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Dream Wrestling Matches

Wrestling Century

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<p>What are some Dream Wrestling Matches that you would've liked to see (or hope to see) featuring wrestlers that have passed away/retired? Some of mine are:</p><p> </p><p>

Eddie Guerrero vs Owen Hart in an Iron Man match</p><p>

Umaga vs Yokozuna vs The Rock</p><p>

The Rock vs Stone Cold in a fourth WM encounter</p>

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I know, but... out of any three DREAM matches?



Meh, I'd say a series of matches involving Chris Benoit, Dynamite Kid, Bryan Danielson, Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart.


Probably like to see Rock vs Cena and Austin vs Hogan too. With a good build and hot crowd, of course.

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Shawn Michaels vs Brian Pillman

Owen Hart vs Rob Van Dam

Rob Van Dam vs AJ Styles

Rob Van Dam vs Ultimo Dragon

Ultimo Dragon vs Chris Jericho

Chris Jericho vs Owen Hart

The Rock vs Shawn Michaels


One I have thought would make for good storyline fodder is:


HBK/HHH/Road Dogg/Billy Gunn/X-Pac vs Hogan/Savage/Hall/Nash/Big Show


The gimmick would be, what side would X-Pac be on?

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Off the top of my head...


Bryan Danielson vs. Chris Benoit

Bryan Danielson vs. The Dynamite Kid

Tiger Mask (original) vs. Rey Mysterio Jr, circa 1996

CM Punk vs. KENTA--the battle of the Go 2 Sleep

Bret Hart vs. Kurt Angle

The Rock vs. John Cena--wouldn't be a great match in actuality, but the atmosphere would be awesome

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some randoms:


80s Hogan vs Current Cena (crowd would be nuts)


MCMG vs attitude era hardys vs Edge/christian TLC


The Rock vs Cena (Crowd would be nuts)


DDP vs Randy Orton (rko vs diamond cutter)


Styles vs HBK


Sting vs HHH


Sting vs Taker at mania


Daniels/Styles vs MCMG ultimate X


Mr Perfect vs CM Punk ("Perfection" vs Straight Edge)

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Genichiro Tenryu vs. CM Punk, though I suspect there'd be a bit of a size difference.


PS. Started watching Steiner v. Jones... is anything EVER going to be sold in this match? (My bad. Nathan Jones seems to be okay with feeling pain.)

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Scott Steiner vs. Nathan Jones


Oh, wait....


Ya know...that's not that bad of a match. Watching Steiner apply the Sharpshooter is worth the price of admission.


And then the top rope clothesline spot happens...my god...it just becomes everything you'd thought it'd be after that moment. It was as if both Steiner and Jones were holding it together with duct tape for 10 minutes and then it became a clusterf.

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Two more:


"Daniel Bryan" vs. Michael Cole--bring on the MMA elbows!

Triple H vs. indy CM Punk--Pedigree, say hello to Pepsi Plunge.


Hell yes to both of these. Would love to see AmDrag headbutt Cole straight in the nose.

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