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Totally agree...


Also find that Tatiana as different clones produces different attractions from me.


Sarah - Probably the closest to Tatiana herself is very pretty.


Cosima - I find her insanely hawt, in a Geek Hot way.


Alison - Hot in a really shouldn't be MILFY way.


Rachel - Meh don't rate her... think it might be the haircut and the fact so far in the show she's been a complete *Female Dog*


Helena - I dunno I kinda do and don't find her attractive, Attractive in a vulnerable "I wanna look after her way"


Regardless, Awesome show.


I feel the same way about Cosima and I usually hate it when white girls have dreads but well I am a sucker for a girl who wears glasses.


She looks bad as Helena even though Helena is my favorite clone. Then again I guess she is supposed to have a sort of feral look to her considering Helena is supposed to be nuts.


I love the new storyline they are doing with Alison & Donny and I completely agree with the cougar vibe they give Alison.


Rachel well I don't know I kind of like her corporate dress style and the way she looks. The short hair and the bitchy attitude does make her cold but oddly enough she does look kind of sexy. Or at least until she lost her eye.

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I feel the same way about Cosima and I usually hate it when white girls have dreads but well I am a sucker for a girl who wears glasses.


She looks bad as Helena even though Helena is my favorite clone. Then again I guess she is supposed to have a sort of feral look to her considering Helena is supposed to be nuts.


I love the new storyline they are doing with Alison & Donny and I completely agree with the cougar vibe they give Alison.


Rachel well I don't know I kind of like her corporate dress style and the way she looks. The short hair and the bitchy attitude does make her cold but oddly enough she does look kind of sexy. Or at least until she lost her eye.


Agree with this, and We can further agree that A) Orphan Black is the bomb and B) Tatiana is hot as hell.


UK TV has not yet (to my knowledge) started showing season 3 yet but I'll be totally amped when it does.

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Thanks for the info. Once the season is over, will they put the whole season up? If so, I'll just wait until then to watch it.


Some shows have the entire seasons available if you have Plus. Flash and Gotham aren't among those shows though.


As someone who has watched both, I love Flash. It's light superhero fun that has been consistently entertaining.


Gotham, on the other hand is just painful for me to watch. I don't understand why that's as well received as it is...


Also, I concur that Orphan Black is awesome. It sucks that I probably won't be able to watch the current season until it hits Prime, though.

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Haven't watched Daredevil soon, but I really need and intend to very soon. In a slight digression, do any of you watch Gotham? Just started with like seven episodes ago, and man, do I love it. Such a good show, one of my new favorites.


I used to watch Gotham. I liked it but not enough to keep following it week after week.


Daredevil was pretty good. I only saw the pilot episode though. The action is pretty well done for a Netflix series.

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Agree with this, and We can further agree that A) Orphan Black is the bomb and B) Tatiana is hot as hell.


UK TV has not yet (to my knowledge) started showing season 3 yet but I'll be totally amped when it does.


I am sorry, I am not sure what I said in my previous post would be considered a spoiler. I just assumed that it aired over there the same time it did over here much like Dr. Who. That last thing I would want to do is spoil it for someone.


I still remember having the Ashes to Ashes final episode spoiled for me on when we were talking about the ending of Lost. Which sucked because it finally aired like two years later over here so I knew the ending two years in advance.

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I am sorry, I am not sure what I said in my previous post would be considered a spoiler. I just assumed that it aired over there the same time it did over here much like Dr. Who. That last thing I would want to do is spoil it for someone.


I still remember having the Ashes to Ashes final episode spoiled for me on when we were talking about the ending of Lost. Which sucked because it finally aired like two years later over here so I knew the ending two years in advance.


Don't worry buddy, you said nothing that I would consider spoilers.


Was just commenting that I really cannot wait for it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Watched the point race of Eurovision, and almost wagered a bet with myself to have a gulp of beer for every point the UK scored. Boy, that would've been a quiet night. :p


Was this the first time the host didn't score a single point? Lately, it is known the 'big' countries tend to suck. It is considered boring to vote for the big 5 now? Spain wasn't even in this year. France had nothing, and Germany and UK scored points once. Then again, Italy was the exception.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Zoo to me seems like the most ridiculous show ever. I haven't watched it since I can't even watch the trailer for it without being embarrassed for the show. I've been watching Arrow and Flash back to back for the last few weeks and I have to say Arrow has been sooooo boring. They were building to this big epic battle with the League of Shadows. Merlyn was going to train Oliver and Thea and they were going to take them on. Then Merlyn trapped them on an island and very little was said about "training" them anymore. That combined with the silly "oh you've been my apprentice for a week and before that you were one of the biggest super heros in the world I think its time to promote you to head of the Demon, oh and marry my daughter and have babies while you're at it". While he's doing this on Flash he shows up to fight alongside Flash against Reverse Flash. The flashbacks with Oliver this season have been bathroom breaks for me. I'm really ready to be done with the flashbacks they get more convoluted as they go. Flash on the other hand has been virtually perfect. Outside of Grodd being very hard to pull of credibility wise with the low quality CGI.
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He has a few rogues gallery the problem was they blew through his major rogues all at once. Merlyn is like his "Joker" but they made him just another guy very rarely showing off how dangerous he is. Vertigo was just a jobber they killed off in like the first season. Deathstroke they did make into a big deal so I can't complain about that one.


I don't have a problem with them using Ra's al Ghul they just completely ruined him. The second half of the season they just made him into a joke. Not to mention killing him was just not right. Dude is one of the biggest and farthest reaching villains in the DCverse and they just kill him off. Flash on the other hand has been perfect.

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He has a few rogues gallery the problem was they blew through his major rogues all at once. Merlyn is like his "Joker" but they made him just another guy very rarely showing off how dangerous he is. Vertigo was just a jobber they killed off in like the first season. Deathstroke they did make into a big deal so I can't complain about that one.


I don't have a problem with them using Ra's al Ghul they just completely ruined him. The second half of the season they just made him into a joke. Not to mention killing him was just not right. Dude is one of the biggest and farthest reaching villains in the DCverse and they just kill him off. Flash on the other hand has been perfect.


Not sure if comic book shows are treated this way, or if it would not make sense to stretch it out this long but has there ever been a show that dedicated an entire season to a villain?


e.g. Merlyn in season 1, Vertigo in season 2, Deathstroke in season 3, etc.


And then if you know the series is coming to an end, build the final season around someone like Ra's al Ghul?


I'm sure most of the villains have a strong enough story arc in the comics to be able to have a season devoted to them.

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The Flash was mostly treated this way the entire season was mostly about finding out who Reverse Flash was and stopping him. Of course in doing so you're introduced to lower tier villians and maybe even some middle tier villians. But absolutely thats how it should be.


You should decide who your "big" three or four or five if you're lucky enough are. Build seasons around each of them. Sadly Arrow has a very weak rogues gallery and they mostly ran through his list of big time villians in the first two seasons with Merlyn, Vertigo and Deathstroke. Viewing Arrow and Flash back to back its kind of a bummer to see that Arrow runs into the same tropes nearly every episode or every other episode while Flash seemingly had a plan from the pilot going into season 2 which is nice to see. Arrow is still good but this arrow is almost a mini version of Batman. Its like "hey we can't do Batman so lets kind of make the Arrow exactly like Batman".

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  • 3 weeks later...
Anyone watching True Detective or did everyone stop? I just watched last night's episode, and I think it's sorta finding its identity. Hoping the last 2 episodes are able to salvage things, and wrap things up in a more satisfying manner than S1.
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I absolutely loved the first season I thought it was ground breaking and incredible. I had been following the speculation for the second season since the end of the first news came out about it. I remember when it was going to be an all female cast. Then I heard that Vaughn was involved and I was excited since I saw him as a guy that needed to change up his parts. However I've not heard anything great about it. I watch Ballers every week and when I look at the "previously on" or "next time" or even the trailers for the series in general none of it really gives me a sense of excitement like the first one did.


In other news I just watched Orange is the New Black Season 3 and it was painstakingly dull. There wasn't any antagonist throughout the entire season. Nothing interesting happened all season.


Ballers had been interesting but this last episode was kind of boring and I don't really feel like the story has moved forward at all from the first episode. With there only being ten episodes and them only being a half hour long I feel like they should be going balls to the wall with the story. Instead Vernon, Reggie, Rickie, Spencer, Joe, are all in the same spot. That on top of it seeming really silly that even though Spencer is a financial adviser he's somehow babysitting Reggie and Vernon while Joe manages the money. Why would you waste resources on two separate financial advisers handling one guy. That combined with Spencer rattling off ten pro athletes he's signed in the last however much time since the show started and because ONE guy might not be part of the company anymore that would mean both Spencer AND Joe who had nothing to do with any of it would be fired? When in reality if a guy had a list of pro athletes like that lined up under his customer base he would not only be fired but if he was every other financial company in the area would be begging him to come in. Other than one or two shots of him popping a pill and one scene where he didn't have any money in his bank account Spencer hasn't displayed any repercussions for being a pill addict or broke. Its compared to Entourage but Entourage had fun and interesting characters who were consistent even when the stories weren't entertaining in themselves. This show doesn't seem to have any likeable characters on top of none of them being interesting. Spencer has a chance to be an interesting character and the Oline guy has a chance to be interesting but they don't do anything with them. The former player who's addicted to pills and broke for whatever reason managing other players money while pretending everything is fine in the crazy world of celebrities in South Beach is interesting. The former player who got out young, with his health, has a gorgeous wife, and a happy home life who found a non taxing job outside of football but yet is bored and still missing his playing days all the while still being somewhat recruited by some of the teams in the area is an interesting character but outside of a half of one episode they haven't done anything with that either. They got him scaling walls and being stalked by a super model.

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Anyone watching True Detective or did everyone stop? I just watched last night's episode, and I think it's sorta finding its identity. Hoping the last 2 episodes are able to salvage things, and wrap things up in a more satisfying manner than S1.


I actually gave up on it last night and watched Humans on AMC instead (Which is a pretty good Sci Fi show if you like that genre). I heard last night's episode was pretty good. I will probably catch it On Demand during the week.


This season has sucked, which is a major disappointment because it has a good cast (Shoot I will watch anything with Rachel McAdams in it, yes even the Notebook, because well Rachel McAdam's in it and she is hot). It is funny but I thought I was the only person who did not understand what the hell was going on during this season. Then I saw articles popping up on the web with others saying they have no clue as to what was going on and so I did not feel like such an idiot.


It is like they are trying to do yet another shady land development story about Los Angeles. That story has been done time and time again and Chinatown did it the best, no need to try to do it again.

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Anyone watching True Detective or did everyone stop? I just watched last night's episode, and I think it's sorta finding its identity. Hoping the last 2 episodes are able to salvage things, and wrap things up in a more satisfying manner than S1.


I haven't watched this week's episode yet, but for the most part when I'm watching it, I find myself not really being interested by what's going on and playing on my phone.


I really enjoyed Season 1. Season 2 just hasn't been able to keep my interest.

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Anyone watching True Detective or did everyone stop? I just watched last night's episode, and I think it's sorta finding its identity. Hoping the last 2 episodes are able to salvage things, and wrap things up in a more satisfying manner than S1.


I haven't watched the latest episode yet but yeah, I'm watching. It's quite good. Not nearly as amazing as Season 1, but still an enjoyable watch with an exciting casta. Colin Farrell is amazing, his performance is right up there alongside McConnaughey and Harrelson in S1.

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