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So I ran with this idea back with tew07 and got halfway decent results.its in a sense an efed ran through tew10. What I want to do is set up a created company in the cverse with you guys as the wrestlers. Ill create a template for everyone to fill out as far as the wrestlers stats go and I will act as the commissioner of the fed setting up the storylines and such. The twist so to speak is that if your character has a speaking part you send it in to me. Also I would get each workers input on how to go forward with each match/storyline. My plan again is to write all this up in the dynasty section. I have some more ideas but this is the basis of it. Let me know if anyone is interested in joining this and ill post more when I'm not typing from my cell at work
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Lol my bad again I'm typing from my phone so be gentle. ;)


As far as what you have to do at a minimum is provide a character for the fed then on the shows you have an interview you provide the dialogue. You can contribute as much more as you want for example giving storyline ideas helping with match writeups etc

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It's tempting, Mad. Much like GDMMA that you ran then I ran, I always love this concept!


I think I can find time to be a part of this. My life's too hectic for Mafia or running a diary, but I like the idea of writing for a character again.


I'm in.

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OK so now that I'm at my home computer here is, hopefully, a better example of what I'm talking about:


I’m going to make the created fed The Dog Pound, and get permission from Kamchatka to use his logo for it. The company will consist of people from this forum who want to participate. The way this works will be fairly simple, everyone who is interested in joining the league will use the signup form (that will come when I launch this.) of this post to give me their information. I will then add those people into the database and put them under contract will The Dog Pound. From there I’m going to run it just as a regular created company in TEW10, running storylines, trying to get the best ratings, etc. Now the thing that makes this different is that you have 100 percent control of the person you entered into the company.


Example: Billy and Bob are both involved in the heavyweight title storyline. I will PM both members and ask them how they think the storyline should be handled, who should come out on top, what type of blow out match they should have etc. However it is ultimately my decision on how things get handled so I can either listen to their suggestions or go my own route. I will then PM Billy and inform him that he has a promo on the next show that he is suppose to give that will take place just minutes after he is brutally attacked by Bob. I will then take his promo and use that when writing up the show results.


At a minimum that will be all that is ever expected of you is the promos, but how much you can contribute is completely up to you. For example if you would like to write out your own match, or heck even want to take it upon yourself to write-up an entire show just to try a new format I’m all for it. If you have a really cool gimmick idea for your character, or even a storyline idea for someone other than yourself, then share it with me and we can try to get it into a program.


The intent here is to try to bring this whole thing to life and make it bout the different personalities and the fights backstage. While at the same time giving other members the opportunity to continue to work on their writing skills, without the responsibility of keeping up with their own diary.


Give me feed back so far of what you think. I have some other ideas to make this even more in depth that I will share probably later tonight when I get home from work and have time to write it all out.

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Another thing I was thinking about incorporating into this, and I want to hear the opinions of the people who will participate, is a salary system. Let’s say for example we start as a small company and I start everyone off at $100.00 PPA. I will then say that you can buy 5 extra attribute points to add to your character for $1,000. Obviously everyone will improve over time, but this will help people get better faster. I was also thinking maybe giving a bonus at the end of each show for best promo. This would be to keep people wanting to put their best effort into their work. You could also get extra money for doing some of the extra things for the company describe earlier such as writing up shows, or maybe doing graphics things like that.


Anyway what does everyone think salary, or is that to over the top.

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