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Look back at Orlando vs Charlotte this year (games 3 and 4).


In game 3, Howard played 26 minutes, got 13 points. And fouled out.

Game 4, both Howard and Carter fouled out, and Howard only had 6 points.


In games 1 and 2, he had 5 fouls in each game.


The difference? Orlando is WAY better than Charlotte.


Look at the Celtics getting like 18 technicals (I know, it's an exaggeration) against the Magic which extended the series in the Conference finals. Those calls were insane. No way that wasn't sanctioned by the league. I'm sure those refs will be officiating in the Finals. And if they're not, they still won't get reprimanded.


There's an old soccer joke about a ref being paid off, and the team not getting the penalty calls it needed. When confronted, the ref said "You guys never made it to the box. I can't call penalties outside of that."


Same thing here. They will definitely call things tighter if the Lakers get a 2-0 lead. But again, LA may be that good that they can overcome it and finish it in 5 (or 4). I still think it will be 6.

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Look back at Orlando vs Charlotte this year (games 3 and 4).


In game 3, Howard played 26 minutes, got 13 points. And fouled out.

Game 4, both Howard and Carter fouled out, and Howard only had 6 points.


In games 1 and 2, he had 5 fouls in each game.


The difference? Orlando is WAY better than Charlotte.


Look at the Celtics getting like 18 technicals (I know, it's an exaggeration) against the Magic which extended the series in the Conference finals. Those calls were insane. No way that wasn't sanctioned by the league. I'm sure those refs will be officiating in the Finals. And if they're not, they still won't get reprimanded.


Yeah that really doesn't prove anything except that 1) Dwight Howard makes mental mistakes (hardly news for a 24 year old) and can be baited into foul trouble and 2) referees call things more tightly in a physical series. Neither is proof-positive that a fix was in.

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It was not a fix, since again, Orlando was way better.


If that game with all the ejections was due to a "physical" series, why did Howard only get 2 personal fouls (the second of which came some time in the 4th quarter)? You would think with the veteran leadership the Celtics have, they would have baited him more effectively.


I do think Donaghy being 14-2 against the spread (before Game 1 of the Finals) points to the fact that it is extremely predictable.

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Here is the biggest question for the C's


win or lose do you bring back Ray Allen next year?


I say yes, just at a much reduced price. He is consistent shooter who is going to knock down high 40% of his shots. Thing that scares me about the C's after this year though is their age.


I am a huge Celtics fan (born and raised in Boston just moved to Tampa 2 months ago) and I know how much the C's fans and organization love Ray and vice versa. I agree also if we can get him at a reduced price A VERY REDUCED PRICE (Grant Hill type money) we should bring him back. If not then I think he should have to be included in the vets that need to go to get some youth back (Finley, Wallace, Scab, Allen??? Nate???) I would keep Robinson though. Love to have Ray back but not sure it is the smartest plan.

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Great game for the Celtics but they need to do this 3 more times- they don't get enough offense from their bench or the rest of the big 3 to win otherwise. Pierce is being guarded by someone more physical than he is and KG just isn't KG anymore. They need Allen, Nate Robinson, and Rondo to score their points or they're going to struggle to score 90. Even in a win it has to be a little concerning that the Celtics struggled as much as they did at guarding Gasol and Bynum, especially considering Bynum is playing hurt.
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Hurt or not - Bynum is a beast. The only way in my opinion we can win is to stay out of foul trouble with our bigs which ain't likely with Gasol and Bynum going off like they can and will. It was a good game and we showed we will fight to the end just not sure if it is a battle we can win. As long as one of our three goes ballin' (think it will be Pierce next game. Artest is a great defender but Paul is just to skilled to be shut down again) we will have a chance with, and you can argue all day long, but Rondo is one of the top three PG's in the game leading us. As long as the transition game continues we can keep up, but history has proven the better team usually wins best of seven series... and I don't think we are the better team. That said.... GO CELTICS! THE BEST FRANCHISE IN ANY SPORT!!!!!
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I really don't think a handful of calls being off really effect the game either way so long as it's consistent. I've been involved in badly officiated games, and you know you're in one when people start getting hurt. Are they being a little quick with the whistle? Yes, frankly. But this sort of thing has always been a part of basketball and rarely alters the final outcome. I got hit with more than my share of phantom calls for being a shot blocker and it's frustrating but it's part of the game. Frankly people are focusing too much on the refs. It's their job to call the game as they see it, not to see everything all the time.
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I've said before in this thread that I'm not a basketball fan, but I constantly see people talking smack about LA on good ol' Facebook because I live in New England. So tonight I decided to piss some people off and ask how someone who gets paid millions of dollars can go 0-13 in shots? I'm expecting to have a few less friends tomorrow morning. <img alt=";)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/wink.png.686f06e511ee1fbf6bdc7d82f6831e53.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="LoganRodzen" data-cite="LoganRodzen" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="27836" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I've said before in this thread that I'm not a basketball fan, but I constantly see people talking smack about LA on good ol' Facebook because I live in New England. So tonight I decided to piss some people off and ask how someone who gets paid millions of dollars can go 0-13 in shots? I'm expecting to have a few less friends tomorrow morning. <img alt=";)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/wink.png.686f06e511ee1fbf6bdc7d82f6831e53.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Live by the jump shot, die by the jump shot. Allen's jumper wasn't falling, and instead of making adjustments in his game, he just kept shooting and kept missing. Honestly his lack of stats in any category bothers me more than his poor shooting night. Miss every shot you take? Fine, but you better at least make some plays for your team. Kobe took some awful shots and had a poor night shooting the ball, but he made up for it on the defensive end with 7 boards, 2 steals and 3 blocked shots. Allen on the other hand had only 4 rebounds, 2 assists, and 2 turnovers in addition to his awful shooting. Only one Celtics player had a worse +/-. You can't win when one of your best players has a night like that.</p>
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I agree with your assessment about LA (think it will take 6 games though) but don't see how the Celtics are overrated.

We were a four seed, our home record sucks, and half of our roster wears depends. If anyone was overrated think it was the Magic.


EDIT: AH! I see "people have overrated". Not you. Well... they are wrong. lol

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I am just glad that the series isn't one sided although with these two teams I didn't expect it to be. I hope that the Celtics win and keep their streak alive against the Lakers because it seems to me that the Lakers can't beat the Celtics. However who knows what will happen in the last two games in my opinion it could go either way.
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This series is proving that the Celtics are a better TEAM however the Lakers have the better player. Unless Kobe can step up his game even more than he already has the Celtics are going to win this.


Laker do have the best player in the series....... but that doesn't matter. They C's have proved that just because the best player is on the opposite side (Wade, Lebron, Howard, Kobe) the C's still win, because like you said C's are the better team. The Big 4 may be old (besides Rondo) but they are a complete team with a nice bench. If the Lakers can't step up for Kobe, then this series is over.

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This series is proving that the Celtics are a better TEAM however the Lakers have the better player. Unless Kobe can step up his game even more than he already has the Celtics are going to win this.


If the Lakers win won't that prove they're the better team?


Laker do have the best player in the series....... but that doesn't matter. They C's have proved that just because the best player is on the opposite side (Wade, Lebron, Howard, Kobe) the C's still win, because like you said C's are the better team. The Big 4 may be old (besides Rondo) but they are a complete team with a nice bench. If the Lakers can't step up for Kobe, then this series is over.


You forgot to mention a huge factor in what makes a team great, a coach... need I say more? I remember the same argument being thrown around in the Bulls/Jordan days, my how MJ and co. proved so many wrong.

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If the Lakers win won't that prove they're the better team?




You forgot to mention a huge factor in what makes a team great, a coach... need I say more? I remember the same argument being thrown around in the Bulls/Jordan days, my how MJ and co. proved so many wrong.


I've said on here before I believe Doc Rivers is a good coach.

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