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When I started TEW/EWR....

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I guess that makes sense, when you put it that way. That's the thing about a game that's so incredibly detailed and deep as TEW, it's a gift and a curse. If you ever really get into it, you will buy the games forever, even if you're like seemingly a lot of people on here and you don't actually play the game much. But getting to the point of caring enough to immerse yourself enough to getting into the game I can absolutely see as being difficult, like you described.


That said, the series has improved in leaps and bounds in terms of usability and easing a new user into things, compared to the very first TEW that was released. Things can always be improved, but it's good to see how far it's come.

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He was Roadkill, Danny Dorings former partner, he played an Amish character already and when I made him a bad guy I just picked Penguin from the bat series because I thought he sort of resembled him.


I figured it was something like this but had to laugh at the mental image of a penguin with a typically Amish beard and hat.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I picked up EWD back when i was like 11 or 12 man 11 years playing this stuff, I remember playing the full 20 years possible in EWD and trying to use that accomplishment to get an advance copy of EWR i took me awhile to start getting tew 07 was my first, and once i finaly got into it i have a hard time going back to ewr i still love my best game being a 97 ecw game i played for i think 3 years game time toppling all compatition and my several 0 backyard to 100 global games i di as well now i'm playing war of the immortals 2 with roh building up to cult faster then i thought i would, and my favorite 08 game was a 97 mod OMEGA game i played for 4 years game time and got them to cult
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="crayon" data-cite="crayon" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="27544" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Funny thing is that me and my friend probably never would have got into EWR in the first place if we hadn't have started to get disillusioned with the way WWF/E was being booked (or at least, the way some of the people were).<p> </p><p> Before that we were pretty happy to just watch the shows and be surprised, and at some stage it was "hey who's booking this monkey crap?" and then we discovered EWR and got a chance to make all those "if I was booking this..." claims come true(ish).</p><p> </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Exact same story here <img alt=":eek:" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/eek.png.0e09df00fa222c85760b9bc1700b5405.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> Pretty much word for word.</p>
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Like some guys here i go way back into the time there was no promotion wars. I played the old sims when i was on scholl, but then i got a job (40 hours a week) and i thought i was done with playing the wrestling sims. Then,a friend of mine introduced me to EWR (what a game!I still love it nowadays. It would be great if Adam could use this much detail as in tew 2010 with that simplicity. He would surely gain a lot of customers) and i got addicted to it. Then came the TEW series. I bought them all (including 04 and 2010) and still love to play them. Strangely my friend decided we wouldn't pay for a wrestling sim and stuck to EWR. Nowadays he no longer plays EWR or even watches wrestling, well, at lest the last time i spoke to him...wich was a long time ago. And me?I left my job to pursue my writing ambitions,in 2007,so i generally have a lot of time to play games. Though now i've been a little busy as i am writing a 600 page book, and i am trying to get a good publishing deal. So, a lot of things changed in my life, except for the presence of Adam's games.

Now that i think about it,i could get a wat to include some kind of mention of TEW in my book. That way, when it reaches the top of the New York Times best selling list it would become a tend and the sales would grow into epic proportions. Maybe i could do some kind of arrangement with Adam about this. :D :D :D

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my story


For me, this will be surprising, but I have just discover TEW a week and half ago.


I was playing in a french e-fed. I start to get bored of this and quit. After that, I have start to look for another game of wrestling. I have made a research with my friend named Google and I discover a game like TEW. I download it and try it some days. It was interesting... but a little "i don't know what" was missing in this game. I visit the forum of this other game and some peoples have talk about a game named TEW 2010. I return on Google and made another research. This time about TEW 2010. I download the demo and I fall in love with the game. I try it during 3 days to know if I pay for TEW 2010 or play with TEW 2005. Finally, I decide to buy the game. I didn't regret it at all... except my new game don't go so well... but this is another story.

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I have been for a while sadly, which is why my post count is so high. I have nothing better to do with my time.:o


I wish I could use that excuse. I just spend lots of time on various sites while working (from the office, home, or on the road :p).


I toyed with TEW04 but didn't really get into the game until TEW05. Then I played it like a lifeless demon until the present. To give you an idea of how stupid I am (or can be), I didn't realize until TEW08 went into development that I could do the unlicense/relicense thing indefinitely (for whatever reason, I thought there was a limit) so I bought a license for every PC I could see myself playing on. After I realized my error, I continued like nothing had changed because I can't be arsed to remember to unlicense/relicense (especially on Vista), though I always keep my data updated via thumb drive. :confused:

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In contrast to most stories here in the forum it was the Wrestling Spirit 2 game that brought me here in Grey Dog family.


I was a wrestling fan since 1989 Survivor series when I saw Ultimate Warrior and Blue Blazer for the first time on TV. Since then I played whatever wrestling game I could get my hands on Amstrand 6128 or Amiga 500. However since I only gamed on PC after 1995, any good wrestling titles were rare to find for the platform. And soon I lost interest to the genre until 2002-3


As I got more and more efficient at using the google tool, I discovered the MDickie games, both the wrestler and the Booker type, and they refueled my interest in the genre. So I searched again for a new PC wrestling game and I came across Wrestling Spirit 2.


Now that I retro see things, WS 2 was the ultimate Hype for the Cornellverse. I played 2 different Careers and especially during the second one I became the most popular wrestler of the world. But during those two careers I learned about the Cornellverse, I understood it's balances and I got pleasantly familiar with it's people. So when I learned that there was a booking version also the TEW 2005, I immediately bought and started playing it. I have to admit that it seemed a bit boring at first (mainly because I was playing Football Manager since 1995 and I was burnt out) and I continued playing WS 2. But After my second career had ended I decided to transfer my wrestler as an avatar to TEW 2005. That move was the one that made me see the game with a whole new perspective.


Now I only play TEW (with a 5 months break for playing Dragon Age) and I will continue to play TEW.

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Started since the first EWD. I vaguely remember TNM, but I definitely played Promotion Wars. After several people kept accusing or pushing Mr. Ryland to use Visual Basic and make a better game, he did. Then PW2 died off.


It was around the time that Mr. Ryland announced he was stop doing the free version (EWR) that I stopped playing until 2008. It wasn't his fault, because around that time, the Monday Night Wars was also coming to end. I didn't return until playing the TEW2008 demo gave me back the itch...

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I discovered EWR in August of 2003 and played the hell out of it, soon after though I became annoyed that the stats werent as current as I thought they should have been. Somehow I was able to find a stats update for the game and that held me over for quite a while. I did switch to Promotion Wars and was excited for PW2 to come out. However (and I am sure I am not the only one) I was disapointed when it wasn't to be instead there was another version released which was just a small taste of what PW2 would have been. I always heard about TEW I played the Demo for 04 but that was really all I did until I decided to buy 08 and of course 2010. I don't regret it at all and I am glad that I finally caved and decided to buy it because honestly its the most fun anyone can ever have if they are into that sort of thing.
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Welcome to the forums Great Tiger. Now that being said and done i just want to say how great i think tew 2010 is by far the best one of the series and the best wrestling simulator ever.


Now after reading everyones posts in here i have but 1 thing to say.Do any of you even remember a time when there were no computers for the general public or cell phones let alone blackberry's,x boxes or Lady GaGa.

I do. Now please excuse my T Rex wants to go for a walk.


Oh and i almost forgot. I got into Tew thanks to bowl bound. One thing i love besides wrestling is college sports and i was looking for a college football game for PC.

A little Google search led me to this site were i found not only a great football game but to my amazement a wrestling game to.I remember coming back to this site time after time and staring at the picture of TEW before finally deciding to give it a go.That was 07 and i have been loving this game and this forum site ever since.

Sometimes i have more fun reading your posts then playing game itself. My only problem is not the time(being single helps) but which mod to play. I have so many favorite's.Right now i have 3 going Bob Inc's womens mod,WOTI2 and Remian's Queens of Chaos. God help me when 0900 verse comes out.

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It was about 1999 or 2000, do not remember when i started playing EWR, i used to visit this site for a long time and read stuff, but did not sign up until 2005.


When i started playing EWR i had just sold my meat business (was 23 at the time living in Cyprus), from then i went on to start a business in a different country (Russia), that went very well, made a bunch of cash and retired 2 years ago to start a childhood dream of mine which was to own a computer games company (will be releasing my first game in a month). Got married and have 2 kids, one 6 and one 4 years old, moved back to Cyprus recently.;)

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It was about 1999 or 2000, do not remember when i started playing EWR, i used to visit this site for a long time and read stuff, but did not sign up until 2005.


When i started playing EWR i had just sold my meat business (was 23 at the time living in Cyprus), from then i went on to start a business in a different country (Russia), that went very well, made a bunch of cash and retired 2 years ago to start a childhood dream of mine which was to own a computer games company (will be releasing my first game in a month). Got married and have 2 kids, one 6 and one 4 years old, moved back to Cyprus recently.;)


Wow kudos to you mate. Does your game happen to have zombies in it. I love ma zombies.:D

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Now after reading everyones posts in here i have but 1 thing to say.Do any of you even remember a time when there were no computers for the general public or cell phones let alone blackberry's,x boxes or Lady GaGa.

I do. Now please excuse my T Rex wants to go for a walk.


I grew up on TI Invaders, on the family's Texas Instrument computer (forget the model). We didn't get a PC until I was 10, and the Internet entered my household at 17. I still don't have a cell phone, and purchased my first gaming console last year.


My saber-toothed tiger thinks it can take your Tyrannosaur.

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A few months before april 20th, 2000 i had dropped out of school illegally (truency) and stumbled upon tnm7. i'd gotten sent away to a wilderness program and later a residential "lockdown facility" id been gone for years and all i could think about was TNM7 [which is what id stumbled over a few mo.s before the bastard "escorts" picked me up] when id finally gotten thru all of these stupid programs id ended up in a boarding school where a friend of mine from the outside world told me over the phone about EWR... the version before the last version... I think it may've been 3? anyway, he had stumbled on it because id introduced him to promotion wars and he thought there was something better out there (and he was right.)


About a year later, having ran away from boarding school and my folks taking me back in after my mom couldnt handle me being out on my own id gone down to florida to train with dory funk jr. around that time id contacted Adam about putting me and some friends of mine (who worked the florida indy scene) in the game.... id done okay for myself but i had a falling out with the funks and went up to canada and lived with ted hart for awhile (during my brief time there, i was given a black eye by the guy now going under the name DH Smith. He was actually a really cool dude and apologized about it... Bruce was pissed i think and told him to send me a message because id been skipping out on practices for weeks to hang out with Ted....) at anyrate, throughout all this time id had a laptop with EWR on it... when i hurt my neck, and i was...i dont know maybe 18 years old... still young and relatively finding my way thru the real world.. i just came back home and went to work and ive been working ever since. but i stayed with EWR 4, got TEW04 when it came out, got all of the games when they came out. It's definitely my favorite game of all time. definitely holds the record of any video game ive ever played in my life for most hours spent on a particular game/franchise.... (second only to BAD DUDES for NES.....j/k)

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Now after reading everyones posts in here i have but 1 thing to say.Do any of you even remember a time when there were no computers for the general public or cell phones let alone blackberry's,x boxes or Lady GaGa.

I do. Now please excuse my T Rex wants to go for a walk.


erm no a good while back (plus when is this period in time)

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