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I'm not 100% sure of what went on witht he conference call that was so upsetting, but if MMA is trying to minimize a PED abuser, it would sound like any real sport to me.


Just pump Hector Oscar Molina M.D into google... Then listen to his testimony. Around the time you get from the botched plastic surgery and over to his domestic violence charge I think you'll get it.

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I'm not 100% sure of what went on witht he conference call that was so upsetting, but if MMA is trying to minimize a PED abuser, it would sound like any real sport to me.


Whilst in general i agree with this, however Overeem got off extremely lightly.. The fact that he tried to "get out of town" as soon as the press conference was finished so he could avoid the random testing tells it's own story!

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I'm not 100% sure of what went on witht he conference call that was so upsetting, but if MMA is trying to minimize a PED abuser, it would sound like any real sport to me.


Nevada is supposed to be the 2nd or 3rd 'best' commission in the US.


NSAC: Right Mr Overeem, last time we asked you to take a drug test you skipped the country. You gave us a reason, but we never actually checked it out, despite it taking only a single phone call to verify. Anyway, because it was a little dodgy, we'll grant you a special licence for one fight.


Overeem: Thanks!


NSAC: But as part of the licence, you have to pass two surprise drug tests.


***Three months later***


NSAC: You failed the first surprise test spectacularly. Not only that, but when you were told about it you ran out of the building!


Overeem: I was trying to avoid being served court papers in public.


NSAC: Hmm. It's public knowledge that you were served before the press conference got under way. Those papers would be time-stamped, so we could prove that you're lying quite easily....nah, we'll just take your word for it.


Overeem: Thanks!


NSAC: Anyway, despite clearly breaking our rules and agreeing that it's your responsibility...oh, and bringing along Dr Nick from The Simpsons to defend you...we'll reduce the amount of time you have to sit out by three months. See you in December and chin up!


This is who is regulating our sport. Idiots.

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Nevada is supposed to be the 2nd or 3rd 'best' commission in the US.


NSAC: Right Mr Overeem, last time we asked you to take a drug test you skipped the country. You gave us a reason, but we never actually checked it out, despite it taking only a single phone call to verify. Anyway, because it was a little dodgy, we'll grant you a special licence for one fight.


Overeem: Thanks!


NSAC: But as part of the licence, you have to pass two surprise drug tests.


***Three months later***


NSAC: You failed the first surprise test spectacularly. Not only that, but when you were told about it you ran out of the building!


Overeem: I was trying to avoid being served court papers in public.


NSAC: Hmm. It's public knowledge that you were served before the press conference got under way. Those papers would be time-stamped, so we could prove that you're lying quite easily....nah, we'll just take your word for it.


Overeem: Thanks!


NSAC: Anyway, despite clearly breaking our rules and agreeing that it's your responsibility...oh, and bringing along Dr Nick from The Simpsons to defend you...we'll reduce the amount of time you have to sit out by three months. See you in December and chin up!


This is who is regulating our sport. Idiots.


Hey, at least it's not Texas. They would have just given him a TUE and been done with it.

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BH I did legit lol after reading some more into it then looking at your interpretation of the events. Dr. Nick lol.


Anyway. I know most of us want a clean pure sport. In my humble opinion, you can't ask a governing body of a sport to police itself. MMA commissions make money from MMA. Overeem draws money. This may be a narrow minded view of how the sport works on that level, but it's no different in any other sport from my point of view. Vince McMahon didn't give a crap about drug usage in his company until it started costing him money. I DESPISE government involvement and lawsuits in general, but maybe some people need to get sued or something. Maybe its the only way to make things right?





In other news, this:



I HATE HATE HATE the idea of a friggin mixed martial artist having to go to sensitivity training. He literally hurts people for a living. What on earth could a twitter follower of a UFC fighter honestly expect? It's the fighters' faults that their fanbase is too stupid to read and interpret what should be taken seriously and what shouldn't?


Look, if a political leader was dropping rape jokes, I'd understand an uproar. But an MMA fighter?? Really? Sensitivity training? Should we teach them hwo to sensitively punch their opponents in their heads until they are unconscious?


I wish UFC showed a bit more balls and were willing to separate themselves as a company from the talent they've paid to entertain their fans. I know they lost some money from the Bud sponsorship, but I wish more people would take a stand against this. If you are a free speech advocate you should be seriously concerned with stuff like this. We used to fear the infringement of free speech from the government. But now that corporations do it, we seem to all be ok with it.

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The only reason why they have sensitivity training is because they want to show they as a promotion is taking "action", but in reality, is shifting responsibility from themselves onto the fighters. People were recommending they have a policy or guidelines onto use to social media.


Besides, it is not illegal... hell, it is LEGAL for corporations to censor their own employees. It "permits" (hah!) control of possible breaches of internal information, and to "regulate" (hah!) their employees from improper speech under the corporation capacity. That's more or less of it.


And this is coming from a guy that thinks the UFC is far from the worst corporation in the world.

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Thing is, how far is enough? If someone uses a rape joke on a fox card, then the UFC would be paying for it a lot. People try and find a way to make MMA look bad, and UFC doesn't want to hand them a golden platter.


On note of sponser pulling out, I think it's plain stupid. I'd someone is watching a fight, they are more likly to grab a bud light because of the huge logo in the center or the commercial, heck even the bikinis during UFC 132.

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I HATE HATE HATE the idea of a friggin mixed martial artist having to go to sensitivity training. He literally hurts people for a living. What on earth could a twitter follower of a UFC fighter honestly expect? It's the fighters' faults that their fanbase is too stupid to read and interpret what should be taken seriously and what shouldn't?


Look, if a political leader was dropping rape jokes, I'd understand an uproar. But an MMA fighter?? Really? Sensitivity training? Should we teach them hwo to sensitively punch their opponents in their heads until they are unconscious?


The point is, if the UFC are willing to accept money from blue chip sponsors, they have to play by different rules. It doesn't matter if you're an MMA fighter or a ballet dancer...everyone employed by the UFC is now an ambassador for the Bud brand. If they're going to accept the money that comes along with that, then they have to accept the responsibility too.


This is the real world - if fighters want to tweet rape jokes, I'm sure they're more than welcome to while fighting infront of 200 people at a nightclub MMA event. If they want to fight on Fox infront of millions, be in videogames etc, then they can behave.

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Though I agree with that, I also think people need to grow some backbone. Some people use the slightest excuse to talk about racism or violence. Maybe they need to use the money to train people into acknowledging these messages for what they are: jokes.


If they would direct a message like that to me personally, and it vaguely looks like they mean it (something like "i'm gonna get you, you little sh*t!" :D), and I have in no way done anything to induce this, thèn I would probably be offended. But I don't see that happening. If it does, the fighter in question should indeed receive some training, not towards 'net etiquette', but towards moral values/behaviour in general.

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If anyone follows me on Twitter they might of already seen this...but for those who don't (and why don't you?) then I have a bit of news....


I've just been appointed match maker for Colosseum Sports, the brand behind CSMMA here in the UK. So basically I will now be playing WMMA3, but FOR REAL.


I'm coming for you Joe Silva, I'm coming for you....

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I've just been appointed match maker for Colosseum Sports, the brand behind CSMMA here in the UK. So basically I will now be playing WMMA3, but FOR REAL.


Just out of curiosity, is that Colosseum Sports in any way related to the company that does \ did the Colosseum Sports Home Videos for the WWF many years back?

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I saw it on twitter during one of my rare visits. Congrats.


Hmm, given you have a big budget, it shouldn't be too hard. I'd shortlist the big fighters like Silva, GSP and Jones, so you know when their contract runs out. If WMMA taught me anything, it's that you can get anyone as long as you get the money. :p


j/k. Have fun with it!


On a sidenote. Some women of no little fame will fight tomorrow on the Invicta Fighting Championship. It's supposed to be streamed live for free. As some of those women are reasonably well known (Coenen, Carmoushe, Young, D'Alelio, olympian Randy Miller, video game-featured Gutierrez, ...) I suppose their skill level is fair enough so it's watchable. Apart from the "Supa Fight.... Lèague" recently, I know of little 'significant' cards that are streamed live (if you want to call the women's matches significant of course; I know I do).

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Just out of curiosity, is that Colosseum Sports in any way related to the company that does \ did the Colosseum Sports Home Videos for the WWF many years back?


Ahh, that takes me back! And no, I don't think so. Colosseum Sports is a fairly new entity...this May show will be only their third, and they've only been managing fighters for a couple of years.

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I saw it on twitter during one of my rare visits. Congrats.


Hmm, given you have a big budget, it shouldn't be too hard. I'd shortlist the big fighters like Silva, GSP and Jones, so you know when their contract runs out. If WMMA taught me anything, it's that you can get anyone as long as you get the money. :p


j/k. Have fun with it!





Today has been a massive eye opener for me to be honest - fantasy matchmaking sounds great, but when you actually look at the dynamics of a card and factor in that you HAVE to have ticket sellers...it's not as easy as finding two guys who match up well with similar records.


I'm thinking of doing a video diary of sorts chronicling my experiences...will post it here if peeps are interested.

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If anyone follows me on Twitter they might of already seen this...but for those who don't (and why don't you?) then I have a bit of news....


I've just been appointed match maker for Colosseum Sports, the brand behind CSMMA here in the UK. So basically I will now be playing WMMA3, but FOR REAL.


I'm coming for you Joe Silva, I'm coming for you....


That's great news! Good luck!

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Today has been a massive eye opener for me to be honest - fantasy matchmaking sounds great, but when you actually look at the dynamics of a card and factor in that you HAVE to have ticket sellers...it's not as easy as finding two guys who match up well with similar records.


I'm thinking of doing a video diary of sorts chronicling my experiences...will post it here if peeps are interested.


I would love to see a vlog. Do you get to chose location?

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The point is, if the UFC are willing to accept money from blue chip sponsors, they have to play by different rules.


My problem is that these rules are even in place. It's just a free speech issue which bugs me. There's no reason for a fighter to have to be censored because they might hurt someone's feelings. It's ridiculous.


And me being a fan of the way UFC used be run when White and the Fertitta firsttook over it's kind of disappointing. They just ran that company completely differently than any major sports league in the world and I think it's gotten them where they are today.


I know White wants to keep big sponsors and wants to make money. But I feel like a few years ago we would have gotten an expletive laden rant telling off Budweiser rather than forced sensitivity training.


But that could just be me the fanboy.

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My problem is that these rules are even in place. It's just a free speech issue which bugs me. There's no reason for a fighter to have to be censored because they might hurt someone's feelings. It's ridiculous.


And me being a fan of the way UFC used be run when White and the Fertitta firsttook over it's kind of disappointing. They just ran that company completely differently than any major sports league in the world and I think it's gotten them where they are today.


I know White wants to keep big sponsors and wants to make money. But I feel like a few years ago we would have gotten an expletive laden rant telling off Budweiser rather than forced sensitivity training.


But that could just be me the fanboy.

There is no free speech within a corporation legally. If you get fired for saying against the companies' interest, unless it's a whistleblower (and even then, not all states), it's legal.

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I'm not talking about the legality of it. I'm fully aware it's within their legal rights to mandate sensitivity training.


It's a free speech issue because corporations are now telling you what your favorite fighters can and can not say to their fans. When I say "Corporations" I don't just mean UFC. I mean their sponsors, their broadcast partners, the whole nine.


I don't support any company telling me what's o.k. to listen to. I can handle a rape joke from a fighter. I'll live. Because I'm a free thinking adult. And if you are a parent and are worried about what your kids might think reading a rape joke on twitter, I do understand. But if you are that concerned maybe you should supervise your child's internet usage a little better and be mindful of who they follow. If I'm a concerned parent, I would use common sense and think that most fighters are going to be the type of guys who occasionally use salty language and say inappropriate things.

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I'm not talking about the legality of it. I'm fully aware it's within their legal rights to mandate sensitivity training.


It's a free speech issue because corporations are now telling you what your favorite fighters can and can not say to their fans. When I say "Corporations" I don't just mean UFC. I mean their sponsors, their broadcast partners, the whole nine.


I don't support any company telling me what's o.k. to listen to. I can handle a rape joke from a fighter. I'll live. Because I'm a free thinking adult. And if you are a parent and are worried about what your kids might think reading a rape joke on twitter, I do understand. But if you are that concerned maybe you should supervise your child's internet usage a little better and be mindful of who they follow. If I'm a concerned parent, I would use common sense and think that most fighters are going to be the type of guys who occasionally use salty language and say inappropriate things.

Technically, they aren't tell you who to listening to. They are lelling what fighters not to say under the employment of associated corporations. And you if really feel that strongly about it, you can always set up a boycott of the UFC and/or the sponsor for doing it. You want your way, you're going to have to work for it. How do you think the sponsor decided to do say something in the first place? Because enough people complained.

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Technically, they aren't tell you who to listening to. They are lelling what fighters not to say under the employment of associated corporations. And you if really feel that strongly about it, you can always set up a boycott of the UFC and/or the sponsor for doing it. You want your way, you're going to have to work for it. How do you think the sponsor decided to do say something in the first place? Because enough people complained.




I never said they're telling me who I can listen to. I said I don't like that sponsors are now putting enough pressure on the UFC that it effects fighters on a personal level. Their influence has an effect on the way a fighter can speak to his own fans.


I dont want to boycott the UFC because I care more about watching the best fighters in the world compete more than I do their rape jokes.


I also don't think it matters when we're talking about my point of view. Typically, these things happen because a special interest group puts pressure on companies that sponsor television and radio shows. A company like UFC would rather cave into this pressure because bad press can hurt their image in the public eye. Meanwhile, their hardcore fanbase generally are still going to support the product when an issue like this arises.


But there are examples of success when youd ont cave to the pressure of advertisers and special interest groups. Love him or hate him, Rush Limbaugh recently avoided extremely heavy pressure to be fired because his broadcast partners stuck by him. Comedy Central stuck by South Park when advertisers threatened to pull ads over the years (and they did), yet it's still one of the highest rated shows on cable television and brings in big bucks for the company.


I think sponsors have the right to pull their ads. It's their money. But when a company caves to this pressure like the UFC did, it only sets free speech ideas back further. They'll lose Bud and take the hit. But there's going to be other beer companies that are going to want to advertise with a product that is ass popular with key demographics as UFC is. Thats all I'm trying to say. No more, No less.

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Actually, you DID say it. But it's not surprising the UFC caved. When facing someone bigger than them, they choose not to fight. Remember, the UFC has always ran towards regulation.


I don't support any company telling me what's o.k. to listen to. I can handle a rape joke from a fighter. I'll live. Because I'm a free thinking adult. And if you are a parent and are worried about what your kids might think reading a rape joke on twitter, I do understand. But if you are that concerned maybe you should supervise your child's internet usage a little better and be mindful of who they follow. If I'm a concerned parent, I would use common sense and think that most fighters are going to be the type of guys who occasionally use salty language and say inappropriate things.

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Today has been a massive eye opener for me to be honest - fantasy matchmaking sounds great, but when you actually look at the dynamics of a card and factor in that you HAVE to have ticket sellers...it's not as easy as finding two guys who match up well with similar records.


I'm thinking of doing a video diary of sorts chronicling my experiences...will post it here if peeps are interested.


Dealing with managers, contract language, taxes, airfare, ticket comping, hotel reservations, then having half of your fighters tell you he doesn't want to fight Fighter type X, R, T, Z, and RX... Then they get hurt 10 days before your event; pull out... Or worse they take a better offer from Cage Warriors or UCMMA... Congrats, this is your new life! :D

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Amp, I like you and I think you generally know what you're talking about. You're a good poster, but you're misrepresenting my point unnecessarily.



You changed what I said


Technically, they aren't tell you who to [be] listening to.




I don't support any company telling me what's o.k. to listen to. I can handle a rape joke from a fighter.



There is a difference in these two statements. I dont want a sponsor like Budweiser determining what is and isn't o.k. to listen to. I rather enjoy reading unfiltered thoughts and opinions. Even if it offends me sometimes.


Whereas when you claimed that I said I was worried about them telling me WHO to listen to, as if I feel they'll be determining who can and cannot post their thoughts in social media. It's a darker, more over-the-top point of view on the point which is why I took issue with you. That's why I said "I never said..." because I didn't. You changed what I said, unnecessarily because you made good points.


Either way they are a mixed martial arts company. It seems silly to me that their fans can handle watching their talent punish each other physically yet their words are hurting feeling. The only redeeming quality I can see in any of this, is maybe it's just UFC covering their asses with the big sponsors. This way, if a fighter makes an "insensitive" remark, the UFC as a company can put full ownership of said comment on the fighter and not on the company. I may be overreacting here. I just don't like it when free speech is attacked. It's one thing when people are arguing. It's another thing when jobs are on the line because you might hurt someones feelings.

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