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"The League"--A Multiplayer Wrestling Spirit II Experience

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Hey, I learned something new! I always thought the difference between a lariat (or lariaaaatoooo as the kids say) and a clothesline, was the arm used to perform the move. Left = lariat, right = clothesline. I blame old ESPN tapes for the confusion! :p


Also, I was gonna pick like Derek did, save 1 match, thinking I was closer in the standings, where I could overtake him and win in an ambush victory. Then I remembered how much Maxx stunk! lol


ALPHA DIVISION, CAGE MATCH: The Phoenix (3-10, 15%) vs. Nuclear Templeton (6-7, 15%)

GAMMA DIVISION: Johnny Triumph (7-6, 15%) vs. Shawn Arrows (5-8, 15%)

ALPHA DIVISION: The British Warrior (8-5, 15%) vs. Maxx Skabb (5-8, 15%)

GAMMA DIVISION: Diamond (6-7, 24%) vs. Sean (8-5, 6%)

BETA DIVISION: Breaker (9-4, 15%) vs. Tarik Nolan (6-7, 15%)

BETA DIVISION: Robbie Maynard (9-4, 12%) vs. SGRaaize (5-8, 6%)

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Hi guys, sorry to post off topic but this is the only thread relating to WreSpi 2 that isn't dead and just wanted to ask if anyone can up a link for the "Brawl for All" mod by Socko? It's the only real life mod that's set in modern times that seems good, DOTT is great but I've really got a hankering for some Kurt Angle action.


Thanks for any help and again, sorry for posting off topic but asking in the mods section is a guarantee of a long wait.


I would, but that's one mod I never downloaded. I only went with DOTT, myself. Sorry I can't be of any help!




EDIT: Given SG's ruleset, that's something we can't make in WreSpi2. You need to wear down your opponent first.


Maybe if for one night, the moveset was nothing but clotheslines and each man's lariat? Hmmm....

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ALPHA DIVISION, CAGE MATCH: The Phoenix (3-10, 15%) vs. Nuclear Templeton (6-7, 15%)


GAMMA DIVISION: Johnny Triumph (7-6, 15%) vs. Shawn Arrows (5-8, 15%)


ALPHA DIVISION: The British Warrior (8-5, 15%) vs. Maxx Skabb (5-8, 15%)


GAMMA DIVISION: Diamond (6-7, 24%) vs. Sean (8-5, 6%)

BETA DIVISION: Breaker (9-4, 15%) vs. Tarik Nolan (6-7, 15%)


BETA DIVISION: Robbie Maynard (9-4, 12%) vs. SGRaaize (5-8, 6%)

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ALPHA DIVISION, CAGE MATCH: The Phoenix (3-10, 15%) vs. Nuclear Templeton (6-7, 15%)

GAMMA DIVISION: Johnny Triumph (7-6, 15%) vs. Shawn Arrows (5-8, 15%)

ALPHA DIVISION: The British Warrior (8-5, 15%) vs. Maxx Skabb (5-8, 15%)

GAMMA DIVISION: Diamond (6-7, 24%) vs. Sean (8-5, 6%)

BETA DIVISION: Breaker (9-4, 15%) vs. Tarik Nolan (6-7, 15%)

BETA DIVISION: Robbie Maynard (9-4, 12%) vs. SGRaaize (5-8, 6%)

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Season One, Week Fourteen

September 10, 2010


Last week, the post-season picture became all but finalized, as four men clinched a chance at League history. Tonight, they jockey for position, while two of the four continue to battle for the right to be called the Beta Division champion.


Next week, the pressure builds to a climax as three matches will determine the inaugural League champion. This week, though, the four have to make it to the post-season in one piece, and with each of them facing a division rival, who can say what will happen by night's end...?


THE LEAGUE: WEEK FOURTEEN <object width="28" height="25"><embed src="

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JyxBiUbCP8E&hl=en_US&fs=1&rel=0&color1=0x006699&color2=0x54abd6" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="28" height="25"></object>


It looks to be a scene from a Spring Break party as nearly 17,000 fans crowd the beaches of Veracruz, Mexico for the League's regular season finale. At ringside, as always, is our faithful commentary team.


Frankie Garnett: Now, explain again to me why we aren't in Monterrey as we advertised?


Bob Sinclair: Mudslides, Frankie. Management felt it best to relocate, and Veracruz was the first place to volunteer.


Frankie Garnett: So being washed out to sea is better. Right.


Bob Sinclair: ...Anyway, ladies and gents, welcome to the final regular season show of the year! It's basically a matter of pride, now, as the playoffs have been determined. We still do not know who will be facing whom next week; we will be determining that by the night's end!


Frankie Garnett: I'm just looking forward to the first match, Bob. Nothing quite starts the show like a worthless sack getting busted open like a piñata!


ALPHA DIVISION, CAGE MATCH: The Phoenix (3-10) vs. Nuclear Templeton (7-6)


Due to the rapid relocation of the League, the entrance music of choice for everyone wasn't available. Thus, it is to little fanfare that the first man in this contest walks out, eyeing the ring critically.


Amelia Williams: Our opening contest is an Alpha Division match, to be contested within the confines of a steel cage! Coming down the aisle, from the End of Nowhere, weighing 367 pounds...The Phoenix!


Bob Sinclair: Why do you hate the guy so much, Frankie?


Frankie Garnett: Do I have to have a reason?


Bob Sinclair: That usually helps, yes.


Frankie Garnett: Bah, I don't need to explain myself to you!


As Phoenix enters the cage, his opponent emerges from the back, to a decent ovation.


Amelia Williams: His opponent, from Atlantic City, New Jersey, weighing 278 pounds...Nuclear Templeton!


Bob Sinclair: Nuclear wants revenge, plain and simple, Frankie. The loss he suffered to Phoenix two weeks ago basically cost him the playoffs.


Frankie Garnett: And that's why I'm going to enjoy this so much!


Nuclear Templeton applied the Side Headlock

Nuclear Templeton hit the Forearm Strike

The Phoenix moved and the Punch missed!

The Phoenix hit the Punch

The Phoenix hit the Forearm Strike

The Phoenix applied the Front Facelock

The Phoenix hit the Foot Stomp

The Phoenix hit the Forearm Strike

Nuclear Templeton slipped out the back of the Side Explosion Suplex.

Nuclear Templeton hit the Atomic Drop

Nuclear Templeton hit the Snap Driving Elbow

Nuclear Templeton hit the Rear Naked Punch Flurry

The Phoenix moved and the Basement Dropkick missed!

The Phoenix hit the Double Underhook Suplex

Nuclear Templeton broke the American Figure Four Leglock.

Nuclear Templeton hit the Discus Clothesline

Nuclear Templeton hit the Headbutt To Groin

The Phoenix blocked the Mounted Punch Flurry.

The Phoenix blocked the Mounted Elbow Smashes. This is the second block in a row, and The Phoenix takes control.

The Phoenix hit the Vertical Suplex

Nuclear Templeton slipped out of the Rear Crossface Blows.

The Armageddon Lariat was countered into a Punch.


Frankie Garnett: Crap. I thought it was over there!


Bob Sinclair: Phoenix showing he still has a little fight left in him here.


The Phoenix hit the Side Explosion Suplex

Nuclear Templeton blocked the Camel Clutch.

Nuclear Templeton slipped out the back of the Elbow Drop On Knee.

Nuclear Templeton hit the Lung Blower

The Phoenix moved and the Snap Driving Elbow missed!

The Phoenix applied the Camel Clutch

The Phoenix picks up Nuclear Templeton from behind.

The Phoenix whips Nuclear Templeton into the ropes.

Nuclear Templeton moved and the Forearm Strike missed!

Armageddon has arrived for Phoenix, Nuclear hits the Lariat!

He is trying to escape...

Could this be the end?

He is getting closer!

He is almost there!

He hits the floor!


Amelia Williams: Here is your winner, at a time of five minutes and twenty seconds...Nuclear Templeton!


Frankie Garnett: Good, now go back in there and finish the job, Nuclear!


Bob Sinclair: Uh, Frankie, the match is over.


Frankie Garnett: So? Phoenix is still breathing. The job's not finished!


Bob Sinclair: ...you need some serious help, Frankie.


Warming Up


The camera cuts to the backstage area, where the feed picks up the current Beta Division leader, Robbie Maynard, warming up for his main event match tonight.


Bob Sinclair: If I didn't know better, I'd say that Maynard is in the zone, Frankie.


Frankie Garnett: I'd hate to be SGRaaize tonight, especially if Maynard is forced into a must-win situation.


Bob Sinclair: I agree, Frankie. Maynard and Raaize are the second half of our double main event tonight, and that match is still to come!


GAMMA DIVISION: Johnny Triumph (7-6) vs. Shawn Arrows (5-8)


Amelia Williams: Our next bout is a Gamma Division match scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from Raleigh, North Carolina, weighing 212 pounds...Shawn Arrows!


Bob Sinclair: Right now, Arrows is one of five League members whom we are not sure is returning next season. Tonight might make his decision for him.


Frankie Garnett: And that's the best you can do, Bob? For crying out loud!


Amelia Williams: His opponent, from Des Moines, Iowa, weighing 228 pounds...Johnny Triumph!


Bob Sinclair: Triumph was eliminated from the playoffs last week, I have no doubt he'd like a win here to ensure a winning record for the season.


Frankie Garnett: For whatever good that does...you realize that and three bucks can get you coffee, right?


Shawn Arrows hit the Snap Mare Takedown

Shawn Arrows hit the Seated Kick

Johnny Triumph moved and the Seated Back Kick missed!

Johnny Triumph hit the Single Leg Trip

Johnny Triumph hit the Elbow Drop On Knee

Johnny Triumph hit the Face Stepping

The referee warns that that was illegal.

Johnny Triumph hit the Knee Pull

Shawn Arrows blocked the Single Leg Grapevine.

Shawn Arrows recovers and stands up.

Johnny Triumph hit the Hammerlock Kick

Shawn Arrows blocked the Neckbreaker.

Johnny Triumph hit the Snap Backbreaker

Johnny Triumph applied the Single Leg Grapevine

Shawn Arrows broke the Camel Clutch by reaching the ropes.

Shawn Arrows blocked the Slingshot Suplex.

Shawn Arrows slipped out the back of the S.T.O..

Shawn Arrows hit the Dropkick

Shawn Arrows hit the Flip Legdrop

Johnny Triumph counters by fighting back.

The Vertical Suplex was countered into a Kick To Gut.

Shawn Arrows hit the Running Dropkick

Johnny Triumph moved and the Corkscrew Legdrop missed!

Shawn Arrows slipped out the back of the Horns of Victory.

Johnny Triumph slipped out the back of the Running Bulldog.

Shawn Arrows moved and the Field Goal Low Blow missed!

Shawn Arrows hit the Side Spinning Kick

Shawn Arrows hit the Running Dropkick

Shawn Arrows climbs the turnbuckles.

Johnny Triumph moved and the Flying Headbutt missed!


Bob Sinclair: Can Arrows take advantage of that mistake?


Frankie Garnett: Doubt it. I give Triumph four minutes, tops, before it's done.


Shawn Arrows blocked the Camel Clutch.

Shawn Arrows slipped out of the Single Leg Grapevine.

Shawn Arrows climbs the turnbuckles.

Shawn Arrows hit the Second Rope Rana

Shawn Arrows climbs the turnbuckles.

Johnny Triumph shook the ropes to stop the Flying Elbow Drop.

Johnny Triumph throws Shawn Arrows off the top rope.

Shawn Arrows slipped out the back of the Horns of Victory.

Johnny Triumph blocked the Sleeper Hold Neckbreaker.

Johnny Triumph broke the Spinning Arm Drag.

The Slingshot Suplex was countered into a Punch.

Shawn Arrows climbs the turnbuckles.

Shawn Arrows hit the Second Rope Rana

Johnny Triumph moved and the Slingshot Moonsault missed!

Shawn Arrows slipped out of the Camel Clutch.

Johnny Triumph moved and the Springboard Body Press missed!

Shawn Arrows blocked the Horns of Victory.

Johnny Triumph applied the Heel Hook Leg Grapevine

The referee checks the submission...

It seems to be locked in!

Will This Be It?

It's Still Locked In!

The referee has called for the bell!


Frankie Garnett: See? Told ya so.


Amelia Williams: Here is your winner, at a time of seven and a half minutes...Johnny Triumph!


Bob Sinclair: Triumph winning with a different submission hold; one has to think he could be one of the favorites come the second season.


Frankie Garnett: Bob, let's get through THIS season before talking about the next one, all right?


ALPHA DIVISION: The British Warrior (8-5) vs. Maxx Skabb (5-8)


Amelia Williams: Our next contest is an Alpha Division match scheduled for one fall! Approaching the ring, from the United Kingdom, weighing 243 pounds, he is the Alpha Division Champion...The British Warrior!


Bob Sinclair: A win here at least gives Warrior the chance to avoid going in with the worst playoff record.


Frankie Garnett: Hopefully he can entertain us tonight; he hasn't all season!


Amelia Williams: His opponent, from the Orange County Correctional Facility, weighing 291 pounds...Maxx Skabb!


Bob Sinclair: I've heard rumors that Maxx may have broken his parole recently; there's a chance he may not be with us next season.


Frankie Garnett: So there's going to be one less psycho on the roster? Sweet!


The Punch was countered into a Slap To Chest.

The British Warrior hit the Punch

Maxx Skabb blocked the Single Leg Trip.

The British Warrior hit the Knife Edge Chop

The British Warrior hit the Open Handed Slap

Maxx Skabb blocked the Front Facelock.

The British Warrior hit the Forearm Blow

The British Warrior hit the Hammerlock Kick

The British Warrior applied the Sleeper Hold

Maxx Skabb moved and the Dropkick To Knee missed!

Maxx Skabb hit the Eye Gouge

The British Warrior blocked the Toss To Corner.

Maxx Skabb hit the Clubbing Blow

Maxx Skabb picks up The British Warrior from behind.

Maxx Skabb hit the Hair Pull

Maxx Skabb hit the Atomic Drop

The British Warrior slipped out of the Mounted Punch Flurry.

Maxx Skabb moved and the Strong Knife Edge Chop missed!

The British Warrior slipped out of the Side Suplex.

The British Warrior hit the Hammerlock Kick

The British Warrior climbs the turnbuckles.

The British Warrior climbs down off the top rope.

Maxx Skabb counters by reversing on The British Warrior.

The Corner Clothesline was countered into a Kick To Knee.

Maxx Skabb counters by reversing on The British Warrior.

Maxx Skabb hit the Corner Clothesline

Maxx Skabb hit the Overhead Fallaway Slam

Maxx Skabb hit the Mounted Elbow Smashes

The British Warrior rushed the Slit Throat Motion.

The British Warrior climbs the turnbuckles.

The British Warrior hit the Flying Double Axe Handle

The British Warrior hit the Dropkick To Knee

The British Warrior hit the Hammerlock Kick

The British Warrior applied the Sleeper Hold

Maxx Skabb moved and the Dropkick To Knee missed!

The Double Underhook Bomb was countered into a Punch.

Maxx Skabb moved and the Thrust Kick missed!


Bob Sinclair: Frankie, it just occurred to me. Maxx can't use his finisher in this match.


Frankie Garnett: Come again?


Bob Sinclair: In Mexico, martinetes are grounds for an instant DQ. The Lethal Injection, a brainbuster variant, is such a move. Maxx is going to have to find another way to win tonight.


Frankie Garnett: Well, stinks to be him, then...


Maxx Skabb climbs the turnbuckles.

The British Warrior moved and the Flying Double Axe Handle missed!

The British Warrior hit the Strong Knife Edge Chop

Maxx Skabb blocked the Hammerlock Kick.

The British Warrior climbs the turnbuckles.

The British Warrior hit the Flying Double Axe Handle

Maxx Skabb counters by reversing on The British Warrior.

The Jailbreak was countered into a Running Clothesline.

Maxx Skabb blocked the Figure Four Leglock.

The British Warrior climbs the turnbuckles.

Maxx Skabb recovers and stands up.

The British Warrior hit the Flying Double Axe Handle

Maxx Skabb counters by reversing on The British Warrior.

The British Warrior moved and the Corner Clothesline missed!

Maxx Skabb counters by reversing on The British Warrior.

The British Warrior moved and the Pump Kick missed!

Maxx Skabb moved and the Dropkick To Knee missed!

The Gutwrench Powerbomb was countered into a Palm Thrust.

The British Warrior hit the Hammerlock Kick

Maxx Skabb counters by reversing on The British Warrior.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

The British Warrior slipped out the back of the Jailbreak.

Maxx Skabb slipped out the back of the Sleeper Hold.

The British Warrior broke the Full Nelson Bomb.

Maxx Skabb moved and the Dropkick To Knee missed!

The High Knee was countered into a Dropkick.

The British Warrior has the Figure Four locked in! Is it over for Skabb?

The referee checks the submission...

It seems to be locked in!

Will This Be It?

A short struggle ends with the escape!


Frankie Garnett: I'm shocked. I thought it was over right there.


Bob Sinclair: So did this crowd, apparently. And so did Warrior, who looks to finish the match here!


Maxx Skabb counters by reversing on The British Warrior.

The British Warrior blocked the Twisting Powerslam.

Maxx Skabb hit the Big Boot

Maxx Skabb hit the Mounted Elbow Smashes

Maxx Skabb hit the Mounted Punch Flurry

Maxx Skabb climbs the turnbuckles.

Maxx Skabb hit the Second Rope Fist Drop

Maxx Skabb picks up The British Warrior from behind.

Maxx Skabb climbs the turnbuckles.

Maxx Skabb hit the Flying Double Axe Handle

Maxx Skabb hit the Seated Knuckle Punches

Maxx Skabb picks up The British Warrior.

The Over Shoulder Backbreaker was countered into a Slap To Chest.

The British Warrior hit the Hammerlock Kick

Maxx Skabb counters by reversing on The British Warrior.

Sound the alarms, Skabb is leading a Jailbreak!

The referee begins the count...



Kick Out Just After Two!

The British Warrior blocked the Over Shoulder Backbreaker Drop.

The Over Shoulder Backbreaker was countered into a Forearm Blow.

Maxx Skabb counters by reversing on The British Warrior.

Maxx Skabb hit the Big Boot

Maxx Skabb picks up The British Warrior.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Maxx Skabb hit the Gutwrench Powerbomb

Maxx Skabb used the Slit Throat Motion

The British Warrior blocked the Seated Knuckle Punches.

The British Warrior moved and the Big Legdrop missed!

Maxx Skabb slipped out the back of the Figure Four Leglock.

Maxx Skabb hit the Field Goal Low Blow

The referee is furious at that breach of the rules.


Frankie Garnett: Come on, ref, disqualify that man!


Bob Sinclair: Skabb apparently thought that would be his best way of finishing the match, but the ref is refusing to count the pin after that.


Maxx Skabb used the Slit Throat Motion

Maxx Skabb picks up The British Warrior.

The Double Underhook Bomb was countered into a Open Handed Slap.

Maxx Skabb counters by reversing on The British Warrior.

Maxx Skabb hit the Corner Clothesline

Maxx Skabb picks up The British Warrior.

The Pump Kick was countered into a Running Clothesline.

The British Warrior climbs the turnbuckles.

Maxx Skabb recovers and stands up.

The British Warrior hit the Flying Double Axe Handle

Maxx Skabb counters by fighting back.

The Gutwrench Powerbomb was countered into a Open Handed Slap.

The British Warrior hit the Hammerlock Kick

The British Warrior hit the Dropkick To Knee

Maxx Skabb counters by reversing on The British Warrior.

Maxx Skabb hit the Powerslam

The British Warrior moved and the Big Legdrop missed!

The British Warrior picks up Maxx Skabb.

The Strong Knife Edge Chop was countered into a Punch.

The Double Underhook Bomb was countered into a Slap To Chest.

Maxx Skabb counters by reversing on The British Warrior.

Maxx Skabb hit the Pump Kick

The referee begins the count...



Kick Out!

Maxx Skabb climbs the turnbuckles.

The Flying Double Axe Handle was countered into a Dropkick.

The British Warrior picks up Maxx Skabb.

The British Warrior hit the Hammerlock Kick

The British Warrior hit the Dropkick To Knee

Maxx Skabb counters by reversing on The British Warrior.

The Jailbreak was countered into a Vertical Body Press.

The British Warrior picks up Maxx Skabb from behind.

The British Warrior hit the Hammerlock Kick

The British Warrior climbs the turnbuckles.

The British Warrior hit the Flying Double Axe Handle

The British Warrior hit the Dropkick To Knee

The British Warrior hit the Strong Knife Edge Chop

The British Warrior hit the Hammerlock Kick

The British Warrior climbs the turnbuckles.

Maxx Skabb moved and the Flying Double Axe Handle missed!


Bob Sinclair: Maxx seems to be laboring out here, Frankie. He's obviously frustrated that he can't finish the match the way he wants to.


Frankie Garnett: Well, it's either find a way to do it or go back to jail. Not too many options I can see otherwise.


Maxx Skabb hit the Pump Kick

Maxx Skabb picks up The British Warrior from behind.

The British Warrior broke the Pumphandle Slam.

The British Warrior hit the Dropkick To Knee

Maxx Skabb counters by reversing on The British Warrior.

The Sidewalk Slam was countered into a Dropkick To Knee.

Maxx Skabb blocked the Hammerlock Kick.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

The British Warrior whips Maxx Skabb to the corner.

Maxx Skabb broke the Corner Stomp Flurry.

Maxx Skabb applied the Over Shoulder Backbreaker

The referee checks the submission...

It seems to be locked in!

Will This Be It?

A short struggle ends with the escape!

The Pump Kick was countered into a Thrust Kick.

Maxx Skabb slipped out of the Figure Four Leglock.

Maxx Skabb hit the Double Underhook Bomb

Maxx Skabb picks up The British Warrior from behind.

Maxx Skabb applied the Full Nelson

The British Warrior blocked the Seated Knuckle Punches.

Maxx Skabb picks up The British Warrior from behind.

Maxx Skabb hit the Side Suplex

Maxx Skabb stops to stretch out his arm, clearly feeling some pain.

Maxx Skabb climbs the turnbuckles.

Maxx Skabb hit the Second Rope Fist Drop

Maxx Skabb picks up The British Warrior from behind.

Maxx Skabb applied the Full Nelson

The British Warrior moved and the Big Legdrop missed!

The British Warrior picks up Maxx Skabb from behind.

The British Warrior hit the Dropkick To Knee

The British Warrior hit the Hammerlock Kick


Bob Sinclair: Warrior focusing on the right arm of Skabb here; I think this is the first time all season we've seen anyone work exclusively on the arm of an opponent.


Frankie Garnett: I don't get why, though. His finisher is a Figure Four LEG lock. Not an arm lock!


Maxx Skabb counters by reversing on The British Warrior.

Maxx Skabb hit the Sidewalk Slam

Maxx Skabb climbs the turnbuckles.

Maxx Skabb hit the Second Rope Fist Drop

Maxx Skabb hit the Headbutt To Groin

Maxx Skabb climbs the turnbuckles.

Maxx Skabb hit the Second Rope Fist Drop

Maxx Skabb used the Slit Throat Motion

The British Warrior blocked the Seated Knuckle Punches.

The British Warrior rushed the Slit Throat Motion.

The British Warrior grimaces as he moves, his neck seems to be hurting him.

The British Warrior hit the Thrust Kick

Maxx Skabb slipped out the back of the Figure Four Leglock.

Maxx Skabb climbs the turnbuckles.

Maxx Skabb hit the Flying Double Axe Handle

Maxx Skabb climbs the turnbuckles.

The British Warrior recovers and stands up.

Maxx Skabb climbs down off the top rope.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

The Over Shoulder Backbreaker Drop was countered into a Palm Thrust.

The Strong Knife Edge Chop was countered into a Choke Slam Backbreaker.

The referee begins the count...



Kick Out Just After Two!

Maxx Skabb whips The British Warrior into the ropes.

The British Warrior rushed the Sidewalk Slam.

Maxx Skabb moved and the Dropkick To Knee missed!

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Maxx Skabb hit the Over Shoulder Backbreaker Drop

The referee begins the count...



This Could Be It!

The referee's hand starts coming down...

Kick Out At The Last Second!


Bob Sinclair: Skabb is yelling at the official here, he thought that was three!


Frankie Garnett: Anyone else find it amusing that Skabb is yelling in a language the ref does not understand?


Maxx Skabb hit the Double Underhook Bomb

The British Warrior slipped out of the Seated Knuckle Punches.

The British Warrior hit the Hammerlock Kick

The British Warrior climbs the turnbuckles.

The British Warrior climbs down off the top rope.

The British Warrior hit the Thrust Kick

The British Warrior has the Figure Four locked in! Is it over for Skabb?

The referee checks the submission...

It seems to be locked in!

Will This Be It?

It's Still Locked In!

The referee has called for the bell!


Amelia Williams: Here is your winner, at a time of thirty-one and a half minutes...The British Warrior!


Bob Sinclair: Warrior wins one that, anywhere else in the world, he likely would have lost.


Frankie Garnett: That's the chance you take, Bob, and this time Maxx lost!



GAMMA DIVISION: Diamond (6-7) vs. Sean (8-5)


As the first entrant in the next match walks out, the crowd immediately erupts in a loud fit of jeers as they try to insult her in Spanish.


Amelia Williams: This is a Gamma Division bout scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from Aberdeen, Scotland, weighing 132 pounds...Diamond!


Bob Sinclair: I've done some research, Frankie, and I know why these people hate Diamond so much.


Frankie Garnett: Oh, this should be good.


Bob Sinclair: Apparently, she came here for Spring Break this past year and managed to not only drink an entire bar under the table, but also complained that the beer they had here was nothing worse than bath water. The locals haven't forgotten, it seems.


Frankie Garnett: Well, have you ever had Mexican beer? She has a point, you know!


Amelia Williams: Her opponent, from Charlotte, North Carolina, weighing 230 pounds, he is the Gamma Division Champion...Sean!


Bob Sinclair: As it stands, Sean's first opponent next week will be the British Warrior; and unless both Maynard and Breaker lose tonight that will likely remain unchanged.


Frankie Garnett: I don't see both of them losing, Bob. Too much of a roll.


Diamond hit the Punch

Sean took the blow, but just shrugs it off and goes on the attack.

Sean applied the Side Headlock

Sean hit the Forearm Strike

Sean hit the Punch

Sean hit the Kick To Gut

The Forearm Blow was countered into a Legsweep Kick.

Diamond hit the Face Stepping

The referee warns that that was illegal.

Diamond hit the Rolling Senton

Diamond hit the Legdrop To Groin

The referee warns that that was illegal.

Diamond picks up Sean.

The Dropkick To Knee was countered into a Legsweep Kick.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Diamond recovers and stands up.

Sean hit the Belly To Belly Suplex

Sean hit the Mounted Punch Flurry

Diamond slipped out of the Single Leg Grapevine.

Diamond hit the Running Dropkick

Diamond picks up Sean from behind.

Sean blocked the Lung Blower.

Diamond hit the Springboard Rana

Diamond climbs the turnbuckles.

Sean shook the ropes to stop the Diamond in the Sky.

Sean throws Diamond off the top rope.

Sean hit the Legdrop To Groin

The referee warns that that was illegal.

Sean hit the Seated Back Dropkick

The Modified Figure Four Leglock was countered into a Low Blow With Cradle.

The referee is furious at that breach of the rules.


Frankie Garnett: Come on, ref, count! His shoulders are down!


Bob Sinclair: just like last match, Frankie, the ref isn't going to count if he sees such an underhanded tactic!


Frankie Garnett: Boo! BOO, I say!


Sean moved and the Charging Basement Dropkick missed!

Diamond slipped out of the Small Package.

Hell Fire Kick! Hell Fire Kick! Hell Fire Kick!

Diamond climbs the turnbuckles.

Sean moved and the Diamond in the Sky missed!

The referee begins the count...



Kick Out!


Bob Sinclair: Sean nearly steals one there as Diamond went big and missed!


Frankie Garnett: If she hadn't missed, it was all over!


Sean hit the Slingshot Suplex

The referee begins the count...


Kick Out Just Before The Two!

Diamond blocked the Capture Suplex.

Sean climbs the turnbuckles.

Sean hit the Flying Body Press

The referee begins the count...



Kick Out!

Sean hit the Small Package

The referee begins the count...


Kick Out Just Before The Two!

Diamond blocked the Capture Suplex.

Sean hit the Slingshot Suplex

The referee begins the count...


Kick Out Just Before The Two!

Diamond slipped out the back of the Small Package.

Diamond climbs the turnbuckles.

The Flying Clothesline was countered into a Dropkick.

Sean picks up Diamond.

Sean hit the Dropkick To Knee

Diamond broke the Modified Figure Four Leglock.

The Jawjacker was countered into a Single Leg Grapevine.

Sean picks up Diamond.

Sean hit the Capture Suplex

Sean applied the Modified Figure Four Leglock

The referee checks the submission...

It seems to be locked in!

Will This Be It?

It's Still Locked In!

The referee has called for the bell!


Amelia Williams: Here is your winner, at a time of eight minutes and twenty seconds...Sean!


Bob Sinclair: Sean keeps rolling on, heading into the playoffs next week!


Frankie Garnett: He could be a dark horse to win it all, that's for certain.


Final Preparations


The camera catches Breaker as he emerges from his dressing room (really just a tent set up in haste), walking towards the entryway with a cold stare on his face.


Bob Sinclair: Breaker looks ready to go, Frankie. A win forces all the pressure on Robbie Maynard, and guarantees that those two will meet next week no matter what!


Frankie Garnett: Breaker/Maynard III? I can't wait! Come on, Breaker!


BETA DIVISION: Breaker (9-4) vs. Tarik Nolan (6-7)


Amelia Williams: Ladies and gentlemen, this is the first of our double main event, a Beta Division match scheduled for one fall! Coming down the aisle, weighing 251 pounds...Breaker!


Bob Sinclair: Breaker looks eager to get the taste of last week's loss out of his mouth.


Frankie Garnett: Can you blame him? He was denied the chance to basically clinch the Beta Division last week. He's going to be ready to destroy here!


Amelia Williams: His opponent...from Shreveport, Louisiana, weighing 292 pounds...Tarik Nolan!


Bob Sinclair: Tarik has not had a very good record in the Beta Division, going 1-4 so far in divisional play.


Frankie Garnett: And yet he's got six wins? Man, he needs to find a new division or something.


Breaker hit the Eye Gouge

Breaker hit the Bell Clap

Breaker hit the Jab Punch

Breaker hit the Eye Gouge

Breaker hit the Punch

Breaker hit the Jab Punch

Breaker hit the High Knee

Breaker hit the Snap Driving Elbow

Tarik Nolan slipped out of the Headbutt To Groin.

Breaker blocked the Toss To Corner.

Tarik Nolan hit the Eye Gouge

The referee warns that that was illegal.

Tarik Nolan hit the Punch

Breaker moved and the Kick To Gut missed!

The Shoulder Tackle was countered into a Toss To Corner.

Tarik Nolan hit the Corner Elbow

Tarik Nolan hit the Corner Ten Punch

Tarik Nolan hit the Corner Stomp Flurry

Tarik Nolan hit the Rear Naked Punch Flurry

Tarik Nolan used the Power Taunt

Tarik Nolan picks up Breaker.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.


Bob Sinclair: Even match so far; can Tarik keep his advantage?


Frankie Garnett: No chance. Not in a divisional match.


Breaker broke the Face Plant.

Breaker hit the Running Knee Lift

Tarik Nolan slipped out of the Mounted Punch Flurry.

Tarik Nolan hit the Shoulder Tackle

Tarik Nolan picks up Breaker.

Tarik Nolan hit the Press Powerslam

The referee begins the count...



Kick Out Just After Two!

Tarik Nolan climbs the turnbuckles.

Tarik Nolan hit the Flying Double Axe Handle

Tarik Nolan picks up Breaker.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Breaker broke the Short Arm Clothesline.

Breaker hit the High Knee

The Butt Drop was countered into a Low Blow.

The referee is furious at that breach of the rules.

Tarik Nolan used the Power Taunt

Tarik Nolan picks up Breaker from behind.

Tarik Nolan whips Breaker into the ropes.

Tarik Nolan looks sharp, he knows that the match has swung in his favour.

Tarik Nolan hit the Pump Kick

Tarik Nolan used the Slit Throat Motion

Tarik Nolan picks up Breaker.

Tarik Nolan hit the Press Powerslam

The referee begins the count...



This Could Be It!

The referee's hand starts coming down...

Kick Out At The Last Second!


Bob Sinclair: Tarik nearly pulls off the minor upset there!


Frankie Garnett: I'm shocked he's been this much in control, Bob. I expected him to choke it away by now.


Tarik Nolan hit the Front Slam

Tarik Nolan picks up Breaker from behind.

Breaker blocked the Regulator.

Tarik Nolan whips Breaker to the corner.

Breaker blocked the Tree Of Woe Stomp Flurry.

Breaker moved and the Pain Train missed!

Tarik Nolan blocked the Dream Breaker.

Breaker hit the Face Plant

Tarik Nolan broke the Small Package.

The Front Slam was countered into a Punch.

Breaker hit the High Knee

Breaker hit the Headbutt To Groin

The referee was not happy with that move.

Breaker climbs the turnbuckles.

Tarik Nolan recovers and stands up.

Breaker hit the Flying Double Axe Handle

Tarik Nolan broke the Small Package by falling on top.

The referee begins the count...


Kick Out Just Before The Two!

Breaker broke the Press Powerslam by falling on top.

The referee begins the count...


Kick Out!

Breaker climbs the turnbuckles.

Breaker hit the Flying Double Axe Handle

Breaker climbs the turnbuckles.

Breaker hit the Flying Double Axe Handle

Breaker hit the High Knee

Breaker hit the Mounted Punch Flurry

Breaker picks up Tarik Nolan.

Breaker hit the Face Plant

Breaker hit the High Knee

Breaker hit the Mounted Punch Flurry

Breaker hit the Splash

Breaker picks up Tarik Nolan from behind.

Breaker whips Tarik Nolan into the ropes.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Breaker hit the Spinebuster

Breaker hit the Headbutt To Groin

Breaker picks up Tarik Nolan from behind.

Dream Breaker! Tarik Nolan is in a world of trouble!

The referee begins the count...



This Could Be It!

The referee's hand starts coming down...



Amelia Williams: Here is your winner, at a time of twelve minutes and fifty seconds...Breaker!


Bob Sinclair: And the pressure is on Maynard now! The Beta Division will come down to the final match of the regular season!


Frankie Garnett: You know, I'd almost bet that the commissioner switched the match line-up to ensure this would happen.


Bob Sinclair: Like he would know for certain? Give me a break!


BETA DIVISION: Robbie Maynard (9-4) vs. SGRaaize (5-8)


Amelia Williams: Our second main event is a Beta Division match, scheduled for one fall! Approaching the ring, from Liverpool, England, weighing 251 pounds...Robbie Maynard!


Frankie Garnett: A win, and Maynard heads to New Zealand as the Beta Division champ. A loss or a draw and it will be Breaker who comes in as the champion.


Bob Sinclair: Either way, you said they would face each other next week, and that's going to be great no matter who wins the division!


Amelia Williams: His opponent, from Portugal, weighing 231 pounds...SGRaaize!


Bob Sinclair: Raaize walked away last week with an emotional win in front of his fellow countrymen; tonight he could hand the division to Breaker with another win.


Frankie Garnett: He better be ready for a fight, then....


SGRaaize applied the Front Facelock

SGRaaize hit the Kick To Gut

SGRaaize hit the Punch

Robbie Maynard blocked the Single Leg Trip.

SGRaaize hit the Slap To Chest

SGRaaize hit the Eye Gouge

The referee warns that that was illegal.

SGRaaize hit the Punch

The European Uppercut was countered into a Arm Drag.

SGRaaize moved and the Seated Back Kick missed!

SGRaaize hit the Vertical Suplex

Robbie Maynard counters by fighting back.

Robbie Maynard hit the Forearm Blow

Robbie Maynard hit the Open Handed Slap

Robbie Maynard applied the Side Headlock

Robbie Maynard hit the Dropkick To Knee

SGRaaize slipped out of the Single Leg Grapevine.

Robbie Maynard blocked the Hammerlock Kick.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

SGRaaize applied the Canadian Backbreaker Hold

SGRaaize applied the Single Leg Grapevine

SGRaaize picks up Robbie Maynard.

SGRaaize hit the Vertical Suplex

SGRaaize picks up Robbie Maynard.

The Portugal Lariat was countered into a Forearm Blow.

Robbie Maynard hit the Vertical Suplex

SGRaaize slipped out of the Legdrop To Groin.

Robbie Maynard slipped out of the Slingshot Suplex.

Robbie Maynard hit the Belly To Belly Suplex

Robbie Maynard picks up SGRaaize.

Robbie Maynard hit the Slingshot Suplex

The referee begins the count...



Kick Out!


Bob Sinclair: Maynard looking to surprise Raaize here before he can build too much momentum.


Frankie Garnett: A few more hard impacts like that, and it WILL be over!


The Merseyside Maul was countered into a Shooter Takedown.

Robbie Maynard blocked the Camel Clutch.

Robbie Maynard recovers and stands up.

SGRaaize whips Robbie Maynard into the ropes.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Robbie Maynard rushed the Hot Shot.

SGRaaize blocked the Capture Suplex.

Robbie Maynard hit the Slingshot Suplex

The referee begins the count...



Kick Out Just After Two!

Robbie Maynard climbs the turnbuckles.

SGRaaize shook the ropes to stop the Flying Clothesline.

SGRaaize throws Robbie Maynard off the top rope.

SGRaaize picks up Robbie Maynard.

The Slingshot Suplex was countered into a Forearm Blow.

SGRaaize slipped out the back of the Small Package.

Robbie Maynard broke the Running Hot Shot.

Robbie Maynard hit the Slingshot Suplex

The referee begins the count...



Kick Out Just After Two!

SGRaaize broke the Capture Suplex.

SGRaaize hit the Hammerlock Kick

SGRaaize climbs the turnbuckles.

SGRaaize hit the Flying Double Axe Handle

Robbie Maynard slipped out of the S.T.O..

Robbie Maynard hit the Small Package

The referee begins the count...



Kick Out!

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

SGRaaize slipped out of the Slingshot Suplex.

Robbie tastes the Portugal Lariat, and could be on the verge of losing!

The referee begins the count...



This Could Be It!

The referee's hand starts coming down...



Amelia Williams: Here is your winner, at a time of nine and a half minutes...SGRaaize!


Bob Sinclair: Raaize has cost Maynard the Beta Division title! The last man to suffer his first defeat in The League is forced to go into the playoffs as a wild card!


Frankie Garnett: If Raaize is smart, he'd get out of here before Maynard comes to!


Bob Sinclair: That does it for the regular season, fans! Next week, we crown a League Champion! Until then, good night, everyone!


1. ALPHA DIVISION, CAGE MATCH: Nuclear Templeton (8-6) def. The Phoenix (3-11)

* Time of Match: 5:20

* Match Rating: F

* Winner's Offense: 48%


2. GAMMA DIVISION: Johnny Triumph (8-6) def. Shawn Arrows (5-9)

* Time of Match: 7:30

* Match Rating: F

* Winner's Offense: 50%


3. ALPHA DIVISION: The British Warrior (9-5) def. Maxx Skabb (5-9)

* Time of Match: 31:30

* Match Rating: B

* Winner's Offense: 45%

* This is the clear winner of the Match of the Night for this week.


4. GAMMA DIVISION: Sean (9-5) def. Diamond (6-8)

* Time of Match: 8:20

* Match Rating: C

* Winner's Offense: 63%


5. BETA DIVISION: Breaker (10-4) def. Tarik Nolan (6-8)

* Time of Match: 12:50

* Match Rating: C+

* Winner's Offense: 53%


6. BETA DIVISION: SGRaaize (6-8) def. Robbie Maynard (9-5)

* Time of Match: 9:30

* Match Rating: E

* Winner's Offense: 57%

* As a result of this match, Breaker wins the Beta Division.



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Season One, Playoffs

September 11, 2010




Hello once again, League fans...it's playoff time! Tori Montgomery here, ready to take a look at the playoff brackets and get everyone ready for the postseason!


With the regular season ended, here's the final divisional standings for the first season:






y-1. The British Warrior (9-5, 2.71 / C- match rating)

2. Nuclear Templeton (8-6, 3.86 / C match rating)

3. Maxx Skabb (5-9, 5.29 / C+ match rating)

4. The Phoenix (3-11, 5.14 / C+ match rating)

y-Denotes Divisional Champion



y-1. Breaker (10-4, 4.50 / C+ match rating)

x-2. Robbie Maynard (9-5, 4.43 / C match rating)

3. SGRaaize (6-8, 3.29 / C- match rating)

4. Tarik Nolan (6-8, 3.86 / C match rating)

x-Denotes clinched playoff berth

y-Denotes Divisional Champion

Tie-breaker, as the season series is split 1-1, is divisional record. Raaize wins this one, 3-3 to Nolan's 1-5.



y-1. Sean (9-5, 4.07 / C match rating)

2. Johnny Triumph (8-6, 4.93 / C+ match rating)

3. Diamond (6-8, 5.57 / B- match rating)

4. Shawn Arrows (5-9, 4.21 / C match rating)

y-Denotes Divisional Champion





1. Diamond: 24 -> 23.0333

2. British Warrior: 15 -> 20.5280

3. Maxx Skabb: 15 -> 17.8430

4. Breaker: 15 -> 17.6802

5. Tarik Nolan: 15 -> 14.6032

6. Nuclear Templeton: 15 -> 14.5893

7. Johnny Triumph: 15 -> 13.6250

8. The Phoenix: 15 -> 11.6107

9. Shawn Arrows: 15 -> 10.6250

10. Robbie Maynard: 12 -> 8.5585

11. Sean: 6 -> 8.2500

12. SGRaaize: 6 -> 5.6915




Tie atop the weekly leader board, as Miss moon_lit_tears and Mr. SeanMcG tie with 5 correct—then again, then you pick the exact same card, that tends to happen! Because of this, and the abysmal performance this week from Mr. Derek_b, the lead has now become nearly insurmountable heading into the playoffs.


1. moon_lit_tears: 53 points

(tie) 2. derek_b, SeanMcG: 47 points

4. Prophet: 44 points

5. Tori Montgomery: 43 points

6. masterded: 35 points

7. I effin rule: 24 points

8. Jaded: 11 points

9. Wrestling Century: 7 points

10. MichiganHero: 6 points

11. Zeel1: 4 points


And at last, it is playoff time. The predictions will work slightly differently this time around. The three "sanctioned" matches count double, and exhibition matches count as normal. Thus, there are a total of eleven points available this week—the lead can still be overtaken.


The playoffs are coming from a structure billed as the "Virtual Arena," which is set up in Auckland, New Zealand. From what I understand, there are thirty-four sections of the stadium set up. Thirty-three are giant projection screens that will have live camera feeds from every region around the world. The final section is for those people who wish to attend the show live. Naturally, the more popular a wrestler is in a specific region, the more energy he or she will have entering the match.


For predictions, I'm only going to look at the winning person in a match (or team for exhibitions), not who they defeated. If you vote A over B, and A instead defeats D, you still get credit. Keep that in mind as you go.


With that, I present the final card of The League's inaugural season...



(Regular match, ref bumps are allowed. Sanctioned Matches are 2 Out of 3 Falls matches, tag matches are regular matches unless noted.)



Tarik Nolan (6-8, 24% South East US) and The Phoenix (3-11, 26% Mid-Atlantic) vs.

Maxx Skabb (5-9, 30% Mid-Atlantic) and Johnny Triumph (8-6, 29% Mid West)

They come in more popular, plus they don't have Phoenix who has been terrible this year. Going to go with my gut on this.

Tori's Prediction: Triumph/Skabb, via submission (Triumph over Phoenix), 12:20, C



Shawn Arrows (5-9, 33% Mid-Atlantic) and Diamond (6-8, 23% South Eastern Mexico) vs.

Nuclear Templeton (8-6, 24% Tri-State US) and SGRaaize (6-8, 27% Western Europe)

Raaize has been on a tear lately; but Diamond's likely going to want payback for Templeton knocking her out of the playoff hunt. However, a mistake by Diamond is what will cost her team the match.

Tori's Prediction: Templeton/Raaize, via pinfall (Templeton over Diamond), 14:10, B-



#2 Sean (9-5, 25% Mid-Atlantic) vs.

#3 The British Warrior (9-5, 22% Mid-Atlantic)

Season Series: Sean def. Warrior, Week Eight

Battle of the Figure Fours, round two. Sean won before, and is coming in to this match with a slight popularity edge. However, we've seen bigger deficits than this overcome before. I think week eight will repeat itself here, and Sean wins in what should be a real close match that I see realistically going either way.

Tori's Prediction: Sean, 2 falls to 1, 31:20, A*



#1 Breaker (10-4, 24% Tri-State) vs.

#4 Robbie Maynard (9-5, 27% North UK)

Season Series: Tied 1-1. Maynard def. Breaker, Week Two; Breaker def. Maynard, Week Ten.

The rubber match between two Beta Division rivals. Like the first match, this could go either way, but I'm making my pick based off the fact that in their week 10 matchup, Breaker defeated Maynard in Maynard's home turf, when he was at a bigger disadvantage. I've got to give the nod to Breaker given that.

Tori's Prediction: Breaker, 2 falls to 1, 42:10, A*



Tarik Nolan, The Phoenix, Shawn Arrows, and Diamond vs.

Maxx Skabb, Johnny Triumph, Nuclear Templeton, and SGRaaize

This is purely a toss-up for me. There's non other way for me to put it.

Tori's Prediction: Skabb, Triumph, Templeton, and Raaize, 53;10, A*



My predictions have this as British Warrior vs. Robbie Maynard. Your mileage may vary, though.

Tori's Prediction: Robbie Maynard, 2 falls to 1, 25:50, A*



Again, your mileage may vary. In my scenario, I have Sean vs. Breaker, with the victory going to the Gamma Division. Sean in an epic encounter is how I see the season ending.

Tori's Prediction: Sean, 2 falls to 1, 52:10, A*


Only one episode of Beyond Ringside remains for the season, in which the seasonal awards will be handed out. Until then, this is Tori Montgomery...so long from ringside!





Tarik Nolan (6-8, 24% South East US) and The Phoenix (3-11, 26% Mid-Atlantic) vs.

Maxx Skabb (5-9, 30% Mid-Atlantic) and Johnny Triumph (8-6, 29% Mid West)



Shawn Arrows (5-9, 33% Mid-Atlantic) and Diamond (6-8, 23% South Eastern Mexico) vs.

Nuclear Templeton (8-6, 24% Tri-State US) and SGRaaize (6-8, 27% Western Europe)



#2 Sean (9-5, 25% Mid-Atlantic) vs.

#3 The British Warrior (9-5, 22% Mid-Atlantic)



#1 Breaker (10-4, 24% Tri-State) vs.

#4 Robbie Maynard (9-5, 27% North UK)



Tarik Nolan, The Phoenix, Shawn Arrows, and Diamond vs.

Maxx Skabb, Johnny Triumph, Nuclear Templeton, and SGRaaize



Loser of Sean/British Warrior vs.

Loser of Breaker/Robbie Maynard



Winner of Sean/British Warrior vs.

Winner of Breaker/Robbie Maynard

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Tarik Nolan (6-8, 24% South East US) and The Phoenix (3-11, 26% Mid-Atlantic) vs.

Maxx Skabb (5-9, 30% Mid-Atlantic) and Johnny Triumph (8-6, 29% Mid West)



Shawn Arrows (5-9, 33% Mid-Atlantic) and Diamond (6-8, 23% South Eastern Mexico) vs.

Nuclear Templeton (8-6, 24% Tri-State US) and SGRaaize (6-8, 27% Western Europe)



#2 Sean (9-5, 25% Mid-Atlantic) vs.

#3 The British Warrior (9-5, 22% Mid-Atlantic)



#1 Breaker (10-4, 24% Tri-State) vs.

#4 Robbie Maynard (9-5, 27% North UK)



Tarik Nolan, The Phoenix, Shawn Arrows, and Diamond vs.

Maxx Skabb, Johnny Triumph, Nuclear Templeton, and SGRaaize



Loser of Sean/British Warrior vs.

Loser of Breaker/Robbie Maynard



Winner of Sean/British Warrior vs.

Winner of Breaker/Robbie Maynard

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Tarik Nolan (6-8, 24% South East US) and The Phoenix (3-11, 26% Mid-Atlantic) vs.

Maxx Skabb (5-9, 30% Mid-Atlantic) and Johnny Triumph (8-6, 29% Mid West)



Shawn Arrows (5-9, 33% Mid-Atlantic) and Diamond (6-8, 23% South Eastern Mexico) vs.

Nuclear Templeton (8-6, 24% Tri-State US) and SGRaaize (6-8, 27% Western Europe)



#2 Sean (9-5, 25% Mid-Atlantic) vs.

#3 The British Warrior (9-5, 22% Mid-Atlantic)



#1 Breaker (10-4, 24% Tri-State) vs.

#4 Robbie Maynard (9-5, 27% North UK)



Tarik Nolan, The Phoenix, Shawn Arrows, and Diamond vs.

Maxx Skabb, Johnny Triumph, Nuclear Templeton, and SGRaaize



Loser of Sean/British Warrior vs.

Loser of Breaker/Robbie Maynard



Winner of Sean/British Warrior vs.

Winner of Breaker/Robbie Maynard

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I'm putting this out here now so that people know--today around noon EDT, Windows corrupted my laptop's C: partition and boot sector. I haven't been able to go in and work on the new characters today due to this. There's also a chance that I may lose the data built up so far, as I didn't think to backup the database to a separate location. As such, there is a chance that the playoff round may be delayed a week as I reset the database, contact the GDS eLicense repto reset my WS2 license (if I don't out and out buy a 3rd copy), and reformat my laptop. I will keep y'all informed as things happen. That said, keep making your picks, and submit season 2 characters in the other thread like normal--I'm not closing shop THAT easily! One way or another--even if I have to run it on MLT's computer--I will be finishing season one as planned.
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I'm putting this out here now so that people know--today around noon EDT, Windows corrupted my laptop's C: partition and boot sector. I haven't been able to go in and work on the new characters today due to this. There's also a chance that I may lose the data built up so far, as I didn't think to backup the database to a separate location. As such, there is a chance that the playoff round may be delayed a week as I reset the database, contact the GDS eLicense repto reset my WS2 license (if I don't out and out buy a 3rd copy), and reformat my laptop. I will keep y'all informed as things happen. That said, keep making your picks, and submit season 2 characters in the other thread like normal--I'm not closing shop THAT easily! One way or another--even if I have to run it on MLT's computer--I will be finishing season one as planned.


I told you that you don't have to buy a copy. I can give you the one I have until you get the other fixed. :p



Tarik Nolan (6-8, 24% South East US) and The Phoenix (3-11, 26% Mid-Atlantic) vs.

Maxx Skabb (5-9, 30% Mid-Atlantic) and Johnny Triumph (8-6, 29% Mid West)



Shawn Arrows (5-9, 33% Mid-Atlantic) and Diamond (6-8, 23% South Eastern Mexico) vs.

Nuclear Templeton (8-6, 24% Tri-State US) and SGRaaize (6-8, 27% Western Europe)



#2 Sean (9-5, 25% Mid-Atlantic) vs.

#3 The British Warrior (9-5, 22% Mid-Atlantic)



#1 Breaker (10-4, 24% Tri-State) vs.

#4 Robbie Maynard (9-5, 27% North UK)



Tarik Nolan, The Phoenix, Shawn Arrows, and Diamond vs.

Maxx Skabb, Johnny Triumph, Nuclear Templeton, and SGRaaize



Loser of Sean/British Warrior vs.

Loser of Breaker/Robbie Maynard



Winner of Sean/British Warrior vs.

Winner of Breaker/Robbie Maynard

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  • 2 weeks later...

Guess who's back...back again? The League is back...tell a friend.


*clears throat*


Ahem, sorry about that. But it's official, I have my computer up and running again after a week-plus of downtime, and am in the process of restoring all of the programs and such I had on here before.


I can't seem to get into the host I've been using for League operations, so I may be looking at finding something different to use next season. That said, I will be PM'ing everyone with their updated stats/cash totals until such time as my host decides to let me in to edit stuff.




Expect the playoffs to be posted in two parts: first half on Saturday, and the second half on Sunday.

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Tarik Nolan (6-8, 24% South East US) and The Phoenix (3-11, 26% Mid-Atlantic) vs.

Maxx Skabb (5-9, 30% Mid-Atlantic) and Johnny Triumph (8-6, 29% Mid West)



Shawn Arrows (5-9, 33% Mid-Atlantic) and Diamond (6-8, 23% South Eastern Mexico) vs.

Nuclear Templeton (8-6, 24% Tri-State US) and SGRaaize (6-8, 27% Western Europe)



#2 Sean (9-5, 25% Mid-Atlantic) vs.

#3 The British Warrior (9-5, 22% Mid-Atlantic)



#1 Breaker (10-4, 24% Tri-State) vs.

#4 Robbie Maynard (9-5, 27% North UK)



Tarik Nolan, The Phoenix, Shawn Arrows, and Diamond vs.

Maxx Skabb, Johnny Triumph, Nuclear Templeton, and SGRaaize



Loser of Sean/British Warrior vs.

Loser of Breaker/Robbie Maynard



Winner of Sean/British Warrior vs.

Winner of Breaker/Robbie Maynard

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Tarik Nolan (6-8, 24% South East US) and The Phoenix (3-11, 26% Mid-Atlantic) vs.

Maxx Skabb (5-9, 30% Mid-Atlantic) and Johnny Triumph (8-6, 29% Mid West)



Shawn Arrows (5-9, 33% Mid-Atlantic) and Diamond (6-8, 23% South Eastern Mexico) vs.

Nuclear Templeton (8-6, 24% Tri-State US) and SGRaaize (6-8, 27% Western Europe)



#2 Sean (9-5, 25% Mid-Atlantic) vs.

#3 The British Warrior (9-5, 22% Mid-Atlantic)



#1 Breaker (10-4, 24% Tri-State) vs.

#4 Robbie Maynard (9-5, 27% North UK)



Tarik Nolan, The Phoenix, Shawn Arrows, and Diamond vs.

Maxx Skabb, Johnny Triumph, Nuclear Templeton, and SGRaaize



Loser of Sean/British Warrior vs.

Loser of Breaker/Robbie Maynard



Winner of Sean/British Warrior vs.

Winner of Breaker/Robbie Maynard

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(Due to family-based plans, I can't get commentary for all of the matches done. So what I will do is save the commentary for tomorrow's final three matches of the season, and just provide play-by-play notes here. I intend to make up for this tomorrow. ;) )



Tarik Nolan and The Phoenix vs.Maxx Skabb and Johnny Triumph

(Tarik Nolan and Maxx Skabb are the legal men)

Tarik Nolan hit the Punch

Maxx Skabb took the blow, but just shrugs it off and goes on the attack.

Maxx Skabb hit the Eye Gouge

Maxx Skabb hit the Toss To Corner

Maxx Skabb brings Tarik Nolan out of the corner.

Maxx Skabb hit the Throat Thrust

Maxx Skabb hit the Knee Pull

Tarik Nolan counters by fighting back.

Tarik Nolan hit the Headbutt

Tarik Nolan hit the Eye Gouge

Tarik Nolan hit the European Uppercut

Tarik Nolan hit the Running Shoulder Block

Tarik Nolan hit the Face Rub

Maxx Skabb broke the Face Stepping.

Maxx Skabb hit the Punch

Maxx Skabb hit the Clubbing Blow

Maxx Skabb hit the Stomp

Maxx Skabb hit the Face Rub

Maxx Skabb applied the Choke Hold

The referee warns that that was illegal.

Tarik Nolan blocked the Headbutt To Groin.

Tarik Nolan recovers and stands up.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

The Bear Hug was countered into a Shooter Takedown.

Tarik Nolan hit the Stomp

Tarik Nolan hit the Mounted Punch Flurry

Tarik Nolan hit the Headbutt To Groin

The referee was not happy with that move.

Maxx Skabb counters by fighting back.

Maxx Skabb hit the High Knee

Tarik Nolan counters by fighting back.

Tarik Nolan hit the Short Arm Clothesline

Tarik Nolan tags out to The Phoenix.


Maxx Skabb counters by fighting back.

Maxx Skabb hit the Punch

The Running Shoulder Block was countered into a Side Headlock Takedown.

Maxx Skabb broke the Single Leg Boston Crab.

Maxx Skabb hit the Eye Gouge

The referee warns that that was illegal.

Maxx Skabb hit the Punch

Maxx Skabb hit the Jab Punch

Maxx Skabb hit the Throat Thrust

Maxx Skabb hit the Eye Gouge

Maxx Skabb hit the Hair Pull

Maxx Skabb hit the Punch

Maxx Skabb hit the Running Shoulder Block

Maxx Skabb hit the Face Rub

Maxx Skabb hit the Mounted Elbow Smashes

Maxx Skabb hit the Mounted Punch Flurry

Maxx Skabb picks up The Phoenix.

The Low Blow was countered into a Punch.

The Phoenix hit the Vertical Suplex

Maxx Skabb slipped out the back of the Rear Crossface Blows.

Maxx Skabb hit the Full Nelson Bomb

The Phoenix blocked the Headbutt To Groin.

The Phoenix blocked the Mounted Elbow Smashes. This is the second block in a row, and The Phoenix takes control.

The Phoenix hit the Double Underhook Suplex

The Phoenix picks up Maxx Skabb.

The Phoenix hit the Vertical Suplex

The Phoenix applied the Camel Clutch

The referee checks the submission...

It seems to be locked in!


The Phoenix hit the Slingshot Suplex

The referee begins the count...


Kick Out Just Before The Two!

The Phoenix hit the Side Explosion Suplex

The Phoenix tags out to Tarik Nolan.


Maxx Skabb blocked the Seated Knuckle Punches.

Maxx Skabb rushed the Slit Throat Motion.

The Throat Thrust was countered into a Punch.

Tarik Nolan whips Maxx Skabb to the corner.

Tarik Nolan hit the Pain Train

Maxx Skabb rushed the Power Taunt.

Maxx Skabb hit the Eye Gouge

The referee warns that that was illegal.

Maxx Skabb hit the Hair Pull

The referee warns that that was illegal.

Maxx Skabb applied the Bear Hug

Tarik Nolan moved and the Gorilla Press missed!

Tarik Nolan picks up Maxx Skabb from behind.

Maxx Skabb moved and the Field Goal Low Blow missed!

Maxx Skabb tags out to Johnny Triumph.


(Tarik Nolan and Johnny Triumph are the legal men.)

Johnny Triumph hit the Triple Forearm Blow

Tarik Nolan broke the Single Leg Boston Crab by reaching the ropes.

Johnny Triumph hit the Hammerlock Kick

Tarik Nolan slipped out of the Neckbreaker.

Tarik Nolan hit the Eye Gouge

Tarik Nolan hit the Punch

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Johnny Triumph moved and the Headbutt missed!

Tarik Nolan blocked the Gutwrench Suplex.

Tarik Nolan blocked the DDT. This is the second block in a row, and Tarik Nolan takes control.

Tarik Nolan hit the Punch

Tarik Nolan hit the Running Shoulder Block

Tarik Nolan hit the Face Stepping

The referee warns that that was illegal.

Tarik Nolan hit the Seated Kick

Tarik Nolan picks up Johnny Triumph.

Tarik Nolan hit the Eye Gouge

Tarik Nolan hit the Headbutt

Tarik Nolan hit the Face Stepping

The referee warns that that was illegal.

Johnny Triumph slipped out of the Headbutt To Groin.

Tarik Nolan moved and the Triple Forearm Blow missed!

Tarik Nolan hit the Short Arm Clothesline

Johnny Triumph rushed the Power Taunt.

Tarik Nolan blocked the Hammerlock Kick.

Tarik Nolan moved and the Forearm Strike Flurry missed!

Johnny Triumph blocked the Face Plant.

Tarik Nolan hit the DDT

Tarik Nolan hit the Mounted Punch Flurry

Tarik Nolan looks sharp, he knows that the match has swung in his favour.

Tarik Nolan hit the Headbutt To Groin

The referee was not happy with that move.

Johnny Triumph rushed the Power Taunt.

The Triple Forearm Blow was countered into a Press Slam.

Tarik Nolan picks up Johnny Triumph.

Johnny Triumph blocked the Press Powerslam.

Tarik Nolan hit the Pump Kick

Johnny Triumph rushed the Slit Throat Motion.

Johnny Triumph hit the Hammerlock Kick

Johnny Triumph hit the Forearm To Back

Tarik Nolan slipped out of the Neckbreaker.

Tarik Nolan hit the Face Plant

Johnny Triumph counters by fighting back.

Johnny Triumph hit the Hammerlock Kick

Tarik Nolan blocked the Running Hot Shot.

Tarik Nolan blocked the Neckbreaker. This is the second block in a row, and Tarik Nolan takes control.

Tarik Nolan hit the Pump Kick

Tarik Nolan tags out to The Phoenix.


Johnny Triumph slipped out the back of the Eternal Requiem.

The Phoenix slipped out of the Reverse DDT Neckbreaker.

Johnny Triumph blocked the Capture Suplex.

The Phoenix hit the Slingshot Suplex

The referee begins the count...


Kick Out Just Before The Two!

The Phoenix whips Johnny Triumph to the corner.

Johnny Triumph slipped out the back of the Tree Of Woe Stomp Flurry.

Johnny Triumph hit the Hammerlock Kick

Johnny Triumph hit the Neckbreaker

Johnny Triumph applied the Single Leg Grapevine

Johnny Triumph picks up The Phoenix from behind.

The Phoenix blocked the Hammerlock Kick.

Johnny Triumph hit the Neckbreaker

Johnny Triumph takes a moment to rub his sore neck, apparently in pain.

Johnny Triumph applied the Camel Clutch

The referee checks the submission...

It seems to be locked in!


The Phoenix counters by reversing on Johnny Triumph.

The Phoenix hit the Corner Clothesline

Johnny Triumph broke the Eternal Requiem.

Johnny Triumph hit the Hammerlock Kick

The Phoenix moved and the Field Goal Low Blow missed!

The Phoenix hit the Slingshot Suplex

The referee begins the count...


Kick Out Just Before The Two!

The Phoenix whips Johnny Triumph to the corner.

The Phoenix hit the Corner Clothesline

Johnny Triumph broke the Eternal Requiem.

Johnny Triumph hit the Forearm Strike Flurry

Johnny Triumph hit the Hammerlock Kick

The Running Hot Shot was countered into a Backslide.

The referee begins the count...


Kick Out!

The Phoenix hit the Slingshot Suplex

The referee begins the count...



Kick Out Just After Two!

Johnny Triumph blocked the Capture Suplex.

The Phoenix whips Johnny Triumph into the ropes.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Johnny Triumph moved and the Punch missed!

Johnny Triumph hit the Forearm Strike Flurry

Johnny Triumph hit the Triple Forearm Blow

The Phoenix slipped out the back of the Horns of Victory.

The Phoenix takes a moment to rub his sore neck, apparently in pain.

Johnny Triumph slipped out of the Side Explosion Suplex.

Johnny Triumph hit the Hammerlock Kick

Johnny Triumph takes a moment to rub his sore neck, apparently in pain.

The Phoenix moved and the Field Goal Low Blow missed!

The Phoenix tags out to Tarik Nolan.


Tarik Nolan whips Johnny Triumph to the corner.

Tarik Nolan hit the Tree Of Woe Stomp Flurry

Johnny Triumph rushed the Slit Throat Motion.

Johnny Triumph hit the Forearm Strike Flurry

Johnny Triumph hit the Triple Forearm Blow

Tarik Nolan blocked the Single Leg Grapevine.

Johnny Triumph applied the Camel Clutch

The referee checks the submission...

It seems to be locked in!


The Triple Forearm Blow was countered into a Toss To Corner.

Tarik Nolan hit the Pain Train

Tarik Nolan picks up Johnny Triumph from behind.

Johnny Triumph blocked the Regulator.

Johnny Triumph blocked the Released German Suplex. This is the second block in a row, and Johnny Triumph takes control.

The Forearm Strike Flurry was countered into a Bodyslam.

Tarik Nolan used the Slit Throat Motion

Johnny Triumph recovers and stands up.

Tarik Nolan hit the Press Powerslam

Tarik Nolan looks sharp, he knows that the match has swung in his favour.

The referee begins the count...


Kick Out Just Before The Two!

Johnny Triumph blocked the Face Plant.

Tarik Nolan whips Johnny Triumph to the corner.

Tarik Nolan hit the Tree Of Woe Stomp Flurry

Tarik Nolan picks up Johnny Triumph from behind.

Tarik Nolan is in total control of this match at the moment, and knows it.

Johnny Triumph blocked the Regulator.

Johnny Triumph slipped out of the Regulator.

Johnny Triumph takes a moment to rub his sore neck, apparently in pain.

Johnny Triumph tags out to Maxx Skabb.


(Tarik Nolan and Maxx Skabb are the legal men.)

Maxx Skabb applied the Over Shoulder Backbreaker

The referee checks the submission...

It seems to be locked in!


Maxx Skabb hit the Gutwrench Powerbomb

Maxx Skabb picks up Tarik Nolan.

Tarik Nolan slipped out the back of the Double Underhook Bomb.

Tarik Nolan hit the Side Suplex

Tarik Nolan hit the Headbutt To Groin

Maxx Skabb rushed the Slit Throat Motion.

The Lethal Injection was countered into a Eye Gouge.

The referee warns that that was illegal.

Tarik Nolan whips Maxx Skabb to the corner.

Tarik Nolan hit the Corner Clothesline

Tarik Nolan tags out to The Phoenix.


Maxx Skabb blocked the Capture Suplex.

The Phoenix throws Maxx Skabb to ringside.

The Phoenix leaves the ring.

The referee begins counting the competitors out.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Maxx Skabb blocked the Camel Clutch.

Maxx Skabb recovers and stands up.

The referee reaches the halfway point of his count.

Maxx Skabb blocked the Capture Suplex. This is the second block in a row, and Maxx Skabb takes control.

The referee is almost ready to count both competitors out.

The Phoenix moved and the Chair Shot To Head missed!

Both competitors return to the ring before they are counted out.

Maxx Skabb slipped out of the Slingshot Suplex.

The Phoenix blocked the Over Shoulder Backbreaker.

Maxx Skabb hit the Pump Kick

Maxx Skabb hit the Headbutt To Groin

The referee was not happy with that move.

Maxx Skabb picks up The Phoenix from behind.

Maxx Skabb applied the Full Nelson

The Phoenix rushed the Slit Throat Motion.

The Phoenix hit the Vertical Suplex

Maxx Skabb broke the Eternal Requiem.

The Phoenix slipped out the back of the Over Shoulder Backbreaker Drop.

The Phoenix hit the Side Explosion Suplex

Maxx Skabb slipped out of the Camel Clutch.

The Phoenix blocked the Over Shoulder Backbreaker.

Maxx Skabb climbs the turnbuckles.

The Phoenix rushed the Flying Double Axe Handle.

Maxx Skabb slipped out the back of the Super Back Suplex.

Maxx Skabb throws The Phoenix off the top rope.

The Phoenix moved and the Big Legdrop missed!

Maxx Skabb slipped out of the Eternal Requiem.

Maxx Skabb hit the Gutwrench Powerbomb

The Phoenix blocked the Seated Knuckle Punches.

Maxx Skabb hit the Mounted Elbow Smashes

The Phoenix blocked the Headbutt To Groin.

The Phoenix blocked the Mounted Punch Flurry. This is the second block in a row, and The Phoenix takes control.

Maxx Skabb blocked the Capture Suplex.

The Phoenix hit the Slingshot Suplex

The referee begins the count...


Kick Out Just Before The Two!

Maxx Skabb counters by reversing on The Phoenix.

The Phoenix slipped out of the Sidewalk Slam.

Maxx Skabb slipped out of the Vertical Suplex.

The Double Underhook Bomb was countered into a Punch.

The Phoenix hit the Capture Suplex

The Phoenix is struggling, trying to...yes! He has the Eternal Requiem locked in!

The referee checks the submission...

It seems to be locked in!

Will This Be It?

It's Still Locked In!

The referee has called for the bell!

Here are your winners: The Phoenix and Tarik Nolan

Time of bout: 38:10

Match Rating: B-


Shawn Arrows and Diamond vs. Nuclear Templeton and SGRaaize


(Shawn Arrows and Nuclear Templeton are the legal participants.)

Shawn Arrows hit the Back Kick

Shawn Arrows hit the Spinning Backhand Blow

Shawn Arrows hit the Legsweep Snap Pinfall

The referee begins the count...


Kick Out!

Shawn Arrows hit the Dropkick

Shawn Arrows hit the Stomp

Shawn Arrows hit the Senton

Nuclear Templeton moved and the Flip Legdrop missed!

Nuclear Templeton hit the Slingshot To Corner

Nuclear Templeton hit the Ten Turnbuckle Smashes

Shawn Arrows blocked the Rear Seated Chinlock.

Shawn Arrows recovers and stands up.

Nuclear Templeton applied the Front Facelock

Shawn Arrows blocked the Toss To Corner.

Nuclear Templeton hit the Side Headlock Takedown

Shawn Arrows slipped out the back of the Nerve Pinch.

Nuclear Templeton blocked the Running Bulldog.

Nuclear Templeton moved and the Running Dropkick missed!

Shawn Arrows broke the Slingshot To Corner.

Shawn Arrows hit the Side Spinning Kick

Nuclear Templeton took the blow, but just shrugs it off and goes on the attack.

Nuclear Templeton hit the Punch

Nuclear Templeton tags out to SGRaaize.


SGRaaize hit the Eye Gouge

The referee warns that that was illegal.

SGRaaize hit the Single Leg Trip

SGRaaize applied the Arm Bar

SGRaaize applied the Western Spinning Toe Hold

Shawn Arrows broke the Single Leg Grapevine by reaching the ropes.

Shawn Arrows blocked the Vertical Suplex.

SGRaaize hit the Hammerlock Kick

SGRaaize hit the Knee Breaker

SGRaaize applied the Single Leg Grapevine

SGRaaize applied the Bow And Arrow Lock

SGRaaize picks up Shawn Arrows from behind.

Shawn Arrows blocked the Knee Breaker.

Shawn Arrows blocked the Reverse Suplex. This is the second block in a row, and Shawn Arrows takes control.

Shawn Arrows hit the Eye Gouge

Shawn Arrows hit the Kick To Gut

Shawn Arrows hit the Back Kick

Shawn Arrows hit the Punch

Shawn Arrows hit the Eye Gouge

The referee warns that that was illegal.

Shawn Arrows hit the Snap Mare Takedown

Shawn Arrows climbs the turnbuckles.

SGRaaize recovers and stands up.

Shawn Arrows hit the Flying Double Axe Handle

Shawn Arrows hit the Back Kick

SGRaaize blocked the Snap Mare Takedown.

Shawn Arrows hit the Punch Flurry

Shawn Arrows hit the Eye Gouge

Shawn Arrows hit the Punch

Shawn Arrows hit the Arm Drag

SGRaaize moved and the Cartwheel Splash missed!

SGRaaize picks up Shawn Arrows from behind.

SGRaaize hit the Hammerlock Kick

SGRaaize applied the Canadian Backbreaker Hold

SGRaaize picks up Shawn Arrows from behind.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Shawn Arrows slipped out the back of the Running Hot Shot.

SGRaaize counters by fighting back.

The Triple Forearm Blow was countered into a Punch.

Shawn Arrows hit the Spinning Head Scissors

Shawn Arrows tags out to Diamond.


(Diamond and SGRaaize are the legal participants.)

Diamond hit the Rolling Senton

SGRaaize moved and the Handspring Moonsault missed!

SGRaaize tags out to Nuclear Templeton.


Nuclear Templeton hit the Seated Back Kick

Nuclear Templeton hit the Slingshot To Corner

Nuclear Templeton hit the Corner Knife Edge Chop

Nuclear Templeton hit the Corner Open Handed Chop

Diamond blocked the Corner Forearm Flurry.

Nuclear Templeton hit the Corner Clothesline

Nuclear Templeton hit the Headbutt To Groin

The referee was not happy with that move.

Nuclear Templeton hit the Rear Naked Punch Flurry

Diamond blocked the Mounted Elbow Smashes.

Nuclear Templeton is in total control of this match at the moment, and knows it.

The Snap Driving Elbow was countered into a Legsweep Kick.

Diamond hit the Face Stepping

Nuclear Templeton moved and the Seated Dropkick missed!

Nuclear Templeton hit the Charging Forearm

Diamond blocked the Mounted Elbow Smashes.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

The Rear Naked Punch Flurry was countered into a Low Blow.

The referee is furious at that breach of the rules.

Diamond hit the Rolling Senton

Diamond hit the Handspring Moonsault

Nuclear Templeton moved and the Flip Legdrop missed!

Diamond slipped out of the Headbutt To Groin.

Diamond hit the Face Plant

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Diamond hit the Rana Sunset Pinfall

The referee begins the count...


Kick Out!

Diamond hit the Dropkicksault

Nuclear Templeton rushed the Top Rope Point.

Nuclear Templeton hit the Discus Clothesline

Nuclear Templeton hit the Rear Naked Punch Flurry

Nuclear Templeton tags out to SGRaaize.


Diamond broke the Camel Clutch.

Diamond hit the Women's DDT

SGRaaize blocked the Legdrop To Groin.

Diamond hit the Flip Legdrop

Diamond used the Stripper Dance

SGRaaize blocked the Legdrop To Groin.

Diamond hit the Rolling Splash

SGRaaize moved and the Rolling Senton missed!

SGRaaize applied the Single Leg Grapevine

SGRaaize picks up Diamond.

Diamond slipped out the back of the Slingshot Suplex.

Diamond hit the Running Dropkick

Diamond picks up SGRaaize from behind.

Diamond hit the Spinning Arm Drag

Diamond hit the Legdrop To Groin

The referee warns that that was illegal.

SGRaaize moved and the Charging Basement Dropkick missed!

SGRaaize hit the S.T.O.

The referee begins the count...


Kick Out Just Before The Two!

The Portugal Lariat was countered into a Women's Spear.

SGRaaize moved and the Slingshot Legdrop missed!

SGRaaize picks up Diamond from behind.

Diamond blocked the Wheel Barrow Suplex.

SGRaaize hit the Running Hot Shot

The referee warns that that was illegal.

SGRaaize gets into the ring.

SGRaaize picks up Diamond.

The Slingshot Suplex was countered into a Punch.

Hell Fire Kick! Hell Fire Kick! Hell Fire Kick!

Diamond takes a moment to rub her sore neck, apparently in pain.

SGRaaize moved and the Standing Moonsault missed!

Diamond counters by fighting back.

SGRaaize moved and the Springboard Rana missed!

SGRaaize tags out to Nuclear Templeton.


(Diamond and Nuclear Templeton are the legal participants.)

The Strong Forearm Strike Flurry was countered into a Legsweep Snap Pinfall.

The referee begins the count...


Kick Out!

Diamond hit the Dropkick To Knee

Diamond hit the Running Dropkick

Diamond used the Top Rope Point

Nuclear Templeton shook the ropes to stop the Flying Elbow Drop.

Nuclear Templeton throws Diamond off the top rope.

Nuclear Templeton hit the Snap Driving Elbow

Diamond blocked the Mounted Punch Flurry.

Nuclear Templeton applied the Nerve Pinch

Diamond moved and the Snap Driving Elbow missed!

Nuclear Templeton moved and the Charging Basement Dropkick missed!

Nuclear Templeton hit the Strong Forearm Strike Flurry

Nuclear Templeton drags Diamond back into the ring.

The Gutwrench Powerbomb was countered into a Punch.

Diamond takes a moment to rub her sore neck, apparently in pain.

Hell Fire Kick! Hell Fire Kick! Hell Fire Kick!

Diamond hit the Rolling Senton

Diamond climbs the turnbuckles.

Nuclear Templeton shook the ropes to stop the Half Senton Bomb.

Nuclear Templeton throws Diamond off the top rope.

Nuclear Templeton picks up Diamond.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Nuclear Templeton hit the Vertical Suplex

Nuclear Templeton hit the Mounted Punch Flurry

Nuclear Templeton picks up Diamond.

Nuclear Templeton hit the Gutwrench Powerbomb

Nuclear Templeton hit the Rear Naked Punch Flurry

Diamond moved and the Snap Driving Elbow missed!

Diamond tags out to Shawn Arrows.


Shawn Arrows picks up Nuclear Templeton.

Shawn Arrows hit the Running Dropkick

Shawn Arrows picks up Nuclear Templeton from behind.

Shawn Arrows climbs the turnbuckles.

The Flying Body Press was countered into a Samoan Drop.

Shawn Arrows slipped out of the Headbutt To Groin.

Shawn Arrows hit the Side Spinning Kick

Shawn Arrows climbs the turnbuckles.

Nuclear Templeton moved and the Top Rope Diving Rana missed!

Nuclear Templeton takes a moment to rub his sore neck, apparently in pain.

Shawn Arrows moved and the Basement Dropkick missed!

Shawn Arrows hit the Running Dropkick

Shawn Arrows hit the Slingshot Moonsault

The referee begins the count...



Kick Out Just After Two!

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Shawn Arrows climbs the turnbuckles.

Shawn Arrows hit the Top Rope Diving Rana

Nuclear Templeton moved and the Slingshot Moonsault missed!

Nuclear Templeton hit the Snap Driving Elbow

Nuclear Templeton hit the Mounted Elbow Smashes

Nuclear Templeton picks up Shawn Arrows.

Nuclear Templeton takes a moment to rub his sore neck, apparently in pain.

Nuclear Templeton hit the Gutwrench Powerbomb

Nuclear Templeton hit the Rear Naked Punch Flurry

Shawn Arrows blocked the Mounted Punch Flurry.

Nuclear Templeton picks up Shawn Arrows.

The Small Package was countered into a Punch.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Shawn Arrows hit the Face Plant

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Shawn Arrows climbs the turnbuckles.

Nuclear Templeton rushed the Top Rope Diving Rana.

Nuclear Templeton climbs down off the top rope.

Nuclear Templeton takes a moment to rub his sore neck, apparently in pain.

Shawn Arrows counters by kicking Nuclear Templeton away.

Shawn Arrows hit the Second Rope Rana

Nuclear Templeton moved and the Slingshot Legdrop missed!

Nuclear Templeton picks up Shawn Arrows.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Nuclear Templeton takes a moment to rub his sore neck, apparently in pain.

Nuclear Templeton hit the Charging Forearm

Nuclear Templeton hit the Mounted Punch Flurry

Nuclear Templeton picks up Shawn Arrows from behind.

Shawn Arrows blocked the German Suplex.

Nuclear Templeton takes a moment to rub his sore neck, apparently in pain.

Nuclear Templeton hit the Lung Blower

Nuclear Templeton climbs the turnbuckles.

Nuclear Templeton waits as Shawn Arrows stands.

Nuclear Templeton hit the Flying Double Axe Handle

Shawn Arrows moved and the Snap Driving Elbow missed!

Nuclear Templeton slipped out the back of the Seated Knuckle Punches.

Nuclear Templeton takes a moment to rub his sore neck, apparently in pain.

Nuclear Templeton whips Shawn Arrows into the ropes.

Shawn Arrows blocked the Twisting Powerslam.

Shawn Arrows blocked the Big Boot. This is the second block in a row, and Shawn Arrows takes control.

Nuclear Templeton moved and the Running Dropkick missed!

Nuclear Templeton picks up Shawn Arrows.

Nuclear Templeton hit the Three Point Stance

Nuclear Templeton hit the Headbutt To Groin

The referee was not happy with that move.

Shawn Arrows moved and the Snap Driving Elbow missed!

Shawn Arrows hit the Slingshot Moonsault

The referee begins the count...



This Could Be It!

The referee's hand starts coming down...


Here are your winners: Shawn Arrows and Diamond

Time of bout: 33:50

Match Rating: B+


#2 Sean vs. #3 The British Warrior


Sean hit the Punch

Sean hit the Kick To Gut

Sean hit the Forearm Strike

Sean hit the European Uppercut

Sean hit the Eye Gouge

Sean hit the Punch

Sean hit the Running Clothesline

Sean applied the Arm Bar

Sean hit the Elbow Drop On Knee

The British Warrior moved and the Seated Back Dropkick missed!

The British Warrior hit the Open Handed Slap

The British Warrior hit the Single Leg Trip

The British Warrior applied the Western Spinning Toe Hold

The British Warrior hit the Knee Pull

The British Warrior hit the Stomp

The British Warrior applied the Western Spinning Toe Hold

The British Warrior hit the Elbow Drop On Knee

The British Warrior hit the Knee Pull

Sean blocked the Arm Bar.

Sean recovers and stands up.

The British Warrior applied the Front Facelock

The British Warrior hit the Forearm Blow

The British Warrior hit the Dropkick To Knee

The British Warrior hit the Seated Dropkick

Sean moved and the Splash missed!

Sean hit the Mounted Punch Flurry

Sean hit the Legdrop To Groin

The referee warns that that was illegal.

Sean applied the Single Leg Grapevine

Sean hit the Seated Back Dropkick

Sean hit the Rear Naked Punch Flurry

The British Warrior slipped out of the Modified Figure Four Leglock.

The British Warrior hit the Dropkick To Knee

The British Warrior hit the Giant Swing

The British Warrior hit the Snap Driving Elbow

The British Warrior picks up Sean.

The British Warrior hit the Dropkick To Knee

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Sean counters by fighting back.

The British Warrior slipped out of the Slingshot Suplex.

The British Warrior hit the Vertical Suplex

The British Warrior has the Figure Four locked in! Is it over for Sean?

The referee checks the submission...

It seems to be locked in!

Will This Be It?

It's Still Locked In!

The referee has called for the bell!

(Warrior leads 1-0.)

The British Warrior hit the S.T.O.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

The British Warrior picks up Sean.

The Vertical Suplex was countered into a Dropkick.

The British Warrior counters by fighting back.

Sean slipped out of the S.T.O..

The British Warrior broke the Capture Suplex.

The British Warrior hit the Hammerlock Kick

The British Warrior hit the Dropkick To Knee

The British Warrior is in total control of this match at the moment, and knows it.

Sean slipped out of the Warrior Slam.

The British Warrior blocked the Head And Arm Suplex.

The British Warrior slipped out of the Slingshot Suplex.

The British Warrior hit the S.T.O.

Sean broke the Figure Four Leglock by reaching the ropes.

The British Warrior climbs the turnbuckles.

Sean counters by fighting back.

The British Warrior broke the Small Package.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

The British Warrior hit the Western Brainbuster Suplex

The referee begins the count...



This Could Be It!

The referee's hand starts coming down...


Here is your winner, two falls to none, advancing to the Championship: The British Warrior!

Fall #1: Warrior by submission (Figure Four Leg Lock), 6:30

Fall #2: Warrior by pinfall (Western Brainbuster Suplex), 9:50

Match Rating: E

winner's Offense: 63%


#1 Breaker vs. #4 Robbie Maynard


Breaker hit the Eye Gouge

The referee warns that that was illegal.

Breaker hit the Mongolian Chop

Breaker hit the Jab Punch

Breaker hit the Eye Gouge

The referee warns that that was illegal.

Breaker hit the Punch

Breaker hit the Jab Punch

Breaker hit the Throat Thrust

The Punch was countered into a Open Handed Slap.

Robbie Maynard hit the Open Handed Slap

Robbie Maynard hit the Forearm Blow

Breaker took the blow, but just shrugs it off and goes on the attack.

Breaker hit the Jab Punch

Breaker hit the Suplex

Breaker hit the Stomp

Robbie Maynard moved and the Snap Driving Elbow missed!

Robbie Maynard hit the Stomp

Robbie Maynard hit the Elbow Drop

Robbie Maynard applied the Arm Bar

Robbie Maynard hit the Stomp

Robbie Maynard hit the Legdrop To Arm

The Arm Bar was countered into a Low Blow.

The referee is furious at that breach of the rules.

Robbie Maynard moved and the Splash missed!

Breaker slipped out the back of the Headbutt To Groin.

Robbie Maynard slipped out the back of the Running Bulldog.

Robbie Maynard hit the Dropkick To Outside

Robbie Maynard hit the Plancha Dive

The referee begins counting the competitors out.

Robbie Maynard hit the Headbutt To Groin

Robbie Maynard picks up Breaker.

The referee reaches the halfway point of his count.

Robbie Maynard hit the Face Plant

The referee is almost ready to count both competitors out.

Breaker escaped from the Single Leg Grapevine.

Both competitors return to the ring before they are counted out.

Robbie Maynard hit the Belly To Belly Suplex

Breaker slipped out of the Legdrop To Groin.

Robbie Maynard broke the Face Plant.

Breaker moved and the Dropkick To Knee missed!

Breaker hit the High Knee

Breaker hit the Snap Driving Elbow

Breaker hit the Splash

Breaker hit the Butt Drop

Breaker hit the Snap Driving Elbow

Robbie Maynard rushed the Slit Throat Motion.

Robbie Maynard hit the Vertical Suplex

Breaker slipped out of the Stop the Ferry.

Robbie Maynard broke the Face Plant.

Robbie Maynard whips Breaker into the ropes.

Breaker rushed the Twisting Powerslam.

Breaker hit the High Knee

Breaker hit the Mounted Punch Flurry

Breaker picks up Robbie Maynard.

Robbie Maynard slipped out the back of the 99 Crusher.

It's gotta be over, Robbie Maynard hits the Merseyside Maul!

The referee checks the submission...

It seems to be locked in!

Will This Be It?

It's Still Locked In!

The referee has called for the bell!


(Maynard leads 1-0.)

Breaker blocked the Capture Suplex.

Breaker slipped out the back of the Small Package.

Dream Breaker! Robbie Maynard is in a world of trouble!

The referee begins the count...



This Could Be It!

The referee's hand starts coming down...


(Match is tied 1-1.)

Breaker climbs the turnbuckles.

Robbie Maynard moved and the Flying Double Axe Handle missed!

Breaker rolled through with the Merseyside Maul.

Breaker whips Robbie Maynard to the corner.

Robbie Maynard slipped out the back of the Tree Of Woe Stomp Flurry.

Breaker moved and the Field Goal Low Blow missed!

Dream Breaker! Robbie Maynard is in a world of trouble!

The referee begins the count...



This Could Be It!

The referee's hand starts coming down...


Here is your winner, two falls to one, advancing to the Championship: Breaker!

Fall #1: Maynard by submission (Merseyside Maul), 8:00

Fall #2: Breaker by pinfall (Dream Breaker), 8:40

Fall #3: Breaker by pinfall (Dream Breaker), 10:00

Match Rating: C-

winner's Offense: 56%





Tomorrow's match-ups are now confirmed:



Tarik Nolan, The Phoenix, Shawn Arrows, and Diamond vs.

Maxx Skabb, Johnny Triumph, Nuclear Templeton, and SGRaaize



Sean vs. Robbie Maynard


British Warrior vs. Breaker


See you tomorrow for the final matches of the first season!

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I got all my picks wrong. :(


Also Triumph blames Maxx Skabb believing he would have won if it was a handicap match him vs both Tarik Nolan and The Phoenix. :D


I totally flaked on my training this week. I blame Dragon Age - Origins! :p


Also, Maxx blames the autumnal equinox for his loss, as it could only be once in a blue moon that he'd tap to the Phoenix! Ha-ha!


Aww, I stink. lol

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I got all my picks wrong. :(


Also Triumph blames Maxx Skabb believing he would have won if it was a handicap match him vs both Tarik Nolan and The Phoenix. :D



I only got one right. :(


I totally flaked on my training this week. I blame Dragon Age - Origins! :p


Also, Maxx blames the autumnal equinox for his loss, as it could only be once in a blue moon that he'd tap to the Phoenix! Ha-ha!


Aww, I stink. lol


Nah You don't stink. Just a quick shower and you'll be fine. :D

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Tarik Nolan, The Phoenix, Shawn Arrows, and Diamond


Johnny Triumph, Maxx Skabb, Nuclear Templeton, and SGraaize


(Legal Participants: Tarik Nolan and Johnny Triumph)

Tarik Nolan hit the Punch

Tarik Nolan hit the Running Shoulder Block

Tarik Nolan hit the Stomp

Tarik Nolan hit the Seated Back Kick

Johnny Triumph moved and the Fist Drop missed!

Johnny Triumph hit the Stomp

Johnny Triumph applied the Arm Bar

Tarik Nolan broke the Rear Chinlock.

Tarik Nolan hit the Eye Gouge

The Running Shoulder Block was countered into a Drop Toe Hold.

Johnny Triumph hit the Knee Pull

Johnny Triumph hit the Face Stepping

The referee warns that that was illegal.

Johnny Triumph hit the Stomp

Johnny Triumph hit the Knee Pull

Tarik Nolan slipped out the back of the Single Leg Boston Crab.

Tarik Nolan whips Johnny Triumph to the corner.

Tarik Nolan hit the Corner Elbow

Johnny Triumph slipped out the back of the Corner Ten Punch.

Johnny Triumph hit the Neckbreaker

Johnny Triumph applied the Indian Deathlock

Tarik Nolan slipped out of the Boston Crab.

Tarik Nolan hit the Punch

The Eye Gouge was countered into a Shooter Takedown.

Johnny Triumph applied the Single Leg Boston Crab

Tarik Nolan blocked the Single Leg Grapevine.

Johnny Triumph picks up Tarik Nolan from behind.

Johnny Triumph hit the Hammerlock Kick

Johnny Triumph hit the Running Hot Shot

Johnny Triumph gets into the ring.

Tarik Nolan blocked the Horns of Victory.

Johnny Triumph used the Stalk Grounded Enemy

Tarik Nolan counters by reversing on Johnny Triumph.

Tarik Nolan hit the Clothesline

Johnny Triumph slipped out of the Rear Naked Punch Flurry.

Johnny Triumph tags out to SGRaaize.

Tarik Nolan counters by reversing on SGRaaize.

SGRaaize blocked the Turnbuckle Smash.

Tarik Nolan hit the Corner Elbow

Tarik Nolan hit the Ten Turnbuckle Smashes

Tarik Nolan tags out to Shawn Arrows.



SGRaaize recovers and stands up.

Shawn Arrows hit the Punch

The Spinning Backhand Blow was countered into a Knife Edge Chop.

Shawn Arrows broke the Face Stepping.

Shawn Arrows hit the Legsweep Snap Pinfall

The referee begins the count...


Kick Out Just Before The Two!

Shawn Arrows hit the Punch

Shawn Arrows hit the Kick To Gut

Shawn Arrows hit the Legsweep Snap Pinfall

The referee begins the count...


Kick Out Just Before The Two!

(Shawn Arrows and SGRaaize are the legal participants.)

Shawn Arrows hit the Back Kick

The Spinning Backhand Blow was countered into a Shooter Takedown.

SGRaaize hit the Stomp

SGRaaize applied the Western Spinning Toe Hold

Shawn Arrows blocked the Elbow Drop On Knee.

Shawn Arrows recovers and stands up.

SGRaaize applied the Front Facelock

SGRaaize hit the Punch

SGRaaize hit the Slap To Chest

The Eye Gouge was countered into a Punch.

The Eye Gouge was countered into a Side Headlock Takedown.

SGRaaize hit the Knee Pull

SGRaaize hit the Stomp

SGRaaize applied the Rear Chinlock

SGRaaize picks up Shawn Arrows from behind.

SGRaaize hit the Hammerlock Kick

Shawn Arrows slipped out of the Knee Breaker.

Shawn Arrows hit the Legsweep Snap Pinfall

The referee begins the count...


Kick Out Just Before The Two!

The Kick To Gut was countered into a Single Leg Grapevine.

SGRaaize applied the Single Leg Grapevine

SGRaaize applied the Bow And Arrow Lock

SGRaaize picks up Shawn Arrows from behind.

SGRaaize hit the Hammerlock Kick

SGRaaize hit the Knee Breaker

SGRaaize picks up Shawn Arrows from behind.

Shawn Arrows blocked the Wheel Barrow Suplex.

Shawn Arrows blocked the Running Hot Shot. This is the second block in a row, and Shawn Arrows takes control.

Shawn Arrows hit the Punch

Shawn Arrows hit the Dropkick

SGRaaize moved and the Seated Dropkick missed!

The Slingshot Suplex was countered into a Spinning Head Scissors.

SGRaaize moved and the Corkscrew Legdrop missed!

SGRaaize picks up Shawn Arrows.

Shawn Arrows counters by fighting back.

Shawn Arrows hit the Spinning Head Scissors

Shawn Arrows hit the Rear Naked Punch Flurry

SGRaaize moved and the Handspring Moonsault missed!

SGRaaize picks up Shawn Arrows.

Shawn Arrows counters by fighting back.

SGRaaize blocked the Spinning Head Scissors.

The Running Dropkick was countered into a Single Leg Trip.

SGRaaize tags out to Nuclear Templeton.

Nuclear Templeton hit the Headbutt To Groin

Shawn Arrows moved and the Snap Driving Elbow missed!

Nuclear Templeton counters by fighting back.

The Three Point Stance was countered into a Legsweep Snap Pinfall.

The referee begins the count...


Kick Out!

Shawn Arrows hit the Legsweep Snap Pinfall

The referee begins the count...


Kick Out!

Shawn Arrows hit the Kick To Gut

Nuclear Templeton took the blow, but just shrugs it off and goes on the attack.

Nuclear Templeton hit the Vertical Suplex

Shawn Arrows moved and the Snap Driving Elbow missed!

Shawn Arrows picks up Nuclear Templeton from behind.

Nuclear Templeton moved and the Dropkick missed!

The Gutwrench Powerbomb was countered into a Punch.

Shawn Arrows hit the Eye Gouge

Shawn Arrows hit the Kick To Gut

Nuclear Templeton took the blow, but just shrugs it off and goes on the attack.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Nuclear Templeton hit the Front Slam

Shawn Arrows blocked the Headbutt To Groin.

Shawn Arrows counters by fighting back.

Shawn Arrows hit the Punch

Shawn Arrows hit the Legsweep Snap Pinfall

The referee begins the count...


Kick Out!

Nuclear Templeton blocked the Kick To Gut.

Shawn Arrows hit the Punch

Shawn Arrows hit the Dropkick

Nuclear Templeton took the blow, but just shrugs it off and goes on the attack.

The Three Point Stance was countered into a Clothesline.

Shawn Arrows hit the Handspring Moonsault

Shawn Arrows hit the Slingshot Senton Bomb

Nuclear Templeton counters by fighting back.

Shawn Arrows moved and the Strong Forearm Strike Flurry missed!

The Flying Knee Strike was countered into a High Backdrop.

Nuclear Templeton picks up Shawn Arrows.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Nuclear Templeton hit the Charging Forearm

Nuclear Templeton hit the Mounted Punch Flurry

Nuclear Templeton hit the Snap Driving Elbow

Nuclear Templeton tags out to Maxx Skabb.

Maxx Skabb picks up Shawn Arrows.

Shawn Arrows slipped out the back of the Lethal Injection.

Maxx Skabb counters by reversing on Shawn Arrows.

The Jailbreak was countered into a Dropkick.

Shawn Arrows hit the Senton

Shawn Arrows climbs the turnbuckles.

Maxx Skabb recovers and stands up.

Shawn Arrows hit the Flying Double Axe Handle

Shawn Arrows hit the Back Kick

Maxx Skabb moved and the Punch missed!

Shawn Arrows blocked the Lethal Injection.

The Over Shoulder Backbreaker was countered into a Punch.

Maxx Skabb blocked the Snap Mare Takedown.

Shawn Arrows hit the Punch Flurry

Shawn Arrows hit the Dropkick

Maxx Skabb took the blow, but just shrugs it off and goes on the attack.

The Pump Kick was countered into a Roundhouse Kick.

The High Knee was countered into a Shoulder Tackle.

Maxx Skabb picks up Shawn Arrows.

The Gutwrench Powerbomb was countered into a Sunset Flip.

The referee begins the count...


Kick Out!

Maxx Skabb counters by fighting back.

Maxx Skabb hit the Double Underhook Bomb

Shawn Arrows slipped out of the Seated Knuckle Punches.

Maxx Skabb blocked the Face Plant.

The Flying Knee Strike was countered into a Running Body Smash.

Maxx Skabb picks up Shawn Arrows from behind.

Maxx Skabb whips Shawn Arrows into the ropes.

The Twisting Spinebuster was countered into a Sunset Flip.

The referee begins the count...


Kick Out Just Before The Two!

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Maxx Skabb moved and the Side Spinning Kick missed!

The Lethal Injection was countered into a Punch.

Shawn Arrows hit the DDT

Shawn Arrows picks up Maxx Skabb.

Maxx Skabb blocked the Face Plant.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Shawn Arrows climbs the turnbuckles.

Maxx Skabb moved and the Moonsault Press missed!

Shawn Arrows blocked the Seated Knuckle Punches.

Maxx Skabb hit the Headbutt To Groin

Maxx Skabb picks up Shawn Arrows.

Skabb hits the Lethal Injection; the end draws near for Shawn Arrows!

The referee begins the count...



This Could Be It!

The referee's hand starts coming down...


(Tarik Nolan enters the ring, joining Maxx Skabb as the legal men.)

Maxx Skabb hit the High Knee

Maxx Skabb used the Slit Throat Motion

Maxx Skabb picks up Tarik Nolan.

Tarik Nolan slipped out the back of the Double Underhook Bomb.

Maxx Skabb moved and the Blindside High Knee missed!

The Over Shoulder Backbreaker was countered into a Shooter Takedown.

Tarik Nolan tags out to Diamond.

Maxx Skabb recovers and stands up.

Maxx Skabb moved and the Dropkick To Knee missed!

Maxx Skabb hit the Eye Gouge

The referee warns that that was illegal.

Maxx Skabb hit the Knee Lift

Maxx Skabb hit the Face Stepping

Maxx Skabb hit the Knee Pull

Maxx Skabb hit the Stomp

Maxx Skabb applied the Choke Hold

The referee warns that that was illegal.

Maxx Skabb hit the Face Stepping

Maxx Skabb tags out to Johnny Triumph.

(Diamond and Johnny Triumph are the legal participants.)

Diamond blocked the Bow And Arrow Lock.

Johnny Triumph applied the Single Leg Boston Crab

Johnny Triumph applied the Single Leg Grapevine

Johnny Triumph picks up Diamond from behind.

Johnny Triumph hit the Hammerlock Kick

Diamond slipped out of the Neckbreaker.

Diamond applied the Front Facelock

Johnny Triumph broke the Snap Mare Takedown.

Johnny Triumph hit the Triple Forearm Blow

Johnny Triumph applied the Single Leg Grapevine

Diamond rushed the Stalk Grounded Enemy.

Diamond tags out to The Phoenix.


The Phoenix hit the Forearm Strike

The Phoenix hit the Side Headlock Takedown

The Phoenix hit the Elbow Drop On Knee

The Phoenix hit the Knee Pull

The Phoenix hit the Stomp

The Phoenix applied the Arm Bar

Johnny Triumph slipped out of the Elbow Drop On Knee.

The Slap To Chest was countered into a Side Headlock Takedown.

Johnny Triumph broke the Rear Chinlock.

Johnny Triumph hit the Eye Gouge

The referee warns that that was illegal.

Johnny Triumph hit the Punch

Johnny Triumph applied the Front Facelock

Johnny Triumph hit the Eye Gouge

Johnny Triumph hit the Punch

The Phoenix took the blow, but just shrugs it off and goes on the attack.

The Phoenix hit the Elbow Strike

The Phoenix hit the Side Headlock Takedown

The Phoenix hit the Elbow Drop On Knee

Johnny Triumph slipped out of the Rear Crossface Blows.

The Phoenix slipped out the back of the Front Facelock.

The Phoenix hit the Hammerlock Shoulder Breaker

Johnny Triumph slipped out of the Single Leg Boston Crab.

Johnny Triumph hit the Elbow Strike

Johnny Triumph hit the Eye Gouge

Johnny Triumph hit the Running Clothesline

Johnny Triumph hit the Elbow Drop On Knee

Johnny Triumph hit the Stomp

Johnny Triumph hit the Knee Pull

Johnny Triumph hit the Face Stepping

The Phoenix blocked the Single Leg Grapevine.

The Phoenix recovers and stands up.

Johnny Triumph hit the Hammerlock Kick

Johnny Triumph looks sharp, he knows that the match has swung in his favour.

The Phoenix counters by fighting back.

The Phoenix hit the Vertical Suplex

Johnny Triumph slipped out of the Rear Crossface Blows.

Johnny Triumph tags out to Nuclear Templeton.


(The Phoenix and Nuclear Templeton are the legal men.)

The Roundhouse Punch was countered into a Punch.

Nuclear Templeton moved and the Shoulder Tackle missed!

The Charging Forearm was countered into a Kick To Knee.

Nuclear Templeton slipped out of the Side Explosion Suplex.

Nuclear Templeton hit the Forearm Strike Flurry

Nuclear Templeton hit the DDT

The Phoenix moved and the Basement Dropkick missed!

The Phoenix hit the Vertical Suplex

Nuclear Templeton broke the American Figure Four Leglock.

The Front Slam was countered into a Kick To Gut.

The Phoenix hit the Side Explosion Suplex

Nuclear Templeton slipped out of the Rear Crossface Blows.

Nuclear Templeton hit the Inverted Atomic Drop

Nuclear Templeton hit the Forearm Strike Flurry

The Armageddon Lariat was countered into a Punch.

The Vertical Suplex was countered into a Forearm Strike Flurry.

Nuclear Templeton hit the Strong Forearm Strike Flurry

Nuclear Templeton drags The Phoenix back into the ring.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

The Armageddon Lariat was countered into a Elbow Strike.

The Phoenix hit the Side Explosion Suplex

The Phoenix tags out to Diamond.

Diamond hit the Rolling Senton

Nuclear Templeton moved and the Standing Moonsault missed!

Nuclear Templeton hit the Basement Dropkick

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Nuclear Templeton tags out to SGRaaize.


(Diamond and SGRaaize are the legal participants.)

Diamond recovers and stands up.

Diamond blocked the S.T.O..

SGRaaize whips Diamond to the corner.

The Tree Of Woe Dropkick was countered into a Dropkick.

Diamond hit the Legdrop To Groin

The referee warns that that was illegal.

Diamond hit the Flip Legdrop

Diamond hit the Rolling Senton

Diamond climbs the turnbuckles.

SGRaaize shook the ropes to stop the Flying Elbow Drop.

SGRaaize throws Diamond off the top rope.

Diamond counters by fighting back.

Diamond hit the DDT

Diamond hit the Charging Basement Dropkick

Diamond picks up SGRaaize from behind.

Diamond climbs the turnbuckles.

Diamond hit the Missile Dropkick

Diamond picks up SGRaaize from behind.

Diamond climbs the turnbuckles.

SGRaaize shook the ropes to stop the Flying Clothesline.

Diamond counters by kicking SGRaaize away.

Diamond looks sharp, she knows that the match has swung in her favour.

Diamond hit the Second Rope Dropkick

Diamond climbs the turnbuckles.

SGRaaize moved and the Diamond in the Sky missed!

The referee begins the count...



Kick Out!

SGRaaize hit the Western Brainbuster Suplex

The referee begins the count...



Kick Out!

The Portugal Lariat was countered into a Punch.

The Jawjacker was countered into a Single Leg Boston Crab.

SGRaaize tags out to Maxx Skabb.


The Big Legdrop was countered into a Low Blow.

The referee is furious at that breach of the rules.

Diamond hit the Rolling Senton

Diamond hit the Flip Legdrop

Diamond hit the Legdrop To Groin

Diamond climbs the turnbuckles.

Maxx Skabb moved and the Split-Legged Moonsault missed!

Maxx Skabb hit the Mounted Punch Flurry

Maxx Skabb picks up Diamond from behind.

Maxx Skabb climbs the turnbuckles.

The Flying Double Axe Handle was countered into a Dropkick.

Maxx Skabb counters by fighting back.

Diamond slipped out of the Double Underhook Bomb.

Diamond climbs the turnbuckles.

Maxx Skabb rushed the Corkscrew Leg Lariat.

Maxx Skabb hit the Super Overhead Fallaway Slam

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Diamond blocked the Seated Knuckle Punches.

Maxx Skabb picks up Diamond.

Maxx Skabb hit the Over Shoulder Backbreaker Drop

The referee begins the count...



Kick Out Just After Two!

Skabb hits the Lethal Injection; the end draws near for Diamond!

The referee begins the count...



This Could Be It!

The referee's hand starts coming down...


(It's four on two now: Tarik Nolan and The Phoenix vs. the entire team of Templeton, Skabb, Triumph, and Raaize.)

(Tarik Nolan enters the ring with Skabb as the legal men.)

Maxx Skabb hit the Standing Spinebuster

Maxx Skabb tags out to Johnny Triumph.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Johnny Triumph applied the Camel Clutch

The referee checks the submission...

It seems to be locked in!


Tarik Nolan counters by reversing on Johnny Triumph.

Tarik Nolan hit the Corner Stomp Flurry

Johnny Triumph slipped out of the Mounted Punch Flurry.

Tarik Nolan counters by fighting back.

Tarik Nolan hit the Short Arm Clothesline

Tarik Nolan picks up Johnny Triumph.

Tarik Nolan hit the Face Plant

Johnny Triumph slipped out of the Headbutt To Groin.

Johnny Triumph hit the Forearm Strike Flurry

Johnny Triumph hit the Triple Forearm Blow

Tarik Nolan slipped out the back of the Horns of Victory.

Johnny Triumph moved and the Blindside High Knee missed!

Johnny Triumph hit the Hammerlock Kick

Tarik Nolan blocked the Running Hot Shot.

Tarik Nolan counters by reversing on Johnny Triumph.

Tarik Nolan hit the Corner Clothesline

Tarik Nolan applied the Bear Hug

Tarik Nolan hit the Rear Naked Punch Flurry

Johnny Triumph blocked the Seated Knuckle Punches.

Tarik Nolan hit the Mounted Punch Flurry

Johnny Triumph counters by fighting back.

Tarik Nolan counters by reversing on Johnny Triumph.

Tarik Nolan hit the Spinebuster

Tarik Nolan picks up Johnny Triumph from behind.

Tarik Nolan hits the Regulator! It's the beginning of the end....

The referee begins the count...



This Could Be It!

The referee's hand starts coming down...


(Tarik Nolan is met by SGRaaize as he enters for the opposing side.)

SGRaaize blocked the Press Powerslam.

Tarik Nolan hit the Pump Kick

The referee begins the count...



Kick Out!

SGRaaize broke the Face Plant.

Tarik Nolan counters by fighting back.

SGRaaize blocked the Press Powerslam.

Tarik Nolan whips SGRaaize into the ropes.

Tarik Nolan hit the Pump Kick

Tarik Nolan used the Slit Throat Motion

Tarik Nolan hit the Headbutt To Groin

The referee was not happy with that move.

Tarik Nolan picks up SGRaaize from behind.

Tarik Nolan is in total control of this match at the moment, and knows it.

SGRaaize slipped out of the Regulator.

SGRaaize tags out to Nuclear Templeton.

Nuclear Templeton hit the Small Package

The referee begins the count...


Kick Out Just Before The Two!

The Gutwrench Powerbomb was countered into a Punch.

Tarik Nolan hit the Running Knee Lift

Tarik Nolan tags out to The Phoenix.



Nuclear Templeton broke the American Figure Four Leglock by reaching the ropes.

Nuclear Templeton broke the Vertical Suplex by falling on top.

The referee begins the count...


Kick Out!

The Charging Forearm was countered into a Punch.

Nuclear Templeton broke the Side Explosion Suplex.

Nuclear Templeton hit the Forearm Strike Flurry

The Three Point Stance was countered into a Side Headlock Takedown.

The Phoenix picks up Nuclear Templeton.

The Phoenix hit the Shoulder Tackle

Nuclear Templeton slipped out the back of the Eternal Requiem.

Nuclear Templeton whips The Phoenix into the ropes.

The Armageddon Lariat was countered into a Knife Edge Chop.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Nuclear Templeton recovers and stands up.

The Phoenix hit the Slingshot Suplex

The referee begins the count...


Kick Out Just Before The Two!

Nuclear Templeton blocked the Western Brainbuster Suplex.

The Phoenix hit the Capture Suplex

Nuclear Templeton slipped out the back of the Eternal Requiem.

The Phoenix blocked the Sleeper Hold.

The Phoenix blocked the Lung Blower. This is the second block in a row, and The Phoenix takes control.

The Western Brainbuster Suplex was countered into a Punch.

Nuclear Templeton hit the Strong Forearm Strike Flurry

Nuclear Templeton drags The Phoenix back into the ring.

Armageddon has arrived for Phoenix, Nuclear hits the Lariat!

The referee begins the count...



This Could Be It!

The referee's hand starts coming down...


(Tarik Nolan is left alone against Raaize, Skabb, and legal man Templeton.)

Nuclear Templeton hit the Three Point Stance

Nuclear Templeton looks sharp, he knows that the match has swung in his favour.

Tarik Nolan counters by fighting back.

Tarik Nolan hit the Press Powerslam

The referee begins the count...



Kick Out!

Tarik Nolan hit the Face Plant

Tarik Nolan hit the Seated Knuckle Punches

The referee was not happy with that move.

Tarik Nolan used the Slit Throat Motion

Tarik Nolan picks up Nuclear Templeton.

Nuclear Templeton broke the Strong Gut Buster.

Nuclear Templeton hit the Roundhouse Punch

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Nuclear Templeton hit the Three Point Stance

Nuclear Templeton picks up Tarik Nolan from behind.

Tarik Nolan slipped out the back of the Lung Blower.

Nuclear Templeton blocked the Regulator.

Nuclear Templeton moved and the Blindside High Knee missed!

The Armageddon Lariat was countered into a Powerslam.

Tarik Nolan picks up Nuclear Templeton from behind.

Tarik Nolan whips Nuclear Templeton into the ropes.

Nuclear Templeton moved and the Pump Kick missed!

Tarik Nolan blocked the Gutwrench Powerbomb.

Nuclear Templeton hit the Small Package

The referee begins the count...


Kick Out Just Before The Two!

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

The Strong Forearm Strike Flurry was countered into a Press Powerslam.

The referee begins the count...



Kick Out!

Nuclear Templeton slipped out the back of the Press Powerslam.

Tarik Nolan slipped out the back of the Lung Blower.

Nuclear Templeton slipped out of the Regulator.

Tarik Nolan moved and the Armageddon Lariat missed!

The Axe Kick was countered into a Charging Forearm.

Nuclear Templeton picks up Tarik Nolan.

The Small Package was countered into a Shooter Takedown.

Tarik Nolan hit the Seated Knuckle Punches

The referee was not happy with that move.

Tarik Nolan picks up Nuclear Templeton.

Tarik Nolan hit the Press Powerslam

The referee begins the count...



Kick Out Just After Two!

The Pump Kick was countered into a Kick To Gut.

Nuclear Templeton hit the Three Point Stance

Tarik Nolan counters by fighting back.

Tarik Nolan whips Nuclear Templeton to the corner.

Tarik Nolan hit the Tree Of Woe Stomp Flurry

Nuclear Templeton slipped out the back of the Seated Knuckle Punches.

Tarik Nolan counters by reversing on Nuclear Templeton.

The Pump Kick was countered into a Power Surge.

The referee begins the count...


Kick Out Just Before The Two!

Nuclear Templeton hit the Strong Forearm Strike Flurry

Nuclear Templeton hit the Ring Apron Suplex

Nuclear Templeton tags out to Maxx Skabb.


Maxx Skabb hit the Headbutt To Groin

The referee was not happy with that move.

Maxx Skabb used the Slit Throat Motion

Maxx Skabb picks up Tarik Nolan from behind.

Maxx Skabb hit the Field Goal Low Blow

The referee is furious at that breach of the rules.

Tarik Nolan blocked the Seated Knuckle Punches.

Tarik Nolan moved and the Big Legdrop missed!

Tarik Nolan takes a moment to rub his sore neck, apparently in pain.

Maxx Skabb slipped out of the Headbutt To Groin.

Skabb hits the Lethal Injection; the end draws near for Tarik Nolan!

The referee begins the count...



This Could Be It!

The referee's hand starts coming down...


Amelia Williams: Here are your winners, at a time of seventy-one minutes and forty seconds: The team of Maxx Skabb, SGRaaize, Nuclear Templeton, and Johnny Triumph!


1: Maxx Skabb pins Shawn Arrows (Lethal Injection), 29:50.

2: Maxx Skabb pins Diamond (Lethal Injection), 50:00

3: Tarik Nolan pins Johnny Triumph (Regulator), 55:00

4: Nuclear Templeton pins The Phoenix (Armageddon Lariat), 61:50

5: Maxx Skabb pins Tarik Nolan (Lethal Injection), 71:20


Match Rating: A*

Frankie Garnett: That should have given them a nice rest in the back...hey, wait a minute, Bob, I think we're back on air!


Bob Sinclair: Check one, check two...well, I'll be, Frankie. It only took them three hours to get the headsets fixed. I guess trying to keep thirty-plus live video feeds going at once is enough for anyone to worry about without losing one to fix our issues.


Frankie Garnett: Still kind of sucks for the viewers on pay-per-view, though. Suckers must feel gypped out of their $40.



Sean vs. Robbie Maynard


<object width="28" height="25"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YzXzcyZmL_c?fs=1&hl=en_US&rel=0&color1=0x2b405b&color2=0x6b8ab6" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="28" height="25"></object> Black Sabbath's classic "Iron Man" hits the speakers to announce the entrance of the Gamma Division champion.


Amelia Williams: This is the third-place consolation match, scheduled for the best two out of three falls! Introducing first, from Charlotte, North Carolina, weighing 230 pounds...he is the Gamma Division Champion...Sean!


Bob Sinclair: You have to imagine that Sean is not thrilled at being in this match, Frankie.


Frankie Garnett: Can you make a more obvious statement?


<object width="25" height="25"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_z-hEyVQDRA?fs=1&hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="28" height="25"></object> Metallica's "Master of Puppets" hits the speakers one more time as the opponent comes out.


Amelia Williams: His opponent, from Liverpool, England, weighing 251 pounds, he is the Wild Card entrant...Robbie Maynard!


Bob Sinclair: Given the look on Maynard's face, I would not want to be in Sean's boots.


Frankie Garnett: Given that he was the last undefeated member of the League, I wouldn't want to mess with this guy either.


Sean hit the Eye Gouge

Sean hit the Knife Edge Chop

Sean applied the Side Headlock

Sean hit the Eye Gouge

Sean hit the Forearm Blow

Sean hit the Side Headlock Takedown

Sean hit the Stomp

Sean hit the Knee Pull

Sean applied the Arm Bar

Sean hit the Elbow Drop On Knee

Robbie Maynard blocked the Knee Bar.

Robbie Maynard blocked the Knee Pull. This is the second block in a row, and Robbie Maynard takes control.

Robbie Maynard applied the Front Facelock

Robbie Maynard hit the Open Handed Slap

Sean took the blow, but just shrugs it off and goes on the attack.

Sean hit the Punch

Sean applied the Front Facelock

Sean hit the Kick To Gut

Sean hit the Forearm Blow

The European Uppercut was countered into a Punch.

Robbie Maynard hit the Forearm Blow

Robbie Maynard hit the Punch

Robbie Maynard hit the Open Handed Slap

Robbie Maynard hit the Forearm Blow

The Eye Gouge was countered into a Forearm Strike.

Sean hit the Face Plant

Sean hit the Dropkick To Knee

Sean hit the Vertical Suplex

Sean applied the Single Leg Grapevine

Sean hit the Legdrop To Groin

Sean hit the Rear Naked Punch Flurry

Sean is in total control of this match at the moment, and knows it.


Bob Sinclair: Sean looking to take a quick 1-0 lead, and with the roll he's on at the moment most of this audience my think it's inevitable.


Frankie Garnett: Maynard's still got a lot in the tank, Bob. He isn't going to go that easily.

Sean applied the Single Leg Grapevine

Robbie Maynard slipped out the back of the Modified Figure Four Leglock.

Robbie Maynard applied the Top Wrist Lock

Robbie Maynard hit the Open Handed Slap

Robbie Maynard hit the Forearm Blow

Robbie Maynard hit the Kick To Gut

Robbie Maynard hit the Punch

Robbie Maynard hit the Eye Gouge

Sean moved and the Dropkick missed!

Sean hit the Slingshot Suplex

The referee begins the count...



Kick Out!

The Small Package was countered into a Elbow Strike.

Robbie Maynard hit the Belly To Belly Suplex

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

The Legdrop To Groin was countered into a Low Blow.

The referee is furious at that breach of the rules.

Robbie Maynard slipped out the back of the Modified Figure Four Leglock.

Robbie Maynard hit the Dropkick To Outside

Sean moved and the Plancha Dive missed!

The referee begins counting the competitors out.

Sean picks up Robbie Maynard.

Robbie Maynard blocked the Ring Post Smash.

The referee reaches the halfway point of his count.

Sean hit the Capture Suplex

The referee is almost ready to count both competitors out.

Sean picks up Robbie Maynard from behind.

Both competitors return to the ring before they are counted out.

Sean climbs the turnbuckles.

Sean hit the Flying Body Press

The referee begins the count...



Kick Out Just After Two!


Bob Sinclair: Sean with a top rope maneuver; he's not known for his aerial prowess, Frankie.


Frankie Garnett: It's simple. No one wants to lose both meaningful matches they've been in tonight, Bob. Sean is hoping that he can catch Maynard napping here.

Sean hit the Head And Arm Suplex

The referee begins the count...



Kick Out!

The Small Package was countered into a Eye Gouge.

The Vertical Suplex was countered into a Forearm Blow.

Sean hit the Slingshot Suplex

The referee begins the count...


Kick Out Just Before The Two!

Robbie Maynard slipped out of the Head And Arm Suplex.

Sean blocked the Face Plant.

Robbie Maynard hit the Belly To Belly Suplex

Sean blocked the Headbutt To Groin.

Robbie Maynard applied the Single Leg Grapevine

Robbie Maynard picks up Sean.

Robbie Maynard hit the Vertical Suplex

Sean counters by fighting back.

Sean hit the Capture Suplex

Robbie Maynard blocked the Modified Figure Four Leglock.

Sean picks up Robbie Maynard.

Robbie Maynard broke the Small Package.

Robbie Maynard takes a moment to rub his sore neck, apparently in pain.

Sean moved and the Dropkick To Knee missed!

The Slingshot Suplex was countered into a Forearm Blow.

Robbie Maynard hit the Gutwrench Suplex

Robbie Maynard applied the Single Leg Grapevine

Robbie Maynard climbs the turnbuckles.

Sean recovers and stands up.

Robbie Maynard hit the Flying Body Press

The referee begins the count...



Kick Out Just After Two!

Robbie Maynard climbs the turnbuckles.

Robbie Maynard hit the Flying Clothesline

The referee begins the count...



This Could Be It!

The referee's hand starts coming down...


Amelia Williams: The winner of the first fall: Robbie Maynard!


Bob Sinclair: And Maynard picks up the fall with a totally unexpected move!


Frankie Garnett: I'll admit, I'm impressed. I didn't expect Maynard to be so aerial, and apparently neither did Sean.


Robbie Maynard hit the Slingshot Suplex

The referee begins the count...



This Could Be It!

The referee's hand starts coming down...

Kick Out At The Last Second!

Sean slipped out of the Small Package.

Sean hit the Head And Arm Suplex

The referee begins the count...



Kick Out Just After Two!

Robbie Maynard blocked the Capture Suplex.

The Small Package was countered into a Punch.

Sean broke the Merseyside Maul.

Sean hit the Vertical Suplex

Robbie Maynard blocked the Modified Figure Four Leglock.

Robbie Maynard counters by fighting back.

Sean blocked the Capture Suplex.

Robbie Maynard hit the Slingshot Suplex

The referee begins the count...



This Could Be It!

The referee's hand starts coming down...

Kick Out At The Last Second!

Robbie Maynard hit the Head And Arm Suplex

The referee begins the count...



Kick Out Just After Two!

Sean broke the Merseyside Maul.

Sean hit the Capture Suplex

Sean applied the Modified Figure Four Leglock

The referee checks the submission...

It seems to be locked in!

Will This Be It?

A short struggle ends with the escape!


Bob Sinclair: I thought it was over, Frankie!


Frankie Garnett: I'm telling you, Maynard is determined to win this match!

Robbie Maynard broke the Small Package.

Robbie Maynard hit the Small Package

The referee begins the count...



Kick Out!

Sean broke the Merseyside Maul by reaching the ropes.

Sean blocked the Head And Arm Suplex.

The Small Package was countered into a Punch.

Robbie Maynard slipped out of the Slingshot Suplex.

Sean rolled through with the Merseyside Maul.

Sean hit the Vertical Suplex

Robbie Maynard slipped out of the Modified Figure Four Leglock.

Sean broke the Capture Suplex.

Robbie Maynard blocked the Head And Arm Suplex.

Sean hit the Small Package

The referee begins the count...


Kick Out Just Before The Two!

Robbie Maynard broke the Capture Suplex.

Robbie Maynard hit the Head And Arm Suplex

The referee begins the count...



Kick Out Just After Two!

Robbie Maynard hit the Small Package

The referee begins the count...



Kick Out Just After Two!

Robbie Maynard hit the Slingshot Suplex

The referee begins the count...



Kick Out!

Sean slipped out of the Merseyside Maul.

The Slingshot Suplex was countered into a Dropkick.

Robbie Maynard hit the Seated Knuckle Punches

Sean is busted open.

Robbie Maynard applied the Stop the Ferry

The referee checks the submission...

It seems to be locked in!

Will This Be It?

It's Still Locked In!

No, there is the escape!

It's gotta be over, Robbie Maynard hits the Merseyside Maul!

The referee checks the submission...

It seems to be locked in!

Will This Be It?

It's Still Locked In!

The referee has called for the bell!

Amelia Williams: Here is your winner, at a time of twenty minutes and forty seconds...Robbie Maynard!


Frankie Garnett: Told you!


Bob Sinclair: With that, Maynard takes third place in the inaugural season, but there's still one match to go, Frankie. It's the big one.


Frankie Garnett: I know, I know. Enough talking, let's get to the match already!!


Fall #1: Robbie Maynard by pinfall (Flying Clothesline), 13:40

Fall #2: Robbie Maynard by submission (Merseyside Maul), 20:40

Match Rating: A*

Winner's Offense: 49%


Breaker vs. The British Warrior

Amelia Williams: Ladies and gentlemen around the world, this is our feature contest of the evening, scheduled for two out of three falls, and is for the inaugural League Championship!!


<object width="28" height="25"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XP13EI6O1Pw?fs=1&hl=en_US&rel=0&color1=0x3a3a3a&color2=0x999999" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="28" height="25"></object> Slipknot's "Wait and Bleed" shatters the silence as the Beta Division champion walks towards the ring.


Amelia Williams: Coming down the aisle, weighing 251 pounds...the Beta Division Champion...Breaker!

Bob Sinclair: After fending off Maynard earlier tonight, do you consider Breaker the favorite in this match?


Frankie Garnett: For once, I can't pick a favorite. I never would have expected these two to be facing off for the Championship, but that shows you what I know.

"Rule, Britannia!" <object width="28" height="25">

<embed src="

type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="28" height="25"></object> hits the airwaves next, as the crowd gets to their feet and cheers once more.


Amelia Williams: His opponent, from the United Kingdom, weighing 243 pounds...he is the Alpha Division Champion...The British Warrior!


Bob Sinclair: Warrior has kept things real quiet over the season, not really filling people in on what has been going on with him. Is this silence going to cost him?


Frankie Garnett: He's made it work so far, Bob. I'm not sure if that will be a factor or not.

The British Warrior hit the Punch

The British Warrior hit the Open Handed Slap

Breaker took the blow, but just shrugs it off and goes on the attack.

The Jab Punch was countered into a Open Handed Slap.

The British Warrior hit the Knife Edge Chop

The British Warrior applied the Western Spinning Toe Hold

The British Warrior hit the Elbow Drop On Knee

The British Warrior applied the Arm Bar

The British Warrior applied the Rear Chinlock

The British Warrior hit the Elbow Drop On Knee

The British Warrior hit the Stomp

The British Warrior hit the Snap Driving Elbow

Breaker counters by fighting back.

Breaker hit the Elbow Strike

Breaker hit the Bell Clap

Breaker hit the Punch

Breaker hit the Jab Punch

Breaker hit the Fireman's Spin

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

The Jab Punch was countered into a Fireman's Spin.

Breaker moved and the Seated Dropkick missed!

Breaker hit the Eye Gouge

The referee warns that that was illegal.

Breaker hit the Bell Clap

Breaker hit the Jab Punch

The Elbow Strike was countered into a Strong Knife Edge Chop.

Breaker blocked the Hammerlock Kick.

The British Warrior hit the Vertical Suplex

Breaker blocked the Giant Swing.

The British Warrior hit the Snap Driving Elbow

The British Warrior hit the Seated Dropkick

The British Warrior hit the Giant Swing

The British Warrior picks up Breaker.

Breaker slipped out of the S.T.O..

Breaker hit the Mongolian Chop

Breaker hit the Punch

Breaker hit the High Knee

Breaker hit the Snap Driving Elbow

The British Warrior moved and the Splash missed!

The Figure Four Leglock was countered into a Low Blow.


Bob Sinclair: Not the cleanest way to counter the hold, but it's effective none the less.


Frankie Garnett: It's the Championship match, Bob. I would not be surprised to see the ref be lax in his enforcement of the rules.

The referee is furious at that breach of the rules.

Breaker picks up The British Warrior.

Breaker hit the Vertical Lift Spinebuster

The referee begins the count...


Kick Out Just Before The Two!

Breaker hit the High Knee

Breaker hit the Splash

Breaker picks up The British Warrior.

The British Warrior blocked the Dream Breaker.

The Small Package was countered into a Punch.

The British Warrior hit the Vertical Suplex

The British Warrior picks up Breaker.

Breaker blocked the Hammerlock Kick.

The British Warrior climbs the turnbuckles.

The British Warrior climbs down off the top rope.

Breaker blocked the S.T.O..

The British Warrior hit the Dropkick To Knee

Breaker blocked the Figure Four Leglock.

The British Warrior picks up Breaker.

The Vertical Suplex was countered into a Punch.

The Powerbomb was countered into a Slap To Chest.

Breaker slipped out of the S.T.O..

The British Warrior slipped out of the Dream Breaker.

Breaker moved and the Dropkick To Knee missed!

The Small Package was countered into a Punch.

The British Warrior climbs the turnbuckles.

The British Warrior climbs down off the top rope.

The British Warrior climbs the turnbuckles.

The British Warrior hit the Flying Double Axe Handle

The British Warrior whips Breaker to the corner.

Breaker slipped out the back of the Corner Stomp Flurry.

The British Warrior slipped out of the Dream Breaker.

Breaker counters by fighting back.

The Powerbomb was countered into a Punch.

The British Warrior climbs the turnbuckles.

The British Warrior climbs down off the top rope.

The British Warrior climbs the turnbuckles.

The British Warrior hit the Flying Double Axe Handle

The British Warrior picks up Breaker.

The British Warrior hit the Dropkick To Knee

Breaker slipped out the back of the Figure Four Leglock.


Bob Sinclair: Breaker has that Figure Four scouted, and is not letting Warrior lock it in here.


Frankie Garnett: Just like Warrior being able to get out of the Dream Breaker. Whoever wins this match is going to earn it!

The British Warrior slipped out of the Dream Breaker.

The British Warrior hit the Vertical Suplex

Breaker slipped out the back of the Figure Four Leglock.

The British Warrior slipped out of the Cheating Roll Up.

Breaker blocked the Hammerlock Kick.

The British Warrior throws Breaker to ringside.

The British Warrior leaves the ring.

The referee begins counting the competitors out.

The British Warrior has the Figure Four locked in! Is it over for Breaker?

Breaker blocked the Figure Four Leglock.

The referee reaches the halfway point of his count.

The British Warrior hit the Splash

The referee is almost ready to count both competitors out.

The British Warrior has the Figure Four locked in! Is it over for Breaker?

Both competitors return to the ring before they are counted out.


Frankie Garnett: That's got to be a mistake by Warrior. Why lock in the submission hold when it won't count on the outside?!


Bob Sinclair: He must think that by softening Breaker up, he can lock it in easier later on. We'll see if that comes to fruition later on.

The Vertical Suplex was countered into a Punch.

Breaker hit the Small Package

The referee begins the count...



Kick Out!

Breaker hit the Powerbomb

Breaker climbs the turnbuckles.

Breaker hit the Second Rope Fist Drop

Breaker picks up The British Warrior from behind.

Breaker whips The British Warrior to the corner.

Breaker hit the Corner Clothesline

Dream Breaker! The British Warrior is in a world of trouble!

The British Warrior is angry! The tables are about to be turned!


Frankie Garnett: I don't think Breaker got enough of that, Bob! Warrior looks downright livid!


Bob Sinclair: Looking at the replay, I have to agree with you, Frankie. The legs are definitely weaker, and that softened the impact


Breaker broke the S.T.O..

The British Warrior blocked the 99 Crusher.

The Powerbomb was countered into a Elbow Strike.

Breaker blocked the Warrior Slam.

The British Warrior hit the Dropkick To Knee

Breaker blocked the Figure Four Leglock.

The British Warrior picks up Breaker.

The British Warrior hit the S.T.O.

The referee begins the count...



Kick Out!

The British Warrior hit the Vertical Suplex

The British Warrior has the Figure Four locked in! Is it over for Breaker?

The referee checks the submission...

It seems to be locked in!

Will This Be It?

It's Still Locked In!

No, there is the escape!


Bob Sinclair: And now Breaker is able to get free! Perhaps that Dream Breaker shook up Warrior to the point that he couldn't cinch in the hold the way he wanted?


Frankie Garnett: Could be, Bob. But this is becoming a war of attrition, plain and simple!

The British Warrior hit the Dropkick To Knee

Breaker broke the Figure Four Leglock.

Breaker hit the Small Package

The referee begins the count...



Kick Out Just After Two!

The British Warrior blocked the Dream Breaker.

The British Warrior counters by fighting back.

The British Warrior hit the Vertical Suplex

Breaker blocked the Figure Four Leglock.

The British Warrior picks up Breaker.

The British Warrior hit the Hammerlock Kick

Breaker broke the Wheel Barrow Suplex.

Breaker climbs the turnbuckles.

Breaker hit the Flying Double Axe Handle

The British Warrior slipped out of the 99 Crusher.

The British Warrior hit the Dropkick To Knee

Breaker slipped out the back of the Figure Four Leglock.

Breaker hit the Running Bulldog

Breaker hit the Headbutt To Groin

Breaker picks up The British Warrior.

The Small Package was countered into a Palm Thrust.

The British Warrior has the Figure Four locked in! Is it over for Breaker?

The referee checks the submission...

It seems to be locked in!

Will This Be It?

It's Still Locked In!

The referee has called for the bell!

Amelia Williams: The winner of the first fall: The British Warrior!


Frankie Garnett: 1-0 to Warrior! With as much punishment as Sean's legs have endured, can he stage a comeback here?


Bob Sinclair: He's going to need to if he wants to bring the Championship with him to North Carolina!

The British Warrior hit the Dropkick To Knee

The British Warrior hit the S.T.O.

The British Warrior picks up Breaker.

The British Warrior hit the Hammerlock Kick

Breaker slipped out the back of the Wheel Barrow Suplex.

The British Warrior blocked the Cheating Roll Up.

Breaker hit the Neckbreaker

Breaker hit the Splash

Breaker hit the Headbutt To Groin

The British Warrior counters by fighting back.

Breaker moved and the Dropkick To Knee missed!

The British Warrior blocked the Dream Breaker.

The Small Package was countered into a Open Handed Slap.

The British Warrior climbs the turnbuckles.

The British Warrior hit the Flying Double Axe Handle

The British Warrior has the Figure Four locked in! Is it over for Breaker?

The referee checks the submission...

It seems to be locked in!

Will This Be It?

It's Still Locked In!

No, there is the escape!


Bob Sinclair: How? How in the name of all that is holy did he get out of that?!


Frankie Garnett: Instinct. Plain and simple, Bob. It has to be instinct.


The British Warrior hit the Dropkick To Knee

The British Warrior picks up Breaker from behind.

Breaker broke the Wheel Barrow Suplex.

Breaker is limping, his leg is clearly damaged somehow.

Breaker hit the Face Plant

The British Warrior slipped out of the Dream Breaker.

The Western Brainbuster Suplex was countered into a Punch.

Breaker hit the Small Package

The referee begins the count...



Kick Out!

The British Warrior blocked the Dream Breaker.

Breaker hit the Powerbomb

Breaker picks up The British Warrior.

The Small Package was countered into a Palm Thrust.

Breaker slipped out of the Figure Four Leglock.

Breaker takes a moment to rub his sore neck, apparently in pain.

The British Warrior slipped out of the Dream Breaker.

Breaker slipped out the back of the S.T.O..

Breaker hit the Cheating Roll Up

The referee warns that that was illegal.

Breaker hit the Snap Driving Elbow

Breaker picks up The British Warrior from behind.

Breaker hit the Cheating Roll Up

The referee warns that that was illegal.

The British Warrior moved and the Splash missed!

Breaker slipped out of the Figure Four Leglock.

Dream Breaker! The British Warrior is in a world of trouble!

The referee begins the count...



This Could Be It!

The referee's hand starts coming down...


Amelia Williams: The winner of the second fall...Breaker!


Bob Sinclair: It's going to a third and final fall! The crowd is on their feet, and looking at the video feeds it is pandemonium everywhere!


Frankie Garnett: This is how it's supposed to go, Bob! Down to the wire!

The Small Package was countered into a Palm Thrust.

The British Warrior picks up Breaker from behind.

Breaker slipped out the back of the Wheel Barrow Suplex.

Breaker hit the Neckbreaker

Breaker picks up The British Warrior from behind.

Breaker hit the Cheating Roll Up

The referee begins the count...



Kick Out!

Dream Breaker! The British Warrior is in a world of trouble!

The referee begins the count...



This Could Be It!

The referee's hand starts coming down...


Amelia Williams: Here is your winner, at a time of twenty-eight minutes and forty seconds, and your first-ever League champion...BREAKER!


Frankie Garnett: He did it! His legs have to be screaming in pain, but Breaker pushed through and wins two falls in the span of under two minutes to win the League Championship!


Bob Sinclair: Frankie, this raises an interesting question--Breaker has not confirmed that he is returning nest year. Could the League be without its' defending champion next season?


Frankie Garnett: We'll find out in a couple of weeks, Bob! Until then, everyone, good night!


Fall #1: British Warrior by submission (Figure Four Leglock), 21:00

Fall #2: Breaker by pinfall (Dream Breaker), 27:20

Fall #3: Breaker by pinfall (Dream Breaker), 28:40

Match Rating: A*

Winner's Offense: 46%





(Post-season awards and such to be posted in the next day or two.)

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Congrats to Breaker (Zeel1) on winning the league... didn't think you had it in you, but you pulled it off. :D


Now to get ready to decapitate some people in the next season... Nuclear is on the warpath and is gonna beat anyone silly enough to get in the ring with him. :p

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After a slew of technical difficulties, and a final match befitting the League Championship, welcome back to the final Beyond Ringside show of the first season! I'm Tori Montgomery, and on this episode I will be handing out awards for performances this season, announcing the winner of the predictions contest, and looking ahead to what we could see when the next season starts in just under three weeks' time.



Note: Tied records are broken in the same manner as during the season.


LEAGUE CHAMPION: Breaker (10-4 regular season record, Beta Division champion)


RUNNER-UP: The British Warrior (9-5 regular season record, Alpha Division champion)


THIRD PLACE: Sean (9-5 regular season record, Gamma Division champion)


FOURTH PLACE: Robbie Maynard (9-5 regular season record, second in Beta Division, Wild Card entry)


#5. Johnny Triumph (8-6 regular season record, second in Gamma Division)


#6. Nuclear Templeton (8-6 regular season record, second in Alpha Division)


#7. SGRaaize (6-8 regular season record, third in Beta Division)


#8. Diamond (6-8 regular season record, third in Gamma Division)


#9. Tarik Nolan (6-8 regular season record, last in Beta Division)


#10. Maxx Skabb (5-9 regular season record, third in Alpha Division)


#11. Shawn Arrows (5-9 regular season record, last in Gamma Division)


#12. The Phoenix (3-11 regular season record, last in Alpha Division)




Those of you who have read the League charter—all two of you, I'd wager—know that the League will be awarding both individual performances and the best match of the entire regular season. This is a Beyond Ringside exclusive.


For making the playoffs in the League's inaugural season, the office of the Commissioner has credited the training accounts of Robbie Maynard, Sean, Breaker, and The British Warrior with a deposit of $50 each.


For winning their respective divisions, the office of the Commissioner has credited the training accounts of Sean, Breaker, and The British Warrior with an additional deposit of $50 each.


For being the most entertaining wrestler as voted by the fans, the office of the Commissioner has credited the training account of Diamond with a deposit of $50. Honorable mention, but no award, goes to Maxx Skabb.


For overcoming the greatest odds in a match this season, the office of the Commissioner has credited the training account of Sean with an additional deposit of $100 for his week 14 victory over Diamond in Veracruz, Mexico. (Editor's Note: Sean was at 6% popularity, Diamond at 24% when the match took place.)


There is but one award remaining, and that is for the Match of the Season. This award goes to the two people who were involved in that match. To qualify, a match had to be chosen as the Match of the Night for that particular show. From that field of fourteen, the Commissioner had to pick just one match to win the award. Now, before the winner is announced, let's look back over the season and see which matches qualified for this award.


Week 1: Nuclear Templeton's divisional victory over Maxx Skabb (19:40, B-)

Week 2: Maxx Skabb evens his record with a second MotN, this time over Sean (26:00, A*)

Week 3: Maxx Skabb continues to roll, this time over The Phoenix (20:40, B)

Week 4: Johnny Triumph with a hard-fought victory over Diamond (23:20, A*)

Week 5: Tarik Nolan with a surprisingly good bout against Johnny Triumph (15:30, A*)

Week 6: Diamond gets revenge against Triumph in a First Blood match (23:00, A*)

Week 7: Shawn Arrows pulling out a victory over Diamond (26:20, A*)

Week 8: Maxx Skabb with a minor upset over Shawn Arrows in Washington, DC (41:30, A*)

Week 9: SGRaaize with a victory over Diamond in her fourth MotN. (30:40, A*)

Week 10: A Beta Division war in which Breaker takes out Robbie Maynard (14:50, A*)

Week 11: Robbie Maynard puts away a resilient Phoenix in the pre-main event (31:40, A*)

Week 12: Diamond continues to shine, defeating Tarik Nolan (19:10, A*)

Week 13: Sean locks up the Gamma Division with a victory over The Phoenix (19:30, A)

Week 14: The British Warrior, in his only MotN, defeats Maxx Skabb (31:30, B)


The Commissioner told me that he spent several hours reviewing these matches, narrowing down the choices to one winner. As such, he is pleased to announce that the winners of the match of the season award, worth $200 to each of their training accounts, are Maxx Skabb and Shawn Arrows for their week eight marathon performance in Washington.


This concludes the awards portion of our program. Below is the Cliffs Notes version.


Sean: $200 (Upset of the Season, Divisional Champion, Playoffs)

Maxx Skabb: $200 (Match of the Season)

Shawn Arrows: $200 (Match of the Season)

Breaker: $100 (Divisional Champion, Playoffs)

British Warrior: $100 (Divisional Champion, Playoffs)

Robbie Maynard: $50 (Playoffs)

Diamond: $50 (Entertainer of the Season)




The playoffs threw everyone for a loop prediction wise. Almost everyone predicted a Sean vs. Maynard final, which ended up being the consolation match. No one expected Phoenix and Nolan to win their tag match, and only one person picked Arrows and Diamond to win theirs. Only one person missed the eight-man tag, and the finals were basically a write-off as no one got the full bracket correct.


That said, I was the only person who got more than one point for the playoff show—a whole whopping three points, to be exact—which means that the final results are basically what they were coming in.


For the record, there was a maximum of 95 points available this season.


1. moon_lit_tears: 54 points

(tie) 2. derek_b, SeanMcG: 48 points each

4. Tori Montgomery: 46 points

5. Prophet: 45 points

6. masterded: 36 points

7. I effin rule: 24 points

8. Jaded: 11 points

9. Wrestling Century: 7 points

10. MichiganHero: 6 points

11. Zeel1: 4 points


The prize that Miss moon_lit_tears will receive will change the way the League runs in season two. Currently, there are fifteen entrants signed up for season two—nine returning veterans and six new challengers. The League has one wrestler on retainer to even the numbers should that occasion arise, making a field of sixteen. Depending on any last-minute entrants, Miss moon_lit_tears will be able to choose from the following set-ups:


1. 16 Wrestlers: Three Divisions

This set up would have an Alpha Division of six players, and five players in each of the Beta and Gamma Divisions. The three divisional winners, plus three "wild card" entrants, would make the playoffs. The regular season would last for fifteen (15) weeks in this arrangement, according to the Commissioner-approved schedule.


2. 16 Wrestlers: Four Divisions

This would allow for four divisions of four wrestlers each: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Delta. The four divisional winners, plus two "wild cards", would make the playoffs. The regular season would last for fourteen (14) weeks, and the schedule for this set-up is (again) Commissioner-approved.


3. 18 Wrestlers: Two Divisions

Should the League reach its' maximum number of entrants this season, this is one of the possibilities that could arise. This would make two divisions of nine—Alpha and Beta—and the regular season would last for eighteen (18) weeks. The top three in each division would make the playoffs, and would be the only time that the two divisions would play each other—the regular season would strictly be games within one's division. The odd person out in each rotation of the schedule would get a "bye" that week and be able to rest for that show.


4. 18 Wrestlers: Three Divisions

Should the League reach its' maximum number of entrants this season, this is one of the possibilities that could arise. This set up would allow for three divisions of six—Alpha, Beta, and Gamma. The regular season schedule has not yet been finalized from its' draft form, but is scheduled to last for either fourteen (14) or sixteen (16) weeks. Like the 16-wrestler arrangement of the same type, three divisional winners and three wild cards would make the playoffs.


5. 18 Wrestlers: Four Divisions

Should the League reach its' maximum number of entrants this season, this is one of the possibilities that could arise. In this set-up, there would be two divisions of five (Alpha and Gamma) and two divisions of four (Beta and Delta). Again, the final draft of this scheduled has not been approved in the League Commissioner's office, but the estimate for regular season length is believed to be around fourteen (14) weeks. The only difference with this schedule is that the playoffs would consist of the top two places in each division, making an eight-wrestler playoff schedule.


As League headquarters has stated that this Friday, the first of October, is the final day in which entries for both new and any returning wrestlers will be accepted, a decision could be reached as early as Saturday, October 2. As soon as the information has reached my desk, I will pass it along to you, the viewing audience.




Commissioner Colt Marshall has told me that there will be a few new wrinkles on tap for the second season of The League. Below, I’ll go over a few of these changes.


1. Harder-hitting matches.

Mr. Marshall indicated to me that from what he has heard of the fan polling, the main reason that more than half of The League’s sanctioned season one matches were utter flops with the audience was because they didn’t feel like one match would affect a wrestler heading into their next contest. Most of the veterans in the locker room agreed with this statement, and the word has gone out to hold nothing back in the ring. This is not sports entertainment, after all. This is as real as it gets, and Mr. Marshall wants it to show. He is also reported as saying that he would not be surprised to see at least one match end in a medical forfeit this season.

(Editor’s Note: This is the body health mechanic talked about in the discussion thread, which will debut during season two.)


2. Show them the Benjamins!

While League members are paid a generous amount of money—higher than most wrestlers in this sport, to be precise—the discussion has come up that the money paid to each wrestler’s training account isn’t going to go as far as more training is done. Mr. Marshall has already been in talks with the trainers, and the agreement was reached that the base purse will increase from $250 per match to $600 per match, with final purse determination remaining the same.


3. The New Blood

As of the time of this article, there are six confirmed League rookies coming in to join the nine established League veterans, with a possible seventh rookie to even the field. The training videos I’ve seem of them are rather interesting, with a Super Junior-style wrestler, a Luchador, and a Vietnamese puro wrestler among the new entrants. It will be interesting to see how well they fare in this format against the nine men and women who have gone through the rigors of a season already. Season two is looking to be quite interesting, and I’ll be here with you the whole way to cover it all.


4. Tag Team Turmoil

This announcement was handed to me yesterday by Commissioner Marshall himself. There will be a special tournament held at the mid-point of the season, held under “exhibition” rules. It will be an eight (or nine, if the roster fills out) team tag tournament, held on a single night inside a new Virtual Arena. The winners of the tournament will not win any cash, but will walk away with the knowledge that they can rely on their own intestinal fortitude to fight through the difficult times.

(Editor’s Note: The tournament will be treated as a “bye” week for everyone as it concerns body health, and each wrestler will recover accordingly. The winners of the tournament will earn a few points in their Wrestling Spirit statistic.)


5. Tighter Backstage Security

Because of the increase in match intensity, Marshall has stated that no “exhibition” matches (with the exception of the Tag Team Turmoil event) or backstage attacks will be allowed for the upcoming season. Anyone caught breaking this rule will be subject to a forfeiture of half their accumulated training funds, a suspension (and thus automatic forfeiture of any matches), termination of contract, or all of the above as deemed fit by the Commissioner.

(Editor’s Note: With eight matches at the minimum a week, there shouldn’t be a need to resort to impromptu matches to fill the card—and besides, if this is set as a true sport then the last thing we need is a bunch of Tonya Hardings running around backstage. :D )



Any other news will be covered in two weeks, when Season Two opens! We will have the schedule and the first week’s preview at that time. Until then, ladies and gentlemen, this is Tori Montgomery...so long from ringside!

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