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January 2012

Friday week 3



ESE Eternal Battle (small, 1h)

Held in The Paddington Club, attendance 18 peoples




2 vs. 2

http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/4193/glenward.jpg & http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/4388/ottohammerschmidt.jpg vs. http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/2664/balidaljit.jpg & http://img714.imageshack.us/img714/9141/thunderbolt.jpg

Better Than You (Glen Ward & Otto Hammerschmidt) vs. New Age Superheroes (Bali Daljit & Thunderbolt)


New Age Superheroes try their best and for a while they manage to even control the fight but in the end they succumb when Otto hits Bali with Gutwrench Suplex, while Ward distracts Thunderbolt.

WINNERS: Better Than You by pinfall in 6:01 E


Ward & Otto are more important than the jobber duo so they get the win here.





After the match Ward and Otto continue to beat down their opponents when suddenly Foreign Legion charges in ring and drives Better Than You out of the ring. F+



Foreign Legion gets a face turn mainly so that I can run a feud between them and Better Than You but also because Jacques was becoming stale with his current gimmick/alignment. Both turns went “pretty well” so at least it wasn´t complete failure.


1 vs. 1

http://a.imageshack.us/img706/742/bedlam.jpg vs. http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/8026/vicwalker.jpg

Bedlam vs. Vic Walker


Bedlam gives a dominating performance here and shows just how dangerous he is by totally manhandling Walker before mercifully ending the match with Bedlam Bomb.

WINNER: Bedlam by pinfall in 5:11 F+


Simple squash match here to introduce Bedlam and to give him some momentum. Not a promising start for Bedlam but then again Walker can make anyone look bad so let´s see how Bedlam does against better opponents before judging him.



1 vs. 1

http://img231.imageshack.us/img231/3052/joesimpson.jpg vs. http://img80.imageshack.us/img80/4246/martinheath.jpg

Joe Simpson vs. Martin Heath


Simpson tries his best but once again it just isn´t good enough and Heath picks up a win with Flying Fist Drop after dominating performance.

WINNER: Martin Heath by pinfall in 6:18 E-


Squash match in order to get Heath back to E- popularity.





After the match Heath offers his hand to Simpson in show of respect, but Simpson who is clearly frustrated, attacks Heath instead. Heath manages to fight back and finally drive Simpson out of the ring. F+


With Foreign Legion´s face turn I needed to turn someone heel in order to keep balance on lower card. Simpson´s alt screams underdog face guy to me so badly that I was actually surprised to find out that he is a decent heel as well but once I found that out Simpson become the top candidate since I didn´t want to broke New Age Superheroes just yet. The fact that I wanted to turn Simpson is also the reason why I booked Heath against Simpson (instead of Bedlam) since I needed Simpson to attack fellow face. Turn itself was a complete success.




1 vs. 1

http://img231.imageshack.us/img231/9812/axlgrease.jpg vs. http://a.imageshack.us/img529/3718/keithadamsa.jpg

Axl Grease vs. Keith Adams


Even match between two though guys which could have gone either way. Adams picked up the win though after Grease makes a slight mistake on his anger allowing Adams to hit him with Clean Cutter for the win.

WINNER: Keith Adams by pinfall in 9:44 E+


Somewhat filler match here between two guys who I expected to perform well and they did deliver even though Grease was really off his game tonight. Adams gets the win since he´s more over and as I already told Grease seems to have high opinion on himself so I have to control his popularity a little. Grease also improved his technical and performance skills so this pretty much went as good as I could have hoped.





After the match Norman Gates attacks Grease and the two started brawling around the ring once again, until security come down and stopped them. E-

Just another angle to keep the feud going for a little while longer.



1 vs. 1 for the King of the Network title


http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/344/arthurtturtle.jpg vs. http://img88.imageshack.us/img88/4507/chuckfrisby.jpg

Arthur T.Turtle vs. Chuck Frisby


Another match-up between these two mortal enemies. This time though Frisby is the one who picks up the win after low blowing Turtle (while referee wasn´t watching) and hitting him with a Neckbreaker.

WINNER: Chuck Frisby by pinfall after cheating in 6:49 E+

Anndd we have a title change. I changed my mind many times about whatever giving King of the network belt to Frisby or not, since his in-ring work haven´t been all that great so far. But I simply feel that I have stronger faces than heels on the moment in my main event scene and thus Frisby is better option to carry the belt than Turtle. That and the fact that Turtle got the belt almost two years ago


Show rating: E

Ouch didn´t expect to only have E after two E+ matches but promos sucked this time (again thanks the fact that promos where rated on overness) and there still wasn´t enough storylines since I forgot to great the new ones.

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Predictions: Jingo was the only one who managed to get 5/5 this time with the main event going wrong for everyone else.


Jingo 5/5

Boltinho 4/5

Charasmatic Enigma 4/5

Dragonmack 2/5




This month´s ESE Eternal Battle have two high matches that have lots on stake. First of those matches is this month´s main event where Chuck Frisby makes his first title defense against former champion Arthur T.Turtle. Will Turtle be able to re-gain the title or will Frisby make a successful first defense? Second important match is 4 way number one contender match where Martin Heath, Axl Grease, Keith Adams and Norman Gates will clash in order to determinate the next contender for King of the Network title. Better Than You and Foreign Legion will also clash in two singles matches when Jacques takes Otto Hammerschmidt while his brother Pierre encounters Glen Ward.




Jacques DuPond vs. Otto Hammerschmidt


Pierre DuPond vs. Glen Ward


4 way number one contender match for King of the Network title

Martin Heath vs. Axl Grease vs. Keith Adams vs. Norman Gates


1 vs. 1 for the King of the Network title

Arthur T.Turtle vs. Chuck Frisby

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cant believe I failed last time out


Jacques DuPond vs. Otto Hammerschmidt

vive le DuPond


Pierre DuPond vs. Glen Ward

Ward is a face


4 way number one contender match for King of the Network title

Martin Heath vs. Axl Grease vs. Keith Adams vs. Norman Gates

nice big win for PC Dull. I hate Keith Adams.


1 vs. 1 for the King of the Network title

Arthur T.Turtle vs. Chuck Frisby

Got a feeling about this one

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5/5 go me ;)


Jacques DuPond vs. Otto Hammerschmidt

DuPonds don't win singles

Pierre DuPond vs. Glen Ward

See above

4 way number one contender match for King of the Network title

Martin Heath vs. Axl Grease vs. Keith Adams vs. Norman Gates

Keith may be new but i'd assume he has more overness than the others ... Or maybe you want to share that out a bit!? ... No i'll stick with Keith!

1 vs. 1 for the King of the Network title

Arthur T.Turtle vs. Chuck Frisby

He can't lose straight away surely ...

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Jacques DuPond vs. Otto Hammerschmidt

DuPonds only win tags


Pierre DuPond vs. Glen Ward

See above


4 way number one contender match for King of the Network title

Martin Heath vs. Axl Grease vs. Keith Adams vs. Norman Gates

Well he is my pick....


1 vs. 1 for the King of the Network title

Arthur T.Turtle vs. Chuck Frisby

Can't lose it on first defence

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February 2012

Friday week 3



ESE Eternal Battle (small, 1h)

Held in The Paddington Club, attendance 18 peoples





Show starts with Foreign Legion coming in ring.


Pierre: People have asked as all month, why did we help New Age Superheroes last month when we just fought them few short months ago. Well To bome in the ring that night because we wanted to help them. No don´t get us wrong we might have fought against those two but we do have some respect towards them. Unlike those two clowns Ward and Ham… well whatever his name is who think they can just end anyone´s career when they want do. You see we admit that we haven´t done everything right in here, but we do have some honor, namely we don´t purposefully try to end someone´s career just because they beat us once or because we just feel we need to make a statement.e honest we didn´t really c


Jacques: So we decided that we have to defend ESE:s locker room even if we don´t really agree with some guys back there, we simply cannot let Better Than You get away again like they did on Svensson´s case.


Pierre: And on the top of that there was that challenge they made. Now you probably wondering just what challenge they have thrown out, well it´s the very same one that caused that fight between us and New Age Superheroes. It was the words “We are the best tag team in ESE”.


Jacques: And just like last time when we made that statement and Superheroes answered our challenge, so do we right now, because we still believe that we are the best tag team in ESE and Otto and Glen, you two better get prepared because Foreign Legion is on the warpath. E-


Simple promo that basically try to explain why these two teams are on each other´s throats, and yes it´s pretty much same feud that Foreign Legion vs. New Age Superheroes just different guys, what can I say really, I´m not all that creative so I just use these basic reasons to get the feuds going.


1 vs. 1

http://img714.imageshack.us/img714/8043/jacquesdupontalt1.jpg vs. http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/4388/ottohammerschmidt.jpg

Jacques DuPond vs. Otto Hammerschmidt


Otto was in control for most of this match but a slight lapse of concentration was all that Jacques needed to turn the tide and Jacques manages to take the win with Flying Legdrop.

WINNER: Jacques DuPond by pinfall in 6:20 E-

Otto is the lesser guy on his team and so he takes the loss here even though he is more over than Jacques.





Chuck Frisby is shown backstage with confident smile on his face.

Frisby: I did tell you, didn´t I. Almost two years ago I told that it´s my destiny to become King of the Network champion and here I am with the very belt on my waist. But alas, there is no rest for me, because one persistent little rodent named Arthur T.Turtle still thinks that he´s better than me and has challenged me for the title again. And even that isn´t enough, no, no, no, of course the incompetent management has decided that we need to have number one contender match here tonight where four losers fight to see who can lose to me next. But have no worries because I´m not going to lose this belt, no matter how often I need to beat my opponents before they understand the simple fact, the fact that this is age of Frisby and let me tell you, it´s going to be a long era. D-


Typical promo from Frisby to hype both the main event and number one contender match. I meant to change Frisby´s gimmick as Arrogant Heel but unfortunately he would need to stay 28 days out of the ring for that to go well so he is still having his old gimmick for now (I will change it after this month assuming that I actually remember to do it this time).


1 vs.1

http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/3450/pierredupontalt1.jpg vs. http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/4193/glenward.jpg

Pierre DuPond vs. Glen Ward


This one was actually slightly more even than previous match but unlike his partner Ward didn´t led Pierre surprise him and in the end Ward made Pierre tap out with Judo Choke-Sleeper. This match dragged from the middle, which hurt the ratings.

WINNER: Glen Ward by submission in 7:08 E-


As usual these two tag team encounters go 1-1 and since Ward is most over of these four he pretty much had to win this one (Ward had E- popularity while DuPond´s had F) because of popularity difference. I thought maybe these guys could go over 6 minutes but no, they cannot. Would be nice to make some other than 6 minutes matches for the change :p.





Turtle is in backstage and everyone knows that it means more main event hype time.


Turtle: Chuck Frisby, one win, one win by cheating and suddenly you are so full of yourself. Well let me tell you that your “age of Frisby” isn´t going to be long, in fact it will end tonight. D-


And the other half of main event hype.



4 way number one contender match for King of the Network title

http://img80.imageshack.us/img80/4246/martinheath.jpg vs. http://img231.imageshack.us/img231/9812/axlgrease.jpg vs. http://a.imageshack.us/img529/3718/keithadamsa.jpg vs. http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/3632/normangates.jpg

Martin Heath vs. Axl Grease vs. Keith Adams vs. Norman Gates


This match was pretty much total chaos where no-one wasn´t able to take control for a long time. In the end Martin Heath is the one who manages to take victory after series of finishers from all four guys leave Heath as the only man standing and he pins Gates for the win. Grease was of his game here.

WINNER: Martin Heath by pinfall in 7:37 E

Well I said that Heath is getting in storyline and he is. In fact he will challenge for the belt. Why Heath and not Adams, who is most over of these four? Actually I have two reasons why but unfortunately reveling those reasons would give too much away so I can´t give answer to that question. But let me assure you that I do have a plan for Keith and he is getting in storyline during this year. Unfortunately Adams was unhappy about the booking so maybe I should have left him out of this match (luckily he´s only annoyed and still has 13 months left on his contract so hopefully there will be no ill effects). I kind of expected E+ from this one but then again all those E- matches had probably screwed my changes to E+ overall rating already.


1 vs. 1 for the King of the Network title


http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/344/arthurtturtle.jpg vs. http://img88.imageshack.us/img88/4507/chuckfrisby.jpg

Arthur T.Turtle vs. Chuck Frisby


Turtle and Frisby put up anoterh close fought fight but Frisby manages to hold his belt (cleanly this time) by hitting Turtle with a Neckbreaker.

WINNER: Chuck Frisby by pinfall in 6:04 E+


There wasn´t really any question that Frisby would retain here and this was more because I´m so used on that champ has a re-match clause that I pretty much automatically book it in unless there is good reason not to. Frisby got a clean win this time mainly because I felt that it was needed in order to finally close this one.





After the match Frisby celebrates his victory but his celebration is cut short when Martin Heath comes from backstage.


Heath: I guess congratulations are in order here, you did beat Turtle in the ring and you actually did it fair this time. I got to give you that and let me tell you that it´s no easy feat to do, I know it firsthand. But enough about that. You see I´m here simply to tell you that you should enjoy your “reign” as long as it lasts, since it might come in early end when you face me for that title. So keep the belt well polished until then.


Frisby: You would take this belt of from me? Man I didn´t know you are a comedian. What possible makes you think that you could beat me?

Heath: I don´t know maybe because I actually won when we met last time?


Frisby: That was a fluke and it only happened because Turtle distracted me!


Heath: Well, we see whatever it can happen or not, do we? D-


This angle was there simply to start the feud and also remind everyone that these two have clashed before.

Show rating: E+

Eh how did this one get E+ when those two E+ matches last time only netted E? Guess I have to than those three D- angles for this one then.

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Predictions: Dragonmack was the only one who got 4/4 in this round that proved to be quite hard. To be honest I expected most of you to pick Keith since he would have been most locigal choice but certain reasons made me go other way. Little surprised about half of you picking Otto over Jacques with Ward vs. Pierre also in the card but then again I must admit that it could have go either way if I didn´t want to use that both tag teams won one, lose one booking style so maybe it shoudn´t have surprised me.


Jingo 7/9

Boltinho 7/9

Charasmatic Enigma 6/9

Dragonmack 6/9






In this month´s main event we see our new number one contender in action when Martin Heath is facing Axl Grease in singles match-up. Win over Heath would give Grease a huge momentum boost but is he able to do it? Arthur T.Turtle will also try to get back on track after back-to-back losses to Frisby but Turtle´s opponent is a tough nut to crack, because he is non-other than ESE´s very own biker Norman Gates. Better Than You and Foreign Legion will also clash in tag team action in order to see which team truly is better one. In our other matches Keith Adams is facing frustrated Joe Simpson who is still looking his first win while Bedlam, Daljit, Thunderbolt and Walker will face each other´s in four-way match.



Keith Adams vs. Joe Simpson


Bedlam vs. Bali Daljit vs. Thunderbolt vs. Vic Walker


Foreign Legion (Pierre DuPond & Jacques DuPond) vs. Better Than You (Glen Ward & Otto Hammerschmidt)


Arthur T. Turtle vs. Norman Gates


Martin Heath vs. Axl Grease

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Okay I have been telling myself that I have to start reading this diary because I notice in all of the other threads you seem to make the most logical picks. Therefore, I knew this diary would be good. So I will catch up later and make my picks now. I just wanted to say that I am not all that familiar with the European scene so my picks are going to be bad.


Keith Adams vs. Joe Simpson

Bedlam vs. Bali Daljit vs. Thunderbolt vs. Vic Walker


Foreign Legion (Pierre DuPond & Jacques DuPond) vs. Better Than You (Glen Ward & Otto Hammerschmidt)


Arthur T. Turtle vs. Norman Gates


Martin Heath vs. Axl Grease

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Keith Adams vs. Joe Simpson

Boo! Rubbish policeman takes down human worm


Bedlam vs. Bali Daljit vs. Thunderbolt vs. Vic Walker

Bedlam could win this match if he was dead. Bedlam is awesome.


Foreign Legion (Pierre DuPond & Jacques DuPond) vs. Better Than You (Glen Ward & Otto Hammerschmidt)

I like the DuPonds but Ward is probably the clincher here


Arthur T. Turtle vs. Norman Gates

Turtle is still the man but maybe we see Gates go bug**** and get DQed?


Martin Heath vs. Axl Grease

Out of control Grease edges it

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Keith Adams vs. Joe Simpson

Keith beats Jobber!

Bedlam vs. Bali Daljit vs. Thunderbolt vs. Vic Walker

Bedlams a beast (in a good way!)

Foreign Legion (Pierre DuPond & Jacques DuPond) vs. Better Than You (Glen Ward & Otto Hammerschmidt)

It's tag sooo ... The DuPonds win.

Arthur T. Turtle vs. Norman Gates

I cant get behind Gates, and T. Turtles still the man

Martin Heath vs. Axl Grease

Heel Champ so Face = Win!

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Friday week 3

March 2012



ESE Eternal Battle (small, 1h)

Held in The Paddington Club, attendance 16 peoples


1 vs. 1

http://a.imageshack.us/img529/3718/keithadamsa.jpg vs. http://img231.imageshack.us/img231/3052/joesimpson.jpg

Keith Adams vs. Joe Simpson


This one was pretty one sided with Adams dominating the match-up. In fact, pretty much the only moves that Simpson made where his usual dance moves that he makes during his entrance. adams end this one with Clean Cut and takes a clear win.

WINNER: Keith Adams by pinfall in 4:59 E-


Squash match for Adams to get back some lost overness and hopefully to make him more happy.



four way match

http://a.imageshack.us/img706/742/bedlam.jpg vs. http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/2664/balidaljit.jpg vs. http://img714.imageshack.us/img714/9141/thunderbolt.jpg vs. http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/8026/vicwalker.jpg

Bedlam vs. Bali Daljit vs. Thunderbolt vs. Vic Walker


Daljit and Thunderbolt worked well as a team here and managed to look somewhat strong but in the end there wasn´t much question who the best wrestler here was and Bedlam proved it by first hitting both Walker and Daljit out of the ring and then sealing the deal via Bedlam Bomb on Thunderbolt .

WINNER: Bedlam by pinfall in 4:34 E-


This one was here mainly to give these guys something to do for since I didn´t want to just leave these guys out for a second show on the row. Daljit has become stale.






After the match Bedlam looks unhappy when he takes the microphone.

Bedlam: You have to start from the bottom in order to go up. That´s a phrase I have heard over-and-over-again. First I heard it when I started my MMA career and then again when I started in 21CW and I understand those. I mean both are big companies with lots of guys working for them, but hearing that same phrase here? I mean come on, who do I need to prove myself here on this hellhole that someone have a balls to call wrestling company? I had more TV time last year than rest of the roster combined which frankly isn´t hard considering that their total amount of time in TV would be…let´s see…about zero. So when I come here I assumed that I will get the opportunity to show my real skills against the best there is in here, which frankly isn´t much, but no I find myself against the lowest of the low here. I´m tired of that and since I don´t seem to get what I want for good, I will take it, so you better be ready because I´m going to make an impact soon and show your morons what a real wrestler looks. E+


This angle was mainly there to check Bedlam´s promo skills (which seems to be quite good) but also it gives reasoning to a new feud that I´m starting to build.





Martin Heath is o backstage and seems he´s on hype duty tonight.


Heath: So, our brave new King of the Network champion is having a little vacation tonight so guess his so called era continues a while still. Oh well, guess I have time for something else tonight and that something else is Axl Grease. Grease I don´t really have anything special against you but it seems that you had requested a match against me and since Frisby isn´t here guess that means that you are on. But if you think about using me as a stepping stone then I advise you to re-think you plan because I´m not going to lose tonight. E+


Frisby isn´t here tonight because he´s gimmick change isn´t ready yet (ironically it would be ready tomorrow) so this is just a way to continue this particular feud to next show and also promo tonight´s main event a little as well. And yes I could just have moved the date a little bit back and use Frisby here but this will do well enough and it´s always nice to check how you can do without one of your top stars in case that you suddenly find yourself in a situation where you have to survive with one of your guys leaving (and yes I look at you Svensson).



2 vs. 2

http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/3450/pierredupontalt1.jpg & http://img714.imageshack.us/img714/8043/jacquesdupontalt1.jpg vs. http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/4193/glenward.jpg & http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/4388/ottohammerschmidt.jpg

Foreign Legion (Pierre DuPond & Jacques DuPond) vs. Better Than You (Glen Ward & Otto Hammerschmidt)


This one was quite fast-phased match from two teams that looked to be quite equals in the ring. Foreign legion took this encounter when Pierre managed to hit Otto with Flying Fist Drop while Jacques made sure that Ward didn´t have time to interference the three count.

WINNER: Foreign Legion by pinfall in 6:28 E


This one could have gone either way and in fact I changed my mind about half a dozen time before finally setting to give this one to Foreign Legion.



1 vs. 1

http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/344/arthurtturtle.jpg vs. http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/3632/normangates.jpg

Arthur T. Turtle vs. Norman Gates


This was an interesting matchup between Gates high impact offence against Turtle´s flying skills. In the end Turtle showed why he´s the former champion by connecting with Sky Twister Press which was enough to earn a three count.

WINNER: Arthur T. Turtle by pinfall in 6:28 E-


Turtle gets a win against quality opponent after his two losses to Frisby in order to re-gain some popularity that he likely lost in last two months.




After the match Gates takes the microphone and issues a challenge to Grease.

Gates: Axl Grease! I recon we have fought against each other´s long enough so how about we settle this next month with First Blood match.


Grease comes from backstage with a microphone on his hand.


Grease: You on Gates, next month I´m going to make an example from you so you better be ready.


Gates: Oh I was born ready Grease so there are no worries about that. E-


Setting up the feud ender match since this feud has run its course. Not sure how well First Blood matches work on my current settings so it´s kind of learning exercise as well.



1 vs. 1

http://img80.imageshack.us/img80/4246/martinheath.jpg vs. http://img231.imageshack.us/img231/9812/axlgrease.jpg

Martin Heath vs. Axl Grease


Heath and Grease but up quite a fight here with both wanting to show their superiority. In the end Heath manages to secure the win with Flying Fist Drop.

WINNER: Martin Heath by pinfall in 6:25 E


Heath is the number one contender so he stays strong pretty much by default and there wasn´t any reason why Grease should have won this one.



Show rating: E


Pretty much what I expected as far as show rating goes with no really big match-ups in it. Turtle vs. Gates was slight disappointment even though it was face vs. face but other than that it was pretty much what I expected.

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<p>Predictions:<em> Quite easy card to predict this time around with both Jingo and BHK1978 (welcome abord, it´s always nice to see new guys reading this one and thanks for your kind words:)) getting all five right. Tag match was the only one tha I felt could cause some troubles while the other ones where pretty straight forward (well for me at least:p).</em></p><p> </p><p>

Jingo 12/14</p><p>

Boltinho 10/14</p><p>

Charasmatic Enigma 6/9</p><p>

Dragonmack 6/9</p><p>

BHK1978 5/5</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/5061/ese1.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

This month´s main event sees King of the Network champion Chuck Frisby and number one contender Martin Heath clash in tag team action when Frisby and Glen Ward team up in order to face Heath and Keith Adams. We also will see a sure to be brutal first bold match between Axl Grease and Norman Gates. Those two have been on each other´s throats for a long time now, will their differences finally be settled here. In our other match ups Otto Hammerschmidt fights against Bali Daljit while Arthur T.Turtle faces Vic Walker in singles action. Also Bedlam promised on last show that he will make an impact soon. Will it be here tonight and what is he planning to do?</p><p> </p><p>


Otto Hammerschmidt vs. Bali Daljit </p><p> </p><p>

Arthur T.Turtle vs. Vic Walker</p><p>


1 vs. 1 First Blood match</strong></p><p>

Norman Gates vs. Axl Grease</p><p> </p><p>

Martin Heath & Keith Adams vs. Chuck Frisby & Glen Ward</p>

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<p><strong>Otto Hammerschmidt </strong>vs. Bali Daljit </p><p>

<em>I smell jobber ..</em></p><p>

<strong>Arthur T.Turtle</strong> vs. Vic Walker</p><p>

<em>Needs to stay strong and i just dont like Vic ...</em></p><p>

<strong>1 vs. 1 First Blood match</strong></p><p>

Norman Gates vs.<strong> Axl Grease</strong></p><p><strong>

</strong><em>See more upside here</em></p><p>

<strong>Martin Heath & Keith Adams</strong> vs. Chuck Frisby & Glen Ward</p><p>

<em>Keep the number one contender looking strong, let Ward eat the pin.</em><!-- / message --></p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="27754" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Quite easy</div></blockquote> last time and I still failed.<p> Oops.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Otto Hammerschmidt </strong>vs. Bali Daljit </p><p> Bali Daljit has never won a match in anybodys save. Ever.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Arthur T.Turtle</strong> vs. Vic Walker</p><p> </p><p> 1 vs. 1 First Blood match</p><p> Norman Gates vs. <strong>Axl Grease</strong></p><p> First blood suits the psycho</p><p> </p><p> Martin Heath & Keith Adams vs. <strong>Chuck Frisby & Glen Ward</strong></p><p> Tough one here but I like Chuck</p>
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<p><strong>Otto Hammerschmidt</strong> vs. Bali Daljit </p><p> </p><p>

I just started an NWF game and hired both guys. Well let me just say Bali is a jobber.<img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Arthur T.Turtle</strong> vs. Vic Walker</p><p> </p><p>

1 vs. 1 First Blood match</p><p>

Norman Gates vs.<strong> Axl Grease</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Martin Heath & Keith Adams</strong> vs. Chuck Frisby & Glen Ward</p>

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Friday week 3

April 2012



ESE Eternal Battle (small, 1h)

Held in The Paddington Club, attendance 19 peoples


1 vs. 1

http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/4388/ottohammerschmidt.jpg vs. http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/2664/balidaljit.jpg

Otto Hammerschmidt vs. Bali Daljit


Bali shows great hard on this one and manages to make this a true match but in the end he still falls short when Otto catches him with Gutwrench Suplex.

WINNER: Otto Hammerschmidt by pinfall in 5:52 E-


Originally I wanted to but another Better Than You vs. New Age Superheroes tag match here but Frisby needed a partner in main event and Ward seemed like the best choice so I just settled to give Otto a singles win here. Bali changed on Underdog gimmick with got initial rating of B.





After the match Ward comes to the ring.


Ward: Foreign Legion, you might think that you proved something by getting a fluke victory last month but let me assure you that it´s not the case. We are still better than you and we will prove it to you and everyone else.


Otto: That´s right. We are going to show that we are the best tag team there is in ESE and there is nothing you two can do to stop us.

Surprisingly Peterson takes the microphone and comes in the ring with Ward and Otto.


Peterson: Well, you are actually only half right here. You see it´s true that last month wasn´t end of your little feud but there is in fact a way to prove who is the best tag team in ESE. You see, ESE´s management have decided to introduce a tag team belts for ESE and starting next month we will have a tag team tournament. Everyone who works for ESE as a wrestler can take a part in this tournament and you have for the end of this month to inform us if you taking a part in it.


Ward: Why bother you could just give those belts to us since there is no way anyone else could win those.


Peterson: We will see about that but I take it that you are in the tournament?

Ward: You are damn right we are. E-


Continuing this tag feud and also expanding it a little with the introduction of new belts. It might be little early for tag belts considering that my tag division is pretty small but we see how it goes from here.


1 vs. 1

http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/344/arthurtturtle.jpg vs. http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/8026/vicwalker.jpg

Arthur T.Turtle vs. Vic Walker


As everyone would expect Turtle dominates this one from start to finish and ends this with Sky Twister press.

WINNER: Arthur T. Turtle by pinfall in 7:13 E


Squash match, plain and simple as that. Both Turtle and Walker needs to change their characters. These two had great chemistry which explains how Walker where in E rated match. I just wish that I would have found this chemistry earlier.





After the match Bedlam runs in to ring and blind sights Turtle before beating him down quite badly before leaving. Turtle is carried away on a stretcher and it seems he´s hurt quite badly.


Larry: Why, why did Bedlam attack Turtle? This just makes no sense to me.


Peterson: Isn´t it obvious? Bedlam said he will make a statement and that what he just did. E

Though I don´t really want to push Bedlam to main event until he has little more experience he´s simple too good to not to be used in a feud and with Turtle not having anything to do it makes sense to pair these two together and see if they can run away with the ball. Bedlam was rated by menace which explains that better than normal rating on attack angle.



1 vs. 1 First Blood match

http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/3632/normangates.jpg vs. http://img231.imageshack.us/img231/9812/axlgrease.jpg

Norman Gates vs. Axl Grease


This one was a bar fight brawl (as you could expect from these two) not a wrestling match but it was entertaining non-the-less. In the end Grease picks the win on this one after he hits Gates with a steel chair.

WINNER: Axl Grease in 5:42 E-

This one was another of those could go either way matches. In the end I did go with my original plan and gave the win on Grease even though I don´t really have any idea where Grease will go from here. Still, though I have plans for Gates he didn´t need to win here and with his brute gimmick he can re-group from the loss easier than Grease anyway. Gates needs to change his character as well though so guess he won´t have that biker gimmick to help him anymore. Gates says that he doesn´t fit in brawl type matches, really? Guess I had totally wrong picture of Gates then since I have seen him as brawler :p.





Heath and Adams are in hype duty.


Heath: Tonight, I will continue to prove to those who doubt me that I deserve to be number one contender for the King of the Network title. How will I prove it? Well the plan is simple, win over Frisby and Ward tonight in a tag match and if possible pin Frisby cleanly in the middle of the ring. Yes, I believe I have what it takes to do that and I have a great partner as well so there will be no excuses tonight. I will go out there and do my best and prove myself once again.


Adams: And I have no doubt that you will do it. As for me, well to be honest a tag win over current champ is always a good thing. Doesn´t matter who makes the pin as long as our team wins. E


Basic main event hype. I didn´t bother making one for Frisby and Ward mainly because Ward already had a promo earlier and partly because I didn´t really know what to write on it anyway.



2 vs. 2

http://img80.imageshack.us/img80/4246/martinheath.jpg & http://a.imageshack.us/img529/3718/keithadamsa.jpg vs. http://img88.imageshack.us/img88/4507/chuckfrisby.jpg & http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/4193/glenward.jpg

Martin Heath & Keith Adams vs. Chuck Frisby & Glen Ward


Frisby and Ward where in control for much of the early match when they isolated Heath with usual heel tactics (cheating, low blows etc.). When Heath finally managed to tag Adams in things got more equal and Frisby & Ward never managed to get back their momentum. In the and Heath was the one who made the important three count but it was Ward who ate the pin after Heath hit him with Flying Fist Drop.

WINNERS: Martin Heath & Keith Adams by pinfall in 9:56 E+


Finding partners for Frisby and Heath proved to be surprisingly hard this time around. Originally I planned to include Otto and one of the Dupond´s but I wanted to use Keith (since he´s unhappy and already have E overness so no squash matches for him) so I scratched that plan and included Bedlam as Frisby´s partner. Then I realized that including Bedlam here kind of defeats his current storyline about how he gets no respect so I decided to which to Ward who I would have liked to work in a tag match in order to build his tag team experience. Sometimes it really sucks to have roster this small :p. Frisby whiched to Arrogant Heel gimmick that got initial rating of A. Heath is another guy who needs a change on gimmick.



Show rating: E+


Nice show overall with that main event helping a lot after semi-main event disappointed me though I knew it was a risk to begin with. Pretty much everyone on the starting roster that haven´t had gimmick change/haven´t been turned needs a change on their character so lot´s of gimmick changes are going to happen on next show.

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Sorry about missing the last couple predictions. Started a new job last week and its cutting into my internet surfing time something fierce. But I am still following along when I can. :)


Damn, real life getting on way for more important things:D. Nah, nice to hear you still reading this one:).

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Predictions: Jingo and BHK1978 both managed to get 4/4 this round with Boltinho only missing the main event that was another of those close call matches so overall well done for everyone. Little surprised actually that no-one picked Gates to win his match since I had hard time deciding who should win that one.


Jingo 16/18

Boltinho 13/18

BHK1978 9/9

Charasmatic Enigma 6/9

Dragonmack 6/9





In this month´s ESE Eternal Battle Chuck Frisby is having another title defense this time against the number one contender Martin Heath. Tonight we will also see a start for tag team tournament. Total off six teams have appointed the tournament and while Better Than You and Foreign Legion got automatic pass to next round thanks to their previous accomplishments four other teams have to fight for their spot for the tournament. In our first qualifying match Axl Grease and Bedlam will face New Age Superheroes while on the seconf match-up Keith Adams and Norman Gates will fight against a team of Vic Walker and Joe Simpson. Pierre DuPond and Otto Hammerschmidt will also face each other´s tonight in a heated match that continues the rivalry between these two teams.



2 vs. 2 Tag team tournament qualifying round

Axl Grease & Bedlam vs. New Age Superheroes (Bali Daljit & Thunderbolt)


Otto Hammerschmidt vs. Pierre DuPond


2 vs. 2 Tag team tournament qualifying round

Vic Walker & Joe Simpson vs. Keith Adams & Norman Gates


1 vs. 1 for the King of the Network title

Chuck Frisby vs. Martin Heath

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2 vs. 2 Tag team tournament qualifying round

Axl Grease & Bedlam vs. New Age Superheroes (Bali Daljit & Thunderbolt)

Tag belts coming in!? You must be getting big ;)

Otto Hammerschmidt vs. Pierre DuPond

2 vs. 2 Tag team tournament qualifying round

Vic Walker & Joe Simpson vs. Keith Adams & Norman Gates

Joe doesn't win ... Like ever!

1 vs. 1 for the King of the Network title

Chuck Frisby vs. Martin Heath

Chuck retains methinks.

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2 vs. 2 Tag team tournament qualifying round

Axl Grease & Bedlam vs. New Age Superheroes (Bali Daljit & Thunderbolt)

Go for the team with a name


Otto Hammerschmidt vs. Pierre DuPond

Otto gets his win back here


2 vs. 2 Tag team tournament qualifying round

Vic Walker & Joe Simpson vs. Keith Adams & Norman Gates

Adams and Gates can be main event level contenders


1 vs. 1 for the King of the Network title

Chuck Frisby vs. Martin Heath

Frisby retains

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2 vs. 2 Tag team tournament qualifying round

Axl Grease & Bedlam vs. New Age Superheroes (Bali Daljit & Thunderbolt)


Not sure if this is right because Bali is a jobber but I shall go with the crowd.


Otto Hammerschmidt vs. Pierre DuPond


2 vs. 2 Tag team tournament qualifying round

Vic Walker & Joe Simpson vs. Keith Adams & Norman Gates


1 vs. 1 for the King of the Network title

Chuck Frisby vs. Martin Heath

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Friday week 3

May 2012



ESE Eternal Battle (small, 1h)

Held in The Paddington Club, attendance 16 peoples



2 vs. 2 Tag team tournament qualifying round

http://img231.imageshack.us/img231/9812/axlgrease.jpg & http://a.imageshack.us/img706/742/bedlam.jpg vs. http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/2664/balidaljit.jpg & http://img714.imageshack.us/img714/9141/thunderbolt.jpg

Axl Grease & Bedlam vs. New Age Superheroes (Bali Daljit & Thunderbolt)


It quickly became clear that Bedlam and Grease are slightly better on individual level than their opponents but New Age Superheroes are able to stay in the game with their better teamwork skills. In the end it isn´t enough though with Bedlam pinning Bali after hitting him with Bedlam Bomb while Grease kept Thunderbolt busy.

WINNERS: Axl Grease & Bedlam by pinfall in 5:32 E


So, I make a tag tournament with only three real tag team and then one of those three teams aren´t even in it? Well, yes, though New Age Superheroes are a real team they are still jobbers and I couldn´t justify them going over two upper midcarders especially when I´m not sure if I keep Thunderbolt or not after his contract ends.


1 vs. 1

http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/4388/ottohammerschmidt.jpg vs. http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/3450/pierredupontalt1.jpg

Otto Hammerschmidt vs. Pierre DuPond


This was a close match between two midcarders.


However it also quickly turned into chaos when both Ward and Jacques decided to interference on behalf on their team mate. In the end Pierre manages to get a pin with roll-up while Otto was consentrating too much on Jacques.

Winner: Pierre DuPond by pinfall in 6:44 E-


Little pointless match between these two guys. Originally this one should have been draw via double DQ but Pierre started to whine about that so I decided to give him the win here since who won here wasn´t really all that important. Match was slightly too long with bout dragging in the middle.






These two teams continue to beat each other’s senseless even after the match is over. It takes some time before enough officials gets in the ring to separate these guys from each other´s. F


This was here pretty much just to kill some time as these kinds of angles never do good as we all know by now.


2 vs. 2 Tag team tournament qualifying round

http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/8026/vicwalker.jpg & http://img231.imageshack.us/img231/3052/joesimpson.jpg vs. http://a.imageshack.us/img529/3718/keithadamsa.jpg & http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/3632/normangates.jpg

Vic Walker & Joe Simpson vs. Keith Adams & Norman Gates


Adams and Gates had better individual skills than their opponents and unlike in last tag match the underdogs didn´t have any real teamwork either so they were quickly dispatched by their opponents even though Adams and Gates seemed to disagree with each other´s time to time. Basically it looked like Gates wanted to brawl (and use some bar brawl tactics not exactly allowed in wrestling ring) and “have fun” while Adams wanted to have honorable wrestling match without any shenanigans.

WINNERS: Keith Adams & Norman Gates by pinfall in 5:35 E-


No surprise here, two jobbers do what they do best, which is job and Adams and Gates gets an easy enough win. Walker Witches for Thief gimmick (initial rating C+) while Gates witched to weirdo gimmick (initial rating C) so neither gimmick change really wasn´t all that successful. Joe Simpson and Vic Walker have absolutely zero chemistry as partners, not that it matters much. Should have switched the position of the two tag matches, guess I but little bit too much faith on Adams managing to drag this one to respectable ratings.






After the match ends Gates and Adams seems to argue a little, but eventually they shake hands and go to the back together. E-


Building little tension between these two. Basic idea here is that since Adams is an actual police I decided that he´s the type of guy who wants to have clean wrestling matches while Gates character is more about being bar-room brawler than actual wrestler and thus he tends to use some illegal tactics that he have used in said bar-room fights. So why pair these two up? You just have to wait and see :D.





Turtle appears on the screen. He still sports some bandage and seems to be selling the injuries he got last month.


Turtle: So, Bedlam you though that you can just make a statement by attacking me and get all the attention that you think you deserve? Well you certainly got attention and that´s my attention but I doubt you like that one. You see you aren´t the first guy who have had this bright idea of trying to use me as a stepping stone and as those other´s have find out this particular stone is very slippery. And you are just going to find out how slippery it will be because we will meet in the ring sooner than you would like to. D-

Turtle delivers another solid promo that continues the feud between him and Bedlam. Turtle changed to Blue Collar gimmick (Initial rating B+)


1 vs. 1 for the King of the Network title


http://img88.imageshack.us/img88/4507/chuckfrisby.jpg vs. http://img80.imageshack.us/img80/4246/martinheath.jpg

Chuck Frisby vs. Martin Heath


Frisby comes in this match as little over confident but Heath is quickly able to beat that confidence out from Frisby. Frisby seems more and more frustrated when the fight continues and in the end he hits Heath with his championship belt and gets disqualified for his trouble.

WINNER: Martin Heath by DQ in 7:46 E+


I doubt anyone is surprised by the fact that this wasn´t a clean win but the winner might surprise a little bit more (well, usually when people predict they expect clean wins, I know I do). Heath wins here in order to build him up as creditable contender and also because it fits on the story I have on my mind.Heath changed to Clean Cut gimmick (initial rating C+)



Show rating: E


Not one of my best shows but still enough to get my popularity to grow.

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