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The C-Verse Re-render Project

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I love this, ewanite! It really gives her an updated feel while also staying in line with what she looked like in the past. Great work!


Thank you :) Always nice to hear the work is appreciated. I've started a game as my own promotion so I've been remaking a lot of the hot free agents.


Teddy Powell



Man Mountain Cahill



Grandmaster Phunk


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Bugger, it looks like the failed harddrive gains another victim! (And also reminds me that I should really backup what I've completed so far, too :)). Shame to hear about it, but I know you'll keep knocking out the renders, so if you continue to keep me in mind, that'd be excellent


If you could give me the Ace as the size you've got him for the full body shot on transparent I'll be happy to crop him down to the sizes needed.


Slightly different pose as I saved it in daz as the headshot, but here you go.



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Thank you :) Always nice to hear the work is appreciated. I've started a game as my own promotion so I've been remaking a lot of the hot free agents.


Teddy Powell




This Ted is really good. Ive always struggled with his stupid beard/hair but this is really good

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Didn't thinks Abi had been done yet but it turns out she has. Anywho here is my version.

Abi Romanov




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Didn't thinks Abi had been done yet but it turns out she has. Anywho here is my version.



Haha, you must have read my mind and got the png ready before I even knew the image was on this forum :D Really good looking Abi, there. And say, feel free to continue with the trend of putting up the pngs alongside any more you do, as I'm actually looking towards doing some kind of a release for the project soon

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Thank you :) Always nice to hear the work is appreciated. I've started a game as my own promotion so I've been remaking a lot of the hot free agents.


Teddy Powell



Man Mountain Cahill



Grandmaster Phunk



New Version

Ace Youngblood





Oh wow, I really love all of these! Great work!!


For the renderers out there...what's a good prop/character set for headbands? I haven't been able to find any.

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Oh wow, I really love all of these! Great work!!


For the renderers out there...what's a good prop/character set for headbands? I haven't been able to find any.


Glad you guys liked them :)


I've never really found any great headbands to be honest. Usually I'd just use a primitive shape like a ring or some sort of hat and arrange it to look like a headband from the angle the shot is taken

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Thanks paulskin! I think I even saw that one but the pic on it threw me off.


Glad you guys liked them :)


I've never really found any great headbands to be honest. Usually I'd just use a primitive shape like a ring or some sort of hat and arrange it to look like a headband from the angle the shot is taken


I thought I was the only one who did that :) I do it with hair a lot. Thank goodness we only use a small snapshot of them from a particular angle. Some of these guys, if you turned them 360 or the camera panned a little lower you'd see hair jutting out the back like Alien and clothes that aren't really on the character at all :)

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Achilles The Mighty



Ben Williams



Brooke Tyler



Danger Kumasaka



Kazuma Narato



Sadaharu Jimbo



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Marc Speed


The Bulked up pick is from the info in his bio.


Mean Jean Cattley/The Mean Machine


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Mean Jean Cattley/The Mean Machine



THIS is awesome! :D I've never worked with Cattley; however, now with a new picture, I feel as though he could be a great midcard addition to WAR. Hmmm.....


Thank you for this!

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Mean Jean Cattley/The Mean Machine



Really love this. Cattley is one of the unsung heroes of the C-Verse for me. He really anchors MAW. This is a great representation of him, imo!

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For all the awesome guys in here who may not be aware of, or may have forgotten about the project I started at the beginning of the year, I just put a post up for it a couple of days ago



So head on over there if you want to see how far we've come. Also, the second post as a list of all the workers yet to be done, so if you've got a version laying about, or don't mind re-rendering on transparent you'd be doing me a huge favour.


Or for any re-renders you might do in the future, posting a transparent version alongside it would be most legendary :)

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THIS is awesome! :D I've never worked with Cattley; however, now with a new picture, I feel as though he could be a great midcard addition to WAR. Hmmm.....


Thank you for this!


Really love this. Cattley is one of the unsung heroes of the C-Verse for me. He really anchors MAW. This is a great representation of him, imo!




Loving the mask, how did you do that?!?!


Gah! An awesome masked Mean Machine comes out after my MAW diary ends!


Thanks again for the feedback everyone, really makes attempting these all the more enjoyable.


As for how I did the mask I used the one silver mask from here and did a bit post work around the hair and mouth to get the look.

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Marc Speed


The Bulked up pick is from the info in his bio.


Mean Jean Cattley/The Mean Machine



I tried and failed to do a Cattley a few times. I will never try again thanks to you. Awesome job!

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