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Anyone else watch Rick & Morty?


I'm almost done with Season 1 and holy moly, it's one of the best Adult Swim shows in years.


Love it!


Also a massive Black Jesus fan. I'm glad some of the negative controversial hype died down because at it's heart it's a rather sweet and touching show at times. It accomplishes this without sacrificing brutal humor.

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Okay without spoiling what happened on SOA last night, I just wanted to ask a general question. Is Sons of Anarchy the goriest show you have ever watched on television?


The reason why I ask is because I had a friend say it was after seeing what happened in the last episode. I disagree, I think OZ was hands down the most goriest show I have ever watched. I was just wondering what others on here think is the goriest. I think Walking Dead could be in the group as well but I still think OZ has the edge.

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Okay without spoiling what happened on SOA last night, I just wanted to ask a general question. Is Sons of Anarchy the goriest show you have ever watched on television?


The reason why I ask is because I had a friend say it was after seeing what happened in the last episode. I disagree, I think OZ was hands down the most goriest show I have ever watched. I was just wondering what others on here think is the goriest. I think Walking Dead could be in the group as well but I still think OZ has the edge.


I think your friend meant on normal TV, not a HBO show which I believe OZ was.

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Being the huge Batman nerd I am, I could rant at length about how wrong it is to use these two. But I'll just restrict it to this question: Why in God's name would you use two villains whose origins both heavily involve Batman in a show that's not about Batman?

Harvey Dent is District Attorney before Bruce becomes Batman. Right now he is the assistant district attorney, which will probably end up with him as the District Attorney just before Bruce puts on the suit (roughly six months before if they follow history). So I have no problem with him being around right now. The ages don't seem to be lining up exactly, but they are close enough that I don't mind (it's less then a decade off)


He doesn't become Two-Face til' Acid is thrown on his face at a trial. This will be after he takes down the Roman with the aid of Batman, so nothing is screwed up too much til' they ignore all that and have him change before Bruce become Batman.


They technically don't have to appear as their villain counterparts. While I still wouldn't add Harvey so early. Joker could make plenty appearances as the Red Hood.


They have teased Joker from the very first show, too many smiles at less than appropriate times. I guess they could play off the Red Hood character with him, but I'm not really ok with that.

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Harvey Dent is District Attorney before Bruce becomes Batman. Right now he is the assistant district attorney, which will probably end up with him as the District Attorney just before Bruce puts on the suit (roughly six months before if they follow history). So I have no problem with him being around right now. The ages don't seem to be lining up exactly, but they are close enough that I don't mind (it's less then a decade off)


He doesn't become Two-Face til' Acid is thrown on his face at a trial. This will be after he takes down the Roman with the aid of Batman, so nothing is screwed up too much til' they ignore all that and have him change before Bruce become Batman.




They have teased Joker from the very first show, too many smiles at less than appropriate times. I guess they could play off the Red Hood character with him, but I'm not really ok with that.


As long as he isn't made into Two-Face before Batman is even active, I'm fine with that I just figured since fullMETAL said Two-Face they were actually going to turn Dent into him on the show.

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There's a rumor/fan theory going around that "Penguin" is actually the Joker.


Also, unrelated to Gotham, I'm really enjoying the heck out of A To Z even though I'm not the target demograph. Cristin Milioti is freaking adorable and awkwardly cute and Ben Feldman this really weird charm that's endearing and I relate to him in a lot of ways. Plus, the two leads(Cristin and Ben) have really good chemistry together. I know it's not going to be everyone's cup of tea(it's a romantic comedy series), but I'm loving it.

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Okay without spoiling what happened on SOA last night, I just wanted to ask a general question. Is Sons of Anarchy the goriest show you have ever watched on television?


The reason why I ask is because I had a friend say it was after seeing what happened in the last episode. I disagree, I think OZ was hands down the most goriest show I have ever watched. I was just wondering what others on here think is the goriest. I think Walking Dead could be in the group as well but I still think OZ has the edge.


SOA is gorier than Walking Dead imo, because most of the time it's real people rather than bloated zombies. I'm not sure if there's a more gory show. American Horror Story maybe?

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I'd go with The Wire over Oz if we're bringing premium cable dramas into the mix. And then there's also Dexter. I mean the dude Butchered people and made humorous, heartwarming little assessments about himself and others while doing.


I'd say Walking Dead and SOA are the goriest on regular cable though.


And what they get away with on Hannibal on NBC is astounding from a gore standpoint. It gives both SOA and WD a run for their money.

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I think your friend meant on normal TV, not a HBO show which I believe OZ was.


He was talking about television in general not just pay channels.


SOA is gorier than Walking Dead imo, because most of the time it's real people rather than bloated zombies. I'm not sure if there's a more gory show. American Horror Story maybe?


I don't really find AHS all that gory. Sick yes but the gore factor is not that high or maybe I have forgotten how bad the previous seasons were.


I'd go with The Wire over Oz if we're bringing premium cable dramas into the mix. And then there's also Dexter. I mean the dude Butchered people and made humorous, heartwarming little assessments about himself and others while doing.


I'd say Walking Dead and SOA are the goriest on regular cable though.


And what they get away with on Hannibal on NBC is astounding from a gore standpoint. It gives both SOA and WD a run for their money.


I forgot all about Hannibal, now that has some truly disturbing and gory scenes in it. I am often surprised that they are able to show that on network television. Maybe Hannibal does take the cake.


Dexter would fit the bill as well. It is weird I did not even think about Dexter and Hannibal but they both pretty prolific in their gore. Even GOT could probably be thrown into the mix as well.


As far as the Wire vs. Oz goes, I am not sure the Wire could win. They did some sick stuff on OZ and it seemed like someone was getting killed every week.

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  • 2 weeks later...

November 1, Two weeks have passed since losing Cartoon Network. I have begun to hallucinate episodes of various shows I can no longer watch. Late nights have become an unending nightmare of nothing, save the late-late night block of Disney XD (which I credit for preserving what little remains of my sanity). I lie awake each night sobbing at the continued lack of Aqua Teen stupidity to sing me to sleep. To say nothing of the lack of Toonami each Saturday night. Should anyone at Turner or Dish be reading this, I beg of you, give me back Cartoon Network...


Okay, so it's not that bad, but this is getting ridiculous.

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  • 1 month later...

Does anyone else watch About A Boy? I'm almost done with Season One and I find it incredibly charming. I'm considering checking out the the novel it's based on and the film adaptation...even if the film has Hugh Grant.


The main star of the show is David Walton who played Dr Sam on New Girl. After his run on that show I kept hoping that he'd get his own show or pop up somewhere else. His main love interest on About A Boy is also named Dr Sam and I found that quite humorous.

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Sons of Anarchy ends tonight. I'm ready for it to go, these 90-minute episodes have bloated it so much. It still has its moments though.


I heard the end was spoiled the other day, I have been trying to not read anything SOA related since then. I do agree though, the 90-minute episodes have been a bit much. I am a little surprised that Gemma did not make into the last episode but I guess they want to focus on Jax in the last episode.

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I heard the end was spoiled the other day, I have been trying to not read anything SOA related since then. I do agree though, the 90-minute episodes have been a bit much. I am a little surprised that Gemma did not make into the last episode but I guess they want to focus on Jax in the last episode.


My original prediction was that the final scene would be a montage of the remnants of the club (August Marks is supposedly 'posting bail' soon) and a voiceover from Jax like in the earlier seasons. He talks about where he's gone wrong and whatnot, how he's gone astray from what JT wanted from the club and how it's ruined the club etc...and the final frame is Gemma crying while reading a letter and it turns out that it's Jax's suicide note that he's narrating.


That was wrong <_<

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  • 1 month later...

I just saw that there's going to be a new Odd Couple show. As a huge fan of the original show and movie, I was a little worried until I saw that Matthew Perry is writing it and is playing Oscar with Thomas Lennon playing Felix.


Ever since Friends ended, I've felt Perry hasn't gotten a fair shake. Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip and Mr. Sunshine were both really great, but didn't last nearly long enough. I saw a couple clips for it and it seems pretty funny, so I'll give it a shot.

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While attitudes have changed somewhat in the past few years, I've noticed many people still don't grasp why someone my age would still enjoy cartoons. Stuff like this is why:




EDIT: Crap, wrong version. Fixed it.


I wouldn't worry about what others think in that regard. Heck my father is seventy-seven and he still watches cartoons. So yeah if you like it don't put much stock into what others think.

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I wouldn't worry about what others think in that regard. Heck my father is seventy-seven and he still watches cartoons. So yeah if you like it don't put much stock into what others think.


Honestly I was trying to think of some clever way to segue into one of my favorite moments from Duck Dodgers. Unless someone badmouths animation as an art form, people don't really get to me anymore.


Also, your dad sounds like an awesome dude.

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So I've read the books and I'm looking forward to this, but....I'm not sure it's going to do the books justice...:(


But it has Thomas Jane! It's gotta be awesome!


I saw the trailer and immediately got the books. Haven't read them yet though, but it looks like Syfy is pulling out all the stops for it.

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But it has Thomas Jane! It's gotta be awesome!


I saw the trailer and immediately got the books. Haven't read them yet though, but it looks like Syfy is pulling out all the stops for it.


I won't spoil anything for you, but I fell in love with this series, and from what i"m told they are still going to put more books out!

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Not directly a TV show. But ex NFL player Brad Culpepper (who appeared on Survivor last season) is being sued by his insurance company. Since he was receiving disability payments when he appeared on the show, the company is claiming that he misrepresented the extent of his injuries (due to the physical nature of the game).
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