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Not directly a TV show. But ex NFL player Brad Culpepper (who appeared on Survivor last season) is being sued by his insurance company. Since he was receiving disability payments when he appeared on the show, the company is claiming that he misrepresented the extent of his injuries (due to the physical nature of the game).


He is a lawyer, surely he should have known this might come up. I actually liked him on Survivor and wanted to see him last longer.

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  • 2 months later...
While attitudes have changed somewhat in the past few years, I've noticed many people still don't grasp why someone my age would still enjoy cartoons. Stuff like this is why:




EDIT: Crap, wrong version. Fixed it.


I'm 32. I've just started rewatching my favorite childhood cartoon Mysterious Cities of Gold. The animation is a little dated and the English dubbing is funny but I'm getting a huge nostalgia kick out it. Some cartoons are just so fun to watch it doesn't matter what age you are.

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So can we talk about how amazing Daredevil is?

Pretty much this.


I'm about five episodes in and it's so different from the Marvel movies because it hasn't got that "Superhero" feel. I mean it's gritty as hell and the fight scenes - for what is supposedly a Superhero series - are on a completely different level to what Marvel has done before. I'm also glad they're not rushing Murdoch into the Daredevil costume which just adds to the anti-Superhero feel. I love it.

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Pretty much this.


I'm about five episodes in and it's so different from the Marvel movies because it hasn't got that "Superhero" feel. I mean it's gritty as hell and the fight scenes - for what is supposedly a Superhero series - are on a completely different level to what Marvel has done before. I'm also glad they're not rushing Murdoch into the Daredevil costume which just adds to the anti-Superhero feel. I love it.


I'm only on episode 3 but I totally agree. I haven't gotten into Arrow or Flash or Agents of SHIELD or any of the other superhero TV shows, but I really like this one.

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Pretty much this.


I'm about five episodes in and it's so different from the Marvel movies because it hasn't got that "Superhero" feel. I mean it's gritty as hell and the fight scenes - for what is supposedly a Superhero series - are on a completely different level to what Marvel has done before. I'm also glad they're not rushing Murdoch into the Daredevil costume which just adds to the anti-Superhero feel. I love it.


I love the tone of the show. It's perfect for an adaptation of Daredevil. There hasn't been any casting that I've disagreed with at all. After seeing what the red suit looks like, I'm eagerly waiting to see it in action. I do agree that it's good they're not rushing into it though.


I'm only on episode 3 but I totally agree. I haven't gotten into Arrow or Flash or Agents of SHIELD or any of the other superhero TV shows, but I really like this one.


I've also only finished the first three episodes so far. Flash is amazing though. They aren't afraid to dive head first into crazy comic book style shenanigans(body switching, time travel, etc) and it works in my opinion. Growing up, Wally West was always my favorite Flash, but Grant Gustin's portrayal of Barry is really making Barry move closer to tying with Wally.


I don't really have any emotional investment in Jessica Jones or Luke Cage, but if they're the same quality as this I will definitely dive in. I love Iron Fist, so I'm hoping they continue this greatness going forward. Obviously different tones will be used, but this is just quality writing and acting all around. Not to mention the fight scenes. The fight in the rain was one of the most beautiful fights I've ever watched.


The hallway fight in the second episode was awesome as well.

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From the first few episodes, I like it a lot. I like the idea I can watch it at my convenience as well, and I'm trying not to binge watch the whole series. My goal is to see the last one right before the first Jessica Drew or whatever is next comes out.


As far as other shows, I can't help but to compare it slightly to Arrow. First thing I thought of when I read Mammoth's post "I'm also glad they're not rushing Murdoch into the Daredevil costume which just adds to the anti-Superhero feel."


The whole way it kind of jumps right into the present, but has flashback scenes of him and his dad. I don't know how long that will last, but I really liked that. Reminds me of Arrow flashbacks of things that happened while he was gone for five years. Also, there was no rush to get him into costume either, plus the anti-hero thing for the first few seasons.


My family loves Flash the most. I personally prefer Arrow (most of the time) over Flash. I just like the more gritty atmosphere. I don't know that I like Atom's costume.... Is he ever going to shrink? I'm hoping Firestorm and Atom get their own shows, I think I would put Atom on par with Flash, and Firestorm just seems like he would be more gritty like Arrow.


Don't know what I think about Gotham, to be honest. It has it's flavor, but I don't think I like the age gaps they are fleshing out for the "super" villains. They seem ahead of their time. I would rather them flesh out the gangs and mafia influence over the city.... not tease me with one hell of a joker grin (it was awesome, but way too early IMO).


Daredevil, as I said so far I'm hooked. Really liked that one shot fight scene in episode 2 as well. That was definitely movie worthy stuff. Somewhere someone asked how he knows what colors he is wearing. I think I read somewhere that different colors give off different heat to blind people, or maybe it was just DD could sense it that way.

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From the first few episodes, I like it a lot. I like the idea I can watch it at my convenience as well, and I'm trying not to binge watch the whole series. My goal is to see the last one right before the first Jessica Drew or whatever is next comes out.


As far as other shows, I can't help but to compare it slightly to Arrow. First thing I thought of when I read Mammoth's post "I'm also glad they're not rushing Murdoch into the Daredevil costume which just adds to the anti-Superhero feel."


The whole way it kind of jumps right into the present, but has flashback scenes of him and his dad. I don't know how long that will last, but I really liked that. Reminds me of Arrow flashbacks of things that happened while he was gone for five years. Also, there was no rush to get him into costume either, plus the anti-hero thing for the first few seasons.


My family loves Flash the most. I personally prefer Arrow (most of the time) over Flash. I just like the more gritty atmosphere. I don't know that I like Atom's costume.... Is he ever going to shrink? I'm hoping Firestorm and Atom get their own shows, I think I would put Atom on par with Flash, and Firestorm just seems like he would be more gritty like Arrow.


Don't know what I think about Gotham, to be honest. It has it's flavor, but I don't think I like the age gaps they are fleshing out for the "super" villains. They seem ahead of their time. I would rather them flesh out the gangs and mafia influence over the city.... not tease me with one hell of a joker grin (it was awesome, but way too early IMO).


Daredevil, as I said so far I'm hooked. Really liked that one shot fight scene in episode 2 as well. That was definitely movie worthy stuff. Somewhere someone asked how he knows what colors he is wearing. I think I read somewhere that different colors give off different heat to blind people, or maybe it was just DD could sense it that way.


Jessica Jones is the next one. She was Jewel, Knightress, and Power Woman.


Jessica Drew was Spider-Woman/Arachne.


Atom is going to star in a spin-off of Flash and Arrow featuring other super heroes in a team up like series.

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So my cable company has a free preview of certain shows from Showtime. It is not a free preview for the whole channel just certain shows. I do not have Showtime and I had been wanting to watch The Affair (Because I think Ruth Wilson is crazy hot, especially when she was on Luther). The Affair and Penny Dreadful were the two series they were offering for free, which is cool because I saw some of Penny Dreadful last year and I liked it a lot.


Anyways, all of the Penny Dreadful episodes were up, granted they were edited versions but hey it is for free. Only eight of the ten episodes of The Affair were up and they did not include the final episode. So I was not that happy because I wasted all my time binge watching it (Because the episodes were only up until Monday night) and now I will never get to watch the end of it. Not that The Affair was all that great, because it was not but still I wanted to see it to its conclusion.


At least I will get to see all of the Penny Dreadful episodes, which is good because that turned out to be a really good show.

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From the first few episodes, I like it a lot. I like the idea I can watch it at my convenience as well, and I'm trying not to binge watch the whole series. My goal is to see the last one right before the first Jessica Drew or whatever is next comes out.

I went into it with the same thought process, as I didn't want to "binge watch" the whole series either but each episode ends stronger than the last which has made it almost impossible for me to stop. xD I'm on episode 8 now and it's just getting stronger and stronger. Oh, and with other people mentioning the casting, I can't believe how good the guy from Law & Order (Vincent D'Onofrio) is as Kingpin.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was just looking though the main page on Yahoo and I ran across one of those new stories that is really a news story it is a sponsorship page. Anyway I cannot remember the exact headline but it was something like "See what the cast of Bonanza is up to now."


Really? The whole main cast is dead and most of them have been for a good twenty years. The only one who was alive within the last couple of years was Pernell Roberts and he died in 2010. I was seriously tempted to click on the site just to see what they have them up to but in the end I did not. I mean seriously unless they are haunting wherever they filmed the show, I highly doubt they have been up to anything in the last few years...



Oh, and with other people mentioning the casting, I can't believe how good the guy from Law & Order (Vincent D'Onofrio) is as Kingpin.


If you want to see Vincent D'Onofrio at his best watch him in Full Metal Jacket.

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Yeah, Daredevil was great. Blows SHIELD and Agent Carter (which I actually enjoyed a lot) out of the way. Movie-quality show throughout. My only real gripe is that the Irish dude playing Daredevil seemed to be a bit thick on his American accent at times, but it's no biggie.


And then, of course, there was that killing off a certain character that I wasn't super fond of - but it did work for the show, I'll give them that.


I'm psyched for season 2 and can't wait to see if their other shows will be of the same quality. I must admit that Jessica Jones sound pretty boring to me, so we'll see.

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So I've heard good things about The Flash - but I went on Hulu and they only have episodes 15-19. Gotham, though not as interesting to me, only has episodes 16-21...is this common?


It's insanely common for Hulu. Most shows that are ongoing only have the last five or so recent episodes.

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Thanks for the info. Once the season is over, will they put the whole season up? If so, I'll just wait until then to watch it.


Not usually. Most of the time I just wait for Netflix. I only keep up with new shows like Gotham and Flash because I started from the pilot.

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I was underwhelmed by Daredevil. I think I went in assuming that 13 episodes was all the character was going to get (before they moved on to the next character) so expected more of the 'full' Daredevil experience. More variety, rather than one story stretched over 13 episodes. Now that Season 2 has been greenlit, this approach makes more sense, but I did find myself a bit bored during this season. Wilson Fisk didn't really do it for me, and it seemed like the writers were more interested in building sympathy for him (practically everyone turned on him) than creating obstacles for Daredevil. Still, the casting was great, I dug the style, and hope to see Matt Murdoch show up in more MCU projects.


Arrow is still just about hanging on as my favourite superhero show. This season's been pretty shaky, and his quest to "Save the City" is becoming more vague and conceptual than ever (another issue I had with Daredevil) but I respect the character. A guy who worked hard to become a bad ass, with a goal in mind. Rather than someone who lucked into powers and thought "I'll be a superhero".


Most of the other superhero shows don't do it for me. I got 3 episodes into Flash. I got 2 into Gotham. I'll play catch up on Agents of Shield every once in a while, but usually find myself rooting for the bad guys (they're usually the ones out-numbered. Go underdogs!). I probably shouldn't watch it until I see Avengers 2 anyway.

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I've been feeling sick today and couldn't sleep so I watched the last half of True Detective. Been watching it, but I binged the final few episodes and it just feels....empty. For all that potentially smart, engaging TV to have a final act that was the equivalent of an episode of Luther...it was a shame.


Don't get me wrong though, I like Luther. Just not for the same reasons.

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I was underwhelmed by Daredevil. I think I went in assuming that 13 episodes was all the character was going to get (before they moved on to the next character) so expected more of the 'full' Daredevil experience. More variety, rather than one story stretched over 13 episodes. Now that Season 2 has been greenlit, this approach makes more sense, but I did find myself a bit bored during this season. Wilson Fisk didn't really do it for me, and it seemed like the writers were more interested in building sympathy for him (practically everyone turned on him) than creating obstacles for Daredevil. Still, the casting was great, I dug the style, and hope to see Matt Murdoch show up in more MCU projects.


Arrow is still just about hanging on as my favourite superhero show. This season's been pretty shaky, and his quest to "Save the City" is becoming more vague and conceptual than ever (another issue I had with Daredevil) but I respect the character. A guy who worked hard to become a bad ass, with a goal in mind. Rather than someone who lucked into powers and thought "I'll be a superhero".


Most of the other superhero shows don't do it for me. I got 3 episodes into Flash. I got 2 into Gotham. I'll play catch up on Agents of Shield every once in a while, but usually find myself rooting for the bad guys (they're usually the ones out-numbered. Go underdogs!). I probably shouldn't watch it until I see Avengers 2 anyway.


I do not have Netflix so I only saw the first two episodes of Daredevil over my friend's house but I agree, from what I saw I was very underwhelmed. Especially given the hype surrounding it. Granted, it was only two episodes and therefore it could have gotten better.


In regards to Gotham, I will say I was not a fan of it right out of the gate. However, it did get better as it went on. I have been a fan of the Flash since it came on.

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Is it odd that while watching Orphan Black I find some of the characters played by Tatiana Maslany very attractive and others not so much? I mean it is the same actress so I would think I would find her attractive in any role but it is simply not the case. So odd.
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Is it odd that while watching Orphan Black I find some of the characters played by Tatiana Maslany very attractive and others not so much? I mean it is the same actress so I would think I would find her attractive in any role but it is simply not the case. So odd.


Totally agree...


Also find that Tatiana as different clones produces different attractions from me.


Sarah - Probably the closest to Tatiana herself is very pretty.


Cosima - I find her insanely hawt, in a Geek Hot way.


Alison - Hot in a really shouldn't be MILFY way.


Rachel - Meh don't rate her... think it might be the haircut and the fact so far in the show she's been a complete *Female Dog*


Helena - I dunno I kinda do and don't find her attractive, Attractive in a vulnerable "I wanna look after her way"


Regardless, Awesome show.

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I thought Daredevil was pretty great. I had a few gripes, but the action scenes were great. That "hallway scene" was something very special for action fans. We don't get to see stuff like that every day.


Yeah, that hallway scene is one everyone watching the show mentions - and for good reasons! I personally think it's one of the best fight sequences in the entire MCU. Beautifully done.

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The fight scene in the rain was beautifully done and I said to my roommate "How can they top that fight?" and then the Hallway Scene happened in like the next episode. Philip Silvera is the fight choreographer responsible for the show's great fight scenes and he's signed on for Deadpool.


I am excited.

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