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Predictions: Quite hard round this time with no-one getting all four right. Gates vs. Walker was the only clear cut match this time with other three matches splitting opinions. Frisby vs. Heath was the most tricky one with only Dragonmack getting that one right, but it was to be expected since with normal booking Frisby should have won that one. I already mentioned that Frisby´s loss was mainly because of storyline but seems that I forgot to mention that another reason was the fact that he have beaten Turtle down several times now (via blindsight attacks) and I felt that Turtle needed to get a small victory over Frisby to make things more even.



Charasmatic Enigma 70/86

Boltinho 66/82

Jingo 60/86

Dragonmack 45/61

John Lions 19/24

CJAlex 11/16

MichiganHero 6/8





This month´s ESE Eternal Battle brings total of six matches. In our main event two different rivaling pair´s clash with each other´s when Frisby and Grease face Turtle and Gates in tag team match-up. In our other matches Svensson will face Ward´s henchman Otto Hammerschmidt while Ward himself faces one half of the New Age Superheroes on Bali Daljit. DuPond brothers will also be in singles action when Pierre DuPond faces Joe Simpson while he´s twin brother faces Martin Heath. In our lastmatch-up Thunderbolt will go one-on-one with Vic Walker.



Martin Heath vs. Jacques DuPond


Thunderbolt vs. Vic Walker


Pierre DuPond vs. Joe Simpson


Bali Daljit vs. Glen Ward


Otto Hammerschmidt vs. Nigel Svensson


Chuck Frisby & Axl Grease vs. Arthur T.Turtle & Norman Gates

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  • Replies 305
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Martin Heath vs. Jacques DuPond


Thunderbolt vs. Vic Walker

Ive been looking at TB for HIW. Hes really NOT a superhero


Pierre DuPond vs. Joe Simpson

Good luck with the rating here...


Bali Daljit vs. Glen Ward

should be simple


Otto Hammerschmidt vs. Nigel Svensson

Another tour de force from Nigel


Chuck Frisby & Axl Grease vs. Arthur T.Turtle & Norman Gates

I actually really like Axl so Im picking him

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Martin Heath vs. Jacques DuPond

DuPonds only really useful with his twin, and this is a singles match so...


Thunderbolt vs. Vic Walker

Vic's a jobber


Pierre DuPond vs. Joe Simpson

I know what I said for the first match, but Joe's a jobber. :p


Bali Daljit vs. Glen Ward

Don't even know who Daljit is...


Otto Hammerschmidt vs. Nigel Svensson

Go Nigel! Push to the sky!

Chuck Frisby & Axl Grease vs. Arthur T.Turtle & Norman Gates

Chuck needs the win after last weeks loss...

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Martin Heath vs. Jacques DuPond

DuPonds dont win singles ...

Thunderbolt vs. Vic Walker

No win for Vic

Pierre DuPond vs. Joe Simpson

See above ..

Bali Daljit vs. Glen Ward

Easy win for Ward.

Otto Hammerschmidt vs. Nigel Svensson

Nigels the tops

Chuck Frisby & Axl Grease vs. Arthur T.Turtle & Norman Gates

Come on Chucky<!-- / message -->

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  • 2 weeks later...

November 2011

Friday week 3


ESE Eternal Battle (small, 1h)

Held in The Paddington Club, attendance 12 peoples



1 vs. 1

http://img80.imageshack.us/img80/4246/martinheath.jpg vs. http://img714.imageshack.us/img714/8043/jacquesdupontalt1.jpg

Martin Heath vs. Jacques DuPond


Jacques managed to make this close enough that it could be called an actual match but in the end there was little doubt on winner with Heath picking the win with the usual Flying Fist Drop.

WINNER: Martin Heath by pinfall in 4:50 E

Heath is already having decent overness (E-) and will probably ask a big pay raise if I push him further and since I cannot really afford that I didn´t want to give him a dominant win here. Of course putting Heath cleanly over Jacques doesn´t really help or hurt either guy which is why I view this as just random match with no actual use. Match rating was surprisingly good I was expecting E- but E is a pleasant surprise here. Jacques is starting to became little stale on his current role.



1 vs. 1

http://img714.imageshack.us/img714/9141/thunderbolt.jpg vs. http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/8026/vicwalker.jpg

Thunderbolt vs. Vic Walker


Bathroom break match with two guys who…well suck to put it kindly. Walker actually managed to have some offense in this match but the end result was the usual from him with Thunderbolt picking the win with Bolt from the Blue.

WINNER: Thunderbolt by pinfall in 4:21 F+


Throw away match between two jobbers. Thunderbolt is actually upper midcarder (yes, you heart right) while Walker is lower midcarder and thus Thunderbolt got the win, well that and the fact that Thunderbolt is little bit more useful thanks to the New Age Superheroes team.





Frisby and Grease are in backstage promoting their match later tonight.


Frisby: Arthur T.Turtle you have been an obstacle for me almost two years now and I´m sure you will continue to be obstacle even after tonight since you will still have that title around your undeserving hands. But let me assure you that TONIGHT I will pin you in the ring 1, 2, 3 and claim the victory over you. And after I have done that let´s see if you can still weasel out from a title match. For as I have assured you many times before, it´s my DESTINY, to become a champion in ESE and no-one will stop me from my quest to show who truly are the best around here.


Frisby turns to face Grease before he continues.

Frisby: And you Grease, or what your name was, you better stay out of the way and not cost me the match.


Grease: Oh, you can do whatever you want to Turtle as far as I am concerned, I´m here just to beat Gates down, but you better stay away from my way or I just might crush you too. E


Simple promo to promote tonight´s main event as well as progress both feuds.


1 vs. 1

http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/3450/pierredupontalt1.jpg vs. http://img231.imageshack.us/img231/3052/joesimpson.jpg

Pierre DuPond vs. Joe Simpson


Simpson showed lots of heart here but again no surprise in the end when Pierre picked the win with Flying Fist Drop. Simpson and Pierre had good chemistry together.

WINNER: Pierre DuPond by pinfall in 6:29 E-

Annnddd it´s a third random match-up on a row. I think I just found a new level of laziness which is something of a accomplishment considering how lazy I am on the first place :p. Ok on a little bit more serious note I needed something to fill the first half of the show with all the storylines being forwarded in the last two matches hence the mostly meaningless matches.





It´s Turtle´s and Gates time to promote tonight´s main event.

Turtle: Well, well, well, it looks like there are some problems in paradise already on our off so mighty team off two nutcases. And Frisby what makes you so sure you could pin me this time. Yes you have done it before but never when it really counts. But you know since I´m a fighting champ I´m going to take the bait. If you manage to pin me in that ring cleanly you are going to get that title match you want so much.


Gates: And while Turtle here beats Frisby down for the tenth time or so I will handle that other nutcase, that´s you Grease in case you didn´t realize, and beat him so bad that he is going to be on liquid diet for a sometime in some nice small hospital room.

Larry: You know Mike, I´m not sure if there will be a sane person in a ring in tonight´s main event.


Peterson: Well there won´t, I mean even referee Tyler must be a nutcase. There is no way anyone on his full mind would want to get in ring with these guys. E


As usual the other tag team gets some promo time as well and I actually remembered I had announcers as well and for once included them on the promo. Turtle is starting to became little stale as well (guess that will soon happen to most of my starting roster then)





Ward and Otto comes to the ring apparently ready for Ward´s match-up against Daljit.

Ward: Originally I supposed to face that loser Daljit here tonight but there is a change on plans here. You see I have asked ESE´s management to change their plans a little and instead of me beating Bali around the ring, it will instead be me beating Svensson around the ring. That´s right Svensson you aren´t facing Otto tonight, you are facing me and that match is right now so get your ass in the ring. E-


Svensson decided to look his other options instead of re-signing with me and because of that I needed to make some last minute changes if I wanted to wrap-up his feud with Ward.



1 vs. 1

http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/4193/glenward.jpg vs. http://img718.imageshack.us/img718/8674/nigelsvensson.jpg

Glen Ward vs. Nigel Svensson


Svensson and Ward where pretty even from the start so it comes at no surprise that this was a back and forth match.


That is until Otto gets involved and distracts Svesson long enough for Ward to lock on Judo Choke-Sleeper on Svensson. Svensson tries to fight back but in the end he is forced to tap out.

WINNER: Glen Ward by submission in 6:44 E+


Since Svensson is leaving he obviously lost this one. Originally Svensson was of course supposed to win his match against Otto. I´m really going to miss those E+ matches that Svensson is able to produce.





After the match Ward and Otto continue to beat Svensson down until officials finally manage to come in and stop them. Svensson seems to be in big pain though and he is carried away with a stretcher. F+


Well, I needed some reason for Svensson not to come back and the usual he is beaten so badly that he can´t come back angle is the easiest way to get the job done and also gives some heat to Better Than You in a progress.



2 vs. 2

http://img88.imageshack.us/img88/4507/chuckfrisby.jpg & http://img231.imageshack.us/img231/9812/axlgrease.jpg vs. http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/344/arthurtturtle.jpg & http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/3632/normangates.jpg

Chuck Frisby & Axl Grease vs. Arthur T.Turtle & Norman Gates


Close back and forth match which really could have gone either way. In the end though it´s Frisby who picks the win for his team after he low blows Turtle (referee, naturally, didn´t see it) and hits him with Neckbreaker for a three count.

WINNER: Chuck Frisby & Axl Grease by pinfall after cheating in 6:53 E

Frisby gets the win here in order to help set up that re-match between him and Turtle that everyone knows is going to happen eventually even though the win wasn´t clean.


Show rating: E


Svensson leaving obviously hurts a lot, not only because he probably was my best in-ring guy but also because he had positive locker room effect. Heath decided to reinforce the point that I need some guys like Svensson by making a mean spirited prank on Thunderbolt. I gave him slap to the wrist and he said that he try to not make it happen again. With Turtle, Ward, Heath and Pierre all causing negative backstage influence I likely need to find someone with positive one to cancel them out but it won´t be easy thing to do. Of and I need new storylines not only because Svensson vs. Ward is dead but also because it seems that I accidently deleted Turtle vs. Frisby storyline meaning that I really just have one storyline going instead of the needed three, go me! :p

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Predictions:With Svensson´s department coming as a surprise for me there was some last minute changes and hence only 4 of the 6 matches that where on predictions actually happened (not that it mattered really everyone would have got those two right anyway).


Charasmatic Enigma was the only one to get 4/4 and that sealed his victory a round early so Enigma as a reward you can choose two guys that I have to hire on ESE. I decided to forgot that "they cannot be hired in other companies" restriction that I made on start so the only restriction is that I have to be able to affor to hire them, what this basicly means that their asking price needs to be around 600$ per apparance or below (You can just choose who you want though if they ask too much you get a new picks until two guys are hired).


Charasmatic Enigma 74/90

Boltinho 69/86

Jingo 63/90

Dragonmack 47/65

John Lions 19/24

CJAlex 11/16

MichiganHero 6/8






Arthur T.Turtle is having another title defense this month. However it isn´t against Chuck Frisby because he´s win in last month wasn´t clean but instead it´s against Turtle´s long time friend and ally Martin Heath. So far no-one seems to know whatever Frisby will get a title shot or not but with both Turtle and Frisby scheduled to be in the show we will surely hear the answer tonight. However all this speculation might prove to be pointless if Heath manages to take the belt from Turtle. Axl Grease and Norman Gates will also continue their heated rivalry in another one-on-one match. last time these two met in singles action Gates won by DQ but that match didn´t really answer any questions. Will we see a clear finish this time around? Glen Ward who with the help of Otto Hammerschmidt send Nigel Svensson of from ESE last month is facing Bali Daljit while Otto have his hands full with Daljit´s partner Thunderbolt. New Age Heroes have stated that they won´t allow the actions of Better Than You to go unpunished. The question is can they pack their words in the ring?



Glen Ward vs. Bali Daljit


Otto Hammerschmidt vs. Thunderbolt


Axl Grease vs. Norman Gates


1 vs. 1 for the King of the Network title

Arthur T. Turtle vs. Martin Heath

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Glen Ward vs. Bali Daljit


Otto Hammerschmidt vs. Thunderbolt


Axl Grease vs. Norman Gates


1 vs. 1 for the King of the Network title

Arthur T. Turtle vs. Martin Heath


Since Turtle, Gates and Heath seem to be your main stars right now, and you said Heath was getting a little too pop to re-sign, I see Turtle with the title and Gates stepping up for the next challenger. Also Ward seems to be the one with the most potential left on your roster now that Svensson is gone again.

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Zergon just out of interest, how far are you in to this game (time wise). I only ask as this may affect which workers I recommend :)


Right now I´m in December 2011 so anyone who debuts in January 2012 or earlier and works in UK is available.

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Right now I´m in December 2011 so anyone who debuts in January 2012 or earlier and works in UK is available.


If you hadn't already had an unsuccessful run with Trance, I'd suggest bringing in the Party Animals as they are the only UK tag team I actually like... but erm, maybe you could go for Keith Adams and Joey Beauchamp? I'm not sure how much they'll ask for though...

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If you hadn't already had an unsuccessful run with Trance, I'd suggest bringing in the Party Animals as they are the only UK tag team I actually like... but erm, maybe you could go for Keith Adams and Joey Beauchamp? I'm not sure how much they'll ask for though...


Beauchamp asks around 1500$ per apparance (plus likely travel + title + what ever) so he´s way too costly.



I actually wouldn´t mind bringing Trance back but he won´t negotiate with me right now because he left recently so I could only bring Rave which means Party Animals aren´t possible either.



Keith Adams should be possible though (he asked around 600 - 700$ when I checked) so him I can bring in.

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December 2011

Friday week 3



ESE Eternal Battle (small, 1h)

Held in The Paddington Club, attendance 21 peoples


1 vs. 1

http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/4193/glenward.jpg vs. http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/2664/balidaljit.jpg

Glen Ward vs. Bali Daljit


Bali tries his best but once again it just isn´t enough and he has to tap out when Ward locks Judo Choke-Sleeper on him. Ward was off his game tonight

WINNER: Glen Ward by submission in 5:41 E-


Squash match that should have been in last show. Ward´s gimmick was changed as ****y youngster (initial rating B) partly because those gimmick is becoming stale notes have started to appear but also because I really haven´t used that straight edge gimmick on Ward´s promos for some time now.






After the match Ward takes the microphone and Otto comes in the ring with him.


Ward: Last month you finally saw how I got rid of that newbie who though he can step on my toes. And yes I mean Nigel Svensson in case that you have already forgotten him. We beat him so badly that he won´t be back in ESE ever and that is what will happen to every single one who steps in the way of me and my partner Otto. You see not only are we the best tag team there is in whole UK, we are also two of the best wrestlers there is in whole UK (yeah, right) and there is no-one who can stop us. Nigel Svensson learned that last month, Bali Daljit learned that just minutes ago and soon Thunderbolt will learn the same lesson next. E-


Basic promo here to get some heat of the duo after Svensson left.



1 vs. 1

http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/4388/ottohammerschmidt.jpg vs. http://img714.imageshack.us/img714/9141/thunderbolt.jpg

Otto Hammerschmidt vs. Thunderbolt


Thunderbolt managed to keep Otto guessing for a long time but in the end, ESE´s own superhero fall victim to Gutwrench Suplex as Otto picked up a win. Thunderbolt was really off his game but he and Otto had great chemistry together.

WINNER: Otto Hammerschmidt by pinfall in 6:20 E-


Otto gets a rare win here in order to make him look as a semi-decent threat to my better guys. I was slightly surprised that these two could pull an E- though it was likely result of a good chemistry note.





Arthur T.Turtle is in hype duty backstage.


Turtle: Tonight I will face a though challenger for my title when I step in the ring with my good friend Martin Heath. But though Heath I my friend and ally, tonight he´s just a guy I have to beat and make no mistake about it, I will leave everything I have in the ring, just like any other night. So Heath you better bring your A-game with you, because I have no intention of losing tonight. E+


Just basic main event hype angle from Turtle who always dos a solid job in promos.





Heath is in backstage and it´s his turn to hype the main event.


Heath: Tonight I have a honor to face the ESE´s first and currently only champion, in a title match no less. And though Turtle is someone who I respect very much and who I am proud to call as friend, tonight I will still pull all stops if needed because I plan to beat him and became the second ever ESE King of the Network champion. So Turtle, you said that I need to bring my A-game and I can guarantee that I will do just that so you better be ready as well because your title reign is in real danger. D-


As usual for me both sides in main event get some mic time in order to hype the match. D- is definitely better than I expected here, I mean Heath cut a better promo than Turtle who should be better on mic.



1 vs. 1

http://img231.imageshack.us/img231/9812/axlgrease.jpg vs. http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/3632/normangates.jpg

Axl Grease vs. Norman Gates


The first match between these two was more a bar-room brawl than a wrestling match and this second encounter wasn´t any different, with referee hardly having any control on the match. Just like last time there wasn´t clear ending either when both man where counted out after they failed to answer referee´s ten count. Gates was really of his game tonight, making it third match in a row where one of the guys have had an off night.

DRAW after double count out in 7:53 E

Still no clear finish here since the two will continue this feud and I usually don´t like to give clear wins before the feud ending match (though I obviously need to do that sometimes otherwise I will be too easy to predict :p)Grease wasn´t happy on draw note, which was a bit of surprise, but once I took it of (and left match end with double count out) he was happy. Guess it was a little bit cheating to do that though. Guess I need to be more careful on Grease´s popularity level in future to avoid similar situations.




1 vs. 1 for the King of the Network title


http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/344/arthurtturtle.jpg vs. http://img80.imageshack.us/img80/4246/martinheath.jpg

Arthur T. Turtle vs. Martin Heath


Spirited fight between two friends who really both wanted to win and just like they promised they did leave everything they had in ring. In the end Turtle is the one who got his hand raised after he manages to hit Heath with Springboard Lariat.

WINNER: Arthur T. Turtle by pinfall in 6:39 E


I would classify this as filler title defense match because of no build and the fact that both guys are faces at the moment. I just needed a high profile match as main event because the card otherwise was pretty light.






After the match Turtle and Heath shake hands and Heath leaves to backstage while Turtle celebrates his victory. Celebration was cut short, however when Chuck Frisby shows up.

Frisby: Well, well, well, I guess congratulations are in order Turtle. You managed to keep the belt for one more month. However you won´t be so lucky next month when I will challenge you for the gold.

Turtle: You? Well I should ask why you would get another shot to this belt….


Frisby: WHY? Simply because I earned it last month when I pinned you cleanly in this very ring. In fact why don´t we take a look in case that you forgot.


Footage is shown in last month´s main event when Frisby pinned Turtle.


Turtle: I know you pinned me but I recall the deal was that it would need to be a clean win and last time I checked low blows are illegal.

Frisby: Low blow? What low blow? I don´t remember anything like that, all I saw was referee raising my hand after I had kicked you down. And you know what they say, it´s only illegal if you get catch.

Turtle: I don´t think that is actual rule though, but fine, I have kicked your ass in this ring about dozen times before so I can very well do it again, so you got your darn match.


And the show ends with intense stare down contest between Frisby and Turtle. D-


And finally after about two years we are getting the third match-up and the feud ender. About time, eh?



Show rating: E

Pretty much a filler show, so I didn´t really expect much from this one. I also had only one storyline so I got that not enough storylines penalty. I just didn´t want to tie my guys on storylines until I knew which guys I needed to sign before next show so that I could possibly include the new guys on feuds if I want to.

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Second year is over so here are the final prediction results. The last card was pretty straight forward with only Gates vs. Grease causing trouble but that was expected with it being a draw (though I was little surprised that everyone predicted Gates to win)


Charasmatic Enigma 77/94

Boltinho 72/90

Jingo 66/94

Dragonmack 50/69

John Lions 19/24

CJAlex 11/16

MichiganHero 6/8


Next post will again be the roster update post. I also decided to do my usual who leaves/comes post shere ince I kind of like to do these, since it gives better idea who is leaving/coming and why. Though it´s pretty clear this time.


Roster moves:

New Guys:



Keith Adams

age: 37

face, Fan Favorite

First of the two guys who Enigma wanted to see which of course is the reason he´s here. Adams is a guy who I have wanted to try for some time because he´s performance skills are so good but his overness and bad mic skills made him a little too expensive for local promotion on my opinion so I passed him so far. Adams signed for 700$ per appearance for next 15 months and he instantly become my most over guy. Sadly he is little lacking in gimmick department with wholesome being only group over D+ so his gimmick choices where somewhat limited, at least he is natural babyface so those basic Fan favorite etc. gimmicks work well.




age: 20

heel, MMA Bad Ass

Bedlam is another one of those guys who i have wanted to sign for sometime (along with punch of others 21CW graduates who no doubt will be here at some point). He has pretty good stats on this level and his overness is F+ around the UK so he slots on my uppermidcard currently. Bedlam has pretty good mic skills too so he can definitely cut a promo and he can use lots of different gimmicks as well which is kind of rarity with my current roster. I chose a little generic MMA Bad Ass at the end, I was considering a bodyguard gimmick but since Bedlam is good talker on his own right I felt that his skills would go a waist as henchman. Really only bad thing about him is that he wants 600$ per show and the fact that he works for 21CW which might mean that he isn´t always available on my shows (or possibly too tired since 21CW runs 1 show per week + PPV once a month). Still he´s good guy to have in roster. As for other options that Enigma cave me War Machine had E+ overness in UK so he likely asks little too much (and he gains overness easily anyway thanks to his menace). White was an option as well but that F+ microphone skills along with F+/E- overness and medicore wrestling skills scares me of a bit (not enough skills for his cost basically since he would need to be close to main event scene instead of a midcard where he would likely fit better) . Both are definitely possible signings later though.


guys leaving:


Nigel Svensson


record: 5 - 0 - 3

Not much to say here that I haven´t already said. Svensson left because apparently he wanted to work only with ROF, which surprises me a little, though I must admit that it fit´s better on his style and he is much more over there. I will definitely try to sign him back later (once I´m small or regional depending how things go).

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I will add the second guy Charasmatic Enigma wants once I know who he is.


I had another look at UK workers, but only have games either in the first year or in 2013... so I'm not entirely sure if some workers have debuted yet or not, or what their popularity is like in your game. Anyway I thought I'd throw a few ideas at you.


War Machine - Graduate in 2010 who I think looks like a useful monster heel. Might be at 21CW though...


Bedlam - See above, but the 2011 graduate.


If not maybe someone like Brilliant White? Only because I think he could become an interesting character...

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good work getting Bedlam in.


Ive always found he wants loads of cash too for some reason


Yeah 600$ was little bit more than I ideally would have wanted to pay for him considering that he isn´t main eventing and is getting more money than anybody else with the exception of Adams, but he does have F+ overness and to my experience guys with that overness level usually ask around 400 - 600$ so it´s not that surprising and at least he have some actual wrestling skills to back up that demand.

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Yeah 600$ was little bit more than I ideally would have wanted to pay for him considering that he isn´t main eventing and is getting more money than anybody else with the exception of Adams, but he does have F+ overness and to my experience guys with that overness level usually ask around 400 - 600$ so it´s not that surprising and at least he have some actual wrestling skills to back up that demand.


Good work on getting Bedlam in, can't wait to see what you do with him :)

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Second year is finally done and overall I have to admit that it did go quite well compared on 2010. ESE:s popularity is now 7.9% in South UK, not where I hoped it would be when I started this game but a great increase from that under 3% that it was at the end of last year. Part of the reason about the grow is likely wrestling industry getting on better shape (it was on E- at worst during the start of the last year, now it´s on D) and partly because my show rating mostly managed to get an E and even E+ at times instead of E- which was quite usual rating in 2010. My finances have been solid in fact I hardly checked that in whole year and still I kept myself around 13.000$ all year long even when I used my full roster at times. Now with Adams and Bedlam added I likely will slowly start losing money so I need to keep my eye on that.








Arthur T. Turtle

Age: 29

Face, Fan Favorite

record: 10 - 0 - 1 (18 - 1 - 2)

You really don´t need to look further Turtle´s record to realize that he´s one of my top stars with just one loss in eleven matches. Turtle´s overness in South UK is currently E- but it was in E until he lost that tag match in November so he is likely quite close to E still. Turtle´s average match rating was E again with only a single match getting worse rating than that so he´s pretty consistent. Turtle will remain as one of my top stars thanks to his good ring work and microphone skills but it remains to see where he will go after his current feud with Frisby is over.




Axl Grease

Age: 27

Heel, Weirdo

record: 3 - 1 - 3

I have no idea how Grease managed to get to main event but here he is right now. Grease had a good year with E as average match rating and his popularity rise to E- in South UK which is same than all of my other top guys. In fact I´m little surprised about how well Grease did, since I didn´t expect him to do this well. The problem with him is that he instantly started to whine about losing when he passed Gates on popularity and I usually don´t take that well so he might get angry at some point and refuse to re-sign with me if I keep going against his wishes in future (which I likely do since he isn´t that important to me right now) and of course there is the fact that he´s my third most expensive guy right after Bedlam and Adams. Still if he stays he might have a good future if he continues to put up good matches.




Chuck Frisby

Age: 35

Heel, Weirdo

record: 7 - 0 - 3 (12 - 1 - 6)

Frisby hold the top heel position all year and will likely continue to do so this year as well. Frisby´s average match rating was E and his popularity is actually E currently (in South UK) though it must be very low E considering that it was F+ still in November (that tag win over Turtle really helped). Frisby continued his solid mic work but he´s in ring skills still leave something to be desired with only three matches getting higher than E rating (and four getting worse including to F+ ratings). Still I have no-one better (well not as heel anyway) and Frisby is pretty cheap for what he does (and he´s positive backstage influence something I really need right now) so he´s safe and will likely stay close the top even after I got to bigger size and hire some more wrestlers.




Keith Adams

age: 37

face, Fan Favorite

I already commented Adams on my previous post so not much to say here other than he´s ring general and I expect him to be able to but same quality matches than Svensson did.







age: 20

heel, MMA Bad Ass

Nothing to say here either, other than note that Bedlam is my third best guy on a mic so he should be getting some mic time soon enough. Bedlam will likely stay on upper midcard though since I´m not a big fan of pushing young guys to main event spots until they have little bit more experience.




Glen Ward

Age: 27

Heel, ****y youth

record: 7 - 0- 3 (13 - 0 - 6)

Ward had average match rating E and his current popularity is on E- like most of my top guys Ward managed to have better year than 2010 (in terms of match average). Ward is still a solid guy but I doubt he will have change to break on main event scene at least not permanently. However he will likely remain as solid midcarder / uppermidcarder and will have his share of spotlight though right now he will likely be more in tag team completion than singles ranks.




Martin Heath

Age: 23

Face, Blue Chipper

record: 8 - 0 - 2 (15 - 0 - 5)

Martin Heath got E as match average rating and right now his overness is only F+ (dropped after he lost to Turtle in December). Overall I consider Heath as main eventer (over Grease) despite the fact that bunch of guys on uppermidcard have more overness currently. Heath´s year was as uneventful as last one so it´s high time to include Heath in storyline and that´s what I will do.




Norman Gates

Age: 25

Face, Biker

record: 6 - 1 - 5 (9 - 1 - 10)

Gates rounds out my top guys and he´s the only one amongst them who had average match rating only on E-, but the main reason for that is that he had a lot of matches against jobbers likely more than anyone else on the top. Gates popularity is currently on E- but like most of my top guy’s he´s overness changes between f+ and E- depending of whatever he loses or wins against other top guys. I have future storyline plans on Gates so he will stay on spotlight even after his current feud with Grease is over but he isn´t considered as main eventer and likely never will be.




Pierre DuPond

Age: 24

Heel, Armed Forces

record: 5 - 0 - 4 (8 - 0 - 8)

Pierre is in same state than in end of 2010 with E- as average match rating and F overness in Southern UK. Pierre and his brother are kind of best of the rest kind of guys meaning that they are basically jobbers but I consider them better than rest of the midcarders and lower guys. I´m sure I have said this before as well but Dupond´s will basically be a force in tag team division but I just don´t see either brother getting a singles push so they aren´t likely to make waves in singles ranks and thus will stay somewhat low on ladders.



Otto Hammerschmidt

Age: 35

Heel, Sidekick

record: 6 - 0 - 6 (6 - 0 - 12)

Otto had a little bit better year this time around mainly because I paired him with Ward, a move that netted Otto a few extra wins and saw his popularity rise to F+. Otto´s match average rating was still E- though but that is to be expected and it´s pretty much just what I ask him to produce anyway. Otto is in similar position than DuPond´s, not being considered as top guy but is better than rest of the jobber squad. Right now Otto is a solid midcarder but it remains to be seen what role he will have after I finally hit to small side.






Bali Daljit

Age: 21

Face, Old School Face

record: 3 - 0 -7 (3 - 0 - 16)

Bali is still a jobber but much like Otto his inclusion in tag division (and in storyline) netted him some wins and helped his overness to rise on F while his match average rating was E-. I don´t currently see Bali ever being much more than a jobber but then again with safety at B and selling at B- he pretty much has a guaranteed spot on lower end of the ladders and who knows maybe he someday will rise on the ranks, you never know.



Jacques DuPond

Age: 24

Heel, Armed Forces

record: 3 - 0 - 5 (7 - 0 - 8)

Jacques is in a same boat than his twin brother so everything I said about him, is true for Jacques as well. Jacques had E- as match average and his popularity is also F in South UK.





Age: 28

Face, Man in a Mission

record: 5 - 0 - 6 (9 - 0 - 11)

Thunderbolt is still quite horrible in ring but at least he managed to claw E- match average rating this time (same than other non-main eventers) and his popularity is still F though it actually was F+ at one point. The big problem with Thunderbolt is (well other than he sucks) that he´s quite one dimensional. He can´t really play heel at all (E+ as heel) and that alt simply screams superhero so much that it´s hard for me to change his gimmick. That coupled with the fact that he sucks in ring and on microphone, might see Thunderbolt leaving the company once I get to small size. The only saving grace for him right now is the fact that he has a tag partner (I usually hate to break tag teams) but I doubt that will save him from unemployment.






Joe Simpson

Age: 21

Face, Dancing Fool

record 0 - 0 - 6

Joe certainly was a jobber in his first year in ESE with 6 matches and 6 losses and frankly he isn´t going to win much this year either. Still Joe has F overness and his average match rating was the usual E-. Frankly I doubt that he will ever rise above jobber status but like I said before you never know, well I certainly don´t.



Vic Walker

Age: 26

Heel, Band Member

record: 0 - 0 - 9 (2 - 0 - 16)

Walker had a horrible year with F+ match average and in fact he only had two matches that got higher rating than that. Somehow he still has F popularity in South UK, but frankly Walker isn´t having much future in ESE and like Thunderbolt he will likely leave at some point (though I will renew both contracts when the current ones expire after two months).





Mike Peterson

Age: 41

Heel, Old School Heel

Peterson still does a good job and will stay as my road agent though once I get to small I will likely hire someone else as color commentator (likely someone who could also play authority figure).



Salty Larry

Age: 46

Face, Staff Member

Larry situation is same than last year, I still consider adding Morhan but I haven´t made any decision yet and Larry is quite over right now with D in South UK. Much depends about how much money Larry will ask once he´s contract is up after 5 months.




Tyler Parker

Age: 39

Face, Staff Member

Tyler still has a secured spot on roster and the fact that he has history with 21CW might still play some role in the future if I choose to go that way, but that isn´t happening anytime soon.

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Year 2012 kicks up with a bang when Arthur T.Turtle and Chuck Frisby clash once again for the King of the Network title. Can Frisby finally get the belt he have been chasing for two years or is Turtle able to get the upper hand when it counts again? In our other matches Better Than You will face New Age Superheroes in tag team action while newcomer Keith Adams will have a though first test in ESE when he faces Axl Grease. Another newcomer, Bedlam is also in action against Vic Walker while Joe Simpson looks to get his first win when he faces Martin Heath.




Better Than You (Glen Ward & Otto Hammerschmidt) vs. New Age Superheroes (Bali Daljit & Thunderbolt)


Bedlam vs. Vic Walker


Joe Simpson vs. Martin Heath


Axl Grease vs. Keith Adams

1 vs. 1 for the King of the Network title

Arthur T.Turtle vs. Chuck Frisby


So, new year, new competition. Deal is same than last time, whoever gets most right predictions during this year will get to choose one guy I have to add on the roster (assuming of course that I can afford the guy on question and that he is willing to work with me).

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Better Than You (Glen Ward & Otto Hammerschmidt) vs. New Age Superheroes (Bali Daljit & Thunderbolt)

We know the Superheroes are jobbers and you just pointed that out.

Bedlam vs. Vic Walker

I like Bedlam and don't like Vic easy choice

Joe Simpson vs. Martin Heath

Joe isn't winning (thanks for the tip Zergon :p)

Axl Grease vs. Keith Adams

Debut win!

1 vs. 1 for the King of the Network title

Arthur T.Turtle vs. Chuck Frisby

Time for Chuck to win the strap year of the Frisby, i like it.

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