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The C-Verse Re-render Project

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Damn you! That render's too perfect for what I DIDN'T wanna do. *sigh*


Looks like the Coven gets a new non-wrestling member.


*shakes fist*




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Just popping in to shower some more praise on the artists as they continue to churn out the awesome. You've all been putting out some AMAZING work.


As well as a question: Was there ever a re-render of Honest Frank made? If not, thats cool. I was just wondering if I missed one somewhere along the way.


Keep up the great work!

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Honest Frank re renders.

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Hey guys i have some more requests id greatly appreciate ... some of these original pics are actually from the WMMA game of greydog fame. if thats an issue in that you dont have the game and so arent familiar with the pic/character i understand.







I'd like to have Marvin with a pink OR white bandana not skull cap style (all over the head) but more like Karate Kid style so his bald head is still showing and in big, cartoonish sort of letters in WHITE if the bandana is PINK if the bandana is PINK than letters to be WHITE if it would say "POPP TIME!!" and then have him wearing a bright pink robe over his shoulders that'd be awesome!




this one is alot simpler if i could just get him in the same wrap around karate kid style head showing bandana, a black bandana with white letters reading the words "BEAST TRAIN"








If possible... I'd like to have Sampson looking a good bit younger, having a goatee strap style OR with no facial hair and having long shoulder length brown hair... if possible i'd like to give the allusion that he's wearing a single strap black wrestling singlet ala Andre the Giant... for this pic think... early Big Show... 1995-1996 Dungeon of Doom era The Giant.





For this pic the allusion that hears wearing the same single strap black wrestling singlet ala Andre the Giant but this time not looking as young, maybe having a cru-cut, alot heavier than the above pic but not too heavy... i was thinking Big Show's first WWF title run would be the idea here.




This is the last one but hopefully I could get two variants of it. The idea of having 3 pics here is for the ager. Young Gary Sampson to old. The pics are actually going to be for a totally different character so having a strong strong resemblence to Gary Sampson in WMMA is NOT essential. I got the idea for the character after looking through the entire WMMA roster (same with Marvin Stevens) so no worries if the authentic look of Gary is not preserved. His basic facial structure would be great but either way for the final Gary Sampson inspired character ager/pic req 3 if we can have him by now totally bald, rocking the mustache hes rocking in the WMMA game, itd be great to have him at his heaviest look here but defintely dont want him to look obese or anything, no need for multiple chins or anything like that. the character is going to be a super heavyweight or Giant (i shy from using Giants as I like to keep them rare so im not sure if he'll be a giant or not) but not in a Vader/Yokozuna/King Kong Bundy etc. type way this char is more along the lines of Big Show so while the last ager I'd like him at his heaviest, bald but not hideously fat or anything. For the top, instead of the one strap singlet if we could have two over the shoulder straps one of the costumes black and the other purple.




The request on Reaper Dante is if we could have him wearing a black trench coat collar up, looking dark and evil.. the big thing for this request is that he's wearing a black FWO t-shirt. the FWO logo is an EXACT copy of the NWO logo.... no need to have the lettering in that lower case upper case n.W.o style if the FWO letters could be all upper case in that white box boarder thats perfect. If we cant have Reaper Dante with the coat thats fine, in fact if its altogether easier i'd much rather just have Reaper Dante wearing a black FWO shirt.




This one I hope would be fun for someone. The request here is to have Rahmel Good with Road Warrior inspired face paint, preferably red and black and a spiked black collar around the neck. If possible to throw on a black beat up, torn up, leather biker vest thats dynamite. Throw some spikes on the vest too if you could. I'm not sure if anybody here is familiar but I was going through the closet the other day and broke out my old NES. I found in my assortment of games i saved for whatever the reason over the years a game called Tecmo World Wrestling. Its crazy and awesome... Its from that time of generic wrestling games for consoles with unique original characters...these games seemingly were always ported from Japan where the trademark laws are different and basically you could totally jack someones physical likeness in a wrestling game so long as you refer to them as something other than the name they use in their profession, your not breaking any copyright laws. So in this game they have guys that look like Inoki, Tiger Mask, Road Warrior Animal, Hogan, Flair etc but the characters have different names so it's all good. Anyway, if anybodys familiar with it, the Road Warrior Animal rip off kinda has a darker complexion and thus the idea for this Road Warrior-esque Rahmel Goode. I bring up the Tecmo thing incase youre familiar to help with what I was thinking for the pic but of course your the artist so whatever vision you have is excellent too. and also incase your not familiar an play emulators... .have a look!





For this request of American Buffalo, I'd like to have it as though he disappeared from camera for a few months and got on the gas and came back ripped out of his mind. Kinda like when the Wolfpac was formed Randy Savage started it up with Kevin Nash but had been nursing a bunch of injuries and he disappeared for a long time. He came back I think once or twice for short runs but I think he went away for awhile and returned and was in insanely better shape than before and has Gorgeous George with him. Or how Davey Boy Smith was certainly muscle bound and huge circa British Bulldogs tag team run but when he came back years later with the dreads and feuded with the Warlord he was alot bigger and more ripped. If we could do that with American Buffalo that'd be great and also important is to give him the Davey Boy Smith early 90s long dread hair cut with those white strips he had at the ends of the hair.





The Master of Minds


If we could get a nice, detailed pic of Master of Minds... maybe looking a little Vince McMahon-esque that'd be great.







Sorta simple one here, Arson Wells in a black tuxedo, red bowtie too if possible.



again i admire the work you ALL do here you guys are all such talented artists. JHD, Sockpuppet, Kam, so many of you guys have done stuff and i probably havent commented but ive taken dozens and dozens and dozens of modded pics from here from everybody and have used them in my games so i give much much thanks and appreciation to the terrific artists here and thank you for making the game that much more fun.

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Devil's Daughter




Chloe Dean




WHOA! These are awesome!

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Devil's Daughter






Thats awesome!!! Your renders are just soo .. Larger than life i just want to sign everyone you render for my SAW dynasty (cheap plug) ;) .. But yeah awesome work man keep it up.

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He may be interpreting the title of this thread "The C-Verse Re-render Project" as an indication that this all has an end-goal in mind.


I was a little confused by his post at first as well, until I double-checked the name of the thread

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="crayon" data-cite="crayon" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="27865" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>He may be interpreting the title of this thread "The C-Verse Re-render Project" as an indication that this all has an end-goal in mind.<p> </p><p> I was a little confused by his post at first as well, until I double-checked the name of the thread</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> you don't have to be an asshol.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="ShaunGBD" data-cite="ShaunGBD" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="27865" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>you done have to be an asshol.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Shaun, that's unacceptable. Crayon was stating that he thought you were under the impression that we had an end goal. We don't. The renderers on this board do this for fun in our spare time. If you take a look at the front page and the past two pages, you can download zip files containing more than 1000 re-renders along with even more alts.</p><p> </p><p> You should be thankful instead of antagonistic.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> By the way, I updated rerender2.rar with extra files. I'm going to need to redo all of them soon. I may do it by renderer.</p>
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