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The reason the UFC doesn't support WMMA is because a woman became the best fighter in the world using the Royce Gracie shuffle.


As to Jose Aldo, he's not a star in Brazil either. Anderson, the Nogs, and Vitor are. But not him. At least not yet. .


23 million Brazilians watched him take Mendes' head off, I'd call Aldo a star in Brazil.

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Indeed she is. It does take away some of the suspense. But I actually want to see her do it. There's always the chance of her being on the receiving end of a KO.


Excited for next week's Wanderlei fight. Though he's definately past his prime, he's still very dangerous.


I actually agree. I like Wandy/Franklin. Both guys are past their prime (Wandy perhaps more so), but both are still very capable, and it makes an interesting matchup.


Can't say I'd shell out $55 for it, but I'm in the fortunate position where I don't have to, so it's all good.

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The reason the UFC doesn't support WMMA is because a woman became the best fighter in the world using the Royce Gracie shuffle.


Have you seen Brock Lesnar attempt to kickbox? That dude was the best HW in the world for 18mos... Did you see Jake Shields kickbox against GSP? That guy was 1 round on two judges scorecards from defeating GSP. While I agree she's terrible standing: she's at least working a decent jab and she out-struck Meisha Tate, at least statistically. It's getting better. Plus she's begging for her opponent to take her down anyway. So she can throw all the lazy ass bodykicks she wants, it's good strategy. But I here you, however, poor skills actually help WMMA's case in a perverse way.(because it leads to more stoppages and comebacks) Gives Dana and the DVD division a stiffy.



23 million Brazilians watched him take Mendes' head off, I'd call Aldo a star in Brazil.


Yeah, that sounds impressive. Until you realize any Brazilian MMA fighter who headlines a UFC card would do similar, if not better numbers. That's gen-pop... which is really god damn crazy, but it is.

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Yeah, that sounds impressive. Until you realize any Brazilian MMA fighter who headlines a UFC card would do similar, if not better numbers.


Based on what? There is absolutely no data to support that statement whatsoever. Until the UFC does more live events on Globo you're just making a guess based on the fact that you think certain Brazilians are popular in Brazil. I'm not saying that you're wrong, just that there is no evidence to support the fact that Aldo is a bigger or smaller 'star' than the Nogueira's, Silva, Wand or Belfort. (Belfort has the highest celebrity profile of all of them, due to his famous wife). The only other possible comparison (and it's not a great one) is the Silva/Okami fight, which peaked at half the number of viewers that Aldo/Mendez did, albeit on a smaller network.


What people also have to remember about Brazil is that there are far few TV channels than places like the US and UK. There are only three main stations vying for the majority of viewers. So when you see a statement like "24 million people tune in to UFC main event" or whatever, it becomes a lot less impressive when you realise that the same station averages 20 million every other day of the week.

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Based on what? There is absolutely no data to support that statement whatsoever. Until the UFC does more live events on Globo you're just making a guess based on the fact that you think certain Brazilians are popular in Brazil. I'm not saying that you're wrong, just that there is no evidence to support the fact that Aldo is a bigger or smaller 'star' than the Nogueira's, Silva, Wand or Belfort. (Belfort has the highest celebrity profile of all of them, due to his famous wife). The only other possible comparison (and it's not a great one) is the Silva/Okami fight, which peaked at half the number of viewers that Aldo/Mendez did, albeit on a smaller network.


What people also have to remember about Brazil is that there are far few TV channels than places like the US and UK. There are only three main stations vying for the majority of viewers. So when you see a statement like "24 million people tune in to UFC main event" or whatever, it becomes a lot less impressive when you realize that the same station averages 20 million every other day of the week.


I was extrapolating, yes. I don't think I implied otherwise, so I don't understand the vitriol here.


Vitor's famous wife(Joana Prado aka Feiticeira) is the entire reason he's popular, we agree here... I prefer to think it was their toe sucking softcore porn video though... but that's just me. Also those guys have appeared many times at local Brazilian events and have been treated like heroes, and that was before the Globo deal. Aldo? Not so much. So really that's what I'm going off of, and so is Burger King and other sponsors.


As for fewer channels? Advertisers don't give a damn; eyeballs are eyeballs. Especially in the 2nd or 3rd fastest growing economy in the world. Great bang for your marketing dollar, which is good news for the UFC, who are making a mint on the "entry fees."

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I was extrapolating, yes. I don't think I implied otherwise, so I don't understand the vitriol here.


No vitriol, it just gets my goat when people who spend a lot of time on forums/reading MMA sites/twitter etc present stabs in the dark as fact. "From what I've been told" is my favourite. When they mean "What I read on FrontRowBrian's twitter". This isn't directed at you by the way, just a general observation from someone who is rapidly losing the will to live due to an MMA overload of late.


IMO it's why most MMA forums have gone down the swanny over the past few years, and why the online MMA community as a whole is so massively misinformed about the sport and how it works. Why it's taken me a decade to be bothered by this, I'm not sure...but I guess as this is the only place I post about MMA online I'm shielded from it. I used to think that I knew MMA like the back of my hand a decade ago...now I have six jobs in the industry and I realise that I'm still learning today.


Also realising that I have a Sherdog account that is nearly a decade old just really freaked me out. Eugh.


As for fewer channels? Advertisers don't give a damn; eyeballs are eyeballs. Especially in the 2nd or 3rd fastest growing economy in the world. Great bang for your marketing dollar, which is good news for the UFC, who are making a mint on the "entry fees."


This wasn't directed at you. I was pointing out that because 20-odd million people saw the Aldo fight, that doesn't make him a star when 20 million people tune into the channel every day anyway. Had 40 million people tuned in then yeah, is my point.

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I think I rate Ronda's skills at exactly what they are. She's housed bigger, stronger, and more-skilled girls than Sarah Kaufman. Her jab is a big weapon, but she's stiff and isn't athletic enough to work the counter-box formula. I know people are going to pull out the "she used to be a ballerina" card, but in the cage, she's very stoic and has a number of gaping holes, both on the floor, and in the clinch. It's a terrible matchup for her. And I feel bad because I wanted to see the Tate-Kaufman Rematch with 5x5s(mostly because I thought Tate got hosed.)


Do I think Kaufman will be overwhelmed by the moment like Meisha was? No. Do I think Zegec will have the best possible gameplan for Sarah? Yes. Do I think Ronda Rousey is going to submit Sarah Kaufman inside of the first frame? Yes I do.


She's a level of athlete, coupled with a mastery of a set of skills, never seen before in WMMA.(yes, even you Mega Megu:() If she loses here, I'd be absolutely stunned. This is a sport of hobby women... Ronda Rousey ain't no hobby woman.

And if she loses, it will probably be in a way that shows most, if not all, of her weaknesses. I'm not seeing a flash KO in the first round by Kaufman. If Kaufman beats her, it's going to be a grind.


I'm not saying she won't beat Kaufman, but I've seen people make grandiose statements about fighters that later turn out to quite false. Unless you are fighter that has faced top competiton, and have consistently beat top competition impressively, it doesn't mean much. We have seen time and again, people who seem unbeatable, until they are exposed for the whole world to see.


I'm not saying Rousey is one of these people. I'm saying, don't jump to conclusions until we've seen solid results. Kaufman is a way tougher opponent than Tate is. I wouldn't be surprised if Kaufman did beat her, even if I think Rousey will have the edge (at least now), however small or however big.

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So does anyone have thoughts about the Ultimate Fighter going back to being taped?


I personally think the it is the right call. To me the previous season was bland for lack of a better term.


What I liked about previous TUF, is that they used to show to build the fighters. You got to know the fighters, you cared about them to an extent. With the live show format it all seemed rushed.


Plus the damn fights always ran over and it made me miss some of Bill Maher's show...:D


The run over thing was one factor. The network wasn't happy with the continual overruns. I don't know how much of a big deal that is in the US...here in the UK there is very little live sport that isn't on dedicated sports channels (and our main sports footy/rugby) don't have 'overtime' periods as the norm) so overruns aren't something we have to deal with. FX not supper chuffed, anyway.


It comes down to numbers though - the ratings weren't spectacular compared to previous seasons so it just didn't make sense to spend so much more money on them. They're basically doing just over an hour's worth of live TV a week (even though most of it is pre-taped) for 12 weeks, 12 weeks of filming in the house and post production, instead of just 6 weeks filming then a bit of post-production.


Personally, I just don't care. Watched TUF since season 1 and hate reality TV :-p All I do now is fast forward to the fights, so it makes no difference to me.

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No vitriol, it just gets my goat when people who spend a lot of time on forums/reading MMA sites/twitter etc present stabs in the dark as fact. "From what I've been told" is my favourite. When they mean "What I read on FrontRowBrian's twitter". This isn't directed at you by the way, just a general observation from someone who is rapidly losing the will to live due to an MMA overload of late.


IMO it's why most MMA forums have gone down the swanny over the past few years, and why the online MMA community as a whole is so massively misinformed about the sport and how it works. Why it's taken me a decade to be bothered by this, I'm not sure...but I guess as this is the only place I post about MMA online I'm shielded from it. I used to think that I knew MMA like the back of my hand a decade ago...now I have six jobs in the industry and I realise that I'm still learning today.


Also realising that I have a Sherdog account that is nearly a decade old just really freaked me out. Eugh.




This wasn't directed at you. I was pointing out that because 20-odd million people saw the Aldo fight, that doesn't make him a star when 20 million people tune into the channel every day anyway. Had 40 million people tuned in then yeah, is my point.



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Really easy MMA trivia - If you google it, you suck!


Name the only fighter in history who has fought in the UFC for free.


How many Affliction events were scheduled before the promotion shut it's doors?


What do BJ Penn, Randy Couture and Shogun Rua have in common with the late Justin Eilers?


Name someone else who is set to join that exclusive club before the end of the year.


What two 'UFC firsts' occurred at UFC 124?


Name a former UFC fighter who once famously fought for $1, and give his reason for doing so.

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Really easy MMA trivia - If you google it, you suck!


Name the only fighter in history who has fought in the UFC for free. Tito Ortiz?


How many Affliction events were scheduled before the promotion shut it's doors? 2


What do BJ Penn, Randy Couture and Shogun Rua have in common with the late Justin Eilers? Trained with him?


Name someone else who is set to join that exclusive club before the end of the year. Unkown


What two 'UFC firsts' occurred at UFC 124? FOTN is voted on by fans. GSP almost finishing a fight?


Name a former UFC fighter who once famously fought for $1, and give his reason for doing so. Tim Sylvia?


answers in bold


edit: after looking at the UFC 124 wiki page i see what the two ufc firsts are :p

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Really easy MMA trivia - If you google it, you suck!


Name the only fighter in history who has fought in the UFC for free.


How many Affliction events were scheduled before the promotion shut it's doors?


What do BJ Penn, Randy Couture and Shogun Rua have in common with the late Justin Eilers?


Name someone else who is set to join that exclusive club before the end of the year.


What two 'UFC firsts' occurred at UFC 124?


Name a former UFC fighter who once famously fought for $1, and give his reason for doing so.


These are good...


1. Guy Metzger at UFC 13?


2. 4. They ran 2, and they announced and booked venues for 4. They moved, then announced a replacement, then remade Arlovski-Fedor card, and cancelled Barnett-Fedor because Barnett got busted on crap you can get from a dude's trunk behind a Gold's Gym...


3. All lost UFC title fights. That ones a layup.


4. It's not that exclusive. Chael Sonnen.


5. There was that FotN abortion... great job knuckleheads.... Was that the first facebook prelim stream?


6. Was it David Loiseau? I know he had family in Haiti or something and did the media rounds... I could see him donating his purse to the Red Cross. Total guess.

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Some good answers/guesses here folks.


The guy who fought for free was indeed Tito, who fought as a amateur for no prize money in his first two UFC bouts. He was still enrolled in the Cal State wrestling programme, and as such couldn't receive payment for competing in any sporting events.


Affliction scheduled four events. Fedor vs Sylvia (HA!), Arlovski vs Barnett, Fedor vs Arlovski and Fedor vs Barnett. Only two actually took place.


One of the 'UFC firsts' at 124 was the fans voting for Fight of the Night. Nobody has the other one yet.


Nobody has guessed what Eilers, Couture, Penn and Shogun have in common yet...Makhai came close but there is something much more exclusive than that...


By extension, nobody has got the following question...although (big hint) Chael Sonnen very nearly became part of said club not too long ago.


Nobody has the ex-UFC fighter who fought for a dollar one either. Clue - the dollar fight wasn't in the UFC.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="damonster" data-cite="damonster" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="26660" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>A UFC first is happpening this week, free admission if you bought a ticket before today to UFC 147.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Unless I'm mistaken, there is a three-day window to get a refund on your ticket. You don't get to keep the ticket.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="brashleyholland" data-cite="brashleyholland" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="26660" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Unless I'm mistaken, there is a three-day window to get a refund on your ticket. You don't get to keep the ticket.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> maybe, just what i read it said everyone who bought a ticket previously gets a refund, nothing about not keeping a ticket. plus the title said UFC 147 for free, but I wouldn't be taking that websites words to heart.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="damonster" data-cite="damonster" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="26660" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>maybe, just what i read it said everyone who bought a ticket previously gets a refund, nothing about not keeping a ticket. plus the title said UFC 147 for free, but I wouldn't be taking that websites words to heart.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Got a link? I'm curious now! <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="brashleyholland" data-cite="brashleyholland" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="26660" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Got a link? I'm curious now! <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> It was a redirect from blecher report, since then they have removed the link. I can't remember the websites name, but I remember reading an article on it before saying GSP passed away.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="damonster" data-cite="damonster" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="26660" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>It was a redirect from blecher report, since then they have removed the link. I can't remember the websites name, but I remember reading an article on it before saying GSP passed away.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> ...and that wasn't a good enough reason never to believe anything you read on that site ever again? :-p </p><p> </p><p> They're offering refunds as an exception to their 'card subject to change' no-refunds policy. </p><p> </p><p> I heard a rumour from a journo I know in Brazil that a big group of Brazilian ticket holders were going to file a compensation claim against the UFC after being unable to get a refund on their tickets. He reckons that this was a pre-emptive move. Makes sense, true or not.</p>
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Affliction scheduled four events. Fedor vs Sylvia (HA!), Arlovski vs Barnett, Fedor vs Arlovski and Fedor vs Barnett. Only two actually took place.


Wasn't that the same card, just postponed then changed due to injuries? Pretty sure both fights were scheduled at one stage for the DOR card, maybe i'm wrong.

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Wasn't that the same card, just postponed then changed due to injuries? Pretty sure both fights were scheduled at one stage for the DOR card, maybe i'm wrong.


Affliction 2 was scheduled for October 2008, with AA vs Barnett as the main event. That show was canned due to poor tickets sales. Fedor vs AA went down the following January.

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