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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Fantabulous" data-cite="Fantabulous" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="26660" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>This might be a stretch, and it's a crazy idea so bear with me, but I think, just think, that Overeem is angling to get a big money fight. I mean, I may be wrong, and it would out of character for a fighter to do such a thing, but I think Overeem is just trying to get the biggest fight he can.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> LOL Fantabulous you're so right. What a great mind! I would have never considered any of this! You're so insightful.</p><p> </p><p> I love you, man.</p>
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C-c-c-crazy news from Alistair Overeem!


I want to fight Dos Santos, I want to get that belt. And recently I read an interesting interview that Dos Santos wants to fight me over Cain [Velasquez]. So, I'm all for it and I think Dana White likes the idea too. And of course the fans are very important. So, we'll just have to wait and see what happens in the next couple weeks.


A very important factor is my license. I'm not licensed yet to fight, so of course the UFC cannot promote anything. I gotta get my license first. And I'm now scheduled to, uh. I'm able to reapply for my license in December a couple days before the fight. But we have a strategy. We're going to go in front of the commission sooner with the argument of good behavior. We have been doing random tests on our own. They were all witnessed by an independent doctor. In the hope of getting a license sooner. I think we will get it sooner. Maybe a conditional license that I have to appear and do some random tests.


We have a set date this month [to appear before the commission]. Nothing [is] confirmed, we're gonna try and get it. Hopefully we will.

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Very, very messy though. Liked the main card except bader vs machida, never have liked machida's style.


I also thought it was messy as hell. Eventually stopped watching as they just seemed exhausted at the end of r1 and you basically knew none of them would get the title fight. After that I thought it was going to be 5 rounds. Thankfully, it turned out not to be. I'm all for spirit and mental toughness, but watching 2 exhausted athletes compete is just boring.

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LOL... so a man begs his boss to fight you.... OBVIOUSLY SCARED.



Reem's a lunatic lol, but still, I kinda wanna see this fight more and more as time goes on. I think JDS is a much more complete fighter than Reem (so is Cain) and I don't think it'll be even close but we'll just have to see.


Lets be honest, Nobody competing in mixed martial arts, especially at this level, is scared to fight anyone! Anyone who has the balls to step into a cage/ring to fight for a living isn't scared of anybody.

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He lost a close decision but he has won a few close decisions and he'll get another shot at the title in time.


I think it will be good to get him out of 5 round fights. make him fight some guys who arent neccesarily in line for a shot jsut yet. Guida (as long as he doesnt fight like he did most recently), Cowboy, Lauzon.

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So so glad to get Edgar out of the title picture. I gave 1 and 3 to Bendo and was too bored to pay proper attention in the final two rounds. It was so obvious it was going to be another close, frustrating decision, and there'd be more and more if Edgar held on to the belt again.


I think he needs to get back to some 3 round fights just to break out of this cycle. Personally not finding it fun to watch anymore.

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I think it was waaaaay too close to complain one way or the other about a robbery. I take that stance across MMA and boxing in general. Especially in a 5 round fight, with individual rounds as close as they were, it's too hard to judge to complain about the result.


I feel Frankie did enough to win in my opinion. He threw better, more concise combinations and I felt displayed better cage movement and positioning. But Henderson was backing him down almost the entire fight. I know people complain about the "backing down" issue in judging, but it's there and it's what happened. When one guy is stalking another for 5 rounds it certainly helps make him look better in the judges eyes, especially in those super close rounds.



Either way, AMAZING fight. Heart and determination on display was inspiring. Perfect fight for me as I approach my post-olympics depression. So awesome to see both of these guys (both of whom I've been a fan of for years) just have a fantastic back-and-forth championship fight like that. It absolutely delivered. I know some of you guys weren't impressed and that's fine, opinions are opinions. I just thought the fight was so entertaining.

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So so glad to get Edgar out of the title picture. I gave 1 and 3 to Bendo and was too bored to pay proper attention in the final two rounds. It was so obvious it was going to be another close, frustrating decision, and there'd be more and more if Edgar held on to the belt again.


I think he needs to get back to some 3 round fights just to break out of this cycle. Personally not finding it fun to watch anymore.


I agree with this. Edgar doesn't have many decisive wins. ALthough Bendo kinda seemed like he was just coasting to win, it was probably because he didnt understand the rematch. For those saying Edgar deserves ANOTHER rematch get real. I'm surprised they could sell this one. He's 0-2 against the guy, just get over it and let Nate Diaz get his chance, that will be a better fight anyways

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I think people often confuse the term 'robbery' with 'I thought the other guy won'. That fight wasn't a robbery in any way shape or form.


I love close fights - to me it means that the two guys are evenly matched, which is exactly how it should be at the top end of MMA. I get more bored (well, maybe board isn't the best term) watching guys like Silva and Jones smash everyone to bits.


As for Edgar, I can't see how people can get bored of this guy. He went from 'why is he getting a title shot?' to beating one of the all-time greats twice, then putting on possibly 9 of the best rounds of MMA ever against Maynard, to two agonisingly close decisions against another incredible talent in Hederson. What more do people want from the guy?


Hopefully he goes down to 145 for a while now, where at least he won't be giving up as much size. How good would Edgar vs Hominick, Jung or Poirier be?

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I think people often confuse the term 'robbery' with 'I thought the other guy won'. That fight wasn't a robbery in any way shape or form.


I love close fights - to me it means that the two guys are evenly matched, which is exactly how it should be at the top end of MMA. I get more bored (well, maybe board isn't the best term) watching guys like Silva and Jones smash everyone to bits.


As for Edgar, I can't see how people can get bored of this guy. He went from 'why is he getting a title shot?' to beating one of the all-time greats twice, then putting on possibly 9 of the best rounds of MMA ever against Maynard, to two agonisingly close decisions against another incredible talent in Hederson. What more do people want from the guy?


Hopefully he goes down to 145 for a while now, where at least he won't be giving up as much size. How good would Edgar vs Hominick, Jung or Poirier be?


I want to see it. He's said he doesn't want to go down to 145 but he's also said that while in direct line for the 155 title. Now that he's presumably in the back of the line in that division, maybe he'll drop down?


Many people have said they feel he'd be giving up more of his trademark quickness if he drops down. I feel that's absurd and always have. You don't cut 10 pounds at his size and just all of a sudden lose all your speed. And in my opinion 145 isn't as talent stacked at the top, meaning his road to a title shot is a bit easier down there. Could Frankie be the guy to take out Aldo?? Maybe...

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Many people have said they feel he'd be giving up more of his trademark quickness if he drops down. I feel that's absurd and always have. You don't cut 10 pounds at his size and just all of a sudden lose all your speed. And in my opinion 145 isn't as talent stacked at the top, meaning his road to a title shot is a bit easier down there. Could Frankie be the guy to take out Aldo?? Maybe...

Who are these 'people'? And he wouldn't actually be fighting at a weight of 145lbs. He'd just be cutting the 10lbs to make weight and then put it back on. And unless he completely sucks at cutting weight, and I have a sneaking suspicion he knows a thing or two about the practice, he'd still be fighting at his natural weight of around 155lbs like he is now. The only difference is that he'd be facing guys who are closer to his weight than the 'Lightweights' he faces now.

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Who are these 'people'? And he wouldn't actually be fighting at a weight of 145lbs. He'd just be cutting the 10lbs to make weight and then put it back on. And unless he completely sucks at cutting weight, and I have a sneaking suspicion he knows a thing or two about the practice, he'd still be fighting at his natural weight of around 155lbs like he is now. The only difference is that he'd be facing guys who are closer to his weight than the 'Lightweights' he faces now.



By saying "people" I mainly meant that based on a discussion on one of the sherdog radio shows a couple of weeks ago, no big deal. they had been talking about how Frankie's kind of an anomaly in the sense that he doesn't really cut any weight at all, and allows him to have that stored calories reserve to help fuel those late-fight bursts of speed and power he's known for. A theory might be that perhaps by cutting even a little weight he loses a lil something to his game. 10 pounds might seem like nothing, but at that size it isn't as easy as one might think, and not every one can do it. I'm not saying Frankie CANT do it either. I'm simply aware of the idea that he could lose a step dropping those few lbs.


But yea man thanks for that correction. Never understood cutting weight and how that works until you just said that. You're a great guy. I really love seeing you add to the conversation like that! Keep it up, man. Love you, bro!

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