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The C-Verse Re-render Project

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Oh yeah!! Those are superb and really captures the essence. My apologies if I came off snarky because I have used several of your renders in my game.


Not at all. I try to make sure everybody is satisfied with at least one version of the renders I do, whether its the first version or the 7th or 8th. At least it gives people variety :)

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Some new ones,


Zoe Ammis





Freddy Huggins





Suzanne Brazzle





some Relights,


Alicia Strong / Darryl Devine








Updated Zip Folder:


C-Verse Rerender Thread Zip May 2012

(updated 4/20/12)






And finally, just for fun I thought I'd post a progression of my renders since this thread began










The C-Verse Re-Render Photobucket


Tag List


C-Verse Re-Render Project Zip Folder

(Up to date as of: 4/20/12)

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Any chance you could make a version of the Freddie Huggins one with less light? Like the second or third versions of Darryl Devine? :o


I like the second and third version of DD myself. The last two looks like all the color got bleached out of him, its just weird for me.

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Well, all the good work in here lately got me inspired...


Joel Bryant



Murderous Mikey



Peter Valentine






Not too happy with the final version of that last one. I'll take another swing at it later...

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Loving all the new renders. Freddy Huggins is pretty much bang-on how I imagine him to be, and I love the mouth-closed Brazzle (because she looks kinda dumb with her mouth open like in the original :p). Loving masked Alicia, and the final Darryl Divine. The hair in the original Divine makes me laugh now, but at the time it looked fine. Weird how that happens sometimes. :p


For a guy with such a boring face, that Joel Bryant render is great. :D I'm liking the Valentines too (although, just checking, you do know Peter's son is Casey Valentine and the Valentine with the heart facepaint is unrelated, right? ¬_¬).


I'm loving D-Pod too, he's got that Sugar Dunkerton look going on.

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Apollo Prince?


Had to try one after that lol.

Apollo Prince



And a Relight




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Had to try one after that lol.

Apollo Prince




Thanks sir. I love seeing NSW guys get some love.


Someday someone is gong to have a go at the Notorious F.R.E.A.K and I wont have to bother with Xmas any more... ;)

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I'm liking the Valentines too (although, just checking, you do know Peter's son is Casey Valentine and the Valentine with the heart facepaint is unrelated, right? ¬_¬).


Yep, pure coincidence.


But, since you brought it up...


Casey Valentine



The American Flash


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Jtlant, not discounting your other work because everything you do is great, but your masked renders are absolutely awsome even for something as simple as The American Flash.



Re-light/texture of Gilmore first.

Angry Gilmore



And a new one


Wild Man Sullivan


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Jtlant, not discounting your other work because everything you do is great, but your masked renders are absolutely awsome even for something as simple as The American Flash.


Thanks! Been a while since I've worked with masks much, but I'm starting to get the hang of it again. Love that Wildman Sullivan update. The mullet works really well on him. :D


This is an update of an old one that I was never all that pleased with. Re-did quite a bit of the mask, plus new lighting...


Dragón Del Arco Iris Jr


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Couple New Ones


Amane Shunsen



Akinori Kwakami



And a few relights.


Koryusai & Chojiro Kitoaji



Sadaharu & Seiji Jimbo



Tommy Cornell Jr


Kinda tried to make the 3rd Tommy Jr look as much like Sr as possible

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would it be possible for someone to post the new rerender folder as something other than a .zipx file? My BitZipper demo's run out, so I can't actually unzip it without paying someone money I don't have.


You could get winrar, it does zips.

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