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Pro wrestling What Ifs?


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<p>I thought I would start this thread on here that I have seen on other fourms were we discuss what would have happened or what would still be going on if things went different. I'll start with three.</p><p> </p><p>

What if WCW never picked up Hogan in 95?</p><p> </p><p>

What if russo never became booker of WCW?</p><p> </p><p>

What if WWE/WWF never was around?</p>

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What if WCW never picked up Hogan in 95?


Acting full time possibly? Or a break from the business, followed by a return to Vinny Mac.


What if russo never became booker of WCW?


Then those last few years wouldn't have been half as good ;)


What if WWE/WWF never was around?


Someone else, eventually, would've come along and done the same thing (killing the territories etc.).

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What if WCW never picked up Hogan in 95?


The nWo, nor WCW would have never have been as big and Hogan probably would have returned to WWF in the late 90's to feud with Triple H, The Rock, Austin, Shamrock, Mankind and such.


Or, going another path, WCW would have never had the huge ratings jump from stealing talent that Hogan gave them and may well have not thrown millions at other big stars. Savage, Luger, Nash and Diesel etc might never have joined. The nWo might not have happened. They may not have took Bret Hart and subsequently the Screwjob might not have happened. The lack of big name signings may have encouraged WCW to use their own stars, Austin, Triple H, Jericho, Guerrero, Cactus Jack, Vader, Booker T, Steiner, Kidman, Benoit and Rey may have been the faces of WCW and they may well been the killer to the dinosaur-filled WWF.



I have a question: what if the Montreal Screwjob never happened and Bret stayed with the WWF?

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The nWo, nor WCW would have never have been as big and Hogan probably would have returned to WWF in the late 90's to feud with Triple H, The Rock, Austin, Shamrock, Mankind and such.


Or, going another path, WCW would have never had the huge ratings jump from stealing talent that Hogan gave them and may well have not thrown millions at other big stars. Savage, Luger, Nash and Diesel etc might never have joined. The nWo might not have happened. They may not have took Bret Hart and subsequently the Screwjob might not have happened. The lack of big name signings may have encouraged WCW to use their own stars, Austin, Triple H, Jericho, Guerrero, Cactus Jack, Vader, Booker T, Steiner, Kidman, Benoit and Rey may have been the faces of WCW and they may well been the killer to the dinosaur-filled WWF.


Not only that... No ratings jump for WCW, no dire straits for Vince, so no need for Vince to go 'Attitude'? Now there's a future that's scary.

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No alternative may have pushed ECW forward as the new edgy brand. Thereby ECW becoming the WWF to WWF's old, watered down, family friendly WCW.



If that makes sense. Basically the new edgy WWF vs family friendly WCW we saw in the Attitude Era would become the new edgy ECW vs family friendly WWF. Hell we might even be referring to it today as the Extreme Era.

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Guest canyoudothecancan

What would happen if Funaki never won the cruiserweight championship?

The equivalent to the butterfly effect.

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WWE wouldn't be the same it's today, that's for sure.


Damn straight, FS! WWE would be out of business due to profits raked in during Funaki's Cruiserweight title reign and the following explosion in popularity which will follow. Also TNA would be king but home of muscle-bound jerks and GDS would be an actually promotion, akin to panix/Phantom Stranger's BWA dynasties. :p

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what if Beniot didnt kill himself and we never got john morrison? :(


please refrain from beniot talk, this is a where would Nitro be question


I don't think it would change all that much. They might still call him Johnny Nitro, but in a couple of months he would have ended up in the same place regardless.


Benoit's still being alive would have done some really weird things to the ECW brand, though. The whole brand would have revolved around Benoit as the lead guy, and ECW would have become a more definitive "wrestling brand" as a result.

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Guest canyoudothecancan
What if Hulk Hogan never went to the WWF and instead stayed in the AWA?


Then he would be in no stupid commercials on tv.

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I don't think it would change all that much. They might still call him Johnny Nitro, but in a couple of months he would have ended up in the same place regardless.


Agreed. Winning the ECW title didn't 'make' John Morrison as a valuable character. They got some cool matches out of it, but other than that the whole 'Jim Morrison' gimmick was a failure. Jo-Mo didn't become good until he got together with The Miz, and that probably would have happened regardless of his title run... Probably.

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What if the AOL/Time Warner merger had never taken place? Would WCW still be in operation today?


There were enough unrelated, systemic issues that the company might not have survived until today, but it's indisputable that the AOL/Time Warner merger is what killed WCW. Jamie Kellner was the man who made that call, and he wouldn't have been in the position to make it without the merger. Billionaire Ted would have been perfectly fine with WCW running at a loss for the next several years, but the merger that forced him out also brought in people who were far more motivated by profit.

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In the latter half of the 1970's after much demand from the wrestling fans the 3 major wrestling body's in the United States (AWA,NWA,WWF) decided to have a 32 man tournament to unify the world titles and have just 1 unified world champion.

Shortly after deciding the which 32 wrestlers representing all the major feds were to be in the tournament Superstar Billy Graham won the WWF world title.Upon winning the title he then proceeded to withdraw his name from the tournament stating "Iam a world champion now. why be in another tournament to decide a world champ when iam one already".

His withdrawal from the tournament had a domino effect with 1 wrestler after another pulling out stating that if Graham wont put his strap on the line why should .

Pro Wrestling Illustrated later held a mock tournament using a computer to see who would have won the tournament and become the 1st ever unified world champion recognized by all governing organizations. The winner was Bruno Samartino.

So my question to you is what would the wrestling world have been like starting in late 70s to now under the banner of the WWF and a unified world champion.

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