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Wherein We Argue Over Numbers

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After he lifted The Big Show AND Edge onto his shoulders at the same time?


No, the guy has atleast an A, possibly A* strength. He is FREAKISHLY strong, to be honest. Mark Henry might be the only other guy in the company capable of pulling off what he did there.


No he didn't Edge and Big Show climbed onto his shoulders and he was able to keep standing and Edge immediately slid off. He did very very little lifting. Watch it again and you can see it was a contrived spot. Not saying he is not very strong with at least a B but not freakishly strong.

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I think this thread has done a fine job of demonstrating that there's no such thing as a "real world mod."


Most real world mods are in fact just that and are good at what they do. You would've been better off rephrasing that "There's no such thing as a real world mod because I or a few others don't agree with some stats included in them". Considering how long it takes to create one I don't think it's too much to ask when the mod maker requests the player change any stats they're unhappy with. Stats are vital to game play but they're very esay to tweak once someone has gone to the trouble of setting up the scenario with the correct gimmicks, tv deals, contracts etc.


If this thread demonstrates anything it's why most mod makers have stopped making mods and why there's rarely a new one that pops up.


Genadi's 2002 mod is probably the most true-to-life historical scenario available at the moment, and even he gave Scott Steiner a B+ in Psychology.


Thank you but the Steiner pyschology stat is an oversight, not me giving him a B+ more like me forgetting to change it from a B+.

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If a few mod makers gathered forces in irder to create a mod, and made a compromise about certain skills, and forgot their biases, i'm sure we could find a good RW mod that could actually get close to make use of the entire game mechanics. Heck, we could actually go beyond close. Sure, some things would have to be different from real life, cause as we already agreed, the RW situation is not logical at the moment,but i'm sure it can be done.


What makes you think some don't? Last two mods I released I not only consulted 3 mod makers for BETA feedback but 3 devs also. Those six prob gave the best feedback on changes needed to stats which I made in every case. Even after making changes suggested by someone with a better understanding of TEW then anyone could have, I had people on the first day of release objecting to those very stats in question. It's a no win situation which I'm sad about considering we could use a few more mod makers here imo.


People have their opinions on stats and if the mod they're playing doesn't meet their expectations regarding them they assume it's a mod problem. Thank God Adam turned to C-Verse, 90% of his time would probably be spent explaining, defending and justifying Real World stats if not.

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People have their opinions on stats and if the mod they're playing doesn't meet their expectations regarding them they assume it's a mod problem. Thank God Adam turned to C-Verse, 90% of his time would probably be spent explaining, defending and justifying Real World stats if not.


I agree, there just is no pleasing some people. I truly believe that some people just complain or argue just for the sake of it. The thing with stats is they are totally someone's opinion. I mean it is not like baseball, football, etc. where you have something to measure against.


What I mean is you could say, Ryan Howard hit X amount of home runs. Therefore when you compare it to the rest of baseball you can see how he stacked up. With wrestling it is just opinions, and like I said there is just no pleasing some as they always will think that their opinion is more important than yours.

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I would agree. The only physical skill John Cena should lower is athleticism. Power is probably A to A*. Lifting Big Show himself is impressive enough.


And on Toughness, how the heck can we tell on-screen on who's tough and who's not?


I remember Chris Jericho putting Goldberg in front facelock during their WCW days and Booker T getting the upper hand in a fight, and Paul Orndorff kicking Vader's ass.


The toughness stat has nothing about who would win the most shoot fights. It has to do with recovering from injuries, and things of that nature I believe.

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People have their opinions on stats and if the mod they're playing doesn't meet their expectations regarding them they assume it's a mod problem. Thank God Adam turned to C-Verse, 90% of his time would probably be spent explaining, defending and justifying Real World stats if not.


You make it sound like Adam switched to the CVerse like he had any other choice. He'd be spending all his time defending himself in court against the WWE if he had released TEW with RW stats. We all know this - you included - so don't jump on me for stating the obvious. I just thought it was sort of funny that you were thanking God that he turned to the CVerse when he really didn't have a choice. I thought the stats he did for EWR were top notch but I bet that gave him more headaches than the actual programming.


I have nothing but the utmost respect for the TEW mod community. All of you do a fabulous jobs on things that most of us wouldn't attempt. You know how generic and boring TEW would be without all the extra user made content? The CVerse alone would be crappy - we wouldn't have the awesome people pics, logos, banners, title belts, event logos, etc. without the mod makers.


The work you've done on your mods have been great and so have many others.


To be completely honest... this is the biggest problem I have with almost all RW mods: relationships. I always find relationships that are pretty well-known that aren't included. Now I'm not sure if this is done so that backstage morale doesn't reach 100% easily, but that has always been my biggest issue. I know I could go and add them myself but it comes down to this - I can quit the game and edit them in the editor but it doesn't affect my current game or I add it in game and it doesn't affect the database.


Having to choose between (1) editing the relationships in-game and in the editor and then continuing the save game or (2) quitting that game, editing the DB and then starting a new game. It just gets to the point where I quit and go back to my CVerse game.

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To be completely honest... this is the biggest problem I have with almost all RW mods: relationships. I always find relationships that are pretty well-known that aren't included. Now I'm not sure if this is done so that backstage morale doesn't reach 100% easily, but that has always been my biggest issue. I know I could go and add them myself but it comes down to this - I can quit the game and edit them in the editor but it doesn't affect my current game or I add it in game and it doesn't affect the database.


Having to choose between (1) editing the relationships in-game and in the editor and then continuing the save game or (2) quitting that game, editing the DB and then starting a new game. It just gets to the point where I quit and go back to my CVerse game.


Wow that's your biggest problem with RW mods? My biggest problems usually involve poorly set up products, workers with stats way too low or drug problems far too high, indy promotion's with way more popularity then they should have, etc.


Mostly though I just get burned out on playing the real world because it always seems like there's far less creative possibilities for it.

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Wow that's your biggest problem with RW mods? My biggest problems usually involve poorly set up products, workers with stats way too low or drug problems far too high, indy promotion's with way more popularity then they should have, etc.


Mostly though I just get burned out on playing the real world because it always seems like there's far less creative possibilities for it.


Relationships and the different personalities people have are one of the biggest pieces of TEW for me. If those are wrong I can't play the mod. :o


The only promotions I've ever played with a RW mod is Full Impact Pro (I'm a Roderick Strong fan) so I didn't really need to worry about popularity being off since it's a very small promotion.


I want to play a fantasy mod where EVERY worker has some drug and alcohol problems. That would be really fun I think.

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Wow that's your biggest problem with RW mods? My biggest problems usually involve poorly set up products, workers with stats way too low or drug problems far too high, indy promotion's with way more popularity then they should have, etc.


Mostly though I just get burned out on playing the real world because it always seems like there's far less creative possibilities for it.

I agree, except I find stats too high instead of low. The RW mods make SWF look like mine-zone. Seriously, anyone going from a RW mod to the C-Verse is going to have a hell of a time because the RW mods make life WAY too easy.

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You make it sound like Adam switched to the CVerse like he had any other choice. He'd be spending all his time defending himself in court against the WWE if he had released TEW with RW stats. We all know this - you included - so don't jump on me for stating the obvious. I just thought it was sort of funny that you were thanking God that he turned to the CVerse when he really didn't have a choice. I thought the stats he did for EWR were top notch but I bet that gave him more headaches than the actual programming.


1) When did I jump on you for anything let alone stating the obvious? :confused:


2) When did I say he "turned to the C-Verse when he really didn't have a choice" or anything closely resembling that? :confused:


Adam could've easily continued to use a RW setting with workers, promotions etc just changed slightly (The Rock becomes The Jock and so on) but didn't for whatever reasons. I don't know when that became the topic of discussion though, when you read how I brought it up in context, Logan your reply is confusing.

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1) When did I jump on you for anything let alone stating the obvious? :confused:


2) When did I say he "turned to the C-Verse when he really didn't have a choice" or anything closely resembling that? :confused:


Adam could've easily continued to use a RW setting with workers, promotions etc just changed slightly (The Rock becomes The Jock and so on) but didn't for whatever reasons. I don't know when that became the topic of discussion though, when you read how I brought it up in context, Logan your reply is confusing.


You didn't, I did. I said that so you couldn't jump on me for stating the obvious. I didn't mean anything by it.


You didn't say that, you only said, "thank God Adam turned to CVerse" (to avoid headaches from people) so I simply said it's not like he had a real choice. He could have used The Jock instead of The Rock but I'm very glad he created the CVerse.

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I agree, except I find stats too high instead of low. The RW mods make SWF look like mine-zone. Seriously, anyone going from a RW mod to the C-Verse is going to have a hell of a time because the RW mods make life WAY too easy.


Yeah I can't even play those current day mods where Impact can have an A rated show. IMPACT!

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So I'd just give an update on what set off this whole thread in the first place: The mod is stable.


I simmed for eight months and WWE rises to Global in 2 and stays there. Doesn't collapse the way it did when I first asked for help.


TNA and ROH both rise to International and Cult respectively in about 4-5 months which, although it may be unrealistic is better for my game play purposes.


Strangely, Cena (despite being abysmal in the ring) maintained his overness in America, while improving it everywhere else. He held the WWE Heavyweight title for the entire 8 months (making 5 defenses) and was ranked 19th on the years Top 100 wrestlers. Which is all depressingly realistic.


So thanks to Remi and everyone else who helped out!


Continual World Champ, John Cena's starting stats

Rumble: D+

Technical: D

Flying: E+

Entertainment: B

Performance: B

Physical: B

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I'm more concerned that you have TNA starting at National.


Well whoever said that TEW can't accurately recreate the current wrestling climate was correct. The main thing with TNA is that if they're smaller than National they can't sign written contracts. Which means that the WWE just poaches all their best talent. For the mod to work properly (to my tastes) I need them to keep their roster, and even expand it. That's more important to me than whether or not they tour, but I can easily see someone having the reverse priories. As far as I can tell, you need to pick one unrealistic aspect of TNA and live with it, but if anyone has any suggestions on how to make TNA keep/expand their roster at a Cult level, I'm all ears.

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Well whoever said that TEW can't accurately recreate the current wrestling climate was correct. The main thing with TNA is that if they're smaller than National they can't sign written contracts. Which means that the WWE just poaches all their best talent. For the mod to work properly (to my tastes) I need them to keep their roster, and even expand it. That's more important to me than whether or not they tour, but I can easily see someone having the reverse priories. As far as I can tell, you need to pick one unrealistic aspect of TNA and live with it, but if anyone has any suggestions on how to make TNA keep/expand their roster at a Cult level, I'm all ears.


Except in 2010, it is possible for large Cult companies that are financially stable to sign workers to Written contracts.


Besides, even if you put TNA at national or put every TNA worker on a written contract to start, the WWE is still going to be bigger and able to steal those workers if they choose when those deals come up.

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TNA should start as a Cult fed with a ridiculous amount of money and some key players set to loyal either to TNA or freelancing. It shouldn't be too hard to put on good shows with their roster, either.


I suppose if you want to make a TEW style challenge for the fed you'd have a bloated, overpushed roster all trying to cram on to a short time slot. But the TEW world is a lot more friendly than the real world so it wouldnt be hard to turn TNA around. :\

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