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QAW Forever: The revolution WILL be televised

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In 2008, events were set into motion that would eventually lead to a revolution of sorts. It is said that every fire starts with a single spark and in this instance, the old adage holds true. That spark, in this wise, was a film, a documentary of all things, called 'The Total Package – Women of Wrestling'. The title, dripping with ego (really, women being the total package?), was just provocative enough to garner passing interest, but the writing, ahh, the writing was superb. The world is now at least vaguely familiar with the names Veronica Bedford, Marcy Stuyvesant, and Melanie Florence. While I cannot take full credit for the film's success, I can say I had a part in it. For a film that cost $65 million dollars to produce and grossed $206 million at the box office ($419 million overall, counting DVD sales, broadcast rights, and licensing), it was a business decision only one person could (or would) make.


I am that person.


I green lighted 'TTP'. I signed off on its budget. I own the studio that produced the film. I set those events in motion. But lest you believe me to be some egotistical self-important cad, I will add that I did not do it alone. Nay, I didn't even do the heavy lifting. You see, I approached many people with the ideas I had. I was often patronized and waved off as a dreamer. I was even insulted on one occasion. But there were a handful of people who saw my passion, saw my heart and my fervor, and who, in turn, chose to cast their lot with me. Not all of them had altruistic motives, however. I've spent more than enough time engaged in the cutthroat world of business to believe otherwise. In fact, it has been said on more than one occasion that I have profited from the misery of others. I have been accused of using blood money to finance this venture. In the interest of full disclosure, I will admit to having made millions (perhaps billions, I've never counted) short-selling the stock of several formerly prominent financial institutions. Financial institutions who provided mortgages to people who could not afford them, in an effort to fuel a scheme that proved untenable. I make no apologies for seeing the obvious and profiting when the truth came to light. However, it was passion, not purely financial wherewithal, that piqued the interest of a handful of visionaries.




Victoria Stone, legendary women's wrestler, only daughter of the father of Canadian wrestling, accomplished wrestling promoter and booker, and now, sole owner of the company her father started, North of the Border Pro Wrestling or NOTBPW. I approached her with great trepidation. I guess you would have to be a fan of wrestling in general (not just the tripe SWF produces) to know just how big the Stone family is. Besides producing some of the world's greatest in-ring talents, the family has built arguably one of the three largest promotions in North America, without leaving Canada. However, I knew that Dan Sr. had created a women's division primarily to give his little girl a place to showcase her talent (while staying at home). I also knew that Victoria was tireless in her desire to elevate the status of said division, especially after her retirement from active competition. She was the first to join me in my crusade, and has reaped significant benefits as a result. “The Reluctant Icon” has seen her image grace the covers of publications ranging from PEOPLE to Vanity Fair to Inc. The recent story in Vanity Fair entitled 'The First Family of Wrestling', while drawing the ire of one Richard Eisen, became the most talked about cover in recent memory (featuring Victoria, her husband Sean, daughter Lucy, father Dan Sr,...and all her brothers) and propelled the issue to the title of best selling magazine of the 21st century.




Sam Strong, perhaps the most recognizable professional wrestler in history. Nowadays, he plies his time as owner of United States Pro Wrestling, featuring a family friendly product seemingly ripped from the mid-1980s. Sam Strong, while a savvy businessman who rarely strays from his strengths, is a father. Like most fathers, and Dan Stone in particular, he wants what's best for his little girl. To that end, he followed the lead of the senior Stone and started a women's division in his promotion, to showcase the abilities of his daughter, Alicia. Sparing no expense when she expressed an interest in wrestling professionally, he sent her to train under the greatest women's wrestler of all time, Sensational Ogiwara. As the Sensational One will readily admit, it didn't take much work as young Alicia was a prodigy and capable in every conceivable way. When I approached Sam, I did so appealing to his paternal instincts and desires. It wasn't a tough sell and he signed on immediately, with one condition. He wanted his Alicia featured in the documentary, which we were all too willing to do. As one of the best workers of this generation, it would only make sense. Since then, Alicia has gone on to exceed her father's greatest dreams, filling arenas and appearing in movies and commercials for a slew of companies eager to attach their logos to anything and everything USPW.




Sakurako Kagawa, known in some circles as The Lizard Queen, carved a niche in her native Japan that left her competitors bankrupt. As the owner of the most prominent women's promotion (5 Star Supreme Wrestling or 5SSW) in the most storied wrestling area in the world, her accomplishments speak for themselves. A promising young wrestler in her own right before an arm injury put the kibosh on her in-ring career, Kagawa was key for me. Luckily, she saw the writing on the wall and knew that the losses of Ogiwara and Hike could devastate her business. She saw how an upswing in interest could help mitigate those future losses and help her develop another generation of headliners. While they did take a hit when Nana and Tara retired, it wasn't quite as bad as it could have been. The emergence of the long simmering rivalry between DEVIL Karube and former friend & tag partner Yuma Maruya helped lots, along with my pledge to assist her in furthering the development of some of her erstwhile stars. To that end, we share three workers, with the possibility of more in the future.




Byron, perhaps the most surprising person on the list, has often been dismissed as a factor due to his looks. But unbeknownst to many, it would appear, he is quite the savvy businessman. In the wake of the collapse of Ultimate Combat Ring, it was Byron who saw the potential for a similar promotion to fill the void. It was Byron who started said promotion (European Wrestling All-Stars, or EWA) and Byron who carried it on his back to levels of success surpassing that of the competing new promotion, Ultimate European Wrestling. However, again in the interest of full disclosure, it was I who arranged for their television contract.




My Cat, Catherine Quine. One of the most recognizable women's wrestlers in the world, as head booker and star of Angel Athletic Association (to some, the only women's promotion in America prior to our debut), she earned my respect years ago for her creativity and in-ring prowess. She earned my admiration by her actions following my presentation to (and subsequent insulting by) AAA owner Anne Stardust. The aftermath of that confrontation led to her firing and the departure of several of the promotion's bigger names. However, it was her vision for a new promotion that hooked me. What's more, it was her choice of booker for said promotion that really showed how well she knew her people. While that new promotion, aptly named Ladies Fighting Championship or LFC, is still new, it is revolutionary in its schedule (touring the United States, with four shows a week and three tours of three month duration per year), and its product represents everything Cat wanted AAA to be but wasn't allowed to actually create.


And finally....




Honey Golightly, the owner of erstwhile “wrestling” promotion Babes of Sin City. Based in Las Vegas, there was much glitz and glamor that came part and parcel of a BSC show. Far be it from me to fail to mention, there was also a lot of skin that came part and parcel of a BSC show. However, Honey saw the writing on the wall and felt changes were needed to take her little venture to the proverbial next level. But these weren't changes she could really afford to make while still running in the black. To that end, she signed on to sell me a controlling interest in her promotion but insisted on a lifetime contract and total control over the promotion. In turn, I countered with a demand for a change of head booker since I believed Marilyn Stardust was not the person to take the promotion higher. It was no slight to Marilyn, who I respect greatly as a fount of wrestling and down home wisdom, but the promotion needed to move away from her area of strength. We agreed on Jen Neptune, who we both agreed is a creative mind and nimble enough in her thinking to take full advantage of BSC's strengths. Granted, my motives weren't altogether altruistic either since I had plans for her sister Kathy, but by the twins' own admission, Jen is the more creative of the two.


Every movement needs leaders and every revolution needs catalysts. My first six embody that mantra. But every revolution also needs an army and I'd pit mine against any of history's best and feel good about our chances.....

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My army was assembled far more quickly than I anticipated or planned for. Surprised? No one keeps a standing army at full strength unless war is brewing. No, my army is composed both of hardened veterans seeking their due and new recruits who hunger for the opportunity to prove their worth. All will have their mettle tested, their resolve ignited within the flames of the soulforge. But in the end, all will be vindicated and will punish those shortsighted enough to dismiss them out of hand.


This movement is predicated on equality. The overriding question asked should be 'why?'. Why can women not perform as well as their male counterparts? Why can women not accomplish things that men do and have? Is it due to lack of talent...or lack of opportunity? I believe it to be the latter and will set out to prove it as perhaps the only organization built and designed to provide opportunities heretofore never given to the fairer sex. I will accomplish this goal utilizing a product that holds traditional wrestling with a modern bent with mainstream appeal as key to our strategy. Beyond that, we will also employ medium levels of daredevil tactics, lucha libre concepts, and stoic realism to delight our fanbase.




Credit: Kamchatka

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November 26th, 2009 – Markham, Ontario, Canada


No. Just....no.






I came here to secure the services of one particularly promising young worker. I knew it would be difficult because she's young and her father is notoriously stubborn. But most of my recruits are young and this one, well, this one has chops.


Why not? Are you going to relegate her to working for someplace like Triple-A or bouncing around the indies or worse, becoming a valet for some nobody with less talent between the ropes than she has?




Why wouldn't I be interested? She's talented but more than that, she's intelligent, tenacious, and one helluva hard worker. Just like her pa.


Flattery won't get you....


It's only flattery if it's not true. Besides, she's beautiful too but I wouldn't attribute that to her pa.


Finally a smile out of the grizzled vet. “Naw, that's all her mom, that. Stubborn like her ma too.


Um, I can't imagine her getting that trait from anyone but you....


You haven't met my wife.”, he says with a chuckle.


Daddy?”, a voice says hesitantly. “I want to do this. Tayla's going....


Tayla is 18 years old, an adult. You....


Ah, I think a misunderstanding's been made here.


What're you on about, ey?


You see, I didn't come here for her....


What? But you said...


No, I came here....for both of you.




I came for both of you. Y'see, you both have skills I have use for. So, I came here with the intention of signing both of you up.


So you want to try to pay me off so you can have my girl?


Absolutely not! You're going to work too, just not necessarily in the ring. Look, you've been in this business a long, long, long, long...


Enough already, I get the picture...


...long time. Your experience is invaluable. You know how to structure a match, how to work the stick, how to interact with crowds. All of those things are valuable to me, especially if you can teach them to others, which you've proven you can.


Okay, but I want some kind of creative control.


Never happen. Think about it. We have people who have been in this business 10 years. Put yourself in their shoes for a minute. They've been toiling, trying to work their way up and some rookie....


...comes in and is handed the most valuable contract clause in the business. Yeah, I've seen that happen. It's bull****.


I can't promise you CC but I will run things by you before they happen to get your take. How's that?


Close enough. Alright, assuming the numbers match up, you've got a deal. And I want college for her.


You are a very wise man....


...Eric Tyler.



Okay, I think I missed something. Does this mean I can go?


Yeah, this means we're going to, what is it, Houston, once the paperwork is completed.


YES! THANK YOU, DA! I gotta tell Tay! We've gotta get outfits and gimmicks and a name...


Yes and no and no. The outfits are all on you. We do have a designer inhouse for you to work with. But your gimmick and name, I had an idea for. How about....


* * *

November 29, 2009 - the Greentree section of Pittsburgh, PA



Yeah, I know. Wife says summat about wings spreading and flying and leaving the nest and stuff...yeah, I understand. But if you're goin' too, I feel a lot better about things. Hey, you hear about their gimmick? I didn't realize you and me were so big, ha! Yeah, look I really appreciate it. You taught her real good and I'll definitely be watchin'.


Just then, a young woman walks in seemingly talking to herself. “I like it too! I mean, I hope I don't freeze up on television. That would be so uncool. I know, right? Dad's takin' me to the airport now, B. I'll see ya in a bit.


I will never get used to that greenthumb thing....


Dad, it's Bluetooth, not green thumb.


Yeah, whatever. Just don't like to see people talkin' to theyself. You all packed up?


Yep! Just this one here.


One bag? You plannin' to be back here next weekend? Where're your clothes?


Well, we were told we'd be fitted for new gear by the wardrobe department so I can leave my gear here. Besides, we'll have our own place soon so if I need anything, I know how to find the mall!


Don't I know it! Which terminal are we goin' to?




Never heard o' that airline....


Private jet, Dad. It's not commercial.


Wait, so now you're some kinna limousine riding, jet flyin'....


Dad, that is SO old school!


Okay okay, but what about yur gimmick? You okay wit it?


Are you kidding? I LOVE IT! “The American Dream” Tayla Martin, has such an awesome ring to it!


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Mission Viejo, CA – October 2009



I came here ostensibly to catch a show I probably would have otherwise missed. However, my eyes and ears and everywhere and one of them told me I should stick around and have a word with a worker who played a part in the show last night. So here I am, in one of those cramped, stuffy spaces so beloved by independent promotions. Affectionately known as The Snake Pit, it's almost a headquarters for Coastal Zone Championship Wrestling. My information leads me to believe my contact often works as a trainer at the promotion's school, known in wrestling circles as the Coastal Resort (ironic name, that).



Bird Man! Can I holla at you a sec?






As the young man turns to look at me, shakes his head and looks again before turning to walk toward me, I can't help but see a resemblance between his actions and that of a pigeon. I shake off the image, as amusing as it is, and concentrate on the task at hand. Matt Sparrow, beloved by the IWC as one of the first blogging pro wrestlers as well as a pretty solid in-ring competitor, is my target. I was told he has somewhat of a secret that I might be able to get him to divulge.



You? What're you doing here? You're starting that new promot....ohhhh.



Nodding, I cut to the chase. “I'm told you might be able to help me in that respect?



I dunno. I mean, word is you have people like J.Ro and Brazzle and Mexi and Grace and Cat Quine. I can't help you with folks like that.



Rome wasn't built in a day. From what I hear, you have a talent on your hands who could eventually be on that level. The people you mention have, at most, ten years left performing at their peak level. My plans go well beyond that time frame.



Yeah, and learning from those girls would definitely help a lot. Okay, lemme call her and set something up. Tomorrow okay?



Tomorrow's fine. I have a few people with me she can work with. I'm at the Ivy downtown. There's a gym close by that we're using. I'll send you the location.



The next day saw another piece to the puzzle fall right into place. Not only did I find another young worker to develop, but I noticed an epic program developing right before my very eyes.



Matt, you say she was your manager?



Erm, “manager” is a bit much. She was more of a valet. I mean, look at her. If her mic work matched her looks, she'd be Emma Chase.






The worker in question, Martina Baker, was indeed a looker. With a striking resemblance to an old matinee idol, she went with that and earned a passable living as an impersonator. And while she didn't tear down the house with her ring work, she seemed to listen and improve every time she was given advice by those she was working with. Indeed, she seemed to definitely 'click' with the worker she was paired up with.






Granted, it's hard to look bad when you're in the ring with a young prodigy like Megumi Nakajima, but it was more than that. In fact, Meg would tell me later “We do good together” in her rapidly improving but still halting English. I got the same impression watching them. I bounced an idea off the four of them which overwhelmed Martina but got a unanimous thumbs up from the veterans. Once the names were figured out, I had a new tag team AND what could possibly be one of the hottest programs in my yet-to-start promotion...in a few years.



The Crush Gals











Seek & Destroy




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  • 2 weeks later...

Miami Beach, Florida - September 2009


6am and I'm on a plane after hours of watching audition/scouting footage of prospective workers. Why am I on a plane? Because a woman hit my cellphone with one phrase: "I want you to see someone". But it wasn't just any woman:




When my Cat says that, I'm on the first thing smokin'. She's been spending the days since the LFC announcement unearthing young talent to fill her roster. When she first decided on Miami, I gave her the use of my house on the water. I'm rarely in town and when I am, I prefer to stay at my Dad's old place in Opa-Locka. Besides, the shore place is such a high gloss design, it fits Cat and projects an image I think would be beneficial (perception being reality and all). Renowned as a promoter and marketer, Cat has already made the rounds of local radio and I hear there's a spread in South Beach Design magazine revolving around her and the house. This, is good.


I get to the gym and even at 10am, the place is a hive of activity. There are two rings set up, nicely spaced. In one rather worn looking ring, a man in full gear is holding court, giving instructions to six women. He sees me come in, tells them something, and leaves the ring, walking toward me. The women immediately burst into motion, apparently practicing the 'slide out of the ring and land on your feet' surprise spot.




"Natch! Fancy meeting you here," I said with a smirk.


"Yeah right, a chance to rehab on the beach and help my girl at the same time? Let's see, Halifax or Miami Beach, boy that's a toughie, ey?"


"Speaking of which, how is rehab coming along?"


"Almost 100%. I go back next week. Sean was here few days ago, I'm workin' my return program with 'im. 'Course, I think he just wanted an excuse to hit the beach."


"Can you blame him? Now, what do you know about the girl Cat wants me to see?"


"Girl? Ah Remi, you'll learn soon enough. She wouldn't call you out here for just one girl."


* * *


The Cat makes her entrance surrounded by young girls who she is seemingly explaining match psychology and method to. Just for fun, I shout "Hey booker lady, I have a problem with my push." Reflexively, she turns and starts in on what must be a speech she's made several times already. I interrupt her midstream and say, "I wasn't talking to you. I was talking to her", pointing at another young woman, smartly dressed in a crushed linen pantsuit.




This gets a wide grin from Sara Marie York while Cat blinks twice and smirks.


"Bastard. Come on, I want you to meet some of my girls...", to which "The Natural" Damian Carville nodded in my direction when I glanced over at him.


* * *


"You signed an announcer?"


"I heard her on one of the smaller stations here and I knew. I just knew. She was the intern for some wannabe shock jock, and often the butt of his jokes, sometimes literally. But she's beautiful and she's definitely got talent so I brought her in. You'll see. We'll do an exhibition match and you can do color with her. Seemi, get your gear on."




"It's the name Lucy gave to Sara Marie at the photo shoot. Just kinda stuck."


"I see."


Formal introductions were made while Seemi changed and as I met everyone, there was one woman I vaguely recognized. Seemi came out and two of the girls joined her and Cat as they went over match strategy before they were joined by another young woman who had donned a referee shirt. I sat down at the desk where I was joined by a rather stunning blond with distinctive latin features.


"Hi, I'm Mallory. I work face," she said, with a distinctive Spanish lilt I tried to place. Dominican? Cuban? Shaking myself out of my reverie, I responded, "Okay, I'll work heel."




Mallory Perkins Remianen


http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/CatherineQuine-1.jpghttp://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/DiamondSteel.jpg vs http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/SaraMarieYork_alt.jpghttp://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/ElyssaAnderson.jpg

Catherine Quine & Diamond Steel vs Sara Marie York & Elyssa Anderson


Following a quite spirited exhibition, I came away having learned a few things. First, Cat & Seemi can make anyone look really good. Second, Elyssa Anderson, while raw, is going to be huge if we handle her right. And right now, she's in great hands. Third, Diamond fits Cat's nouveau sports entertainment product perhaps a bit too well. I may not be able to call her up. But that three point stance finisher could only work in a sports entertainment promotion. She'd need something like a sheer drop brainbuster in the Q. And last but not least, LFC is going to make us a whole lotta money. It's the perfect simple alternative to the big promotion, with just enough of an edge (and far younger and more promising workers) to make AAA look like just what it is, old fashioned and tired. Oh, and that Mallory has a future (and not just behind her). Give her a year to get comfortable and she could be working alongside Stacy.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Methinks I'm going to like where this is going....


Methinks yer not alone. I'm digging the fact that the character I struggled quite possibly the most with is getting such early love as well. I'm very much looking forward to seeing how Martina holds up to being "sought and destroyed." Naturally, I have my fingers crossed for her.

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An Interview with Anne Stardust

AAA owner blasts defectors, QAW


In an interview with the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, AAA owner Anne Stardust opens fire with both barrels at multiple targets including former booker Catherine Quine, Joanne Rodriguez, Suzanne Brazzle, Grace Harper, and Jaime Quine, NOTBPW owner Victoria Stone, as well as taking multiple shots at soon to open QAW and its assumed owner, Remianen Valorian. An excerpt, after the jump...


SP-I: Given the relatively high profile split between you and former booker and main event stalwart Catherine Quine, it appears AAA has slowed down somewhat. Reports indicate attendance is down....


AS: Those reports are pure fiction. Our attendances have been the same as they were previously. We still sell out the arenas on a monthly basis. Despite what the turncoats might have you believe, AAA has always been focused on promoting from within. This just gives us an opportunity to do what we've always done. You must remember, Catherine Quine was a rookie here at one time before she rose to her previous heights and then fell to the depth she currently resides in.


SP-I: Depth? It would seem Ms Quine has risen higher than she had previously, being the owner of a new promotion with seemingly endless resources.


AS: She's a puppet. Always has been, always will be. She did what I told her to do before and now, she does what some snake oil salesman tells her to do. That, in short, is Cat.


SP-I: You mentioned AAA has always promoted from within. How do you intend to do that when, among the workers who departed, were seemingly most of the young talent you had been developing? Women like Missy Masterson and Wendy Anderson and Jaime Quine and the former Katherine Goodlooks, as well as recent signee Zoe Ammis?


AS: This business has always been full of transient workers. This is no different. Some workers will chase empty promises to their miserable end, just like every other segment of the entertainment industry. The workers that remain are those who are intelligent and astute, who realize that what sounds too good to be true, always is.


SP-I: According to several sources, it seems AAA has been slow to respond to the increased interest in women's wrestling. Is that true and how do you plan to capitalize on this phenomena?


AS: I agree with Richard Eisen. This uptick in interest is temporary. As he said, by this time next year, no one will be talking about women's wrestling like they are now. The Stones will return to the frozen north, where people actually care about them. Sam Strong's daughter will stop exposing herself in music videos. And people will wonder what happened to the flash in the pan that was supposed to lead a revolution. So what good would it do us to try to hitch our wagon to a falling star? We will do what we have always done: entertain our fans with the best women's wrestling entertainment in North America.


SP-I: Can you address the rumors swirling about a possible promotional war developing between AAA and the new QAW promotion?


AS: In order to have a war, you must have at least two participants who are somewhat equal. This new promotion hasn't yet proven anything. AAA has a long, storied history of excellence. The new promotion hasn't even held an event yet. All they have is hype, they haven't proven anything.


SP-I: Well, that may be true. But all indications point to the new, unproven promotion securing broadcast contracts from all over the world. Has AAA ever moved into the television arena?


AS: TV is good for promotions large enough to support it. However, at our current size, television would be far too costly a venture to pursue. I would say television with such a concentrated fanbase would be a swift road to ruin. This is one reason why I believe the new promotion won't last very long.


SP-I: Any final words?


AS: Yes. I would like to thank the Angel Athletic fans for their support during this trying and uncertain time. I would also like to assure them that unlike those who wish to pass off brothel workers as wrestlers or wish to promote the Over the Hill Gang as some kind of "new" thing, Angel Athletic will continue to produce shows they can be proud of. Our product is family friendly and we welcome fans of all ages to attend, as our workers are, as always, fine role models for our children, boys and girls. Don't be fooled: AAA are the initials of the premier women's wrestling entertainment promotion in North America.


SP-I: Thank you for your time, Ms Stardust.



Shortly after the above interview was published, a statement was released by Queens of American Wrestling:


"It is unfortunate that the standard bearer for women's wrestling in North America has chosen to sully its image by making unprovoked attacks on QAW in the press. At this time, we have chosen not to respond directly to these malicious and libelous remarks and instead, let the quality of our shows do the talking for us.


However, legal recourse on behalf of, and in conjunction with, our aggrieved contracted talent and subsidiary entities who were slandered in the article, is still under consideration."

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Kentish Town, London, England



The young woman awoke with a start at a subdued bark. Noticing she now had an audience of one as she let her various aches drain away into the warm embrace of her jetted bathtub, she shot an inquisitive glance at her intruder. Benny, the purebred Beagle pup, barely three months old now, a gift from her benefactor, gave a more forceful bark, spun around twice, and headed across the room to the bedroom.


You always get your way, don't you?” the young woman muttered as she lifted her svelte figure from the tub, shutting off the jets as she left the soothing embrace of the water. Grabbing a towel to dry off, she made a face into the mirror as she looked at her close cropped raven hair. Another bark is followed seconds later by the phone ringing.


Leaving the bathroom, she asks, "Caller?", to which a neutral male voice replies, "Maribelle Office". Sighing, the young woman responds, "Answer call".


"He's here." is piped through the flat's sound system before the connection is abruptly ended. Nodding down at Benny, she headed to her bedroom to get dressed. On the way, Laura "Miss Information" McKenna wondered if her mentor, the aptly named British Samurai, ever got nervous before meeting his primary investors. Smiling inwardly, she dismissed the thought. Robert Brown had never had anyone invest as much in him and his dream as her benefactor had invested in hers.


* * *


Hours later, in the conference room of the appropriately named CWS Center, a former card parlor converted into a venue for wrestling, the post-show recap was being done. The young woman sat antsy as, while the show came off excellently with the audience, one member of said audience's opinion was far more valued. Her fledgling Catch Wrestling Society's very existence was as a result of his actions and investment and it was a fact she was keenly aware of.


"I like what you've done with the roster."


Nodding, she looked around the room at her assembled staff.



Jeanette Reinhardt, former wrestler turned backstage maven. Introduced a year ago, she had grown to be a trusted confidante and one helluva booker with an uncanny ability to create matches and matchups that far exceed expectation.


Vera "Alpha Female" Grimm, the worker who took a rookie Laura McKenna under her wing and protected her from the typical backstage backbiting all those years ago in UCR. While rapidly approaching the end of her in-ring career, Vera's insight and in-ring wisdom has been invaluable in these early days.


Carol Singer, an Aussie worker whose in-ring gifts had not been fully realized until she spent several months working with the likes of the Magic Three and other members of the QAW roster. While ostensibly awaiting a call up to the parent promotion, she has embraced her role as a trainer for the young, green, but unmistakably talented members of the CWS roster.


Eva Berlin, the multitalented German export who cultivates a rough exterior that belies her generous nature. Recently frustrated by her inability to teach the young girls how to work stiffer, should the need to do so arise, her training methods have been a revelation.


"Speedy" Marie Chambord is a unique case. Her reputation as a locker room cancer left her on the outside looking in when UCR closed and UEW and EWA opened. But that was a front, maintained to protect her from being hurt by betrayals so common in this business. When called and advised of terms, she was more than willing to sign on and be herself.


"Thank you. We've definitely been able to put on some excellent shows so far."


"I'm curious about some of your choices. There are some that I'm going to have a lot of difficulty keeping down here. Tell me about Victoria Lancaster."


"Funny story, that. When word got out that I was starting a promotion, Samurai told me that someone was trying to reach me. Imagine my surprise when Donny Damage of all people, turned out to be that person. He said he was training someone named Vic and wanted me to come and see. I tried to bugger off but my curiosity got the best of me. I go into his sweaty gym and find out that 'Vic' was 'Victoria'! I thought it was a bloke he was talkin' about!"


Jeanette pipes up with, "She can do it all, though she prefers to keep it on the ground. No surprise, that, given her trainer."


"True, true. So, what's this I hear about Indigo Rose?"


"She doesn't fly."


"What? Of course she does! She does that moons....ohhhh, that."


"Aerophobic. Doesn't like planes."


"That restricts us to April for any possible callup."




"Repositioning season. It's when the cruise ships that ply the Isles and Mediterranean during the winter, move back to North America. The smaller ones go through the Canal to Alaska while the megaships do the Caribbean for the summer then Canada and Bermuda for the fall."


"Heh," Vera chuckles. "Long way to go before she's ready for the big show."


"You are correct, Frau Grimm. She shows promise but she's still got a ways to go yet. Hopefully you ladies can accelerate the process somewhat?"


"Not too much. It would appear the mother promotion's roster is full to bursting, no?"


*sighs* "This is true. But I figure anyone we call up will spend a few months on Livewire, becoming familiar with the fans. What about Janet Grey?"


"Excellent prospect. She's my personal project. Still really green and absolutely terrified of a microphone, but she'll get better."


"And Isabella Lambert? She looks really good! I'm hopin' I'll have something good to tell the Lambertis when the San Gennaro festival rolls around."


"Here's the thing with Bella. She's good and she knows it. Solid in the ring and magic on the mic. But more than that, she acts like she's always got something to prove. Her work ethic is off the charts."


"She needs to learn how to work in a more controlled manner though. Sometimes, she'll be so focused on the next sequence in the script that she'll no sell without intending to."


"No worries. She'll be here a while. I'm thinking of her and Rose as a tag team, at least temporarily. They're both Italian, right?"




"No worries, Laura. You've got quite the operation here. I'll let you know that the first worker I call up from you will be Thea. But now, I need the full rundown on the Irish lass....."



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"Told you."


"Not this again..."


"I did though."


"Look Jimmy, I appreciate your encouragement but you don't have to keep reminding me."


"It's funny..."


"What is?"


"How things turned out. Who would've guessed you would stop being stubborn at just the time women's wrestling got popular?"


"Yeah, that is kinda funny. I just figured it was a way to beat up on my big brother."


"*laughs* It happened ONE TIME."


"I gave in and listened to you ONE TIME and how many times have I been reminded of it?"


"Well played. So when are you coming out?"


"Um, that's what I wanted to tell you. I hope you won't be mad."


"Well? Spill it!"


"I, um, I kinda made the main roster."


"Are you serious?"


"Look Jimmy, I didn't...."




"...mean to, what?"


"You're gonna be on TV all over the world, girl! That's great!"


"I...but....you're not upset?"


"Mini pie, I'm not one of your friends to get jealous over anything good that happens to you. I'm your brother. Remember back in Jozi when we were coming up, we always dreamed of getting on the tele? You always thought you would get there by singing and dancing and I wanted to be the next Rip Chord, because Sam Strong was weak. Now things have changed but you got there!"


"Thanks, Jimmy. I dunno why I thought you'd be mad at me."


"Probably for the same reason I thought you'd get sent down for development. I guess I only think of lady wrestlers as those types who can't wrestle but look great in a bikini. Like the bird in EWA. Ann something?"


"Anna Ki. I've met her. And I'll have you know I look awesome in a bikini, thank you very much. You'll see!"


"Ugh, I'd rather not. I hope they plan to let you actually wrestle."


"Meh, if Ogiwara and Hike had their way, that's all we'd be doing. I'm sore just from thinkin' about it."


"Good, good. Look, I gotta go here soon, have to get to the arena for the show. Samurai's a nice enough chap, a bit stern, and he runs a tight ship. We have to be onsite three hours before the show starts."


"Yeah, our first show isn't for a few weeks yet but I'm hearing we have rules like that too. No drugs, no smoking, no alcohol, have to be in the arena three hours before the show and stay til the end. I don't think it'll be so bad though since the massage line'll probably be long."


"Massage line? You guys get massages?"


"Yep, this place is first class. Much better than the places we've worked before. Hot & cold jacuzzi tubs, massages, chiropractor and a couple other doctors (I think one's a muscle doctor), sauna. They finished the first arena a couple weeks ago, ahead of schedule. That place is a dream!"


"I'll come out and see it sometime. But right now, I gotta get on the road. I'll call you tomorrow, Mini pie. And make sure you don't embarrass us on TV!"


"No promises, Jimmy. I'm scared to death! But you have a good show, and make sure you WIN!"




And with that, the young woman named Carmella Griffin, put down her cell phone and pondered what her brother James, perhaps better known (or not) as Gob Narfi, had said. She recalled singing and dancing in the mirror, running around the dirt roads of her neighborhood on the outskirts of Johannesburg in her native South Africa, and dreaming of stardom. Well, now she had her chance and she was intent to take full advantage of it.


Pulling the folder from Creative toward her, she went over the details of her character, Lady Caramel. She wondered if it was customary for promotions to actually ask workers for input and feedback on their characters. She had never heard of it but then again, she had never worked in any venues that even approached the size of the arena she was expected to perform in. She tried to imagine what it would feel like to be in front of a crowd in there. No need to imagine, she'd know for sure within a few weeks.


Grabbing her earbuds, she started to go through the suggestions for her entrance music (just as the very idea of her having her own entrance music hit her), singing along to the song:


"You can say I'm Plain Jane, but it's not the same...."

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The wait is almost over.


On the final day of November, before the end of a decade, bear witness to the birth of a revolution.


The seed planted over two years ago, finally bears its fruit.


On Sunday, Week 4 November 2009, from the new QAW Arena in Houston, Texas, Queens of American Wrestling, in association with Ladies Fighting Championship, Catch Wrestling Society, Lucha Libre Extreme, Babes of Sin City, Women of Texas Wrestling, Canadian Women's Wrestling Federation, WINNOW: Japanese Women's Wrestling, and Perth Wrestling Commission is proud to bring you....





LIVE on Pay Per View! Call your cable or satellite provider to order!

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"I'm afraid that after this show, I'll have to sever our relationship."


For once taken aback, but not totally surprised, I had to confirm my suspicions, "And why is that?"




The inimitable Sam Strong, nothing if not an astute businessman, probably had issues he wasn't exactly comfortable with driving this decision.


"Listen brother, this isn't something I just woke up and decided to do. But I have a locker room festering with jealousy and envy that I have to consider. My little girl means the world to me, but there are too many people who think the women's division is the only part of our product that's being promoted."


"Ah, so "the boys" are upset that the little ladies are gettin' some shine, eh? Well Sam, I know I can't change your mind. But do keep in mind that Alicia is popular enough to carry your entire promotion on her back. That's not even mentioning how skilled she is in the ring. The downside of that is she's also popular, beautiful, and talented enough to be highly sought after in other areas of entertainment. Should she decide to take a sabbatical from wrestling to, oh I dunno, go film a movie, you're going to need "names" to come in to fill the void until you bring Belle or Sheri up to stand in for her."


"I know what you're implying brother, and I know all that. I'm close to retiring and Alicia knows that so she knows her window of opportunity to do other things is rapidly closing. It's no secret I'm going to hand the reins of USPW to her when I go. And if she wants to reinstate the agreement, I hope you won't hold my decision against her."


"I don't hold grudges...."


Sam snorts.


"...much. I certainly hold no ill will towards you or Alicia. I understand. You have a powder keg of egos in your locker room. This has to be done to keep the peace, or some semblance of such. I get that. I can only hope that after our launch event, you go to bed every night regretting this decision."


"Brother, I think I started regretting it around the same time I decided to go through with it. Those girls work their asses off, and never complain. They work cheap too, relatively speaking."


* * *


"Have you seen these numbers???"


I couldn't help but groan as my office door swung open and through it waltzed Kenneth Biederman III from Accounting.


"I signed off on them, didn't I?", I replied with more than a little bit of an edge in my voice. That gave him pause and it was obvious he spent a few moments considering his response.


"I...I just wondered if they were correct, you see. I understand this is a passion of yours. I too can be passionate about certain things..."




"Well, bird watching for one. I enjoy that a great deal. Table tennis is another. And I tend to work up quite a sweat playing badminton, which I enjoy as well..."


Trying desperately not to roll my eyes, I make a hand gesture beckoning him to continue.


"I have to ask, are these profit projections realistic?"


"I believe they are. However, they are a bit....optimistic, with good reason. I'm running this venture personally and I have no doubt of my own ability to manage it."


"The licensing fees for the music seem exploitive..."


"They would be if they weren't a total for all the major labels. Look at the break-out."


"Hmm. Well, I don't want to be presumptuous..."


"Then don't be. Now, will there be anything else?"


Keenly aware of the edge that had creeped into my tone, he quietly replied, "No, I guess not, since I guess these payroll numbers are approved as well?"


"They are."


"Well then, just being thorough, you understand."




As he turned to leave, I heard a smattering of poorly contained titters and giggles coming from the waiting area. As Kenneth walked out, he passed my next scheduled appointment. In the process of sidestepping out of Emma Bitch's way, he walked headlong into the rather ample bosom of Viv Jacobs as Clare South slid past them. Slowly looking up, he excused himself and hurried away.


"Accounting?", queried Emma.




"That was hilarious," boomed Viv, plopping into a recliner.


"Well, some people don't understand that when I say 'first class all the way', I'm not joking around. Now, about you three..."

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The countdown to the premiere event for Queens of American Wrestling has begun! Rivalries continue (or start!) at Genesis! Allied promotional matches announced include:



Alicia Strong vs Cherry Bomb



Anna Ki w/Byron vs Aud D'Hoffryn w/Bam Bam Johanssen



DEVIL Karube vs Saori Nakadan


NEXT: Development matches

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The hits keep comin' as the fans of QAW get an opportunity to see the future of women's wrestling. The following matches will be presented at Genesis as a way to give the fanbase a sneak peek at the future stars of QAW!





http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/MissMexico.jpg vs http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/LaCazadora.jpg

The LLX Reina de Reinas title is on the line as Miss Mexico takes on La Cazadora. Can the young upstart, reputedly the niece of international legend Pablo Rodriguez and trained in the wide variety of styles that only "McFly Mk II" Gino Montero could, defeat the wily veteran of Tampico? Who will emerge the first champion of Lucha Libre Extreme?





http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/SaraMarieYork_alt.jpg vs http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/ElyssaAnderson.jpg vs http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/CatherineQuine-1.jpg vs http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20diary/SuziSlam.jpg


The LFC World title is on the line as Catherine Quine defends against former champion Sara Marie York AND Susan Lee AND newcomer Elyssa Anderson. Apparently Ms Quine won the title via some sort of chicanery so it remains to be seen how she'll fare when facing not only her nemesis but the always dangerous powerhouse in Lee and the young promising Anderson.





http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/EveGrunge_alt1.jpg vs http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/SterlingSilver.jpg


On the biggest stage of 'em all, resident rock star and CWWF World champion Eve Grunge, the self-proclaimed 'Greatest Show on Earth', defends her title against young masked enigma, Sterling Silver.





http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/SaekoHiroyuki.jpg vs http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20diary/TsukiKawamata.jpg vs http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20diary/YokoIkina_alt.jpg vs http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20diary/LionessMushashibo.jpg


The Trueheart of WINNOW title is on the line as Saeko Hiroyuki, Tsuki Kawamata, Yoko Ikina, and Lioness Mushashibo clash in a match under fatal four way rules. While youth is firmly on the side of Kawamata and Ikina, the veteran guile of Mushashibo and especially the crafty Hiroyuki, should not be discounted in this matchup.



http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/HoshikoTagawa.jpg vs http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/KaoriTakenouchi.jpg vs http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/GemmeiOonishi.jpg vs http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/ToriMontgomery.jpg


The match that features the WINNOW debut of Gemmei Oonishi, whose arrival has been steeped in controversy and clouded by rumor, is also for the distinction of being the first openly declared Shooting Star in WINNOW. Oonishi's opponents, while perhaps not as known, are also bonafide Shooting Star contenders. The contrast in styles between the smooth, mat-based Hoshiko Tagawa, the straight forward brawling of Kaori Takenouchi, and the renowned flying of Oonishi, with the added all-round game of Tori Montgomery, promises to make for a very entertaining matchup.




http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/LauraFlame.jpghttp://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/SimonySentinel.jpg vs http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/ChiyekoKita.jpghttp://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/YukikoMatsumara.jpg vs http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/Callisto_alt1.jpghttp://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/AprilAppleseed.jpg vs http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/KaedeSugiyama.jpghttp://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/OchiyoIijima_alt.jpg


The WINNOW Dynamic Duo title is up for grabs as Laura Flame & Simony Sentinel, the Confection Infection team of Chiyeko Kita & Yukiko Matsumara, Callisto & Victoria Corbett, and Sugiyama Iijima go head to head in a 4-way tag team. The winners gain huge momentum heading into WINNOW's tour as well as the distinction of first ever Dynamic Duo.


PLUS! Women of Texas Wrestling REPRESENT as Maria Martinez conducts the first in-depth interview with John "Nemesis" Campbell since handing him the reins of her promotion. Why would the legend of wrestling and lifetime maverick agree to take what some are calling "a big step DOWN" by being involved with a women's promotion? Tune in to find out!


Next: The parent promotion's contributions.....

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/LFC%20Diary/EWR_net3.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="font-size:12px;">A Daring Raid</span></strong></p><p> <em><strong>Promotion goes Down Under (and beyond) to plumb for talent</strong></em></p><p> <em><span style="font-size:8px;">posted November 3, 2009 by jbsmoov</span></em></p><p> </p><p> In the weeks leading up to their debut extravaganza, it appears QAW is still on the prowl for talent. From the QAW website:</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="27219" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Queens of American Wrestling is proud to announce the signings of Jaime Grindstaff, Autumn Gleeson, Melissa Abernathy, Rebecca Richey, and Taniko Jo to contracts. QAW has also come to terms with Heather Braband and Jasmine Perlot.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Jaime Grindstaff is a New Zealander who has been a regular manager on the Australian & New Zealand indy scene since 2008. There were rumors she was being considered by APW and RAW but nothing ever came of that.</p><p> </p><p> Autumn Gleeson was a fixture in RAW since its inception and had become a relatively popular member of their roster. Apparently, the opportunity for guaranteed money and a shot at what many consider the big time, was too much to pass up.</p><p> </p><p> Melissa Abernathy was a surprise. She's been working the Aussie indies on occasion for over a year with very little in the way of progress.</p><p> </p><p> Rebecca Richey's signing was a real shock. As the regular color commentator for RAW's broadcasts, it's surprising that she was allowed to leave. This leaves a gaping hole for RAW but really gives QAW a worker who could appeal to their fanbase. Rumor has it she's going to be doing color commentary for QAW's B show broadcasts, possibly alongside Eric Tyler.</p><p> </p><p> Taniko Jo was a regular on the Aussie indy scene. Pretty good on the microphone, it's assumed she'll be sent down to one of the development promotions for a stint before debuting.</p><p> </p><p> Heather Braband debuted only a few months ago with the ACPW promotion but apparently caught someone's interest.</p><p> </p><p> Jasmine Perlot is similar, having only debuted a few months ago with the VWA promotion in Europe. It's not known what the plans are for her or even how she was "discovered".</p><p> </p><p> Based on these (and previous) signings, it's safe to say QAW has scouts spread the world over, constantly looking for talent. When people who work in front of crowds numbering in the single digits are found and signed, there can be no other explanation. But it remains to be seen how (or even IF) these new signings will ever pan out for their employers.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="27219" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/TEW%20Logos/QAW2.jpg</span><p> </p><p> <span>http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/MartinaBaker.jpg</span><span>http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/MegumiNakajima.jpg</span> <strong>w/</strong><span>http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/Monique.jpg</span> <strong>vs</strong> <span>http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/HuntressMakiko.jpg</span><span>http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/IkukoTemko.jpg</span> <strong>w/</strong><span>http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/Krystyna.jpg</span> <strong>vs</strong> <span>http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/LexiHawks.jpg</span><span>http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/JessieMcVeigh.jpg</span> <strong>w/</strong><span>http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/CeriDordevich.jpg</span></p><p> <strong>The Crush Gals w/Monique vs Seek & Destroy w/Krystyna vs The Commonwealth w/Ceri Dordevich</strong></p><p> </p><p> The talk around QAW headquarters is that these three teams represent the future of the Twinstar division. The future is previewed at Genesis as rookie Martina Baker teams with young joshi veteran Megumi Nakajima to face the veteran joshi team of Huntress Makiko and Ikuko Temko and the young Aussie imports Lexi Hawks & Jessie McVeigh. Reports indicate QAW management are high on Baker, but will her inexperience prove the deciding factor if her team goes down in defeat? Can the Aussie team prevail with their unique Down Under fusion style?</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/QAWGenerationXX.jpg</span></p><p> <span>http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/PixiePinwheel.jpg</span> <strong>vs</strong> <span>http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/LadyCaramel_alt1.jpg</span> <strong>w/</strong><span>http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/JasminePerlot_alt1.jpg</span> <strong>vs</strong> <span>http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/JeriBehr.jpg</span> <strong>vs</strong> <span>http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/KunikoMatsura.jpg</span> <strong>vs</strong> <span>http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/SakuraSada.jpg</span></p><p> <strong>Pixie Pinwheel vs Lady Caramel w/Jasmine Perlot vs Jeri Behr vs Kuniko Matsura vs Sakura Sada</strong></p><p> </p><p> The Generation XX title is on the line as five of the brightest young stars in QAW collide. Young, bubbly daredevil Pixie Pinwheel; the self-proclaimed "Future Legend" Lady Caramel; European star Jeri Behr; and young joshi veterans Kuniko Matsura and Sakura Sada, all vie for the eternal honor of being the first ever Generation XX champion.</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/QAWShockwave.jpg</span></p><p> <span>http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/JanaMarieBowen.jpg</span> <strong>w/</strong><span>http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/JulieForletta.jpg</span> <strong>vs</strong> <span>http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/BrookeDunn_alt1.jpg</span> <strong>w/</strong><span>http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/Aurora.jpg</span> <strong>vs</strong> <span>http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/KinuyeMushashibo.jpg</span> <strong>w/</strong><span>http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/ChloeDean.jpg</span> <strong>vs</strong> <span>http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/OliviaDiamond_alt1.jpg</span> <strong>w/</strong><span>http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/Willow_Clarity.jpg</span></p><p> <strong>Jana Marie Bowen w/Julie Forletta vs Brooke Dunn w/Aurora vs Kinuye Mushashibo w/Chloe Dean vs Olivia Diamond w/Willow</strong></p><p> </p><p> The first ever QAW Shockwave champion will be crowned in this match as Jana Marie Bowen, "Absolute Icon" Brooke Dunn, "Baby Blue" Kinuye Mushashibo, and Olivia Diamond collide for the honor. Can JMB find the form that led to her run as NOTBPW Women's champion? Can the young, confident rookie Dunn overcome her inexperience to claim gold in her first match on the big stage? Can "Baby Blue" find an edge to secure a victory? Will Diamond live up to her surname and prevail? All questions that will be answered at Genesis in this fatal four way match!</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/QAWTwinstar.jpg</span></p><p> <span>http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/AmberGreenway.jpg</span><span>http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/SaffronGreenway.jpg</span> <strong>w/</strong><span>http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/BlondeBombshell.jpg</span> <strong>vs</strong> <span>http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/CanadianAngel.jpg</span><span>http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/Qubcoise.jpg</span> <strong>w/</strong><span>http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/Marianne.jpg</span> <strong>vs</strong> <span>http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/AmazingLass.jpg</span><span>http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/PowerGirl.jpg</span> <strong>w/</strong><span>http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/BethanyHurst.jpg</span> <strong>vs</strong> <span>http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/EmmaBitch.jpg</span><span>http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/VivJacobs.jpg</span> <strong>w/</strong><span>http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/ClareSouth.jpg</span></p><p> <strong>The Natural Blondes w/Blonde Bombshell vs The Canadiennes w/Marianne vs The Super Powers w/Bethany Hurst vs Assault & Battery w/Clare South</strong></p><p> </p><p> The stakes couldn't be higher. With the QAW Twinstar title on the line, four teams line up for the chance to claim the gold. The Natural Blondes, sisters Amber & Saffron Greenway, walk a tightrope with the ever present danger of Saffron's hair trigger temper coming into play. The Canadiennes, having worked together since they were schoolgirls, bring amazing seasoning and teamwork to the table. The Super Powers, Amazing Lass and Power Girl, can get the crowd on their side seemingly at will. Assault & Battery, the team of Emma Bitch and Viv Jacobs, add pure, unadulterated brutality to the combustible mix. While all talented, who will have enough to persevere and become the first ever QAW Twinstar champions?</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/AmberAllen.jpg</span><span>http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/Principessa.jpg</span> <strong>w/</strong><span>http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/BJONeill.jpg</span> <strong>vs</strong> <span>http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/GinaHeaton.jpg</span><span>http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/KeishaMurrell.jpg</span> <strong>w/</strong><span>http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/HeatherB_alt1.jpg</span></p><p> <strong>Girls Gone Wrestling w/BJ O'Neill vs Recipe for Success w/Heather B</strong></p><p> </p><p> Amber Allen, teaming with her mentor and trainer Principessa as Girls Gone Wrestling, has promised to show the world what she's made of as they take on the young duo of Gina Heaton & Keisha Murrell. Rumors indicate Recipe for Success have developed a brutal looking finisher they dub 'Cookin' with Gas' which has yet to be used outside of training. Will they get the chance to debut their finisher or will the vast worldwide experience of Principessa help her team come away with the W?</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/AshleyGrover.jpg</span> <strong>vs</strong> <span>http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/ChristinaCharisma_Clarity.jpg</span> <strong>w/</strong><span>http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/LadyMelissa.jpg</span></p><p> <strong>Ashley Grover vs Christina Charisma w/Lady Melissa</strong></p><p> </p><p> Young up & comers collide in this matchup as high flyer Ashley Grover takes on the terra firma oriented Christina Charisma. Both workers are seeking an opportunity to start their QAW careers off on a positive note but which worker has the edge in this contest?</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/BrookeTyler.jpg</span><span>http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/TaylaMartin.jpg</span> <strong>w/</strong><span>http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/EricTyler.jpg</span> <strong>vs</strong> <span>http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/MichelleCox.jpg</span><span>http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/JaimeQuine_alt1.jpg</span> <strong>w/</strong><span>http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/Persephonealt2.jpg</span></p><p> <strong>The Icons of Tradition w/Eric Tyler vs Affliction w/Persephone</strong></p><p> </p><p> The first of our main events proves to be a potentially explosive one as Eric Tyler pits his team, daughter Brooke and childhood friend Tayla Martin (daughter of PSW star Johnny Martin) against the much heralded veteran team of Michelle Cox & Shooter Jaime Quine. While the difference in experience seems vast, all reports indicate that Tyler & Martin are not to be underestimated or dismissed. They view this match as their way of showing they belong in the main event. We'll find out if that's true at Genesis!</p><p> </p><p> <span>http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/QAWWorld.jpg</span></p><p> <span>http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/Vixxen.jpg</span> <strong>w/</strong><span>http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/SiennaDeVille_Fin2.jpg</span> <strong>vs</strong> <span>http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/JoanneRodriguez_Clarity.jpg</span> <strong>w/</strong><span>http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/MercedesGimenez.jpg</span> <strong>vs</strong> <span>http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/GraceHarper_jhd2.jpg</span> <strong>w/</strong><span>http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/SiennaDeVille_Fin2.jpg</span> <strong>vs</strong> <span>http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/SuzanneBrazzle_alt1.jpg</span> <strong>w/</strong><span>http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/HannahPotter.jpg</span> <strong>vs</strong> <span>http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/GoldenDelicious.jpg</span> <strong>w/</strong><span>http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/AutumnGleeson.jpg</span> <strong>vs</strong> <span>http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/Kension/Misc/QAW%20Forever/NinaTheBallerina.jpg</span></p><p> <strong>Vixxen w/Sienna DeVille vs Joanne Rodriguez w/Mercedes Gimenez vs Saving Grace w/Sienna DeVille vs Suzanne Brazzle w/Hannah Potter vs Golden Delicious w/Autumn Gleeson vs Nina the Psycho Ballerina</strong></p><p> </p><p> Our main event of the evening is to crown the inaugural QAW World champion as the best of the best meet in one match. Vixxen, Joanne "J.Ro" Rodriguez, Saving Grace (the self-proclaimed 'savior of women's wrestling'), Suzanne Brazzle, Golden Delicious, Nina the Psycho Ballerina. Enough combustible elements in this match to make it a fire hazard all by itself! Will the Coven members (Vixxen & Saving Grace) work together to accomplish the goal of capturing the gold? Will the members of Dream Team II (J.Ro & Brazzle) do the same to balance the scale? Or will the trickster Golden Delicious find a way to steal the win? One thing that can be expected to occur in this match is Nina losing her cool and much destruction following upon that occurring. Which of these women has what it takes to be the Queen of all she surveys? Tune in to Genesis to find out!</p><p> </p><p> Call your local pay per view provider and tell them you want to be in on the Genesis of women's wrestling!</p></div><p></p><p></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <span style="text-decoration:underline;">Quick prediction key</span>:</p><p> Alicia Strong vs Cherry Bomb - USPW Showcase</p><p> Anna Ki w/Byron vs Aud D'Hoffryn w/Bam Bam Johanssen - EWA Showcase</p><p> DEVIL Karube vs Saori Nakadan - 5SSW Showcase</p><p> La Cazadora vs Miss Mexico - LLX Reina de Reinas title</p><p> Sara Marie York vs Elyssa Anderson vs Catherine Quine © vs Susan Lee - LFC World title</p><p> Eve Grunge © vs Sterling Silver - CWWF World title</p><p> Saeko Hiroyuki vs Tsuki Kawamata vs Yoko Ikina vs Lioness Mushashibo - WINNOW True Heart title</p><p> Hoshiko Tagawa vs Kaori Takenouchi vs Gemmei Oonishi vs Tori Montgomery - WINNOW Shooting Star title</p><p> Flame & Sentinel vs Confection Infection vs Callisto & Corbett vs Sugiyama Iijima - WINNOW Dynamic Duo title</p><p> The Crush Gals vs Seek & Destroy vs The Commonwealth</p><p> Pixie Pinwheel vs Lady Caramel vs Jeri Behr vs Kuniko Matsura vs Sakura Sada - QAW Generation XX title</p><p> Jana Marie Bowen vs Brooke Dunn vs Kinuye Mushashibo vs Olivia Diamond - QAW Shockwave title</p><p> The Natural Blondes vs The Canadiennes vs The Super Powers vs Assault & Battery - QAW Twinstar title</p><p> Girls Gone Wrestling vs Recipe for Success</p><p> Ashley Grover vs Christina Charisma</p><p> The Icons of Tradition vs Affliction</p><p> Vixxen vs Joanne Rodriguez vs Saving Grace vs Suzanne Brazzle vs Golden Delicious vs Nina the Psycho Ballerina - QAW World title</p>
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<p>Really enjoyed reading all your little previews and now its showtime i've still had to go back and read some to re-familliarise myself ...</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>La Cazadora</strong> vs Miss Mexico - LLX Reina de Reinas title</p><p>

Sara Marie York vs Elyssa Anderson vs <strong>Catherine Quine</strong> © vs Susan Lee - LFC World title</p><p>

<strong>Eve Grunge</strong> © vs Sterling Silver - CWWF World title</p><p>

Saeko Hiroyuki vs Tsuki Kawamata vs Yoko Ikina vs <strong>Lioness Mushashibo</strong> - WINNOW True Heart title</p><p>

Hoshiko Tagawa vs Kaori Takenouchi vs Gemmei Oonishi vs <strong>Tori Montgomery</strong> - WINNOW Shooting Star title</p><p>

Flame & Sentinel vs Confection Infection vs Callisto & Corbett vs <strong>Sugiyama Iijima</strong> - WINNOW Dynamic Duo title</p><p>

The Crush Gals vs Seek & Destroy vs <strong>The Commonwealth</strong></p><p>

<strong>Pixie Pinwheel</strong> vs Lady Caramel vs Jeri Behr vs Kuniko Matsura vs Sakura Sada - QAW Generation XX title</p><p>

<strong>Jana Marie Bowen</strong> vs Brooke Dunn vs Kinuye Mushashibo vs Olivia Diamond - QAW Shockwave title</p><p>

The Natural Blondes vs The Canadiennes vs <strong>The Super Powers</strong> vs Assault & Battery - QAW Twinstar title</p><p>

<strong>Girls Gone Wrestling</strong> vs Recipe for Success</p><p>

<strong>Ashley Grover</strong> vs Christina Charisma</p><p>

<strong>The Icons of Tradition</strong> vs Affliction</p><p>

Vixxen vs <strong>Joanne Rodriguez</strong> vs Saving Grace vs Suzanne Brazzle vs Golden Delicious vs Nina the Psycho Ballerina - QAW World title</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Alicia Strong</strong> vs Cherry Bomb</p><p>

Anna Ki w/Byron vs <strong>Aud D'Hoffryn</strong> w/Bam Bam Johanssen</p><p>

<strong>DEVIL Karube</strong> vs Saori Nakadan</p>

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