female MMA but Invicta Fighting Championships is running their first show tonight. Some good names on the card with Kaitlyn Young, Liz Carmouche, and Marloes Coenen. Fight isd airing free on there website.


Posted this 2 days ago, but ironically forgot to watch it. 'Invicta', *shiver*, reminds me of some really bad game. Great movie, but baaaad game.

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Will I be able to watch the card?


No, at least not live. When I say small, I mean *really* small. There may only be 5 pro MMA/K-1 bouts on the card, with the rest being semi-pro/ammy. It's being put on (paid for) by a local promoter, CSMMA are essentially lending the brand/staff to get it done at short notice. The next one will be a bit grander. It is being filmed though, and I'll be doing commentary.

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Stann vs. Lombard, should be a good match-up.


Stann should have a slight advantage standing (reach) but Lombard all day on the floor. My question is whether Hecktor will have the fight I.Q. to take Stann down. I don't think he does; drops a decision.

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First two fights of the main card were realy well. The Diaz-Miller fight made me dislike Diaz more. "come on let's fight", then clinches miller, really?


I thought it was brilliant, Miller absolutely lost it when Diaz started taunting him, made him more aggressive and played into Nate's hands. Amazing performance. LOL at him saying Melendez is the true champ on Fox though, bet UFC loved that.

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Wow. Amazing fights, almost all of them. I just love the Diaz style. It's entertainment and effectiveness supreme. Some boys after me own heart, they be. :D


Belcher is a beast btw.


Love how sherdog is now actually mentioning the ref in their database. Maybe we can identify some patterns.

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I'm not a big fan of the Diaz brothers attitudes and the way they talk smack while they're in the cage. I will enjoy the day when someone brutally knocks these guys out.


Don't get me wrong though, they are both very good mixed martial artists and I respect that about them.

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I'm not a big fan of the Diaz brothers attitudes and the way they talk smack while they're in the cage. I will enjoy the day when someone brutally knocks these guys out.


Don't get me wrong though, they are both very good mixed martial artists and I respect that about them.


agree, plus all the diaz yes man. HATE IT!!!

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