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What grinds your gears?


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Can I join your group? That would so, like awesome. :p




Also, lets hear the Sheep joke.


It's much better spoken because it's super long. Really it's a story about three sheep at a county fair being judged. The punchline is, "And the sheep said to the judge, 'I am not ugly!'" Of course, sheep can't talk, so my friends and I crack up and we wait for the reaction. If they laugh, we ask them why they're laughing! :D

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The people with elitist attitudes towards others.


Bad thing is we have some in here with that mindset.


Think how bad it would be if those of us like myself with my wrestling experience and apuch(whatever the rest of it is, LOL) who is learning the art took this attitude.

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This topic has sploded and I haven't even visited it until tonight... Here comes flashbacks from page one...


- Taco Bell. I ordered two, crunchy tacos with meat and cheese only. Instead, I got two soft tacos that were... from what I could tell... filled with potatoes and cheese.


I have many amazing fast food stories.


First, there's the time I was at Wendy's. I had a fairly complicated order (complicated for the people working at least). I wanted a double bacon cheeseburger, no mayo, no tomato. I order it just like that. The burger has mayo and tomato. I go back, say it was wrong, and reorder. This time, there's no cheese. Seeing as I didn't care at this point, I went back up and tried one last time. I get back to the table and I have... a chicken sandwich. I stare at it and realize the guy in the kitchen either had a stroke or was just messing with me at this point. I checked the sandwich for nastiness and just ate it.


Second, I have yet to get a meal that I actually ordered at Sonic. Me and my friend Paul CAN NOT get a SINGLE burger with what we want on it. I'm not exaggerating. Over our collective 5 or 6 visits, they've been completely wrong every time. Paul even ordered a plain burger with just the buns, one burger patty, and ketchup. They brought him a TRIPLE with EVERYTHING!! W... T... F...


Random Tumblr Post on the subject.


As for other things that bother me, I have a good 2 dozen Facebook "friends" that have absolutely no internet sense whatsoever. A few of these people were actually busted by the DA for underage drinking because they'd set THEM DRINKING as their PROFILE PICTURES. I'm not talking just blue/red plastic cups. LABELED CANS OF ALCOHOL.


STILL, they post INSANE levels of stupidity. In real life, these people aren't really that dumb. They just don't seem to realize that A) Facebook is basically as public as shouting in the middle of a mall atrium and B) grammar and use of some sort of established world language is necessary.


I can read 5 Facebook posts and not see a single punctuation mark (but see 3 emoticons and a heart).


The worst I've seen is a guy mourning over his recently passed grandfather by saying "rest in piece".


I nearly punched my hand through the computer screen. I needed all of my willpower to not post "*peace" as a comment. I don't know if that would be more disrespectful than him ignoring at least 12 years of school and not even bothering to honor his dead family member with actual English...

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People are lazy typists. This board has very few of those (you know who you are) of those kind, but they annoy me. Short comments without punctuation is fine, but a run-on sentence or even a run-on paragraph is a no-no. Don't be mad at me when I say I won't read it.
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Second, I have yet to get a meal that I actually ordered at Sonic. Me and my friend Paul CAN NOT get a SINGLE burger with what we want on it. I'm not exaggerating. Over our collective 5 or 6 visits, they've been completely wrong every time. Paul even ordered a plain burger with just the buns, one burger patty, and ketchup. They brought him a TRIPLE with EVERYTHING!! W... T... F...


That's odd! Sonic is the only joint that ALWAYS gets my order right. I was at the one in Lancaster (across from Tanger Outlets) the weekend before Mother's Day weekend and placed a massive order that was kinda complicated ('no onions' on everything with some special bits for several other things) and everything was dead on. I checked it with the dude on his roller skates standing right next to my window. :p


As for other things that bother me, I have a good 2 dozen Facebook "friends" that have absolutely no internet sense whatsoever. A few of these people were actually busted by the DA for underage drinking because they'd set THEM DRINKING as their PROFILE PICTURES. I'm not talking just blue/red plastic cups. LABELED CANS OF ALCOHOL.


Yeah, I have a friend who got turned down for a job because of the crap he posted on his Facebook page. Wanna know something even DUMBER? He lists his Facebook page ON HIS RESUME! When you look up the word 'momotard' in the dictionary, his face with a confused look is right there. Here's something else that's dumb. In today's business world, many savvy managers know that people often use the same username across several platforms. So if your email address is joshjg@yahoo.com, they're going to search MySpace and Facebook for that name and hello hello, there's your freakin' page. So even if he didn't put the page on his resume (along with his Twitter address. What, do you really want prospective employers to follow you???), he might've gotten found out anyway. (Oh and part of the 'background check' process for some jobs also includes web identity searches)


People are lazy typists. This board has very few of those (you know who you are) of those kind, but they annoy me. Short comments without punctuation is fine, but a run-on sentence or even a run-on paragraph is a no-no. Don't be mad at me when I say I won't read it.


OMG the WALL O' TEXT STREAM OF (UN)CONSCIOUSNESS is AWESOME! You just don't know how to appreciate it! :rolleyes:

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People are lazy typists. This board has very few of those (you know who you are) of those kind, but they annoy me. Short comments without punctuation is fine, but a run-on sentence or even a run-on paragraph is a no-no. Don't be mad at me when I say I won't read it.


unless i or they are being graded on it then i could really care less about punctuation except when you can't understand whats being said without it

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People are lazy typists. This board has very few of those (you know who you are) of those kind, but they annoy me. Short comments without punctuation is fine, but a run-on sentence or even a run-on paragraph is a no-no. Don't be mad at me when I say I won't read it.


I am most likely one of these people.


People who work at a hospital. You ask for an ice pack, 35 minutes later you see the SAME nurse walk in front of you a number of times doing nothing, yet you still have no ice pack.

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People that work with your wife and try to bully her. :mad:


Man, that'd seriously grind my gears. I remember how rage-filled I was when some ******* started spreading false rumours about my girl... :mad:


On the plus side, the same guy lost his home. Maybe there is something to this whole "karma" thing afterall.

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Another thing that grinds my gears that I just discovered first a bit of a background, I have sort of an OCD condition when it comes to video games. I have to complete it when I start, one of the reasons I like the Achievements they added with the new consoles, it gives me more to do. Well I'm about three matches away from completing the roster run through on UFC 2009, I check the Achievements list again and the only ones that will be left all need to be completed online:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad: **** that, I don't have xbox live not to mention the new one will be out in about 2 weeks. So now i will never be able to fully beat this game.


So what grinds my gears, Online goals. I think they should only be tracked online if thats the case.:mad::mad:

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What grinds my gears?


Well there are a lot of things but right now what is really grinding my gears is BP. Do I really need to say more on the subject?:mad:


I agree with you, to a certain extent. BP are trying their damnest to clean up the spill. Yet everyone critices them.

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I agree with you, to a certain extent. BP are trying their damnest to clean up the spill. Yet everyone critices them.


Like when the CEO took part in a Yacht race?:p Not to sound like Bill Maher, but if this is not a case for clean renewable energy (green energy) I do not know what is.

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Because Bill Maher is soooo objective. If this isn't another crisis the government won't let go to waste, I don't know what is.


Oh don't get me wrong I think Bill Maher is one of the most arrogant people out there. He is one of those people that if you do not agree with his opinion you are a moron. That being said he is a very smart man and is also very funny.

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People who don't turn off their high beams. I am so sick of these people.


People who don't use turn signals.


Those halogen headlights. At least I think that's what they're called. Those insanely bright lights? Usually a blueish tint to them

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People who don't turn off their high beams. I am so sick of these people.


People who don't use turn signals.


Those halogen headlights. At least I think that's what they're called. Those insanely bright lights? Usually a blueish tint to them


I agree with everything in your post.


I have a friend who drives with his high beams on all of the time. Everybody tells him to turn them off but he refuses to do so. In fact when we ask him to turn them off, he leaves them on to spite us.


How hard is it to use a directional? It is just a flip of the switch and yet most choose not to use them.


Those blue lights suck, I used to have to drive fifty miles to work everyday (I live near Providence and worked in Boston at one job and then later on had a job near Mystic, CT.) and it was all freeway. Now everyone in New England knows the reputation of Mass drivers, they are some of the worst drivers in the country. Now add that to those annoying blue lights and it was just hell.


Mass drives love to tailgate you so that just makes it worst. Now when I used to drive to CT., the drives there have this nasty habit of tailgating you in the fast lane and blinking their highbeams off and on. They expect you to get over to the slow lane, now imagine that happening to you with somebody who has those blue lights. It is not a fun thing to have happen to you.

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I hate when you try to go into a little store to grab a drink or a snack. You have to wade through a bunch of teen age-low 20ish people that like to hang in front of the store with there radios blaring.


Then you have to walk past them to get into the door because they stand right in your way. Selfish jerks.

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I hate when you try to go into a little store to grab a drink or a snack. You have to wade through a bunch of teen age-low 20ish people that like to hang in front of the store with there radios blaring.


Then you have to walk past them to get into the door because they stand right in your way. Selfish jerks.


Jay and Silent Bob?:p

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The discussion has reminded me of another - children on airplanes!


There is a reason that I rarely fly in coach. I will burn frequent flyer miles in a second to avoid this! One reason why no matter how much I like flying JetBlue and Virgin America (not to mention Southwest), I have to do it sparingly.


What grinds my gears?


Well there are a lot of things but right now what is really grinding my gears is BP. Do I really need to say more on the subject?:mad:


Um, I don't understand? The faceless corporate entity that doesn't have a clue about the actual mechanical workings of their trade and resembles the Keystone Kops when something goes wrong, grinds your gears? How do you have gears left after the debacle with banks the last couple years? :p



What grinds my gears are people forced to eat crow who don't like the taste. You made it! You should've built some flavor into it. :p


I coached several pee wee teams for 'at risk' kids (whatever the hell that means) here several years ago. We won six championships over that time span (four football, two basketball) but I was fired for 'unsportsmanlike conduct'. My crime? Supposedly, I ran up the score in all our games. I disagreed. I don't like hypocrisy and wouldn't engage in it. When I taught my players to 'leave their hearts on the field' and give 100% from the beginning until the clock hits 0:00, I'd be a hypocrite if I pulled them out with half the game remaining. Also, who am I supposed to pull? My bench players are only slightly less good than my starters. Do I tell my quarterback to kneel down 3 times so I can send in the punter, just because we're up by 3 scores? Do I ditch the run & shoot we used and switch to the Wing-T because the other team can't cover us? Or stop full court pressing and switch to a half court rotational offense (Go PRINCETON!:rolleyes:) because it's 69-30 in the third quarter. I refused to do any of that so they canned me.


Lo & behold Thursday, the commissioner calls me and asks if I'd be interested in returning. Apparently, the fact that every kid on my teams excelled (one just got into Purdue's school of aeronautics, last year) and did well (which was supposedly the point of the entire sports program), not to mention the fact that even back then, I paid for our uniforms (new and laundering and replacing them, when necessary) and our equipment out of my own pocket, has led to them "reaching out" to their alumni since budget cuts threaten the program. Take your budget cuts, shine 'em up real nice, turn them sideways....


I told him to go [copulate with] a duck. He's looking for people to defray costs to protect his job. You made your bed (after my firing, a lot of the parents questioned the program's direction given the results we were getting), lay in it, fleas, ticks, mites and all. I found out on Friday that they were planning a big fundraising drive but that many of the alumni who could contribute, refused to unless I asked them to (which they knew I wouldn't). Then someone calls my mother and tries to get her to lean on me to reconsider. BIG mistake. I am very much my mother's child in this regard and she gave that woman an earful. Without outside support, the program could cease to exist by next year, if not sooner. So? What happens if I return and win some more, produce "startling" academic turnarounds....and another coach from Ozone Park, butthurt over his team being demolished (hello? 5-2 defense doesn't work against the Run & Shoot), starts whining?


You'll eat that crow and you'll LIKE IT!

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Jay and Silent Bob?:p



I had one idiot the other day walking out of the store sideways while I'm standing there waiting for him to get the hell out of my way. He is talking to someone IN the store. THEN he backs into me. Turns around and sucks his teeth like it was my fault... So of course me being the polite sweet person I am I mutter an obscenity and walk away. :D

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I hate it when wherever you go and there teenage girls around they always talk about how much they like Justin beiber or Rob Pattinson or how hot they are. Or they say they're going to grow up and marry each other.



I hate anyone who likes Justin Beiber. That dude plucks my nerves. His voice is horrible and the songs are even worse.

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I hate it when wherever you go and there teenage girls around they always talk about how much they like Justin beiber or Rob Pattinson or how hot they are. Or they say they're going to grow up and marry each other.


That sadly happens with every generation of girls Paws. From Frankie Avalon in the 1950's-1960's to David Cassidy in the 1970's, to New Kids on the Block in the 1980's, each generation has a teen idol that is manufactured for that era of teenage girls to fawn over. It is a business and it works, the only thing is, once that window is up those teen idols become type casted or thrown away for the new flavor of the month and those poor guys have a hard time getting work again.


Look what happened to poor Bobby Brown.:p

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