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The C-Verse Re-render Project

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Why is it that every time we renderers do something nice, people get greedy or inconsiderate. I'll use the render request thread as an example, we started doing requests when 07 came out, and it went from someone requesting one render at a time to people giving us 10 - 20 renders per request. the same could be said for the actual request thread we tried to do, it went from clarity trying to keep it organized and only allowing one request at a time to someone PMing me for 150 renders for a mod. I mean come on, we don't get paid to do this(as far as i know), and we don't have you guys buy us the stuff needed to do a render you suggest or request. So if you think some renders should get redone and you have a list, I would suggest you learn daz or Poser just like the rest of us had to do. And i don't want to hear it is difficult because I even did a tutorial on how to set up a basic scene for WMMA, and to do one for TEW is not that much different. I'm not trying to start a war, I'm just getting sick of how inconsiderate and greedy people have become on this board.



Excellent work by the way J Silver :)

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Why is it that every time we renderers do something nice, people get greedy or inconsiderate. I'll use the render request thread as an example, we started doing requests when 07 came out, and it went from someone requesting one render at a time to people giving us 10 - 20 renders per request. the same could be said for the actual request thread we tried to do, it went from clarity trying to keep it organized and only allowing one request at a time to someone PMing me for 150 renders for a mod. I mean come on, we don't get paid to do this(as far as i know), and we don't have you guys buy us the stuff needed to do a render you suggest or request. So if you think some renders should get redone and you have a list, I would suggest you learn daz or Poser just like the rest of us had to do. And i don't want to hear it is difficult because I even did a tutorial on how to set up a basic scene for WMMA, and to do one for TEW is not that much different. I'm not trying to start a war, I'm just getting sick of how inconsiderate and greedy people have become on this board.



Excellent work by the way J Silver :)


I think it needed to be said, Trell. It's one thing to give an idea of what to look into (i'll be honest, I've thrown Hell Monkey and a few others out there; however, never expect anything of it other than just saying 'meh') but it does always seem like people go a little overboard once something like this comes up. Whether its ReapeR's belts, KAM's logos, or the alt renders in here, it seems like people lose touch with the great offering you are all passing along.


I, for one, truly value what you've all done thus far (I actually just saved the 'spike' one you did). While it's okay to throw some names out there, here and there, it's up to the renderers themselves on what they really want to work on. Once it goes from being an artistic deal into being a 'request scenario', I'm sure a lot of the good-will begins to fall by the wayside.


Keep up the great work (if you want to; that is).





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if people took the trouble to read my post they would see it was just a suggestion.if people dont want to do them then so be it ill have a go myself.no big deal as i said before.i never made a request for anything.people go so over the top.if you dont like my posts just ignore them.
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Why is it that every time we renderers do something nice, people get greedy or inconsiderate. I'll use the render request thread as an example, we started doing requests when 07 came out, and it went from someone requesting one render at a time to people giving us 10 - 20 renders per request. the same could be said for the actual request thread we tried to do, it went from clarity trying to keep it organized and only allowing one request at a time to someone PMing me for 150 renders for a mod. I mean come on, we don't get paid to do this(as far as i know), and we don't have you guys buy us the stuff needed to do a render you suggest or request. So if you think some renders should get redone and you have a list, I would suggest you learn daz or Poser just like the rest of us had to do. And i don't want to hear it is difficult because I even did a tutorial on how to set up a basic scene for WMMA, and to do one for TEW is not that much different. I'm not trying to start a war, I'm just getting sick of how inconsiderate and greedy people have become on this board.


Trell let me start out by saying I have enjoyed the renders you have come up with over the years and way back in 07 when you would post "actual" shots via renders of things that happened in your personal mod, new tag team champions, etc I really enjoyed that. You make fantastic renders and your one of the many veterans on this board. You have been here since virtually the start looking at you joining in 2005.


That being said I think you need to take a few things into account when talking about how greedy people get here. I agree that people get overzealous and ask for 150 renders for a mod, or 200 graphics, or a bunch of belts or whatever their asking for. Maybe its just pestering a mod maker (D Boone or whoever) to hurry along with a mod.


You have to realize a few things. Most of the internet lack common sense. People say and do things on the internet that you wouldn't imagine happening in "real life". In a lot of ways peoples true personalities come out on the internet because there are no societal repercussions for them acting whatever way they instinctively want to act. So the first thing to remember is that MOST of the internet lack common sense. They don't think before they type. They see something and they let their fingers do the walking. Its not right but it goes way beyond the graphics forum and it goes way beyond this website.


Another thing you have to realize is they come on this site, they see the fantastic work you guys put out the amazing graphics that Kam, Sean, nyc, etc and others do. The belts that guys like Reaper, Fullmetal, Linslov, StuAnderson and others put out. They see this amazing top quality work and they see a lot of it. I don't think they realize this work has been amassed over five years worth of time. They click a link, they see pages and pages of unlimited graphics and to someone new on the board they may assume its a few seconds worth of time for these people. Their not right for assuming that and they shouldn't but if you put yourself in their shoes opening up a webpage and seeing an unlimited wealth of something it may cross your mind that it may be fairly easy and quick for these aritists to create these things. Its not right to assume that but again common sense, people lack it in real life and I'd day say a hundred times more on the internet.


Another thing is there is no "tutorial" for etiquette on this board. Again with the lacking common sense. There are rules about graphics in dynasties, there are rules about language and conduct but there is no nice reminder stickied saying "please remember these artists do this of their own free will and time. Their not slaves to your demands so keep your demands light, few and far between unless otherwise specified". Again you wouldn't think you would have to post something like that but if you have to post on language, if you have to post about "stealing" an artists work then I can't imagine why anybody wouldn't think there should be a stickied thread about requests pertaining to artists in general. Tons of websites have "stickied forum rules". This website does not and I think this website more than others could benefit from it.


Another thing you have to realize is that people that post on this site are very very young. I have seen as young as 12 years old posting on this website. There is an extreme language barrier in place for more than just respect its because this is a family friendly website that offers a game that the smallest of ages are free to buy. In this day and age my eight year old brother gets on the internet more than I do. We have no idea how old the people making these "greedy" requests are. In their case its not a matter of being new or lacking common sense its just the fact that their very young and it would be impossible for them to understand most etiquette period let alone that of this board.


I would say that 90% of the time these request threads and graphic threads in general go off without a hitch. Reaper has been doing belt requests for three plus years now and for the most part it goes off wonderfully. If someone makes a request when they shouldn't or if they "break the rules" the community steps in and usually politely reminds them that its not possible. Kam has had a request thread for over a year that has ran just as if not more smoothly. Even when these men take long hiatuses the threads don't pile up with pitchfork demands.


You have to take the good with the bad in all societies and even more on the internet. Its within your rights to get angry but its truly a waste of your time. If someone puts out a request for a 150 renders ignore it. The community does a fantastic job of helping "police" and when someone steps over an unmarked line there is a list of people that politely and unpolitely sometimes remind or reveal the line to them.


So just remember Trell that its not always as black and white as it seems. Things that may feel obvious or just common sense to you may not be to others. We have all ages, genders and countries on this board. Customs, practices and approach change with all of them. If someone does something thats not allowed I would suggest taking it in stride and politely letting them know thats not how it works. Everyone has been new somewhere before, everyone has had a dull moment somewhere before. I'm sure once you point out their actions to them their own embarrassment is going to get the message across much clearer than taking it as personally as you seemed to have.

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I would say that 90% of the time these request threads and graphic threads in general go off without a hitch. Reaper has been doing belt requests for three plus years now and for the most part it goes off wonderfully. If someone makes a request when they shouldn't or if they "break the rules" the community steps in and usually politely reminds them that its not possible.


I have to say that I agree with everything you have said Stennick. However, I do not agree with the community coming in and politely telling people that it is not possible.


I cannot count how many times someone has made the mistake of asking an artist for something, only to have Trell throw a hissy fit at them. Like paulskln, if you do not like what he is asking for you do not have to reply and go on a tirade. Just ignore it and move on.


I know people who have either left the site or are afraid to post in it because if they make a request they get yelled at. Or if they ask a question in the small questions thread veteran board members tell them to read the instruction manual. I mean for the people who are new to the site and do not know the un-written rules, throwing a fit because they ask a question is not the most welcoming thing to do.

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You have to take the good with the bad in all societies and even more on the internet. Its within your rights to get angry but its truly a waste of your time. If someone puts out a request for a 150 renders ignore it. The community does a fantastic job of helping "police" and when someone steps over an unmarked line there is a list of people that politely and unpolitely sometimes remind or reveal the line to them.




Thats why I said that. I have had many clashes with people that I felt were being extremely volatile and rude. I've said it before this board works in two ways. Someone says something and people either politely remind them not to talk that way, or that they can't ask for that, or that its just a matter of playing the game. (I can't count how many "should I buy this game" threads pop up. Why would you ask a board full of people would I would assume have not only bought the game but spend a good amount of time playing and enjoying that game if you should buy it?). None the less people either politely respond with "yes its a great game try the demo and come back here with any questions". To "there is a reason Adam gave you the months worth of demo". Sure its the truth but to an outsider that can seem short, and brash as well as unhelpful.


I agree BHK that there are two sets of people on this board. Those that are respectful, polite and want to further others gaming experiences....and those that don't. That being said there is a large community of people that are more than forthcoming with information and help. Remi, Bigpapa, yourself, James Casey, Comradebot, Peterhilton, etc.

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I would say that 90% of the time these request threads and graphic threads in general go off without a hitch. Reaper has been doing belt requests for three plus years now and for the most part it goes off wonderfully. If someone makes a request when they shouldn't or if they "break the rules" the community steps in and usually politely reminds them that its not possible. Kam has had a request thread for over a year that has ran just as if not more smoothly. Even when these men take long hiatuses the threads don't pile up with pitchfork demands.


It's interesting how folks like ReapeR and Kam can run request threads that run so smoothly. I guess it's down to temperaments. People are different. They seem to genuinely enjoy fulfilling requests. Maybe the render guys simply aren't wired that way. I know I'm not.


While the amount of requests seems to have increased recently, partly I think that's down to how there's less rendering going on right now. Everyone seems to have slowed down after a very frantic period (we all deserve a break). So we're getting post-after-post of requests, without images to break it up, and it's looking more pushy and demanding than it is. I wish paulskln had just said "Hey, how about some ACPW guys!" instead of listing their entire roster. It would have come off much better.

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if people took the trouble to read my post they would see it was just a suggestion.if people dont want to do them then so be it ill have a go myself.no big deal as i said before.i never made a request for anything.people go so over the top.if you dont like my posts just ignore them.


Again, don't know if this got picked up, but there are ACPW re-renders out there- they were some of the first that were done, and can be found in the photobucket files, I believe under either jhd1 or jtlant's list

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It's interesting how folks like ReapeR and Kam can run request threads that run so smoothly. I guess it's down to temperaments. People are different. They seem to genuinely enjoy fulfilling requests. Maybe the render guys simply aren't wired that way. I know I'm not.


While the amount of requests seems to have increased recently, partly I think that's down to how there's less rendering going on right now. Everyone seems to have slowed down after a very frantic period (we all deserve a break). So we're getting post-after-post of requests, without images to break it up, and it's looking more pushy and demanding than it is. I wish paulskln had just said "Hey, how about some ACPW guys!" instead of listing their entire roster. It would have come off much better.


Self you are the man I should have mentioned you in my love fest earlier. I know you sometimes have a short temperment for people with requests and thats within your right too although I have not personally seen you lash out so kudos to you sir.


I think you are right though that when this project first started there were a lot of people that were full steam ahead into it. Just like anything after a bit you start to slow down, it becomes more work than play. Without the images to break up some of the text requests it feels like a lot more than it truly is. That and as you said when you list twenty names as suggestions its the same as saying "what about these guys" but it "feels" like more. Well said Self and I always enjoy your ability to put things in your own context that same to make sense to the rest of us.

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I do kinda agree with one apect of what Trell was saying, if you want a render/renders doing so bad, download the software, practice at it, then do them yourself. When I first saw this thread I suggested a re-render of Raul Hughes. He's been a mainstay of every roster I've had since TEW2005 and I love the guy, but he has the blandest render. I got zero response to the suggestion.


Then I saw Trell's render tutorial, downloaded all the stuff, followed his instructions and made my first render. I practiced a bit first, then picked an indistinct render to redo (Dread). That went down well so I did a few more, did some renders for the 1977 mod, then finally re-rendered Raul Hughes to my liking myself :D I'm now working on renders for the Board Effort mod, which is quite fun. I've discovered I'm much better at working to a brief than trying to update an existing image so my input here has gone way down, but I have plans for a couple of obscure folk I want to re-render soon.


All in all, learning how to render yourself is pretty rewarding and well worth giving a go. It also means you don't have to suggest/request things from the nice people who do it for the love of the game ;)


EDIT: This isn't aimed at anyone by the way, meerly an observation and my experiences :)

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Self you are the man I should have mentioned you in my love fest earlier. I know you sometimes have a short temperment for people with requests and thats within your right too although I have not personally seen you lash out so kudos to you sir.


I think you are right though that when this project first started there were a lot of people that were full steam ahead into it. Just like anything after a bit you start to slow down, it becomes more work than play. Without the images to break up some of the text requests it feels like a lot more than it truly is. That and as you said when you list twenty names as suggestions its the same as saying "what about these guys" but it "feels" like more. Well said Self and I always enjoy your ability to put things in your own context that same to make sense to the rest of us.


I love this marriage councelling type rollercoaster that has just occured over the last few pages.


It starts with everybody getting worked up before eventually calming down and letting cooler heads prevail.


My motto for these type of threads is just sit back and enjoy the top quality work that is being produced. :)

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Hitomaro Suzuki





Shiba Mizoguchi





Yuki Horigoshi







The C-Verse Re-Render Photobucket


And now back to our regularly scheduled programming. Hopefully.



Los Acedemia



Decimalo/ Hexx







The C-Verse Re-Render Photobucket


Awesome work as always J, I love the Hitomaro Suzuki render! If I ever manage to sign him he's going to get the main event push he's always deserved! :D

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Let me put this out there first: THIS IS NOT A FORMAL REQUEST.


Has there been any re-renders for The Sneer Corporation in USPW (Jumbo Jackson, Mick Muscles, Danny Rushmore)? I searched but couldn't find anything...am I just looking in the wrong place?

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Well, I went through and read everything, while I agree with something and disagree with others, I think my best bet is just to stop posting and the "tirades" will stop happening and choas will soon take over the boards.



well it was fun, Met alot of nice people, Have a good day folks...................*Walks away into sunset*

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Harry Wilson's current render bugs me to no end. Just a random thought :rolleyes:


Clarity did post a "Darker version of Cornell" a while back on the render thread. I wonder if that might fit the bill..



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Again, don't know if this got picked up, but there are ACPW re-renders out there- they were some of the first that were done, and can be found in the photobucket files, I believe under either jhd1 or jtlant's list




And now back to our regularly scheduled programming. Hopefully.



Los Acedemia



Decimalo/ Hexx




These are wonderful...as some of the odder masked characters (alongside Mayan Idol), it's tough to make these look realistic without completely changing the mask and the character.



The C-Verse Re-Render Photobucket

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