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Wrestling's bad health is NOT 100% steroid related. They are generally not the most mentally mature people going into that business. They live a life where their jobs are insanely high on travel. Their "Friends" are chosen from a relatively small group of people they are forced to travel with.


Take a job where you never see people you like, throw in a bunch of people you hate, then toss in TONS of alcohol and hard drug usage. And STEROIDS are to blame?


Even so, when did Ampulator or Big T become the police of the sports world. Let grown ups do what they want.


NOW, should a PED using fighter be allowed to fight people who don't? Probably not. Which is why I say allow a division where PEDs are totally legal. Oh wait... thats the NFL.

Yes. We should let people do what they want. Who cares if they get hurt or die? It's their problem, not mine. It won't affect anyone or hurt anyone else, EVER. Never, ever. Nope. Never. If they hurt themselves, not even friends or families should help. Kick them to the side. They are grown ups. They made a conscious decision. Oh yeah, No government aid either, because it's their choice and they made it. No hospital help for them either.


Yeah, it's not like that's ever been a horrible idea.


Oh no, it's a GREAT idea. It's not like their choices would affect anyone else. It's their choice. No one should ever try to stop someone from making choices that only affect themselves, and that will never ever afffect others. Nope. Never. Ever. Nope,.

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Too bad for the women in the sport. It just kinda lost the little credibility it had. Ironically, this news item also kinda increases the credibility of the division too. A fighter like the female Cyborg was hard to believe. Kinda.


Not that a one year suspension means anything (lol). They rarely fight anyway, and finding her a new opponent should take about a year or two, given the state of the division. Doesn't she have about, what, 30 seconds of cagetime for the past 2 years? So no big news imo.

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And while we're being sarcastic on the issue... care to inform me how Cris Cyborg's steroids usage effects you in any way?


It affects me because I'd rather not see people senselessly risk their well-being. And when careers and livelihoods are at stake, you can guarantee that there would be fighters who would abuse steroids, and there would be consequences to that. I'd rather not see a sport I enjoy mired down in fallout from those consequences, both in terms of the health of the sport and the health of the competitors. There's a lot of risk for little, if any, reward. Which is why, most likely, the entire civilized world has determined it's a terrible idea to allow steroids in sports.

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It also affects everyone given that, should steroid use become a common 'problem', more and more athletes would give in, eventually leading to a f'd up sport. If you are familiar with cycling in the '90s, you'll know what I mean. Almost every rider took illegal drugs in order to improve his performance, and it almost destroyed the sport and some riders, though the stuff they took wasn't really that dangerous.
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I'm 100% for use of steroids in sports.


If you know how steroids work, you might understand what I mean.


When you lift weights, if you lift the right amount your muscles tear & it takes 48 hours for them to heal. But if you use steroids it only takes 24 hours to heal, causing you to work hard.

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I'm 100% for use of steroids in sports.


If you know how steroids work, you might understand what I mean.


When you lift weights, if you lift the right amount your muscles tear & it takes 48 hours for them to heal. But if you use steroids it only takes 24 hours to heal, causing you to work hard.

Even if I full understood how they would work, I'm not so sure I want them for private use. The only way for stuff like this to work is under PUBLIC SUPERVISION. Not even mere regulation would work.


The choice is to be clean and have less public intrusion, or more public supervision (and more public intrusion) into how athletes use these stuff.

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"Let grown ups do what they want"


Don't people even think about things before they post them? I would have thought the 'personal choice' argument got blown into oblivion in the post-Benoit world. What 'personal choice' did Nancy or Daniel have in Benoit doing the kinds of things that led to him going gonzo at the end and killing them? What 'personal choice' do people have when they get hurt or even killed by those who choose to drink too much or choose to take too many pills? Geez, some people are dense.

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"Let grown ups do what they want"


Don't people even think about things before they post them? I would have thought the 'personal choice' argument got blown into oblivion in the post-Benoit world. What 'personal choice' did Nancy or Daniel have in Benoit doing the kinds of things that led to him going gonzo at the end and killing them? What 'personal choice' do people have when they get hurt or even killed by those who choose to drink too much or choose to take too many pills? Geez, some people are dense.

Hey, I was the police of the sports world. If you want the position, you are going to have to ask nicely.

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"Let grown ups do what they want"


Don't people even think about things before they post them? I would have thought the 'personal choice' argument got blown into oblivion in the post-Benoit world. What 'personal choice' did Nancy or Daniel have in Benoit doing the kinds of things that led to him going gonzo at the end and killing them? What 'personal choice' do people have when they get hurt or even killed by those who choose to drink too much or choose to take too many pills? Geez, some people are dense.


No evidence suggests that steroids had anything to do with the Benoit murder/suicide. There's also no reason to suspect that it did.


Plenty of wrestlers, athletes, bodybuilders and lay people take steroids and go their entire lives without killing someone.


Now, most of them don't have severe brain degeneration (however you should describe it) to where their brain is like an 80 year old (think that was the description) according to medical researchers.

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I'm 100% for use of steroids in sports.


If you know how steroids work, you might understand what I mean.


When you lift weights, if you lift the right amount your muscles tear & it takes 48 hours for them to heal. But if you use steroids it only takes 24 hours to heal, causing you to work hard.


I know exactly how steroids work and have used them myself in the past. I cannot for the life of me understand why anyone would approve their use in any kind of sport. For the record I was prescribed steroids to help rehabilitate an injury, I didn't take them off my own back.


You've massively oversimplified how steriods work, and neglected the many and wide-reaching side effects of their use and abuse. It's all well and good saying that they can reduce recovery time, but that IS NOT NATURAL, therefore ultimately it's bad for your body.


And while we're being sarcastic on the issue... care to inform me how Cris Cyborg's steroids usage effects you in any way?


It affects me because the day someone is beaten to death in the cage live on Fox (and it will happen at some point) by a fighter who is later found out to have been using steroids, is the day that MMA leaves Fox and every other mainstream TV network in the US.


Selfishly, that's going to make it a lot harder for me to make a living.

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No evidence suggests that steroids had anything to do with the Benoit murder/suicide. There's also no reason to suspect that it did.


This is just wrong. There's no evidence to conclude that steroids had anything to do with what happened. There's a lot of evidence that suggests it.


"Preclinical, clinical, and anecdotal reports suggest that steroids may contribute to psychiatric dysfunction. Research shows that abuse of anabolic steroids may lead to aggression and other adverse effects.1 For example, although many users report feeling good about themselves while on anabolic steroids, extreme mood swings can also occur, including manic-like symptoms that could lead to violence.2 Researchers have also observed that users may suffer from paranoid jealousy, extreme irritability, delusions, and impaired judgment stemming from feelings of invincibility."


In addition: "One of the most dangerous withdrawal symptoms is depression— when persistent, it can sometimes lead to suicide attempts."


Now add in the fact that Benoit had elevated levels of testosterone at the time of his death and anabolic steroids in his house, and there's a lot of evidence that suggests a connection.


Again, nothing conclusive can be drawn from this. And really, nothing needs to. Whether steroids played a role in what Benoit did or not, we know that steroids can have some nasty consequences. Why anyone would want professional athletes, some of the most competitive people in the world, people whose careers and livelihoods depend on their performance, why anyone would want them to have legal access to something as potentially dangerous as steroids is madness.

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Amp, for the record, I didnt call you the police of the sports world. I said the exact opposite in fact. But whatever, you get yourself as mad as you want.



Even so, when did Ampulator or Big T become the police of the sports world. Let grown ups do what they want.



So move on and actually make a real point if you'd like. Or keep sarcastically harping on it. Either way you've worked yourself up into obvious anger over a comment that was taken grossly out of proportion and wasn't at any point meant to be an insult.








Steroids may or may not have had anything to do with Benoit's death. Head Trauma 100% is related to the brain damage many examiners of the case feel made him take the horrific decision to murder his family and himself. Look it up if you don't believe me. Steroids may be linked. Head trauma is ABSOLUTELY linked. Should we take the risk of head trauma completely out of sports? Because it's dangerous? No of course not. They are adults making adult decisions and you can't use the ONE example of Benoit murdering his family as a scapegoat and say, "Head Trauma makes you kill your family!"


I've never once heard any one on this message board or any other talk about how head trauma could or should be reduced. Everyone's got opinions on steroids though. And very few people actually know how they work and what they do and what the real side effects are. I assure you, "double murder and suicide" is not a common side effect of steroid usage.



Retired pro athletes are a surprisingly unhealthy group of individuals if you look at the real research. Steroids aren't safe. But neither are lots of things that athletes do.



All my point is and ever was is that I think a pro athlete does worse things to their body over the course of their careers than possible steroid usage. It's not instant muscle juice. It doesn't work like that. The idea that because a few take 'roid that everyone would take roid is an insane one. You need to look at how many pro athletes have been caught taking these PEDs. For every Barry Bonds there's 10 guys like Alex Sanchez and it didn't turn them into monster hitting machines like people seem to think.



Pro sports aren't safe. They're actually very risky. Adding steroids to the mix is riskier and unhealthier. No argument here. But steroids aren't the (muscle juice)

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